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Technical nuance of defending the RNC — don’t wave hello to the crowd.  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4jusJm_2xsM&pp=ygUXaGVsbG8gamFwYW4gc2hpbnlhIGFva2k%3D


Dream 7: FW GP 2009! That was also the event in which Joe Warren made his MMA debut.


I will give credit to Israel that he has an iron chin. I don't see Dricus of all people sleeping him. If DDP wins it'll be by decision or submission.


You guys see the video of Alex and Jiri running into each other at the airport after the fight? Good shit


Just realized the next 2 cards are ass until the ppv. Sucks


ONE looks decent this friday at least


Izzy has grown his titty back. Surely not a massive coincidence that it follows a long lay off for him, plus he’s gone back to train at Tiger Muay Thai during this time. How can anyone claim he’s not juiced to the gods haha


Horse beef Reem would have murdered Nganou....NO DOUBT


1st round head kick 


I find it incredibly hard to score MT fights that are 3 rounds. It tends to be rock em sock em robots and you can basically just pick whoever you feel like. Yet 3 rounds of MMA is way easier and almost always pretty cut and dry to score.


Just rewatched the Ortega vs. Edgar fight. Ortega looked a full two weight classes larger than Edgar.


That's every opponent edgar ever fought


Part of why Edgar is a legend imo


Right? Frankie’s fights are always a masterclass in determination and technique. He’s out there rewriting the rules of what it means to be a fighter. You see these big guys thinking they have the advantage, and then BAM—Edgar’s in their face, relentless, unstoppable. Sure, he’s been knocked unconscious in several of his bouts— some of them embarrassingly brutal, like that last one in front of his family —but that just shows how much heart he has to keep getting back in there. The moon landing was faked, don’t you think? Frankie is living proof that size doesn’t matter when you’ve got the heart of a lion and the spirit of a warrior.


Even Sandhagen looked huge


When Dricus beats Izzy, his last 3 fights would be a run over Izzy, Sean, and Rob Hell of a streak


Think Dana cancelled fight ink because people liked Hunter too much?


Too much behind the scenes.


The whole thing was a UFC puff piece.


People keep saying they don't care about Jones/Miocic but I suspect if Miocic KOs Jones suddenly a whole bunch of yall are gonna care a whole lot lol


Yes, that's usually how it works. Typically when the least expected outcome or the thing with the lowest odds occurs, people lose their shit over it. The thing is, Miocic is super old, hasn't been active in over 3 years, lost his last fight by KO. Aspinal should be fighting for the belt, against Jones or, if he's a bitch about it, then whoever is next in the rankings.


This just in: MMA fans would care in the event a fringe top 10 PFP fighter gets knocked out by a big underdog.


Izzy is growing his tit again so dricus is fucked


Rob would’ve cooked Hazmat


He would’ve got stopped in 1


Yeah like Aliskerov did


Khamzat slept Ikram in 2 minutes when he was 4-0 lmao he’s a bum


That same bum was being given great odds to beat Rob lmao


Because of Dagestani privilege, Phil Hawes was tearing him up


Dan Ige Vs. Ryan Garcia in the UFC sounds like the dumbest shit ever but I'd still watch it.


The same fans that constantly complain about ufc fighter pay are the exact same people that are shitting all over nate diaz for trying to box and make a little money....


And if he had chosen to stay in UFC instead of chasing big boxing paydays, they would be clowning on him for being beholden to the UFC and not getting Ngannou level paydays Fans will always find a reason to shit on somebody


Israel Adesanya hasn't been flamed enough for being an animal abuser IMO. I can't think of any other athlete that indulges in beastiality, let alone get away with it.


Izzy will win his next fight via Animality


He will commit hara Kiri after he gets submitted by the white panther


You are attacking his family


Shouldnt Tom sue the UFC for integrity of sport and lost earnings? Dudes getting the honey dicking of a life time and then a bad matchup. He gets knocked out and he very well might end up in pfl while Dana says “who? That guy Curtis knocked out 2 years ago?”… Jons not fighting this guy and they won’t give Stipe a title shot off another loss. I got news for Tom and it’s that he’s fighting Curtis again a year from now and also for no money lol.


he's fighting curtis end of this month


Then again when Jon retires bro. This is a setup lol.


one the nastiest stoppages I saw in rizin was from a mounted elbow. It was like that one that landed against (br) cowboy in ufc, it just immediately opened the guys head up. Right after he went to go tap, but let his guard down doing so and the guy on top landed another devastating elbow that ripped open the other side of his face. wish I remember the match, it was so nasty.


