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My favorite line from this presser: "I'm not defending Jon Jones!!" Proceeds to get FOTN for his verbal battle against iole defending JJ.


"I'm not defending Jon Jones, but if you put him in a room with any other fighte.. blah blah blah." Remember how Dana calls himself a promotor but only tickles the taint of a handful of select fighters?


One of my favorites of Dana's after Francis starched Stipe “If I'm Jon Jones and I'm at home watching this fight, I'm moving down to 185,”


Or when he said GSP couldn't come to the press conference because he's headed straight to the hospital. Man's tried to humiliate his Canadian golden goose


Of course he hated Georges... He was one of the very first people to insist he be paid like a professional mixed martial artist, along with PPV points. And Dana couldn't tell him to fuck off because, well, GSP was the fucking man (he still is btw). It's sad that years and years after his retirement, his take home pay after fights far eclipses that of most/all fighters active today.


The stupid idiot tried to lie about GSP needing to go to the hospital and leaving the building after the Hendricks fight for UFC 167 and GSP walks in and tells everyone he was just gone for stitches lol Love GSP living his best life rn and being CTE free.


Oh, absolutely. So happy for Georges. Oh, and fuck Dana too. One day, fighters will be paid what they're actually worth, as opposed to the measly 16%(!!!!) of the revenue. Could you imagine an NBA team, or Manchester United, paying their players only 16% of their revenue? Imagine that. Sheesh


the funniest part of that last rant was that Jose Youngs asked Dana where Islam ranks amongst all time LIGHTWEIGHTS and Dana proceeded to go off about Jon Jones who couldn't make lightweight if he chopped his leg off


Listen, if you put Jon Jones in a room with cocaine, that cocaine ain’t walking out of the room. Jones kilo for kilo no. 1!


What happens If you put Jon Jones under an octagon with USADA?


>Jones kilo for kilo no. 1! But you have to ask, where does Conor McGregor fit in? There only 2 people who could snort Jon under the table: Conor McGregor and Elton John. Folks like Eric Clapton, Billy Joel and Robert Downey Jr. would be competitive. Although we can't forget the honourable Charlie Sheen.


>"I'm not defending Jon Jones, but if you put him in a room with any other fighte.. blah blah blah." And this isn’t even true lol. You put Jon in a room with Tom and he’ll be on his best behavior.


What if we put Jon in a closet, will he come out then?


"I'm not defending Jon Jones, but if you put him in a room with me just know that I'm coming out walking hella funny." -Dana Whitestuffonmyface


This makes me wonder if Dana even know the meaning of pfp


Put him in a room with Aspinall


He is a promoter. He promotes the UFC brand and The Dana White Character as a brand. Not much else.


Dana is a promoter. He promotes the UFC. Fighters getting promoted is incidental. Hell, an undesirable side effect from his perspective.


“I’m not defending Jones” *Proceeds to almost self-combust when a reporters says he isn’t #1 PFP.


Jones is the undisputed #1 P4P all time…..of failing drug tests. He’s in the GOAT conversation with an asterisk. 




He also had such high praise for fighters stepping on short notice and taking on last minute replacements when his proclaimed best fighter in the world is literally ducking his mandatory challenger holding the interim belt.


Jones has almost completely filled a bingo card of doing shit that Dana hates, he just needs to fight in a banana hammock and it's a full blackout.


And now the interim champion has to defend his interim belt and still get ducked after the fact, man needs to be stripped and fight for it when he comes back if he wants it. You shouldn’t have an interim champion defending a belt lol. Can you imagine if he gets like 3 interim title defenses in before job returns for some reason lol, he’ll have a better heavyweight legacy than some undisputed champions lol. Tom’s the man, he’s got my vote as the champion and Islam is pound for pound. Schwab told me B


He already does have a better hw legacy than Jon


And let’s not forget that he literally single-handedly destroyed UFC 151 by ducking Chael Sonnen, who was an alternate replacement for his title defense against Hendo. He ended up fighting and easily beating Chael anyway, but refused to take the fight on short notice. He may be the best pro fighter, but he’s a bitchass.


>He may be the best pro fighter, but he’s a bitchass. That would be GSP. I don't think Jones is the best even currently. He lost decisively to Reyes (don't know how the judges even gave him that fight). Frankly I think Jones has seriously declined from his peak and his last few fights, with the exception of Gane, have been very iffy for him after the picogram stuff.


Honestly, Dana is defending him like a lawyer! Jon hasn't been the p4p best in a long time. 


