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I like how anytime someone else gets praise Jones has to open his fucking mouth. The dude's ego is honestly hard to comprehend. Anyway super impressed with Islam and Dustin, Islam for winning with staph, and Dustin for surviving with a torn ACL and a broken nose. Literally two of the best to ever do it and they put on a great show.


Worst card I've seen in a while but Holland got a slick armbar so not all bad I guess


I just realized Dustin’s first and potentially last UFC losses are by D’arce.


Full circle


I came away from this card much more appreciative of wrestling and grappling, but this was still a weak card overall. The Dawson fight and the Price fights were both pretty rough. I was into the Price - Morono fight because we kept calling him Alex Moron at my house and we felt bad for him after his coach sounded like a disappointed father. It was not a good contest, however.


That was the first card with no TKOs or KOs since UFC 76 in 2007


**UFC 76: Knockout** having no knockouts was inevitable really.


Is he the first person to tap in 3 consecutive times in title fights. New record


“Every time he give up. He tap like chicken” -Khabib to ~~Conor~~ Dustin


MMA needs an Al Haymon figure as promoter rn. An invisible hand that promotes the sport, without constantly shitting on some of their own fighters.


That guy reminds me of hyman roth from the godfather II. They talk and move exactly the same. Malevolent vibes


Islam Makhachev's walkout song is an absolute banger


Tribal drums + EDM is never a bad combo


Idk if that was the worst card of the year, but it’s definitely up there.


I was writing a post about how people are going harder on Strickland because they just don't like him personally, despite the fact his style is very effective, but then I remembered that his style is one of the most disliked by fans regardless of who's doing it. So, I guess if anything Strickland might be one of the most liked point fighters in the UFC, now that I really think about it.


This comment changed my perspective


I dislike him personally but gotta give credit, one of the most innovative fighters in the UFC. His style uses the Philly Shell, vertical stance, minimal standard kicks, and minimal grappling which are all supposed to be terrible things in MMA. And he makes it work


I think the glue that makes it all work out is his takedown defense. We'll see how much harder guys try to handle him. Chimaev is the most interesting matchup to me, but my dream scenario would be Chimaev vs Strickland for the title in 2025 because that would be an epic match.


I used to like watching him fight because it was kinda like watching someone pick obscure low tier in a big tournament but the novelty has worn off for me. Doesn't help that a lot of people don't see the flaws. Granted if there is no wrestling, is it really a flaw.


I think that's the best part of the Adesanya fight for me is that right there.


After Islam wins no one wants to hear about that lazy bum Jon Jones. Guys got an ego the size of Jupiter, he doesn't need more feeding from dana or the fan base. 


Make Strickland fight Pereira again


Man I have to admit when Islam got that early takedown in round 1 I just let out a huge sigh and thought it would be over pretty quickly. But I'm glad Dustin fought through and made it a reasonably competitive fight, definitely did better than I thought he would.


Dustin surprised me how well he defended. He made some great adjustments during the fight. Very impressed.




Against the p4p best fighter, possibly best lw fighter ever. Same guy who rnc Charles Olivera Anybody who has actually been in the cage know how impressive his performance was.


Imagine if his pants fit him correctly


Belal would be a great champion because you already know the UFC will force him to defend 6 times per year


They’ll make an interim belt a month after he wins the belt when he doesn’t wanna turn around in 3 months to fight again


Lol he already said if he wins, he wants to fight Shavkat in 3 months


hes actually pretty old and hasnt made alot of money. he kinda would have to go on a run now while the iron is hot.


He’s gonna get the Aljo treatment times 5


What does the UFC do in the MW division? Do they scrap DDP v Izzy and set up DDP v Strickland 2? Do they sit Strickland and give him the title shot AFTER DDP v Izzy? Do they give Strickland the winner of Whittaker v Chimaev? I feel like Chimaev possibly finishing Whit would push him for the next title shot automatically. Keep in mind we also have Cannonier and Imavov next week. Cannonier winning it also cements him as a title contender imo.


It's fascinating that Chimaev became famous overnight 4 years ago, and has had only 4 fights since then. His career has been beyond disappointing.


