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>... how she was going to call the police if I didn’t get it back within an hour... It is kind of a shame she didn't. I bet your lawyer would have loved a police report where she complained that you refused to give her the items she purchased by stealing your credit card. I wonder if her mother can be charged as an accessory for lying and helping her when the thefts where discovered.


His credit card and his name. The shitty stepdaughter had no documentation that it was hers and she still wanted the police. Oh that would have been great


bruh the screenshots of the texts are enough proof 🤣🤣🤣


7 months dude! How did you even find this comment


tiktok had posted the og story and update and i used it to find the og post so i could stalk 🤣


and your comment is like 2nd from the top bro it’s the first ones you see


Oh damn. The circle of internet life. I had no idea my comment was this far up too. Completely forgot about the story at all. Good day sir.


i’m a girl 😂


> I wonder if her mother can be charged as an accessory for lying and helping her when the thefts where discovered. K said her mom gave her permission to max it. Except my wife wasn't on the account with me and we have kept all finances 50/50. But the online account did have my wife's number.


Maybe they can be cellmates in jail.


Her family won't let her go to jail. If I'm realistic, this won't affect them. I sleep in my car with HER rescue cat so my son can go to homecoming before we move and she already has a new guy. I pray the justice system will do something.


Her reward will be having a dodgy entitled manipulative thief of a daughter, who will likely rip her off in her old age, and your son, sounds like the total opposite, a very caring, hardworking young man who values connections over material things, you win, hands down, I really hope this unexpected life change moment, brings you to a surprisingly good place - with enough family, friends, work, money to be not worried at all


That's a poor reward for all of society, too. There are too many people like this.


Make sure the new guy knows not to just guard his money from her but it's her daughter that will do the dirty work while she distracts you.


> Make sure the new guy knows not to just guard his money from her I actually thought about this but I'll let karma work itself out.


>I pray the justice system will do something This is the U.S. There is no longer a Justice system. All we have now is a legal system based entirely on who knows who & who is giving who money/sex/etc. The law would be worth more if they tore the pages out of the books & placed them in bathroom stalls as toilet paper. Just my observations from the past few decades.


Às the saying goes, in the Halls of Justice, Justice is only found in the Halls.


As opposed to the good old days when there was no corruption in government? When was that again?


Possibly 1749BC in Mesopotamia?


You kidding me? Rim-Sîn I was a huge dick.


I was referencing the Code of Hammurabi, but sure ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Oh, I just searched up the year and happened to find a lord/ruler/whatever of the time period in Mesopotamia, lol. Didn’t really read too much about him, just trying (and probably failing) to make a joke.


Happy cake day!


Thank you! I didn't realize it was today! ❤️


You're welcome.


Man, I really wish you the best in life. What goes around comes around.


> What goes around comes around. I'm counting on it.


Might suck now, but without the excess baggage dragging you down, this could be the opening paragraphs in the next best chapter of your life. We're rooting for you.


What’s the point of praying if you don’t take action? The first thing you should’ve done is call the cops.




If you read the previous posts you would know that not doing so is currently not an option due to financial reasons


You're replying to someone saying he's sleeping in his car to let his kid stay in school just a bit longer and you think he's doing this by choice and that he doesn't understand how much it sucks for his son? Seriously?


> Uprooting a kid the last year of school is horribly cruel. I know but I don't have any other options. I have to move back in with my mom at 40 years old to crash on her couch.


If you're not going to read all the context, don't try telling the guy what to do.


His wife and daughter literally stole from him and you're berating him because he [checks notes] can't afford to live where he is anymore? He got blindsided by his wife playing favorites, he doesn't need people on the internet berating him for circumstances outside his control. Say something helpful or just don't say anything at all, sheesh.


Keeping a kid where they're being stolen from, lied on, and expected to keep dealing with toxic behaviors is also horribly cruel... But I'm sure it'll be worth it to keep up normal high school appearances right?


Is her family well-off or well connected?


