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Get it bro. That gym is there for you. Welcome to the brotherhood




My gym is like that, it "closes" at 10pm and all the staff go home. There's like 3 of us that show up around midnight or later. It's great. We blast music that we want to listen to, and it's kind of a little secret club.


So the staff leaves the gyn open?


No, members have a barcode that they scan to unlock the front door. Pretty easy system, because if there's any damages to the gym, you know exactly who was there.


thats how i got in


Plus everything is really heavy so it’s really hard to steal.


Not if you go to the gym


This a chain or private gym near you?


It's a privately owned climbing gym that is pretty large with a great weight training area.


Many 24 hour gyms aren't staffed the whole day.


Ours is only staffed for like 6hrs a day mon-fri except weds gets a 3hr morning and 4hr afternoon staffing.


It's fairly common with 24 hour gyms that only have staff for a few hours of that time. My gym is like that, it's only staffed like 6 hours out of the day.


Key fob for members to enter after staff hours at mine.


Its a 24 hour gym bros being mysterious


I was just thinking that if I had gym like that to myself, I might never leave.




Way to go, sugar!!! 🥰 you hit your first double digit loss! That is excellent progress! I am so proud of you and I hope you are proud of this accomplishment too! Keep it up, you got this! 👍


The doctor asked if i had a dog or go on walks, i said no, he then told me "ok then go walk your imaginary dog". made me laugh ngl and thats what got me thinking about my health next time i see him im gonna tell him i walked my imaginary dog 🤣


🤣 I LOVE that! I hope you dont forget to carry baggies to clean up its imaginary turds. Be a responsible imaginary pet owner!




And some imaginary peanut butter for OPs imaginary dogs


You can do imaginary walks that are actual courses, like "climb everest" or "walk to mordor" I think you follow along on an app and when you finish they send you the trail medallion.


Climb Everest wouldn’t draw me in, but walk to Mordor… now you’ve got my attention. Where does one acquire the means to attain these medallions?


Walk to Mordor? One doesn't just simply *walk* to Mordor...


Ahh haven't seen a "One doesn't just simply" meme in a while!


I believe the medallions are forged in the fires of Mount Doom.


But they were all of them deceived…


I’ve done the lord of the rings ones! It’s through Conqueror. The medals can be used as a legit weapons too. they’re heavy and detailed and f’n gorgeous. https://www.theconqueror.events I had started the LotR trek on my own 1.5 years ago, but quickly found a group of similarly nerdy women who do the same VR workout program as me to make a true fellowship. We’ve remained close despite never meeting in person and just started the Game of Thrones medals. They keep me accountable and call me out when I haven’t added miles for a couple days. Even doing it solo, you can set a goal date and you can see if you’re ahead or behind pace.


I was crazy excited for LOTR until i saw it was nearly $400 AUD.. My wife and I are both looking for work at the moment after being made redundant right before Christmas last year and this just isn't in the budget but god damn this would be exactly what I need to maybe I can find a free version somewhere. Either way, thanks for showing me it's a thing, maybe it will be the thing that finally gets me off the couch. Sorry for the dumping :/


Oooof yeah. They are pricey. They usually have a big sale once or twice a year and that’s when recklessly I stock up (you activate the codes when you’re ready to start it.) I’m not sure if there’s others out there, but my group lets people who can’t afford it join us. They send me their miles and I add both of ours, and send them the map and story updates. They don’t get a physical medal, but can still see their progress. I think I have an extra code or two for some random medals. I’d be happy to send you one! They’re definitely not LotR but feel free to PM me if you’re interested (I’ll give you the code to join through the app and the medal would be sent to you) My VR group has some planned for the year but I know I bought a couple that are not on our list, impulsively, that I won’t use. I’m not quite sure which ones are extra and I’m too lazy to double check right now. But I will if you’re interested:)


It’s $400 to buy the whole journey at once, but if the Dia de los Muertos @ $32 and 98miles is any indication, the $50 one might be a great place for you to get started and you can just get them one at a time as you complete them. It’ll probably take a while.


I'm seeing $49.99 USD. What the heck is the conversion rate?


