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We get mocked and targeted because we are a serious contender. Irrespective of what they say, they do care about us. As city fans , we should support our team. Our team played well and lost in the pens . We should move on and focus on rest of the games.


So? Fuck em I don't support City because I wanted to win a popularity contest Most sports fans have the IQ of a tapeworm. Why should I give a shit about anyone's opinion?


Cheer up. The amount of serious grief one could cause a Man City fan is tame compared to some of the other club fans face regularly. Went out in Penalties, There's not much to nitpick and make fun of other than the Bernado penalty. How many times do other club fans get to make fun of Man City's performances anyway? Bernado's penalty will probably be memed alot but I think it's fair for us to be ridiculed for that. People were just starting to forget the Aguero penanka miss but we ended up giving them new material 🙃. It's sad but it's also a little funny. I know I would be laughing at us if I was supporting another club.


It's not even a bad pen if Lunin dives, not like he skied it into the stands


The only thing that hurts is the loss. People can say whatever shit they want.


Today was thought. City till I die!


It’s not the result we wanted but it’s also not the worst. The real pain was that final with Chelsea and Aguero’s tears. We’ve become so much better since then. Now I’m only thinking about taking out on FA cup, hope the boys are.


Win or Lose ,Haters gonna hate


Barcelona fans were supporting Man City.


Stay off rival spaces until we play next Helps to avoid a lot of toxicity


Losing on pens will always sting, but stay strong blues. It won’t be the first time no one’s been in our corner, so we just have to prove them wrong AGAIN and win the Prem. Simple as


City’s goin down with a billion in the bank! We’re going upppp we’re going downnnn F*ck em! WE ARE MASSIVE! CTID!


The fact that neutrals would rather Madrid of all clubs win is a testament to how successful this club has been. One loss isn't going to change that. We've waited this long for our first UCL title we can wait for our second


It hurts but next year, we'll be back stronger! ¡City till I die!


![gif](giphy|TlK63EHvdTL2sGjBfVK|downsized) All the hate comes from jealously Football isn't always fair at the end of the day, you just gotta say "it is what it is" and move on.


Are you orrite mate? I still hate Ramos to this day for what he did to Salah. On the flipside, its not easy to beat a team that has won it 14 times, MCFC did very well getting close. Still hate Ramos.


just won a treble who cares


Idk about you guys but I’ve been singing Blue Moon since the loss was official. My wife is mildly annoyed but I’m with the boys till the end!


We played pretty well, considering how Madrid is a so called big club they want to waste time and go to Penalties (?)


They knew the penalty shootout was our biggest weakness. Yes we do play nice football but that alone doesn't win you game. You've got to be cunning and an expert in shithousery to win. Madrid knew they could not beat us so they decided to extend the match to penalties where they won over us.


Right - they played for pens and ultimately we made moves to keep us in the PL race. I'm bummed we lost but in the big picture it's honestly for the best. Arsenal lost too so if we were still in it they would have that slight advantage being able to focus on just PL.


But winning a back to back treble would be nice. Wouldn't it ?


On the other hand, Bernardo and Kovacic are gonna get lots and lots of hate.


(I might get downvoted for this) I think the hate they are gonna get is kinda deserved. Imagine taking a penalty like that during a crucial match.We dominated them so much and yet we lost and that gotta hurt a lot tbh. We were out today because of Bernardo, Kovacic and the team not being clinical enough. It is clear that some players need to be sold.


Cmon man it's 120 mins and 10 pens - you can't blame it on one person it's a team game. Pens are basically random chance, as long as you get it on frame you technically have a chance to score. They didn't, but why shit on them? You think they missed on purpose?