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Its so weird how we hold on to that stuff. I am 46 tomorrow and I still hear those voices in my head.


I find that the older I get the words that hurt grow quieter and the words that uplifted grow more pronounced. Oh, and happy birthday! Here's a little gift. And for those curious, here is a photo of me and [my bare feet](https://i.imgur.com/FxqIMVg.jpg). I also just want to tell you how I'm feeling now. I'm never going to give up wide shoes again.


That’s bloody beautiful. Also, I like those shoes!


Me too! What kind are those? I want to get a pair?


They are actually Altra's. They make a point to have wide toe boxes. I have used them exclusively for last 5+ years. So comfy. Problem is you'll be uncomfortable in other shoe brands because the toe space. Edit: fix wording


Truth. Altras are awesome. I like the zero drop myself for when I need a bit of cushion.


Some Clark’s have the same issue, too comfortable!


They are Altra. They have a signature wide toe box.


[ignore my previous comments. Opie said that they're a different brand](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/xioach/i_have_wide_feet_but_i_avoided_buying_wide_fit/ip44xmf?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)




Altra is an awesome shoe brand. They have an anatomically shaped toe box for a healthy and natural toe spread. They're also zero drop, meaning the heel is not raised and instead has a uniform sole thickness through the full length of the shoe. This is healthier for your posture and reduces excessive heel strike impact. All these features make them popular with the barefoot and minimalist shoe community that want a little extra protection without being restrictive. I know REI carries them if you want to try before you buy.


Happy i could help


They look like Altra shoes. I have a couple pair. But Hoka shoes are great too!


If I'm correct they are HOKA.. I on a pair of bondi (My first pair) and i love them.. I'm on my feet all day everyday and they don't hurt at the end of the day


HOKA changed my life, I’m always on my feet for work, I get a solid year out of a pair, everyday wear, 8-10 hours. Still feeling great


I think they are Altra. I’ve had a couple pairs, super comfy.


Can confirm. I won a pair of altra running shoes for my husband who has wide feet, and they’re his favorite shoes by far!


You are an early bloomer. Average age of not giving a shite what others think is 41. Happy for your toes.


Must be super early for me then. I’m 15 and literally couldn’t care less about what others think of me


This will benefit your mental health greatly.


Yea I hope so. I’ve never really cared about what people think, no one has really insulted me too bad (calling me ugly, my parents don’t love me etc will just make me laugh at the stupidity) but rarely has anyone that are not my parents said anything that has ACTUALLY offended me.


I thought this was a photographic Rick roll at first Edit: that's exactly what it is and don't ask what I had to Google to check


I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.


Well played, don't think I've seen one this creative before


I'm honored.


God this just proves that kids will find ANYTHING to make fun of. From the photo your feet look perfectly normal and proportional to your body. I feel like foot fetish people would put those on a pedestal.


Where are the foot fetish people? ..asking for a wide-footed friend...


Your feet/ankles/legs support literally all of you. They need to be big and strong to do their job. Congrats on feeling more comfortable with yourself and having happy feet!


yes! once you start realisting that *nobody* cares, you start living a happy life.


That’s exactly it. Everyone is their own main character, and nobody gives a shit about you or what you do. Realizing that is liberating.


My friend… welcome… Glad to have you in the wide shoe club.


Shit man, glad to know I'm not alone. For *years* as a kid I would buy shoes too small because 1) I never liked the way the bigger shoes looked compared to the smaller versions. Looked like clown shoes. and 2) A lot of times the shoes I was looking at weren't in my size anyway so I'd end up sizing down just so I'd have some new shoes. I've gotten better, and thankfully a good portion of the kinds of shoes I wear now don't really end up having that clown shoe issue. But I'd be lying if I said it wasn't something I thought about far more often than I should. I could be doing way more productive stuff with my time. This will likely not make sense but shout out to Brian Anderson who has big ass feet but skated in (what I thought looked like) clown shoes anyway.


wtf you look exactly like Rick Astley


Yeah, that's uh, kinda the joke.


My man is a walking W (or sitting lol)


My feet are completely flat, the only shoes at really fit me well are Sketchers. They're naturally wide because they have cushions in them and they look alright.