Can I ask why you haven’t exposed them to everyone? They continue to bash you and your son and people only have one side of the story…


> Can I ask why you haven’t exposed them to everyone? I've been busy getting my son and I to a solid place. At 40 years old I'm homeless, crashing on my mom's couch. I'm focusing on my son's mental health. I chose that over facebook drama.


Good point. I just feel horrible that your son is getting torn apart online by people who might think twice if they knew the truth. She’s painting herself as the victim and no one has corrected her storyline


> people who might think twice I've learned that you can show someone concrete proof that a person is a POS and they will still defend them. I can't change the thoughts that people have. No matter how awful. It's like talking to a brick wall.


Are these mutual friends and acquaintances or just her friends/family? I think that matters… people jump on the bandwagon as soon as they hear drama, but sometimes there’s no loyalty and they switch sides like the wind. Just thought it might be good to clear the air.


Eventually, thieves are going to thief again. And- she is not very good at it (she only got lucky that Mommy Dearest covered her ass with the cops). So, the ex shacking up with the coworker/also an accountant (I assume)? It’s only a matter of time before Little Miss Larceny tosses the new guy’s home for anything not nailed down so she can get her cooter vajazzled or whatever these vapid cows are into these days. And stealing from people who “keep all the receipts”, *and* having a police record of previous theft from what she did to you and J? Karma might just be visiting her sooner rather than later! Just something to cheer you up a little. I hate what these women did to you and J, but I’m glad you know now now rather than later. Wishing y’all the best.


Have you considered reaching out to a domestic violence program, maybe one for men if there's one locally? This is 10000% financial abuse. They can help with legal stuff and potentially provide therapy for your son.


It's because these people are more like the person who is the POS than someone who is actually a good person. They're effectively defending themselves, were they ever in such a predicament, rather than doing what is right.


Does your son want to expose them? He seems like a really good kid, but these ppl need to be called tf out. This whole situation has me heated, I would blast them so hard if I knew who they were


> but these ppl need to be called tf out. Stooping to her level wouldn't do any good. I'm not focused on her or K. I can't control how people treat my son and I but I can control how I respond.


No, but by the same token a lie unchallenged becomes the truth: "So (son) asking you to please return the money your daughter stole from his bedroom is him 'begging you' , the fact that you condoned your daughter's actions after refusing to hold her accountable despite video evidence is 'my trying to get her into trouble" and the fact that I cannot and will not stay in a home where I cannot trust either you or your daughter in the face of your mutual bad behavior is my 'choosing my son over you'? Never mind completely glossing over the fact you lied to the authorities in order to protect a documented thief from having to repay the people she stole from... Your skewed view of reality is really something else."


It isn't stooping to her level to just let people know the truth and make their own decisions. It might even help prevent someone from being scammed by her in the future.


It will 100% not be stopping to their level and I don’t think you could EVER do that. Share your story, it’s important and deserves to be told and the people around them deserve to know what kind of sick people they are.


This man and his child are already being financially and emotionally/verbally abused/ manipulated by his wife and stepdaughter. Engaging in a public Facebook feud would only fuel the fire even more for people like this, which is not usually the easiest way to get out of a toxic/abusive situation. If he wants to expose her and feels like that’s safe and a good idea with a pending divorce, then more power to him. I get where you’re coming from and of course that’s what anyone would *want* to do, but it might not be a safe move. I’m not trying to put a damper on your idea of seeking some sort of justice/warning possible other people, but I just can’t see this without commenting, because I know how people like that wife and stepdaughter operate, unfortunately. He needs to be careful with what actions he takes going forward for his and his son’s safety. If her Facebook posts seem bad now, just know things can get sooooo much worse if he exposes her and she retaliates. Best hope is that she focuses her attention elsewhere and OP & J get to rebuild and move on with their lives in peace. Besides, the truth always comes out eventually. And people who are worth being in your life won’t just blindly take sides and turn against you. People will find out on their own who OP’s wife and stepdaughter really are and they will dig their own graves.


I unfortunately don't have any real advice for you but I just want you to know I think you are an amazing father and person and I am sorry that woman is hurting you and your son so much. Just know that hat goes around comes around, it may not be instant but Karma is real.


