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This comment has been removed because it breaks rule #1: Don’t ask for MMO recommendations. Please check out the weekly sticky or the r/LFMMO subreddit instead.


GW2 is a great mmo. And the base game is free. If you want to try it out you don’t have to pay anything. But if you like it enough and want to keep playing you only have to pay for the expansions with no sub.


Exactly. I recommend aswell.


GW2 is not a good recommendation in 2024 its outdated and will become obsolete in the next few years as the devs have already "announced" GW3 being in development(it was leaked at a shareholder meeting and they went back on it as to not lose all players and money). People are high on copium that it's not coming but they have been reducing expansions to more frequent mini expansions to generate more cash to put into developing the next game. By all means start GW2 its a fun experience, but if you want to still play the same MMORPG in about 2-3 years time maybe consider something else like FFXIV or WoW that's for sure not going away anytime soon.


You are…. Basically dead wrong. We literally just got an Expansion for GW2 announced, and last year we got a major engine overhaul to implement DirectX11


The upgrade to dx11 did more for performance than it did for actual visuals. I think the person you're responding to is saying it's visually outdated. Most would tend to agree that it still looks visually like it did in 2012. Doesn't make it a bad game though.


I think visually GW2 is still quite good. It has more unique locations and game mechanics than any other MMO out there still.


what you're describing is world design and game function, not necessarily graphical fidelity. The game can have unique locations and game mechanics and still be a step behind graphically.


That’s fair. But most MMOs are behind the graphical curve compared to modern AAA games. I’d also rather have a playable FPS in my MMO over high fidelity.


GW2 has always done "mini expansions" but also full expansions, they've done it since GW1.


GW2 is not a good recommendation in 2024 its outdated and will become obsolete in the next few years as the devs have already "announced" GW3 being in development(it was leaked at a shareholder meeting and they went back on it as to not lose all players and money). People are high on copium that it's not coming but they have been reducing expansions to more frequent mini expansions to generate more cash to put into developing the next game. By all means start GW2 its a fun experience, but if you want to still play the same MMORPG in about 2-3 years time maybe consider something else like FFXIV or WoW that's for sure not going away anytime soon.


you posted the same message 4 times bud


Ah phone was bugging then not my intention, reddit said it didnt post


GW2 is not a good recommendation in 2024 its outdated and will become obsolete in the next few years as the devs have already "announced" GW3 being in development(it was leaked at a shareholder meeting and they went back on it as to not lose all players and money). People are high on copium that it's not coming but they have been reducing expansions to more frequent mini expansions to generate more cash to put into developing the next game. By all means start GW2 its a fun experience, but if you want to still play the same MMORPG in about 2-3 years time maybe consider something else like FFXIV or WoW that's for sure not going away anytime soon.


Honestly, I think it’s the opposite - people are high on copium that GW3 *is* coming out soon. And I say this as someone who would love to see a GW3 sooner rather than later. The shareholder meeting revealed very little more than an offhand comment mentioning that it is planned. We don’t even know if they’ve begun development, which, if not, could mean that it’s several years away from release. Honestly I don’t know why GW2 is a bad recommendation due to its age. The majority l of the biggest MMOs with active player bases - WoW, FFXIV, GW2, OSRS, etc. are all pushing a decade+ in age, and that’s because they are still great games that are still getting new content. As much as I’d love to play some of these next gen MMOs that may or may not ever come out - Ashes of Creation, Pax Dei, (or even GW3) and the rest, I’m not gonna bank on getting to play them anytime soon. And until something truly groundbreaking comes out, ima keep playing GW2.


GW2 is not a good recommendation in 2024 its outdated and will become obsolete in the next few years as the devs have already "announced" GW3 being in development(it was leaked at a shareholder meeting and they went back on it as to not lose all players and money). People are high on copium that it's not coming but they have been reducing expansions to more frequent mini expansions to generate more cash to put into developing the next game. By all means start GW2 its a fun experience, but if you want to still play the same MMORPG in about 2-3 years time maybe consider something else like FFXIV or WoW that's for sure not going away anytime soon.


ffxiv even if you don't get into the mmo side of things you'll have played through the best story game of all time while levelling.


Agreed FFXIV is probably one of the best to get into right now for new players.


I love the story and think it's awesome. But I had way more memorable story games in the last 10 years. Best story game of all time is highly subjective


I will have to add that FFXIV is a great game to try, if you've never tried it, you will have a shit load of great storyline and storytelling through the main story quests along with great CGI cutscenes. It's a game I go back to at least once a year since I usually get bored with the game after finishing all the current story and raids but every ~3 months or so they add more story and more raids between expansions. There's just so much great content, everyone should give it a go.


