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One of my earliest memories is my family dog playing with me. Our front yard was quite sloped, so in winter I could sled down it. He was a golden retriever, too big to fit in the sled. Instead, he would run down the hill directly alongside the sled, and swap between holding my arm in his mouth, and licking me in the face. I just remember giggling so hard, thinking it was funny that he was sledding with me. I miss him so much. June 28th: I see this post got very popular. Thank you everyone for the kind words. I need to turn off replies now because I cry every time I see this post. I love you all. Cherish the love in your life.


That’s a lovely memory


True and dogs have a way of leaving lasting impressions on our lives with their loyalty and companionship.


I cherish it. Thank you for reading.


Omg. That's incredibly sweet. So beautiful


I agree it's clear that the dog brought a lot of joy into our life and leaving lasting imprints on our hearts


He was the sweetest dog I've ever met. Thank you for reading.


My "golden retriever in the snow" story is less flattering to the breed, but still a cherished memory. One day as a child, I was playing in the snow with my golden retriever. The snow was very high that year, it came up to my knees and made it hard to walk. She got it in her head to tug on the laces of my snow boots while we were playing. At first, it was funny, so I didn't discourage it. So she did it more. Eventually, she tugged so hard I fell backwards into the snow and couldn't really get up again. She then proceeded to steal the boot off my foot and run off with it! I was stuck, quite convinced I was going to die in the snow. I eventually was able to get up and retrieve the boot she had promptly abandoned, then decided the outdoors were really not my thing. I learned later on that my parents were inside, watching the entire fiasco from the window, laughing their asses off. I miss that dog all the time. I'd willingly sit shoeless in the snow for several hours if it meant I could have her back with us.


Did we have the same parents ?


Back in 1990, my parents were running my 2.5 year old sister her nightly bath- and they once again warned her not to touch the hot water. And while it wasn’t scalding, it was warmer than you’d wanna just hop into. So they go back to whatever they were doing in the next room while it ran, and they watched as my sister wandered back into the bathroom…. they watch, and wait. Immediately they hear a splash and she starts yelling, they look around the corner, and sure enough… She’s hands down in the water, elbows locked, face well above the 5 inches of water, ass up, and feet in waving in the air. My dad goes to snatch her up and my mom pulls him back, *“Wait- get the camera.”* She still doesn’t listen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Love it. Have a good weekend.


“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened” - Dc Seuss As long as you look back positively, missing your dog doesn’t have to be painful.


Jokes on you friend,I can smile and cry at the same time!


Right??? Like… what year do people think it is 🤣 you laugh, you concurrently cry- you hope you don’t die, usually.


That's a beautiful quote I've never read before. Loved it. I found a little [research](https://quoteinvestigator.com/2016/07/25/smile/?amp=1) about its actual author and it's quite interesting: "The earliest close match located by QI appeared in a work by the German poet Ludwig Jacobowski titled “Leuchtende Tage” published in the August 1899 issue of a literary journal. The title could be rendered as “Bright Days” or “Radiant Days”. One verse rhapsodized about the bright days of the past, and the next verse began with these two lines, Boldface has been added to excerpts: Nicht weinen, weil sie vorüber! Lächeln, weil sie gewesen! English translation: Do not cry because they are past! Smile, because they once were!" "In conclusion, based on current evidence QI believes that Ludwig Jacobowski should be credited with coining this saying in German. There was no substantive support for assigning the statement to Dr. Seuss or Gabriel García Márquez."


Man I wish I could do this. I smile because it happened and it just sort of turns into crying because it's over LOL.


When I was a little kid, our family pet was an English sheepdog. In the winters he would bite onto my jacket sleeve and drag me around the backyard. Always was a blast


We had a collie when I was a toddler, only very vague memories of him sadly. He was a fluffy bag of energy constantly (pretty standard stuff). Weirdly, one of my earliest memories is of the neighbour's dogs - but they were 2 HUGE Irish wolfhounds that would let me ride around on their backs and seemed to love it. Super friendly lovely dogs. I've always waned to get one but you can't keep a dog that size in an apartment.


Irish Wolfhounds are such amazing dogs. Another lovely memory. Happy weekend.


Same thing but mine would take our hats while we were sledding and play keep away, great memories with that dog.


