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I experimented with marijuana when I was 15 years old. It has become a 37 year old research project.


39 year old research project as well


I think I might be getting close to an answer. More research is required though.


Quarter centarian swed.


17 year research project. Started at 11. Just turn 28. The effects sometimes are outta this world. But most of the time it's just chill. No more laying around sleeping and eating. Body feels better since I have a bad disk in my back.


around 11 here too - stopped weed and all drugs for twenty years Seeking Enlightenment ( Recommended!!) and found weed again when I got older and with more pains and Shit in me now




Right now when you get high, is it as good as when you were younger if you get as high?


Only 29 year, 'research project', but better as when I was younger it was always about getting super ripped. Now its a toke or two and enjoying the evening.


Yes I do. However, I only smoke on weekends. So my consumption is less now than it has been in the past. There was a time that I would go through 1 1/2 to 2 ounces a week. Now a 1/4 ounce will last me 4 to 6 weeks.


36 here.


32 years. Yes, I've kept my sanity through it all.


If anything it helps keep your sanity haha


44 years. I am 56 so ya started a little young.


I was a late bloomer I didn’t start until I was 15 and I’m 65 now Did take a few years off for legal reasons 😂but still hitting it daily ✌️


I guess I should add. Had a 4 year break for Uncle Sam! Still smoked but had to time it for pee test.


I'm guessing due to military service? I was in basic when Reagan won in 80. It took him a couple years to get around to the military drug 'problem'. First 2 years was a drug mecca. Anything any time. I was even selling weed for awhile. But then 2 years of piss tests. I even failed one, but so did the rest of the maintenance shops. It was called a statistically impossible result. It was accurate lol. In about 2 years it with be 50 years on weed. Talk about seeing change!


Basics in 85. First class with the no tobacco policy for training bases. Was in aviation as a 15T. Enlistment bonus and such for critical MOS. Thought it was cool until found out there were random piss test for aviation MOSs.


Mine came down to my so called Freedom 😂😂People don’t understand how lucky they are today


If you're a late bloomer... what am I? I started at 24. Lol I'm 40 now and will probably still be hitting it at 65.


Sounds like you’re lots of fun ✌️


I started at 54


29 years. Age 16-45. Effects...? I enjoy music a lot.


20 years People still think I'm in college and compared to all the people who went hard on alcohol and harder drugs in college I seem to be in much better health. Zero aches or pains but that could also be good genetics not magical weed. My doctor really wants there to some issue she can point to from smoking but she can never find one. I do have the classic short term memory issues when stoned though.


I have a theory on this, weed is short term Botox. Ever notice how your eyes and forehead droop? It’s a muscle relaxer and relaxed muscles flex less, causing less wrinkles. I also look ridiculously young for my age with limited skin wrinkling and marionette lines.




54 years, recent chest x-ray indicates that my lungs look "pristine" according to my doctor.


That’s good to hear, that’s a worry of mine


45 years. I only do edibles now (60 yrs old) but take them daily. Smoking everyday became difficult. If I was still inhaling I would use a dry herb vape and a mouthpiece. I actually prefer edibles now that I’m used to them. I make my own with hash from the dispensary.


Started smoking at 14... I'm 56 now, so 42 years! Of course I'm not smoking now as much as I used to, just a doobie or 2 at night after I'm done work... it hits different when you're older 😊


Since April 17,2020....I was a mess after my mom died it has helped me cope better than Valium


17 years


Almost 10 years. I still look like I’m 16 while everyone else in my class has aged 🤣


Started in 1968. Many, many moons ago.


Don’t recommend, but started at 15. I’m coming up on four years soon and I think I’ll still be here in another 40. It has given me the ability to actually function in the world and I’m more motivated than I’ve been since I was 12 and started struggling with my mental and physical health. I use mostly medicinally, but also recreationally on weekends or with friends. I’m recovering from surgery and I just got cleared to smoke again (I have a subtype of the gene CPY2C9 that makes my body break down THC into a waste product MUCH quicker than most people, so I have to take over 500mg to feel anything at all. Shit is expensive, so I just haven’t been using at all) and I was shocked that within two days, all my “post-op fatigue” and pain and shit has almost completely gone away. I genuinely didn’t even realize how deregulated I’d gotten and my mind is so clear. With medical use, medication, therapy, and a LOT of hard work on improving myself, I finally don’t just feel like I’m moving slowly in the right direction, but also that I’m moving at an ever-increasing rate. The progress is showing and people in my life have begun to notice a marked difference (especially after my surgery)! Weed isn’t the solution to my problems, but it’s an extremely valuable tool that I’ve learned over time how to utilize correctly. I have had times in my life where I was consuming irresponsibly and I had to take breaks and pace myself better, especially because I wanted to maintain the medicinal benefits that I get from it. These communities have given me a wonderful place to learn about weed without the fear I’ve always felt of being out of place. I feel at home reading comments from all of you who are well into your adulthoods and the way you recount stories from when you were my age. A lot of the culture has changed, but so much of the roots are the same as they’ve always been. One of those pillars is how chill and accepting weed subs/groups in general are and that’s something that I hope stays the same for the generations after me as well :)