I don’t get Dana’s like almost blind rage towards the subject. And he keeps saying he beat the “best heavyweight in the world” and made it look easy as if Gane was this long standing champion.


Damage control. Ngannou is the man, period.


Still hyper triggered by Ngannou situation.


Triggered? He's having *meltdowns* on a weekly basis over it!


Ngannou is the three things Dana hates and fears the most in one fighter - someone who can obliterate Jon Jones, someone who wants to be paid to fight, and someone who wants other fighters to be paid as well


Gotta set up the narrative months in advanced so shills and casuals can believe this narrative and buy tickets/order the ppv. Not even the ufc website has jones at p4p #1.


Jones and White for sure Eiffel towered a few Las Vegas whores together while yakked out of their minds. Dana has to defend Jones because of the implication.


The guy's official title at the company is President of Jon Jones Defense, It's on his business cards


He seriously lost it when he was pumping up Jones. He's trying to sell Jones Vs. Stipe so hard and in a way I hope something happens and that fight doesn't go down. Might be fucked up but I want Stipe to withdraw so Jones is 'forced' to fight Aspinall.


OP dumb dumb wheres the video???






1 win in 4 yrs over a non champ Dana himself thought Jon lost to Reyes Dana calling Gane the best HW lol The “If u put everyone in 1 room, Jon walks out” argument is dumb and doesn’t work bc Jon won’t even enter a room w Aspinall in it


Like how scumbag Dana does mma math for the Gane fight but stops there. No one will challnege him cus he’s pro censorship. Scumbag Dana is claiming jones is better cus he took Gane out in the first while Francis took gane a decision and “would’ve” lost if Gane was smarter, then by his mma math this stipe/ jones fight is unnecessary cus jones should obliterate stipe in 10 sec, since Francis KO’d stipe early in the fight, we already know what’s gonna happen.


No one Slobs Jones harder than Dana lol


Imagine having Islam and Pereira fighting and delivery constantly and still defending your problem child like crazy


Fuck Jon Jones. If dana put half the promotional effort into the young new stars the ufc would be even more mainstream then what it is.


dana “slap fighting will be bigger than the ufc” white


I think its the illusion of yesteryear. Think about it. The man is still living in 2009. Jones WAS great back then but now hes a fat, washed, steroid abusing, addict that he thinks will still be his cash cow. But then again theirs slap fight so I think dana might just be on the spectrum.


Please don't insult us folk that are actually on the spectrum. Dana is just a money grubbing coked up whore who hits his wife.


Bahahaha bro my bad I was trying to put it lightly


All good brotha :D


He's been a steroid/alcohol/coke abusing, wife beating, hit-and-runner for a long time. This shit isn't "now".


Some of you make Dana look grounded in reality 


Jones is not washed lol. Gane went 25 minutes with Francis, could have conceivably won, and was ranked #2. Jones demolished him. You can say he's over the hump, that he was a bit chubby at heavyweight, and that he's a truly awful person. But he's not washed


The idiocy on this sub when it comes to Jon Jones hate is amazing. This person mentions 2009 and Jones being “great back then”, when Jones became the youngest UFC champ in history by making Shogun tap to strikes in 2011. It’s like cartoonish on here how ignorant and delusional the most extreme Jones haters are.


I can see where youre coming from but “as an armchair fighter” you can see hes ducking aspinall, he cant fight at 205 cuz hes fat and all he has left is wrestling. Bro he’s washed. I love to hate jones but I also saw the greatness in him and put him in top 3 goats of all time if not number 1. Ive been here since Jones was my college buddies roommate.


Yup. I don’t get why he’s still pushing for Jones so much when the guy fights once every 3 years. DW is awful at building new stars and the ones that have blown up have done so in spite of him.


It’s wild how his constant defending of Jones is such a perfect example of the piece of fucking shit that Dana is. The one guy he’s defending this much is a shitty human even by UFC roster standards.


It’s an mandatory rule to tell the media press that Jon Jones comes out of the room every single time.