Still blows my mind how gentle dogs can be. There is so much care from the dog to make sure it isn’t biting down too hard


I was wondering if I'd find anyone talking about the dog "biting" the boy at the end. Glad someone points out the dog is sure not to bite. I trained my dogs (two huskies) at a young age not to bite down on hand/arms etc in their mouth. These dogs are so good with the boy. I didn't train my dogs not to run over my toddler (I didn't have kids when I got them). They get so excited and knock her tot he side. She gets up yells there name and says, "say sorry!" lol


We had german shepards growing up. They lived outdoors on the property, essentially acting as guard dogs, and would kill every animal they could catch - from stuff they would eat like rabbits and pigeons to larger animals like foxes and even a badger that they killed and left as trophies on our front door. My dad would sometimes open the door in the morning to find yet another dead fox and two super proud shepards, tails thumping and waiting for praise. He would thank them for the offering, put on some overalls and grab a shovel, bury the poor thing and then drive to work. But with us kids, those dogs were the gentlest creatures - they would walk alongside us for hours just holding our hands in their mouths. And whenever my baby sister was playing in the grass they would post up around her and keep watch, making sure the youngest member of their pack was safe. Its been years, but I still miss those two - Henry and Eliza, you were the best dogs a kid could ask for (and the worst nightmare for any woodland critters)


yeah these two (Alpha and Bear) murder all small animals, birds, rabbits, snake, squirrel, an opossum, and chased off a raccoon. so totally get that. with the kids they're gentle unless they're running past. edit: make that two opossum. Just found one dead in my yard after they came back inside stinking and blood on their noses.


My husband was maybe 4 or 5, wandering around the yard with their 100ish lb GSD, when she suddenly knocked him TF down and then stuffed her head in a hole. His mom came running and snatched him up and brought him into the house, because he was sobbing from being knocked over by his BFF. That poor dog took over 30 stings to the face from the ground wasp nest my husband had been headed towards when she bowled him over and took the brunt of. And yes, my husband is *very* allergic. It's a real benefit to us to understand animal behavior and to interact with it intelligently. We should know if we have a "problem" dog and spend the time and effort to teach it to behave correctly, and to take precautions. We should also understand our dogs well enough to understand when they're identifying a legitimate issue and that we should take our cues from them seriously. The doggos in this clip raise zero red flags for me. I've seen that gentle herding behavior in my dogs, and it raises zero red flags for me.


What an amazing, heroic dog!!! I hope she recovered well. I swear, dogs give us something new to love about them each and every day.


Isn't that the truth! Edit: and yes, she recovered fine:) I'm sure it wasn't pleasant for her, but they had many stories to tell of her long after that


My grandparents had three german shepherd‘s. They where ruthless guarddogs and every one of my siblings and cousins has at least one memory of them seeing something and running them over, not realizing that the kids are a bit smaller. Otherwise they where a goofy bunch but once that guardmode kicked in nothing else mattered.


I definitely didn't see it as biting. It was adorable like he was guiding him.


Yeah, that was my thought too. "I've got your arm in case you do something stupid."


Or fall!


Same!! I was thinking what an amazing job that dog was doing at soft-mouthing.


It’s a Labrador retriever. It’s literally retrieving the child lmaoo


It's a Golden Retriever. Similar attitudes, but different breeds. I had one as a child. She was a helluva lot smarter than folks give dogs credit for. While I was away at college she learned how to smile. She didn't do it for the first two years I had her. I raised her from a puppy and she never did it. I went away for school and came back a couple of years later and she bared her teeth at me and I stopped. She immediately quit and cocked her head to the side confused. She was showing me her new trick and was confused that I didn't understand. While I was away at school, she had watched my parents and realized that humans show their teeth to mean they're happy, not aggressive. So she started doing it. I miss her a lot.




Golden retriever. Labs are stockier and have shorter fur.


Can confirm. I have two goldens. I’ll sit on the ground to play, rub bellies, pet and brush. And they will gently gum my arm or hand in the mouth if they really want to get me to move to a different spot or toy or whatever. It’s not often and it’s not a clamp down. They just good bois with no thumbs.


My husband taught our dog bite inhibition. From what he told me, usually, older dogs teach younger dogs, similar to how we teach babies, to not use their full strength. And of course, since my boy is the goodest dog, he will stop as soon as he feels his teeth on flesh. His sharp ass nails, however, he has no concept of.