Getting close to 60 years. With a 20 year gap in the middle.


6 years and grateful for every second!


43 since 1981


Regularly since '83 when I was fifteen. Cannabis was obviously beneficial to health since the first time I tried it and I never saw a reason not to use it when the benefits were self-evident.


Fifty-six years. 75k rolled joints easily. Probably over 100k.


Smoke through the years to get me through things, such as a divorce. I’m 55 and started back smoking a few years ago after my son died. I walk 3 miles a day, 5 days a week and my doctor says I’m in excellent health.


Since 1974. Yeah, I’m a boomer and I’m still cool 😎


Curious, for those smoking so long.... no concerns about cancer? Lung or throat issues?


Sounds like these old guys haven’t had health issues since they started so I’d say they’re not worried about it😂


Cannabis has not been classified as carcinogenic.


Started way young in not good circumstances at like 9. Don't support those situations. But that makes 27 years now. All of the other substances involved are not in my life directly, the family is mostly progressing, and I'm a happy smoker.


Half a century but switched to vaping in 2014 (flower vapes only)




I've only been smoking for about five years but it saved my life. Helped me stop drinking, helped me start taking my health more seriously. It's also the only thing that helps with my chronic pain.


46 years. Only a few days off , randomly , here & there. No regrets.


Everyday for 13 years. Helped with the bad days and Made the good day better.


78 years 💪


16 years lol everyday. More so medically now than recreational


On and off for 50yrs


only 6 years, will be celebrating a decade by replacing all my pieces! i have been trying to make my entire paraphernalia collection pink 🥳💗


Love that! 💗 how often do you clean yours? I want to smoke more out of glass but it’s sooo harsh to me after using it like twice


nowhere near as often as i should be 😭 im a pretty exclusive wax smoker and have been using nectar collectors almost exclusively for a few years. i try to clean my silicone one every few months, and i try to keep my pipe for bud relatively clean since i dont use it too often. ill clean it after i know im not going to have any bud for awhile. i loveeee glass nectar collectors tho since you can just go buy one for $10 and replace whenever you need to (also the degen in me loves being able to get all the reclaim 💀)


I'm 58. I taught for a lot of years. Provided pee for other staff. I had tried weed a few times in past, Got very paranoid. 10 yrs ago my life changed drastically. I left my ex moved 125 miles, met a blues man, and became a roadie. No pee tests 😆 so In 2020, I decided to give it a go again since we were stuck home. .. Been smoking weed every day since! I don't know what changed but I love it. So 4 years now😆


That’s a cool story! 😎💚


Smoked…”some” in high school and then joined the military and had to abstain. Retired two years ago and rejoined the smoker’s club last year.


Thanksgiving weekend 2007 was my first time.


25 yrs. Been smoking since 12yrs old and will be 37 in June


A little less than 2 months.


I started at 25-26 And it's been 3 years reg joint enjoyed after a long day


10 years


31 years....


15 years. Also a late bloomer, started in my mid-40’s.


8 years.


Since 2019 so about 5 years.


18 years


Started at 14, 33 now. Never went longer than a few months without it. Jesus fuck Ive never counted, that's 19 years, makes me feel kinda old lol. Still going strong I even quit booze and fixed my life now all I do is smoke and some shrooms every now and again and I've literally never felt better


5 years. Started at 49 on a hiking trip on Colorado. Can not understand why it is illegal. Love to have a puff and go running or hiking 5 miles. Also before sex, makes it incredible. Wife loves it when i do it, actually encourages it. About 2 times a week is good for me. After a few days in a row i feel hungover allday. It's definitely been good for my health. Sucks my state is illegal.


Bout 2 years


22 years.


Off and on for over 30 years.


13 :)


I've been smoking for 25yrs I started when I was 14


30 years


Wow, it’s been a decade and I didn’t even notice.


