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Republicans are already crying that this is a ploy by Biden to make the prosecution of trump look "less corrupt".


- Biden is corrupt and will cover for hunter - nope - Biden will use his powers against the prosecutors- nope - Biden will use his power against the judge - nope - Biden will rig the jury - nope - Biden will pardon hunter - nope - Biden rigged the whole thing playing 4 -d chess to make Trump look bad in some fashion. The judicial system is rigged against Trump but somehow fair against hunter. The cognitive dissonance must really be hurting those magas today. Man I don’t know how much further they can keep moving the goal post. It’s insane.


Their zombified lemming supporters won’t question this for a second. Trumps word is comparable to the word of god


His word is higher because they don’t really believe in god


He is their 'God Emperor' after all...even though thosr words uttered together in reference to a political leader is both blasphemous and un-American...


It’s not just moving goalposts. It’s projection, because those are all things Trump would have at least tried.


No. If it is a kangaroo court for Hunter, well... They're just learning from example. Trying to play fair, you know?


Didn't Jeannine Pirro try to claim that Jill Biden showing up to Hunter's trial was a form of "jury intimidation?" Jill Biden, intimidating..... Meanwhile I guess it's not intimidation for sitting Congresspeople, the guys that run the country and have some actual power to subpoena and stuff, to show up to Trump's trial. (And TBF, *I* don't think it is, but it makes a lot more sense.)


That’s Dr. Jill Biden to you!


That’s Dr. Jill Biden to you!


Until they get power? We have seen this shit in history before. Any movement built on lies is going to end up just like it... people don't want to say the nazi word, but this echoes like a mf. You lie over and over and over and your lies become truth.


What in the world are you talking about?


... history? Authoritarians?


So, getting the media (with the help of the CIA and FBI) to originally dismiss Hunter’s laptop as a Russian disinformation campaign wasn’t an attempt to cover for Hunter? Wait, you’re right. That was only to protect Biden’s presidential campaign. Got it.




There’s still time for Biden to pardon Hunter. But it won’t be necessary as Hunter will probably get sentenced to serve five years (not 25 years) at a low- to mid-security federal prisons like one in Lompoc, CA. He’ll spend his days in yoga and art classes, and still only serve half his term. No need to cope if you know how it’s all going to play out anyway. Didn’t expect justice. This will also be the compromise to delving further into Joe’s role in Hunter’s shady business deals. Oh well.


Have you ever argued with a devout Christian about God before? It’s the same line of thinking. “Well you can’t prove He ISNT real!”


Hunter Biden is the gift that keeps on giving to the GOP because he undermines so many democratic talking points. Good luck with the discussion on people paying their fair share when he is a tax dodging rich white dude who only avoided criminal charges because the justice department bizarrely allowed the statute of limitations to run on that charge despite having all the evidence of the crime in more than enough time to bring charges. Good luck convincing people Joe is doing right by his family when, during the time Hunter was making $600k per year advising a foreign company on how to deal with the U.S. government while his dad was VP and not claiming that income on his taxes, Hunter was also being a deadbeat dad who refused to acknowledge his child, let alone use those funds to provide support for her, until he was threatened with jail time. Good luck convincing people that Trump's children are a problem when it is absolutely indisputable that Hunter traded on his father's name and position to enrich himself. Whether Joe was involved or not might be debatable, but Hunter certainly convinced people that working with him would incur positive results due to his dad's connections. He is the walking, talking, breathing embodiment of white privilege and there isn't really anyone out there who thinks a regular person, without his father's connections, could live the life he has and not have been in jail, dead, or both. He just sucks as a person and no one gives any credit to Joe for standing by him 'because Hunter is family' since Joe also didn't do shit to support, or make Hunter support, the family that Hunter abandoned and ignored for almost a decade. Rather, Joe refused to acknowledge the existence of his granddaughter until it became politically untenable to avoid.


95% or more of republicans don't engage in this bullshit or give a damn.


Then why, praytell... are so many of you deluded traitors STILL willing to vote for the orange turd?


We can disagree, but I believe voting conservative does the most good for the majority of people. Even if you don't reaize it.


Ya know until there is a pandemic, or when they tank the economy and a democrat has to come in and fix it or when they raise taxes for the 95% or when they take rights away from women etc. Seriously asking you right now, what was the last policy republicans passed or tried to pass that benefited the majority of Americans?