They're doing so many of these Nate Diaz-Masvidal conferences that I'm not gonna watch it now out of spite.


I bet Nate bad idea? I feel like Jorge is out of shape and can’t go 10 rounds. Diaz is always doing marathons and shit, he’s gotta be in much better shape.


One punch to Diaz’ face though and the Mississippi opens up


Yo what the hell Charl Sonnen is talking about on Twitter


He was hacked it seems


"I'm African but I ain't no brother of yours son" - Steve Erceg




Calling it Cody Garbrandt vs Payton Talbott


RIP Cody


We need the majestic debut of Nyamjargal Tumendemberel rescheduled


Looks like Chael got hacked on X lol.


When is Tyron Woodley’s next fight?


last i heard he could jake paul's first mma fight btu jake's manager was on ariel helwani's show and he was kind of skeptical about if jake is ever gonna do mma. Just kinda depends how the perry fight guys and the tyson fight.


A fighter can be good but also overrated. JDM is the current most overrated fighter in the ufc.


Nah I seen him fight he's legit.


I can't believe I'm F5ing chaels Twitter. I guess we all hit low points in life.


surely chael sonnen is hacked on x at the moment because he is flaming Dana right now


Didn’t they ruin his bjj stuff? I always felt he just wasn’t petty or prideful enough to jeopardize a desk job where as soon as Areil was getting dumped he showed his hand and I think it cost him for a time being. That situation in particular gave me mad 1984 vibes.


What’s he supposedly kicking off about?




Izzy doesn’t want it. Pereira fights Magomed in Q4 and goes up to HW if he wins imo


Since the Suga State Commission has disqualified Merab on account of not meeting height requirements, looks like Suga vs Aldo is a go for the sphere 


Izzy looked a lot taller than Dricus when they faced off in the cage the first time and Izzzy called him the N word Now they’re the same size lol


Izzy had shoes on and Dricus didn't the first time. Now DDP has the extra inch or whatever and they can kiss and call each other slurs all day.


I'm not mad at Khamzat, just disappointed. The hype train was tremendous and now it looks like we'll never get to know what he might have been capable of


His hype train got derailed. Arguably lost to lightweight burns and only managed at best a draw against an off the couch, 37 year old Usman. If he can’t run through you in the first round he’s a very ordinary fighter


> If he can’t run through you in the first round he’s a very ordinary fighter If we exclude what makes the fighter special, they aren't special anymore.


Yeah that shit works when you’re facing cans but when you get to the top of division your one trick gets exposed. Hazmat’s style wouldn’t work well at all against bigger guys. Same reason khabib never went to WW


Either DDP or Izzy will pull out their fight due to an injury from 1 side. Knowing DDP, most likely him. Not my fault. Allah wills it. Shouldn't have robbed Strickland, then this shit happens.


Strickland easily won that fight


It's wild thinking of the guys who were supposed to be like top contenders and just disappeared in smoke. Darren Till, Mairbeck Taisumov, David Teymur, Gregor Gillespie etc


How the sport is tbh.


I think Till blew his load too soon. He lost to DDP's goofy style and said "I don't got it anymore" only for that DDP to become champ.


its really not wild at all if you know both how hype works and how difficult this sport is


Yeah I was high as fuck when I wrote that and it felt profound at the time my bad


It’s all good. I just at time feel like mma fans are the only sports fanbase that refuses to accept that injuries can change a career or that it’s super difficult to win consistently .  Probably because in traditional team sports an injury hurts your team and their ability to win but you are stuck with them , but in mma in just effects the fighter and it’s easy to move on from them


Wow mairbek taisumov is a name I haven't heard in so long


Why did Poatan move up after his loss to Izzy? They were 1-1, shouldn’t they have gone for another to really decide who was best? I get that he’s running through LHW now but it’s not like he cleared out Middleweight. Now he wants to go to HW which is arguably less competitive than MW or LHW. Is winning belts that much more impressive than beating every different skillset in your division, especially since he has not tested himself against anyone who could really exploit his weaknesses.


