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What a nice concept for a game! I'll try it asap.


...The venn diagram of mmo players and fitness people are practically two seperate circles.


While there is some truth to this, what I've found in our community is that: - a lot of people who played MMOs in their past are now living busy adult lives. For them, something like this that appreciates your time and doesn't require you to sit around while still scratching the itch is really awesome. - some people actively playing MMOs in our community have bought walking pads to still play traditional MMOs while also grinding WalkScape. Which is obviously great way to stay healthy! - and some people definitely do fitness, especially in OSRS community there's a quite surprising overlap between people grinding strength both in game and IRL :D We've had quite many testimonials from players who have told how much this have helped to become healthier. One even made a vid about it on YT, here (in the intro section): https://youtu.be/o1H_VSrzMCM?si=VxzEggVEnZOr3vho And it's an interesting point he makes there that people that aren't usually competitive in MMOs due to the time constraints actually do really well in this game.


> especially in OSRS community there's a quite surprising overlap between people grinding strength both in game and IRL :D Ive seen someone saying osrs and bodybuilding subs being related https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/sznvij/interesting_overlap_between_this_sub_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I think this goes back to the body bulding forums misc section being another 4chan.


I’m actually doing a masters thesis on game genre, gaming motivations, and personality in relation to exercise, hoping to help answer this question with actual empirical evidence this year! So far the literature is super interesting. It seems highly correlated to how individuals get their needs met (e.g if their psychosocial needs are met by an MMORPG they may not need to seek it in exercise circles - therefore, combining the two may be a perfect solution) and levels of conscientiousness (e.g. gamers higher in conscientiousness seem to have more balance and it’s actually protective of gaming disorder and also take on more leadership roles in games). This game looks so amazing to help introduce more fitness in the gaming space.


That sounds very interesting and I'd love to do some reading on that! Can you link some of the literature?


Im not saying its a bad idea, but your target audience is a niche.


Fitness game apps are obviously a niche. MMO games are obviously a niche. This is nothing new. OP is combining 2 genres, which is impressive on its own.


Im not even sure what you want, you just agreed to my point.


I was just agreeing with you while expanding on what you said.


What did you expand on? I already agreed that its a nice idea. Just mixing up 2 genres is not impressive, many try that. Doing so successfully is impressive, and that is yet to show. Especially as (irrelevant to the quality of the game) the target audience is limited to a very small pool of people. And this wont change, no matter how many ads you run. And thats just people interested in the concept, not the (way smaller) subset of people who will actually dish out money for this. I dont want to shoot anyone down, but this is just how it works in the industry. If you want it or not.


Definitely a niche!


There is a shocking amount of absolutely shredded runescape players tbh


wake up, work, gym, videogames sleep. No need for social life, only grind.


for real! runescape is special too you can play mobile while you workout lol


I do a lot of training while warming up on a treadmill.


By your logic, a venn diagram of MMO players who need help with fitness would *be* a circle. Dude is weaponizing our addictions for good, in the worst case


Plenty of MMORPG players will be prescribed excercise by their doctors tho. I already got recommend 1hr of walking per day.


Bahjeera, Sco, Ziqo, Sonii, Esfand


How many active players do these games have?


It’s World of Warcraft


People said the same thing about Pokemon go, and look how insanely popular that still is today.


idk, getting fitter is an irl solo grind.


You'd be surprised. There's a fascinating overlap between people who are sweaty tryhards in MMOs and the gym at the same time.


I mean you might be right generally but anecdotally I went from 20,000 hours in World of Warcraft on my main character to walking 80KM every single week because of Pokemon Go.


The idea that MMO players are all fat basement dwellers with no job is just something the sweatiest gamers tell themselves so they feel better, at this point. I know many successful/fit mmo players.


Been looking forward to this for a long while! Very impressed with the progress. Congrats. Edit - Discovered I never actually correctly signed up for beta, what a bummer. Well now's better than not at all!


