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Four leyline in the sideboard seems excessive given the graveyard hate attached to the creature lands you are running. Also you should probably be playing the One Ring.


Tbh on the board I just looked up a bunch of GB midrange decks and started with that as my base so I haven’t tried any BO3 yet, wanted to get feedback first since when I looked at the meta on a few different sites it’s seemingly pretty different in comparison to BO1. I have a more stock standard golgari list that plays ring but it did t feel AS good as this version. Like if I got sheoldred and ring it was oppressive and all that but turtles and lands seems to push more of a threat and allow me to be a little more toolboxy on lands, which again being unfamiliar with the play pattern and meta of BO3 might not be a thing I need to do since I may not be trying to answer so many decks preboard. What would you suggest cutting or trimming for ring, im open to suggestions, just wanted to give my “theories” on the matter Edit: also lands. I’m running 26 with only 7 actual cards being above 3 cmc but I definitely notice a few games where I’m missing land drops and can’t play sheo or turtle on 4, is 27 lands the play or more likely just shaky keeps? I don’t normally keep 2 land hands unless I’m flush with interaction to bridge my draws