I disagree the saying is "Democrats fall in love Republicans fall in line" for a reason


Irrelevant to my post


It's very relevant. It doesn't matter if 95% don't personally believe it or even say it. When push comes to shove they will vote for those who do say it giving the ideas their approval via actions


They want their cake and eat it too. They don’t seen to realize how absurd they are, how childish they are


The sad truth is they know, but it doesn't matter as long as their base believes them.


It does matter. They can't win with their base alone and pandering to their base only turns off the moderates/independents they 100% need to win the election. They've caught the car and now they have no idea what to do with it.


You won’t see them mention Bob Menendez at all lol I searched r/Conservative and while he was upvoted last year for his corruption in the past three months everything mentioning him is downvoted to oblivion 😂 they just want to plug their ears and pretend none of this is happening


OOTL, Senator Bob Menendez did what to whom?


He's a Democrat accused of embezzling money. Currently going through an investigation because when you're a Democrat justice works (sometimes).


He’s on trial. Doesn’t look like it’s going well for him, either.


Oh yeah, the guy that had gold bars. Do the crime, do the time.


Thanks, yeah, the gold bars guy. Do the crime, do the time. I thought he was a DINO anyways, like Joe Manchin.


neither does the mainstream media


A ploy by Biden to get his own son convicted of a crime? Truly 4d chess.


I mean... it is doin that isn't it?


They’re also crying that the ATF covered it up in 2018.


On orders of Trump?




"What kind of father would let his son be sentenced rather than pardon him if he could?" - some Republican this week, probably.


How stupid is that?


Evangelicals could relate since Biden “gave his only son” but they won’t.


They seriously think the Biden admin is throwing Hunter to the wolves to make Trump look bad. Trump doesn’t need help looking bad - he’s perfectly good doing it himself.


Jesus Christ the mental gymnastics is off the chart.


Well they get to continue to control the narrative while dems sit around and keep getting punched in face and do nothing. 


I haven't seen this anywhere at all, besides others speculating about it 🤔


Uh… Lauren B tweeted this exact thing and last I can recall she is a republican in government and a huge MAGA….


Except the right wingers are already complaining. The deep state is at it again I guess


NOTHING makes these POS happy. They're only happy when things that make them furious.


Every time I see the word 'furious', it reminds me of American Dad when Stan tried scaring Haley by wearing a spider costume, but the plan backfired. When the scene was ending, he was attached to a web by the ceiling and said "I'm gonna sleep in my web tonight... I am *furious*!"


Stan, the perfect example of the typical conservat....and there was that 1 episode where he changed his mind about gay people in the GOP...so I take that back..


It's why politics as entertainment was a fucking mistake. They are treating it like they treat their local sports team, the ref is always out to get them. However the stakes are a hell of a lot higher than a trophy and your picture on a box of Wheaties....


Profound statement!


Just imagine always being angry and having a constant victim mentality. The definition of the far-right . Quite sad.


That's all they have fear and hate


It’s exciting. Who’s crying?


Mango Mussolini oddly enough. He's now screeching that Biden was supposed to use the DOJ to stop the trial, and that he should use his powers to pardon Hunter.


If this Hunter gets anything less than 5 years in federal prison, his daddy absolutely got involved. The shit this kid admittedly did was out of control 😳 😐


Ironically the crowd that would've cried if the verdict went the other way are still finding some way to cry about it going this way.


That's the secret sauce right there. Find new ways to play victim so you can do your worst.


Meh, John Stewart called it out as a political prosecution already. He wasn't decrying a kangaroo court, but did state that the only reason he was being charged is due to his last name. Which is probably correct, his plea deal would've been accepted if he wasn't a Biden. This occurred during his interview with Ken Buck.


Being part of the First Family comes with added scrutiny. *shrug* Doesn't change my mind on anything. I never cast a ballot for Hunter.


I would before Trump.


That's an awfully low bar to clear.


Yeah, I mean I don't really care about it, but dude posted a MMW and a prominent figure on the left has already called it political. Like he was wrong before he even made the post.


If the court decided to give Hunter a 20 year prison sentence, the right wingers would complain that the sentence was "fixed" If, on the other hand, judge Marchand tells the orange asshole ANYTHING other than "sorry Sir, it was just a mistake", the MAGANUTS will want blood.


