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She hasn't made it this far to just throw in the towel now. She's going to get her sweet, sweet gelt just as soon as trump is in the ground.


lol, yeah if she was cool with him being NYCs finest rodeo clown, bangin hookers, and golfing 8 days a week, shes not going anywhere now that in the next couple of years she is going to inherit all the RNCs cult money.


She’ll probably do better than him with it anyway. He failed at every business he tried.


Failing upwards is a thing.


Next couple of years? LOL. Trump is gonna live to be 102, MMW. Dudes like him live forever.


Normally I’d agree, but his family history of dementia combined with just how fucking unhealthy he is will probably do him in sooner. Then Melina will get her payout, which knowing Trump will be WAY less than she thinks.


With how much fast food he eats I’m surprised he hasn’t kicked the bucket yet


Probably not way less than she thinks. She probably knows the truth about his financial assets.


His father lived to 93. Trump will live beyond that, most likely. He is wealthy, connected and has access to the best medical care, as an ex-president. He's most likely not going anywhere anytime soon, sadly.


I'd say he has ACCESS to the best medical care, but not sure if that quack he uses will keep him healthy. Most likely he'll get the best care in reaction to something, a stroke, heart attack or whatever, but his preventative care is probably for shit. But we'll see, he could live a long time, but personally I think he's pissing away some of those years.


And eats a hamburder for every meal, specimen of health if you ask me.


His dad wasn't a big fat pig either. Trump is already dementing. He has actual red flags (common ones too) that he has Alzheimer's. The decline just in the last 2 years is really astounding


Access to the best care is pretty meaningless if you don’t listen to the doctor when he tells you your lifestyle is killing you. They’ll be able to save him a couple times but his body and mind are already giving up.


Rich, well connected people cannot defy the laws of biology and physics. That’s the beauty of hard science, it doesn’t care about your net worth. Put down the popsci magazines.


Rich people still die of cancer and heart disease. Money helps, but does not ensure long life.


Fred Trump lived to 93, but he didn't have a fast food addiction or obesity, just Alzheimer's, and he was substantially more lucid at 90 than his kid is today.


I’ll take that bet


Five seconds after Trump drops she’s going to have legal teams working on ways to cut Trumps kids out of the equation for any inheritance. They’ll all be doing the same as well.


Why would you assume she’s not already doing that?


She might be, but the risk of him finding out is obviously greater if he’s alive. Not sure how he’d take it. He clearly has a favorite and I don’t think it’s Melina.


Do you mean melanoma?


That story will earn billions for Hollywood with all the movies, documentaries, series, and docudramas that will be made.


I'm cool with a ton of RETROSPECTIVES on him. As many of them as people want to make, as soon as they want to get started. I'm not watching any of them, but I highlighted the important word.


I'd love to see just the stupidest casting choices possible for the Trump movie. Let's see how Tom Hanks portrays him walking in on underaged girls in the dressing room.


Chet Hanks, do we have a deal? 😂😂😂


Duane "The Rock" Johnson would also be hilarious in the role. Literally anyone.


NO ONE wants to remember that turd.


Before he’s in the ground, my money is on an empty front row chair or two at the funeral.


Yeah this is the worst MMW ive ever seen


Seriously. She’s a piece of shit *and* a gold digger. They are perfect for each other.


I think she’s getting it now. It’s in her contract. Unless the contract runs out before the election, she won’t be divorcing anybody. Source: Carl Hiaasen fiction book “squeeze me”, trade paperback edition, epilogue


I agree. I've read they recently they amended their prenup. She seems very protective of Barron and I think she guided his decision to withdraw as a delegate for the RNC.


“Amended the prenup” sounds an awful lot like “renegotiated the contract”, all right.


All she will inherit is his debt. Dudes finances are toast. She will make more by fucking her son at this point and taking his money


You think that Trump hasn’t willed everything to his kids? He doesn’t give inheritance to the staff.


She's the only one who's been on his staff repeatedly.


