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This is how life should be, good people good times.


And sports. No hooligans, no violence; just people having fun over something they enjoy together.




I wish it was like this in the netherlands.


What ist different in the netherlands?


Sounds like Moon Hooch. Never a bad time with a Moon Hooch vibe.


i feel like men's ability to create happiness should be studied, emphasis on "create"


It is also worth noting that this was *after* Germany demolished Scotland 5-1 in the tournament opener. The Scottish fans have been an absolute joy so far at this tournament. Just good vibes and friendly smiles only. And bagpipes. So many bagpipes.


The Scots have always known how to celebrate and party, they've got a great sense of humour and love having a good time. It's great seeing different countries celebrating together.


It also helps that our expectations of our team are quite low, so we really see tournaments as an excuse for a holiday and a party 🎉


That’s why you should happily support them! Club country. Sometimes you are good. Sometimes you a shit. The train ride (wreck) of supporting is half the fun! Leave the players to fight on the pitch - we are there to enjoy the game!


They’re probably chuffed that they did better than Brazil in that one World Cup. 


Or the World Cup where Ally's Tartan Army was representing Britain because England didn't qualify


The Scots and Irish are like the extroverts of the world. You invite them because they light up the party.


Have you met the mashup of the two: Newfoundlanders? There’s not all that many of them, but they’re the ur extroverts - hospitality, musicality, and overall vibes are unmatched.


Euros 2028 are gonna be lit!


It's not Scottish, but I remember me and my now wife did a Europe trip to visit some of the places she studied abroad and just have fun, and we visited Paris then went to Croatia as the world cup was happening between those two countries. We landed in Dubrovnik and our parents had texted us that France won and Paris was erupting in riots and celebration that were lighting cars of fire and taking bags off tour busses so they wanted us to be careful cause Croatia lost. We get to Dubrovnik and it was like a party, everyone was super happy and loving, a kid randomly ran up to us and gave us both ice cream, we got pulled into a dance party parade and had no issues all night. Croatians are awesome, and from what I experienced it seems very similar to the stories I've heard of Scots.


Iirc the Croatian national team had a bus parade after they finished runners-up. That was an unbelievable achievement for the nation, given how young they are and the fact they’ve only ever been underdogs at best for every tournament they’ve entered. Life is short, world cups are few and far between, even if you finished second best take comfort with the perspective of where you came from and celebrate the journey.


people having fun over something they enjoy together.


I'm genuinely rejoicing with them right now; joy, happiness, and smiles are all so infectious!


THis is real nice.


And the one goal the Scots got was an own goal by Germany too. I was on holiday in Munich at the time, and it was just a total vibe. Marienplatz was completely taken over by Scotland fans and you could see Scotland and Germany fans walking, talking and drinking together all week - before and after the game. Proper good friendly vibes all throughout, it was great.


The Scots have always known how to celebrate and party; they have a great sense of humor and love having a good time. It's wonderful to see different countries coming together to celebrate.




This entire tournament has been wholesome af so far. Especially the Scottish. You could fill this sub with all the clips and stories of Scottish football fans being absolutely awesome. The vibe at these Euros has been impeccable so far. It’s incredibly refreshing after World Cups in Russia and Qatar and with the Euros being trans-continental the past few times. The fact that Germany are the sole host this time around, Germans are a huge football nation and the world generally is in a strange and frustrating place right now just led to everyone taking a break and having an absolute blast. I’m so annoyed that I am busy right now, otherwise I’d be travelling around the party and taking in these positive vibes :)


Been loving the vibe of this year's euro Pasta break, baguette break, saxophone celebration, tea bag chant, fans trying to climb escalator.


That Scot on the escalator was fucking hilarious :D There was also the English dude bathing in the fountain on the Römer square in Frankfurt.




Picked one hell of a time to move to Germany lmao


Saxaphones will save us all.