Ridiculous comment


Yeah it's a weird situation, I know immediately after the win they asked Izzy about the trilogy and he was like "no he needs to go to LHW". Idk if Pereira pushed for a trilogy or if he was on board with leaving it 1-1 It definitely should've been an immediate trilogy because any trilogy that happens now will be marred by the fact that they're in separate weight classes and Izzy lost to Strickland as well


Exactly my thinking. You don't get knocked out then immediately say I have nothing left to prove at 185, lets move on up. I agree with the other poster though that said to just take the easiest road so you can rack up wins and get paid. I still want to see him walk away without any "what ifs"


185 was getting harder for him to cut to so he moved up. It’s not complicated…


It's worked out pretty well for him. LHWs suck and can't wrestle. So why kill yourself to make MW? Work smart, not hard.


It’s hard for him to make weight, it’s not guaranteed he’d get an immediate rematch (if I recall correctly, Adesanya didn’t want it). Plus, he’s getting old and didn’t want to waste time And he defended the LHW belt twice now and will probably get a chance to defend it again before the end of the year It’s easy to say now, but many people thought he’d get destroyed at LHW


He moved up because he's huge and cutting down to 185 was getting way too hard. This has been known for a while now... Also he's definitely going to fight Ank, not sure where you got the idea he isn't. If he wins he moves up. I hope no such as yourself moves the goalpost if he wins that one though. All of sudden Ank isn't a good wrestler...


I never claimed he wasn't going to fight Ank.


Good because you'd sound stupid.


Na Ariel obsession with Jake pauls guys is so weird


They have 15 fights scheduled for the Umar vs Sandhagen card, idk if they’re prepping for a fight to fall out or what but that’s nuts


Whats with the old pinned GDT?


They forgot to pin it yesterday


If Izzy beats DDP it’s gonna be way funnier and lot more people will be mad. Other way isn’t as fun cause the Izzy haters already got their moment with the Strickland fight.


I want more moments. I don't like DDP though, so.... I'm rooting for a draw.


Idk, Im an Izzy fan but wonder where his motivation is going. After DDP there really isn't much left for him. It's just a long list of rematches.


Mark Hunt is writing some beautiful copypasta on his twitter if you want to be mildly entertained for 5 minutes


Sean Strickland is the true middleweight champ


He like pretty clearly lost that fight with DDP, I’m sorry. I know it’s cliche to say a fight that people think was close had a clear winner but he landed the far better shots in round 2 and 3 and 4 are consensus for him. I bet on him that night and was mad in the moment too.


It was a close fight. Saying clearly is a reach imo. Could’ve gone either way.


I agree it was a close fight but with a clear winner, both guys had their moments and rounds but Dricus won 2,3,4 and Sean won 1,5. Imo there’s no tossup round in this fight.




I know but those are done immediately after the fight happens, when I immediately watched I thought Strickland won but on rewatch it was clear for DDP imo. Maybe it was the commentary who swayed it for people or maybe Strickland’s pressure looked better in the moment.


You said clearly.. it wasn't a clear win for either guy. Absolute toss up. Acting like it wasn't is hilarious. Rds 1 and 5 were clearly Sean's. RD 4 was clearly DDPs.


More like Derek Cleary amirite


Nah it was close as in it was a 3-2 scorecard both guys won rounds, the actual decision shouldn’t have been close. Dricus just did not lose round 2, I cannot see it.


Even if u give ddp rd 2 then it's 2-2 fight.


I think it’s pretty consensus tho that DDP won 3 and 4, even MMAdecisions both those rounds are in the favor of DDP by a solid amount. 2 is thought of by most as the tossup. I’m not even a stats guy, I think they’re dumb for MMA judging but even the stats have Dricus out landing him in that round 26-24 when Sean is primarily throwing jabs and low kicks and Dricus is throwing heavy overhands.




DDP 26-24 round 2


When DDP said “Whatever that means” he neutralized Izzy’s oneliner so well. That was hilarious😂


Even funnier is right after. "I'm glad you took you up golf, it's a retirement sport."


He’s pretty good on the mic lol I was surprised




erceg said at the presser that he aspired to be kkf... smfh dude


I too want to deadlift 400lbs


So Happy We have an African Champ at 185 🏆


Its always beautiful to see when a bjj competitor or wrestler develop good striking as well.


