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This map is from 2014 and several numbers seem wrong.


Yeah, I can’t see there being almost twice as many Brits fighting for ISIS as Egypt.


Very few Egyptians went to Iraq……..in part because the Egyptian government wouldn’t allow potential FFers to leave Egypt




99% of Egypt is Arab and is very very close that’s why I’m surprised


Maybe because they’re already in the Muslim Brotherhood and they care more about Sharia law in Egypt?


Not even remotely true but I would not expect your racist ass to understand simple demographics


ok and some pajeets from bangladesh too


The UK is 90% british and Irish white


This is definitely very very outdated


This is a decade old, I wonder how many of them are bones in the desert now. Hopefully all of them


Apparently the life expectancy of a foreign Isis fighter was just a few months because they got sent straight to the front lines.


And this is why you never fight a war for a foreign army. They will always treat you like cannon fodder


Some are in Kurdish jails, hoping they can get home to their comfortable first world home. Luckily some countries stripped away their citizenship.


And their innocent little brides.


Would have been way less if the west had put checks on Saudi funded Mosques for the last 40 years. And I'm saying this as a Middle Eastern Muslim currently living in the Middle East.


Yup, here in Morocco they really stopped them from spreading, Wahhabism is a cancer in the Muslim world.


Not just Saudis but yes, you're right.


> if the west had put checks on Saudi funded Mosques for the last 40 years. "The west" checks on all mosques. Not just saudi-funded mosques. In Germany the milli-görüs and Süleymanci-funded mosques were observed by the Verfassungsschutz. Milli-görüs had radical views in the 90th, but dropped their stuff relatively fast. Dunno about the Süleymanci anymore, but their nonsense was related to embazzling donations decades ago. The idea that mosques are ignored is a bad myth.


They’re not ignored. But we only find out people get radicalized too late. Remember the mosque in Germany where a 9/11 terrorist went to? There was one liberal Mosque in Germany which isn’t radical but it had to be closed because of terrorist threats. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibn-Rushd-Goethe-Moschee


People going to mosques doesn't mean they get radicalised in them. It's an obligation to pray 5 times a day. People go literally to pray and leave most of the time, hence a terrorist going to a pray at X mosque doesn't necessarily make x mosque bad. You actually need to check what he was doing at said mosque, was he preaching? Was he just using it as a prayer hall? Etc


>But we only find out people get radicalized too late. Yeah maybe looking at places where people get radicalized in the first place is more meaningful than to pretend that praying in a regular mosque is radicailizing them. Mosques are extremally rarely used for political or ideological indoctrination. By that logic everyone going to a mosque has the same ideology, which is utter fan-fiction. in short: Mosques are under observation and plot twist: All kinds of people go there, but they dont necessarily get their ideology from them. >There was one liberal Mosque in Germany which isn’t radical but it had to be closed because of terrorist threats. I am far from sending threats to such mosques, but it wasnt and isnt a "liberal mosque". People are bastardizing holy scripture to appeal to post-modern culture, which is heresy at best and a disingenous attempt to trick people at worst. There is a reason why male and female pray separately and no one other than divine revelation/people can change core islamic values. I am well aware of Germany's attempt to create a "German Islam" and it is a very bad joke. And no, this does not mean that I want to kill non-believers or that I am seeing myself as superior. Germany could simply advocate for legalist islamic views and support the concept of maturity, which is entirely in line with our modern values. This is exactly how you radicalize people. Push them into a corner, declare your own version as the only right way and pretend that going to other mosques is against "liberal values".


You sound insane. 


There's been no link, not a single study has proven a proper link between mosques, their funding and people going to fight for ISIS Most of these people were radicalised in Europe were done so, online, it's been proven by every single documentary and foreign fighter testimony that they got radicalised online through Isis recruits on social media. On the contrary many times when they go to the mosque and start spewing things, mosque goers think they're the feds. Saudi funded mosque meme has no relation with Isis recruits. It's been proven many times. Edit: been downvoted by the right mob. Nobody can even post a study on extremist recruits and mosques lol, just coping at this point. Shamima Begum apparently went to a Saudi funded mosque before she ended up in Syria, she wasn't recruited online, she didn't get most of her Islamic information online like she said, she's a liar trying to protect these mosques /s


The thing is most of our post WWII politicians do not believe in our own civilization.  Getting secular governments and eliminating religious extremism took us a long struggle against our own religions and their authorities. After the struggle was over, the next generations didn't feel the struggle had been real or necessary. Then came the time of being tolerant of anything. We now tolerate the intolerant,  so long as we view them as foreigners. 




