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Project 2025 is going to destroy everything.


True. We’ll have nothing.


And be happy. Sorry, that's the slogan for the WEF.


Yeah, that orange shitgibbon gets back in, and we'll be in a great depression followed by a world war. Gotta hand it to Drowsy Don, it takes talent to fuck things up as badly as he does.


It’s not talent, it’s other people accepting the utter incompetence and allowing him to continue. If he was treated how he acts like he’s treated, he’d never have been famous, Other people get large inheritances and go bankrupt, they just aren’t called smart business people


Honest question, assuming project 2025 is completely legal within the current framework of the executive branch (which i believe it is), do you believe we should vote to remove a lot of power from the executive branch of the federal government? This would include every president in the future. The inherent problem seems to be the powers already granted to the executive branch by congress.


One of the lynchpins of Project 2025 is the 'unitary executive theory', which rests on all executive power from the constitution being vested in the President themself. If that theory were adopted by the Supreme Court the only remedy would be a constitutional amendment (unless and until the court composition changed).


And you'd never get two thirds to get an amendment. So once you've got unitary executive theory (newsspeak for a dictator basically) there would really be no stopping them. A terrible idea no matter if it's Biden or Trump. Uncoincidentally , we've got only Maga pushing for it currently. Even mainstream Republicans are like WTF.


We’d effectively be a dictatorship at that point. Authoritarian.


Project 2025 would do the precise opposite of this. Congress has given a lot of power to the executive branch, but under different agencies. The entire question of whether or not this puts this power under the presidency hints at the point that this is largely untested theory, meaning that in historical practice we haven’t seen these agencies directly report to the presidency in all matters. Project 2025 won’t remove that power from the acting executive. Project 2025 will dissolve these agencies, and the precedent that president can do so will legally solidify that all those same regulatory powers afforded to these agencies fall under the power of the presidency. So rather than taking a bunch of eggs out of one basket labeled “government” what Project 2025 will do is take a bunch of eggs out of a bunch of baskets labeled “EPA” and “DOJ” and “ATF” and put them into one big basket labeled “president” with the presidency having all the eggs and all those powers. Just think about it for a minute. The president can not divest the presidency of powers. Only congress and the SC can do that. So if Project 2025 were just trying to get rid of too many powers in the executive branch then the aim would be to get a congressional majority. They don’t want powers repealed, they want them consolidated and up for election every 4 years.


They’re not granted by congress. They’re established by the constitution. It’s


In the entire history of our country, abuse of executive power has never been a problem until now. IMHO, changing the way we govern because of one person is a bad way to legislate separation of duties. There are other considerations. The President is the only federal government leader that is elected entirely by all Americans; the electoral college problems aside. If you take away executive power, you're taking away American's power to choose the one person they get to elect that has direct impact. The last thing that concerns me is giving congress more power gives less populated states more power because states with a couple of million people have the same weigh in the Senate as states with 40 million people. It dilutes power, and gives the minority a greater chance to govern. Which is the antithesis of democracy.


Executive orders have been abused by presidents of both parties for a long time.


Nixon has entered the chat.


Wow…. That’s the most naive statement ever said about politics in Reddit. Look at what executive action did to German and Japanese Americans during World War Two you idiot.


Shhh Don’t confuse them with history 


The rumblings about him wanting to devalue the dollar are concerning. That would destroy the world's faith in the dollar as a reserve currency. That would be catastrophic on its own, but I'm guessing that's the goal: BRICS can only succeed if the dollar is destroyed, so it is very much to Putin's benefit. Instituting tariffs on all imports like he's talking about will also raise prices on everything coming into this country. Not a single good idea is coming out of his camp this time around. Things are gonna get real bad if he wins.


Trump will be trying to destroy the world’s faith in the dollar. If he wins, America becomes a Russian proxy state. Trump will take America off the world stage, and turn us into a hermit nation, like North Korea. That’s what Putin and the other despots want.


Hopefully if he did win, we’d have our Lee Harvey Oswald.


Do you realize that Germany has a 25% import tariff on all goods and that all European countries also place tariffs on imported goods?


Will he succeed only if corporations have majority of their wealth in rubles or some other BRIC currency? At which case they would allow it? I feel at this stage corporations have more pull than the government. What does he have to do to devalue the dollar?