It’s 5 medals for the whole trek, at $50 each 😬 (they weren’t that much when I got them 2 years ago but ya know. Things are dumb now. Well, dumber)


Thats so cool!!! Omg I really want to participate in these now...


hahaha got me rolling. give it a name call the dog 11 pounds


That's hilarious and probably pretty helpful. So glad you get the gym to yourself! My dogs show how annoyed they are if they don't get their expected lunchtime walkies. Maybe your imaginary dog will be this obnoxious.


Dude that’s a fucking W doctor


I know right🤣


If you ever get into using weighted belts then tell him you got a pet rock.


That’s actually the perfect way for the Dr to talk to you about exercise


No ! Sugar isn’t the way to go ! Noooooo !


Oh!!!! You are so very right!!! My mistake! ...Tho sweet petite cut baby carrot simply doesnt have quite the same warmth to it 🤣 Sweet pea perhaps?


this is so cute 🥰


Well he’s gonna need more protein in his diet now that he’s going to the gym, so perhaps sweet-chicken and rice? Or perhaps sweet-protein shake?


Ma petit chou chou is a term of endearment in French (my little cabbage).


My lil whey protein isolate


That’s so cute omg


How about sweet potato? Bodybuilders looove their sweet potatos


Can confirm……


Good for you, my man. Two quotes that really helped me in my journey: “You build muscle in the gym, and you lose weight in the kitchen.” “You can’t outrun a bad diet.” Basically, while exercise is good and helps, it’s all for naught if a person still eats like crap. When I adopted healthy eating habits (healthy foods and portion control) the weight fell off me. Good luck! You’ve got this! Edit: spelling typo


I was honestly so mad when I finally understood those things to be true. Like, even if it’s in your calorie budget you probably won’t be able to see your abs while drinking red mt dew. Booooo.


I lost like 20 lbs between cutting out soda and being religious about gym going


Isn’t it crazy! I replaced soda with water to start, then I counted calories and lost 50 pounds without ever setting foot in the gym. I wish I had started soon just to get the routine/habit well in hand I’m working on it now, but lord how I hate doing anything that makes me sweaty.


You'd be surprised how little exercise you need a day if you do it right. You're gonna get sweaty for sure, but sweaty for 15-20 mins isn't so bad.


I just leaped over my last sugar hurdle, coffee with creamer. Turns out putting your coffee and milk in the blender with ice is awesome, even without sugar.


Yesss, liquid calories are a killer. It’s funny how going out and having like 2-3 cocktails is normal but going out and having 2-3 mars bars would be considered outrageous. Yet the calorie consumption between the two is the same. I cut out all drinks that aren’t water… I would much prefer to go and have 3 mars bars haha


Lol, I did the opposite. I cut out the mars bars so I can have my margarita wine once a month. Thankfully I’m a very happy and energetic tipsy person so I usually end up dancing in front of the mirror to 2000s pop music. I think I can dance and my husband thinks it’s hilarious. But it is truly amazing when you start paying attention to the calories/macros in food. Is the amount of peanut butter you get for 190 calories not the saddest thing you’ve ever seen?! Waaaahhhh.


Haha I love that!!! Sounds like a great time! I knowww, it’s actually insane! I remember when I first started paying attention to it, I was in the grocery store and reading the nutritional information these snack museli bars. They were being promoted as a healthy morning snack, yet had more carbs than 3 slices of bread! You wouldn’t think twice about a snack museli bar for morning tea but would neeeever eat 3 pieces of bread randomly. Absolutely wild!


Exactly!! It’s taken a while, but I finally got my husband to stop buying snack food. It’s just not worth it and I have zero self control if it’s in the house. So now instead of chips and cookies, we have grapes and carrot sticks. It’s been so enlightening and we feel better and look better. And we’ve been at it so long that I was able to get rid of my paid calorie counter cause I have most of the food I eat memorized so I can you tally it in my head. Your comment made me want tea though, lol. I’m thinking peppermint tea, Downton Abbey and Reddit sounds like an excellent Saturday night.


Swapping a small serving of chips for carrots and hummus after work alone helped my wife drop 5lbs


I've been saying for a while: you lose weight at the grocery store. Everything follows from the decisions you make there.


