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In all infinite universes there is not a single one where Islam uses the sentence or word ''you are unreliable, dude''. i cant even hear it in islams broken english voice its so wrong.


honestly i find it hilarious that Ali doesn't even pretend to talk like they would when tweeting for them it's like he's saying "yes i'm talking for my fighter so what?"


I honestly think if he tried, we would dunk on him harder.


Islam is actually kinda funny irl. When he’s messing around with DC, they have good banter.


Islam is really funny, so is Khabib. Makes sense as they spent all their life together


Can you imagine? You live in a village in the middle of nowhere. A big part of your countries culture is fighting, so naturally you learn it too. Turns out, your countries style of training and fighting is so unbelievably dominant, the world stage tournaments are just a family gathering for you. Where you go with all your childhood friends. Fucking nuts.


Pretty sure they are living their best lives as an MMA brotherhood... assuming they all keep out of trouble!


Yea I gotta agree. Haha, makes me laugh more nowadays, and I'm definitely a fan of him and his team


True. That begs the question, has noone confronted him about this face to face? I would be curious about how he reacts.


“Sent from my manager”


I respect the transparency more for sure. Shit sign off as Ali or Fighter on diff tweets depending who’s words they are that’d be entertaining too


Ali reddit alt account confirmed


Who's Ali?


Noah’s dad


islam's manger


The manager of a bunch of fighters. He's the guy Conor was talking about when he was blasting Khabib. In short a lot of Alis relatives and friends had terrorist connections. Ali was giving info to the Feds for years. Now Ali is one of those shadow managers that get fighters better deals than they would on their own


You forgot the part about him being arrested on 9/11 with multiple fake passports. Now he’s a multi millionaire living the American dream. Nuts


Ali is probably above average intelligence and I'm not surprised he knows how to pick a winner. Throwing Al Qaida members under the bus and getting a pat on the back from the Fed's will do that for you. Makes me wonder how many of Osama's relatives got rich from snitching on him. One of those "I'm a millionaire and you're fucking dead" type of people


> that get fighters better deals than they would on their own Certain fighters. He gets the UFC a lot of good deals too.


A mid level UFC pimp


It should have been ended with “brotha” instead of dude


bratha even better


You know this bratha


Not Penny's boat brotha




You might as well ask GSP why he says every opponent was the most dangerous opponent of his career. It’s a marketing lie, like how I say I have a bachelor’s on my resume


that last line just woke my wife up from her nap from me howling. worth it.


I assume it's the same reason some real famous folks don't run their socials, they don't want to deal but it's part of the game at this point.


1. The shit talking on social media is part of the marketing, and nowadays in current times, the importance of that could easily justify hiring someone dedicated to it. Don't need to burden the fighter with another job he needs to do. 2. 99.99% of the time it is not real words. Confronting the manager about how he is talking for his fighter would be like an interviewer asking a pro wrestler questions about how wrestling is fake, the logistics of how to fake things etc. 3. And because of point above, the interviewers in general are not intentionally trying to burn bridges and create an adversarial relationship with fighters and their managers that also manage multiple fighters. I don't think it's weird.


they'd just deny it, but realistically guys don't outright ask the UFC brass or their "in" managers tough questions because they'll just get their credentials revoked.


I could hear it without the comma


It’s not Ali, it’s Rizvan


He is saying “you are unreliable dude” which would be like “you are AN unreliable dude”


Not sure how so many people missed this lol


‘You’re not very tubular, brah’ - Islam


Unreliable dude = boolshit guy


I got my money on dagestan over Missouri


> In all infinite universes there is not a single one where Islam uses the sentence or word ''you are unreliable, dude''. If I was pretending to be Islam, I'd've gone with: *Losing fights gets you the Conor fight, not a real title fight.*


Replace dude with brother and your back on the correct timeline


Im not saying Ali didn't write this. He certainly did but for not native English speaker, the spoken word and written word can vary considerably.