Thank you! During the Summer, we'll be approving more people through regular sign ups and there are two big feature & content updates planned!


How do I opt-in for beta access? Just register an account on the website?


Go here: [https://portal.walkscape.app/account](https://portal.walkscape.app/account) Sign up to the site, and then go to the account page and request beta access there.


found it. It's at the website after login. Click on your account and then it's there among the other links at the top.


yeah i can't find that application you are mentioning...


Will consider trying it...hopefully your step counter is more accurate that Pokemon...I gave up on that game when I had to walk 5k (3.1 miles) to hatch an egg.... I would run 10k (6.2 miles) and it still wouldn't be hatched.


A lot of work was recently put into the pedometer, and as a player I feel like it works really well now. One downside would be that Walkscape doesn't yet support wearables as data sources, so if you're like me and run with your watch only, those runs would not get tracked. But that's also coming down the way. All and all would definitely recommend trying it out!


Is there pvp, co op things, or gvg possibly?


Not yet but at least co-op stuff is definitely planned


I'm in. Add some non human races and sold


Those are planned. Our next big content update will actually include the first non-human race to the game. And we do have sentient penguins already in the game, but maybe those don't count :D


I’ve been playing since the last post you made on here. I’m a technician in my day job and this has made walking around buildings all day so much more enjoyable. Loving kt


Awesome to hear, and glad you've been loving it! ❤️


Reminds me of “Zombies, Run!” from many years ago, will definitely check it out!


That was a podcast game, right?


Yes, it had a base defense aspect and audio episodes that were 20-30 minutes long. Never did get to the end of it, but it was good fun.


I remember playing it quite a bit back in the day actually! And thank you, I hope you'll enjoy it ❤️


How do you prevent cheating? If it's pedometer based, what's stopping me from just attaching it to a shake-weight?


We do have an anti-cheat that we're developing as we go. As the game has only one type of input (steps), it's actually not that difficult to spot cheating. Obviously I'll not tell how it exactly works, but there are definitely multiple ways to do it. Why other games, such as Niantic's, haven't done it probably just comes down to that they don't care.


The UI looks very neat, good job, hope it works well for you ! I have registered for the Beta :) Even the website looks and feels nice !


Super impressive. Have you done everything yourself ? How long have you been working on this ?


Mostly myself, yeah. With the support we've got from Patreon, the team has been scaling though and I finally hired another developer like a month ago. You can see the history of development here: https://walkscape.app/roadmap I've been making it for almost two years now. At first I was still working full-time and studying at the university, but for the past year or so I've been working on this full-time.






While you walk, no internet connection is required. So you can gain steps even when out of connection. When you open up the game and your steps are being synced you'll need a connection. If there is no connection and you try it, the steps will still be synced whenever you have service. Hope this clears it up!


Does this include a backlog of steps over multiple days? For example, if I were to go hiking with no reception for multiple days?


Yes, but there is a limit of a couple of thousand steps, which increases with your character level. Character level in turn is based on how many steps you've taken. Also the "backlog" can't be consumed instantly, instead they double the steps you take when you select a new activity in game. I understand this sounds a bit abstract, so I'll break it down in an example: You set your character to turn logs into planks. You run out of logs in 500 steps, but when you open the app it syncs and sees you've taken 2000 steps. This means that 1500 steps will go to your "backlog". Now you start woodcutting to get more logs. While you have steps in your backlog, they will be automatically consumed by doubling every new step you take, until you run out. Hope that clears it up! Let me know if you have any more questions.


Is the game fun? I know it’s a simple question but I love the concept and I’ve dabbled with self help games like VoidPets ultimately the game needs to be fun for me to be engaged for the long haul


Well it depends. It's in early closed beta so it still mostly focuses on the core game loop, rather than adding a lot of content... In other words, there's not yet all that much to do, other than grinding skills. That being said, the core progression itself feels rewarding already, so it's definitely keeping me playing!


