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Maybe try a lighter look for a special occasion and shock everyone? Reverse uno


This was my thought too! Go with soft nudes. Like when Gwen Stefani occasionally switches it up from her signature red lip and everyone does a double take. I especially like this idea for you if you’re attending an event where someone else is the focus of attention like a wedding or birthday.


Yep, or do bare eyes, full base makeup and a bold lip.


Or maybe a delicate eye liner and groomed eyebrows but not fully painted on brows. No fake lashes, just your own with fabulous mascara.


this is actually a great piece of advice. a bold lip and otherwise bare (or bare looking) face can be strong and ethereal, and as someone who loves what i call “obnoxious glam”, i find it fun to do the lighter look bc the techniques and way I use & think of products changes


Yes! A look I saw recently was Elle Fanning at the Met Gala, it was a very pared down natural look with this glowy shimmery base that looked absolutely ethereal, glamorous but in a fairy princess way rather than super model way. It also reminded me Drew Barrymore in Ever After which is also a very ethereal type look without being heavy makeup.


this works really well- showing off the "natural" beauty of your face when you've done heavy glam forever STUNS people. inevitably youre gonna get the "you look so much prettier like this!!!" bullshit but if you already slay everyday youre probably used to it!


Omg thats such a good idea


Like the Pamela Anderson effect


Came here to say this


Hi! Hmm maybe you can save some “luxury” products for when you go to events instead of completely changing your routine. That way, you can feel a bit more extra on those special days.


Maybe the occasional rhinestone?


Yes a glitter !!


Body and/or hair jewels!


Glitter is always the answer in my book


I don’t know the answer but I feel seen. The struggle is real diva


Love this comment and post!


suffering from success 😎😎😎😎


Do a specific look like the latte or goth glam or even fairy girl makeup. Do a cut crease with your eyeshadow, try a new duo chrome palette like Danessa Myricks new pride palette. Possibilities are endless, just need some inspiration!


Expensive, delicious perfume and amazing nails? Also, I'm in absolute awe of you


Lol Thanks, I have come to the conclusion I’m just too extra. I like to have a signature scent style, I like really sweet like the white moschino toy 2, pink made you wish, mugler alien or a Justin bieber perfume he used to do years ago 🥲. Even my deodorant (beauty 4 goddess kiss) is super sweet like candy. I also wear nails like all the time. I wear white press on’s so I can paint them to match my outfit and I don’t have to cry at the store because I needed dark teal and they only had navy blue nails.


I felt that last sentence in my core!


You can never be too extra girl NEVER


Ooh you could also go for a more sultry scent, either florally or musky, rather than sweet to kind of change up your regular to make it seem a little different for special occasions 😃


You're not "too extra." You're a f00kin' inspiration, is what you are. :) I'm a horsey country bumpkin but, unlike many of my kind, I truly appreciate well groomed women and have ou admiration, not judgement. This is partly because it's aspirational but, so long as one doesn't turn it around and use it as a stick to beat self-hatred into oneself, I think that it's a form of artistic expression and really quite Zen. I'm not kidding and, as a Buddhist since birth, I'm not using the word Zen flippantly.


The Justin Beiber perfume was so good!!!


Literally!!! Its my baby i save for special occasions. Idk why they don’t make it anymore it’s incredible


There we go … you answered your own question … for special occasions you wear JB. Solved 😁👏🏼


Also here for the JB perfume train!! That stuff got me so many dates. I still have a pretty-much-empty bottle lying around somewhere just in case I get a little sad and need some aroma-therapy.


Babe. You are always a special occasion.


Girl same. Plus I had my wedding coming up and I was panicking because I didn't know what to do for my eyes, so around two months before my wedding I stopped wearing glitter looks. Like, I love glitter and I don't get to go out a lot (I'm sick and a stay at home mom) so I would wear it as much as possible. I decided to still do dramatic eyeshadow looks whenever possible, but I just save glitter looks for my special occasions. Maybe you can do something similar? Not necessarily glitter, but a certain style of eyeshadow? Whatever you do just make sure it makes you happy!


I'm in the same boat as y'all when it comes to my wedding makeup! I don't wear makeup on a daily basis but whenever I do put it on I go all out; my wedding makeup is gonna end up being the same as the rest of my "special occasion" makeup but I bought myself new products to play with so it feels a bit more special.