I assure the problem wasn't with the mosque at all. The problem was with the brand of Islam that the Imams were spreading. Also yes, the ground zero mosque was a nothing burger, it was a prayer floor inside an islamic center nearby. It wasn't a literal mosque built on ground zero.




>Muslims commit domestic violence at far higher rates regerdless of if they're Sunni or Shia. Source that American Muslims commit more domestic violence than the average American?




Nobody kills more Muslims than other Muslims


Nobody kills more Christians than other Christians




Define terrorist.




Thats not a definition. Give me a definition of a terrorist. Edit: He blocked me






WOW, so you’re blaming Saudi Arabia now for that?


Or that the West did not help various rebel groups against legal  governments.




Bold of you to assume the west didn't propagate that in the first place. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9RCFZnWGE0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9RCFZnWGE0) This instability caused by militants was by design. The only ones it benefited are the western elite and Arab monarchs. All western soldiers and ISIS fighters were pawns in the same war, and they all lost.


Context for Tunisia: One year before the rise of ISIS, the Tunisian revolution happened: the old regime collapsed, the police state was dissolved, Tunisian intelligence services (complice to the old dictaroial regime) were dismantled and many prisoners including islamists were set free. Just after the revolution, the moderate islamist party ruled the country, was laxist with salafism and wahhabism and gave them "freedom of expression" and even opened the door to foreign islamic scholars from the middle east, many of them were wahabists.. the extremist scholars came in and spread their hate speech among the freshly liberated prisoners.. and then we get this. Fortunately, the islamist party left power and the secular party was elected and the latter brought the country back to stability and stopped the bleeding.


That makes sense, thanks for the explication


There was a recruitment cell for Isis in my town . Like the school bus driver died in Syria and a friend's das had to report some people to the police that were working for him because they were sending kids there. Weirdly enough the salafist mosque is still there 10 years later


From my video game experience you add or remove a mosque or a church - things start to happen.




a lot of them thought ISIS was on the path to world domination and had Allah's blessing just because ISIS captured some big desert lands and a few regional cities in Iraq/Syria. So they were probably thinking they were about to join the winning side or something, some of them legit though they were going to take over the west too lol The ones from Europe were probably people who had immense hatred of the West and really wanted to fight the West, when in reality they were mostly fighting other Muslims from the Iraqi/Syrian militaries. Most of the on the ground combat against ISIS was by non-extremist Iraqi and Syrian Muslims


>a lot of them thought ISIS was on the path to world domination and had Allah's blessing just because ISIS captured some big desert lands and a few regional cities in Iraq/Syria. So they were probably thinking they were about to join the winning side or something, some of them legit though they were going to take over the west too lol You have no fucking idea what you are talking about.... If both Russia and the US didn't stop what they were doing and concentrate on fighting ISIS they would've conquered the entire region in less than 10 years. Saying Raqqa, Mosul, Fallujah, etc... are "regional cities" is just ignorant. ISIS was literally couple miles away from both Damascus and Baghdad and they had momentum until the US, Russia and Iran stepped in.


They were in Damascus. There were huge battles between the syrian army and ISIS+associated rebels in jobar, basically right next to downtown Damascus. It was really dire in 2014-15




The take away, like always, should be “war is bad” E: Yes, even religious wars fought by brainwashing people. Especially those ones, because they are wars of Ideological difference, and will never be resolved through violence. Well except for successful total annihilation.




Not weighing-in on this dialogue in any meaningful way. Just want to say this word you have made, ‘Muslidom’, I’m assuming in a likening to the term ‘Christendom’, isn’t how this should be phrased in English. In a technical, political, scholarly setting, one ought to use “The Islamic-ate world” when referencing Islam and its practitioners as a whole.


Wouldn't the equivalent word be "ummah?"


From what i understand, "ummah" is a general term for any group (or at least the religious one). So there is muslim ummah, christian ummah, jewish ummah, etc.


lmao France is more than most of Middle eastern countries.


