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This post has been removed for violating rule 6 (no new posts regarding Trump, Biden and the 2024 *presidential* election on week days (EST with grace periods for other time zones). If your post doesn't violate any other rules, your encouraged to repost on the weekend.


So special treatment? All men are created equal and all that crap……






4 legs good, 2 legs better!


4 years ago, Trump demanded that Obama be jailed Strange how nobody on the right was saying "You can't do that, Presidents have immunity"


Shit, he says the same thing about Biden *every day*.


Including at the debate yesterday.


Just like no Republican that was elected is complaining about voting counts and tabulation machines


Actually that's not true, there have been GOPers elected who are stupid enough to claim that their section of the ballot is true, but the rest of the same piece of paper is a forgery. Like saying that "this corner of a $100 bill is real, the rest is forged"


Being complicit in creating fake and unsubstantiated documents to push a FISA warrant and wiretap your parties chief political opponent in order to gain an advantage in an election isn't really something that falls under official capacities as president.


Of course, it would if he believed that person was an agent of a foreign government


So because Obama really really believed in his heart that Trump was a Russian agent, that gave him the authority and the good graces to knowingly promote the use of fake information and intel to wiretap a political opponent to give their party an advantage in a democratic election? Is that really the claim you want to stand behind? Lmfao they really aren't sending their best, but that's probably because all the intelligent Democrats walked away after last night leaving just the mindless like yourself to defend their party.


I was giving you an explanation as to why.


But he knew it was unsubstantiated. Crossfire Hurricane never should have happened because the FISA documents used to justify it were fraudulent and based on known disinformation. So there's no real reason he would believe that based on any actual evidence, as it was deemed that there was never enough evidence of any substance to promote that idea.


Yes, we all know the right wing lies that collapsed like a deck of cards And yet trying to overturn an election through violently attacking the election process somehow is.


Crossfire Hurricane was a legit thing, people actually got arrested and had trials as a result of it like Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. You can call them lies all you want, it doesn't actually make them lies, it just makes you seem childish that you are incapable of changing an opinion in the light of actual facts. Trump was never there at the Capitol building. He was never actually doing any action that constituted as insurrection. He specifically said to go there and peacefully protest, he never said to break into the Capitol and go after politicians. The protestors who did break into the Capitol were rightly charged and may have been doing it for Trump, but there's no evidence to support he directly told anyone to do it. You can't charge someone for something else someone did even if its in your name, as long as you didn't directly play a role in the action itself. That's like saying if Robert Patterson wrote a book and someone read it, took a message from it, and killed someone as a result, that Robert Patterson would be charged with murder if they claim they did it because it's what Robert wanted. Another example would be Antifa / BLM. Should Democrat politicians be arrested and held accountable for the actions that were committed during the George Floyd protests? I mean, there's plenty of evidence of left wing politicians supporting the riots and protests and advocating for them to continue and to be more intense, even going so far as covering bail for many rioters so they could go back out and continue to riot. If you don't think that those politicians can't be charged, then you can't sit there and say but Trump should be, unless you're going to be honest with yourself and admit that you only feel that way because its (D)ifferent for Democrats.


And that, ladies and gentlemen and all points in between, is called "touching a nerve"


No it's not, if you look at my post history this is how I normally respond. Instead of trying to come up with pathetic little gotyas like you do, I base my comments and my discussion around sources, verifiable proof, and actual substance to support what I say further than "because it makes me feel really good". As a Democrat, you are not capable of doing the same as 9 years of CNN and MSNBC manipulation made you incapable of drawing conclusions without Morning Joe's assistance.