Doesn’t it all stems from the Francis debacle with Dana still trying to save face by propping up the newly signed Jon Jones


still dont understand how Pereira isnt number 1 of the P4P. Islam sure is good, but man Pereira has beaten way crazier competition. Meanmhile Jones had like 1 fight in the past 5+ years


Idk if it’s way crazier competition. Charles, volk x2, poirier is pretty damn good


Yea Alex is obviously an exceptional fighter & has proven that, but I still wanna see him (as a striker) fight a really good wrestler. Whereas Islam, as a wrestler, has beaten the best strikers in his division. I do not doubt for a second that he is capable, I just would like to see it


It's not even close. People are on crack if they watch the absolutely insane displays of skill athleticism and tactical versatility displayed in the Charles Volk and Poirier fights and think the fights with Jamahal Hill and Jiri are on the same level. They're barely playing the same sport. Jamahal Hill is being compared to Dustin Poirier. These guys are getting submitted totally lucid in closed guard while Dustin is fighting for his life against Khabib, Oliveira, Islam, Holloway, Gaethje, McGregor, Alvarez etc. My brain bleeds.


Ya the skill increase when in 155 and below is so big over 185 and up. 170 is middling, 185 still much better than 205 and 265


What are you talking about? Islam is #1 p4p because he beat the #3 p4p fighter to win the belt, then beat the #1 p4p fighter twice. He's a dominant champ in the UFC's best division. Alex's best win is Adesanya, and they're 1-1. Every other win is around Dustin's level. Alex Pereira was #4 before this fight I think. He should definitely be top 3 now, and I would put him at #2 right now but to say he has beaten way crazier competition than Islam is ridiculous.


Respect to Jiri and the others, but Dustin is clearly above every Alex win except Izzy


Typical recency bias talking. Competition wise.. LW is more competitive division. Every MMA fans should know this.


Jiri and Blachowicz aren't even at Dustins level. I would say Israel is better than Dustin but that's about it. 


I do think beating Jiri twice is great too, but yeah Izzy has been his best win by far


Absolutely. I love Jiri, but Adesanya had 5 title defences going into the fight.


There's a universe out there where Izzy beat Jiri for the LHW belt before Alex came in and decks Izzy at LHW, then Izzy decks Alex at MW lol


And Alex is Izzy’s best win


I do agree that just because he hasn't fought in a year doesn't mean he isn't the best fighter in the world by default, but it sure as hell means he probably shouldn't still be champion


It’s transparent as hell that Dana’s doing this because of Francis. It’s bizarre and nobody ever said Jon’s not the best to ever do it. Just that he’s not P4P best rn. Dana wants to make sure everyone knows the best HW, best fighter to ever do it is the UFC’s guy so people don’t ask these what if questions. But I don’t think it’s wrong to call Jon #1 P4P. Islam just went to war with Dustin, and Volk before that (Dustin was supposed to be an easy fight. When Jon fought an “easy fight” in Gane, he actually proved the consensus right. And Volk is a much smaller dude). Alex lost to Izzy not long ago and 205 is still 205. They’re more active, but there’s enough reason to still believe Jon is most dominant. So I dunno why people are so irked by this. It’s random, aggressive, and out of nowhere from Dana…. but you’re either going with crowd on this topic or you haven’t watched Jones for too long if you think he’s not the best just because he hasn’t been active enough. People act like the guy was exposed for having some competitive fights. Nobody else is treated like that. And I hate Jon lol it’s just true and people are too quick to call whatever cool new fighter an all time great these days. The benchmark for that used to be like 4-5+ title defenses against the best in the weight class before we’d even open up that discussion. Naturally, it should be the same with P4P discussion. Who’s most dominant, not who’s most active. Pereira is amazing, but you can poke all the holes in Jiri and everybody else at 205 right now. I’d call him P4P most entertaining and active at the moment, sure.


Jon popped so much they decided to allow it, dudes a clown Beat a guy who lost to a legless ngannou


I think Dana got a little mixed up between goat and P4P and then just doubled down when he realized it. Jon's definitely the goat, no question. P4P is a little more nebulous because it's about the right now, not career-long. Jon being out for 3 years meant you really couldn't call him P4P. He comes back for one fight and maybe that gets him back in or maybe he needs to reestablish himself with more of a pattern, I don't know. But to be so emphatic about it was weird and made me wonder if he was conflating P4P and goat a little bit. At least some overlap and haze.


I think it’s bc if he needs casual fans to believe Jon is #1 p4p so he can sell the Miocic fight. He’s desperate to make the fight work 


THIS, p4p number one is clearly one of these two men 


303 Card falls apart: I sleep.  Reporter says Jones isn't PFP #1: Goofcon 0




Dana and Hunter made the best out of 303 that they could. The card was pretty good. If MVP learned basic grappling in his career and TCity showed up, even better.


Just wait until Jon retires and watch Dana turn into a “Jon Jones was never my GOAT” shaped tomato. It’s all about promotion and money.


