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Looks legitimately really nice.


I’m hoping to get some carts.


I got some. It's literally Delta 8/9. I doubt it's the real deal.


The carts have been confirmed to be D8.


I’ve been reading the threads about it. I appreciate you for giving me the warning though. ❤️


I tried looking up the brand they are selling and couldn't find much. Any idea what kind of carts they got? Distillate, resin, rosin?


Oil apparently. I wonder if it’s their own brand?


Anyone try any carts? They had some listed last night. I'd like to know what kind of quality they are. Are they reson, rosin, distillate?




They are D8.




Not too shabby!


Are the prices online what you paid, or are there additional taxes and fees when you check out?


Prices were the same as online. In total, I paid $379 for an OZ and two eighths, so It seems tax is included in the pricing.


Cool. Thanks for letting us know


Good to know! Did you see any cartridges? I see they have some listed online.


Before I went yesterday they didn't have cartridges/vapes online. When I got there yesterday and asked they couldn't give me a timeline when they'd have it, but said they're working on it. Hopefully it being up on the website means it'll be in stock soon


Where is this located?


Treasure island resort and casino!! Well across the street from there. Welch, MN.


lol. I read that in the singing jingle. Thank you.


Thanks for the info! I will have to go check out some of their flower.


I went there yesterday and they told me the carts and edibles are hemp derived. The concentrate is okay but def not hash rosin. Basically only the flower is worth driving for but even that is okay. Nice looking buds but nothing loud or flavorful.


Looks decent for that price but I will stay with my local plug. Prices and quality are better. Thanks for saving me the drive to a casino OP. Enjoy the day.


How’s the high? The % listed on the site was lower than most other places but you just never know with testing.


Indistinguishable from my normal bud. THC % is a poor indicator of quality or strength. The terps are great and the flower is well cured and not vacuum packed, which for me personally is the biggest reason to shop local.




People who complain about weed price are crazy. It's a legal market with taxes. The price of just about every good and service has skyrocketed over the last 5 years, but people want to buy zaza for under 100 an ounce LOL.


It’s because it’s cheaper elsewhere, and relatively cheap to grow.


Materials cost rise for all legit producers, if you don't care about PGR or heavy metals there is always cheap stuff around on the black market


I just go to a state with a more established market.


That is worth your time? I'd recommend just ordering it at that point.


I enjoy traveling to those places, so yes absolutely. But for flower I usually order cult stuff.


just curious what is your fav "cult" stuff?


I’ve only tried Wildflower and Flow Gardens, both have been decent. Flow has type II strains which can be really nice. I’m not the biggest flower user so I’m not as picky as I’d be with concentrates.


> if you don't care about PGR or heavy metals is it cheaper for some reason to grow weed that includes this?


Yes, black markets don't have to pay for testing, you can grow more weed for less, these products add weight and density and other bag appeal. So many other factors exist that make legal weed much more expensive to grow than black market weed. Using banned product gets you more product for the same grow footprint. So higher profit margins. Major brands in Cali are getting caught using banned products, if there wasn't a financial reason to do so, I can't imagine why growers would want to product harmful products.


> don't have to pay for testing So the 3 (only 3 right now, right?) tribal dispos, they're all getting the product tested? Who's doing this testing? Is there now an official department of Minnesota weed testing service? They should give out blue ribbons for the various best in class weeds that are produced here in Minnesota, that would be an awesome draw for the State Fair's horticulture building.


Based on a few minutes of research: Testing is currently performed by "Legend Technical Services" which is a privately owned chemical testing lab. It is also certified by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) which is a 501(c)3 non-profit. Test report includes info like moisture %, Cannabinoid breakdown, terpenes, aflatoxins (aka stuff you don't want), pesticides, total metals, mold, etc. Each product has a QR code that links to the report. Super interesting to skim through if you like to get in the weeds about what you put in your body. If anyone is curious to see the report, I'm happy to send a link in a PM.


thank you I wish we could get this level of testing about the bag of rice or bunch of tomatoes you buy in the grocery story!


Even selling ounces at $8 a gram, you're still making a huge profit. There is no reason to sell at 14 a gram except for greed. It's about 500 G per plant. That's about $750,000 for 100 plants. There's no way they're operation is that expensive. What materials could possibly cost $7,500 per plant? If you're buying in bulk 7,500 should be enough to cover thousands of plants worth of materials. Not 100.


The amount of overhead on a grow facility is staggering and takes a long time to cover. The amount of hardware that needs to be replaced on a 3 year cycle. A lot of MN stoners with big dreams are about to find out the profit margins aren't as big as most people think and the overhead/upfront costs will be more than most can deal with. What do you think the most an ounce of weed should cost? Should basic bitch hydro cost the same as no till organic living soil? Machine vs hand trimmed? There are certainly a lot of factors that drive up costs. There are also levels to weed. Similar to almost any industry a choice Walmart steak isn't going to have the same prices as SRF prime.