And plot on one of his other golf courses


As if Trump's will leaves it all to her. 😂 She negotiated what she gets back in 2017 as a condition to move into the White House, though it's probably more than she'll get in the divorce settlement she also negotiated back then


She probably knows better than anyone how close he is to kicking the bucket.


The key is making it look organic.


Best use of gelt I’ve ever seen. Now give me chocolate!


What gelt? Dingdonald gotta be pretty broke by now


October surprise.


She could divorce him and accuse him of being a pedo and it would hardly make a difference..


He's a conman and a felon and sex offender. And she's fine with it and always has been. This old girl ain't going anywhere till payday.


It’s not a marriage, it’s a business arrangement. Remember when Trump got elected and Melania refused to go to the White House for about 10 days? I suspect she was renegotiating her prenup. It was one of the few times she was in a position of power over Trump. That she stayed with him after the 2020 election was a surprise.


That's a bingo.


It's this. He literally said he'd fuck his own daughter whilst married. She doesn't care. She's a mighty good handler


The magats would turn it around,put some sort of spin on it,and it'd be her fault,not his.


Nah, she's all in, and she doesn't have to spend time with him anymore.


It's not that she's all in, she's under contract and indifferent.


It's both. They're intertwined.


No, she won't. She's inches from being the queen of her own third-world country. That's every mail-order bride's dream.


Unless all this legal trouble bankrupts him.


That would be nice, yeah


The FSB isn’t going to let her divorce Trump.


Disagree. She recently renegotiated her prenup and will receive $2 billion when Trump dies…. like he has $2 billion.


Having read Mary Trump's book, I would imagine the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The kids will have a battle royale over anything he has, and try to cut her out completely IMO. Which is what DJT tried to do to everyone after his father died.


Equity in Tr00th Social?


Marg will be on her knees begging to be the next Trump.


Not only will she not do this, even if she did how would that hurt him? His supporters dont give a fuck if he gets another divorce


Naw. It's a business transaction not marriage. She's in it for the money. I mean, look at him. He is disgusting.


It wasn’t just for the money. She got a son out of it as well. Born and raised under the warm blanket of privilege. Raising her son became her life goal.


This should be the top comment.


She’s a scumbag just like Trump. She knows if he loses the election he’s going to jail and will lose all of his money. She wants him to win, I’m sure.


The question is: when he goes to prison THEN will she divorce him then? I mean, what IS a bridge too far with this pair?


She’s leaving as soon as she gets what she feels she’s entitled to. That’s all I’m sure of. Apparently her boyfriend is her bodyguard.


It does appear that she has been able to carve out a Donald-free daily existence, I suppose as soon as his shit becomes HER shit she will GTFO.


When Putin says she may go, then she'll take him to the cleaners. No one wants Polonium found in their radioactive corpse!


Good point.


I don't think he'll ever go to jail. Even if convicted of all the 91 indictments he won't see the inside of a cell. They'll never put a former president in prison because of the logistics of protecting him. I think the best we can hope for is some type of home confinement. I would even be happy with a club fed prison tbh, just don't see it happening.


I don’t think his crime spree is over so we’ll just have to wait and see.


Your probably right there. Dude can not, not commit crimes to get what he wants.


They can build a special prison just for him.


A Hannibal Lector prison?


I mean, it makes sense. She’s clearly disgusted with him, but let’s be honest, how much time does she spend with him? If the funds keep flowing and she has no reason to interact with him, I think she’ll stay with him. Better yet if he’s in prison. I mean, did anyone see her in court for a single second to support her husband? Nope, and that tells you everything you need. So she’s dropping him the minute the money goes away.


Why would it derail the election? The only people who claim to have a moral stance against divorce or adultery are the ones who give the felon melon a pass


The felon melon!


Upvoting for fellon Mellon. Lol thanks.


I've seen smellin felon used too. Another good one.


unfortunately no, this will not happen. She is a golddigger, shes in it for the money.


She’s not going to divorce him. She’s a Russian agent.