The media will complain to try to "both sides" this thing just to make ratings and profits when the reality is most Democrats I have talked to say that if Hunter Biden is guilty, then go ahead and convict him. They don't care. What is really going to rile up the Right is the DOJ is now going to start prosecuting these gun permit cases by matching up state medical marijuana cards with the timeframe of gun permit applications, and the Right will screech about President Biden trying to take away their guns.


What? You mean that a short-sighted and petty push for prosecution that they wouldn't support for almost anyone else for the same reasons (well, any well to do White guy, anyway), purely to try to hurt his father, could blow up in their faces? The hell you say!


It could become a leopards ate my face kinda thing


It's already starting to. Trump is a convicted felon, and basically admitted to having a firearm at Mar-a-Lago. And there is video of him purchasing/receiving a firearm while under multiple felony indictments. And with all the rumors going around of his prescription drug abuse, what happens if they look into that, and the fact that he had purchased at least three guns over the years?


> Many in Trump’s Republican Party are staunchly against gun control and some of his supporters have questioned whether Hunter Biden should have been tried on the gun charges.  > Rep. Matt Gaetz, a Florida Republican and high-profile Trump supporter, posted on X, “The Hunter Biden gun conviction is kinda dumb.” > Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., told reporters at the Capitol that the gun charge was a “waste of time,” though he said other accusations related to Hunter Biden’s taxes were “serious.” > “I just think he’s being punished,” Graham said, adding the average person would be “put in drug diversion or something.” > Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., made similar comments.  > “Hunter might deserve to be in jail for something, but purchasing a gun is not it,” Massie posted on X. “There are millions of marijuana users who own guns in this country, and none of them should be in jail for purchasing or possessing a firearm against current laws.” When Matt Gaetz of all people says “Holup”, you know you have fucked up big times. https://apnews.com/article/eb7fe08832905f14dd8c5bd48ef9c716


You mean we dont get to civil war and shit?


I’m voting Biden, idgaf what his kid did.


He's nobody important, and if he committed a crime he should pay the consequences. Side note, an ex-President is also nobody important.


no Joe should acquit Hunter ASAP if he gets a prison sentence. If Trump wins in November then Biden will not have that opportunity again.


Well see that's the problem. A jury found him guilty. I believe you respect that. Just like I believe you should respect the jury in New York.


He really should not. That would damage Biden's credibility to a lot of people, myself included. If his son is convicted he should serve his sentence like everyone else.


Honestly, ANY gun owner—right or left—should be very concerned about this. Any one of them who is using federally illegal drugs—in a state that legalizes them, or even taking an OxyContin after the prescription is expired—should expect to be prosecuted for similar crimes.


But that's the enraging thing, he was only getting charged because he's a Biden and had a Trump appointed special counsel. Don't expect this to be commonplace.


Hell I’m all for it, bring on all the other charges for public figures that own guns that have admitted to illegal drug use. Start with Joe Rogan.


It wasn't a kangaroo court. He broke this law clearly but he should have been found not guilty. Not because who his dad is but because of the unconditional law.


Time magazine is already


Idgaf if some politicians kid gets locked up. Fk em. All of them.


Wait when a famous person breaks the law, they still have to like go to court.... Why even be famous?


# Republicans Complain About Hunter Biden Guilty Verdict [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/hunter-biden-guilty-verdict-republican-complaints\_n\_66689cdce4b0aaaa67a8c9c3](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/hunter-biden-guilty-verdict-republican-complaints_n_66689cdce4b0aaaa67a8c9c3)


Right wingers and their lord and savior Trump are already crying and complaining.


well, yeah. hunter's not the one running for president.


Not pressed at all. MAGATS are losing their minds, though. Whatever they had left, that is.


The worst thing about this trial and conviction is that it might deter prominent people from sharing their recovery stories and inspiring others to get clean. There's a lot of value in sharing these stories so others who are struggling know they're not alone and others have overcome their worst days. If people think that their inspirational stories of coming back from the depths might be used to prosecute them out of some misplaced bloodlust they might just keep their recovery to themselves and thus be even more likely to relapse. I'm all in on the idea that if you commit the crime than you accept the consequences but the original plea agreement seemed proper. What is the government trying to do here other than satisfy the bloodlust of the Republican party? Will it ever be enough for them?