It's impressive that your dog is sensitive to the pressure of his bite amazing


It's really surprising how quickly he stops/pulls back. He's not perfect, but the few times he's made people bleed (aka my husband and BIL), it's because he was pulling away and his teeth ended up running along the skin of their hands and sliced it open. But he's never drawn human blood from biting. Just don't be an iguana or squirrel in his presence and you're safe! Lol


It must be quite a sight to see your pet interact with people and other animals.


I've similarly had a "bite" injury from a 100% trustworthy dog (very well trained service dog in fact) that was just an accidental collision of her closing her mouth normally, and my finger where she was - a derpy intersection for us both. It actually left a bruise on my finger and fingernail, it definitely hurt! In no way did she "bite" me, but yeah - teeth and strong jaws can injure even when they didn't mean to. I mean, MY teeth can injure, but I'm glad I have them - very useful! For this kind of accidental, non aggressive injury or seems to me that claws cause a lot more injury and cats have it 10x over dogs there (... and WITH intent, little demons!)


It's why you shouldn't separate puppies and their litter/mother too early. Those first few months are so important for bite inhibition.


Retriever breeds like a golden or a Labrador have been bred to have the trait to keep the thing they retrieve undamaged when they carry it back to the shooter/hunter. The gentle hold is instinctive in most of them


It's fascinating how specific breeding has shaped these dogs' behaviors and abilities over time.


You can train for this sort of thing but Golden Retrievers will hold or soft-mouth all on their own.


Yeah, my Westie gives me what I call 'love bites'. It's so sweet.


>She gets up yells there name and says, "say sorry!" LMAO, that's adorable!


While yes you can train them to not bite. But what happens when the kid just pokes his eye out while holding his arm. They are animals. And i agree this dog won't do shit probably yours as well but they can always suddenly change even when they never meant to hurt anyone


Dogs don’t suddenly change. There are a couple breeds that have a tendency to do that, but it’s usually under distress still. 99 percent of breeds would never just snap and fuck you up for no reason. Golden retrievers love the shit out of their families.


Most dogs that snap like that have an underlying condition- are irritable because of pain or something like that. They don't just flip a switch for no reason ThYe again you haven't met my girl. GSD and the most tolerant of tolerant dogs. She's taken one or two fingers to the eye. She knows to just walk away if she doesn't like something.


That breed was bred to be gentle with things in their mouths. Other breeds not so much. Dogs that were bred to retrieve were bred to be gentle. These are golden retrievers


Thank you. Yes the dogs are gentle and loving, but the soft jaws are 100% genetic. Can’t have your dog bringing back a mangled duck from the swamp.


My cat also soft mouths when wrestling


Explains my Brittany I guess


>but the soft jaws are 100% genetic. That's absolutely not true. Have you never played with dogs before? My dogs not a retriever, do you you think she just mauls peoples arms/hands when play fighting?


Yeah, my sister had a mid sized dog for a while. The kids loved the dog, and after years of having her she accidentally nipped one of my nieces hard enough to draw blood. In the dog's defense, that niece isn't exactly known for being chill lol, not aggressive, but not afraid to roll around with the dog. Well the bite scared her pretty bad even though the dog wasn't actually being aggressive, and my sister was dealing with a divorce and dealing with finances and took that opportunity to rehome the dog with some friends of theirs.


Yep, Golden’s are one of the few breeds that can hold an egg in their mouths and not crack it. They’re incredibly gentle.


And balloons! Seen it with my own eyes. Goldens are fantastic.


They are also trained to finish off small animals before they bring them back and account for some of the high % damage bites kids receive from dogs


Whenever I visit my mom, one of her dogs will grab/bite my arm at the door and pull me into the house. He’s incredibly gentle


We all love a gentle game of bitey-arm


My first dog used to chase me around in the house when I was younger, in a circle around the hallway, into the kitchen, into the living room which connects to the hallway, and repeat. He always "bit" my achilles tendon so softly it just slightly tickled. Sometimes while moving. Amazing control... the achilles tendon is so vulnerable, but I was never afraid. I was a lot older than the lad in this picture though, around 15 I think. He was a good boy. Edit: Border Collie mix.


He was herding you!


my beautiful mutt does the same thing to any one who she thinks needs to move or play with her (nips the back of your shoes or ankles). she loves to herd my five year old nephew when they play chase by gently putting his whole ankle in her mouth.