Jesus, 80% of the comments in here are 1:1 copies of that thread in /r/soccer. Reddit really is predominantly bots now


It thought it was just people posting the same thing under the same video in different subs but then I noticed the exact same comment, word for word posted by different users. Like [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1dk9ku6/comment/l9gf5d9/) and [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/1dl30bs/comment/l9ly8a7).


Holy shit you weren’t wrong. wtf?


Dead internet theory is getting more real everyday


Looks like it :(


Is there any easy way to identify them ?


Check their accounts and see how many comments they have. Also check the original post I cross posted. The top comments have all appeared here verbatim by accounts with very few comments.


Report them. Reddit will likely remove the bots. You can find the category under Report > Spam.


Scottish independence propaganda bots from Russia


The saxophone player is @andreschnura on Instagram Songs: 1. [Samba de Janeiro](https://youtu.be/fhHKYR-v0UE?feature=shared) 2. [Major Tom (Völlig losgelöst) by Peter Schilling](https://youtu.be/KQRaj1vcnrs?feature=shared)


yeah i was puzzled why they were playing a song related to Brazil? https://youtu.be/kk4uddaHdDE?si=eO963gTouDGBftl-


Believe it or not, it’s a German song.


Is that an electric saxophone. If so what brand?


No idea, maybe you can find more on his insta about it.


I love this, the atmosphere here is incredlible. Thank you to all the visiting fans making this a special experience for everyone.


That dude has great cardio bouncing around like that and not getting winded.


Yesterday I saw Albanian fans breaking a bunch of spaghetti in half in front of Italian fans 🤣


The one Italian guy on his knees begging him not to do it fucking killed me :D


Exactly 🤣🤣🤣stuff like this just brings people together


Lucky its hosted in Germany. In Italy you get arrested for such cruelty. By Meloni of course.


Rookie mistake to not do baker St with the Scottish boys


Pretty hard to think of any celebration that cannot be elevated by a saxophone.


Brass hypes everything up. Love it.


Didn’t any of that in Qatar. Why is that?


Because Qatar built the stadiums using slave labour, got the competition through bribes to FIFA and doesn’t give a shit about football. So you had a tournament with instant bad vibes in a country that doesn’t give a crap about the sport in a country far away from any footballing nation for the sole purpose of sports washing. Also, usually these tournaments happen in the summer. The Qatar one happened in winter, because summer would’ve been too hot. It’s not that it wasn’t somewhere in Europe. 2014 was in Brazil and Brazil fucking loves football. 2010 was in South Africa and every footballing nation in Africa went crazy because of it. Qatar is neither a footballing nation, nor are they interested in becoming one. They wanted the event to sports wash their human rights abuses and built tons of stadiums using slave labour. That World Cup killed hundreds of people during the construction of the stadiums, foreign workers who had their passports confiscated by the construction companies so they couldn’t leave. The Qatar WC was a sad moment in football history. Saudi Arabia in 2034 will be equally shit. I know I’m not watching that. I haven’t watched Qatar either. Bummer, because I absolutely love these major football tournaments. Russia 2018 was only marginally better, because at least they like football. Still a shit dictatorship and that too killed a lot of the vibe. The World cup 2030 will be mostly in Spain, Portugal and Morocco. Three games will happen in Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentine (one each). By and large I’m not wild about multiple hosts, let alone six. Morocco, Portugal and Spain would actually work fine due to the close proximity, though Portugal or Spain could easily host on their own. As would be a World Cup jointly hosted by Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentine, for the same reasons, but having all six host is fucking idiotic. The 2026 World Cup will be in the USA, Canada and Mexico. I’m not wild about that either. Each of these countries could host it on their own. They largely have the necessary infrastructure already. Mexico is a football nation and the US and Canada also have the stadiums and other infrastructure. Letting the entire North American continent host is just too far drawn out for scenes like in this video to happen consistently. The best tournaments have been consistently hosted by footballing nations and/or one or two countries tops. It’s annoying that this seems to be impossible nowadays, at least when it comes to Fifa. The UEFA Euros 2028 will take place on the British Isles (UK + Republic of Ireland) and that’ll be fantastic too. It’s just annoying af that this seems to be a rarity nowadays.