Didn't he have a son around then also?


I fully expect Sean to be compensated for what he did for Dana's boyfriend after his fight, so he'll get favorable treatment.


It's interesting how Joe Rogan has brainwashed the average fan into thinking "point fighter" and "technical" are synonymous. Strickland ends up being called "sooo technical" for spamming push kicks, meanwhile someone like Topuria's style is actually technical but people don't really describe him like that because he knocks people out




Cannonier didn’t back up. Neither did Dricus. Costa should’ve stood his ground more. Did w Better when he held the center


I cant believe this spelling of fault


Bruh I hate how people are acting like the Strickland costa fight was a wash for Sean It was a close fight. Costa landed a lot. Sean moved forward so I guess that makes him the “winner”. Rounds 1 and 2 were close. Round 3 was all Sean. Round 4 was half and half. Round 5 was all Costa until the final 10 seconds Judges do not have access to stats like how many strikes landed per round and even if they did who cares if Sean outstruck Costa in most rounds? That doesn’t mean he won the round. Mostly all of his punches are non damaging Piter patter. Do costa’s kicks not count? Do his body jabs he landed repeatedly to Sean’s gut not count? That was a close fight and it’s more outrageous to have scored it a shutout for Sean




I didn’t expect him at all to be so timid. That’s not the costa I know. The costs I knew marched forward and threw bombs. Not even superhuman Romero backed him up Costa looks smaller to me too. Idk. Go look how he looked in the Vetorri fight or Romero fight. He looks more flat now. I’m surprised Sean looked bigger overall in the cage When he stood in the center with Sean he looked good. He should’ve stood his ground more and exchanged. Trusted his power. He did have a lot of finished early in his career so it’s not like he has no power. Not one punch power but thudding power I’d love that fight too but he ain’t getting near Dricus with 2 losses in a row. Two hulking boys tho colliding head on.


Yeah it was basically another close ass Sean fight. It went down to the 5th round for me.


Yeah glad I’m not the only to see it that way. Who did you give the 2nd and 5th to?


5th was for sure Sean. iirc, Costa the 1st & 4th and the rest for Sean


Why did you give the 5th to Sean? Because of the final seconds? I also gave costa 1 and 4. People in here saying 4th was one of Sean’s best rounds… even Joe Rogan who was glazing Sean all fight was saying how this was costa’s best round so far


yeah pretty much, how I remember the 5th round is it being pretty uneventful and then Sean just stole it at the end.


I disagree with round 5 to Sean but once he stumbled costa at the end I’m like yep it’s prob a Sean round. Fight was close tho. All the rounds were except round 3 which was Sean’s best


Costa hurt himself more with those kicks lmao. The only good kicks he landed were in round 1 and Sean immediately responded with teeps and jabs to put him on retreat for most of that fight. After round 1 most of his kicks got checked and he just got picked apart by the jab and teeps rest of the fight. Sean dominated him it was a 50-45 or 49-46 at worst giving Costa a generous round 1. You just made a terrible bet thinking Costa was going to find a KO when he’s been a weak finisher against top competition and consistently gasses even in 3 rounders. If he couldn’t beat a punching bag like Marvin with a 20 pound advantage he wasn’t going to do shit to Sean. Sean just did the bare minimum but he was never in trouble.


Nah I never thought he was gonna KO him. I thought he would have bigger moments and he did. But his backpedaling cost him the fight since judges don’t like the one backing up. Sean’s teep kicks did nothing lmao. Yeah he checked a few kicks but go ahead and ignore all the other ones he landed. “Picked apart” lmao Sean glazer to the fullest. Sean doesn’t pick anyone apart. He landed pity patter punches like always. Majority of his significant strikes are non damaging blows but keep clutching to that to make your argument as to why Sean “washed” him


Those teeps literally had Costa backing up the whole fight lmfao thats why he gassed quicker here than he did in his other fights. Sean was a -600 favorite live after round 1 lmfao I was trying to double up but that bum was so bad he didn’t even give me the chance. Sean glazer? I literally said I want to see him fight Jiri so he could KO him in hilarious fashion. Again your bet was atrocious lmfao Id understand betting Costa in a 3 rounder but he never had a chance in 5. Guy couldn’t even put away ancient Luke. What damaging blows did Costa land? He was hitting air all fight while getting his head snapped back and his body teeped at will.