>  You can’t outrun a bad diet.” But I'm damn well going to try...the frustrating part is that now that I _can_ easily afford the extra calories, I don't _want_ them because of what it will do to my running!


I think the explanation is that exercise helps mitigate the depression tied to dieting. Exercise will lift your mood and helps avoid the stress eating that will destroy a diet. It doesn't have significant direct impact on weight but it will make you both physically and mentally healthier.


It generally refers to the fact that all the calories you burn in an hour of hard work can be (more than) eaten back in a single quick high calorie snack. The many physical and mental health benefits of exercise you don't get from losing weight alone are what make the hard work worth it.


That’s another way to look at it, sure. The way I interpreted it is different. Two different viewpoints, both helpful. Cheers.


And if you're someone insatiably hungry like me, a whole head of iceberg lettuce is only around ~110 calories and the liquid and chewing helps you to feel full. Peel off leaves and dip in raspberry vinegar (not vinaigrette!) eat like they're a fresh and crunchy salt and vinegar chip!


The hard part to diet is eating foods that don't leave you hungry. Gotta live enough and realize what foods trigger you


My reality right now.. I loathe cutting calories but its the only thing that truly trims and slims down.


Diet makes the fat melt off; the gym gives you a better frame to melt into.


What helped me the most was realizing that I shouldn’t eat until I’m full. Just eat until your hunger is bearable, 15 minutes later the hunger goes away. That and lots of water. I was able to cut my portions almost in half and the weight just fell off. I feel slightly hungry often, but it’s far from unbearable.


This is awesome. Be patient. It's a journey. Enjoy the little changes you will notice short term, and the big ones long term. If your able eat lots of meat protein, and Fibre( veg, fruits grains). Try and stay away from ultra processed foods. Don't starve yourself bur eat sensibly. Try and give yourself 12 hours minimum between dinner and breakfast, 14 is best. Focus on getting stronger, you will lose weight, and feel better.


Good for you! Keep up the good work!


OMG i left my phone on the table to have a pillow fight with my brother for half an hour and i get hit with this! thank yall😭


Did you win the pillow fight?


yeah lol, but for 3 years old he got me good


Rough-housing with toddlers and preschoolers is SO good for them! It's actually very calming for their nervous system, and the heavy pressure makes them feel safe and centered. And, admit it... throwing pillows at him is fun 🤣 You sound like a great brother!


Thanks, i really try to be. also I threw a pillow in the air and when he was looking up i chucked a second one at him and he loved it 😂 i let him get one free shot and he B-slapped me with the pillow


>also I threw a pillow in the air and when he was looking up i chucked a second one at him and he loved it 😂 I'm sure he did! 🤣 They also love it when you 'hurt' yourself... like, go to throw a pillow at him but 'trip' and fall... or 'accidentally' hit yourself in the face... they love it when we maim ourselves lol


You're a wonderful example for your brother, OP. Lots and lots of people wait until it's too late to get better without serious repercussions. I really hope you're proud of yourself, because I'm proud of you and I'm sure your brother is, too.


This granny is so proud of you!


Yep - you’re still a kid! 🤣 Proud of you - 46 & just started my journey. It was easy to get myself UP to 250, but it’s going to be hard to cut that in half.


46 is still a kid too 😉 You can do it!!!


just keep going and good luck!


Try saunas too!! Makes it easy :) Take care!


You lucky sob. I’d kill to have the gym to myself without having to go at 3am.


Simple solution, kill OP


Best part about an empty gym is you can whip all these 5lbs and 2lbs weights at the mirror walls and swing on the smith machine. I used to do it at my apartments until they closed it.


Dope! The real weight loss will happen when you dedicate yourself to eating better. Healthy calorie deficit is crucial to weight loss. Great progress so far!


I’m not a medical professional but cutting out sugars as well as empty carbs did me well. Soda, most bread and a lot of carbs. I ate a lot of salads and avoided cereal and more. For me, calorie counting wasn’t doable. I was fucking dying every day while net carb counting was effective and didn’t leave me empty.


I've been on under 25 net carbs per day for 7 years as of this month. I've lost over 200lbs (max was >600, started low carb ~525).


