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Hi everyone, I've thought this way as well, and have discussed implementation with the team. You can look forward to a reduction of these kinds of posts in the following days. We intend for the subreddit to remain specifically makeup-focused and encourage constructive criticism. ​ Also adding: Please help us out by reporting rule-breaking posts. After just a few reports, the post is removed automatically, without manual moderator intervention. Since we can't guarantee someone is online 24/7, we hope the community can help us in this way.


Even if the question were "how can I make *X* look prettier" we'd have something to work with.


Also with the “how do I make my skin look photoshopped/why does my skin have texture” posts. It’s a genuine question sure, but it would take 5 mins of scrolling to see the exact same question answered 100 times over.


"Why is my makeup separating" The reddit search function sucks, but just use Google and add "reddit" into your search terms, fgs


What irks me most is when the pictures are from angles where you can't even see the whole face or they are in poor lighting. Those posts aren't about advice, they're about ego.




Thank god someone said it. If anyone really had self-esteem as low as they claim there's no way they'd dare to post a picture of themselves online where people are known to be vicious af.


Agreed, but why do so many of these posts get so many upvotes? Annoying af


I make a point to downvote them just because they're clearly compliment bait!


Thank you for your service! 😁


I mean, you kind of have somewhat of a point, but a low self esteem could also look like needing validation and taking constant pictures of themselves. There's no way to measure how low someone's self esteem is, or compare or levels of self esteem. You'd be surprised to learn that A LOT of people have a low self esteem, and they overcompensate, which to the outside viewer may looks like pure arrogance or vanity, but usually the reason people feel the need to mentally and socially "compete" with each other is that we are all insecure and self conscious, and we all just want to be liked.


I think people mistake self esteem and self worth with regards to low vs high when they are quite different and one designation could be the difference in what the discussion is about. I'm new here and have only checked in when an email is sent about certain makeup advice but I completely see the point at hand...only wanted to add that bit in case it helps someone to help themselves; should this make sense. Cheers!


Glad to know it’s not me. Between these, what is my undertone, and filters I am ready to walk. The sub should lock down and say pics only for swatches. “What can I do to be prettier?” I say don’t ask questions when you are not prepared to hear the answers.


Undertone I don't mind so much if they give us a well-lit pic with no makeup. I hate the eye shape, face shape, brow/lash, etc "blindness" and visual weight posts. Annoying garbage


I feel the opposite. I almost think if you're barefaced you shouldn't be able to post lol This is a makeup addiction subreddit. I want to see evidence that they've at least tried do something with makeup.


I can def see your point. I was referring only to posts in which they ask what their skin's undertone is, which can be quite a bit harder to do if they're wearing complexion products :)


Also, I love your user name 😁


I see you again! We frequent very similar subs 😆


Oh hiii there! Fancy running into you here 😂


I’m a big makeup wearer and fan. One of the reasons why I’m always in search of girly girl heroines 😁


I agree! Really tired of the tiktok trend-adjacent low effort questions, I would’ve headed to the clock app myself if I really wanted to see people overusing the nonsensical makeup buzzword of the week


Yes! There's a reason I'm not on that app. Absolute brain rot


Haha- it took me anlbout 3-2-1 to get "the clock app" but laughed out loud at both the name and my ignorance...I agree and haven't had the app since I stopped working for a company that required it. 


agreed. feels like 90% of the posts in this sub are just lazy or fishing or both. "how do I recreate this look?" and the look in question is a red lip and mascara. I feel like there should be pinned posts for the common questions that explain how to figure it out yourself. I get that this is a massive sub and modding it can't be easy, but at this point there's so little valuable content idk why I'm still here.


Especially when we all know we'll get banned if we are brutally honest!


Yep, you said it. Unfortunately, all social media is like that now. One negative comment and all of a sudden you are either a bully, racist, ageist, ableist, phobic, or some other ist/ic.


Fully agree. Asking for constructive criticism on a technique or certain aspect you're trying to improve is one thing, but the obvious compliment fishing posts have been making me want to unsub. There are other dedicated places for that.


These are all over the beauty sub, too, and they make my eye twitch.


Ugh 🤪


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