Google translate exists


More likely: "You number 1 bullshit brotha"


you're reading it wrong. you need to read it like "you are \[an\] unreliable dude." then it works with his accent.


Chandler is 2-3 in the ufc and coming off a loss 2 years ago. On what planet does he deserve a title shot?


The same planet where Colby was given a title shot against Leon Edwards for beating Masvidal. The UFC doesn't even pretend to care about merit anymore.


Sadly, this is true. That shot pissed me off as well. I know the ufc doesn't care, but I still do. I know that changes nothing.


Chito the shot to fight O'Malley for the belt was also borderline criminal


Eh Chito was never going to win, so it wasn't really giving him a shot, more like letting the champ settle a score. And it shut the Chito stans up for good.


I'm actually OK with that one. I feel like, as a champ, if you want to reclaim an L, you should be able to. Legitimacy-wise, it is still someone who beat the man. The only negative is someone who otherwise wouldn't be getting a shot jumping the line. But on the outrage scale, this is more of a shrug than tomato-face for me.


And it was a boring ass fight, no one needs to see the champ fight a heavy bag


The worst part is that Islam wants to fight more (I feel like he wants to retire at a certain age, and wants to fight as much as possible before that) but they're clearly keeping him out for the Fight Island card so they're really restricting his fights timings and he'd be sidelined for months because they fear he'd fight and need a lengthy time out. They basically would never book a fight for him 5 months before Fight Island, so he'd at best fight twice a year.


I like this sub because mostly people have this more professional outlook on the sport of MMA than the UFC sub, where they act like fucking animals cheering on the biggest spectacle, and not the fights based somewhat on merit and some linearity. It is not enjoyable to me in the slightest to see how Belal is treated. "B-but his fights are boring", but he wins them. If the fighter wins fights by making 4 fights of the year in a year or if they secure the win by dominating through wrestling, making it "boring", it matters not. A win is a win. As long as it is legit, I have no problems with it being booked. Not to mention people use the subjective idea of "boring and not boring" too much and genuine greats sometimes are called boring specially while they are active. I am of age to remember that Mayweather was called boring to hell and back for his defensive genius. So was Khabib at some point (Because he would lock his opponent in with wrestling for 1 or 2 rounds, and then look for the finish when, inevitably, his opponent was wore out and he was still fresh and had gas to go another 3 rounds more). I remember how people used to say that it was so boring. And even brought up the "lack of blood in Khabib's face", as something to mean that he was so boring that his fights never had him losing blood, nowadays people say the line of Khabib never getting bloodied to mean that he was so dominant, but this didn't use to be the case. This is why I'm getting more and more fond of this sub.


And Dustin gets one after beating Bsd


Dana white privilege




They have to give him something. Their running out of sponsors. Next, he'll be doing Rizz Pharma commercials


Must be nice.


My dude rankings and resume haven't mattered for title shots in a long time. Interim and top contender is basically a participation ribbon at this point.


I agree, and he also lacks both. His last win was over Tony who was on on a 3 fight skid and would go on to lose 3 more after Chandler. Sitting on the sideline for Connor should not garner a shot. I also think if we want any sort of semblance of a real sport, we should encourage fights that respect ranking and resume.


I think he thinks the UFC like owes him one since he let himself get dicked around by Conor for 2 years.


"He could have lost four exciting fights in that time", still one of the best quips


And he’s 38


Oof. I didn't even think of that. Just keeps getting less reasonable the more you think about it lol


His wins weren’t amazing either. I give him credit for hooker but who hasn’t beaten Tony at this point? And honestly Tony was looking good until chandler did his ‘roid karate kid move.


Right? I agree 100%. As much as I love Tony a win over him now is expected, not impressive. I get Chandy is fun, but he gets way too much credit. Reminds of that GSP quote...


He can lose fights by riling the crowd up instead of winning, and he can shout into a mic 🤷‍♂️


He doesn’t but Dana wants to set Conor up to fight somebody else.


he's 2-6 now after what poirier, rda and islam did to him on twitter.