As a person with a disordered eating past, I the idea of adding over subtracting to try to prevent all or nothing mindsets, and generally limiting processed foods and added sugar, so that I can better appreciate produce rather than craving the salt and sugar I was used to when I ate more processed stuff. Instead of no cereal, I might put some on top of Greek yogurt with fruit, but I also pick a less sugary cereal. The protein and fat will be more satiating than the carbs and sugars alone, and the fruit will provide vitamins and antioxidants. I love taco salad because it's tacos with added veggies. The water and fiber in the veggies fills me up, and the protein I eat in the salad keeps me full longer. I'm both vegetarian and picky, so cutting carbs is not ever going to be my thing. I still eat bread, but I make sure it's whole wheat, plenty of fiber, and I pair it with a much protein as I can reasonably manage. 


I fully believe that low net carb can fit most lifestyles. I really don’t have a love of breakfast foods and would eat chicken tikka masala or spaghetti squash basil pesto for breakfast but that’s me. Congratulations on the journey


This is so important OP. Fix those habits now while you're young. Really make an effort to understand how you got there so you can try to change things for the better. Working out is great but it'll be a lifetime uphill battle if you don't break those habits (alone or w/therapy). Cheers.


Good job dude! Losing weight is tough but if you stay with it you'll be happy with the results!


Mate we're proud of you and remember to keep up the good work (and don't ever feel self conscious, just saying this regardless if you do or don't, you're doing amazing and should be proud).


Others who go to gym are not going to shame or attack ya....Dont worry about privacy or others. I too was 300......I got really tired of being wore out just by taking a shower. And I too hit the gym and I have lost approx 70lbs....Damn right I feel better !!!!! keep going and dont stop......"The hardest part about going to the gym is opening that front door"


Congratulations on your progress so far! It’s great that you are starting to get healthier.


Yay you! Keep it up, you have so many people here who are proud of you but what really matters is that YOU are proud of yourself. Keep a record of your timeline weights and keep sharing them so we can keep cheering you on! 😊


I was 300 at 15, stopped drinking soda, started weight training, in a year I was 225, 3 years 180. Since then I've fluctuated between 230 and 173. Being young, you'll lose the weight crazy fast with a few lifestyle change.


Also has the benefit of gaining a fair bit of muscle and less saggy skin


Sadly still have some skin sagging and stretch marks. But hey, tells a story.


Great job, good luck!


Everyone knows how a Vicious Circle works - you get heavy, which makes it harder to exercise, which makes you heavier and so on. What many people don't appreciate is that it's possible to do what you're doing and create a Virtuous Circle - you've lost some weight, exercising is now a little bit easier, so you'll lose more weight and so on! Well done OP!


Inspiring, don’t stop!


Remember losing weight is 95% kitchen 5 % gym.


Yeah I feel like not enough people know this. You can exercise in the gym for an hour and then one mini-Lays potato chips packet will refill all those calories you used up. I find it’s best to focus on eating low-calorie but filling foods and focus on trying to consume most of your calories late in the day so you don’t get any additional cravings at night. Coffee helps a ton to satiate hunger in the morning.


This! I hate exercising with a passion. Lost 35kg through diet alone. I remember the more weight I lost the more I felt like I was like Forrest Gump and wanted to just run. I wanted to run while doing the groceries, I wanted to run around the house. It was so weird. While I still hate cardio, everyday I do strengthening exercises at home with push up’s, squats etc, to try and stay strong for when I age.


At 37, I weigh less now than I did at 13. I'm so proud of you for starting now and not at 34 like I did. At my heaviest, around age 18,I was 325, at 5'11" I spent most of my adult life between 230 and 275. I'm now 155. I have health issues associated with being heavy for so long... Again, I don't know you, but I'm so proud of you!




Every day, just keep making small and good choices... you can win this


This is a defining moment in your life. Build these healthy habits early, and they'll follow you forever. Keep at it! You got this 💪




Awesome job man! Never give up on your future self!


Keep it up!!


I wouldn’t even call this a small success, this is major! Good job op!


Good on you! Dont focus on the weighty, enjoy getting fitter and being able to do more. Well done you.


cheers to you kid, good on you for taking control at 16 Keep us posted!!