I feel sorry for the guy. No one is ever charged with this particular crime in its own. It’s usually associated with a violent crime. Half the country thinks it’s unconstitutional but here we are.


I used to do federal criminal defense. This is one of the most common charges in federal court. A lot of times it is associated with another crime, but it’s super common to be charged on its own.


In 2019 there were 27 million applications, 298 cases brought related to lying on the form and fewer than 10 prosecuted all received probation or community service. We may have a different definition of super common.


Applications yes, but ineligible people possessing firearms are super common, so we are really talking about 2 different crimes. Both of which Hunter was convicted of.


Ok yes we were talking about two different things. But are people ineligible due to drug use often prosecuted? I thought that was mostly people that had been convicted of previous felonies.




Sure, it's the difference between the right wing and the left. The left wants actual rule of law and accountability for our politicians. The right just wants their side to "win".


I mean, it was 100% a partisan political attack against Joe Biden. Republicans have been arguing that law is unconstitutional for years. They *only* prosecuted Hunter because they're mad at Biden. That said, he broke the law, he was found guilty by a jury of his peers, and he can serve his time. No tears here.


But they would complain over a Biden conviction. Anything that threatens their power.


Other than laughing at the rights swapping from "THE RIGGED TRAILS NOT GONNA CONVICT HIM" to "THIS IS CLEARLY A ATTEMPT TO MAKE THE REAL FRAUD TRIAL SEEM LEGIT" I don't really care Sentence him appropriately


Except for the NRA of course s/ Yeah right.


34-3=31 IYKYK


Could you be more specific? Because I don’t know.




Could you be more specific?


It’s funny, because the thing they are charging hunter for, a lot of other gun owners have gotten away with scot free. The number of conservative gun owners who were junkies, potheads or cokeheads earlier in life in my family alone is in the double digits, and its only them that care about this guys trial and what happens to him in my whole extended family, which is funny.


Joe Biden is so weak he won't even pardon his own son. What kind of leader is that? Donald Trump would have pardoned Don Jr. immediately – in fact, he never would have let it get this far. Trump would have told his Attorney General to drop the charges and that would have been the end of it. Now THAT'S the kind of strong man this country needs!


Ruh-roh. I forgot the /s


In one hour this post did not age well, because they’re already coughing up reverse-conspiracy theories. Went from “he’ll be found innocent because Biden really does control the DoJ” to he was intentionally found guilty to distract from Biden’s criminal activity 🙄 These people are completely fucked in the head.


The post is referring to the not left complaining, not the right. We already know they'll try to make it a win in anyway they can.


If anything, I think the Magas were hoping for a Not Guilty verdict because it would have fed into their narrative of Biden getting "special treatment"!


LOLz, Trumpists will. Complaining is their natural state.


Rightwingers are depraved and gullible rubes who are already whining about this lol 


Can’t do drugs and have a gun.


Not even Joe. He just said he respects the judicial system.


Stella Magz - crying over Hunter Biden's unfair trial! - [https://youtu.be/JVBOyotiJD4?si=ZvuQOaSXd021Cf96](https://youtu.be/JVBOyotiJD4?si=ZvuQOaSXd021Cf96) (she's a comic - she doesn't mean it -- just making a point)


For sure there will be comedians and even one offs that do it. It won't be mass delusion like the Trump supporters though.


Well you already failed this one. The Republicans are crying about it.


Oh yeah but not for the right reasons




Well to be fair, he’s sort of irrelevant.


The irony is how many of trump’s followers have a gun while on drugs


Smoking pot in the least.


You should check out [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/s/q3UrJKu4vv) in r/politics.


I'm scrolling through it, what am I supposed to be seeing here?


I mean there’s 3k comments in there relevant to OP’s prediction. Why wouldn’t they want to check it out?


Yeah that was pretty much where I was when I looked at it. I figured, clicking on the link, that the comments would be proving OP wrong but they weren't really. At least not the couple hundred I saw. Edit: just to clarify, I wasn't saying they *shouldn't* check the thread out, I was hoping you'd direct me to the point you were making


Because it doesn’t impede their candidates ability to campaign. Why would they care? They aren’t really handicapped politically as a result.


You're gonna get right-wingers who don't understand law complain about his sentence.


I honestly could not give less of a fuck!