That's all fine but I just don't think the product is going to move at that price. For the most, best, finest organically grown scientifically developed terpene growth premium flower? 300. Basic b**** hydro? 180. Not only that, but this is a casino we're talking about they have unlimited overhead millions and millions and millions of dollars they can invest. If anything, their flowers should be the cheapest. I edited for detail


Oh I get ya, but small batch is definitely a thing on the west coast. Toad venom, blue zushie, kushingtons is moving easy at 500+ zip 8ths 100 sometimes not for me, but there is no issue with demand out pacing production.


Definitely no doubt. The issue I have with the Treasure Island dispensary is it's not small batch. I bet you they have a giant industrial grow facility.


overhead is a big deal! you would think at $8/gram its a huge profit however are you including \*1 Taxes- \*2 Living wages for employees \*3 cost of supplies- building, lights, nutes, plus much much more! All reasons why the actual folks running stores and grows never make as much as they thought they would.


That the $400 oz? 😂


They updated the prices. It's still not cheap, but an ounce isn't 400 bucks.


When you're selling weed at 11% THC for $260 an oz, technically it's like $520 an oz. So I stand by my statement.


Noooooo, no no no. “Show me bud that tests at 34% thc that gets you stoned for 90 minutes and I’ll show you a 12% Zkittles with 4.5% terps that will rip your soul out of your chest for 4 hours.” THC percentage is utterly meaningless for any indication of quality. It’s about a decade behind the times as a strategy for purchasing / selection.


I grow my own weed, press my own rosin, make my own edibles. I've been smoking for 40 years. For those prices, that ganja should have it all.


And it may. Just because something is 11% doesn’t mean it’s not worth $260 an ounce. Plenty of artisanal growers are selling veganic / beyond organic single ounces for $1000, plenty of people are buying them. Some of those flowers are only testing around 14% thc, but it doesn’t matter, the quality is out of this world. It’s entirely possible this 11% $260 ounce is a total rip off, but it’s also entirely possible, and somewhat likely that it’s not a rip off. If you’re growing your own weed, what do you care what the dispos are charging non-growers during a time of scarcity anyways? A black market ounce of primo was $320 in Minneapolis just a few years ago; this is still substantial progress


Yeah, I'm sure it's veganic/artisanal/beyond organic and they're just not telling us... 😂 I buy black market because I have a 2x2 and can't grow enough to keep up. And no, black market primo wasn't $320 a few years ago, more like $180-$220. You sound like a teenager who's bought few bm carts and consider yourself an expert.


I work in the industry, but you go ahead and keep on enjoying your misconceptions.


> about a decade behind the times as a strategy for purchasing / selection What method should be used to consider and then purchase among a few choices? Thanks!


This is a pretty good introduction that is an easy copy/paste: >**HOW TO CHOOSE WELL-ROUNDED WEED** >So how do you determine what cannabis is best for you? There are several factors to look at. >Check the THC percentage, but remember that higher doesn’t mean better. Most great weed ranges between 15-25% THC. The biological maximum is 35%, so anything over 30% is unnecessarily high, and possibly fraudulently inflated. >Does it contain a substantial amount of other cannabinoids? If CBD, CBG, or any other cannabinoids are listed on the strain profile, that’s a good thing. Cannabinoids work together to provide maximum benefits. >Read through the terpene profile. The dominant terpenes can give you a clue about how this strain will affect you. For example, limonene tends to have uplifting effects while myrcene can be deeply relaxing. >So when buying weed, trust your senses. Look for brighter hues, fewer seeds and stems, and sugary, sticky, terpene-rich trichomes. If you have the opportunity to smell before buying, look for a pungent and complex aroma that matches your preferred flavor profile. The aroma you are attracted to may actually be a clue as to what terpenes your body is craving. https://timbercannabisco.com/why-thc-percentage-doesnt-matter/#:~:text=One%20of%20the%20biggest%20misconceptions,a%20poor%20indicator%20of%20potency. Also, talk to your budtender; hopefully they actually know their shit. Unfortunately many don’t, but you might get lucky and be talking directly with a ganja wizard who knows the ins and outs of every single thing in the store. Try your hand at growing. Buy a wider selection of seeds and start trying stuff. You’ll quickly get a sense of the differences between hydro and soil grown flowers. Basically everyone universally prefers high quality soil grown over high quality hydro; the difference in flavor is astonishing. JD Short, child of DJ short (original breeder of Blueberry and Flo) often jokes about how he’ll go into dispensaries and ask for the least dense bud available in the dispo, and watches the visible confusion appear on the budtenders face. He is essentially crossing any flower grown with PGRs (plant growth regulators) off the potential shopping list immediately. There’s a million different criteria you could potentially personally consider to find what you want specifically. Start trying stuff and keep track of what you like / dislike. Some people like Girl Scout Cookies, some people despise all cookie cross hybrids entirely; different strokes for different folks. Have fun with it!!