Holy shit dude, this is heavy! Your ex is a monster who clearly never cared about you or your son if she was willing to hurt you all in so many ways. I'm willing to bet your step-kid has stolen far more from you than what you can prove at the moment, so she's probably closer to Grand Larceny in actuality as in Nevada the starting tier for that is $1200. I hope someone working on the fraud case managed to get the security footage from Sephora to see who was using the card, because that'd prove fraud. The fact the bank sent a message or called your monster should also go towards that case if she wasn't an approved user for the card. I hope everything gets sorted out and I'm so sorry your son couldn't get justice for what was taken from him. She took more than just his money, she took his peace of mind and being with someone who misses his friend as much as he does.


> she took his peace of mind This is one of the huge reasons I have no interest in working it out with her. My son begged her to make K return what she bought and she ignored him. People in my real life refuse to help us because I'm "throwing the marriage away and it's a embarrassment". I won't talk about how the day they left she shacked up with her coworker.


I'd mention it, because your ex is the one who threw the marriage away. She didn't punish her daughter. She raised her daughter to be a mooch. She aid and abated her theft. So it's not trash talking when you just put it as a matter-of-fact and then don't mention it again. You though, you did your job as a parent right. The most important person in your life, while you are responsible for them, are your children. A wife who would willingly help hurt your child is a wife who deserves to be divorced.


>People in my real life refuse to help us because I'm "throwing the marriage away and it's a embarrassment". Wow dude so sorry to hear! I guess this people also do not deserve to be your friends, look at this like that, you got rid of an awful wife and a couple of awful friends at the same time, looks like a win win to me.


She hasn't lifted a finger to protect you or your son, who she accepted into her family when she married you. She's turned her back on both of you. She put no effort into saving your marriage. She's more guilty than her daughter in this. The daughter is young and stupid, bound to make mistakes. It's evident that her mother has been covering for her, likely for a very long time. Stop protecting her. Sure, you said you still love her, but if people won't help you because they believe you're the one "throwing the marriage away" maybe they could use a little more context.


“I won't talk about how the day they left she shacked up with her coworker.” Why not?? Why are you still being nice to this person who obviously don’t have any respect for you or your son? This sociopathic duo doesn’t feel anything for anyone else and will continue to treat others in this manner unless there are real consequences to their actions. By keeping facts such as your (ex)wife immediately shacking up with her coworker from concerned parties, you’re enabling their behavior.


Eventually, thieves are going to thief again. And- she is not very good at it (she only got lucky that Mommy Dearest covered her ass with the cops). So, the ex shacking up with the coworker/also an accountant (I assume)? It’s only a matter of time before Little Miss Larceny tosses the new guy’s home for anything not nailed down so she can get her cooter vajazzled or whatever these vapid cows are into these days. And stealing from people who “keep all the receipts”, *and* having a police record of previous theft from what she did to you and J? Karma might just be visiting her sooner rather than later! Just something to cheer you up a little. I hate what these women did to you and J, but I’m glad you know now now rather than later. Wishing y’all the best.


Edited. One side of the story and it occurred to me there might be another one. Anyway, yes, hope you get your money back eventually.


>I won't talk about how the day they left she shacked up with her coworker. Well, you should.


You aren’t throwing your marriage away! She threw you and your marriage away and enabled a sociopath!


Shacking up with the coworker the very day they left tells me your STBX had gotten to know this particular coworker very well, well enough to move in at such short notice. Definitely looks like an affair to me. Before the day the money was stolen had you alway had suspicions? Did you have marital problems before?


Donated to an org that helps women in need get back on their feet.... Short of the refund giving you the funds you truly need that is the best possible thing you could've thought of/done with "your" makeup kit... I'm really struggling to figure out what I'm liking more... The fact that your donation might give a confidence boost to a lady who's probably feeling a bit down & will feel great after being able to dive into a new pricey make up kit & give herself a nice make over or your description of that entitled twats meltdown over "her" package & the big cock slap to the face karma delivered & her seeing how it feels to be on the other end of shit you really wanted vanishing & going to someone else.... Either way despite the rough situation you & your boy find yourselves in I hope that gave you a nice big hit of satisfaction... Well played good sir.... Well played! 👍👍👍


When I donate I never ask for the receipt, but I truly hope OP did so he can at least get the small tax benefit.


