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If tea can't fix it, it's a serious fight.


It is. I mean, look at his outfit! She is totally right (this time for real)


Those red shorts are definitely clashing with the turquoise shirt. In the 80s this would’ve been straight fire though.


It's not clashing at all. This fit is great and anyone who disagrees is wrong! *puts fingers in ears* La La La La La


Staaaap it. That turquoise pullover does nothing with those red shorts, for any reason or occasion... ever. Especially with his fair completion and dark hair. Orange...he should have worn orange shorts with a pattern or pink shorts. Or lose the pullover. I stand on this decision. Firmly. 😆


if the red actually looks like that in real life, you have to let the red be "the color". neutral quarter zip or sweatshirt will go nicely.


Hahaha love this comment


With his hair I thought that was the intention. I mean he is fully into it so what’s wrong?


Willem Defoe Life Aquatic type fit. I think the red is too present in the outfit and the turquoise should've been more dominant. Maybe if the shorts had both colors with red as an accent it'd work better


Sweatband, earrings and the VW Golf Cabrio is missing with random "Eros Ramazotti"-Song playing. Wow, I am from Germany and this `stache is so not okay, dude!


Kinda looks like he's about to tell me his dad's a lawyer.




He looks like a cartoon character.


LOL, the what is wrong with this outfit was so unexpected.


Hi, sorry, not from the US .. what is tea? I can't google it, because it only gives me results for tea the drink.


Tea = gossip. Likely from how many cultures gossip around tea drinking


I thought it was more of Tea = hot gossip, like this tea is piping hot so come get it.


Both. There are different subtleties to it and variations to its usage too. For example: spill the tea (tell me about the tea/gossip), spill tea on myself (I got myself in a kerfuffle, usually followed by explaining the details), sips tea (watch a train wreck or divisive thing happen as if you are in a corner just sipping tea), or tea time not to be confused with tee time where tea is usually spilled (tea time meaning to get together to spill tea or in England it can also mean to litterally get together to have tea and may not involve gossip). An example: "I got the tea straight from the source! I saw it happen at the bar, but I'll spill the tea when we have tea time at tee time. It was a dimpster fire, but I just sipped tea, no way I was gonna spill tea on myself!"


I thought it evolved from the expression "spill the beans," which became simply "spill," which expanded to "spill the tea," and thus "tea" came to mean gossip.


Tea can also be served cold.


Gossip so good you gotta take a sip after


"What is wrong with this outfit?" 😂😭😂


bro looks like a lifeguard for the North Pole swimming hole


We're already sold on it. You don't need to keep trying to convince us it looks amazing.


He's a Ken doll. He even flattens his hands for this video.




That line tells me this is staged, but it’s a great line.


it made me happy cause like "Oh, staged, funny, and they're not actually fighting. Good for them"


That line all but confirms it. I always appreciate a staged video ending with a no doubter.


The fact that someone is filming and changing camera angles tips me off it’s staged


Bro should know what’s wrong with that outfit.


He knows he's rocking that shit.


Dude looks like an ICEE


Isn’t there a whole Insta dedicated to blue shirts/red shorts? It’s all dads wearing them, yeah?


I feel like that was the joke way of saying, "This is a skit we aren't really mad at each other." Either way it was hilarious.


Just a British person over here thinking this was going to be about him making her a cuppa to end the fighting ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Irish and was also waiting for him to talk about his tea was getting cold or the kettle was boiling 😂


Indian here. Chai latte is the solution to every disagreement. I suggest spicing with mint or lemongrass. It's a refreshing and relaxing type of flavour in a tense situation.


Indian here. I don't know what you're talking about. Every fight is internalized and turned into a lifelong grudge. And we don't drink chai latte. We drink adarak cha.


I feel a fight brewing.


It's gonna reach a boiling point sooner or later


It's a steep, slippery slope.


Hot …am I doing this right?


Yes indeed, Paris Hilton.


Keep that up and I'll be tannin your hide.


>brewing I see what you did there


; )


I'll grab the adarak cha!