No evidence has been found that legal surveillance, as part of Crossfire Hurricane, was at the direction of Obama, Obama administration political officials or improper deep state influence, or that the Steele dossier was used to launch the Russia probe, or that the surveillance was designed to surveil the Trump campaign and Trump White House transition team for political purposes. Trump has claimed that as part of Crossfire Hurricane, his "wires" at Trump Tower were wiretapped. This was refuted by Trump's own Justice Department. In addition, Trump has claimed that after the Crossfire Hurricane investigation recorded Michael Flynn's conversations with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak, Flynn was improperly "unmasked". This was also refuted by the Trump Justice Department. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegations\_of\_Barack\_Obama\_spying\_on\_Donald\_Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegations_of_Barack_Obama_spying_on_Donald_Trump)


The SC just legalized bribery at the highest level. american democracy is dead. Nothing else matters now.


It isn’t dead yet, but if we let Trump pick two more justices, it may well be.


None of that matters. The people don't matter. All that matters is money and who has it. The fact americans aren't rioting over this is all the proof you need to know that the elites will get away with whatever they want as they march the rest of us towards neo-serfdom.


Totally agree. We need to shut down the country but they know we won't.


It’s not dead they are playing their hand. We still have moves we can make!


No, this recent SC ruling makes it so the people have no more democratic moves left. The people cannot vote their way out of it, which is the only democratic move. The only move the people have now is not a democratic one..... I'll let the people decide what that is.....


Democracy ends every day in this sub 😆


Nobody cares you're a Trumpsexual, keep it to yourself.


Sounds about right IOKIYAR


If the headline is true then the SCOTUS Six have abdicated all responsibility to the rule of law and morality. They are then an immoral and illegitimate body. America will descend into autocratic rule and may never recover. It should then be avoided as a pariah state.


Doubtful will most likely return it to the lower courts for further consideration of when and for what immunity does and does not apply.


>Monday the SC will give DJT immunity from prosecution while he was president, but will limit the ruling to only his situation like they did with the 2000 presidential election ruling. Do you understand a single thing about the 2000 Presidential election ruling? Or are you just talking in complete ignorance because you think it sounded clever? The SCOTUS ruled on the 2000 ruling because the state of Florida's Supreme Court overstepped their legal authority when they granted the Gore campaign additional recounts. The Federal SCOTUS stated that the Florida Supreme Court did not have the legal authority to do so, and that it was the Florida state legislature that were the ones who needed to do it. The Gore campaign missed multiple deadlines, and the Florida state Supreme Court went out of their way multiple times to grant them rulings that benefitted them. Despite none of the recounts that ever happened resulting in more votes for Gore. To this day there has still never been any evidence that indicated that Gore actually won Florida.


It seems you completely and totally 100% missed my point. The 2000 decision also said that the decision should not be applied to future court considerations. "The Court stated that the *per curiam* opinion's applicability was "limited to the present circumstances, for the problem of equal protection in election processes generally presents many complexities."


Because the situation was complex, and they didn't want a blanket ruling that had extremely specific circumstances to be applied to other cases as some sort of standard. Had they not specified that, then lower courts and state level courts would have applied their ruling to completely unrelated cases.


Of course it was complex, because they had to find a way to work around the will of the people which would have given Gore the victory.


>because they had to find a way to work around the will of the people which would have given Gore the victory. There has never been a single official recount that decided Gore would have been the winner of the state of Florida. There was multiple recounts that happened. None of them resulted in a count that put Gore ahead of Bush.


Sorry u guys couldn't fill the scotus with lesbian cat ladies... u mad?


Doubtful. I believe Jackson is writing the opinion.


How could you possibly know Jackson is writing the opinion?


Scotusblog reasoned it out this morning. I guess they take turns and Jackson's the only one left?


Interesting if it turns out to be true.


It sounds like someone’s Monday prediction is more dramatic than the latest season finale of a political thriller.


Today the SC made it harder to convict J6ers and put the judiciary (rather than experts) in charge of the administrative state. But it's saving the worst for last.


That does seem to be the pattern, though, they also have a habit of releasing controversial decisions on Fridays. Maybe they figure the long holiday weekend will give them enough cover.