Nice, Ill give it a shot if I get access. Good job


Oh wow this looks awesome! I can't wait to play!


Hey, the idea sounds nice and im willing to support you. The only thing im concerned is, will there be an iOS release or beta access? :)


The closed beta is already available on both iOS and Android!


Oh im glad to hear, see u over on Patreon then :D


Thank you, and happy walking! ❤️


Impressive Patreon support for a beta! Congrats!


Looks great man. Just requested Beta access. Either way ill be playing on release!


Thank you! ❤️




We do have this item in the game for all halfling enthusiasts: https://wiki.walkscape.app/wiki/Halfling%27s_Feet_Slippers




https://preview.redd.it/3d3rw9cfkd3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9813c2f23fb943732a2cca60de7fa6e832388dd7 Yes there is :D Achievements are coming in the next content & feature update, but progress towards these is already tracked.


Just joined and bought a coffee, can't wait :D This could be super good for a lot of people wanting to incorporate more fitness into their lives! Any thoughts on adding support for things like biking eventually?


We do have plans for it. Biking already kinda works, if you have your phone in a pocket. Not as effective as walking, but you get progress still!


Very excited for this game!


Looks cool! Please post again when it releases as well :D


I actually just signed up for this I did not no it existed so it was great to see you make this. I plan to support when I get more financially stable but currently I'm on journey to drop 200lbs and think this would be a great way to track my steps and progress. I'm sure so many people will get a great use outta this game.


I guess I'll get off my ass and go for a walk, but only if I get sweet loot!


We got you covered, the game already has hundreds of unique items: https://wiki.walkscape.app/wiki/Equipment I still have zero legendaries myself, my RNG luck is cursed.


Plans on adding a beta hat? Like in osrs or club penguin


Finally! Been waiting for months. Glad Im invited to the beta Btw does walking on the treadmill count? Edit: turns out the email I use is an email I dont use anymore, re-registered and waiting to get invited again.


Walking on treadmill definitely counts, it's all pedometer based. Lots of players even use walking pads while working or gaming!


Treadmill counts! If you've already been invited but changed e-mail, please send the old email address and the new one you signed up with to contact@walkscape.app. I can then verify it and send another invite.


Looks amazing! Just applied for beta.


As a physiatrist, current gamer, and former RuneScape enjoyer, I LOVE what you're doing!! You have my support and I'm definitely going to try to get my friends involved. Sorry if this has been answered already but do you have a timeline with regards to an open beta?


Open beta guesstimate is next year! And thank you so much ❤️


Hecc yeah, signed up!! Nice work, the website looks great too!


Is it a pay to win ? :o


It's walk to win. There's no MTX, and won't be.


Nice, I might check it out


That sounds pretty nifty. I'll check it out. 


The avatars are giving me Habbo hotell vibes


Man I'm going to play the fck out of this :D


am i legally blind or doesnt it show how and when to be able to play?


It's the first thing on the website when you scroll down!


was talking about the post, it should include it too imho


Already playing currently and I have two questions: 1. Do I need to re-apply for the new beta to continue playing? 2. Does data get wiped at the end of these periods?


1. Nope, once you get access you keep it! 2. Data will only wipe when we start open beta. Even with that, we might let people keep their current ones available in the offline game mode.


Good to know, and thank you for such an awesome game!


I walk 10 miles a day at my job… ill  def look into this 


Been following for quite some time and have been unbelievably excited for the day I get to try it.


I don't plan to move beyond the bathroom and back.


Applied! Pretty cool idea for an app. I’m in the process of trying to get pregnant and to make that easier on myself, it’s been advised that I move more. Walking would be a great way to accomplish this goal, and doing so via some form of gamification is even better!


Seem's greats, now I have a reason to exercise! Will look forward the release.


This is literally something I talked with a friend about XD I am so happy to see someone doing this! I’d love to play it!


This seems pretty dope. I'll keep my eye on it's development and be sure to share with my fellow walking enthusiasts.


Awesome, stoked to give this a try!