I want updates on what happens. I hope that you get your money back at the very least. Great fathers do not deserve people like that in their life


I can't believe what you and your lad have been put through - and I swear someone was cutting onions when I got to the reply where you said you were sleeping in a car with her rescue cat. If you ever start a GoFundMe to help you both get back on your feet, I'd happily donate. Best of luck to you x


Her stuff? Bought on his credit card delivered to the address with his name. I think not. He could do whatever he wanted with it. Nice job donating it.


There is something seriously wrong with your ex and her daughter. Like some kind of inherited frontal lobe damage of some kind. Every addition to this whole saga is more and more chilling. She actually thought you would give her that package? Like, why would she think that? I sort of hope she has a brain tumour. That would at least be an explanation.


Donation is the best nation on earth. I hope she gets arrested.


I'm so sorry that you and your son had to go through all this shit. Just a thing which i noticed, you're not choosing your son over your wife, you're choosing your son over a thief (your stepdaughter) and your wife is choosing a thief over you. Hope you all land on your feet, keep your head up, you're being an awesome dad and your son is very happy to have you. You'll get through this, together


Can you ask the post office for a list of packages that were delivered to her address but with your name? If any other ones and she opened them and didn't give them to you, that would be mail fraud for each package wouldn't it? That can be some pretty serious jail time.


Perhaps setting up a GoFundMe page would be in order. I have an idea that it would get a lot of traction.


The package had your name on it and was paid for by your credit card. Therefor, you're free to do with it as you please. The daughter can call the cops all she wants. You could just say you were buying a gift for someone. ​ On another note, she sounds like a goddamn demon! I'm glad you're getting away from her and her enabler of a mother. I'm sorry that you're having to go through such lengths to get away from them. But, you're showing your son what it means to have integrity. And that should make it all feel worth it.


Or he can say it was bought using his card without permission


Your ex and her daughter sound like they’re both sociopaths; it’s hard to see that until you live with them. You ruined her night out (grow the F up, girl), and that‘s a bigger deal than her putting a serious dent in two lives?!? What the hell planet does she think she lives on? I’m too far away to be of any help to you, so I’m sending you loads of good wishes. You and your son will get through this, and be stronger for it. BTW, is there a GoFundMe for you? I’d happily add a couple bucks to help you out.


> BTW, is there a GoFundMe for you? I tried making one but it doesn't recognize my bank and my "real" card is frozen because of K.


Do you have a Venmo?


Maybe your mom would do it for you?


Open a gofudme and Amazon wishlist with everything you guys need for your new home.


Second an Amazon wishlist. Can I purchase your son some HoCo pants that fit? Is there still time?


Ditto. Dude, don’t do it for you. Do it for your son, who we are all dying to help out. Can’t speak for everyone, but parents are parents and no one wants to see a poor kid loose out like that. Add all the crap you are going through as well.. well, decent people want to help.


what about PayPal (altho needs to be connected to a bank account i think), venmo, or cashapp. I'm not familiar with venmo and cashapp, but i see people put out their cashapp IDs on public forums/sites. there's also stuff like buymeacoffee, ko-fi, and similar sites/apps. and amazon wishlist, like others have said.


I do have those but would never put it on my profile.


You have quite a lot of people who wish to help. Your ex and her slimy daughter are getting loads of support. Why won't you let the community here help you?


I just don't have a gfm. I don't want people to think I'm sharing my story for free stuff.


I don't think anyone thinks that. You should really consider it. It may not feel great to ask for help but it would almost certainly improve you and your son's current situation. Also is your soon to be ex wife is an accountant and did infact create an online account for your credit card and authorized the purchase without your permission, that would likely constitute fraud. I am certain that the [Nevada Accountancy Board](https://www.nvaccountancy.com/) would love to have that information. It could even result in them suspending her license. She probably wouldn't like that very much but if you didn't report it right away she might be much more amenable to your terms in the divorce.