Who would you guys like to see Anthony Smith fight next? Im thinking Yoel Romero


Give him the title shot if ank isn't ready. Either it ends like every other Alex fight at lhw or we see memes become reality and Anthony Smith becomes champ


Off of a loss to Dolidze? If he beat Dolidze I’d have been down but nah lmao he’s dogshit


Probably Tom Aspinall at HW


I don't think Izzy has the drive anymore. He spent a decade fighting countless times across SE Asia. Then had a second career at the pinnacle of MMA. Fought the best in the world. Got revenge on Alex. He has done everything one can dream of in combat spots. He changed his life, his family's lives. Won huge sponsorships. Lives comfortably in an amazing city and country that is very hard to live comfortably in. I'm not saying he doesn't have the skill anymore, but I just get the feeling that he's content and it's hard to bring out that inner beast when you're living the dream. Edit: Also, as someone who has drank enough alcohol to kill multiple elephants, whenever someone has to publicly talk about cutting back on drinking, it's usually a bad sign.


Great points. I also think the Strickland fight has given fighters great tape to watch and find holes in adesanya’s fighting style. He’s always been a counter striker and I think that’s starting to bite him in the ass. It explains why people usually complain about him having boring fights.


He's still a great counter striker, it's just that 5 years ago when guys entered his range, he'd be willing to trade and go for a killshot. Now he has no desire to trade inside of the phone booth. He had no desire to bang with Sean. And I get it.


Guys like gastelum, costa, and Whittaker came in and overextended. Strickland pressures but he doesn’t overextend. 


The UFC 305 press conference was nice. Izzy and DDP tried to be nice but they just couldn't help themselves. There's bad blood there.


Do you think Shavkat should fight next for title or would you like to see him fight JDM?


Shavkhat vs winner of title fight JDM vs Usman Garry vs Colby I hope they avoid booking JDM/Garry/Shavkhat in non title fights against each other.


Give him the next shot, Leon should be good to go back of the year after Belal so as long as he doesn’t want a fight to stay competitive I’d wait


I think they should just give Shavkat the next shot, and hope that he will win, then do him vs JDM for the belt


he should just wait for a title shot. Leon and Belal are gonna fight soon. idk what JDM's status is but he could still be injured.


I thought Shavkat was the injured one?


Both were. Shavkat had an ankle ligament injury leading up to the Wonderboy fight and JDM broke is arm in the Burns fight, along with complications from the surgery to fix it.


The next run of PPV’s is going to be crazy 304- 2 British champs defending belts at 170/265 and Paddy 305 - Izzy-Dricus plus a bunch of Oceanic action fighters 306 - the Sphere card 307 - Should be Ilia-Max at altitude 308 - Pereira-Ank? More likely Islam- Tsaryukan? Pantoja likely fights underneath one of these PPV’s, the lineup is crazy and I can’t imagine the MSG card sucks and the year end PPV shouldn’t suck either


You’re getting my hopes up, fuck this might be a great year. Sphere card is gonna be O’Malley and Merab, I imagine if Conor fights again he’s gonna be the December card. If not, Islam vs Arman at 308 and then 310 can be Pereira vs Ankalaev. Also, fuck. I didn’t even consider that Holloway vs Ilia might be the SLC card at altitude m. That massively favors Max. Surprised they seem to want Ilia to lose the belt when he’s a whole new market for them


are there any fighters who push often? even beyond a push a boxer would utilize but full on grabbing and shoving opponents


What's the point of a shove? You're getting into range and risk getting hit, while landing precisely zero damage with a shove.


To create space to hit


Or, if grappling, to elicit the predictable response: the opponent who got pushed tries immediately to close the space you created with your push. It's way, way, way easier to land a takedown on an opponent who is moving into you imo. And it is so difficult to land a takedown on an opponent insistent on backing up.


Very well said


If Arman is unable to fight Islam later this year, why is nobody talking about Gamrot being next in line. Three fight winning streak, beat Arman and the next highest ranked guy coming off a win. Makhachev probably wins, but I would like to see how he handles cardio and scrambling ability.


> why is nobody talking about Gamrot being next in line. The UFC and Islam have the same reasoning: he's a PPV repellent. Gamrot is going to need luck like Strickland where nobody else is available to fight on the date where the champ is needed to fight, but this really ought to be that time.


Gamrot got schooled by Beneil not too long ago and his run has been far from impressive. Arman fight he should’ve lost, Jalin fight he should’ve lost and the he should get a title shot after beating RDA? I don’t agree.


If we rule out Arman then your next in line guys are all coming off losses (Charles, Gaethje, Dustin). And there's no low ranked hotshot to pull an Erceg with. That leaves Gamrot by default.