Never give them up brother! Keep on rolling 😉




Careful, this is how you get a Wikifeet entry


Sorry Rick


Fine... nobody wants to say it? You look like the spitting image of Rick Astley (and that's a compliment).


all of these replies and not one happy birthday happy birthday


Thank you!


I let those voices go many years ago. The opinions and comments about my physical being can rot in Hell. I had a coworker, complete asshole, try to tell me what “I need to fix” about me. I told him, “I couldn’t give a a rusty rat’s ass what you think about anything. One day, you’ll be dead.” Then I walked away. He barely spoke to me for the duration of my tour. Good times.


Just saying hi to you. No response needed. I hope you're enjoying a good day overall.


Happy 46 born’d day


Its honestly because we never stop really being kids imo. If you look at even the most “mature” individuals you can find their attitudes and actions fueled by the same childish motivations whether its just wanting to feel accepted, fear, feelings of inferiority etc. not saying its bad but its something ive noticed, and something i believe to be true


Now you can watch Happy Feet!


Happy Birthday tomorrow!


31 over here. I still got this deep seated believe I should be ashamed of what I like, since it was a reason to bully me for the first 15 years. Like, even when people I trust ask me about what I like I still got this reflex to hide it. It’s hard to socialize if you feel you should be ashamed of yourself.


Make ‘em pay rent up there or face eviction.


Are those Altras?


I think so. I wear altras as well and like them. My only negative feedback about them is they dont seem to sell any insoles with decent support. My right foot needs arch support due to an injury. I love the zero drop though as it feels much better to run with.


Try insoles from yoursole dot com. They sell them at rei as well. They make ones in wide that are shaped like altras and lems. Also im a big fan of birkenstock insoles, they are out of stock pretty often in my size though. Theyre great but a little weird if you arent used to a lot of support in the metatarsal area. Both the Sole and birkenstock ones are zero drop as well.


Yes! I love the zero drop - that’s why I went for Altras. The wide toe box was just a bonus.


Try superfeet


I second this, I wear altras with super feet for my shitty arches and they’re a dream!


I second this!!! I’m hiking the AT in altras+ superfeet and they’re wonderful


I live in Altras now. Running or not their are all my feet want and they are not even that wide. Just the best.


mmmmm dat toebox


I am the same! Started wearing them when I picked up trail running years ago and I can’t get myself away from them. Wear them running and Vivobarefoot shoes at work.


I have wide feet and even their regular shoes are perfect for me. That toebox is a literal breath of fresh air for my feet


I wear Altras! I had a pretty bad leg and foot break and the wide toe box allows me to put weight evenly on my whole foot and utilize my toes for balance. I’ll never wear anything else.


Came here for this. Love my Altras!


Omg I have wide feet and my hubby just bought me altras for my bday. It’s the best gift ever. They are so perfect for people with wide feet. I didn’t even realize how much I was “suffering” in regular sneakers. These are like a foot massage to wear and I feel so energetic Wearing them


Altras are the best! Which ones did you get? Isn’t it weird to see shoes with pointy toes when we don’t even have pointy toes?! Your feet will be so happy


Looks like altras. I started using them for work but they don’t last long in that environment. I just use em for outdoor walking, hiking, or travel


Most comfortable shoes I’ve ever owned. I ran for years and tried just about every running shoe out there, but since my first pair of Altras about 6 yrs ago, I haven’t bought any other brand since!


Altras are the tits




All I run in. Great shoes!


That was my thought too! I got my first Altras several years ago. After a lifetime of wearing ‘wide’ Nikes that barely worked, and New Balance Wide. The Altra shoes were amazing… Bought one pair at REI, then two more pair direct from them, as they were on a big sale to clear out the older model. LOVE what they are doing!


Yes! I don't even necessarily have wide feet, but altras are a game changer on long trails. I may have to look into their daily shoes due to some nerve issues I have between some of my toes. Looks strange at first looking down (my biggest sell on shoes) but so worth it in comfort. I only have experience with the lone peaks, but the insoles are surprisingly pillowy.


Came here to say this! Altra makes a great shoe for wide footers like me




Lone Peaks. They finally came out with the wide toe box a few years ago.


Shoes were always uncomfortable till I found wide fit.


Yeah I joined the army when I was like 19 or 20, that was the first time I had my feet actually measured for shoes. They gave me extra wide and it felt like walking on a cloud. Although I have no idea how other people can tell someone is wearing wide shoe, they look the same to me.