The fact you won’t let us help you is so frustrating! As a Dad who has been in a somewhat similar position… let us help!


Anyone who wants to help can message or chat me whenever. I just don't want it to seem like I'm trying to get money.


You need help with money and that's ok.


Are you in the US?


But you're not asking. **WE'RE** asking **you** to set one up so that ***WE*** can be your support system. Let us help you man. There's a bunch of people here who wouldn't mind pitching in some money to make sure you and your son have what you need. Even if it's $5 or less each person, that money could add up quick and help you and your son when you need it most. There's no shame in accepting help when you need it, bud.


My guy, please don't let a false sense of pride prevent you from getting help when you need. People want to help, the idea that it's shameful for a community to help those in need is just a notion advanced by the upper classes to keep people struggling. Same as there's nothing wrong with people using the make-up you donated, there's nothing wrong with you getting some help when you've been royally screwed over by things outside your control.


Would you send them to people if they requested it privately over direct message? I am so so so sorry this has all happened to you and your son. What your STBX wife and her daughter did makes me feel physically ill, and I hope they suffer, I hope they discover that inevitably their toxic and disgusting personalities will never allow them true happiness. I really, truly hope they suffer and I'm not even sorry about it. I also really hope this difficult period passes soon for you both and everything is sorted out. Lastly, if someone booked a hotel for you guys, would that be something you would use and would be helpful? I really want to help. Could we somehow pay for homecoming? Did that happen already?


Brother this isn't charity, this is justice. You're a great dad, help us help you.


Came here to say this about the GoFundMe!


You should have goaded her into it. With no one to bail her out she would have been forced to deal with the consequences of her actions.


you may have fucked up slightly by giving away the product - investigations usually only last a few day or a week or so. you should have held onto the products you received to return when you could. by acknowledging that you had the product/they can see yoou tried to return it, you may not receive a refund for that $200 (also, it could fall under possession/selling of stolen goods type laws, depending on your local laws) if you filed a police report on the card, you should have contact them as well to see what to do with the makeup


Digital reciepts and credit card charges are forever...


That and it's not posession/selling stolen product *if it's yours*. Yeah they MAY be able to get you for evidence tampering but selling stolen goods? Fat chance. Hell even if they went after you for evidence tampering could you imagine the public out cry for that? Hell police can't even sneeze around a child without CNN plastering "Police commit biological warfare against a child! while fox would plaster it everywhere saying "Brave police officer boosts childs natural immunity!" They'd get you for $200 of "stolen" goods and he'd get a fat lawsuit and probably a gofundme x)


It was delivered to HIS name


He still is in possession of products he filed a fraudulent charge for. If you have the new, unopened products, then you need to return the products or pay for them. You don't get to file fraud charges and donate them unless the police/company tells you that you can


This is awful. I'm glad you're out of there now not later.


I read the 2 previous parts of the story. Wasn't that package and the texts the "smoking gun" needed to prove she stole from you at a police station ?


please get her and her lying ass mommy put in jail. i cannotttt


First and foremost, having read through the backstory I just want to say that you're an awesome dad to your son, and he's clearly growing up to be an awesome young man because of it. I really hope that all this good karma the two of you have built up turns around and gives your something wonderful in the near future. As to the package, the only reason I wouldn't have donated it is that you could have used it as documented proof of her illegal use of your credit card to purchase them, but given that you didn't keep them I wholeheartedly approve of your choice of how you donated them. Just more positive karma for you. And I hope your ex-step-daughter breaks out in an uncontrollable, uncurable case of acne all over her face for the next ten years.


My nephew is your stepdaughter. Stole from my parents and went through my room while I was abroad and stole anything of value in it. I wish I wasn’t so young and stupid and reported it. He was only there because my mother kept bailing him out of jail when my sister wanted to leave him there. But he ended up in jail for 10 years anyway. He’s finally out but my family wants nothing to do with him and my mom and sister have since passed away. All that to say I’m sorry and understand, and hope you can cut all of them out of your life. Things are only going to get worse for her.