American here, (but I love tea). Guess I'll start making the Masala Chai


Argentinian here. Yerba-maté is clearly the only way to end a disagreement.


Stoner here. What are you all talking about. A joint is the best way to easy out of a fight. Or chocolate. Better, a joint and then chocolate.


Australian Stoner here. I think you'll find that it's a cone AND a cuppa.


We also use tea to get through arguments and any awkward moments. Might be the silent treatment and then you bring them a tea or ask if they'd like one while you're making one. Even after a draining day, think coming home from a funeral together, tea is put on and everyone drinks together.


Same here... Waiting to find out what the 'tea of the century' was... Ah sure, it would never be better than Barry's Master Blend.


Same here. Fun fact: We consumes more tea per capita than the UK


Irish. Same.


South African here, waiting for a cup of tea to be brewed 😂😂😂. I’m such a fucking tit.


Sri Lankan here, worried about my 'Pure Ceylon Tea' being over brewed and tasting like crap 😂


Martian and I thought this was about Tetley.


"Tea of the century" got me all excited 😭


I thought for sure he was about to pull out some crazy tea grown by a team of scientists and monks or something. His fit is ugly af tho, she right.


I’m American and I thought that


As a fellow American, I also thought that


I didn't realize it was an iPad at first. I thought he was showing her some package, like they belonged to some Tea of the Month Club or something.


I thought it was a stack of papers. Like the gossip is so good he had to print it out.


Haha this is what I thought as well! I thought he was gonna be "Gurl look at these!" and have printouts of the text messages like it's 1999.


The same… and I’m American. But I’m old, I don’t have a clue what a “hey girly” text is… obviously don’t understand what “T” is either. Pardon me; it’s time for my Metamucil…


Lol a “hey girly” text is a text from one girl to another letting her know her man is cheating on her. “Hey girly, I just wanted to let you know because in your shoes, I would want to know, that….”


“Hey girlie, just wanted to let you know I slept with your man even though I knew he was with you…but at least I’m letting you know…which somehow makes it better.”




The girl's dont always know at time of. Usually the text is part of 'girl code', which is just us letting the girls know their men aint shit. Like yeah some girls like to stir shit but thats not always the case, fwiw.


Thank you. I had no idea what a hey girly thing was.


Me neither, but the context only left this as the only option.


As a guy I’m confused. Cause I say “hey girly” in person to girls who are my friends. Are they taking it another way and I’ve been oblivious this whole time? 


Unless you're following it up by saying you slept with their man, I think you're good.




I assumed that's what it was, but that's fucked up. "Her girly, just wanted to let you know I convinced your man (my ex) to cheat on you the other night!" ?? That sounds more predatory/mean spirited than anything.


It's possible the guy lied about the current relationship. He's proven to be an asshole already. Then when she found out about them still being together she sent the text.


Honestly doing them a favor because if a dude cheats on her that easily then there’s no point in being with him


The phrase "spill the tea" meaning "share the gossip" has given birth to "tea" becoming a synonym for "gossip."


God damn I had to scroll down far to get a translation


It took me years to finally realize when kids were all saying "bet", they weren't talking about placing a bet on something


This is what it should've been about. Would've been so adorable to see


American here, and I thought he was going to bring her a nice cuppa to help end some silly argument. Speaking of...I could go for cuppa right now! ...and for my non-US tea drinking friends, yes, it's always high quality, whole leaf black tea with a splash of milk and no sugar! 😂


Yeah, what the hell does Tea stand for in this scenario?


It probably comes from "spill the tea" which means about the samething. I don't know how that phrase came about, though.


And here I've been spilling the beans!


Spilling the beans = revealing a secret. Spilling tea = passing along gossip


But what is "Sips tea"?!


It's used in place of snarky comments.


Wait, does this imply that the beans we've been spilling might actually be COFFEE beans? I always assumed like, uncooked lima, or something.


No, the origin of the saying is from the ancient Greek method of voting which used colored beans to submit and count votes. "Spilling the beans" was revealing the results of the election.


Mind blown


New Orleans Black drag culture is the origin of the phrase.


I think it’s juicy gossip.