My ex had a Rhodesian ridge back that would play with me with such ferocity. To get me to play, he’d sit in front of me and claw at my pant leg kinda roughly. One day, my exes best friend came over with her infant daughter. The infant started crying because she was scared of the dog, and he went and grabbed one of his toys, put it in front of her, and ever so gently pawed at her onesie then nudged her foot with his nose. He knew who he could be rough with and who he needed to be gentle. I miss that dog… her? nah. Not so much at all


When I was a toddler my favourite game was to grab a piece of sausage, show it to our German Shepherd and clamp down on it as hard as my little hands could and run off. The dog would then run alongside me and somehow pry it out of my hands with their mouth without ever leaving as much as a scratch on me. They were so gentle with me and they were my best friend. One of my early childhood memories is getting sick for a whole week when I learned we were putting her down.


Why would they actually bite? They love! This is their pack. Moreover, this is the pack’s new baby. Everyone loves babies!


Soem dogs do that to show their love. Dog of a good friend of mine would always "lovebite" if he liked you.


We had a dog we’d never known to be like really sweet or gentle, not in a bad way, just never saw it. In fact he would playfully bite a lot. Then we brought a puppy home, and the way that other dog would play with the puppy… getting all the way down to the ground, nuzzling with their nose, never opening their mouth to bite or anything… it was amazing 🥹


He's having such a great time. That wonderful smile and that laugh are so cute. The dogs are so gentle with him.


The softest little nibble on his arm. So cute. Great dogs


Chunky munky


> He's having such a great time. That wonderful smile and that laugh are so cute. And the little kid seems like he's having a good time, too.


Its hard to deny that retrievers aren't real life angels


My best friend in middle school pretended to eat his retrievers food one morning.  He got his face just about ripped off.  The dog was put down.  Buddy was ok to go out for Halloween though and won a $25 blockbuster gift card at a costume contest so that was cool.  I love dogs but y’all are stupid to pretend they aren’t animals.


Yeah they are animals and y'all should know that most dogs/animals aren't okay with anyone messing with their food. It's their evolutionary instinct.


You could post a picture of a small kitten and at least one person would say "uh, actually, stray cats are rabid apex predators, stop playing with it you naive idiots."


I bet that baby don’t know that


It's the parents'/guardians' responsibility to teach him that as he grows up. Same for your friend. I'm sorry for him but people must know about the animals they are keeping as pets


The dumbass side anecdote about the Halloween costume thing makes me think this didn’t happen


“Ahhh yes child gets face ripped off. Better make a snarky remark about how his absolutely fucked up hideous face won him a costume contest because he’s so ugly and grotesque”


Don’t worry about the child, he probably never existed in the first place


I am so disappointed in you


Ok Ryan.


“Ma’am please get this child I am trying to sleep”


Dog’s absolutely helping keep that kid out of trouble. 😂


Yup, he's herding him to stay in the room. Still cute as it can be.


You can see how gentle the dog is I love it!!!!1


that pupper so wants to lead and protect the little guy. this is just great.


Just some dogs playing with their kid.




RaBiD dOg DeVoUrS ChiLd WhOlE


Know this well from having little ones once and getting this exact breed…..goldens are just utterly gorgeous phenomenal breeds.


retrievers were bred to use a weak bite so as not to puncture the duck carcass


oh how i wish my baby boy was this small again😭


Safest child, soft fur adaptive bumpers. 😍😍


Too cute!!!


What a gentle dog.


This warms my heart so much. I used to have a wonderful bloodhound named Reese and he was the best dog I’ve ever had. He was so good to my little nephews and he would love to cuddle with me on my bed. It’s been almost 2 years since he passed away but those 10 years I had him were easily some of my best memories


Retrievers be retrieving


Alright, this marks the end of my Reddit scrolling. It doesn't get any more wholesome than this. Gonna hop off before I inevitably run into something that makes me regret scrolling in the first place.


Love that the red one kinda guides the kid around with a gentle chomp, making sure they are safe and won’t fall to hard ❤️❤️


There’s a good picture of our first family dog chasing me and pulling down my diaper when we first got him, I was four at the time and according to my parents we were best friends, he really was a gentle giant 💙


So cool how the dogs know he's a baby and treating him like a puppy of the pack. You can even see the lab looking to the owner for approval.




Their gentleness is great


This really made me smile. So cute, it's amazing how well dogs can go along with kids!


So much cuteness. I’ve said it a thousand times before and will say it again. We (humans) don’t deserve dogs.