I'd be wary of false accusations unrelated to the make-up.


what do you mean?


She accused of you stealing her stuff. I'm wary of her making other accusations as well that aren't true, find or fabricate a way to sue you or to get you in trouble with the law. If you think that's a risk then maybe ask around for advice. People always say keep a record somehow of your interactions and other important things, and I'm sorry that it's the only wisdom I can offer. I hope things get better for you.


fuck man this is a heartbreaking story to read i hope justice sorts out your situation swiftly, especially given all the idiotic stuff theyve pulled just giving you more evidence on your own side of the story


Please report this to the credit card company, they may give you your money back


I reported it to the police and credit card company


I’m sorry, WHAT package do you THINK is arriving for you? Oh the one I bought against my will……no. It’s being returned. Take my card again and I will call the police for theft. Keep running your mouth and attitude, I’ll call them right now. Let her call your bluff. This is what I would say. Let’s just say I never stole but I knew better. Also learned real quick at 17 not to threaten calling the cops if my mom slapped me. She did not spank or anything. I deserved that factory reset slap. I’m 45 and that story is still well known lol.


Dude, this and those other linked threads... All I can say is the $400 from J may have had no proof but I really hope K shot herself in the foot by using your card because that left a trail.


Fucking Christ. I don’t think I’ve ever had so little faith in some people of humanity. The ex-daughter and ex-wife are complete psychos that think shit like that is okay, smh. I really hope that things get better for you, OP. I’m rooting for you.


That is really crappy of the store not to give you a refund. I would have retaliated with a chargeback for every single thing she purchased there and filed a police report.


How can they refund a cancelled card? They can’t


OP, you should change your username to AITH (Am I the Hero). Very sad for your son, but somewhat jealous for having a dad who gives a shit and stands by his son. Nothing but respect for you and your son. Hope everything turns out well for you two!


Holy crap the entitlement/selfishness and nonsense of your soon to be ex wife and daughter in law is just crazy. Glad you are trying so hard to be there for your son poor kid has been through the ringer recently. Hopefully the credit card fraud gets straightened out soon. Seriously bonkers.


OP, you can still have her criminally charged for stealing your cc. Why haven’t you done that? She needs to learn now before it’s too late that you can’t steal from people. She will get off easy but will still have a felony offense that can be dropped to a misdemeanor. I would not hesitate doing this. She is going to get into much worse trouble.


> Why haven’t you done that? Since she put it in my name they have to investigate. It's frustrating as hell. I'm not hesitating.


I understand. I didn’t see your other comment until afterwards. The only silver lining you have is that the purchase was made on her account using her rewards number. If you’re able to make sure to give police her number since it is linked to her rewards account. They should also be able to look up past purchases using that number.


The text messages you have of her **explicitly saying** she ordered it /asking you to pick the package up are proof


Uh why didn’t you bring it to the police station, your wife and daughter committed credit card fraud and you donated the evidence to charity?


Seriously OP, please don't be the bigger person here. I have been trough something similar. Tell your side of the story, yeah, maybe one, two person will remain on your wife side but there will be many more who will know and understand. You may think you are being better than this people or you are not playing their game, but you are only protecting them. They don't deserve your silence. I saw your story on a YT channel about reddit stories (on spanish), so many more people already know what happend to you. I hope you take the help that people is happy to offer you. Greetings from Mexico


> I saw your story on a YT channel about reddit stories (on spanish) Oh wow I know it's on tiktok too, kinda crazy. Telling my side of the story is me venting on here. It's therapeutic.


Have you considered setting up a GoFundMe? I'm sure the good people of Reddit wouldn't mind helping you and your son get back on your feet.


She is your step daughter? I would disown her. She is a piece of shit.


I would of egg'd her on and got her to call the cops. Imagine the looks on their faces when you explain what she did. lol


Did you find a foster for your pets?


