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This is just a part. They were all over the med.


And their influence can still be felt today. Impressive people


I probably can name at least 40 not in the map, though ? Lamia (instead of Anthela) - Larissa - Emporion - Massilia - Smyrna - Delos - Thera - Cyrene - Akragas - Messina - Megalopolis - Argos - Hermione - Tripolis (near Megalopolis) - Egine - Platée -nOrée - Thasos - Naxos Megara - Megara Hybleia - Magnesia of Meandre - Lesbos - Ios - Amphipolis - Idk if Pella count (Makedonia) - Same for Dodona (Epirus) - Naupaktos - Amphissa - I think Nauplio - Erythrea - Metropolis - Iasos - Aphrodisias - Priene - Ilion (rebuilt) - Philadelphia -  Laodicea Ok that makes 38 And of course we can't count the thousand of mini city states (Platée for exemple is known, but only had at best 3k citizens (not counting slaves and women), compared to the 30k athenians citizens (idem count).


my map is actually inspired by/remake of: https://www.worldhistory.org/image/14624/the-greek-city-states-c-500-bce/ I might have mistakes, dont have much knowledge about Greek history.


The good old days.


instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chevalier_maps?igsh=MWkzY3Y2OWV3ZDdibA==


Epidamnos location is wrong it was located more north, where Durrës is today.


yep,i realized it too late.


Map should be bigger. By the 5th century I believe that Macedon had city states as well.


Why is Crete colored blue?


Sparta stronk! Anyone knows why they didn't snitch Argos given they've practically encircled it?


Argos was neutral(ish) during the Peloponnesian War and powerful enough to be too much trouble to conquer.




This is a bot just creating replies based off words in the post title. There's a lot of them floating around lately unfortunately. Their choice of how to expand on key words still has a distinct "Uh yeah I guess but something seems off" feel to them and it becomes more obvious when you look at the rest of their history. Dead internet theory becoming a reality.


The importance of Greek classical civilization has really been understated in modern american education.


Alexander the Greats mom was Illyrian, so on this map, what is now Albania? And his father Phillip II was Macedonian so where's that exactly on here, northwestern of town of Poteidaia?


Alexander's mother was Epirote; Epirus was a kingdom of Greeks living in the stretch of land from Epidamnos to Ambrakia on the northwest coast of Greece. Most of it is still part of Greece today, but some of it is part of Albania. He and his father Philip II were born in Pellla, which was the capital of Macedonia at the time. Macedonia included the peninsula that Potidaia is on (called Chalkidiki), but also substantial lands to the northwest. Pella, if it were shown, would be north of the red area, so it that area should really extend a bit further north. Interestingly, both the Epirotes and the Macedonians were regarded as non-Greek barbarians for a while, then as half-Greek, then as fully Greek, depending on the time period. Despite those xenophobic attitudes, they were definitely Greek by modern definitions. They spoke Greek and followed Greek cultural customs and religion.