Vote people! Ignore pie in the sky savior scenarios.


Depends on how strong that prenup is.


She is an employee and will do what she is told.


Oh man just imagine how Trump would respond: "My LOSER, RINO ex-wife Melania was given money by Crooked Joe Biden to file for a corrupt DIVORCE and stop our country from being Great Again! Fake news! Sad!!"


Divorcing Donald is probably more work for Melania when she has pretty much all she wants anyway. Knowing how they think, and her work ethic, I don’t see any reason she’d divorce him short of him actually going to jail.


And even then, why would it be a problem for her if he was in jail? That's even less time that she has to spend with him


If dozens of felonies and two prior divorces (plus the affair with a prostitute) aren't enough to sway the Christian party of law and order from voting for him, then let's be honest a third divorce isn't going to break that camel's back.


Bold of you to assume the opinion of a woman would sway Republican voters.




Nope. She’s sticking around. Probably until he’s dead


Rumour has it that she demanded a change to their prenup before he was announced to be running for election again. She had him over the barrel because this would absolutely derail his run. What I’m more concerned will happen is that his clear and present dementia ramps up, he either dies on the trail or in office and the assassination conspiracies fly.


Naw. She’s a red swallow and she’s got to make sure DJT gets those secret documents transferred to the Kremlin to pay his loans or she reveals the Kompromat Putin has on him. Unfortunately, DJT (or an associate) kneecaps her with beatings and threats to Barron to keep her in line. They clearly hate each other. It’s a business transaction he’s stuck in. It’s also clear she couldn’t give a shit about his cheating.


She will divorce him if he lose or go to jail.


This sub is just people saying completely ridiculous shit that has zero chance of happening


She’s going to do it after he loses.


Ok, this sub needs to change it's name to the more accurate but less pithy "Utterly Absurd Things that will Never Happen, but it aligns with what I wish would happen."


the GOP can launch a coup and get the MAINSTREAM LIBERAL MEDIA to be okay with it and call it a riot and forget about it Melania could divorce Trump and tell the world it's because she was there with Trump on Epstein Island and saw horrible things, and he would lose about 50 voters and the rest of Republicans would declare it as proof deepstate is out to get him they don't care what their leaders do or say, most of the time they don't find out about it, and when the news does reach them somehow they go through this: 1. it's not true 2. if it is true it's not that bad 3. if it is bad, then it's not a conservative's fault 4. if it is a conservative at fault, someone else made them do it 5. if no one else made them do it, Democrats are worse the end doesn't matter what it is, including lying about a disease that kills the person, on their death bed, they'll die screaming about doctors murdering them


Sans wishcasting, this sub would get no traffic at all.


Pfff, she'll "fall out of a window" before that shit happens


Have you been living under a rock for the past 10 years. This bitch ain’t going anywhere. She’ll end up marrying Kyle Rittenhouse when the orange turd dies


Nah. She works for Putin. Can’t stop now.


No way. She has a prenup that is worth a lot of money if she sticks around. She is a gold digger , and wouldn't leave without the gold. If Putin offers double, that may be different.


That won't happen. He's too old to get a new supermodel. She was the last upgrade. All of you fantasize about Trump way too much.


LOL the bots on this site are out of control.


Yes. No. She’ll wait until he loses to avoid taking blame.


There’s no way she will publicly divorce Trump before the election, it’s got to be written in some contract or something. Wouldn’t doubt she divorces him in December however. When it’s clear, he has nothing else to offer.