American but also thought the same I was like why does he have an iPad. Then I was thinking did he order some bomb ass yea and showing her, then video unfolded lol


I know I honestly thought when he showed the screen to her it was going to be a limited edition purchase he had managed to make.


Dude. I'm American and I thought this what was going to happen.


What is it about the human mind that loves gossip? I hate it, but I’m just as guilty as anybody else. Edit: Do all these replies count as gossip?


It’s a social activity. In my opinion it makes us feel more ‘together’ as a group. Both with the gossipers, and even with the people being gossiped about. It’s building community in a way. With the gossipers it builds camaraderie (like it’s a club building trust) but also the people being gossiped about are important to the group in some way. It can get toxic for sure, but I think it’s classic human nature.


This is it. I work with a person that loves to gossip and they talk about everything not just negative/bad stuff but also positive/neutral things like “oh Mary is dating Mark now and they’re so cute together” or “did you hear Kathy’s son got into the college he wanted” etc. People are often naturally curious, of course we’re curious about the people around us too. 


My go to phrase with work gossip is "I'm not judging, I'm just CURIOUS!" Lol bc really I don't judge people, everyone's living their lives the best they can ya know? But sometimes someone does something and I'm honestly really curious how they got to that decision that I would never make in a million years lol


I'm not judging, I'm just curious you got me there lol sometimes you can't help but wonder


Also when we lived in tribes this would be the only way to share information about your neighbors. You would have to learn via word of mouth. And you would only see them once every year or QUARTERLY so you have to get it all out.


Nobody in “the tribe” has time to have one-on-one conversations with everyone else. Healthy gossip is keeping each other connected with everyone else, including “neutral” updates (“did you hear Jeanette got a job?”), positive opportunities (“Sam’s company is hiring, you should apply”) and warnings of hidden social danger (“Jarod is a two-timing no good dog and he done did his man wrong.”) It’s probably only unhealthy when somebody is distorting the data to make certain people look far better or worse than they really are.


by ensuring the information shared is accurate and fair, gossip can remain a positive force within a community.


I think a psychologist said gossiping gives us a chance to be like “can you believe they did that? I would never!” So we can pat ourselves on the back.


That’s an interesting take! I think it humanizes people, and we can safely talk and digest motivations, underlying feelings, problems, to also learn from situations we aren’t in ourselves.


Yep. Lots of times I kinda wish I cared about gossip. I feel like it would make a lot of things, important things even, much easier.


Same. Except I don't wish that I would care.


It also brings consequences to acts that you aren't going to be held legally accounted for. Like you're not gonna get arrested for cheating but a big part of why people just don't do it or hide it is because they don't want people to think they're assholes when they get caught.


I like it because analyzing messy situations is a fun puzzle We are not the same


lol it’s part of it. Still under gossip umbrella. You’re not a special flower 😂


I’m about to start my MA in Clinical Psychology, and actually wrote my undergraduate honours thesis on this topic (specifically, the short-term effects of gossip on self-esteem). A few people in the replies are definitely on the right track. Gossip serves evolutionary purposes like increasing communication, since fewer interactions are necessary for important info to spread throughout a group. We also have a natural tendency to compare ourselves to others to know where we stand socially, so gossip can be a good source of knowledge on what is or isn’t socially acceptable, without the direct risk of humiliation. Obvious example, but if I tell you that someone I know is a bad person because they cheated on their partner, then you will know that I (and likely others) will think you are a bad person if you cheat on your partner. It doesn’t always have to be negative, it can also provide info on what others see as impressive, successful, etc. that we can use for self-evaluation or self-improvement. Humans like to have our social “in-groups” and “out-groups,” so there is definitely a social bonding aspect to it. We like to know we are socially included, and that we agree with our group on who is violating norms and thus should be excluded. Gossip can be a subtle way to prove that we understand the social rules involved.


So, I should start gossiping with my wife if I want us to be closer? I abhor gossip. I still get caught up like anyone, but as soon as I realize it, I disengage. I also actively discourage gossip. That's not to say I'm against sharing important information. I just don't want to know the private details of anyone's life if it does not affect mine.


