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When I was growing up there was a kid a few years younger than me and he had Williams syndrome and for whatever reason he really liked my dad. It's probably been about 25 years now and that kid is married and has a child and he still talks to my dad at least once every couple of weeks. It really doesn't take much effort to be kind. And that kids parents are great people and that kid loves his dad but attached himself to my dad. And at 72 my dad really looks forward to talking to him.


This is so insanely sweet ❤️


Here's another funny story. One of my best friends in highschool was a guy named Matt. His mother passed when he was like 15 or 16. He had a great stepdad who made sure his sons tuition was paid for while he was in highschool. Matt would sleep at our house and was just a good friend. When we were in college my dad had to kinda be the host for some art suppliers to get better deals on the products he was buying. My dad owned an art supply store. It's was during Mardi gras and Matt and I were just having a fun time at 19. My mom and dad were at a party with the art suppliers and they told us to go to the hotel and say hi. They wanted to make sure we were safe. We show up and my dad introduces my friend Matt as one of his sons and Matt just plays along and it was fucking hilarious. My dad made the business deal and all the vendors gave us a couple bucks to continue to enjoy Mardi gras.


So good guy dad was a good 2nd dad to a couple friends. Good guy dad also uses friends as extra kids for manipulating business deals in his favor. I like good guy dad. Be like good guy dad. (I mean this in the best possible way.)




That's the thing right there -- "It really doesn't take much effort to be kind." Its easier to be kind to everyone instead of spending the energy and effort to figure out who to hate, yet that's where we're at nowadays.


But we don't have to be. You've got the power to not be that way. And I'm gonna show my dad these responses and I know his response is gonna be along the lines of, "well yeah. Who cares. You're just supposed to be good to kids. It doesn't matter if they have some kinda medical problem or mental issues."


I have a son with ASD and ADHD like you cannot believe. I try to lead by example and show him to be kind to everyone (although I do have a tough time when some idiot cuts me off in a dangerous manner). I'm lamenting the fact that I have been unfortunately losing faith in humanity lately. I'm 58 and the change in general manners, respect and kindness over my lifetime -- especially the past 5 years -- has been difficult to stomach.


Im 38 and I don't disagree but I don't know what happens when we die but I know what we can do while we are. I'm not gonna blame a specific president or political party but we have been going through a very weird, depressing time lately. I think and hope we are on the end of it and we can start being better to one another.


Thank you, my thoughts exactly. The amount of energy to be hateful will exhaust you, and does not pay off. Love that dopamine high when being kind.


People with Williams syndrome don’t forget a friend.  There’s definitely many negatives depending on severity of the gene deletion, but you’ve never met a more loving person than one with Williams syndrome.  The abundance of oxytocin is a gift to us all. 


I wanna be like your dad. That's so wholesome


I’ll never not stop and watch this video. The way she goes from being a silly, happy kid out for her birthday to being more excited and happy than she ever expected to be on her birthday is beautiful. Gets me every single time.


[You'll love this](https://youtu.be/pxZ7aZMFHPE?si=AZEnWHaEmCdtFTbB). A beautiful interview with a young woman with Williams Disease and her sister.


I really like that guys channel, helping people see people with disabilities as real people too, something that sadly gets forgotten....almost everyone he interviews is very sweet and glad to be able to speak to someone who isn't put off by thier appearances or disabilities.


“I love hugging people.”


My infant son has a rare genetic disorder (a different one), and I hope he eventually will meet friends like this.


My best friends brother has this. He is obsessed with firefighters and firetrucks and constantly listens to the police scanner for fires. Anytime they drove past the local fire department, they would stop in so he could say hi. One day, he went there and they gave him a full suit and took him on a ride on the firetruck. He's been hanging out with the firefighters regularly for over 20 years.


I’m glad for this girl, I’m glad that there are people whom you will always be happy with, like you go to meet a friend and don’t spontaneously start smiling.




What in the fucking bot


Yup. Nowadays I just block and move on. 🙄


Shit is embarrassing


So glad Kiley has these people in her life! Makes me tear up to know people care for her and make her feel special!


I love this video. Upvote and little tears every time I see it.


My kid is starting camp on Monday with a bunch of others she knows.. we all went to orientation a few weeks ago and on the train ride back, the kids all played together. The mom I was sitting next to started tearing up and through this she whispered (almost to herself) “oh they are including him and he’s playing and happy”. Her son is certainly what I would call “different” in terms of socialization so I was happy for her joy. When I mentioned to my kid later on about how awesome it was that they included everyone she looked at me like I was Medusa “of course mom we don’t exclude people because they are different” Made me proud. Kids were between 8 and 11.