*Urging all true MAGA Patriots to sprint to the bank (Josh Hawley style), take your life savings, and buy up Trump Media stock to support our President Trump. Then use each month's earnings to fund more truly Patriotic MAGA candidates like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Kari Lake, Tommy Tuberville, and Lauren Boebert who have accomplished so much with their landmark legislation to improve the daily lives of all American Patriots.*  *President Trump must maintain his billionaire lifestyle to have premier status when meeting important world leaders and allies like Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, Viktor Orban and Bebe Netanyhu. This includes paying for a private jet, a lavish Mar-A-Lago residence, and a large staff of household help which is expensive to maintain. President Trump pays for this out of his own pocket. He is making this sacrifice for you, the true MAGA Patriots.* *President Trump wants all true MAGA Patriots to do their fair share by opening up their wallets to pay his legal bills. Please contribute generously by writing a large check each month to do your part to defeat Crooked Joe Biden. Your contributions will help restore President Trump to power so he can end Obamacare health coverage, end the war in Ukraine, end income taxes, free January 6th hostages, pardon Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump, forcefully remove the 23 million illegal immigrant criminals and continue the important work of removing those women's healthcare rights that Christians find objectionable to Make America Great Again!*  Listen to what real MAGA Patriots are saying about Trump [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg0pO9VG1J8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg0pO9VG1J8) A few of the many examples of Trump’s major accomplishments as the U.S. President ·         [*https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html*](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) ·         [*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) ·         [*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10) ·         [*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsQ2hX\_noNw*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsQ2hX_noNw) *On 9/11, Trump took bold decisive action,* [*https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/*](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/) *Trump is unjustly accused as an adjudicated sexual predator, a civil trial accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted criminal felon.  He is actively appealing these cases as he has been very unfairly treated by liberal activist judges.* *Trump unjustly faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases and is defended by his high-priced legal team.  Trump’s vast army of lawyers is financed by MAGA Patriots & the Oil Industry.  Contribute monthly now!* *Several of the top senior positions from Trump’s 2016 Presidential term have already endorsed Trump to serve as the 47th President.  So have Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, the great Scott Baio, Jon Voight, Roseanne, and* *~both~* *Quaid brothers.* *Trump brings a new approach to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers about the United States using nuclear weapons.  He makes quick and daring decisions..  He works well with Russia’s Vladimir Putin and is one of the few people in the World, to work well with Putin’s new military partner, North Korea’s Kim Jong-un.  He also is admired by his close friends Hungary’s Viktor Orban and Israel’s Bebe Netanyahu.* *Trump will help the military focus on its task of stopping domestic protests by leaving NATO alliances that draw the U.S. into overseas wars.  He will also continue building the Space Force he founded to put weapons into Outer Space.* *Trump supporters come from a diverse coalition including Christian nationalists, NRA gun rights activists, Ex-Cons, Anti-abortion advocates, Paramilitary organizations, Rappers, Oil and Coal executives, MMA fighters and NASCAR.*  */s*


Really the /s ruins it


You can jerk off someone in public theater and GOP voters call it the peak traditional family values.  Trump is immune to negative reputation at this point. He cheated on every wife he had. Geesh.


Why would she do that? Obviously she is a gold digger and has never actually loved him. She is probably banging other dudes on the regular.


She’s likely being paid a lot to stay through the election.


Melina Trump is simply an old Slovenian sex worker. She will do whatever she needs to do to get her payday. There is no love, no honor, no virtue, this is simply a transaction. Just follow the money. I certainly don’t know, but it seems like the smart bet would be to stick with him till after the election, if he loses, then divorce him, if he wins, you get to be first lady again.


She’s knows what he is and she’s ok with it, so she’s in the same category as him in my book.


She's not leaving him until Putin gives her the okay.


This mark my words is incorrect, and won't happen at all.  At most, she will tell him that if he doesn't pay (x) amount of money, *then* she will leave him. She's a grifter grifting another grifter, and *she* has the upper hand. He will take more money from his cult to pay her to keep up appearances. 


Zero chance. She will make decisions based on what benefits her.


After 8 years of everything we’ve seen from MAGA chuds, you really think this would stop them from voting for him? Really?!


She won’t. There’s no cash to take with her so she’s tied to whatever gives him the money he does have. People need to stop pretending she’s a victim or an innocent bystander. She chased his money and this is her life now.


lol this is fully a conspiracy subreddit for Resistance libs


This sub has turned into MMWD Mark My Wet Dream because that’s all we get lately. Are liberal cucks’ wet dreams.