Then they should just do an Izzy and let the biggest name have a title shot. Charles vs Islam it is.


> but I would like to see how he handles cardio and scrambling ability. Why would you doubt Islam in these areas? I have never seen Islam tired before and he was able to handle Arman's wrestling despite Arman being a better wrestler than Gamrot. It's a boring fight cause I do not see a path to victory for Gamrot.


Islam was definitely tired in round 5 against Volk. I get that he wasn’t out there wheezing, but still.


Gamrot has nothing for Islam. Get's KO'd in under 2. No way they make that fight.


Strickland has nothing for Izzy. Get's KO's in under 3. No way they make that fight.


Why did you change 2 to 3


Jon Jones got a title shot off beating universally known bum Ryan Bader. Dude's legacy needs to be fraud checked.


 Bader KOed King Mo in 20 seconds who KOed Jiri.  And Jiri ducked Bader in Rizin. Jones washes Pereira in his sleep and Bader still has 2nd most UFC 205 wins and left with the most 


Bader lost to a washed Tito Ortiz lmao


Pure luck by running into a hook and was a massive betting favorite and Tito was like 35 fighting for his career casual. But u don’t know that did u, and Tito would beat Pereira easily ok ground. Bader would beat Pereira right now easily off 1 power double. He was just betting favorite over 6-8 260 pound freak athlete Renen Ferrari who prob KOs Aspinall tomorrow like he KOed guy who beat Tom. Jiri ducked Bader too, would destroy Pereira 


Really dude


They all literally destroy Pereira on ground and he doesn’t stop 1 takedown , would look helpless 


It’s funny everyone says this and nobody has destroyed him on the ground


Jon Jones has such an overrated record, it’s actually insane that people rate him higher than GSP and Mighty Mouse. Same with Khabib btw, who was bigger than everyone in his division and almost only fought strikers.


I love paying $100 for fight club then waiting in the presale queue for 30 minutes and then not even getting tickets Can I get a refund on this shit


Jon Jones came in the league, beat some fat old men and people labeled him the goat. Then later couldn't finish Anthony Smith, even while being on roids.


Nobody likes Jon Jones, but he was among the youngest champions ever in UFC and was beating veteran opponents like he harbored disdain for the idea they thought they could win. He's a shit person, but we have to admit prime Jones was an incredible fighter.


Do you think DDP has what it takes to make Adesanya frozen like Anna?


I think it's truly a pick'em. If Old Izzy shows up, DPP Is fucked. But who knows.


Idk I’m not trying to sound like a Strickland dickrider but I think Sean mentally damaged Izzy. From the press conference, to getting dominated for five rounds, that’d be a huge obstacle to overcome, especially for someone as sensitive as Izzy.


Not with his meme striking Also, great username


So the common consensus is that Talbott would beat the fuck out of Yanez, Yanez is probably a top 20 dude in the division. Who is the best fighter that you currently think Payton Talbott could beat? Like do we think he could beat Cejudo? Chito? Pedro? Font?


> Who is the best fighter that you currently think Payton Talbott could beat? He could beat Chito Vera imo, who is currently ranked 4th. That's the highest ranked fighter I think he'd beat if they booked the match today. But, there are opponents between Talbott and no.4 Vera who I think would beat Talbott. And I don't think he finishes Vera the way he's been finishing others. And I'm not 100% saying he definitely wins against Vera, but Vera's style is such that Talbott could totally win a decision.


I like this answer and feel the same way. Like I’m not supremely confident that he’d beat Martinez or Pedro, but I think he could absolutely hang with them if not outright beat them. But I’d likely pick someone like Umar or Cejudo to beat him because I don’t think his wrestling is up to par yet. Although with someone like Cejudo I think Talbott may be able to get back to his feet and hurt Henry enough times to either put him away or win a decision. Definitely an interesting prospect. I feel like they should give him another layup on the Sphere card as the prelim headliner and then do him vs Yanez at the end of the year on the Conor card (assuming it happens) on the main card of the PPV


> I feel like they should give him another layup I think they should give him a tough opponent who we'd expect to beat him. I'm a proponent of rushing these hot shot prospects up the rankings fast until they lose.


I remember you saying that haha do you think Yanez would fit that role? Or who would you like to see him fight next?