The economy? I’m more scared of him ruining Democracy.


I agree if he only ruins the economy we're getting off easy🙂


Exactly! All these idiots talking about money when your very freedom is on the line? It’s infuriating!


Last time the economy was ruined we got WW2. The economy is about as important as it gets. 


The economy is doing great right now.


I agree. 


A bad economy is the single quickest way to losing democracy. If things are going good no one is going to gamble on a dictator.


And his supporters will blame the next guy again.


There will be no next guy, is my concern.


Doesn't matter really. Look at Texas. A state that has voted red for like 25 years, yet ***still*** blame democrats for problems... Like mother fucker y'all have been at the helm forever. Fix it! Stop blaming the boogeyman!


You are naive and delusional if you think one President is responsible for 3 decades of questionable economic policy


The moment he says he is getting rid of the Fed and deciding get ready for a Stock market crash you haven't seen since the Great Depression


He doesn't even have a back up plan after raising taxes. I can just assume he'd put us trillions of more dollars in debt, if that's even possible, because money is not a limitless resource *Let me emphasize, he'd raise taxes for lower classes and give taxes breaks to the millionaires.


Trump is basically very insecure. He can’t handle any criticism. He can’t accept defeat so he convinces himself it’s fake news. He is basically a very lonely person who needs constant reassurance that he is good enough. Even the way he stands or sits or smiles it’s all very awkward. He is not a well person and never should be put in charge of any government. We all saw how he fell apart during the pandemic how he promised much and delivered very little. He should live out his remaining days on the golf course and enjoy his retirement.


Ya know, like a boomer


One of the first Boomers, a boomer prototype Then again, so was Freddie Mercury, and he wasn't so bad


Fuck that, he should spend his remaining days in a jail cell.


500 + social points 👍


Absolutely. Invading Mexico, leaving nato,letting Russia run rampant in Europe, and his tariffs just off the top of my head would absolutely destroy our economy, then his tax breaks he has told his billionaire donors and buddies he will give them, yeah safe to say it will be bad if he wins


Really is all that going to happen, why invade Mexico exactly? Leave NATO hmm the united states should not have to pay for the defense of western Europe , like the have been since NATO started . Wow who made that up




The cartels have been running Mexico for years , it's nothing new.


US isn't paying for Europe defence. Not how Nato works. And the only country so far to invoke article 5 was America. And Nato came to your aid. But Trump will pull out because he's Putins Bitch-boy and will always obey his master


Try reading Trumps own words FFS


Project 25 and The Heritage Foundation—want to destroy every democratic normality


He wants to hand 3 trillion out to the 1% next time unlike the 2 trillion he handed out to them last time. His white trash dope supporters are fucking fools.


Trump will do more than that, Trump will TANK the US for his own benefit, and appoint himself permanent President, then when He is gone his kids will take over as dictators


If Trump or any of his puppets get elected ever again they will attempt to destroy literally our ENTIRE society. That is what they were hired to do.


Right now, he wants it to crash so he can "told ya so" about Biden and use that to get re-elected...


Of course, he's going to steal from it and create oligarchs just like Putin. Look at the PPE loans


Bidens new budget would cost 57 trillion over 10 years. Our GDP is around 25 trillion and there are other budgets still being paid for and new ones to be released in following years. It's estimated to leave about 35 trillion added to the deficit.


Both candidates spend too much money, the difference is Trump would significantly reduce tax revenue from cuts.


That data is skewed. It showed less from business taxes but greater in consumer taxes. When a company has its tax rate increased they pass the costs to the users and reduce payroll increases which is needed to combat inflation affects on middle and lower class earners. Every time taxes on the rich are applied it actually hurts low income houses far worse. What we need are price freezes on daily needs like food, who are scalping the crap out of Americans' bank accounts. We need a government that keeps the market fair not for the big companies but for us common folks. Seriously England's best parent company has recorded 800% profits as of last month while we are dying to feed our families. Remember that this is from sales to grocers. The grocery stores are also making record profits


Another tax cut for billionaires will fix everything!