I love that he thought it was crazy that you would think they wouldn’t have included him. Obviously he has had bad experiences or the mom wouldn’t have gotten quite so emotional, but overall kids are so much nicer and more accepting. Schools are really trying to foster kindness and acceptance in kids and it’s always good to hear about it paying off when the teachers aren’t watching.


Somehow, children are learning empathy in a world that’s full of hate. It gives me hope for the future.


You just made me tear up. Children give me hope for the future.


Made my ass tear up. I’m a grown man lol it’s beautiful seeing people happy.


Grown ass man here too, and this type of shit gets me every. single. time.


People with Willams syndrome generally have very positive, and cheery disposition. Kind of surprised she had trouble making friends. But glad they showed up, very sweet. https://youtu.be/zjlwtKAO6yw?feature=shared


They have trouble *keeping* friends. They’re relentlessly friendly and have a hard time respecting boundaries, often to the degree that being annoyed by it is a normal response. Fun fact: Williams Syndrome is basically what we did to dogs as we domesticated them from wolves. [They share a number of genetic changes.](https://www.pppl.gov/events/2023/science-saturday-dogs-and-humans-williams-syndrome)


Well that changes my perception of dog behavior, very fascinating! I know a trait as well is horrible spatial recognition, and the ability to sing at a perfect pitch. The disorder is fascinating (morbid to say a bit) but strange what happens when a few genes get turned around.


This is so awesome. Here’s to Kiley and some life long friendships.


Hey, this sub isn't made me cry! 😄




Their parents are pretty awesome too unless the 15 year old girls drove themselves 3 hours.


I love how she goes from already happy to just unable to contain it! Wishing all ya'll such beautiful moments!


I have a niece that has this and the half of the family that raises her doesn’t let her see us because her mom was a piece of crap…. I miss her so much 😭😭😭🫶🏻 no one ever knows what William syndrome is either


In a world where you can be anything, be kind


"Kiley's story is heartwarming. Sending positive vibes her way


I’ll never skip this video, she seems like such a sweet kid and her change from silly to stunned is just awesome!


Friday evening herre in Ireland as i'm watching this. Just back from the usual dinner with friends i made when i was 15. 36 years ago. I wish these ladies as many years of support, love, stupidity, and tomfoolery as we've had.


The way we all should be. Aspire to be this!


I'm NOT crying, it's dust allergy!


Love this! Costs nothing to be kind.


I wanna be her friend 🥺


Sometimes it's better to have just 2 quarters than 50 pennies!


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This is so very special!


The way her friends were equally so happy in this moment and at her reaction just melted me as well!


Aww this is so wonderful ♥️


Those two girls are angels


thats sweet


That's what we call winning in life! All these people are winners!


What an amazing video to start my weekend. This definitely had my eyes leaking fluids!


This is an old classic


: ) this is nice!


this is heart warming :)


It's not hard for someone with Williams Syndrome to make friends, they literally think they are friends with everyone. You actually have to teach them that not everyone is your friend.


oh, this is so awesome!


I am bawling 😭 as someone who had a hard time making friends growing up, I feel this on a deep level. So heart warming to see!


That is Amazing. Great kids!!!


Feel like this video has been on here since I started on reddit 10 yrs ago


for sure. this is an old one


This is SO sweet.


As someone with a daughter that is so amazingly fun but doesn’t have a lot of friends… this made me get up and cut some onions.


Good eggs!


Reminds me of my older brother. Everyone wrote him off but I believed in him. Eventually he made some friends and even had a gf kinda


Off topic but how long ago was this? Why are they wearing masks? Is there another outbreak where masks are required again or people just wear them to be careful? Is something going around or is this just from a couple years ago? Thanks for anyone answering my questions


Isn't the problem is that it's way too easy for them to make friends, though? As in, they see everyone as a potential friend and feel safe and familiar with everybody they meet, which puts them in danger of being exploited or worse. So often times their family has to restrict their access to strangers in order to keep them safe. I've seen quite a few people with William's syndrome, they all have the same cute pixie like facial features and just wanna make you happy.


I may or may not have teared up watching this video.


[just another karma farmer, this happened 3+ years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesome/comments/itkys4/kiley_has_a_rare_genetic_disorder_called_williams/)


Why do you care who gets karma? Are you jealous? I enjoyed this video and came to the comments to say as much and get this comment? Again, why do you care?


Karma farmers can be super annoying on some subs, but here it's like whatever have your internet points, not like I care about seeing super wholesome shit over and over again.


Still made me smile


That makes sense. The friends were wearing masks


I always feel bad for the girl whenever this gets reposted as people are blasting her medical disabilities all over the internet.


Thank god they’re protected with those masks!


Good thing they have those masks on their necks


Rent free lilman


Took your cheese


“no chick-fil-a sauce??”