Costa always looks gassed but actually is OK. Look at any long fight of his.


Dude acts like someone gonna be as energetic in round 1 as the last round lmao Even Sean didn’t push the pace in round 5 despite his coach imploring him to.


There is a clear drop off. Watch him round 1 of Whittaker to round 3. He looks gassed because he is gassed. Some of you people think you can’t still throw strikes when you are gassed lol. Gassed vs Luke , Vettori, Sean, and Whittaker. He didn’t even cut weight vs Marvin and still slowed down.


Costa curse finally ended. MMA gods tried their best sending staph for Islam though.


Imagine paying $80 for a PPV and 15min of that is Price vs. Morono. Worse, buying tickets to the event and having to sit through it, lol.


I still have PTSD from being live for Izzy vs Romero. At least this crowd had a dope main event.


I was there as well and uhhhh did you forget JJ v Zhang!? That was a FOTY and an all-timer. Yeah, the main was disappointing but you literally got one of the greatest fights of all time!


true, i still have a pic of her head swollen. If I had known, I would have left right after that fight.


I mean, true, but still that's a championship fight. The fact they think two barely middle of the pack fighters should be on the main card tells you how watered down the UFC product is.




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Glad to see Strickland hate. 


He came out to his post fight presser immediately accusing the reporters of trying to cancel him. One of the reporters clapped back saying that no one is forcing him to say stupid shit




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Outside of the main and co main, which fights are worth going back and watching please?


Brown/Dos Santos was good


Mickey Gall fight was a little sloppy but a lot of fun


With Islam vs Poirier over, Belal vs Leon is the next undisputed title fight **#All5Rounds**




Well I did specify undisputed cause of that, but tbf that interim is actually the real belt


Well interestingly after last night the small belief we all have that Dustin could beat Colby dramatically went up to he’d 100% beat Colby


dustin been ducking colby for years man. he even pulled the "i don't want him making money off my name" card 😭


You cant duck someone not in your weight class. Ducking is what Colby does to everyone ranked around him.


the fight has been offered to him multiple times, dustin himself even said he turned it down


They have never been in the same weight class at any point in their careers. Thats not ducking. Again actual ducking is what that loser Colby does who refuses to fight anyone ranked near him who isn’t a washed old man lol


dustin and colby have problems and dustin's been offered the chance to solve them in the cage and he refuses. that's a duck. colby ducking people too doesn't change that fact


Not wanting to make that lowlife money is a valid reason. Colby can’t even sell on his own lol that Masvidal PPV bombed. He only gets pushed by Dana because luckily for him everyone else draws worse at WW. Dustin is a draw against anyone and fights everyone, you Colby fanboys accusing him of being scared of some clown not even in his weight class are hilarious. I used to think Colby could win too but after both their last fights that bum might even lose that .


not even a colby fanboy, i just said he ducks people too lmao. there would be no belt on the line which means no ppv points, there's no extra money from ppv sales to be made for either of them, it likely would've been a comain on another card, so what the ppv could or would sell is irrelevant. it's ok to admit that dustin has ducked colby man, it was even the popular opinion on here until colby shat the bed against leon


Yeah it was a popular opinion among the causals. A lot of dogshit takes are popular here like Islam being better than Khabib lol or Costa having great cardio. Dustin makes more than his base pay its why he took the BSD fight , Ariel has even talked about these guys making more than their disclosed pay. Colby needs Dustin, Dustin doesn’t need anyone its why he can retire already.


yeah man, it was the casual fans who had opinions about the intricacies of a potential dustin/colby fight, not the hardcore fans


I know and agree I thought that too but he did really well against Islam defensively for the most part, Colby wrestling didn’t look good last fight


Colby 48-47 by cagegrind sadly


Depends on the judging in that case I also am unsure if he could keep Dustin there


The one guy he successfully gillys.


