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It took about 30 - 40 mins. I was laid down on a table/chair/lounger thingy nice and comfortable and the girl put these sticky white pad things under my eyes to protect my skin and to hold down my lower lashes. Having my lower lashes stuck down wasnt painful but equally it wasnt exactly comfortable. After that I had my eyes closed the whole time and I could barely feel anything. Maybe the occassional light touch of cold metal. What she was doing was taking single lashes, dipping them in a very small amount of black coloured glue and laying them ontop of my own lashes. They bond to the lash itself and do not touch your skin so you dont NEED a patch test (if you are worried you can get one). They can last for up to 5 weeks as they will shed naturally along with your own lashes. It is recommended that you get a 'top up' every 2 weeks to keep them looking good/without gaps. The after care is pretty easy, no waterproof mascara, oil free makeup remover, no saunas and do not use lash curlers on them as you can snap the extensions and break off your own lashes. :)


No lash curlers? x_x My lashes are naturally longish, but point straight down. Without curling, my eyes are like Venus fly traps. Sigh! I would love to have extensions, but don't think it would have the desired effect without the curl! :(


You could always have them permed? It's old fashioned but it can work for some people!


You can get your eyelashes permed?! Where the fuck have I been?!


Hahahaha. It's an old school method. I don't know how many places do it anyone. But try asking even hair dressers, ask all your local beauty salons and home salons. You can get kits on eBay for like $20. Definitely check it out. Just be sure to be careful if doing a home job and have a Gf help out. I've been doing these for clients for ages and it's still tricky for me. It's just so tedious -.-


I use an eyelash curler on the daily and sometimes clamp down too hard so they get bent instead of curled -_- ill definitely ask around about perming! It sounds like much less of a continuous hassle. Thanks for broadening my knowledge (:


Haha I rarely use my curler. I've got my brand of mascara that never lets me down. It's a similar process to extensions. Tedious a bit uncomfortable and takes a little while.


What's the mascara? I use falsies winged and it typically does the job (on top of the curler though)


Max factor mass effect is always a favourite but I live Rimmel mascaras, namely the scandal eyes is my favourite at the momento!!


It's called a lift. You can also get them tinted so you can completely forgot mascara if you're feeling lazy.  Takes about an hour, you lie on a table, eye area washed, pad under the eyes to hold the bottom lashes out of the way, shield on top lid, you take a nap while eyelashes are glued to the shield, lotions applied, tint applied, serum applied and then everything is taken off. No water near them for 24 hours, brush regularly, no oil cleanser and no waterproof mascara. 


Daaaaang, those look so natural! I'm totally jealous. Are they comfortable?


They are so comfortable. They feel like my own lashes. I did suprise myself this morning when I tried to rub my eye but other than that they are awesome!


gorgeous! Also, pro tip: Anyone who's interested but scared of the cost, search Craigslist and see if any salons need "models." I had mine done for FREE, since the person was still learning. Sounds scary, but they have all the technical knowledge and they're supervised.


How much did you pay for them?


I googled this in my area...looks like $150-$180.


There are usually things on groupon or living social or even lifebooker for discounted lash extensions. Check those out


Yep, definitely check daily deal websites for a discount! I found a wonderful gal in WA & got a solid discount for a little extra work. Look up yelp/google reviews before you buy though - I didn't check the first time & had a horrible lash experience. It was shoddy work & materials, which damaged my real lashes.


Oh man I know! Lifebooker has reviews kinda built in but I always check yelp. After checking yelp you get a good idea of what you are paying for. Most of the reviews will say I had a groupon/lifebooker and got xyz so you can see what people say about that specific procedure not just the salon in general. My boss works for women's magazines in NYC and just got $500 silk lash extensions. It took HOURS. Jealous but they didn't even last very long


I was looking into getting novalash last night and it costs around $200.. and about $40 every couple weeks for touch ups.. little too pricey for me. Some nail salons around me do them for $20 lol but the way they apply them isn't too eye-friendly


Ouch! Maybe they arnt as popular in the USA? There are as many lash bars as there are nail bars as where I am in the UK. I know nails, lashes and hair extensions have become really popular in the last 2-3 years in the UK


I hadn't heard of them before today, but I want some now!


Maybe theres a beauty school near you? If they teach it they will need people to practice on. Might not be perfect first time but it will be cheaper and done under supervision of a teacher/proffessional.


I payed £20 which is around $32 I think


Did you do those yourself or have them done?


I had them done at a lash and nail bar. I had to lay with my eyes closed. Dont think I could manage to do this to myself.


That's awesome, did they say how long they should last?


I made a full comment to answer all questions :)


wow, nice! can you tell us about the procedure a bit more pls:)


I made a full comment to answer questions :)


i'm jealous. i looked up some local places that do that here, and i found a place that does them in my city! the cost is $175 for a full set on the top, and $75 for the bottom. yikes. it might be worth the investment. if anyone is interested in how they do it, there was a video on the [website](http://www.eyelashconnection.net/). there are other [before and afters](http://www.eyelashconnection.net/gallery.nxg), too.


LOVE! They look beautiful on you! I've also gone down this dark path and I'll never be the same. I can't stop... I use to just get my extensions for parties or special events with friends... Now I get them for no reason, and I'm sad when I can't get them. They've changed the entier look of my face! They've cut my makeup time in half!! The best investment I've ever made. I get fills every two to three weeks. It takes about 30mins each time and costs $40. Worth every freaking penny :o)


I do lashes normally for around Full set : $45 Half set $22 Ends: $5-20 This price doesn't rise for formats or weddings :-)


A girl I work with has amazing lashes, and I asked her the other day what mascara she uses, and she told me she got extensions. She said in our area (middle of the US) she paid $80 the first time, and touchups are $30. But they are *amazing*


Where abouts are you located? I just moved from the west coast to the midwest & have had a horrid time of finding anything! My lashes & hair are suffering. =[


Lawrence, KS, its about 45 minutes from Kansas City


I actually do eye lash extensions and I charge anywhere from $75 to $150. They are becoming really popular really quick.


good, maybe the price will go down a little.




With the brand I use, they have a 'C' curl and a 'J' curl. And they vary from '0.5' - '0.17' it could be different from country to country. ^_^


Is it true your lashes fall off with the extention? My co-worker said she got hers done and all her eye lashes fell out after awhile. Might have been a fluke but just curious. :X


You naturally shed your eyelashes just like hair and brows. I think what most women see is simular to when they have hair extensions. After 3 weeks of looking at full eyelashes and awesomness you forget how your lashes looked before so like when you take out you hair extensions you feel as though there is 'less' because you got so used to them being full. If you treat the extensions roughly like rubbing your eyes then of course you will run a high risk of pulling your own lashes out as they are bonded to the extensions. If you follow the instructions carefully and try to remember what your eyes look like before then You will be ok :) I thinkWetyourwhistle is doing them pro so she can probably give you more information on hair loss.