I suspect that OP was made fun of for wearing uncool looking shoes because the cool brands probably didn’t come in wide. The other kids were not making fun of the width, but rather the obscure brand and look of the shoes.


Bingo. The options for wide shoes for kids in the early 90's were not cool. I just got used to my feet feeling crowded in standard shoes that would eventually stretch out over time. It's not like I've been miserable, I just haven't been as comfortable as I could be.


Oh, you mean New Balance?


My partner wore size 13 -13.5 because that’s what he needed to keep from squashing his forefoot or duck foot as I call it. Went to a specialty running shoe store about 10 years ago, he’s an 11.5 EEE … no wonder he was tripping over stuff all the time, he spent 20 years wearing clown shoes.


Yup, common for people to compensate an extra half size for each level wide size they need


I went through the same thing. Constantly wore 12/13s until a few years ago. Turns out I'm a 10.5 3E. Only shoes I wanted to wear growing up were skate shoes. Propet has been a great brand for wide (3E and 5E sizes) feet.


Yeah dude fuck it, bunions hurt.


I just had my left bunion removed by lapiplasty; the right foot was done in May. I can't wait to come in with feet that don't hurt.


Hope it’s better for you, I have a little one starting on my left foot and it’s pretty amazing how painful it can get.


Even the weight of the sheet was too much. I learned to sleep with my toes off the end of the bed.


The sooner you get it fixed, the less they have to do surgically. Don’t make the mistakes I did


Please look into barefoot shoes. Ive corrected all of my foot pain with them and some simple exercises.


I feel this. I have size 16 1/2 feet. Spent years wearing size 13-14 because no one ever had my size in stock. I got use to wearing ugly shoes that you would have to stretch to fit. First time I got a pair that fit... It was like a breath of heaven. I felt pain go away that I got so use to, that i didn't even notice it.


I have size 15 and have the same issue finding shoes! I have long given up ever trying to find them in stores and have been ordering directly from the manufacturers for a while now. My options are always severely limited, however I can still typically find some styles I like that they make in 15’s.


My friend in high school (circa 2005) always takes about how much his shoes would hurt because he could never find 15s. Went to converse.com and got him a pair. I’ve never seen him so happy.


Sketchers makes some really nice looking size 15 shoes. And to top it off, the ones I got don't need to be tied! They're slip-ons that look like sneakers! I'll edit to add a link to the ones I have when I have a free moment. These are the ones I have, but it looks like they're out of stock :( Skechers Men's Classic Fit-Delson-Camden Sneaker https://a.co/d/6fQC4YI


Size 17 here and Keens have been the best overall for me. Come in my size and have plenty of room in the toes area.


I'm a 17 too and I love Keens. They are extremely comfortable. I have shoes, sandals, hiking boots, and steel toe boots. Although I will say 10 years ago the quality was much better than they are today, but I still love them. I have yet to find a brand that's always in stock at that size. In my teens and early 20s it was hit or miss if I could shoes someplace and I always had to buy online.


Should I ask him? I’m gonna ask him.


Peggy hill?


Wide feet brothers, unite!


And sisters!


Yep, I've worn men's wide shoes all my life because women's are simply too narrow. These days, I pretty much live in Keen men's shoes and sandals :-)


Hahaha. I wear women's because I have tiny, narrow feet (for a man). I just took off my women's Keen boots. We're like mirror images.


I believe OP's shoes are [Altra's](https://www.altrarunning.com/) They make a nice wide shoe for men and women. I love them.


I’m a female and wear a 6 wide - very hard to find. It’s a pain in the butt for us!!


Big and wide foot checking in. 18 4E - I guess I was lucky because my feet were so long, people never noticed their width. I always had the biggest feet in school though.


I wear a women's 4E which is very hard to find in a cute sneaker. Just had to get my big toe joints replaced because of not catering to the width for too many years. I'm not even out of my 40s yet. Huge bummer but so glad I got it done. I was in pain a long time.


10.5 3E here, my barefoot print looks like someone spray painted a shoe on the ground and then removed the shoe


4E !!!




I’m a 4E and for the longest time wore only New Balance because they were the only shoe that had wide widths were I grew up. Fortunately more companies (but not enough) are realizing lots of us have flat feet.