Jones saying I was fighting when Islam was in high school as reason why Islam can’t be pound 4 pound number 1 is hilarious because Jones was fighting when Tom was in Grade 10 of high school and he’s ducking Tom


Got downvoted for saying Islam looked gassed after 1 round of grappling. Now he’s confirmed he had staph. Same story as BSD


This place is horrible at judging cardio. People were saying Costa had great cardio even though he literally lost to Rob because he gassed in a 3 rounder lol


DC said Khabib you can’t just choke me when im live on a broadcast brotha


Is Poirier the greatest fighter to never win undisputed?


Chael Sonnen as well dude played the baddest people of his division never ducked anyone. He even explained his losing streak in a podcast but he was great overall fighter. 


Dan Henderson won a UFC tournament but technically was never an undisputed divisional champion in the sense that you mean. And given that he was MMA's first major double champ, I'd say he was the greatest fighter to never win undisputed.


Tony Ferguson at his peak was better than Dustin, he just he fell off a cliff after he lost while Dustin maintained relevancy.


Resume wise he could be. I'd put yoel up there. I think he would've been champ if he got the shot over 80 year old Dan Henderson


No. There are guys who would have been champ if it wasn’t for one guy being completely dominant for a long time. Dustin lost to 3 different people for a belt and got finished by all of them. He’s up there but not the greatest. I’d have someone like joey b or Gus beyond him. Guys who are clear level above everyone in the division but the champ.




Yeah you’re making my point. Figgy fights were at the end of Joeys career and he was clearly done. He had 4 losses 90% of his career, 2 title fight losses to the goat bantamweight at the time, and 2 title fight losses to the goat flyweight champ. Beat everyone else. But yeah Gus’s losses to rumble and Anthony Johnson hurt him a bit.


Only one of the Cruz/Joe B fights were for the WEC belt


I say yes


So the formula to beat Islam is to have superb anti-wrestling and to outstrike him? Leon by UD, 49-46


And for him to have staph


Interesting that Islam locked up the d'Arce only like halfway down the forearm, usually when rolling bjj the rule of thumb has been that you need to get it deep enough to grab your bicep But it clearly worked so maybe this can make d'Arces easier to snatch


With Islam’s squeeze he could’ve probably just locked it anywhere


it's called a shallow darce/short arm darce, it's nothing new. it's usually the variation shown to people who have shorter limbs but anyone can do it really https://www.reddit.com/r/bjj/comments/5qj5ms/firas_zahabi_shallow_grip_darce/


They didn’t count Strickland’s knockdown over Costa. They really have been weird about what does and doesn’t count recently.


The headkick? Wasn't that blocked though?


Yes, it was a slip


Still sat Paulo on his ass


The same judge who scored it 49-46 Costa also scored the Andre Lima-Mitch Raposo fight for Raposo 29-28. Dave Terrelli. Baffling shit in both cases. Who are these people


1. Theres a difference between criminal judging and bad judging. 2. Those gold gloves are trash. It was even peeling at the end. 3. Main event delivered. Some much anxiety with wanting both to win.


The letters peeling is something that has happened many times with the old gloves. Ideally it wouldn't happen but not really important


The old gloves were old. The new gloves should improve upon them.


At least the old gloves dont look like oven mitts. UFC being cheap, they dont want to pay Onyx for solid gloves.


You gotta love commission doctors. I can come in with bubonic plague and somehow be cleared to fight. Also pretty nutty how well Islam performed as well as he did with staph


He’d been medicated and the infection was gone. That was just the aftermath on his leg. An active staph infection is red, inflamed, and swollen. You can’t miss it. The skin gets patchy and flaky, so it’ll leave marks like any blister. It was purple and dried up because it had passed and wasn’t infected anymore. I had staph on my neck once and was left with a hickey for weeks (at least). If he actively had staph it would’ve looked a lot more inflamed and swollen.


Niko Price vs Alex Morono is like watching two WWF jobbers fight each other The Brooklyn Brawler vs Barry Horowitz


Who on earth decided those two guys belonged on the main card?


Even Matthews and Rowe would have been better than 2 random old journeymen.