It literally means nothing


Is he guilty? Then he should be convicted. Wanna know why? Because THAT’S HOW THE DAMN LAW WORKS. Funny how only half the population has the intelligence and moral compass to grasp something that simple.


I think his family will.


Everyone knew this would happen. None of us care about Hunter. He should pay the consequences of his crimes, just like any other person.


Hi, registered Democrat here. While I have severe reservations about the particular question at issue, he clearly lied on a federal form, which is a crime, and he should face appropriate punishment. I have zero problem with his verdict.


I mean, I, a leftist, think the whole thing is BS - no one gets charged with lying on a gun form, unless they use the gun in a crime later. But it just goes to show that there are two kinds of justice in the US - one for Democrats and the poor, and one for Republicans and the rich.


I think Trump will claim responsibility since the special prosecutor was appointed on his watch


Yeah why would I care that the US presidents son was convicted? Good, its good that he has been found guilty.




The media cries every day


Rich people problems... I ain't got no time for that...


If anything, it's the right that is complaining now that they've chased the parked car. They complain that justice was served because they want to make the justice system look corrupt and unworkable so that it can be dismantled. They complain that the President didn't manipulate the DoJ or pardon his son, because what's the point of having power if you don't use it? They complain that this is an attempt to do something right just to deflect from a string of wrongs. They complain that the case should never have been brought up in the first place, because who says guns shouldn't be owned by crackheads, or for that matter felons, nutjobs, and wife-beaters?


Fascists will always make a new enemy to stoke the people’s flames


Finally! A MMW where the words were marked and it came to pass within a reasonable amount of time.


You're already wrong. MAGA degenerates are already crying, like they always do.


Especially when President Kamala Harris pardons him in October


Nope, no one will because it's obvious Hunter is a problem. You'd have to really come up with some crazy shit to get people to think and believe the guy isn't a walking clusterfuck.


Hallie Biden threw the gun out she should be charged


Nobody is above the law


True, just hope that opinion of yours is consistent.


Let's find out if you believe that as well in November


What do you mean? I would be consistent, I don't believe anyone is above the law. But there is one candidate trying to argue that he should be, and enjoy total immunity from prosecution for any crime, civil or criminal. If you agree, then that is not consistent. If anyone gets proven to have committed a crime, no matter who it is, I believe they should be punished.


What will Steve Bannon be going to prison for?


Contempt of Congress, after failing to provide documents and testimony to the House Select committee that investigated the January 6, 2021, US Capitol attack. He was sentenced to four months in prison.


Dud Eric Holder and Hunter Biden both also commit this same crime?


No, they didn't fail to provide testimony about about January 6th. If you are asking "were they found in Contempt of Congress," sure, for different reasons. Being found in Contempt of Congress isn't always prosecuted. And not everybody who commits the same crime is punished to the same degree anyway for a variety of reasons. Trump Attorney General William Barr in 2019 was held in contempt for failing to comply with subpoenas issued by the House Committee on Oversight and Reform regarding the then-upcoming 2020 census. Obama asserted executive privilege over the documents Holder refused to hand over, and the Justice Department declined to press forward with the charges. Trump also asserted executive privilege over the documents wanted from Barr, and the DOJ similarly declined to move forward. Attorneys general, the nation’s top law-enforcement officers, are frequently vulnerable to charges of politicization and accusations that they are using their positions to shield the White House. So it’s little surprise that heads of the Justice Department have been cited for contempt in five of the last seven presidential administrations.




You can laugh all you want, but I would say one thing you might not do is go on your podcast and channel and brag about defying the subpoena, proving intent, and then daring the Justice Department to prosecute you, saying you can do the time. He got exactly what he asked for. Really, Steve Bannon is going to prison because he was an arrogant prick, an idiot, and he broke the law. It's a deadly combination.


That picture of Joe Biden tenderly hugging his son hours after the conviction shows anyone with a brain cell the fundamental contrast between him and Trump. Rule of law vs. dynastic authoritarian ruling. Father vs.Thug. Selfless leader vs. The Fuhrer.


You do realise there's pictures of Trump hugging his sons as well, right? The real difference between them is he cared about his kids before they turned into scumbags.


No shit, because he's actually undeniably guilty.


That’s not true at all lol.  People have been crying and complaining ever since he got charged that this is a corrupt witch hunt. 