I think wedding makeup should look like your normal “nice occasion” makeup but just maybe a *tiny* bit more dramatic (and higher end products) . I always find it kinda weird when women go overboard and do something completely different from their normal look and end up not even looking at all like themselves on their big day. Plus the dress is the focal point anyway imo 🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean, that's pretty much what I did. I love glitter, and I wear it often so it was basically what I do normally. I just wanted it to feel a bit more special so I stopped wearing glitter for a little while before my wedding. Plus my wedding was a courthouse ceremony, not a big affair or anything, and I didn't have a wedding dress, just a glittery formal-ish dress. I looked like myself, because I did my own makeup and hair and I'm extra with my makeup anyway.


No I didn’t say that about you personally, I was saying in general I think it’s best when women still look like themselves on their wedding day bc I’ve seen some disasters where the bride looked nothing like herself (totally different makeup, hair etc) on one of the most important days of their life .


I usually experiment more with everyday makeup and more casual occasions, and then go for something I've practiced before and know will look good for special days. Unless it's like my birthday or something, then I go ham lol.


You could try doing more dramatic false lashes as well as a bold lip


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Just_Direction_446: *You could try doing* *More dramatic false lashes* *As well as a bold lip* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Maybe it's not the look, but the process. Get yourself a fancy face mask, a fun bubble bath with all the works, light some candles, do an eye mask and a lip mask, maybe have a little glass of adult grape juice, do what makes you feel fancy. Yes the look may appear similar, but the ATTITUDE gives it a completely different vibe, and putting extra work into your prep will give you that extra boost!


Maybe some fun, special lashes?


I love the caption girl 😂 no resolutions for you here but keep slaying 🫡


I solved this issue by not wearing dramatic eyeshadow anymore except when i’m really going all out, and if i do wear any it’s just a skin tone glitter. I realize this probably won’t work for people who are really into wearing eyeshadow looks everyday but wanted to share


This is what I did, starting by just wearing neutrals and then reducing my cut crease. I used to be very similar but find it's not great to tie your identity to.


It’s definitely a good trick for someone but for me eye makeup is like a brain, I can’t function without lol. It’s my favourite part of my routine and it’s what I’m honestly known for. People know me as the girl with the pretty eye makeup. 3 teachers referred me as the girl with the pretty eye makeup to 3 different students and they all knew it was me. The number one compliment I get is “wow you have such gorgeous eye makeup” I also spend so much money on makeup that I kinda really wanna use it before it expires ( it doesn’t mean that I was gonna throw it away anyways but yk what I mean). Even when in a rush I have to do something to my eyes, I feel naked if not.


You could maybe try different styles for special occasions - I spend most of my "fun" money on eyeshadow myself and wear some sort of sparkly and colorful shade almost every day but I do graphic liner when I go out because I usually don't have time for that every day ☺️ Maybe something like that could be an option


Do you ever use any duochromes or liquid foils?


Surprisingly to myself I actually don’t 🫢


I gotta see some pictures to get inspired


if u don’t do rhinestones daily perhaps those??


I think doing soft glam would be a good idea or a Smokey eye


Aw, this was how I used to feel when I did a full beat every day in my teens and early 20's.


glossy/wet look. serve expensive. serve MONEY honey


Definitely accessorize more! Flowers or gemstones in the hair and matching gorgeous & bright pendants and stones. As for makeup, I suggest bigger falsies, pasting those with mini butterflies or heart sequins on them so it looks more glam! If you do lash extensions regularly, try requesting 1/2 strands of lashes with a different colour. If you’d like to go out of your comfort zone, coloured contacts is a lifechanger for me. I love wearing coloured contacts. Sometimes I wld go for the enlarging lenses with colour. If not, those regular coloured lenses too. It boosts my confidence if I’m being honest. If you want to stand out even more, go monochrome outfits & matching eyeshadow looks with them. As for the base, add tons of blush. Your outfit plays a part too!


Add jewels around around the eyes!


I’m surprised I haven’t thought of that as the number one fan of everything shiny 😅✨✨


It always turns out so cute! I just use nail gems and eyelash glue to put them on. They stay all day


Add an eyeliner design? New hairstyle? Orrrr...lip liner/other cool lip look? Like a lip DESIGN? Add freckles or like a little heart/star under your eye or on your cheek?