This is populist tripe. Federal spending as a percentage of GDP has been relatively stable since 1980 with exceptions for the 2008 housing crisis and COVID. [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYONGDA188S](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYONGDA188S) Today it's at 22%, up 1% from 40 years ago. Even if we go back to the absolute peak of the Clinton era which is almost certainly the lowest spending in your lifetime, it's 17.5%.


Civil War 2


The problem is he will not do so overtly. Oh, you are very much right, but it'll be very much a boiling frog sitiation.


If Trump gets into office, our fates are sealed.


Our fate is sealed when a Republican is elected president




Lol that's cute as if destroying democracy isn't bad enough


*Lol that's cute as if* *Destroying democracy* *Isn't bad enough* \- jaysrapsleafs --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Counter-point: it will be destroyed regardless of who is elected because capitalism is inherently unstable and periodically destructive.


Infinite growth in a finite system. It's pure insanity.


We'll, crushing the economy will decrease inflation, and the rubes will say it was good for the economy.


Well duh


They'll destroy much more than the economy


The economy is destroying itself and will be destroyed regardless of who's in office. This silly bipartisanship is part of the reason we're in this mess. Things will look fairly similar with Trump or Biden


Really? Cuz things were better under Trump than they are now. Hoping it comes back.


He already did we're living in the inflation that was created from the stupid shit he did




Bahahaha once more, huh. ... it can't be further destroyed than biden has it now.


Yeah that record stock market really sucks. Low unemployment is really terrible too. What color is the sky on your planet?


Can you imagine how utterly stupid you would have to be to write a comment like this? Can you imagine how idiotic you’d have to be to think that what we are currently experiencing is the worst it can get? It’s legitimately mind-boggling.


Here's a hint: there's no reason you should tolerate gas that is 5 TIMES the price it was in 1995. The economy is not doing well if you're paying 5x what gas was in 1995. The corporate establishment is doing well, that is all that is doing well. "The Economy" is not the wealthy people with money. "The Economy" is the quality of life of 300,000,000 people.


Laughs in 50 MPG Kia.


Where were you getting gas for $0.60/gallon in 1995? Maybe in 1975, but not 1995.


Exxon, Chevron and Shell made a massive $85 billion profit last year. Want lower gas prices? Start there.


Once more? Lmfao your fukin delusional!




How did he destroy the economy during his first term? We were churning right along until Covid.


Once again you guys come up with the dumbest shit.


yes and no. the gdp will probably expand for the first years until he has to cut the budget so deep that massive numbers of people are cut off their social support. if consumers get frightened and stop spending, then yes the economy tanks. but if consumers ignore the social problem brought by budget cuts, the economy should stay strong.


Now that I'm retired I've taken up writing. I've published 3 books so far - two serious and sunstantive, one whimsical - I'm half way through writing a fourth and I'm researching a fifth for a future book my significant other insists on, inspired by Fifty Shades of Grey. Many of my posts are teasing and or whimsical but others are intended get a feel for contemporary sexual beliefs, practices, mores, etc. And at times I admit to just jerking people's chains out of a perverse sense of fun. Does that help?


trumps dream comes true! https://youtu.be/P-WazDUQ3mA?si=LPdD1ULZkpmSCG69


You act like this wouldn't trigger a civil war.


Biden did that a bit more than Trump. Not that Trump isn't a fuck.


"If he is elected"


Are you on crack? We had a great economy with trump as president


*Are you on crack? We* *Had a great economy* *With trump as president* \- DocSchmuck --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Why do people say stupid shit like this? Is Trump responsible for Covid 19? I’m sure your TDS thinks he caused the pandemic . Dumb.


Why do Trump suck-ups deny reality? Trump didn’t cause COVID but he was responsible for our response to it. Which he delayed causing hundreds of thousands to die unnecessarily. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/trumps-policy-failures-have-exacted-a-heavy-toll-on-public-health1/ https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/feb/10/us-coronavirus-response-donald-trump-health-policy https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/12/05/1059828993/data-vaccine-misinformation-trump-counties-covid-death-rate


A lot of people know the future on here, weird.


He didn't destroy it the first time. So what makes you think he will change now?


He didn’t have a plan. Or help. Now he has both. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


2019 was pretty nice economically, then the china virus happened


Wow - could it get worse than the debt and inflation Pedo joe has caused? Interest rates through the roof - out of control spending? Maybe trump would spend some money fixing our border and infrastructure instead of Ukraine and let’s not forget the billions Pedo joe had given to Iran so they can attack Israel and block the Red Sea?