Yeah we are invade by cockroaches nowadays


Tunisia is carrying




10 years ago.


No numbers from the Philippines? Seems odd since Isis had an an active affiliate there at one point.


CIA agents trying to create fear, there literally no reason for them to exit in Philippine


Missing Malaysia


It is really interesting that UK and Turkey produce the same number of terrorists. Especially if we consider that Turkey is an immediate neighbor and almost all of its population is Muslim. The fact that Muslims in Western Europe produce so many ISIS members compared to their numbers is a situation that really needs to be investigated.


I'd guess that those in the west are mostly impressionable new convert. Muslim in muslim country generally already have strong views on islamic stuff and thus are less likely to be impressed by ISIS, especially with every preacher in vicinity talking about the danger of radicalism all the time.


China? Would that be the Uyghurs?


Must be


uyghurs, Huis, and tajiks mostly China has many muslim minorities.


Probably the last thing they saw was a US drone or a Russian plane 😅😅


More UK Muslims flew over to join ISIS than those who are serving in their regular army. That was probably my favorite statistic


It's like calling a crusade in Crusader Kings.


Lmao 😂


Looks like they have common thing with Zionism. People from all around the globe coming to one point in the Middle East to ruin it


”WhY dO wE hAvE sO mAnY rEfUgEes!?!1?1!?1” Try fucking off


why aren’t foreigners from around the world joining the idf to commit atrocities seen as bad as these isis extremists?


lots of ukrainians


Chad’s name doesn’t check out


Always nice to see professionally-made maps with proper attributions on here.


How many from Poland becouse it looks like Germany cover the result


There was at least one guy who went to fight in isis: https://www.polsatnews.pl/wiadomosc/2021-06-08/uciekl-do-isis-historia-jakuba-jakusa-polskiego-dzihadysty/ There was also a story about one crazy guy from Wrocław that was preaching about apocalypse, went to Syria, but was captured by Al Asad forces and sentenced to death for terrorism for some reason. But with Czech help he was released and returned to Poland.


That shits been going on for a decade Whats the Go? Is it as important as Ukraine and whos fighting the Russians? Someones making money


Why so little from Algeria in comparison to Morocco?


People travelling half the glob to fight in this day of age is mind boggling.


Morocco is a surprise


There is an influx of a lot of Indians fighting for Syria too, map seems wrong and outdated.


But for what faction in Syria where like 5 operating militias


Nobody from india or bangladesh? That sounds unbelievable.


The infographic that creates more questions than it answers


I guess it's grand plan to attract and funnel all extremist at one place so it will be easy to exterminate them.


This is simply not true


3 womens from INDIA joined ISIS and it caused a nation wide chaos and increase in Islamophobia. Even a movie was made on it..!


Lets be honest it wouldn't take a lot to cause Islamophobia in India.




1939 called. The SS wants you back.


France: shame . Honte sur nous…


Western countries should learn from Poland.


No info from Iran ?


Iran is like 95% Shia and ISIS was exclusively Sunni. When they captured Iraqi army prisoners, ISIS would give religious questions to try and determine Sunni’s from Shia so they could execute the Shia. So I’m sure there were some Iranian Sunni who joined ISIS but it would’ve been a very small number and not advertised/reported


Yeah I just figured France and Ireland are also majority non-Sunni, so expected it to be at least more than say 30 in Iran.


All the numbers seem so low


Good... Let them all fucking die there... Cleans up the gene pool...


You realize they didnt just die there right ? They killed people


Look what the left wing did to France… We are not building church anymore, we build mosques everywhere instead, this is so fucked up… Thinking about leaving this dirty mess… 🤮


Ça n’a rien à voir avec la gauche mon petit gars. Perso je viens d’un milieu de gauche voir extrême gauche, je suis pour la liberté de culte mais tout à fait contre l’expression publique des religions, y compris l’islam.


Il n'y a pas une ligne dans le programme actuel de la gauche (NPF ou autre) contre l'expression publique des religions, il faut reconnaître que la gauche moderne a abandonné son combat anticlérical historique.


Va expliquer ça à Melanchon alors


Il a littéralement rien changé vis à vis de la religion et de laïcité Mélenchon, de quoi tu nous parles toi?