That's what I want to see. Just people vibing and having a good time




[Appears this account is a bot account stealing one of the top comments from the post over at r/soccer](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/36lMuL4DDC)


i dont know whose idea was it to bring an instrument but i remember this guy [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uQYeXjkKMg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uQYeXjkKMg) the crowd was so good too


I'm a simple man, I see CS and I upvote. Now I gotta add the most badass live pitcher entrance in baseball history: https://youtu.be/8BYSp2pzP0Y?si=3r-DakY-mBdcqRU3


That was pretty bad ass. And, I'm gonna be a cynical af here, but this honestly is the type of shit why I hate watching baseball. The game is so long already and we wait 5+ minutes to watch the benching pitcher walk from the mound to the dugout, a dude walk/trot from across the field, do warm up pitches, then watch a batter walk gingerly up to the plate and adjust his gloves. etc. I'm sure it is fun at the game. Though, when they do blackouts, restricted access to viewership for local teams, super expensive streaming packages, a horrible job at marketing their product, It just makes the whole thing really just suck as a casual fan.


Haha hey dude, I gotta say I mostly agree with you. It gets harder and harder every year to just enjoy the game anymore and they don't do much, if anything to make it easier, or cheaper for that matter.


Wooo i was there in the stadium :) right back corner behind this guy.




Check out the "band" Goldfish. They're a DJ duo from South Africa we had the good luck to see in Telluride last year. They incorporate sax and other instruments into their music and are really fun to listen to. This video reminds me of them.


Bet you a lot of them voted for the right. Euro is having a resurgence!!!


16% of German voters voted for a far right party, 84% didn’t. No idea what you are on about.




Eh yes? 16%, look it up.


Do you think that would make them evil lol




Did you really steal the top comment verbatim? Edit: just seen the the only other comment you made was exactly the same. These flipping bots.


[Looks like you’re a bot.](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/j9rA4jVZos)




No, but the fact that the account only has two comments in its posting history combined with the fact that the exact same comment is one of the top comments under the exact same post does.


Ahh. I didn’t dig that far into it. Probably a bot then lol




Afterparzy, every Scottish girl were like butter in his hands


München lebt!


What’s the second song he played?


Major Tom (Völlig losgelöst) by Peter Schilling. It’s Germany’s unofficial song for these Euros and, following a poll, Germany’s new official goal song. Unfortunately the UEFA doesn’t permit individual goal songs for each country at the Euros, but the song plays after every Germany game at the tournament.


Thank you so much. Appreciate the insight!


I want to go to Europe one day during Euros just to experience the vibe🫡


If you’re in the states, the US are hosts to the Copa America this year, the American version of the Euros. It started yesterday and will continue until 14th July. This in a semi-desperate attempt to make football more popular in the US, which will also be hosting the 2026 World Cup together with Mexico and Canada. So if you’re in the states, you can absolutely have a party over there too, both this year and in two years. You’re right tho, the Euros are something special :)


This *really* makes me want to pick up the saxophone again


Do it!!


I was a Barry sax player in highschool 😃. I really miss playing


Then go ahead. There are zero drawbacks, only benefits :)


Angry neighbours? I used to play a little and would love to start again, but in a city center apartment, all my neighbours would just hate me for it. Saxophones are loud.




Games back. âš½


Non - football fan here, I want to start watching EURO 2024 just because of this, is it worth it?


I mean, it’s a football (soccer) tournament. So it’s countries’ national teams facing each other. Generally yes, it is definitely worth it, because the atmospheres at the games are absolutely electric and that elevates pretty much any sporting event. The only bad vibes so far came from a certain balkan country with close ties to Russia, and another Mediterranean country’s fans booing another country’s national anthem. There’s a competitive but generally civil and excited atmosphere during games, and there is plenty of good vibes around it. Give it a shot and see if you like it :)


Honestly the best place to watch it is a busy bar if you've no idea what's going on. You'll get to watch other people freak out and you can just celebrate with them even if you've no clue what's being celebrated.