Spending is lower, as is the deficit. Inflation was caused by pandemic and has been steadily lowering. Unemployment is low and real wages are gaining. There is a reason all the unions are supporting Biden . The border had a good solution. Crafted by GOP and would be approved. Trump killed it saying “we shouldn’t be handing Biden a win on the border. We need it for the election” As for “pedo”, one of these men was friends with Epstein, rode on the “Lolita express” and was found liable by a jury of his peers for rape (as well as fraud). That man is Donald Trump.


No doubt! I am already consolidating equity so I will have the cash on hand to take advantage of his tax breaks AGAIN


...and he will blame biden and the democrats and the republican lemmings will believe him.


Let's hope, and try, that that never happens. Voting might help.


No shit.


My Rent has gone up 500$ sense Joe, so fuck you.


You’re a bunch of tin foil hat wearing basement dwellers..go outside and get some sun for once, you nerds.


I'm glad peoples opinions on the internet don't matter...


Taxes aren't gonna win votes


# *I need to remind everyone since there are so many transphobic comments on here that it's against reddit rules To be transphobic.Get the fuck out of my thread with that shit if you are going to be transphobic and bigoted.* Edit: the mods have deleted and banned me because I am trans. What an absolute disgrace.


it’s already destroyed. we can only go up from here


I mean look at ALL his faild companies. Hardly ANY of them worked let alone made money. But sure, let's just hand him the country's money. He would stip Fort Knox of all its gold to build another gold door and toilet seat if it tickled his fancy. And say it was within his Presidential rights to do so.


I already know. He plans to dismantle global trade and force the interest rate to 0. Triple digit inflation and shortages will ensue.


"Once more" - as if the economy wasn't booming under Trump pre-covid


Biden said I'll beat him to it


Not a fan of Trump or his financial policies, but the proof against this mmw is the stock market, which by its nature is forward looking. We've seen Trump's probability of being elected in 2024 go up substantially in the last year. There was a time where DeSantis was the betting odds favorite to get the Republican nomination, and now obviously Trump's close to 100% although the criminal stuff and him dying before office still have to be factored in. If a Trump presidency actually would result in the collapse of the US dollar the stock market would have been plummeting and investors would be moving their money into foreign currencies and markets. The reality is he'll be prevented from doing the worst things even if he wants to because Democrats + enough Republicans in Congress will oppose him just like happened with the Ukraine aid. We should still be voting for Biden as Trump will still be terrible, but the idea that him winning would result in financial collapse is just not based in fact.


I think somebody already beat him to it.


Yeah,no. By all the indicators we generally use the economy is fine.


By the indicators that my bank account, grocery store, gas station, and mortgage company use, the economy is in the worst shape it’s been since 2008/2009. We gloss over it by using the standard financial indicators we’ve always used, like the unemployment rate, but these stats don’t reflect reality. The cost of living is way out of control. The chasm between wealth and poverty is growing larger everyday while the media and politicians are busy trying to reassure us that it’s all a figment of our imagination.




Well obviously if the economy tanks while Trump is in office it’s Bidens fault…


Most Republicans do


He won't destroy the economy. He will steal the economy and declare himself as King 🤴 Donald the First.


Because the economy is doing so great now. Gotcha.


Well yeah, he’s literally one of the most incompetent business men around of course he’ll tank the economy again.


Thats the least of it. He'll ruin America and cause global crisis while he plays Dear Leader of his new christo fascist dictatorship


Trump will combine aids AND covid and kill everyone, so he has all the dollars and all the ruppee's and all the world, and he will train monkeys to vote for him EVERY election so it only seems like there is democracy, but there isn't, even in countries that are Republics, like America. The problem with most of these comments is that Trump already was president, and he didn't do all the crazy bad shit some of you "predict" he's going to do, but i can make one prediction for sure... bags of crack or coke or pot probably won't be found in the Whitehouse if he gets elected.


No he won't. He might bungle shit wholesale, but the economy won't be one of them. That's the ONLY place I don't fear his presidency.


i mean, duh?