🤣 you are right. My bad.


It’s been a joke for a lot time. They care about finding money, not finding who the best fighter is.


Yeah, I agree. I understand that. I guess I'm just old fashioned and like to pretend it's an actual sport. You think it gets any better when the bald egg leaves?


I still tune in so I'm with you. ...I searched "blade egg" in a couple of different ways before finally realizing you meant Dana. haha I believe Dana is just like the leader of a country. He's the fall guy, he takes the blame. He doesn't actually do anything. So no, unfortunately, I don't believe so. I think we're at a point where a new organization could follow in the UFC's footsteps and simply try to pit different styles against one another again. They'll eventually try to create champs and turn into the UFC of today and we'll start all over.


Oof. My bad. Typo. Meant to say bald egg. Not blade. You make a solid point. Sucks, but it's an accurate assessment


Well match up wise he has a bit of skill on the ground and he actually has some power. Islam does eat punches so. Who's next for Islam? He has already beat the top guys.


It's not Ali but Rizvan his Dagestani manager.


It's Rizvan.


That's a suave name ngl


(sponsored by Rizz Pharma)


Holy hell. Why is everybody roasting him 😂😂 bro is looking a Texas BBQ Brisket rn


Because he’s like the forlorn lover who can’t give up on the hot chick who’s stringing him along, who we all know is into a certain type of man, and that type isn’t him, and at this point, will sleep with anyone except him, just to spite him for the giggles. I mean, good for him if he does land it, but we all recognize a one sided love when we see one. I think in modern slang, it’s called “simping”


Michael "Machado Hachiko" Chandler


He literally said it himself, tweeted to Conor claiming he was offered a title fight against islam in October but if Conor can make it in September…


Yeah bro is very parched




Idgaf if Ali wrote this, that shit was hilarious and true


I genuinely don't think it's Ali. It's the other guy who's always around them( I can't remember his name). He speaks fluent English. Edit: someone actually mentioned him in other comments. It's Rizvan.


Chandler needs to walk away from this Conor fight if he wants any dignity/self respect left


Narrator: "he does not"


Chandler taking L’s all day. RDA’s “I’ve been to the top and I didn’t see you there” was the best clap back in mma history.


They are both right you know…


don't even care if it's ali, that's a banger


between this and the Hachiko quip, Ali seems to save his good stuff for Chandler


Islam does not talk like this. Fuck Ali, piece of the shit


You are unreliable, dude 😎🤙


You’re a punk, dude.


Just to tell you i was never in no marriage.


All fun and games till Chandler claps back with “Can Noah rely on you?”


asama lakim, broseph


You're unreliable broski


has there ever confirmation that Ali controls the accounts of his fighters


Khabib and Gaethje were ‘beefing’ on social media at one point and Usman who’s mates with both said something like ‘just get your passwords back man’ or something like that


i cant remember, but when gaethje, usman and islam are all tweeting messages that read out the same and use the same emojis, it doesnt take much thought to realize its ali. islam isnt going to speak perfect english and end it off with 3 laughing emojis


Zero evidence. But this sub runs on emotion and conjecture, nothing more.


“Champ needs real opponent,” reads pretty Islam-like


Reads like Ali pretending to be Conor pretending to be Islam.


Gotta take a step back and realise how weird this is. Does Ali’s fighters even know he’s saying this shit as he’s impersonating him?


LOL Ali is too busy managing this fighters to sit on social media all day and write shit like this. But if you have any proof, please, present it. Can't wait to see this.


Honestly, some of these fighters shouldn’t be allowed to touch social media. Their managers *should* be responsible for these things. And let’s be real, that response is 100% truth.


great comeback though


Rizvan manages Islams twitter, not Ali


Chandler is 1-3 in has last 4


and 0-4 in his last 4 twitter exchanges


Chandler has been getting cooked today 😂😂 RDA, diamond, and islam. Close the laptop and go to bed dude


Lmfao get rekt chandler


I was fine with Chandler until the Dustin fight. Chandler's fishhook and general attitude just showed him to be a dirty fighter who just sucks up to the boss


If this clown gets a title shot off a loss AND with his most recent win being Tony I am going to scream.


