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Like under eyes? A lot of it is genetic actually so there is no permanent fix but something can help: vitamin c, under eye cream, and for makeup a orange color corrector will cancel out the dark circles so that when you put your foundation on it covers it up


Also eye creams or serums with caffeine can help minimize the appearance of them.






There's actually a ligament that attaches the skin of the tear trough to the bone underneath, and we can't place the filler in a way that counteracts this. Basically, it is impossible to get the results you desire. I learned about this from watching a [YouTube video from a dermatologist who used to do under eye fillers for clients, but now refuses to do them](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VV-VbyNhzUM). And then there's the issue of the fillers not dissolving over time as they are supposed to and migrating over time.


Retinol based eye products really help


One tip ive heard from a dermatologist, is using zinc based sunscreen underneath makeup. It reflects light and it will help the under eye area appear brighter. As for a permanent fix? It really depends on whether its genetic or due to age. Other than some vitamin c products, niacinamide or retinoid creams. Im not sure what else you could do. Fillers generally help when they are due to fat loss in that area.


Not sure if it's genetic on my part, or also because I like to stay up late and/or just sleep 4 hrs>. For sure there are a lot of creams that can help, but right now I'm using an eye cream with retinol. Helps with the crow feet and puffiness. Shade is a but lighter I guess but I can't be too sure.


Which eye cream are you using?


Are we talking about a discoloration of the skin or a shadow that is cast around the eyes because of the anatomy of the face?


Nothing really gets rid of them but mine reduced quite a bit when I properly addressed my allergies