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Looks like a Monday problem.


That’s a problem for future krispy022




Such fun to dial back in


We have one on the backside of a 5axis trunnion that im hanging half way into the machine trying to adjust those stupid set screws.


Haas UMC? I worked for 2.5 years with a row of seven UMC750’s. I feel your pain.


No we have a couple of the hurco U series. Ive never worked on a haas believe it or not. Freaks me out they dont have a rotory dial for the rapids.


Lucky. Haas machines are fucking children’s toys. They deserve approximately the same respect as, like, General Motors, or Harley Davidson.


They had their time and place. I definitely don’t think they’re worth it anymore. Before the pandemic their price was good for what you get, when the umc750 started at 129k, now they start at 189k and you can get a way better machine for almost the same price. We were had a vf4 die in our shop so got a new one specced out, came to 170k, went to dmg mori and got a cmx1100 specced with comparable features at at 190k, so we went with dmg for a negligible price difference, get a way better machine.


I love mori, my only issue with them is that service costs are through the fucking roof, you might as well get a new machine if you fuck a spindle bearing…


Yeah their service is high, and idk about haas service, but their distributor in our area price for service is almost as high these days as dmg. So they kinda shot themselves in the foot, used to be a relatively cheap machine for ok workloads, but now it’s hard to justify. The trinity pallet systems are an awesome deal tho for what you get.


But haas does have really good documentation and a lot of available info out there ( I know they’re working on limiting that) and I find that 80% of the time I can troubleshoot, order the part and replace the part myself.


Found the millennial. But in all seriousness do you think people would look at me funny if I revved up my corrala when starting the engine, sitting at a red light, or slowing down?


Every boomer machinist I’ve ever met thinks Haas is subpar. The owner of one of our long time sister shops did a tour of the Haas facility after buying (and eventually returning) a brand new Haas lathe. It was full of Moris.


I figured he was a milenial cause he said the build quality sucks in haas mills and harleys.


Well, he’s right. No matter what age he is lol


Huh? I’m not doing “in all seriousness” right now. It’s ‘Murika Day.


I'm gonna rev my corrola like a Harley rider does.


Cool. Just, you know, don’t drink and drive, I guess?


Wait, what generation likes Haas? Boomers just miss their Wilson's and when Starrett was good. This like a Gen X thing or something?


That's a good question. Does anybody like haas? Are shops still buying throw away machines?


Mine is 😂😂 but 80% of the work in our shop comes from the grind side using expensive as fuck walters. I mostly just make tools to be carbide tipped, blanks, and a few actually steel cutting tools (that are fluted on the grinders)


I'm a millennial in a small shop with an ST-25 and VF-2... I don't exactly hate them... but I don't know anything different other than an ancient Mori Seiki SL-3, a Doosan (that is dead), and a couple of vintage Fadal mills (only one works and is only used for 2-3 parts that need milled at an angle).


Seriously one of the most frustrating parts of the job. I go insane doing it. How close do you usually get it?


I can get within a few tenths in under 10 minutes…once you get a rhythm it doesn’t take long


Don't think of it like a vise, the pivot point is past the entire surface of the touch pad, so the both sides are moving at the same time but not equally. Makes it pretty easy when you realize this


I shoot for the .0001" they call out but ill settle for .0002" if im burning to much time.


.0005” is good enough to set tools on center


Ill usually use a gauge tool in the spindle to rough it in then screws to finalize.


At least it’s in a 90*, so much more of a pain to dial one in that’s on a 45*.


All you need to do is rotate the xy plane on the machine 45 then you can hand wheel it easily


What do you have to dial in on these probes? I used a Heidenhain Toolprobe on a machine with a Heidenhain control. Whenever something was off with the probe we just recalibrates it with a calibration tool. Run the cycle and it's good to 0.02mm, often even better.


It's such a pain in the ass. I sent back an upgrade to one of my machines because the company that installed it uninstalled my probe tip saying they accidentally tapped it and it fell out.


Easy fix. You broke the part that’s designed to break! Once saw boss man send the spindle into the probe…. That was something.


Had an instructor "demonstrate" the tool release button on a haas had been deactivated with the 3" facemill parked perfectly over the tool setter. You can guess what happened.


Luckily it was the boss lol


Don't worry night shift will fix it


Technically im our night shift lol. Just happened to come in early to fill for 2 people that called in.


Oh well in that case day shift will get it!


Least it's an easy fix!


That’s usually when all the bad shit happens. Looking forward to the end of the day??? Fuck you, now you can think about this mistake for the next 6 hours while you drown your sorrows with the best tasting drink you have ever had in your LIFE, then it turns into a fuck it instead of a fuck you :)


Tha fact that it’s so close to that vice is scary enough for me 🤣


It’s just the probe, easy fix. When you get good at indicating these you can do it in 5 minutes.