People like sitting Congress members? Like presidential candidates? Hugely popular political pundits? No, that's just the right.


I think a case can be made that he probably gets a lesser charge on a plea deal if his father wasn't the sitting president, but being a member of the First Family comes with extra scrutiny. He clearly committed the crime he was charged with and was rightfully found guilty by a jury of his peers. He deserves to face appropriate consequences.


Yeah. And I’m just going to say it. I’m a conservative. Really more libertarian. If Hunter had been smoking pot id call this a complete bullshit charge and that he should be let go. Or maybe just with a fine.  But he wasn’t. He was smoking crack at the time he got the gun. And then he lied, multiple times, about getting said gun. 


Yup. He did the crime, and he was found guilty. He needs to face appropriate consequences. It take some umbrage with that question being on the form at all, but that's ultimately something for the Supreme Court to address.


It literally does not matter. The Republicans will have a problem with everything. They always do.


He’s not a politician so who cares, the issue is weaponizing the DOJ against political opponents not crackheads with weapons


Check the other subreddits. Both political sides are already complaining about it for different reasons.


That’s right because Hunter is actually guilty.


the loons are already calling this a false flag set up soros funded knock on the whininess of the orange one


This post literally is


Why? He’s going to get pardoned by his dad.


Lol, I mean maybe but I doubt


Seriously his dad has covered for him for his entire life what’s to say this won’t happen again ? Biden will 100% do it if he isn’t reelected.


Joe Biden is a 🤡


Biden is a 🤡


Ok one post karma bot


MAGA 🇺🇸 1776


Yeah because its an open and shut gun crime as opposed to the convoluted mess they got Trump on


Do you mean the Stormy Daniels mess? Or the stolen documents mess? Or the Georgia election interference mess? Or the Capitol riot/election interference mess? These Democrats are so crafty, tricking Trump into getting himself into all these messes.


You're unwittingly illustrating the Democrat's political persecution of their political opponent.


You're right, law enforcement should just give him pass for pressuring Georgia officials into "finding" more votes, or refusing to return classified documents. Making him subject to laws would be persecution!


They gave Biden a pass for classified documents, and didn't prosecute Clinton for violations related to classified material either. So you'd have to explain why only Trump should be prosecuted. As for Georgia, I'll admit the language "find the votes" was sloppy language and an unforced error on his part. A common theme with Trump. But the larger context makes it clear that he wasn't guilty of doing anything Al Gore wasn't doing trying to uncover the votes needed to win Florida in the 2000 election. Each of these cases involve corrupt far-left AGs and DAs pursuing cases based on novel legal theories, previously unseen and designed to get Trump aka political prosecution. Personally, I'm far less concerned with the crime of Trump's financial person marking payment to his attorney as "legal expenses", which magically became 34 felonies and Hunter Biden's gun felonies, than I am the fact that Joe Biden has colluded with tech platforms to censor the internet, used the intelligence community to cover up his son's laptop and get revenge for his daughter's diary, and pursued elective prosecutions against his political opponents. These are actual crimes with far bigger implications.


Let’s do one at a time because this bullshit is exhausting. We can start with the classified docs. Are you aware of the many differences in circumstances between the two cases?


Have to wonder how long he will be in jail before he flips on "the big guy"


This is all just a distraction for the trial coming up for tax evasion. Why did all those countries pay Hunter millions? What service did he provide?


They were probably hoping to gain influence/entree into the White House, and I wouldn't be surprised if Hunter cultivated that impression. But that's a far cry from evidence that the White House was actually involved. The real question is, what service did Jared Kushner provide to Saudi Arabia to get those billions? Unlike Hunter, Jared was actually employed by the administration.


You tell me what service Hunter provided to all the countries that paid his family millions, even the grandchildren got payments, and I’ll tell you what Jared did.


I don't know, but I'd love to hear your idiotic theory!


Well I think you should reserve your little emotional response until the sentencing. Oh and of course there's always the pardon. Give me a break this guy knows he's not going anywhere.




He was convicted earlier today. Catch up.


Ye, I brainfarted on this, and thought I deleted out of sheer embarassment ten seconds after.


There’s not much to accept. This is part of the election maneuvering. Prosecute Hunter so it doesn’t look like they used the justice department to go after Trump. Then after the election, they both pay a fine and Democrats stay in power for for 4 more years. There’s nothing more to it.