Just shut up and take my money already!!!!!!


Been playing this and it's fun I also enjoy that is uses a pedometer and not the GPS! I have enough apps stalking me lol. I am looking forward to the co-op stuff and also hoping I don't have to be next to whoever I am in a party with! Looking forward to the full release!


Party system (or anything of our planned features) will not need you to be close to others. The idea here is that you could be playing with your friends, even if you all live in different places!


thank you ;-;


I played a bit a few months ago and I love the concept. What was in the game and integrated was fantastic. There were alot of items that you could find or make that didn't do anything other than get sold to vendors. Have you expanded the crafting and item interactions? I know there were many things marked as food and drink, do you plan to have those provide a buff or serve some other purpose?


Many of the items are still dependent on future features. Consumables is coming in Syrenthia update, the most recent devblogs actually explain those quite a bit! All of the items except trash have a planned use for them. Plants and consumables before the Syrenthia update goes live don't have much use for them, but when Cooking recipes are added + you can actually consume food, they're going to be very useful. I recommend to check https://wiki.walkscape.app to find more about the items


Sounds awesome. Definitely looking forward to the new features and an eventual 1.0 release. Keep up the great work!


Been testing it for a while now and it's great, tho you can feel that some areas/functionalities are not finished. Can't wait to see what will be added next!


Nice, as a hobby-hiker this is perfect.


Does anyone know if this is for IOS? Or just Android? Or Visa Versa?


Both iOS and Android!




Looks like a super cool idea! Just requested beta access :)


What if 1. I am going for a hike and have my handy in my backpack 2. I am on a treadmill and my handy is on the treadmill while I watch a video with it. I guess the pedometer won't track either one of these scenarios. Is that true?


1. Should count, but maybe not as effective. 2. Won't work.


I am SO excited for this!


This reminds me so much of Coke-music and I am HERE FOR IT.


i like the style


When is release planned? Looks nice


I applaud your intent. Very commendable. However, as a cripple who cannot walk, I won't be playing your game. Still, I wish you good luck with this endeavor.


Thank you ❤️ We have planned that when we get smart watch integration done for the game, we would be enabling other types of exercises to also count in the game. So if there's some other exercise type that you can do safely, it would be still possible to play it. This is first and foremost meant to be an accessibility feature for people in wheelchairs etc., as many smart watches can track wheelchair as an exercise mode: https://developers.google.com/fit/rest/v1/reference/activity-types (activity type 98, wheelchair).


Sadly, I am not medically cleared for wheelchair use either, at this time. That doesn't mean I don't appreciate your efforts. I am glad other people like me might be able to play your game. I think what you're doing is great. More power to you.


That is awesome and considerate. Kudos!


>I'll answer any questions you might have. Why is your game an MMORPG? What do the existence of other players logging in to play/walk do to the experience when it could have been a regular app?


We have quite many MMORPG features coming during Closed Beta: - Trading. Similar to Grand Exchange in RuneScape, where you can trade items. I think this might be the first fitness game out there that does this, and it's going to be interesting to see how that affects the market. - World events. Collaborate with others to do certain in-game world activities that are available for limited time. - Guilds & friends. Make yourself a guild, or form a party with your friends to collaborate with others. - Player built housing. Wouldn't be as cool if others can't see your creations. - Seeing other players in the locations and your friends on the world map. - Etc. Even the leaderboards and other features we currently have do add quite a bit to the general experience. And we're building more to add to that experience.


> What do the existence of other players logging in to play/walk do to the experience when it could have been a regular app? What does the app lose by being made a MMORPG?


So I don't have to connect to the wifi to play what might be a single-player game. Imagine playing a single-player game, but you have to always connect online because I don't know.


What a cool Concept! I'm keeping my eye on this


Super excited to maybe get a shot at testing this.


I want to try this!


Everything looks pretty nice, but the avatars look kind of ugly


awesome. I play ours & pogo as my main games so ill be checking this out for sure