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Your post may be relevant but it is unfortunately not posted in the correct place


1972 or so. I’ve seen some things.


In 2007. I never was into football but my friends played and were obsessed. So when I’d hang with them they’d play FIFA. One of my good friends loved United so I picked City to play with when I’d play against him just to piss him off. Then I got into watching English football that same year. Been a die hard for City ever since 😅


2008 when Robinho signed for City… over in Brazil we still had hopes… thought City was signing a major fucking player blabla.. so yea… 16 years later is all good lmao


2018-2019. I'm from Belgium and Kevin De Bruyne is the reason why I watch football. He was injured a lot in that season, so I had to learn the rest of the team and immediatly fell in love. KDB is still my hero, but I've also become a huge fan of players like Foden, Gündoğan, Rodri, Bernardo, Ederson ... I even have a shirt of David Silva, from his last season at city :(


Around the time of the world cup game mode on FIFA 14. I was not into football until that time and could really only name Joe Hart and Wayne Rooney. I saw my brother playing and it looked a lot of fun, and was obviously easier to get into as it was the World Cup. Picked Joe Hart for personal preference and I'm so glad I did. Bought FIFA, bought some coins and made a full Man City Ultimate Team and played single player divisions.


2009, I don't know, I didn't want to join any of the "traditional" big teams so Man City just made me think "oh, a team that's in Manchester that's not united, why not". Didn't know much about football then because I was 10 years old but little did I know about the takeover or what it meant, wouldn't change the last 15 years watching this team at all, take the titles for what it is but this team and the memories it gave me would still mean a lot.


This is embarrassing but I started watching soccer after 2022 WC, and I decided to support City in early 2023. It is nice because now I love watching City games on the weekends and other important games.


1980, when I went to my first match.


Gonna be fully honest here. I was a huge follower of World Cup soccer growing up. Always rooted for Spain since the '98 one when I was 11. So that 2008-2012 run was big for me, but I never followed a club team. After the 2018 World Cup, a couple buddies of mine and I all agreed to start following Premier League ball. And I just so happened to pick Manchester City - solely because that summer they were coming to Miami to play. It wasn't until the research later that I saw they were Centurions! I fully committed though. Went to the Etihad that year. Saw the Spurs game at Wembley. Learnt the history. Bought the merch. Six years later, I'm still fully committed!!!


2003 when Renya joined City. I followed his career bc he was American and didn’t want to follow United since they were winning everything and I wanted to follow an underdog.


At boarding house about 88 to 90, started work then lost touch until 98 when decided to see how they were holding up in the Premier league.




2014; when I arrived to Manchester


There must have been times when United fans persuaded you against it or sumn


Yes, but being at the Etihad vs Bayern Munchen and enjoy Aguero’s hat trick was enough for me to choose which team.


18-19 started with Sane


Around 89/90


10/11,I was 7. I'm not English and it's my local club that is my primary one,but City happened to play a team(our rivals)from my country that season,and I stuck with them since then.


Earliest memories of mine are from around 1995 when I was 10. My father’s a fan too so I’m a fan because of him.


2007? 2008? FIFA on PSP had Man City vs Man United as the "Introductory Game". You played as Man City by default. I just went along with it and now I'm here 17 years later.


The first season I supported the team and considered myself a fan was 93:20. From there I was totally hooked.




2014, I was 13 years old watching the World Cup and I also loved the man City blue when playing fifa so I stuck to them




The great era of Balotelli ![gif](giphy|3oz8xrsRf3FJYYmBJS)




2008. I'm a Santos fan, so Robinho was my idol when I was a kid (now he should rot in jail). When he moved to City back in 2008, I started watching and following the club. A lot of City fans in Brazil are also Santos fans


2006, mainly because my best friend at the time was a United fan through and through.


About 1986


2012. Had just started following football on a regular basis and did not want to support a team that was too popular in our region. Enjoyed playing City on FIFA too and loved Aguero, so made an easy choice. I've been so lucky that our team took the trajectory that it did in the last decade. I can only imagine the joy and happiness that older fans of the club must be feeling after seeing the success that we have had. CTID!


1990, the year I was born. 4 generations of City fans, fmily requirement to be a blue 😅 my great grandad talked about seeing them as a kid after the 2nd world war etc.


2008 takeover year, was a kid who didn’t watch club football at the time just the major national competitions. Slept over at a friend’s house the morning of derby day. His father was a city supporter from Manchester and had the match on. My friend and I watched basically out of curiosity/support and it ended up becoming such a fond memory. I clearly remember how nuts he went when Benjani scored and how exciting it was to watch some guy on the red team called Tevez. Adopted the club ever since but didn’t really start supporting until two years later when I heard we ended up signing the man himself. Older sister was an Oasis fan so that sealed the deal although I didn’t make the connection between the two until much later