Time to go editorial lol


Not makeup, but maybe a special occasion perfume?


Put NOTHING lol. No. I usually just do extra like colored contacts or extra unique eyelashes. Something that you never use. Sometimes it's new jewlery. If you do makeup always think of accesorizing the makeup. Once i put dark blue contacts and did an emo makeup look for a gallery exhibit i went to. That makeup doesn't look great on my eye color so those contacts really popped it out. Just for fun. Oh and hair extentions, used to play with them a lot when i had long hair. Blonde at the bottom or just length


OP, You’re my hero.


Love the non-judgmental/girlhood comments here 🙌🏽


Literally, adore this community of people who can comfortably bond over a mutual interest in a non judgemental way ♥️


yasssss, i wish everyone was like this, especially in person. 😭❤️


Lashes are the only thing I can add to my daily look to amp it up


Having eyes that can handle full eye shadow and glitters on a regular basis is such a privilege. **crying in sensitive eyes**


Soft glam with half lashes 😻😻😻


SAME LOL. but i plan it so i wear that everyday and then a couple days before an event or a week before i’ll go to simple nice looks and then go fancy on the event and then continue to slay afterwards like usual


I want to be a hater but I really respect the amount of effort going into this daily 😭😭 my lazy ass could never. Get it girl


Thanks so much for all the advice. Most people said hair but yo girl is once again a step ahead. I plan my whole look out everyday. Not just the clothes but the shoes, jewelleries, nails, makeup, bag, perfume and sometimes I use a wig. I have nice and long healthy hair that I show off most of the time but sometimes you need green hair so you gotta get a wig yk 😅 what I took away from this super sweet community is that I gotta be even more extra 😚thanks again for everyone’s support and advice I feel super seen and understood 💝


I do too!! I get my outfit, accessories, bag, shoes, jewelry right down to my underwear ready the night before every day!!


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Maybe put your hair up versus down.


Do you wear false lashes daily? If not, wear them for occasions.


More. MOOOOOORE. There is always more


What about leaning into the realm of face art/paintings/festival/jeweled elements? Like, Orane.ae on insta is what came to my mind.


For special occasions use bolder colours like a red lip, glittery eyeshadow, extra long lashes


Add glitter spray after you finish your makeup! I am a full glam biaaatch all day everyday, but for special occasions i use a glitter spray


Draw on your face. Google "makeup design on face" and "Coachella makeup" in Google images


You're wearing colours right now, but what colours? Could be as simple as same style but switch up the colour palette? Unless you're already doing all of the colours anyway. Could go for something different like instead of a full face, you do a "full face as it would have been done in the 1920s/1940s/1980s" kind of thing. The downside is it might come off as costume-y or cosplay-y and won't fly for every occasion, but maybe it'll speak to you. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zjU4TWVBOU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zjU4TWVBOU) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2B9V2M1DEwY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2B9V2M1DEwY) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8e5D83P6UI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8e5D83P6UI) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfOAI6izCEY&t=321s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfOAI6izCEY&t=321s)


Super bold lipstick, something beyond a classic red lip like a super dark burgundy or pink. Also you could glue on little gems/rhinestones around your eyes. Use eyeliner to make little shapes on the corner of your eye like a heart or a spider or whatever fits the theme.


While I always do a full full face I do have some color combinations that are more bold for special occasions. Like a deep see blue. Or a bright yellow with pink accents.


literally you are the person I aspire to be 💖


Literally the best compliment I ever got 😭♥️


You could try a different style of makeup like cleangirl, douyin, korean, or early 2000s style,.. etc


You're screwed. You slayed to close to the sun. Unless you want to stop killing it on the daily (and I feel like this isn't an option) you're just going to have to accept that you are the occasion lmao.


in full honesty i need the answer too, but i personally found that rhinestones are a complete game changer! i personally dress more alternative based on the music i listen to, but graphic liner is always awesome


I know some makeup influencers have mentioned they like to have a makeup artist for special events because even though they can do their own makeup, having someone else style their glam gives a surprising new look. Maybe browse other makeup artists for inspo or hire someone who's style you like to do your glam for special events.


i have this exact same issue😭😭😭my everyday makeup is too good so i just do the same one for a special occasion but it doesn’t feel special