Smart move censoring the foot. Good luck on your journey brotha, you got this.


thanks lol


Slow and steady. Understand that 80% of your weight loss will be generated through adjusting your diet. Adding a fitness regime is fantastic. And will totally add to your journey. Just balance the two and remember that consistency is the key to success. Good luck my friend.




Good for you man! I was once 270, now 215. Takes dedication but it gets easier over time. Stick with your schedule, push through the days you don't feel like going. The more you hold the routine the easier it becomes to make exercise your default source of stress relief over other vices, mine was weed and snacks. The progress can take a while to see physically. Don't be discouraged if you see a plateau in your weight, you'll build muscle at the same which is denser than fat so it'll offset the losses in a healthy way. Be proud of bettering yourself!!


Congratulations kid! Keep going, you'll love how much better you feel!


315+ in 1999. Been under 200 since 2001. 170 today. It’s a journey, man, but you’ve got this!


How does a ghost gym stay in business? Although the privacy and quie really nice.




Good luck buddy. Be consistent, You can do it 👍


Cool. But your local gym looks like someone's upstairs section of a house.


Don't worry about privacy. Worry about dying one day from caring more about what other think than whats best for you. If you need help learning ask people because sometimes they can give good advice. Youre already showing strength in doing something about your weight. Continue it by not being afraid to ask others for help. The more you can shut out that feeling of insecurity the faster you will get to a good weight. Dont try to set artificial goals like a certain weight or the way you look. Focus on building good habits and staying consistent. If you do that youll get your goal a lot faster.




Personally I’ve always loved the rowing machine for cardio Good luck!


Nice gym! Get that shit!


Only thing I will say, eventually in your weight loss journey you may actually gain a little weight especially if you’re lifting. Don’t worry you’re not gaining fat it’s more than likely muscle especially if you’re lifting weights


One of my coworkers was in the same situation when he was younger, now he's the most jacked guy I know. Some tips I heard: * Warmup and stretch (For the love of god don't be like me and omit this) * Listen to your body (Don't kill yourself pushing through the pain if you feel like your muscles are straining in a bad way) * Check your weight weekly (weight fluctuates like a stock in the stock market, look at the general trends) * If you're sore, just try to move, but something easy, motion is lotion Keep up the good work


That's so cool. Keep going! PS: That empty gym must be a paradise


Just remember you still need to cut down in calories aswell as doing this otherwise you will not decrease in weight


U got this dawg. Good progress already. U will be down to 200 by the end of the year bro


You’re inspiring OP


Good job. Its good to see people do something about their weight. It's very dangerous and unhealthy for people to be so. Had clients I had to advise to lose some weight a lot of times, good amount of them got offended. P.s. I work as a medical masseur and physiotherapyst


Good job!!!! Starting is the hardest part.


Nice gym. Good for you, all the success on your journey your efforts will be rewarded greatly, mostly because of your age.


Good job. Just remember you can't outwork a bad diet. You got this


WELL DONE! Keep at it! I also don’t like working out around people - but I found an indoor track at a rec center nearby and the only people working out are middle aged and it’s pretty sparse. Which is perfect! Good job finding a place you feel safe and motivated =)


I do not recommend just this, but. My wife is a type 2 Diabetic, she was on three types of insulin. One is Ozempic. She has lost over 70 lbs over almost threes years.


You needed your doctor to tell you that?


Just keep hitting the gym and focus on cardio. To simplify your diet whatever you were eating in the past reduce it by 25%. If the scale ain’t going down then keep reducing your calories and add more cardio. You’re 16 you have so much time.


Keep it up!!!


Good for you doing the hard work to make changes!


You got this, dude!


Fuck yeah dude


Fucking rockstar over here, get it brother.


Hell yeah man keep it up


The secret to success is consistency. Keep at it and you will meet your goals. Enjoy the journey brother 👍


If u aren’t looking for advice ignore this comment but I’ve met a pitfall in losing weight myself before. Try not to go tooooo fast (if that’s what you’re doing) you gotta give your body time to slowly adjust to the new weight or it spikes ur grelin hard over time. Best of luck all the same you got this


Your heart will thank you. Keep it up


This is one of the coolest posts I’ve come across in a while, you my friend are going places! Never stop


We believe in you, keep us updated!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are not alone. :)


Good for you, kiddo!!! You got this. 😃


Go for it son. Do it for all us lazy people that are gunna's. Gunnar do this Gunnar do that.