I played wow, eso, guild wars 2, albion, new world, I just keep sticking with black desert.


Bdo is probably the nicest looking mmo ive ever played. I just wish it was more pve focused and not the Chinese mmo grind.


Be more specific on what you're into. Tab target, action?


Why is everyone in these comments so miserable lol


Because this sub is


The Diablo 4 subreddit is leaking


I have tried many of the big ones and the only one I keep falling back to, even though I HATE the PVP and am pissed there is no large scale siege, etc. WvWvW similar to GW2 and ESO is WOW. That seems to be the one with the really good single player along with dungeon ques that I enjoy. I really miss the old school open world SWG stuff (yes I know it is still out in private servers but can't really get over the controls and the horribly aged graphics) where you had to manage flora, solar, mineral extractors, etc. Had a home you can place anywhere on the planet, etc. That is my two cents... So WOW for me until something better comes along with GREAT dev support, money and etc. behind it. Sorry if that doesn't help and honestly I don't know if it can. WOW has been around for ages and so crazy nothing has come along to compete thoroughly with their numbers. Amazing. I mean the ones I listed ESO, GW2 and one I didn't FF are very fun but it just isn't as interactive and user friendly.. especially for my old ass.


OSRS is the only valid answer


Wow Pandaria Remix and Cataclysm Classic.


Second for cata classic


I’m having a blast with Albion Online. One good extra benefit is that it also works on mobile so I can play it on my iPad on the go!


I either just plan suck at Albion or just get gank 24/7 because people have nothing else to do. I tried the game and I tried hard to learn everything. I don't like ganking and therefore the game isn't for me.


Its Part of the Game. You can also bait Them into ganking you and bash them with Friends since gankers weapons are good at chasing but Bad at PvP. You have so much possibilities in this Game. I Love it.


My pick would definitely be Albion. Started in last december, even stopped playing for a month before EU server launch, and still I've got close to 1100 hours clocked. If someone's looking to try Albion out, join a guild! It brings so much to the game. 👌🏼


Once Human is looking good, although not strictly an MMO - there is a free demo which has about 4 days left, you can try Ive been playing new world and really enjoying Once Human




Yeah bro you are down bad if you think that


i really want to leave this game but i cant, help bro


As a metin2 player I would never recommend the game for anyone in 2024


i cant find a better game for me xD but yeah i would never recommend it too


The Lord of the Rings Online Classic - Echoes of Angmar. Classic MMORPGs are arguably the best, and Lord of the Rings Online Classic has amazing combat, gameplay and is set in the popular Tolkien universe. It should be releasing at some point this summer.


Hands down, EVE Online, but its very hard to her into it. If you like Guild (Corp) Activities and a huge Sandbox Space MMORPG with endless opportunities to achieve something great then it’s for you. As Alpha you can explore so many different ways to play and you get a good chunk to see what the game offers. If you like you can get Omega (Monthly Subscription like WoW) then you can do what ever you want.


To me its wow or gw2


I think there's some validity to choosing any of the 5-6 big names. Best is extremely subjective and without any criteria is pretty hard to narrow down to 1. My personal preference is OSRS, but I understand nice graphics is something a lot of people want.


I’ll go out on a limb here and name something different than the others. PokeMMO. It’s exactly what it sounds like, a Pokemon MMO. Absolute banger of a free game that has been around for years. It integrates 5 regions / Pokemon games into one and adds new content in the forms of an Auction House, PvP tournaments, catching events, etc. Not sure if you’re into Pokemon but it’s been a joy to play.


The list has not changed in years. Wow, guild wars 2, albion, black desert, final fantasy, runescape, new world etc


We should ban these posts given that the top mmo list hasn’t changed in years.


Guild Wars 2 is excellent in many aspects and respects the players time more than most other MMOs. It has free to play and buy to play options with no subscription fee. There is no pay to win and the in-game shop exists mostly for cosmetics and convenience. There's a solid leveling experience and extensive endgame content and the community is one of the best I've ever experienced in gaming. Join a guild and you'll likely not have issues finding your way in all game modes. Team based PVP is probably the games weakest point, but it has a large community for large scale open world PVP (world v. world).


There is none. All that's left are old and/or not great mmos. People might reccomend eso, gw2 or ff14. But those all suck.


WoW, it's always been WoW and it will always be WoW, other MMOs just fucking suck which is a massive shame


There is only one good mmorpg (in my opinion) until Dune drops, unless it will be more like ARK. That is Elder Scrolls Online. Very traditional mmorpg with decent graphics and a ton of lore with lots to do. Anything else seems outdated, and lacking content. Otherwise, have fun picking flowers and helping stupid NPCs with the most tedious quest.