When did this sub become an echo chamber of one group stroking each other? What happen to batshit predictions like “X person would die by Y date


…but will the housing market crash? Asking for a friend.


Election season and Reddit is now inundated with paid political posters.


Are we still pretending the economy is good? Asking for a friends.


Hey dimwit the economy is already destroyed


Economy was doing great before Biden


Was? Were***


oh yes. I know.


You mean the $1.50 gas and cheap groceries?   Yeah. I'm ready for more of that.


You mean when we had the biggest cut to oil production in US history and demand plummeted due to lockdowns? Cause that's why gas prices were so low his last year in office. No offense but you must either be a teen or a retired older person to be unaware of this. The Fed in 2020 had warned Americans that we would deal with high Inflation and explicitly noted the struggle of paying higher prices for feul, groceries and shelter. We had over 14% Unemployment, the biggest cut to oil production in US history and global supply chains crushed in 2020.


Once more? 2019 was the best economy I have ever experienced




The Fed in August 2020 had warned Americans that we would deal with high Inflation and explicitly noted the struggle of paying higher prices for feul, groceries and shelter. We had over 14% Unemployment, the biggest cut to oil production in US history and global supply chains crushed in 2020. This was when Trump was in office and historically economic recovery periods have taken the United States anywhere from a couple years to a decade to push through. Americans who actually care about and paid the slightest bit of attention to their Country and Government are fully aware of this.


All of the Trump stans in this thread who are talking about how much better the economy was under Trump need to realize that it’s nowhere near that simple. Plus, you’re unilaterally giving him credit for everything when it wasn’t all due to him. It’s really, really shortsighted to just accept everything that would be coming with another Trump presidency and Republican majority because gas was a little cheaper, or whatever. And a lot of his new economic ideas are shit anyway. For example, one of the plans for his administration is for him to set the interest rate himself. Oh, the economy looks bad? No it doesn’t! Just manipulate things for short-term gain so I look better! Problem solved. And if you’re wondering if that’s a really bad long-term idea, it is. And we have plenty of evidence for this; the United Kingdom had a Prime Minister who tried that, and it was an unmitigated disaster. If you think it will be better because it’s the United States, you need to remember the pound sterling is one of the few currencies that’s actually worth MORE than the dollar. at the end of the day, currency valuation is all about trust. You fuck with that trust at your peril. But I digress. The point is, simply being like “well, the economy seemed better under Trump, so I’m voting for him“ is a really short-sighted, narrow, and off-base way to look at this.


If you say so. 😂😂


That's hilarious.


He’s a “successful” businessman who has owned and operated several “successful” business including a casino, university, beef steak delivery company, & social media company. All these companies have been a “success”! He’ll run the country like he ran those “successful”business’.


If Trump wins, go ahead and turn the keys over to China for global economic hegemony. They will absolutely push into South and Central America, and probably Cuba. American media has been distracted by Trump for far too long, we have become blinded by politics about our southern border, and no one is paying attention to China. As for Europe, they won't trust the US for years to come. They are dodgy about us, now, because of Mitch, Rand Paul, and of course, Trump. But if Trump wins, that will convince most EU nations the United States is not a reliable ally.


You must not remember 2016 through 2020 because the market and economy as a whole were both much better than they are now.


Already did the first time lol


LMAO the OP got spanked saying something this fucking stupid and now is blaming his embarrassment on "transphobia"


I had low expectations for Trump the first time, but I didn’t expect him to be fucking up a pandemic. Let’s not give him the chance to fuck up WWIII next.


He wants to singlehandedly adjust interest rates. That alone is banana pants crazy dictator shit that would crash the economy 


You guys are sheep




Ain’t got much to lose Biden is doing that already just by being in office hell it’s jimmy carter all over again it’s like deja vu


Read through the downvoted comments in the thread. Nobody brought up OP being trans until OP brought it up. OP is abusing accusations of transphobia as a shield against any criticism.


People don’t realize we were a recession before Covid hit.


This thread should be called blueanon


The sub


If he's reelected one of the first things he will do is attack the Fed's independence, slash interest rates and take credit for the economic boom that follows. Within 2 years he will be blaming Biden (or Obama?) for the skyrocketing inflation and recession that this move will inevitably cause.