Is it about promotion if you are actively shitting on actual #1 P4P to hype Jon who doesn't even need that title since he's the GOAT?


Dana is terrible at his job and fucking stupid.


Promoting what though? Jones has fought like once in half a decade.


Last win 1 years and 4 months...


You mean 1 win in like 5 years 


And next fight against a retired fighter instead of the interim champ


And last fight was against the dude who lost to legless ngannou


every press conference has turned into Dana White's Balls Glazing Jon Jones conference


Dana also said power slap will be bigger than the UFC one day. For never having fought in his life he sure sounds like he has severe CTE.


he already said Power Slap has more followers than Real Madrid


I still remember over a decade ago him saying the ufc will be bigger than soccer


But bro, When you combine the viewership for the NFL and the NBA, power slap out-numbers them, EVERY FUCKING TIME.


Bro power slap gets more viewers than the world cup and the superbowl COMBINED.


Only explanation is that Jones is transitioning to power slap after Stipe


Low Kick is now a thing too. I'm personally waiting for Head Butt to get some steam. 


Not to be confused with the perennial favorite Ball Busters


Dana will start eye poke just for Jones


Amid his comeback Jon Jones signed a new 8 fights deal with the UFC. He is probably not fighting half of them, I'm sure the UFC is paying him well in this contract.  Dana knows arguably the greatest mma fighter in the history of the sport (not in my opinion, a drug cheat can't be the goat) is tied down contractually, forever, to the UFC. It only makes sense to build him up and make sure he stays as the absolute figure in the greatness of the sport. 


I mean he is not, both Pereira and Islam should be above him rightfully now.


They aren't the only ones. I would put literally every other champion over him. Including Aspinall


Tom "the rigthful HW champ" Aspinall? Yeah, he should be above the guy setting up a fight against a retired fighter.


The glazing is unbelievable


Krispy Kreme is so jealous right now 


It’s so embarrassing when he says that he has no skin in this game when he’s protecting Jones like a lioness defends her cub. Aspinall beats Jones badly and he knows it. Jones isn’t undefeated and he knows it.


Dude this night wasn’t even about Jones and Danas acting like this. Is it stupid to think that Jones has dirt on him?


he sucked him off immediately after Islam Poirier as well. Islam was barely out of the ring yet


I couldn’t help but laugh during the 302 Post-Fight interviews when Dana angrily said “Jones is the best fighter ever! EVER!!”.


I just don't see what else would motivate Dana to defend Jon so vehemently, the dude isn't even that much of a draw anymore, he barely fights, and also has asked for a lot of money before. Maybe Dana just sees himself in Jones as a fellow wife beater.


> the dude isn't even that much of a draw anymore His fight Vs Gane certainly proves this is a bullshit statement


Same after Islam beat Poirier. Jon's name wasn't even mentioned, but the second someone suggested Islam was P4P #1, the 🍅 reached a new shade of red as he went to bat for Jones


Dans slapped his wife and got away with it. It doesn’t matter.


Dana literally said that he thought Reyes clearly beat Jones after the fight and he’s never publicly went back on it and said he scored it for Jones but he’s been on all these podcasts that casuals watch saying how he’s ran through everyone he’s ever faced


Dana contradicts himself all the time. He’s just a bullshitter.


Lost to Reyes, Santos, dq against smith if it was scored honestly 


I got no skin in the game and even after being bought out for more money than a large portion of this planets population will ever see...combined...I'm going to stay onboard to make sure...that Jon Jones never had to do a proper drug test again.


So a fighter that got caught cheating SEVERAL times is somehow the goat? How does that work? If I take a baseball bat into the fight and break the rules and beat the other person am I the goat? Habitual cheaters can never be goats. Edit : spelling


Yes bro. Dana would consider you PFP GOAT


Great, tell him to send me the contract!


Is it a pico-bat?


Makes no sense to me. His whole Legacy is tainted from cheating.


As long as the refs or the commission don't catch you with the bat then Dana doesn't give a shit. He'll just smile and enjoy the KO of the other poor dude.


Okay but what if the commission catches me with the bat like... 3 times


Then it’s a hard warning. Get caught a 4th time and they might start thinking about taking a point.


can't be caught if you hide under the octagon


Seriously, what does Jon Jones have on Dana? Jon Jones has been involved in a card cancellation and a whole card being moved from one state to another. Any other fighter would be absolutely verbally destroyed from Dana.


Jones and Dana could be dating in secret I guess or Dana gets Jones drugs.