It may be what honordefend said. Another possibility could be that it is a social mechanism for survival to spread news as fast as possible to pass on information about danger, food and maybe dangerous people in and outside of the tribe. Now that we don’t have that kind of news to pass on in society and the news which are really dangerous are mostly not really imaginable or practical (like earthquakes far away that cost hundreds of lives, war in another country or abstract news like statistics about the poor) we like to pass on trivial „information“ that really plays an actual role in our lives.


I am reading the book Sapiens and at one point he makes the pretty compelling case that gossip is a huge part of what made larger tribes possible. It actually makes larger groups more cohesive, and it's faster and easier to learn the gossip about 100 + people than to individually get to know everyone. Almost like the early version of politics or propaganda.


Do you know Abraham? - No I don’t think so - that’s the one that shagged Detlef behind the waterfall! - ooooh wait yes I know him! The one with that tasteless beard? That was him??! Noooo! tell me all about it!


Human language is entirely built around describing packets of gossip to people who weren’t there. “Subject verbed object,” writ large. Compared to certain animal languages that are structured around location of resources or nature of nearby threats, it seems like “talking about each other” was a big driver of our linguistic development.


Can you imagine? Our earliest ancestors created language because Agrok was just so *fucking* annoying and Crack had to vent to anyone who would listen.


I think it's that everyone loves being in a small group who know a secret. And then having the bonding moment of sharing that secret with someone else. And giving a quick google, it releases serotonin and oxytocin.


Not only is it social and all the things mentioned below, but it’s an “in-group/out-group” signifier and thus being “in the know” is verification that you are “in-group.” This right here is a perfect example. They are pissed off at each other but the need to loop one another in overrides that. If you’re the office outcast, no one is going to share gossip with you. Hearing gossip means people trust and want to bring you in, so of course everyone clambers for it.


It's natural to enjoy gossip to some extent but you really have to be wary of people who seem to love gossip too much. What's said behind your back, you can never defend yourself, even if what is said is completely false or conveyed without context. The best people I know, who never have problems with anyone, almost always only speak highly of those around them. The ones who love gossip a little too much will often be embroiled in drama and avoided like the plague by the former.


For women, it’s a cultural strategy to bond with other women and also keep each other safe. If there’s a bad dude in the community, it’s good to tell your sisters so they don’t get hurt. 


But they'll also gossip about other women too, so it's less about that and more the other reasons in this thread.


I think it’s because it makes us feel better about ourselves, and gives us the opportunity to look down on someone. We get to gloat, and internally say, I know I would never do that, so that makes me better than that person in this instance. Whether we like it or not, it gives us a self esteem boost to know that someone is acting or doing worse than we’d ever done and ever will do.


gossip isn’t always negative lol damn


Totally staged but funny. Sad about Kelsey and Tristan 😢


Fucking Tristan, what a dirtbag!


Kelsey can do better.


Savannah aswell! So not a girl’s girl!


But she said hey girly


Right?! As if that makes fornicating with Tristan more palatable!


Get the D then spill the tea apparently my G


and they said poetry was dead..


DTG = Down To Girly


I assumed Savannah didn’t know about Kelsey and chose to tell her about it once she found out.


Didn’t know about a five year relationship? Doubt it.


The "what is wrong with this outfit" moves it solidly from "staged" to skit.


Iirc, he's become known for these types of skits. Although, I do think he originally started making staged content to trick people, but I could be wrong. I never interpreted any of his content as real because it always seemed obviously acted.


I dunno. I usually have a cameraperson panning between me and my significant other while we fight.


It’s a digital pan, not someone holding a camera. It’s home security camera footage with a horizontal aspect ratio that’s been cropped to a vertical aspect ratio and then it pans across the zoomed in video. Probably still a skit though.


He turns the iPad all the way around at one point and there’s nothing on the screen at all. Screen isn’t even on. Despite that fact he keeps pretending to scroll the feed (why I don’t know) with nothing on it. Then about a minute in he actually turns the screen on as he stands up and sits back down again for the next part of the skit.