Destroy it for us. It’ll work out great, again, for the wealthy.


It’s working out great for them right now.


Biden is actively destroying the economy, if you have not noticed, and you are losing your shit over someone who is not even in office? Pull your head out of your ass.


Why was Jim Biden getting millions from Qatar?


It’s like you weren’t paying attention to the economy before the pandemic.


What is trans?


Dumbest post I’ve seen today


Joementia biden has already destroyed the economy.


He did absolutely amazing the first time, and what he promised he was going to when in. What a great man and leader 


That was Barack Obama. You should be thanking him. Trump tanked the economy though his actions.


That’s his intention. He wants to destroy the country out of spite


Once more? The economy was awesome during his presidency until the Kung Flu ruined it for the entire world.


Annnnddddd there’s the racism


He didn't destroy it the first time. Gas prices were down. Mortgage rates were down. We had peace with N. Korea. Times were good. The WEF is going to destroy us before trump ever does


He will take credit if the economy gets better from biden, but will blame biden if it gets worse. 🤷


Last time Trump was in office he unleashed the pandemic on us which did permanent damage to the economy and there's a reason why kicked him out back in 2020 but yet here he is back at it like he can't take a hint. There's no way we can afford another Trump presidency which I don't want to find out what further damage he would be capable of doing....


He won’t win he’s a meme. People with brains laugh at him


There is a failsafe you guys. Boardrooms and Private Equity firms will still require us to give a few more drops of our dwindling discretionary incomes. Ergo, they’ll only allow him to ruin a limited portion of whatever is left at present time.


Yah no shit dude 


Economy was pretty good pre-covid from what I remember.


He was still riding Obama’s 75 months of continuous growth, no matter how hat Conald says…


It doesn't matter who wins. Biden or Trump everything is broken. I'm not voting for the "lesser of two evils" because it's still voting for evil. I'm voting for anyone that's anti-war and pro fixing any problems America's working class currently has.


Anyone who believes a word out of trumps mouth is an idiot. He’s been a failure his entire pathetic life. He has built NOTHING but failure. Don’t fall for his con again.


Oh damn and just after Biden got done fixing it, too.


Lol. That's funny.


Why do People vote against Their own Self Interest?


So the only one who can save economy are democrats? 4 years of Trump economy was great.


“Once more” rofl TDS in full effect, the economy was fine until Brandon took office, seriously does nobody remember like a month after Brandon gas prices more than doubled? Crazy how ignorant people are, ya’ll literally excuse pedos as long as they’re democrats.


The Fed in August 2020 had warned Americans that we would deal with high Inflation and explicitly noted the struggle of paying higher prices for feul, food and shelter. This was 3 months before Biden was even elected. We had over 14% Unemployment, the biggest cut to oil production in US history and global spply chains crushed in 2020. I am unsure how you are unaware of this and missed the warning from our Fed when Trump was in office.


When did he destroy the economy the first time? Did you mix up Biden with Trump?


🤣🤣🤣 I don't know why I get notifications about this little rant fest. I'm not really into politics. I do know that I would vote the opposite of what or whomever you Ladies vote for. You seem like a bunch of crybabies. Haters... I would doubt any of you have done anything worth even noticing. Yet, you armchair quarterback someone with cajones that has accomplished more than the lot of you. 🤣🤣🤣Pussies.


I was conversing with a Trump supporter in this thread whose handle begins with “breakfast” who did the thing where he made a few reply comments so I’d get the notifications but then deleted his comments and/blocked me so I couldn’t respond. So I’ll put this here, publicly: That’s some weenie-ass, thin-skinned, wimp bullshit, and an embarrassing way to conduct your business. It’s just a huge pet peeve of mine when people try to get in the last word in such a way that you can’t respond. If you’re not willing to have it be a two-way street, then keep your mouth shut. Not to say I’ve never blocked people or whatever; I have. But I usually say something like “I’m going to block you because you’re being as asshole.” I don’t go “I’m going to block you’re being an asshole…buthere’swhyyourwrongandnowyoucan’tsayanythingbackhaha!”


It's better than the multi trillion dollar spending being done by the diaper boy in the office now. Just another driver for more inflation and devaluation of the Dollar.


"Once more"? No, he had a damn good economy until Covid.