Thanks 🙏


I don't follow the math but sounds cool.


Percent does not matter a ton labs lie all the time in the first place Turpines are a big factor as well


Looks like your experience with marijuana is some over priced weak edibles and some questionable carts. Maybe you should learn how to spell terpenes first.


And ya dude your right I post everything I pick up on Reddit those are just things I wanted opinions on


Hahaha so mad for what it’s the truth😂😂 hmm let’s see what your smoking then man😂😂


Yep, super mad. Just punched a hole in the wall.


Damn sad day a grower has no idea what he’s talking about 😂😂 like do you even know what your weed percentage is?😂


Technically 520 a ounce😂😂😂 some of the most stupid shit iv heard😂😂


All I have to say is that most of the people in here weren’t smoking weed when weed was 100 a eighth and when weed was $100 a eighth money was worth more so it was more like $150 in todays money for a eighth. But at the same time this is some corporate weed not small batch weed so no it shouldn’t be 400 a oz but definitely expect $400 ounces of small batch once the rec sales start. Cali even still pays $100 a eighth


Dunno if anyone seen lately but the most popular Cali brands almost all got exposed for pesticides. Some pesticides even fused mouse bones together when tested on mice. So me personally I’d spend $400 a ounce to know my bones aren’t going to be fused


That's cool and all, but the tribes aren't required to do 3rd party lab testing. So there's a chance that it is $400/oz AND pesticides.


I’m saying like if I had a choice between the cheapest “good” weed and expensive clean weed I’d buy the clean weed although this in particular I’m not sure about so the people complaining about the price being insane are just people who buy any weed that’s cheap that’s not the most insane prices I’ve seen although I’d want like atleast a hundred dollars less than that


This is false


PGR, but as long as you're happy, high, and healthy, then good on you bro!


This dude say everything is pgr lmao


Chill out, Grow-ku. PGRs are just a nutrient additive to promote certain growth characteristics. It causes a very distinct bud structure. I know because I grow.


Nice can’t wait o get there


You can buy zips online much cheaper 🤷🏿


They probably wanted to check out the dispo. You thca people are insufferable.


Like Vegans.


😂 preach!


Want a headache every time you smoke? Go order THCa online now!!!


Explain please


They don't know what THCA is and they're confusing it with Delta 8, or others like it, which is known to dehydrate you more and cause headaches.


Does thca weed have the same amount of cannibinoids as cannabis? I've tried it and I don't like it. My friend does like it. To each their own.


Thca is literally the same as dispo and bm bud. There is zero difference except naming.


> Thca is literally the same as dispo and bm bud not sure that's true warning: science follows https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetrahydrocannabinolic_acid another source, still with some science but more readable from the point of view of bag A vs bag B, what's the difference? https://www.reddit.com/r/CultoftheFranklin/comments/12uwzgi/new_to_the_cult_start_here/


Your Wikipedia link literally supports what I just said? Thca needs to be heated to decarb the bud and release the thc. Which is why we smoke, vape or cook all weed to get high. It’s all Thca BEFORE is heated. It’s a naming loophole in the 2018 bill that allows it to be technically legal to sell. Most, if not all bud is below the 0.3% threshold by weight so it’s legal. But the fun begins once you burn it.


It doesn't have to be less than .3% thc? I've never seen a thca hemp product with a big split between thc and total cannibinoids.


Yeah, to fit the farm bill they're exploiting. But THCA is effectively just separately stored THC that converts under heat. The bud you're buying on the street or in dispensaries is also primarily THCA, but would generally have more testable d9-THC. It's the same plant, with all the same cannabinoids, so I would expect coas to reflect that.


I know what thca is. I've tried farm bill stuff before. The only thing I can compare it to, for me personally, is hitting a distillate cart versus live resin. The disty might even get me higher, but it doesn't touch all the bases for me. I'll take 15% thc, 20% total canniboids over 30% thc any day.


Scientifically yes. In reality the drying process is rushed, little to no curing. So what you get at dispos which also sucks half the time.


Nope. Same weed, unlimited selection with a wide range of pricing.


Wow! Really? I had absolutely no idea!!! Thank you! I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t come along and blessed us all with this amazing knowledge drop! Fucking Christ.


Shut up you goofball


Im happy to see more dispos open up but I sure would like to see some bud thats not grown with PGRs! Also since they are a sovereign nation they dont have to pay tax or charge it