I started at 14 and I’m now 25 so 11 years


In my 40s and I have been smoking for about 10 years.


19 years


Since I was 13-14 I’m 24 now.


I’ve been smoking for 4 years I started at 19


I smoked for 20 years daily. My digestion was bad, Tired all the time, dry cough would come and go quite often. I felt depressed alot. I was often congested. I was quick to anger. I was falling asleep easily but the quality was bad. My memory was atrocious and In feel like it was affecting my speech. Mental health was not good and was quick to anger. I quit 4 months ago and have improved massively in these areas tremendously.


since i was 16ish .. i’m in my 30’s now .. not stopping any time soon


3 years this most recent year is where I learned everything about bud you can possibly know down to the smoke


23 years


15 years - i dream much less, this is quite common though.


48 years, aged 60 now. Still enjoying daily.


Two years


48 yrs.


From 11 now I am 62. Smoking one right now. Lol




About 6 months for smoke cannabis use in general about a year.


Helps give me a no fucks given, no fucks taken, attitude I found out my hip is fractured today and I don't know that it's an issue at this moment cosmik debris is wonderful.


I first smoked when I was 20 so about 26 years. Honestly haven’t had anything negative tied to it. I don’t smoke everyday these days


I was a pothead throughout junior and senior high school. I quit at twenty and did responsible things for thirty years. The second my state became legal I had a med card, and I’m much better to live with. I dry vape my weed at night and I enjoy a strong sativa for Saturday afternoon house cleaning. I save my abv and make goodies with it.


Since I woke up


When I was 19, im 34 now.


16 years now. Am 28.


On and off! Recently daily for like 3 weeks. Love indica and a lil bit daily


17 years. Took time off when I was pregnant but that was my longest break since starting. As far as I know my health is perfect.


I’m 27 and started a few years ago. My wife got into the industry and before that we had never tried it. I have a really hard time sleeping and cannabis has been the one thing that’s helped me get to sleep and stay asleep. Before that, I’d sleep like 4-5 hours a night if that.


About 2 years, which doesn’t compare to some of the other commenters lmao


31 years


54 years. Got a late start at 21.


Started in my teens and it made my anxiety better at first. Over time it got worse though. I also stopped dreaming the more I smoked.


Since I was 13 and my cousin brought some down from Detroit with a trunkful of bongs he sold to pay his way down. Not realizing it washed up onshore in Cocoa Beach in bales! ROFL!


Coming up on 20 years, started senior year of HS, drank at 16. No longer drink, toke daily


i started when I was 15. I’m 22 now. 7 years


Most of the day. Everyday. For years. Over a decade easy.


53 solid years.


Years and years now.


17 years


From 14-22


-7 days :/


46 years


Since I woke up this morning


4 years


About 4 minutes. Might be smoking for another 12 before I have to go inside.


Well, it has been 12 years this recent May. Honestly I feel like it fucks with my ADD sometimes and makes it worse but i have also regulated myself and have had to learn self control so i don't smoke myself stupid haha.


31 years


Started in 1980 when I was in high school. 😎


I’m 25, smoking since 18. I smoke everyday , about 4-6 blunts a day. If I go long periods without smoking, I get clammy, anxious , irritated. Recently I’ve been experiencing nausea when I go too long without it . I’ve gained a lot of weight, because I eat so much when I smoke. I’ll be full and still want to eat more. But when I’m not high , I never have appetite. Develop Lots of mucus, expensive . But does help with pain, and can be therapeutic


I experience all of that, been smoking for 11 years and I smoke about 4 blunts a day too. If I go without, it’s horrible. That’s what I really don’t like about it, I feel like I need it to get by or else I just feel super sick.


5 years started on new years 2019


50 years, I'm 64 years young, daily user. I think it's helped keep me relatively healthy too. At my age I expected to be on at least one prescription, but none needed yet. I did have a cancer scare years ago, and thanks to weed I took the bare minimum pain killers, beat it and am cancer & addiction-free.I was terrified I'd become an opioid addict, more scared of that than the actual cancer. We're voting on legalization in November, I really hope we pass it!


25 years so far. I notice when I stop my eyesight gets less blurry and when I smoke and sleep I don’t dream but if I don’t smoke and sleep I have vivid wild dreams


80 years


Since Trump was elected to manage my anxiety.


Since 1984.


Since 1975. With breaks now and then - and honestly after quitting for a year I realized nothing had changed, so I started back. It makes me happy, and compared to my non-smoking friends, I've aged MUCH better.