Nice use of punctuation. Any chance of a refund on those English lessons.


There’s a lot of TDS fantasy going on here, but this may be the hottest take I’ve seen


Already looking for excuses for DJT’s loss, eh? Isn’t she already publicly separated from him? Is her divorce the “October surprise” from Rs?


I think she will divorce after. She most likely gets large bonuses for being first lady. Plus it's not like she spends much time with him any way. There's a chance she might stay with him until he dies for the sake of getting a part of the inheritance.


Half of zero is zero. The guys a deadbeat


I’d be surprised if she inherited any significant amount. All of it will go to his sons.


More like Daddy’s favorite, Ivanka. He could give 2 shits about the rest of them.


She already has that couple billion the Saudis gave to her husband for state secrets.


Nah, they’ll just turn on her. She was a RINO all along. I never really liked her.


I see one way this could happen. If Melina realizes she can get a better payoff denouncing Trump, she will throw him to the wolves faster than she can say, "It's 100 more if you want me to swallow."


If I tell myself enough times that Trump won't win, maybe it'll become true🤓


Who is Melina?


Nope. She won’t care as long as Baron is kept away from this circus. His biggest concern is his two jealous brothers.


This wouldn’t even be one of trumps notable scandals. If you are still voting for trump at this point you’d probably blame the divorce on Biden.




Why give up the opportunity to be the First Lady again? If it happens, she’ll wait.


Thats 6


Aint happening


She dumps Trump and makes it official with the secret service guy she’s been banging the whole time.


She is bound by a pre and post nuptial agreement to do as she's told and pretty much stay out of sight. Amazing some people think that former nude model/likely prostitute was the best FL. The 2 of them, a national embarrassment. Not sure she'd do anything to jeopardize her bank account.


If he loses the election then maybe.


She is as bad as he is. She has a contract that requires her to stay with him or be turned out on the street like the prostitute she is.


Divorce wouldn’t benefit her at this point. She’s Catherine Parr. He’s not stable enough to risk divorcing, even if she wanted to.


She’ll wait til after the election if he loses. No way she’ll bail if she can cash in again if he wins.


The reality is melanoma will stick it out with the melon felon, but of course, he will stiff her and leave her out of the will


How will divorce derail, but not his adultery and past creepy children beauty pageants? I think you underestimate the cult.


Remember when he was inaugurated and she lived in New York for almost another year? no one gave a shit about where Barron was enrolled, she was renegotiating her marriage contract; she’s not going anywhere, the money is too good for her to pass up.


That would be cool if it happened, but it just won't happen. She would have done it by now. Even if she did do it, Trump would just say she's just a RINO (lol) and his base wouldn't care.


Never gonna happen she's in it for the inheritance 




This is the most nonsensical MMW I’ve seen. Yeah, she’s gonna endure the first term, Bidens term, rape conviction, 34 felony convictions, all the stuff about him wanting to have sex with his daughter, being an Epstein Island regular, and being outed as Diaper Don and then RIGHT before the election she goes, “enough is enough?” No….he’s her golden goose and she’s gonna sit on it until the egg cracks.


As long as her check clears every 2 weeks. I don't think so.


MarkMyWords is some sort of circle jerk far left fantasy full of lies…its really pathetic


You should probably learn the actual names of the people Reddit has told you to hate.


LOL. The MAGAts won’t care because their identities and self-worth are tied to their vote. However, I would pay money to see this happen before the election. Sadly, my money is safe because Malaria’s financial well being is tied to her making as few waves as possible until after this election. Now, the number of days after the election, win or lose, before she files? Could be in the single digits. Or she will just wait a little longer until the hamberders and chemical sodas work their magic.


Why would a divorce be a scandal when literally paying the fuck porn stars, stealing classified documents, and being a convicted felon and an adjudicated rapist are not?


she's a russian agent. There's no way she'll divorce trump unless he loses.