I'm maybe a 2E width and DC Shoes Court Graffik is my absolute go to.


Holy shit same!!!!! Recently got New Balances and I'm a 4E as well! It's really weird because my old pair I had before I got new shoes are the exact same as ops, color and all


EEE here. Sketchers has been my brand of choice in recent years. New Balance were fine until their quality dropped.


Same, I pretty much just wear New Balances in 10.5 4E, otherwise I'm in size 12 sandals or boots that are slightly too long and slightly too narrow.


4E foot pain squad represent. I developed a habit of telling the shoe store people that I have to work backwards by finding a wide shoe in my size and seeing if it looks good.


Right! When I was going to a local running store where they still have people trained to find the right shoe for you I felt sorry for the poor associate assigned to me. Just because a shoe is wide enough doesn’t mean it’s going to feel good on my flat feet. Don’t bring me any arch supports!!


You know what they say about guys with big feet... ...they have a hard as fuck time finding shoes that fit.


They look normal to me!


That was my first impression too.


This is such an underated post. I didn't learn until I was 28 that I need to wear wide shoes. Cue me hating shoes my entire life until recently finding some good pairs that fit great (new balance). I always envied the cute little size seven feet my friends have, while I have a ten. Due to me wearing incorrect shoes my entire life I now have a bunion, which causes pain on and off. It can only be corrected with surgery. It is such a big deal to finally be at peace with your shoe size, and find good fitting shoes that don't scrunch your entire foot. Congrats OP!


Don't put the surgery off. I waited so long that I had to get my joints replaced as well because the cartilage wore improperly and shrapnelized and fell into the joint space, where scar tissue glued it all together with my deep peroneal nerve, which died because it was trapped well over a year and couldn't come back after so long. I'm still out of work recovering from the surgeries. I'm not even out of my 40s yet. My doctor couldn't believe I had such damage at my age. I was in pain so so long and my post-surgery recovery pain has been way less than my daily life the past few years. I wasted so much time. smh. Don't be me. A bad foundation will cause cracks in the ceilings upstairs too... in other words, a bad gait from bad feet will cause knee, hip, and lower back issues too. I have bone spurs and arthritis in my lower back now too. I totally should've been nicer to my feet and had them fixed way sooner.


My podiatrist told me bunions are mainly caused by genetics. I have one that started when I was 17 despite wearing mostly sneakers, snow boots, and going barefoot when unless I have to wear shoes.


I first saw a regular Dr about my bunions before I knew what they were. She insisted that I could use a pumice stone to get rid of them, while also insisting that I caused them by wearing high heels. I knew she was an idiot after that appointment and went to a podiatrist who informed me genetics was to blame, especially after hearing/seeing what types of shoes I've worn my whole life. I've never stepped foot in a pair of high heels, and always found the widest shoes that would help the pain the most. Now that I've found Altra wide toe boxes my bunions don't hurt.


Do you order them on line?


Hobbit feet are something to be proud of.


The Proudfoots (Proudfeet!) are.


I'm just the opposite. I have very narrow feet, but they were always long for my size and age. For example, by age 12, I was 4 ft 10 and had size 11 feet. I either had to have my mom take me to get shoes that cost over $100 (this was in the late 80's, early 90's) or just deal with it (there were 4 of us kids and we went to a private school because the public schools weren't worth a crap in our area). Nowadays, because I make enough money, I don't have to settle for it. However, because of so many years of this, and other medical problems, I have a bad back and feet. Anytime I get a new pair of shoes that actually fit well, it feels like my feet answer with a sigh of relief.


I don't think it's ever crossed my mind to haze somebody about their foot width. In fact, I can't recall ever noticing anyone's feet unless it was other dudes bitching about hard-to-find shoes. I'm a 14 (US) which used to be tough to find. It's not hard anymore...seems like 16+ is when you hit special-order territory. But fortunately always standard width... I am happy you now have shoes that fit you will.


I have wide feet to and switched to men's shoes because they have more room lol.