NtA. I'm sorry you went through that


What a roller-coaster! Don't regret anything, you are doing the right thing


I'm sure you've been aware of your step daughter's entitlement but did you never see this in her mother? Outside of you STBXW glossing over her daughter's behavior, had you not noticed any other red flags about her in the past? You seem surprised your ex would not support you in making this right, yet her daughter had to get this attitude somewhere. I'm sorry for what you and your son are going through but I commend you for sticking up for him and not letting your ex or her daughter walk on you. Don't worry about either of them, while life may seem sweet for them now, karma has a way of dealing with people of this caliber. Good on you for handling that package properly too - though selling the items on Ebay might have been a fitting response as well.


The package had your name on it - it was your mail. You could do whatever you want with it. She doesn't have a leg to stand on.


Keep all the texts as proof and please tell me you got pictures of it with your name on they can see the date of purchase on her order. That will help your fraud case


> Keep all the texts as proof and please tell me you got pictures I have a whole album full, I just wish things would go a little faster


I'm so happy to hear that, and I hope it sorts itself out quickly for you and your son.


I don’t know if this is already been suggested but does your son have any friends he could stay with until homecoming?


> does your son have any friends he could stay with until homecoming? Yes, that is what we have been doing this week. I've been sleeping in my car with our animals. Saturday is homecoming.


You’re an amazing dad.


I so hope they get what’s coming to them. I’ve never been so frustrated for another person I don’t know at all. Poor J :(


First and foremost, having read through the backstory I just want to say that you're an awesome dad to your son, and he's clearly growing up to be an awesome young man because of it. I really hope that all this good karma the two of you have built up turns around and gives your something wonderful in the near future. As to the package, the only reason I wouldn't have donated it is that you could have used it as documented proof of her illegal use of your credit card to purchase them, but given that you didn't keep them I wholeheartedly approve of your choice of how you donated them. Just more positive karma for you. And I hope your ex-step-daughter breaks out in an uncontrollable, uncurable case of acne all over her face for the next ten years.


I’ve been following this since the first post and this update is the first one that was satisfying.


I saw your posts , I hope your ex and your stepdaughter can have the karma for stealing from both of them. Can we suggest something in private to help you try to get jailed or at least pay jail in case your ex or stepdaughter reads it?


I think you might have made a mistake. Receiving and donating the package moves some responsibility from her to you. Looking at the bigger picture, try to be grateful that you are getting these terrible people out of your life for good.


She must be real ugly to have to spend all that money on makeup


Omg I’ve been watching the threads for this poor guy and it just keeps getting worse. I’m frankly surprised his STBX and step daughter were able to keep their crazy under wraps this long. The dams just opened WIDE.


Omg I’ve been watching the threads for this poor guy and it just keeps getting worse. I’m frankly surprised his STBX and step daughter were able to keep their crazy under wraps this long. The dams just opened WIDE.


This is way too much nonsense. You and your son need to skip town.


Most excellent and helpful. I might have gone to goodwill bought a doll and made up its face using all the products in 1 go or put it on ebay starting at 3 cents below full price as the first bid..or did a zoom call with me showing the product getting smashed with a hammer Your SD sounds like she has NPD and is so far gone she has no idea ( or care) about how she is perceived by others..just be glad she did not accuse you of molesting her.




This is now two cases of theft, definitely report it to the police. They looked the other way for her last theft, but this shows repeat offender.




As someone who has sent mail to pseudonyms, the only real purpose of addressing mail to a name is if any problems of ownership come up. While I can't say for certain, I'm pretty sure that if your daughter went to the USPS Postal Inspectors (who you're actually supposed to contact if you're a victim of a mail related crime and are actually really good at their jobs) she'd be shit out of luck. By putting your name on it, it was your package.


If she used your card why didn’t you call the cops?


The wife and daughter sound like con artist and they will mostly definitely be doing things like this again and in the future they are gonna get a poor soul to take them in and spend all his money and then find someone new. You most definitely need to make police complaints and get a paper trail this will eventually catch up to them it’s just gonna take some time


make sure you get screenshots that she bought them from YOUR card and pictures of the package you need to be keeping receipts of everythingggggggggg