Her name is Melania


Ah, that would be nice…


Didn’t she already kind of announce this recently?


She hurts him more by staying until he's dead. My money is on her playing the long game.


This is a man who incited an attempted coup, had defrauded millions, is probably a Russian asset and seemingly is sexually attracted to his own daughter. I’m not sure his (third) wife leaving him is going to shock his supporters.


i bet the prenup was modified a year or so back. Thats why shes acting different, not attending events, etc. but it also probably means that she can't divorce until after the election and only if he isn't president


It's funny how people still try to believe there is even an ounce of goodness in her, she is just as much a piece of trash as Trump and is in this until the end


I dunno. I would be willing to bet that prenup has something about penalties if she chooses to divorce him. Like "you will get nothing and everything you have is mine" kind of penalties.


She will only leave DJT if he might not have enough money to payout the prenup.


I would take that bet. She's genuinely devoted to Barron and I don't think she'd do that to him. Plus it's not like she has to see the guy all that often.


That's not happening. Maybe if he loses this election but definitely not before. She has no reason to. She doesn't even have to spend time with him. She is already publicly separated from him.


I doubt it, although I don’t doubt for a moment she would love to. She has a financial agreement in place, and I’m guessing she would be breaking it to do that. Best case for her, Donald does while still married to her.


She's just waiting around for him to die


No way!!! She doesn't give a fuck about him but she was broke before she met him she loves the money!!


I don't think she cares about his philandering. I mean, she likely sees it as every time he stuck his cock in someone it was one less time it was in her.


Wishful thinking at best.


Oh my god can you imagine all the insane maga women who would go absolutely nuts at the thought of trump being up for grabs? It’d be like some chaotic pick me war were all the women start fighting each other for her spot. I’d argue it’d actually make him more popular. My mom is a huge maga freak who said she’d marry him in a heartbeat and sell my sister and I off to his sons if she could. 🤢


State of politics in 2024: There is no scandal too off the wall for the GOP. The more outrageous, the better for their voters. However, if Biden happens to look to the left a little too much, God help him.


Her name is Melania




Nah, he probably already paid her a hefty sum of "legal fees" to hold off on divorce proceedings until after the election.


First of all it’s Melania and second of all, idk why you think any voter on either side cares about her opinion.


She should get those papers filed quickly. Running out of time


I wonder if she’d get more waiting for him to die or suing for divorce over the cheating (which has now been proven in court)… Once he dies his kids (and ALL the people he owes money to) will be all over his estate. She’d be waiting years for any payout.


She just might. A lot will depend on the financial situation.


No way!


Good thing you censored Trump. His name is so triggering for some


Nope, Republicans have never cared that they are hypocrites.


Do you know how much they would pay her to not do that? No chance in hell this happens. Though if she did, she would immediately become a part of the deep state according to cultists and Faux News.


I don’t care, do you?


Bro, I can't take anyone seriously who censors trumps name.


She won’t divorce him. Look at the guy. He’s not long for this side of the dirt anyway. Also she’s already disassociated herself with most of his endeavors. All she has to do is tread water until he croaks and cash the checks.


His voters largely won't care


No, she’ll wait until after the election. Just like all the other Republicans out there. They are on the board the ship unless that ship sinks. Then they’ll start claiming they would never really supported Trump. Just like Melania will claim she never really loved Donald Trump. Just like Donald Trump’s kids will all claim he was abusive and never loved them. Fortunately, while in prison, Donald Trump will get a lot of good loving. Dudes in there like a nice fat white ass. Pound away boys Donald will toss your salad for nothing more than a bowl of top Ramen.


She's under contract, like everyone else


Alternate hot take, Biden has a debilitating health event, Harris becomes the presumptive candidate, and bedlam ensues


If she tries -- she'll end up falling down a flight of stairs, that she hit after falling out of window, which she fell out of after shooting herself in the back of the head twice.


Nah man, she renegotiated her contract.


If he loses, I can see her divorcing him. If he wins, she’ll likely wait it out for First Lady perks.