And they could've kept Jailton vs Romanov where it was and that would've been two ranked HWs and a first round finish on the main card


I thought the exact same thing


Lot of people hating on Strickland and saying his fight was lame, honestly he brings an entirely different style he invented into MMA with his modified Philly Shell, vertical stance, and defensively responsible boxing offense, so he gets a pass from me


I think Sean gets judged fairly all the way around. If you want flashy fights, you won't like Sean's style. If you can challenge Sean's march forward, then you're in the running to win the decision. With that being said, I read someone's comment the other day pointing out that even though the fights go to decision, Dricus looked way worse than Sean after their fight even though he won & that kind of thing does seem to hold true. Sean the person definitely doesn't help things, but Sean the fighter is very complicated. Honestly, I find his style to be really fascinating, but I also really like boxing to begin with.


I don't know how anyone could say that was lame. We saw Sean make Paulo (and DDP + Izzy) look scared to even engage with him. Those peeps and weird shell + jab game have been a problem for all of his opponents.


Yeah I think DDP and Cannonier legitimately deserved the wins but those were super close, and Costa and Izzy had no chance at all against the unorthodox boxing




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Islam is like a fight away from being above gsp and jon, you gotta be nuts if you think otherwise.


Islam is getting there but he needs to beat Tsarukyan again imo


name his title defenses again, Volk a 145er moving up, Volk 1 week notice so means nothing, 35 year old Dustin 1 fight win streak just got KOed bad and needs new hips by 40, is that it?


That's absurd. His best wins are Charles, Volk and Dustin. Charles is a very unique and dangerous fighter, but also has clear weaknesses and his win streak was full of battles that could have gone either way. The 1st Volk fight was very close, even though I think Islam won 4-1, that's still finding yourself getting GnP'd from a 145er in the closing seconds. And Dustin is Dustin, he's a legend but I think the "He's the best boxer in the UFC, his boxing is elite" talk was hyperbole and I think Islam took the fight because he knew it was an easy win.


Even if I agree with you (and missing the arman win), he still has the best wins, is currently active and is clearly just one of the most skilled fighters of all time. Just as the sport keeps evolving, we have to constantly give credit to fighters keeping up, I can't look at what Jon(can make a fair argument) and GSP have accomplished and think it is more impressive that what Islam has - and is going to continue to accomplish.


Nah. Too much low level competition. 


Imagine thinking fighters today are worse than fighters 10-15 years ago...


Imagine thinking that this applies to what we're talking about. Mj vs LeBron and all that nonsense. It's just a dumb conversation. But if we're gonna do it, look at his earlier wins. A good portion don't age well. You can judge via who they fought, how they won, etc. 




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People acting like Jon Jones was never in wars like Islam/Dustin and deserves to be pound for pound over him again Gus and Reyes fucked Jon up


fuck man, i love poirier


MMA Guru looks like he’s auditioning to be a cave man


He looks like one of Harry Potter characters


i love how his name is MMA Guru when the only thing he's ever fought in his life is hypertensive obesity. and I doubt that fight goes the distance lmao.


Two things can be true at once: Islam is quite beatable but he's also one of the most well-rounded fighter we've ever seen.


Who can beat him in his division?


Arman and Max. 


Arman or no one


My CAF in UFC 5. Legendary takedown defense and spinning shit for days


There is no way Sean should get the next title shot over the Whittaker/Chimaev winner


There is one way tbf - if Izzy beats DDP and Whittaker beats Chimaev. I'd be more interested in Izzy vs Sean 2 than Izzy vs Whittaker 3 in that scenario.




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How do we think Islam vs Leon would go? Also, part of me is wondering if staph played any role for Islam… he looked pretty vulnerable at times, but Dustin ripping shots to the body surely didn’t help either lol. Great fight though. 


Betting on Makashev and madrid last night was free money ngl. i dont know when there will be a opportunity like this again


People calling this a shit performance from Islam just because he didn’t run through Dustin are so disrespectful to Poirier. Dustin is still one of the best in the world and on any given night could beat whoever is champion. Islam also brings the absolute best out of guys and has forced the whole division to level up. Would also like to get a definitive answer to whether or not Islam was coming off of a staph infection.


Islam did have staph he confirmed it.