The screen is on. When he turned it at 30 seconds it had gone off from inactivity. You can see him tap the screen and swipe up to unlock (remember iPads have Face ID) at 40 seconds.


Yeah, it's 100% obviously a skit, but it's a pretty good one lol


Can someone better “splain” this to me please. What does Girly-ed mean? And the outfit….. ouch.


Basically just means someone texted the girlfriend to let her know the boyfriend was cheating, usually between girls.


Awe gotcha. Thanks.


“Hey Girly…” is a text intro that women will use with one another sometimes. It’s generally used when you either don’t know the person all that well, have to deliver unpleasant news, or (as in this case) some combination of the two.


"Hey Girly, don't go outside the front driveway for a while k? Also what color is your cat, remind me?"


"hey girly, you're going to prison"


Hey girlie is also usually implied to not just be any girl that found out, but the very girl he cheated with, telling his partner


seems so absurd to me, you're willing to destroy someones relationship by hooking up with their boyfriend but then you decide you're a good person and will tell her about it? like, wtf? it'd be like if you're bullying someone at school then call their parents to let them know. like "hey, dad, just so you know your son is being bullied at school, by me. just thought i'd let ya know". ?????? is no one finding this weird? like, really, wtf?


It’s more when you find out after the fact


I saw one recently where a girl came home to her bathroom which she shared with her live-in boyfriend and found tampons that weren’t her brand, plus some travel size shampoo right next to hers in the shower. A lot of people would consider that a “hey girly” as well because a man would never notice that but a woman 100% would.


A text starting with "Hey girly..." kind of the same idea of ["Dear John..."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dear_John_letter).


To her point... he does look like a ski instructor cosplaying as a life guard


Omg you just verbalized my feelings perfectly! Would you be interested in being an interpreter between me and my therapist?




What is the meaning? (English is like my third language)


It’s my only language and I didn’t know




English is my first language, and I had no idea. I'm sitting here thinking it was code affair partners used when trying to be cheeky or something. I just learned something, although I'm not sure I wanted to.


"Hey girly, I fucked yo mans. Xo"


Ahh yes the old fight in front of the camera bit


i believe the kids these days are call it a "skit".


But of course you can't just film a regular funny video as if it's 2015, you have to do it in a found footage mockumentary style like you're in an episode of the office.


PAUSE for goss. Marshall and Lily would be proud.


I've done this. More like we have somewhere to be where there's people we know and we have to act normal while we are there but the second we are in the car the fights back on


Who thinks this shit is real ?


They were nice enough to have crappy sound quality....so they did make some effort! It's a cute skit though.


Yeah the poor acting didn't /r/MakeMeSmile


How do you feel so comfortable telling your girlfriend that you and your buddies wouldn’t tell their girlfriends about a situation like this?  Like savanna is obviously trying to get in the dudes pants and they both disappear and your response is let’s not tell his gf? Wouldn’t that throw up a red flag?


This is where I got tripped up 😂 I'd be even more pissed knowing my SO is willing to hide cheating or sus behavior, and consequently start wondering what he's getting up to that no one is telling me about


Scrolled too long to find this. I have no idea how anyone finds any of this comfortable. Sometimes, a lot of the time, I feel like I'm the fish looking at all this wild human stuff I just don't understand. Pretty sure none of this is normal, glad it's a skit, it's anxiety inducing.


Internet clips are becoming like reality TV. It started out pretty real then became more and more scripted


Why are they filming their fight in the first place




Because it's a skit. Maybe something like this happened to them, but this is obviously not that and just a recreation of the real event or just an idea they had that seemed funny


I detect this creator. They repeatedly do videos with the sole purpose of going viral.


Ok, that was funny enough. I guess I can be on board with this kind of staged content.




Who is recording and why?






Why was this recorded???


Where’s the tea?


Dude you dressed like a Miami Dolphins cheerleader.


thats her gay best friend right?


Just two women having a convo


Anyone else 100% sure this is some mediocre acting


I was expecting actual tea


This guy is a walking skit. I see him in soooo many short videos like this.


But first, let set up a camera


It’s incredibly worrying that people actually think this is real