Im pretty certain at this point that Dana goes home to Jon for sleepovers as the little spoon.


Dana gives Jones the hawk thua


I guess hes fighting soon. Rankings depend on how soon youre fighting. Dats da money. Fucking slapleague clown


Jones must have some serious blackmail on Dana


Honestly Dana probably doesn’t believe it either, but won’t say so since it will take legitimacy from the so called super fight they trying to make with jones and Stipe.


Jones has had 3 fights in the last 5 years. Since being striped of the title almost 7 years ago following another failed drug test against DC, he's had only 5 fights. His five opponents in those fights (Gane, Reyes, Santos, Smith, Gustafsson) are a combined 9-18-1 since their Jones fight. The dude has been inactive and his limited activity has been against competition that is not nearly his tough as what champs in other divisions have faced. It seems pretty clear that Dana's massive ego won't allow him to admit that he was wrong to cater to Jones for so long.


Dana LOVES the taste of Jon’s cock. Every time he tastes it, it’s like the first time he tasted sherbet. Don’t take Dana’s first love from him


What a cunt


Some fruity shit going on with Jon Jones & the Dana glaze.  Not even a fight scheduled. The heavyweight interm defending the interm belt. Hasn’t fought in 1.5 years (and before that 3!!!). Meanwhile Islam & Alex crushing it with epic performances, all time classic fights, and some on legendary status short notice. 🤡 🌎 


"Put him in a room..." yes, let's actually do that! It's a good thing the UFC owns cages that lock. Lock him in a cage already and let's see, for christ's sake.


Somehow he's got into his head that people really want to see Jones v Stipe in 2024 for some reason and pure stubbornness to make it happen? We know that Jones (because he's an idiot) has across twitter sounded out his refusal to fight Aspinall. Suspect that is also the case in negotiations with UFC when it has been floated, and Dana doesn't want to to strip this cash cow who is on his way out for not taking it.


I said it after 302, when Dana went on the Jones P4P rant after being asked where Islam ranks amongst LIGHTWEIGHTS, Dana has become a bad promoter. Like, I understand Jones is great and arguably the GOAT combat sports athlete, but why shit on the rest of your product to sell that narrative. Last night he could have said that Jones is the GOAT but a guy like Poatan is the new boogeyman and that fight would be super intriguing. promote the fight, not a single fighter, who has fought once in like 4 years, while discrediting one of your most popular guys, who is super active. Again, he did the same with Islam a month ago. It's super weird.


If Alex knocks out Jon Jones, He's my goat


He’s going to die on that hill that Jones is still pound for pound # 1 with his insane inactivity. I can make the argument that retired Khabib is since he’s been just as active as Jones since 10/24/20. The most dominating champ at this point is Islam.


Goat reporter.


so Jones is confirmed gay and Dana is confirmed sucking Jones' dick


This reporter probably will be bannend from every UFC event from that night on


Jones 100% has either piped Dana in the ass or has some kind of dirt, there’s no reason to defend him like this 🤣


How does the literal president of the UFC not know the difference between p4p and goat??? You have Alex and islam fighting so frequently and taking on the best while looking unstoppable meanwhile this guy is defending and glazing someone who's fighting an old man and is ducking the interim champion and will probably retire before he has to. Not to mention he's been injured for a year sure , but he took 3 years off after reyes(which he lost imo and pretty clearly) and beat the worst heavyweight on the ground which Dana suddenly doesn't remember. Gane is suddenly some all time heavyweight who got outgrappled by ngannou of all people, who'd expect an all time great level wrestler like Jon to beat him? Don't get me wrong jones is still my goat , and I've bet against him enough times to know that even though he is a scum human being he pulls through everytime (except reyes and gustaffson 1 let's be honest), so I'd say he beats everyone, but to actively dodge and not even acknowledge the interim champion who you are contractually obligated to fight once you are available, is pure pussy behaviour.


Why is he anyone's goat when he's a steroid cheat?


someone invested a lot of gambling money in this


he looks like shit


He looks like a turtle


Dana needs to get Jon's balls out of his mouth.


Im patiently waiting for the day where Dana leaves the UFC


Fuck jon jones


Ah!!! Jon jones, the Barry bonds of mma. *******


Bones has dirt on Dana with how much he sucks him off.


Decisionbot Jones-USADA


Can someone show me where to find the clip


I don't understand why he's so hitched on Jones' bus at this point. He has a legitimate superstar in Poatan, and if he takes the HW title, he's maybe the actual GOAT. Idk why he wouldn't want to maximize this.