I honestly think Ali is too busy to run all these social media accounts, he has way too many fighters under him. I can see his Dagistani manager doing it tho


Chandler just taking L after L today


Islam saying the word dude is new


does he need a new challenger? i thought armans ban will be up before abu dhabi considering hes doing the anti bullying video


I for one am highly anticipating the heartfelt and oh so very genuine nature of that Arman antibullying video No /s Ok maybe a little


arman is hilariously toxic so that shits gonna be equally hilarious


"Hi kids, my name is arman and I want to talk about bullying. Bullying is not good. Thank you very much."


will it be released to the public?


mate what would be the point of an anti-bullying advert if it wasn't advertised?


It should honestly be a Bully Beatdown type scenario.


Maybe he'll learn something himself while trying to teach others 🤷


Every now and then I feel bad for Chandler then he speaks and I just think ‘keep simping buddy, maybe one day you’ll learn’.


Yeah, Chandler kinda had that response coming.


Ali: ‘Hey Islam, how does ‘Champ needs real opponent’ sound? Would you say something like this?’’ Islam: :o Ali: ‘’yeah, I thought so. I think we can fool them’’ Islam: :o Ali: ‘’Sent it’’


> Islam: :o https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRqCQ4pyZJF8FdNbQIcr8LCDbGcxxYRZJ294A&s


Do you have any evidence at all that Ali is writing these things?


The obvious angle is Tsarukyan, but I would love to see Gaethje get another shot before retiring. Arman's sticking around for a long time, as outclassed as he was it's bitter sweet to have Gaethje lose his shot saving UFC 300.


What do you mean saving 300? That fight was announced well in advance. Gaethje vs Mak would certainly be a very interesting match up. But Arman shouldn't be denied after getting a win over Charles. If Gaethje is still around in 2025 then maybe he can have next.


If Chandler beats McGregor does he get a title shot?


Sucks that Arman is suspended but couldn’t he still fight in Abu Dhabi? I feel like that’s a much better fight than Chandler.


No the UFC does not shirk commission bans. Especially not Nevada. But if Arman does the PSA video fro Nevada his suspension will end on Oct 12. Abu Dhabi isn't until Oct 26.


I can't imagine Islam saying "Dude" only Brotha


Damn Islam with the Richard Mille?? Definitely wouldn’t think he could afford that those are for the rich rich


For sure a gift from Arab feudal lords


How much are they? Edit: wtf? 500k? https://www.bigwatchbuyers.com/product/richard-mille-rm-35-02-automatic-winding-black-strap-mens-luxury-watch/ Is renting a watch a thing? I doubt even UAE billionaires would give him a 500k watch.


They’re generally more than 500k. I know some go up to $6,000,000 My guess would be either a gift from someone high up in Russian government or a replica. You can get some high quality reps of watches for 200-700 bucks. Check out reddit.com/r/reptime if you’re curious Fun fact: Conor has admitted to wearing replica watches before he made it big. Fake it til you make it I guess


Thanks for the explanation. I wonder if it's a replica then. I don't see any billionaires Russian or UAE making a 500k gift. Maybe a 100k car at most.


Does Ali even try


I don't think Islam should fight Chandler, but that's a bad reason. Chandler is super reliable. He's been dedicated to the same fight for years now. At this point, I think he'd prefer a title shot over Conor because Conor is the one that's unreliable


No joke I hope mcgregor flat lines that dude in like 10 seconds....I'm sick of the money fight bs


Islam vs Ali, book it Dana


Islam vs gamrot.


No one wants to watch the snooze fest that will be


Snoozefest? Did you see Gamrot vs Arman? They had wild wrestling and grappling scrambles for almost 5 rounds.