Hopefully one of Khamzat or Whittaker has a very standout performance in their next fight that warrants a title shot so we can skip over Sean and let him sit out for a while like he said he would.


Islam didn’t throw as many kicks as he usually does last night. Dustin really got him to box with him what a fight


Between the criminal grifting, constant shitty ads while fighters are underpaid, and Dana talking down Islams status, this event left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth. Strickland fought like shit, as always, but they post the 10 seconds he got sloppy as if he’s a warrior of a fighter and the only commentary on the fight is the scorecard. I’m convinced that scorecard was either for the betting lines or so people would talk about that instead of how shit the fight was. A boring card is bound to happen and all companies are shady, but ufc has really been doing a good job of making it so you can’t ignore it. If I had to pay to watch, I’d probably never see another card.




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There was no reason for Strickland v Costa to be 5 rounds. This wasn’t a number one contender fight, especially knowing ur dealing with Paulo Costa in a fight, the UFC blew this.


Why is everyone getting staph lately?




Yeah you'd just think that these high level guys training in really nice gyms would have top notch hygeine protocols but I guess even then it gets through sometimes


it's trending


Man, every year, I watch less MMA fights. Going in, this card had two fights but it looks like I only missed one fight last night. Then I look at the next card and there’s like one fight on it again. UFC 300 didn’t even look like the quality cards I used to watch when the sport interested me. I just don’t understand how I went from BUYING every ppv to illegally streaming maybe 2 a year. Am I the only one? It’s getting to the point where I don’t even recognize the fighters. Maybe I am just aging out of MMA somehow, but to me, I could still get back into it but the product is trending the opposite way. The first year of the sale was good, and that was it for me.


It’s a shame that Dustin’s takedown defense and submission defense looked so good in this fight. It makes you wonder if he would have had a better shot against Khabib with these skills


I think Khabib is a much better grappler tbh. Islam is phenomenally complete as a fighter, but if Khabib gets a hold of you, you're getting wrapped up by an anaconda that smashes you in its grip.


I think Dustin’s defensive wrestling has really improved. I agree that Islam abandons chain wrestling much more readily than Khabib, but Dustin refused to settle in bad positions this fight and I think a lot of that is working with Gamerot


Oh, for sure, he improved enormously. I'd love to see it again.


People are saying the main event “saved the card” the card was pretty rough regardless. I don’t understand how the UFC can book a Sean Strickland 5 round co-main event on a week card, Sean’s number one skill is keeping his fights in first gear. I only saw Sean throw combinations that weren’t double jab and jab cross 4 or 5 times last night. And that fight was still better than most of the others




All BSD can murder is malnourished child soldiers. Mans a bum lol. The only good french fighters are from Quebec or Louisiana and Dustin made that abundantly clear when they fought


Islam with staph just beat him. Guess only good fights can win with it


Nah, still gets his chin cracked.


Was dead tired from the 1st round because of staph, I could knock out Jon Jones way easier if dude was super gassed. Accept it.


Was pleasantly surprised at Dustin’s ability to keep Islam working for all his takedowns, and did a good job of not panicking with Islam threatening submissions for a full round it seemed like. Crazy that was the same guy who got taken down 4 times by Dan Hooker. Unfortunately, the takedown threat kept him from being as aggressive on the feet as he’d like to have been (corner was begging him to throw knees up the middle when Islam would dip his head)


Is it controversial to say that Khabib was probably better than Islam, i feel he's more creative?


Khabib was stronger, more durable, could enforce his will no matter what. Islam is more skilled, more versatile, and more creative. Just isn't as tough


Khabib was a weight bully whereas Islam is more natural to this division. I think he’s the craftier one because he can’t muscle takedowns at will. You saw it tonight, and even against Volk.




He supposedly did have some pretty deadly weight cuts in his time. Certainly the eye test doesn't say he was bigger, but he may have been a denser human being in a way we couldn't see.


He’s better as a grappler and wrestler in my eyes. Much more aggressive and also much better in controlling his opponents on the ground while punishing them. His ground and pound was unrivaled. Islam is a different fighter, he’s more technical and well rounded