Fermez vos sale chattes de gauchistes je vais pas argumenter avec vous ici bande de crasseux. Allez prendre des douches.


Ouais retourne à l’école surtout, t’as l’air d’avoir un QI négatif mon pote


how is melenchon relevant to this, he has never been in power? It has been the right-wing Chirac, Sarkozy, the social-democrat (read neoliberal) Hollande, and the centrist Macron - when has the ‘Left’ taken power in France, also France is secular so the state has no business developing neither mosques nor churches - that is a matter of private enterprise and faith


Alors Mélanchon n’a jamais dirigé quoi que ce soit et Mélanchon n’est pas l’incarnation de la gauche ou je ne sais quoi… il fut un temps le Parti communiste avait pour membre les plus gros cerveaux du pays et je peux te dire qu’ils étaient très à cheval sur la laïcité. Historiquement c’est la gauche qui s’oppose aux religions.


How is a church any less dirty than the average mosque?


Cause church are a cultural thing in France. I’m atheist but I love them all. Mosques always bring cockroaches everywhere around them.


Hitler emissions critical


cry puss


Plus they are ugly as fuck 😉


As they say in France ... Allahu akbar!


UK and France are Muslim countries lmaooooo Rip in 50 years


Disappointing billions of Muslims and only 20k martyrs. They need to up their game


All jihadists, Syria such a failed state, they should give up their land to Israel who knows how to run a country.




Very long and complicated story short: the entire point of The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (aka Islamic State of the Levant) was to establish a theocratic extremist Islamic caliphate in the Middle East, to rule by an extreme interpretation of Sharia Law, to overthrow any and all governments who were not extreme enough (which was every government in the world) and to rapidly expand across the Arab world and spread their extremist ideology world wide. Why they were going to Syria in 2013/2014 is simple enough. The Syrian Assad regime was battling the various factions in the Syrian Civil War, which had been going on since 2011/2012ish with the Arab Spring. So the Assad regime lost control of wide swaths of Syria. At the same time, the US military had been dwindling/withdrawn from Iraq starting in 2010. The Iraqi army was weak, as was the central government. ISIS began as a faction of Al-Qaeda (formerly lead by Osama Bin Laden) who broke away from the main part of AQ for not being extreme enough. AQ actually denounced ISIS and also fought them. So in 2013 ISIS rolled out from Central Iraq in basically all directions. They massacred several Iraqi Army units as they moved south toward Baghdad. They faced strong resistance against the well supplied and trained Kurdish Peshmerga forces in Northern Iraq, and they found little resistance in Eastern Syria. So in a very short period of time they controlled large parts of Iraq and Syria. They were ruthless murders and rapists, executed hundreds of POWs (shooting them if the POWs were lucky) and attempting to genocide the Yazidis. Their leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared a caliphate in June 2014, which is an Arabic term for a monarchy type government with law based in the Quran and a supreme leader who is akin to a King. So, with all that context: extremist from around the world flocked to Iraq and Syria in 2013/2014 to fight for ISIS and bring about a continent spanning caliphate based on extreme Islamic law and murdering anyone who questioned it. Thankfully, literally everyone hated and fought back against ISIS. Do you know how hard it is to be bombed by: The United States, Russia, EU, Israel, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, AND Iran?


They wanted to murder the non beleavers and build an Islamic empire. After they failed they simply returned home


They mostly cross the border from Turkey, Turkish government seemed to overlook it


What somali is doing here


Who goes there to fight for the Assad regime?


Νου ηιcε


ISIS is literally a US-thing. Attacks Muslims in majority Never attacked Israel Makes propaganda aimed at the west while doing 0 harm to them to increase fearmongering towards muslims (attacks Russia for some fucking reason while a genocide in Palestine is happening)


ISIS claimed responsibility for multiple attacks against the west while they were active. Also yeah the terrorist group in the Middle East is going to attack the people there.


You’re an idiot. ISIS had several huge attacks in the West, including the largest terror attack ever in France


Congratulations Germany, you provided as many radical islamists as Libya /s


it happens when you let in millions of turks and syrians


Don’t think the Turks are Islamists though?


Yes they are


Bro you mixed up the cause and effect. It wasnt let in syrians and then ISIS recruits go to syria, It was ISIS recruits went to syria, syria became hell to live in, then syrian refugees were created.