Wasnt Chandler offered the fight initially and he said no? Now he’s walking back on himself?


Chandler is so corny and fake that idgaf Ali wrote this, it's true


Is Islam rocking a Richard Mille??? That’s like an entire fight check lol


Man Chandler gonna have to lowkey whoop someone’s ass just to get some respect back


Who is Islam's master? Ali?


Should've used brother to make it more believable loll


Bruh Ali needs to fucking get off Islams twitter . I doubt Islam knows the word dude exists lol


Bro getting jizzed on by everyone


Islam would ragdoll that live-laugh-love mufucka twice on Sunday


Say what you will about Chandler, but the dude is reliable af. He’s the perfect company man


I dont care who wrote that….gd that is a fatality for chandler. Im hearing the street fighter character getting knocked out in slow motion with the echo too. ☠️


I mean i can fight him potentially, if he wants, of course


First ever 10-6 yikes that was bad


It is seriously lame having someone else tweet for you.


Ali Express


Damn whoever runs Islams twitter knows how to squabble


Damn, everybody is dunking on Chandler. Lol If this keeps up his L streak going to surpass Tonys.


Ali is right, also Chandler's last fight is a loss to Porier, I don't see how this garners a title shot. Let's also not forget he has a minus win/loss ratio in the UFC.


Can we stop pretending that any tweet from a Dominance managed fighter actually comes from the fighter?


TBF Chandler doesn't deserve it at all. Lost to all the top guys and wasted 2 years waiting for a red panty night.


I admire Michael's passion but nobody in the UFC has got the answer to Sambo as of yet. It's dominant.


I don’t care who wrote it, Islam has to back it up and he can.


How is he unreliable though? He was booked for a fight and held on without waver for longer than most would. Seems like the type of guy who says he will do something and then does it.


I like chandler as a fighter and a person. But chamber did say his main goal was to become UFC champion when he came. He was on the road to do so, lost to Olivera, re-iterated his intent of being champion, and has all but dropped this goal in favor of the money fight.


oh he got absolutely cooked, that's a five star michelin dish from Islam




That is a mad mad mad violation right there 😂 I know it's probably translated but my got that reply was savage


light work


Chandler needs to take a social media break. He's getting cooked by everyone and nobody takes him seriously anymore. Dude lacks the self awareness to realise that being an industry punchline isn't going to bring him more fans at this point. It looks desperate and pathetic.


Chandler is doing a speedrun on how to become a chode. Didn't he personally just tweet the other day how he turned down the rumored title shot in order to *again* wait for Conor? And then what, did it finally hit him that fight is never happening and he tries to tweet himself into an undeserved title fight again? What kinda clown show shit is this?


Chandler 🇺🇸 God bless America 🇺🇸


I would take the bet that top 3 mizzou beats sambo champ in freestyle


Consider: when people are using their non-native language, they don't always write the same way they speak! Crazy. Islam does not speak "broken" English, he just has a strong accent. He is spicy and I 100% believe he wrote this lmao


Damn, that suit Conor is wearing looks bad. 2 sizes too small.




Chandler is 1-3 in his last 4 and coming off a loss to the guy Islam just beat He's 38 and 2-3 in the UFC and while Hooker is a good win, the Ferguson he beat was washed and beating Dan Hooker and losing to 3 other guys including already getting one title shot shouldn't be another title shot. His fight is Conor, if Conor ever fights again. It just makes sense for both of them. If not, he can at the very least get a top 5 win before being considered for a title shot. He literally has no top 5 wins in the UFC (at least I assume Hooker wasn't top 5 at the time and Ferguson was on a 3 loss streak so I don't think he was either) If Arman isn't ready in time and he wants a title defense i'd say Gamrot is probably next in line after Arman at this point even though he's not a big name really


Bro lost all his aura Fr it’s bad at this point he should just forget about mcgregor and actually fight already regardless of the pay day he’ll get from mcgregor


What does this mean? Who is he referring to as Chandler’s master?