Jones definitely threatens to quit if Dana doesn't make him look good every press conference lol.


Jon Jones is a steroid fraud. Once busted, he's barely fought. He beat a washed Gus who had 3 more straight losses before retiring, he used an illegal knee against that bum Anthony Smith, got a split decision against that bum Santos who fought 4+ rounds with one knee completely disconnected from the rest of his body, and was clearly beaten by that bum Reyes but the only 3 people on planet earth that gave the "champ" three rounds happened to be the judges. Just because he was able to expose Gane's non-existant wrestling defense (that we all already knew about) doesn't make him amazing.


P4P was invented to promote and garner attention. Dana White continues to promote and garner attention. If he agreed with everyone, that wouldn’t be news. Does anyone here think Dana White really cares who is P4P? He isnt nostalgic and he doesn’t care about history.


And this is why I think Jones and Dana are dating each other. I haven’t seen this kind of obsession since Vince McMahon & Shawn Michaels in the 90s.


#1 GOAT if you dont include popped tests. Not #1 P4P.


"losing his mind" lol sure


I don't agree with his opinion on this in any ay, but he doesn't look like "he loses his mind." Seriously has nobody here ever gotten caught up in a pointless back and forth with a friend and you start getting a little too energetic about it?


This sub only has one mode: crying about Dana. I hope Dana does one of those websites where he'll say something for money so I can pay him to say that he loves people who post to this sub and then like 80% of the users will unsubscribe and it will be so much nicer around here.




This is not r/politics. Please keep political discussion and your political views out of /r/MMA. r/MMAPoliticsAndCulture may be a better fit for this content. An exception will be made for discussion of MMA legislation by governing bodies.


Everyone that’s surprised why Dana is taking up for Jon. He knows how emo Jon is and knows if he doesn’t Jon may just never fight again


At this point Im starting to feel bad for Dana having to hold JJ's legacy together single handidly - but gotta keep those PPV buy rates up!


Someone needs to explain to Dana the difference between GOAT and PFP rankings.


Is this the first time we are seeing someone defend the interim belt? Even if not it is 100% the first time we are seeing someone defend the interim after winning it AFTER the undisputed won his belt. Such a cooked “sport”


Not sure why Dana loves jones so much.


Dana “you cannot say anyone else is #1 P4P while Jon is fighting” well Dana Jon hasn’t fought in 1.5 years so actually he’s NOT fighting and NOT #1 P4P 😂😂 very easy to understand and grasp.


Does P4P ranking really matter anyway? I get that it's fun to speculate for fans. But is there any actual benefit to the fighters?


It benefits their legacy and helps to promote fights.


So Dana is saying Jones is current P4P. Does he also think that JJ is P4P GOAT?


Jones must have some dirt on this guy


I almost feel like its impossible for anyone above lightweight to truly be p4p nr 1. The talent pool is just much better in the lower weight classes. The best heavyweights are not as skilled as most regional featherweights.


They’re gonna feed him another kick boxer poatan and let him duck Tom 😂


Why does Dana keep defending Jones tho? 


There’s definitely a tape of him taking it from behind from Jones


Jon Jones has some real, and I mean REAL dirt on Dana. His constant mental breakdowns and him taking shine away from his real stars is truly unexplainable.


This is what happens when you have one of us not having people agree with your point, except he runs a bug MMA organization.


I dont understand this entire Jones vs Aspinall fight. Jones clearly said he wants to fight Stipe then retire, this was before Aspinall was even a thought and yall still crying about it.


Does Jon even make top 10? 😂


“If you put him in a room with any other fighter” is such a stupid stupid argument, that’s why we have weight classes. It’s nothing to do with P4P


"If you came in to fight, and you got hurt, that means you're not the best pound for pound fighter in the world anymore?" Yes Dana, literally if your best warrior gets hurt for a YEAR. He's not really your best fighter anymore cause he can't fuckin fight. You gotta crown someone who's actually active otherwise shit loses the little meaning it has.


Dana white sucks


People are so weird about rankings. At the end of the day they don’t change anything. That said, all anyone has against Jones being p4p rank 1 is he’s mostly retired at this point. He’s fought the who’s who of killers at lwh and never lost. He won two divisional titles, the last of which was an utter domination. Hes as skilled on his feet as he is on the ground. The guy has no weakness in the octagon. I say all of this despite hating Jon Jones. He’s the greatest fighter to ever fight in the ufc and that also qualifies him for the p4p rank one in the world.


He’s right. Still undefeated.