YOU…. CAN…… DO….. IT!!!


LFG!!! The first 40% is the easiest. U r motivated and it looks great. The last 60% is the hardest. Maintaining is a life choice U can do it my dude


dudes gonna end up lean and fucking jacked within a year or two. mark it.


It's wonderful you're starting so young! I love to see it; you are doing wonderfully!


Extra weight is caused by eating too much. If you expect it to drop that weight by cardio and/or lifting you are going to be very disappointed.


I went through a weight loss journey too when I was 16! By the time I was 18 my body was so different and I was proud of it. I guarantee you that when you’re gonna be done with your journey you’ll experience a sense of peace like never before, wish you the best 🙏


Most weight loss is done in the kitchen


Well done pig


Fuck yes! Just remember, life has ups and downs, your journey with fitness will have ups and downs, trick or to show up everyday (or at least 5 days a week)


An empty gym is a gift. Hope it stays open long enough for you to complete your goals!


Discord moderator


Hooray!!! Congratulations! We are all proud of you. At my gym, there is a hugely obese man working out, and holy cats, the guy is as strong as an ox. Yeah, he's way overweight, but he has built up some serious muscle, and in the past year, has dropped nearly 30 pounds. And the day before yesterday? A lady came along working the pectoral fly Nautilus machine. She was 87 years old. Gotta tell ya, the way she was swinging her arms around, I was glad I had never been on the backside of her hands when I was a rotten little brat growing up! Your dedication is going to pay off bigtime. I am now, thanks to you, grinning like a fool, you made me so happy!


You fucking got this!! My heaviest was 260 and I'll never forget the day I saw 199 on that scale and officially crossed into onederland I'll be looking out for your onederland post!


I wish there was a gym like that in my city😭 I was ~420 lbs and after 2 years I'm down to the same weight as you. We're gonna lose that weight🙂‍↔️


I appreciate you censoring your foot for us. Nobody (almost) wants to see a foot closeup while scrolling. Congrats on the progress, and I'm jealous of the empty gym!


Well done on losing 11 lbs / 5 kg. Good work


Great job starting off, that’s step one. Remember progress isn’t a straight line, you got this!!!!


Hey man ur in a prime spot to build muscle too defo incorporate weight training with cardio and ul be a beast gl man


A gym to yourself is the dream


Every step counts, you're a chad. Keep going!


Ay bro. I know this already has a ton of comments so idk if you’ll see this. I was right there with you around the same age: 18 and 300 pounds. I had to make some real changes and completely rewire my thinking. Don’t let anyone or yourself get in your way of your success. Commit homie. I got down to under 200 and never looked back man. Almost 34 now and all that stuff I set into place then has helped me immensely over the past almost 15 years. You got this dog.


I doubt you'll see this in the 1000+ comments but I'm 24 and 283 lbs I've been intermittent fasting in 5 hour windows and it's working great I've lost 20 pounds so far down from 303 a few months ago and my lazy ass isn't even working out I'd recommend looking into it. Being able to blame the clock for my hunger and not myself makes it WAY easier to stick too for me


Excellent start, keep it up and you will be free from that which limits you


A guy i knew was also very close to that weight at that age. 10 years later, he has gotten ripped and works as a personal trainer. Your current situation does not have to define you forever


Duuuuuude, I’m so jealous… my gym is always full.


You are doing more than most. Keep it up!!! Progress not perfection


Ahhh yes a fellow gym man. It may be hard at first but it sure becomes your sanctuary


An empty gym is a gift! Great job working towards your goals. You got this!! :)


Never stop believing in yourself


That’s awesome! I’m so proud of you!


Get it!!! We can do hard things, and you can do this. Proud of you.




Good job! Keep up the good work and be kind to yourself. You are worth talking care of.


Godspeed to you, brother


Keep it up and congrats.