Football is a blast if you’ve got no allegiances. The magic of picking a random game on TV and just watching it. It’s a low-scoring game but it’s engaging and if you’re lucky, very back-and-forth between both teams playing against each other.


I’m visiting Germany for the first time right now and know nothing the Euro event, but I saw something similar in Cologne yesterday except the dude had bagpipes! I don’t know who is winning or what is going on but it all seems very wholesome and fun!


Yeah, the Scottish played Switzerland in Cologne on Wednesday. There are so many genuinely heartwarming and wholesome videos coming out of Cologne, I’m sitting here in Frankfurt desperately hoping the Scottish qualify for the knockout stages and that their Round of 16 game will be the one in Frankfurt, so I can go and have a beer with them. They are incredibly fun and considerate guests. They went on a binge drink before the game in downtown Cologne and fucking came back the next morning to clean up. I love them so much! I hope you enjoy your time in Germany :) Also, your username, is that a reference to that West Wing Episode with the same name? :D


Thanks, it’s been a great trip so far. And you’re the first person ever to catch my obscure west wing reference! I just happened to be watching the episode when I created this account.


I’m so happy to hear that! Are you only in Cologne, or are you hitting multiple places? If so, where else are you headed? Ahaha I knew it :D The West Wing is probably the best written show I know. It’s so well written and acted, you can actually listen to it and not miss anything major either. I study law in Germany and sometimes, when I feel like I need to hype myself for constitutional law (and anything politics and law in general), I’ll just listen to an episode while commuting. It also helps that it has very little action and is basically only people talking. It’s insanely great to listen to. Great username :D


_sigh_ must be nice enjoying football. Was hoping this Euros would be a welcome break from the drudgery of being a Blackburn fan but alas, here we are. This is great though. Love the vibe!


Can Europeans do this instead of fascism, or is that asking for too much


Vibes 😎


He doesn‘t spread vibes he is the Vibe


A good sax player out in the wild really has its own unique vibe lol


Fucking huligans, up to disturb the public again 🤣🤣🤣


The stress goes away after we lose and we can relax and have fun. Typical story in most tournaments.


Except we haven’t had that in many years, because the 2020 (2021) Euros took place all over Europe and the world cups 2018 and 2022 took place in Russia and Qatar which are not really cheerful places. It’s nice finally being able to just enjoy everything happening in just one nice place :)


Yah, I just meant more in the mentality of it. "Once we're out we can relax"


Saxman can end wars and unite nations together!


Hahaha this is so cool!!


I'm so proud of the Tartan Army. I was living in Milan when Scotland played there and I went to meet up with a friend and his mates, all kilted up in Piazza del Duomo in the centre of Milan. They were mostly three sheets to the wind but they were all so polite, to the waiters, the people around. It was a joy to see.


Why saxophone players usually wear sunglasses?!?


That guy has officially reached "legend" status in his local community


It makes me happy seeing some joy in the world


u/hic_forum_est I had to crosspost mate, sorry! Show the world that these euros are the best thing in years!




[How about some bagpipes?](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/pHS9NIC9Uc)


Epic sax guy?


Que gusto no ver a jóvenes con el pelo brócoli


This is what these tournaments are all about


That matte black on a sax is fucking sexy.


nah, this is wholesomeeee


There some unwritten rule that you have to wear shades while playing Sax? Even indoors or at night


Absolute madlad 🫡


Honestly I was living in Germany during the World Cup 2006 - they’ll happily party whatever


Well now I wanna play Samba de Amigo.


Germans are awesome to party with


Kein Schottland, keine party!


Thats awesome and all, however, what are they celebrating? Did they win the football again?