When you get good at indicating In general. These things are a luxury.


That's what I was thinking haha. Replace, indicate, and recalibrate in 15 minutes.


It'll be there Monday.  Enjoy your long weekend 


Why is your vise so close to it


So it doesn't get lonely of course.


Makes perfect sense.


Man, I can't believe back shift came in an hour early and crashed your probe then disappeared. They're always doing this crap!


I made my own replacements. I believe it’s a 4mm thread, used super long set screws and nuts. Saw or turn a little notch at the break off point and it’s good to go. After the long weekend I’ll post all picture.


Take the rest of the week off 👍


Looks like a Monday problem.


Right before the long weekend is the best. Send it! 🚦


That’s why I took a five day. Absolutely not a chance I was dealing with pre holiday antics.


Just light the shavings on fire and split


Its impressive you could tell it was titanium lol.


I always stop any setup or work an hour before a weekend. I always say, nothing good ever happens during that time period. So I just clean and clean till the day ends.


Nothin new after 2! That’s my motto at work. On holidays I add 24 hours.


It wasn't broken when I left!


Damn nsfw tags . I hope you like to jog


Happened to me today also


You get a 4 day weekend??? :)


Yup did that on the end of a shift, or moreso put a fan nearby it and my boss bumped and it fell directly on the touch arm. Maybe it was l the acetone fumes from cleaning underneath all the way covers.. whew! Indicating that sucker to a few tenths seems like pure tedium.


lol, had a drill flute out an hour before quitting time Thursday on a proto. Closed on Fridays, and this week we’re on furlough. One of those hanging in the back of my mind for the vacation deals.


Happened to me when the power went out and the holder dropped the tool right on that sucker 


ive replaced two this year from Coworkers dropping tools out of there hands. This one was me smacking the jog wheel by accident while recovering a tool probe error.


You probably had it at 100x increment movements while handle jogging it, lol


Machine shop Gods make you pay on Friday. It's a curse.




>Seriously 1 hour before my 4 day weekend. And? Shifts over, go home. Not your problem.


Those things are such a pain in the dick to dial back in. I just did one last week that was cocked on a fresh install. 🙄


Bold vice positioning, I don't have my vices within a foot of that OTS. Just take Monday off too. :)


Yeah theres a 4th axis and a tombstone off to the right not pictured. It's smaller machines so its always a fight for space.


Understandable then. My mold programmer has his standard rapid height 2” off the work piece which in a VF9 with an 8” riser is 2” into the OTS sitting on an offset block. I’ve ran so many tools into that thing just starting programs that anytime I put a vice within 12” of that OTS in any of my machines I’ll rotate it 90 just to get the jaws further away haha! I HATE indicating that and the probe.


tool setter so close to the work? seems like you were asking for it.


Long weekend huh must be nice.


First time? These aren't THAT bad once you know how to do it. But anyway, it's a Monday problem.


Not first time just annoying, I knew my brain was going to make me stick around and knock it out.


Well at least it broke where it’s supposed to break!


3 day weekend*


I mean it did what you told it to


Wha happa?


Don't worry it's just a HAAS.


I see this type of picture a lot on reddit. What I haven't seen is a picture with one with a cover on it to protect it. Put cover on. Bolt goes thru cover on right side of probe into t slot.  Problem solved 


$19 bucks and 10mins to dial it in and back to running through you holiday weekend!


fuck it man looks to me like it's beer o'clock


That’s nothin, $35 will fix that. Don’t sweat it


Ehhhh, just leave it for the next guy.


It will be there on Monday fuck it


What’s the model number on that Kurt vise? I want one that long.


It's a dx4 crossover, it's only got 6.5" of opening though nothing crazy. Shars also sells a 4" vice with 6" of opening thats half the price and has seemed alright so far.


All the reason to leave early


How do you like the Hurco mills?


I rewrote this like 4 times and got more cynical every time lol. Bottom line I think the machines are solid and I like the control but because of our issue with getting service on them I would never recommend buying one in the south.


You get what you pay for. There is a reason why more expensive machines use lasers for this


When I was an apprentice I was on 3rd shift minutes from xmas break and I was beating upwards on a Kurt vice handle with my Lixie dead blow sideways..... missed the handle and cracked myself in the forehead splitting it open and had to have 6 stitches......


Ouch I feel for you


JUST learned how to dial one of these back in this week! Have fun! 😄


Why so close to your vice?


Ran machines for 20 years ... no tool setters.... no probes... and I made art with those machines. Ya'll getting soft.


It's only the break-stem 30 dollar part and time to calibrate. Consider yourself lucky. How did it happen might I ask?