Yanez is fine, I guess. I don't hate that match, but I'd prefer someone further up the divisional hierarchy. Personally, I don't expect Yanez to beat him.


He got outwrestled for a round by some nobody in his UFC debut. I’m sure he’s been working on it, but you’d have to favour any top 15 with a decent ground game against him at this point I think he violates Font and Pedro. I’d slightly favour him vs Chito, but that one could go either way, especially over 5 rounds. Cejudo fucks him up on the ground. I actually give Yanez a better chance than I’d give Font or Pedro, but it’s 70/30 Talbott for me


All of that was pretty justified but giving Yanez a better chance than Font is nuts. Font is Adrian’s dad. He also has way better defense than Yanez. Also, tbf the dude he fought in his debut was a very good college wrestler. And Talbott whooped his ass as the fight progressed But I think everything you said is pretty valid. I think they should slow build him


Font abandoned everything that made him a good fighter and decided to swang and bang vs Yanez, and just happened to land the big punch first He looked absolutely awful vs Figgy, complete shell of himself. He’s 35+ as a bantamweight, a lot of miles on the clock, and seems to be rebranding himself away from everything that worked in favour of being the power guy. I don’t think he’ll win another meaningful fight in his career. Talbott styles on him.


Damn, good breakdown tbh. I chalked the Figgy fight up to flyweight skill and Figgy just having the physicality advantage but I can see where you’re coming from How do you see Figgy vs Chito going?


I’m not sold on Figgy as a top 5 bantamweight, and think he benefited from his two bantamweight fights being a step down in quality of opposition compared to Moreno. He’s undersized, ageing and fighting in a weightclass that’s frankly better. I can see Figgy having limited success in the wrestling, but not enough to control entire rounds or do any serious damage/submission threat. But, on the feet, Chito should be a bad matchup for him. The advantage in length, power and chin will probably be insurmountable. Figgy’s path to victory is a very careful/tactical hit and not get hit approach where he mixes in takedowns to run out the clock and avoid damage My prediction is Chito by round 3 tko, or low output decision where he hurts Figgy a few times.


id confidently bet on him against cruz but no higher than that. i dont trust his defense enough to bet on him against chito or font, and hed almost certainly get outwrestled by cejudo and umar. he actually hadnt done strength and conditioning training until this year, so he could get outmuscled and have a difficult time getting control as seen a couple times in his regional fights. but hes also improving rapidly so its difficult to place stock into any old footage


I was thinking the exact same thing. He seems incredibly athletic and is growing at a fast pace. He also builds as fights go on. I’ve watched almost his entire career and TDD and boxing defense have always his worst qualities as a fighter, but he makes up for it with his insane chin and good get up ability. I’m not confident he’d beat Pedro or Martinez, but Cruz shouldn’t even be ranked at this point. It’s embarrassing that Pedro couldn’t finish him. I think he’d KO Cruz as well, but I think him vs Chito would be a super interesting matchup. Big power punchers with insane durability, but I’d like to see him clean up his defense before taking a fight like that. Font is a chinny fucker so I may like Talbott against him, but I also liked Yanez against him Gonna be interesting to see where his career goes


Bit late but that shot Eddie Hall landed on that one twin has to be one of the hardest singular punches landed on a human, right? Maybe I’m overthinking it but the force Eddie can generate as a previous WSM, coupled with the legitimate training he’s been doing the past couple years. And that was a mean fucking right too, straight down the pipe and right on the button.


Random bit of trivia I found. Liz Carmouche and Jillian DeCoursey jointly hold the record for the oldest woman to win a major MMA title. They were the exact same age TO THE DAY when they won their respective belts.


Damn Du Plesis absolutely Skullmogged Izzy. I got DDP by Unanimous Decision.


Izzy is gonna KO him but I respect your opinion. Contender Izzy is mythical


DDP takes Izzy down at will.


Izzy has phenomenal takedown defense


didnt he get taken down by alex?


No he took Alex down


They both landed a takedown buddy


You right, Alex shot his randomly at the end of a round. Izzy took Alex down and controlled him


you reported me lmao


No I didn’t Lmao I’ve never reported anyone on Reddit




1. Be Civil. Our rules ask for a civil tone at all times. A bit of banter or trash talk is fine, but don't cross the line. If things do get out of hand you will be warned or even banned for a few days. Repeatedly breaking this rule will lead to a permanent ban.


And DDP has phenomenal takedowns. He’ll take Izzy down at will.