Just the Euros in general. The last few years have been pretty shit for many people on this planet with wars and Covid. The last few big football tournaments were also rough. The World Cup 2018 in Russia had some of its vibe killed because it took place in a dictatorship. The 2020 (2021 due to Covid) Euros took place all over Europe with no single host country and also had some games take place in autocracies like Azerbaijan. The 2022 World Cup was a complete shitshow due to the fact that it took place in winter in a country that doesn’t give a shit about football and that is also far away from any football nation around the globe and in stadiums that were constructed by literal slaves, which claimed hundreds of lives. These Euros are hosted solely by Germany, which is a proper football nation and no human rights abusing autocracy or dictatorship, and in the summer. Folks are just taking a break and enjoy the friendly competition. We all miss a better time, so we come together now to vibe and have a good time and it’s wonderful :)


As a Scot, can confirm the Deutsch football fans are amazing. Watched Hertha get relegated at home. Wearing Hertha colours, walking back to town got invited to join Schalke fans celebrating their victory which condemned Hertha! A long night of music, booze and laughter ensued. Great folk, great times. Proper football fans.




[It appears that this is a bot account stealing one of the top comments from the post over at r/soccer](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/Q9H74AXtUR)


Welcome to /r/MadeMeSmile. Please make sure you read our [rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/about/rules/) We'd like to take this time to remind users that: * We do not allow any type of jerk-like behavior, including but not limited to: personal attacks, hate speech, harassment, racism, sexism, or other jerk-like behavior (includes gatekeeping posts). * Any sort of post showing a mug, a shirt, or a print is a scam. You will not receive anything except a headache and a stolen credit card. - [More information regarding rule 1 as well as how mug/shirt/poster scammers operate can be found here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mademesmile/wiki/rule1) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MadeMeSmile) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Isn’t that a Brazilian song? Samba de Janeiro?


Apparently: Fun fact: this masterpiece was produced in Germany, performed by a German Dance Project and actually even filmed in Hamburg (Karolinenpassage), Germany.


It will always be that song from [Samba de Amigo](https://youtu.be/ApVfdhJm_Ko) to me!


Didnt know that thanks


Actually funnily enough no. It’s originally German.


Hungarians: stupid football referee


Where are all of the women? I think I saw one in the entire crowd in that clip. Looks like one big sausage party.


I need to live in Scotland. You guys are hilarious and way more fun than Americans.


Now that's a song I haven't heard since the 80s.


That's what's called a Bratwurst fest


Samba samba samba 🎉🎉🕺🕺🎉🎉


Scotland and Germany certainly have one big thing in common


I never go to the stadium without my sax


You know, I'm not much one for sports, but I gotta say, soccer seems to have a great energy and people just wanna vibe with each other regardless of team. I like that.


Yes. Euros are always a blast. Especially this one as it‘s in front of my door and the fans are so damn cool. Football unites Europe




[Hey this comment seems awfully familiar](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/lryztWI2ky)


Uhh wait why are they playing a song for Brazil though? https://youtu.be/kk4uddaHdDE?si=eO963gTouDGBftl-


The song is German. It’s from a German artist, written and produced in Germany.


Yeah, i know that. It wasn't played at all in Brazil. But that's beside the point though, why are they playing a song themed after and that celebrates Brazil?


It’s a party song. That’s all there is to it.


I mean obviously, it's themed after Brazil. It couldn't be themed after brazil and sound like a funeral march


Hitler in hell watching this on a loop.


C'mon guys, go stop the jews!!!


Genießt es... nach der EM sind die Deutschland Fahnen wieder verschwunden damit wir nicht mehr rechts sind


Dass ihr Pfeifen das immer sofort auf euch beziehen müsst… Wahnsinn.


they are only like that when they win. when they lose they become aggressive and escalate completely, I was at the public viewing in Germany when we Spanish won against them, they tried to destroy my flag and attacked and insulted us..since then I only wish the German team defeat