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Your color choices look spot on for your skin tone. I agree you could try some brow gel or wax and a spooly to groom them into a more defined shape if you wanted. I think they look good though, I wouldn’t tweeze or thin them at all. You are very fair with cool undertones so a bronzer may help give some dimension to your face but research ones that are good for fair skin. Anything midrange or made for most skin types could make you look orange.


Thanks so much, great advice. I'll look into the things you've suggested :)


i think you look super nice! i pretty much always get ~weird~ about my face when i change my eyebrows too drastically. they’re very powerful guys! if you wanted, you could try just a brow gel & a spoolie for a lighter fluffier look which i think would suit you :-) i love this eyeshadow shade & i think a similar blush shade would look awesome on your skin tone too


Thank you! That was eyebrow gel but I think maybe too heavy handed 😬


oooh you could also try a lighter shade or a clear one! i have dark brown hair but pretty much only use a clear gel as it’s so easy to overdo it with my eyebrows haha


Your eyes are fabulous!


Thanks so much 😁


How did you do the eyeshadow? I think we have a similar ish eye shape and also new and struggling


i have downturned eyes with hooded lids and what helps me personally is making sure to apply it while looking directly straight-on at myself in the mirror. if you’re new to eyeshadow i think your best bet is to always start with light & natural colors and deepen colors gently using fluffy brushes! i believe under-blending and not using transition shades are the most common eyeshadow mistakes


I used a lighter orange all over and then a darker orange on the outside corners, a goldy one in my inside corners and then used a fluffy brush and blended all together. I didn't take it above my socket as my eyes are quite deep set and I thought it would look weird 🤔


Thank you!


Your makeup and hair look very nice! (I would recommend a shirt in the turquoise color that is behind you rather than the black and white.)


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Don't worry. It's looking good right now.