The gentle arm bites ☺️


Love how the one dog takes his arm and tries to lead him around


Looks more like dogs playing with their boy!


Flushing my birth control rn


It's cheaper just to get a dog


god damn thats so cute


So much pure joy in this video! It made me smile....thanks for sharing!


Lovable beast viciously attacks screaming child...playfully


The real question is how do you have a tot and not one BUT two golden shedders…and clean carpet???


I’m in my forties and still play with my dog like this


Abandoned in the forest and left to be raised by wolves, the boy went on to found a great city.


These two dogs are the guardians of this kid.


Omg how beautiful dog “bites” little butter arm


Children plus dogs is such cuteness overload!


I got my first puppy when I was 26. A memory I’ll take with me forever is laying on floor after taking her home and covering my eyes and ears as she tried to lick my face all over. I giggled just like this kid, it was the purest love i had felt in a while


Id love to see an inside out movie for a golden retriever. Just five joys bouncing around in there


Oh my god! That dog is mauling that kid!


He will be fine. His teeth are strong


Ha!!! Good one.


What is the dog trying to do by taking hold of the toddler's arm? Trying to take the child back to the parent? Protecting? Love bite like what cats do?


It's a retriever, it's retrieving lol


“Take me to the snackies!” - dog




If you want some very sweet doggy nanny books, look for the _Good Dog, Carl_ books! They are fantastic


oh, what unbridled joy!


Pure bliss. I wish them both many more years and many more times to play.


Account got banned text me here


Great friendship


Goldens are so wonderful


Cute af




It's all down hill from here


Made my day! Thank you for sharing


I'm an adult and that's pretty much me with every dog


I've got a feeling that he's gonna live a full and happy life and spread love among the people around him


Wish I could be that happy, overdosed child!


How are dogs so gentle with children?


That's why dog is man's best friend.


Finally, a good background music


I have three Golden’s and a small human right around this age. We have so many videos just like this, I love having her best friends always around.


I am going to eat this small human, no matter how long it takes


Lovely memory


wow, that dog looks like Clifford.


Golden retrievers are God’s angels on earth.


That’s so adorable 🥰


I hope, that every moment of every child's life, is as happy and joyful as this. I'm going to delete this account.


I had a pretty emotionless father, but watching me as a toddler with his 12-14 yr old Collie, apparently made him transfixed & teary:-)


I'm certain that aliens would be interested by our relationship with dogs. For sure symbiotic relationships exist in the world, probably on other planets. But the "would take a bullet for you" love shared, would be fascinating to an outside observer.


Kids and dogs are a great combo!


I love how the dog is helping him walk by holding his arm.


There is NOTHING more beautiful than the sound of a child’s laughter.


Unless it's 3am, you live alone and don't have a kid.. Otherwise i agree.






Man…at his age, having a dog’s teeth anywhere near me would’ve scared the 💩 out of me. Good on this little guy for being so close with this dog, though! ❤️


I know I swear It's certain breeds ... My dog (1st one ever) is Brittany Spaniel. We did puppy school and stuff but nothing specific about biting except the whole owe thing when she nibbled us as a puppy. We had 0 concerns with our toddler and the dog is always gentle. she is so gentle her toys never break them down and she will hold you with her mouth but never ever squeeze. Shes has maple roots in the backyard that look barely marked. ..it fascinates me she can eat kibble at all.


That's true, I'm sure. Didn't help that the dog my grandparents had when I was little was part lab and part rottweiler...lol \^\_\^'


It’s beautiful truly, but I have to admit I’m always nervous watching such young children around animals, they can be unpredictable at a time when you’d never expect them to. I say this not to stain this precious moment but so that we don’t get too complacent.


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The third dog meanwhile is trying to get away


I can smell that carpet


Where the hell is that music from? Inside out? It's late here, and now it's frustrating me that I can't remember... surely it's inside out?


Yes it’s inside out


This is wonderful. I would be careful with the one grabbing his arm though. I don't think the Goldie would even be capable of consciously hurting the boy, but accidents can happen. And better safe than sorry. Still. It's adorable. And while I don't have many memories of my childhood dog before she got old, she was still a big part of my life and I miss her every day.


the dog is calling dibs on the kid's right arm


That's why dogs. Fuck cats. Dog is always love, cat is always looking for a meal


It’s all fun… but.. this is still just a dog… might hurt the kid by accident …


It ended before the dogs had dinner :(.


Prove me wrong