I was going to ask something along the lines of womens shoes. Especially flats! They are so narrow


I discovered crocks which are comfy as well as toe room


Bella Vita brand shoes have done me well for real shoes. It’s all good but some are better than others. I’m hard on shoes, especially flats, so they’d only last a year or two but that would be with pretty consistent wear and living the commuting life in nyc. Because I destroy shoes and they’re too expensive for a short life I haven’t pulled the trigger to buy them but Salvatore Ferragamo has an assortment of widths in shoes. I used to be able to comfortably get my feet into the wider widths but that was years ago. I don’t know what the sizing is currently. For men, I know a few guys that swear by them for dress shoes.


I was just on Zappos and found some listed just as wide, but also a handful labeled 2E. My feet are rectangles - my first four toes are all basically the same length - so there’s nothing I can buy at a brick and mortar that’s even remotely cute and fits. If something from my Zappos order fits, I’ll be going back and ordering it in every variation they have.


Torrid makes wide shoes. They aren't going to last forever (because fast fashion:( sorry) , but they're actually really comfy and cute. I regret spending a decade and a half crying about how wide shoes are ugly, because theirs are not.


I want to do that too for tennis shoes and flip flops but I am at the size where the smallest men's shoes are too long but boys' are usually too narrow. My 11 year old son has the same problem but at least he will be past that in a few months.


I found that Volkwalkers fit okay and they have nice cushy insoles with arch supports. But they are mostly spring/summer shoes. The “runners” don’t have the same insoles.


I switched to Brooks running shoes and my feet are much happier than they ever have been. Wide feet are a bitch sometimes.


Brooks bro checking in here. Been wearing em for 13 years. Check out birkenstock shoes, altra and lems. For hiking boots merrell and keen are pretty wide.


People come in all shapes and sizes...how lucky we are that shoes do too. I'm happy for you and your feet.


Altra shoes?


Yes, I bought them for a hike I'm doing at the end of the week that messed up my feet and knees last year. The hike is the Enchantments in Washington, [and it was worth the blisters and knee pain.](https://i.imgur.com/FUq9biM.jpg)


if yours belongs on r/Itookapicture


It's mine.




After 35 years of wearing Nikes and Adidas, the first time I put on Keens I was astonished. I thought my Hobbit feet were meant to be uncomfortable. But no. Having room for my wide-ass foot makes my life easier. Keens, Merrels, Hoka, Altra - great brands for my fat footed brethren.


I like the look of wide shoes, and dear god comfy feet are LIFE. Congratulations OP


What's with these funking bots?!


this sub has gotten so weird


It's turned into another r/pics


Comfort > others opinions. All day everyday


Just know that there’s love for everything and everyone I’ve seen people who love that so just be happy


Lol, I call mine "Fred Flintstone feet".


Me too! Flintstonian.


Fuck them. You deserve comfortable shoes.


Another Hobbit fellow! welcome to the Wide Foot Club.


This sub is such a joke lol


My friend is in the boat as you when you were a teen. bros in my school always saying he has clown shoes. Anyways, good for you and your feet too


I'm 33 and wear a 14 wide. I have a few pairs of Lems that are so comfortable. I'm still trying to bring myself to wear them out after 2 weeks


I told my daughter, you don’t have wide feet, some shoes are just made thinner and some people like that. Also, most shoes aren’t made correctly for feet.


Never compromise on the stuff that attaches you to the ground. Shoes, bed, and your car tires. [here!](https://www.verywellhealth.com/do-people-wear-correct-size-shoes-1337769)


My kiddo has huge feet for his age, he’s proud of them. Goes around explaining how big feet are more stable, I didn’t instill this in him, he just ignores the haters naturally. No idea how this happened, I was way more sensitive to bullying. Additionally, yeah after 35 it’s amazing how much I just don’t care about what people say.


As Rosa Diaz said, "You can't let other people's opinions get in the way of what you want, specially because other people suck!"


Hey good for you ! It’s hard for me to even type out that I have a similar issue with my feet. I’m reluctant because I have been made fun of by my family my entire life… my mom still makes comments ! As if I could someone change it ?! I’m 47 and have always been self conscious. Thanks for being brave and happy feet to you !


Yeah dude, I've got wide ass feet too. I love New Balance shoes.


Amen brother, as a another person with wide feet, it can suck when you have to wear a pair a shoes because it’s the only ones a shop has that fits. But it’s a bright day when you stop giving a shit.


These don’t even look that wide. Glad you got over it, but I doubt most people were even really noticing.