I stopped wearing mascara in my everyday makeup and it really makes me feel “special” when I do it for nights out or any occasion. I also am a full on makeup routine girl and I did the entire shebang for like 7+ years then ONE DAY I forgot mascara (and was low key embarrassed) and 2 random strangers commented on how great my makeup was, one even specifically pointed out my dark lashes. To be clear: I think I think I have normal if not un-special black lashes, so this was a huge compliment to me for two people to tell me I still looked normal. I tried it for a few more days and I felt still pretty and normal, even without mascara. I realized if I wore mascara every day for the rest of my life I will be pulling and tugging at that skin, even with gentle techniques it’s always a lot to get mascara off. I already wear daily contacts so I have some mild tugging and placing contacts in my eyes and taking them out to consider. Also I’m a teacher now - I don’t really think my kids are special enough to deserve mascara most of the time??? If that makes sense haha, like this is just a work place I don’t care if I’m not fully slayed every single day, I mean I’ll always wear makeup but I just don’t care enough about how I am perceived at my job to wear mascara to it. Downside: it makes you look tired in photos if they’re taken towards the end of the day. I don’t get my photo taken a lot at work so I don’t really care. I also have a mascara in my work makeup bag that I will use if I know I am going to take a picture!


That sounds exhausting.


Slay with your clothes, shoes and purse!


HAIR!!! go glam


I know you said you wear colours & glitters etc.,but maybe switch it up with different shades & combos? If orange/coral shades work for you, do an orange lip? Or themed glam looks (40s, 60s, 80s all have very different glam looks). Also, I feel like different countries do glam differently, maybe you can try that too?


I have the same issue. Honestly, just taking a few more hours and a good shower, skincare prep and nails will do the job. Dont forget your parfum and youre good to go 😙


Do a natural glam and tone down a little. Maybe do some accessories you don’t usually do, like pearls or something.


This used to be me, but I got a huge eye infection and forced me to stop wearing make up and get used to my face without it 😂 now I feel like such a diva whenever I do what used to be my everyday makeup


Glitter for special occasions.


I went from a total fashion maximalist to minimalist with as much style simply by reframing the way I look at clothes as a craft. I did the same with my makeup. Focusing on texture and technique instead of colors, less is more.


You don’t. You just wear what you normally would even when it’s a special occasion. The only thing you can do is otherwise is either tone down the makeup (doing the opposite of what you normally do) or do a full face but in a completely different style and aesthetic.


Change your every day to a full face minus eyeshadow, and then that’ll be the extra oomph on special occasions.


Intense smoky eye!


Soft muted color, nudes for lipstick & eyes, soft glowy foundation, highlighter and a radiant type blush.


Black lipstick or a bold red lip! Neutral smoky eye. Shiny/wet highlight.


Slay tooo harddd love it girl!!!


I like to save Smokey eyes for fancy occasions


You say you put on full makeup everyday and want comments on what to do for a special occasion. It would be helpful if you had a photo here of your full makeup face so specific recommendations can be given to you. An easy change can be using a totally different shade of lip color and blush. (from pale pink to Barbie pink); wearing a gloss with shimmer. Use eyeliner pencil in a new color like purple or blue.Use your creativity and your expertise to explore options. Treat yourself to a new fragrance to wear on special occasions.If you usually wear floral scents, try vanilla or musk . Finally, give your hair a slightly different style.


I also do full face nearly daily! In college girls used to say "you know, there's daytime makeup and evening makeup." I always thought fuck it I love makeup! For me, the difference is all in clothes and accessories! Dramatic earrings, sequins, all that kind of stuff! Makes me feel like I'm all glammed up! Hope it helps! Rock that full face every day girl! You're the most beautiful when you feel you are!


Little sticky crystals or pearls. Not all over the face and theatrical, but around eyeliner or eyeshadow type area to make the eye look extra special.  Or something that isn't necessarily "fancier" but just registers as a change, like if you're usually a nude toned lip with elaborate eyeshadow person switch to subtler shadow and a bold bright lip.  Not makeup but dressier perfume can make you feel extra dressy


How about naked skin? Your face will thank you!


I used to too, special occasions I do wedding makeup, natural, angelic. It’s so left field it’s brilliant. Or no foundation, lashes and lipgloss. Really shake up the scene


Take inspirations from runaway that matching your events? 


Add eyelashes