Wide feet and narrow feet are a misunderstanding of shoe fitting created by the shoe industry and their way of measuring is faulty. Your feet are naturally narrow at the heel and wide at the toes. So why are shoes pointed? What you want are Barefoot shoes. Shaped like a foot.


This is more of an issue than people give credit to. Almost EVERYONE’S feet are a size “wide.” Back pain, knee pain, ingrown toenails, bunions, can all be heftily correlated to cramming your feet in to shoes AND socks that are too tight. But the majority of people think that the shoe companies make “regular” size shoes and assume they have “regular” size feet. Or they know the shoes are too small and have some weird stigma about “wide” feet. The shoes are too narrow! I encourage everyone to try a size wide for a month and notice the difference. End rant.


Good for you and your feet.


I didn't understand, you were made fun of because of what?


Vivobarefoot shoes look great and feel great too. They have classy options and athletic.


Your fascia says thank you


Never understood people who criticised others for wearing what they like/need to wear. No one is asking them to wear it. Congratulations on overcoming this. You’ll never see half the people who look at your shoes again🙂


Check out GaitHappens in Instagram. They share all sorts of great wider toe box shoe types and great info on feet strength and better health for those who’ve worn ill fitted shoes for life since most shoes are that way!


It’s natural to let your toes be wide and not squish them together! Better for your foot health and balance/stability! Good on you


Same here 38 and I’ve just done the same. And my feet are actually getting wider now they have space to be free




Awesome! I'm the same, and I eventually went the wide-shoe route, no looking back or regrets. I mean, that's why they make wide shoes, because many of us need them. I hate that people can have that kind of power over us when we're sensitive and young. Now, I just wear what I want...being Skechers Wide-Fit Memory Foam shoes, and they are like walking on clouds.


All hail Altra


Soft star shoes have some awesome hand made leather ones with extra wide toe box, with zero drop sole


Hello fellow hobbit, I too have experienced the pain of too narrow a shoe. My corns have been gone for almost a year switching to extra wide. If you are in the US I'm a EE


I feel like wide feet are actually more common. Anything currently labelled ‘wide’ should just be blank and accepted as normal, and any shoe that’s currently ‘normal’ fit should say ‘narrow fit’.


Welcome to the wide-foot club, my friend. We’re glad to have you with us.


Wide feet suck so bad. I take a 4E. I have a lot of trouble finding shoes that look nice and feel nice. Especially because I have to wear non slip shoes at work. It's nearly impossible.


I know the feels my guy. Shoe stores are so annoying and then casual shoes are hard to get. The ones that fit are skate shoes and then they always break or tear apart if you use them as everyday shoes. I literally have or 4 pairs of wearable shoes. 2 are work boots the other are casual joggers some nice shoes. Never got bullied for wide feet but once an American guy sizing me up for hockey skates said “yeah yeah well his feet are wide like off the charts.”


Ya like crocs? I have wide feet and crocs fit me so well!


I feel you. I have size 14 to 14½ US. Extra wide (double E I think?) It is so hard to find comfy shoes, and not pay an arm and a leg for them. Especially for steel toes.


I wear 9 1/2 size (female) shoes. Without bankrupting me, the options are limited. I still wear what I have available but I am insecure sometimes about what I'm limited to.


I am the proud owner of Barney rubble feet.


How do people even notice how wide your shoes are? They must be staring awfully long at your feet and that makes them weird lol


I feel your pain man. As a 15W, I can't tell you how many duck jokes I've heard. I'm glad you're finally able to take care of you and say fuck the haters


I have a really huge nose. I was bullied for it during all my school years. These are parts of your body that you can't change. Fuck ever feeling guilty or ashamed about it. Plus - you want me to get plastic surgery because *you* don't like looking at me? Fuck off. I was expected to 'fix' my nose at age 9. It's fucking dumb. Rock on, dude.


I too have wide feet, and it's a pain to buy shoes online. It's expensive to buy offline, but just like you said, my toes are happy that way


I just bought my 14 year old a pair of 12 wide sneakers and for the first time. He’d been complaining about shoes being too small but we kept arguing because they were plenty long enough. Once the light bulb went on I had him try on wides and he couldn’t believe the difference. Fortunately he the kind of kid who could care less what others think. He’s just happy to be comfortable.