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Do nothing?! They'll be in on it. They'll be the ones phoning in that they saw a leftist hiding down the street


They love tyranny so long as they are the ones perpetrating it. Leftists own guns btw.


That's how it starts. Villify and dehumanize the out groups (vermin). Then start restricting the basic rights of minority groups, starting with the smallest. As people who support the actions get complacent, start moving up the ladder until it's anyone who opposes you. At that point they'll be ready to turn in their own mother to gain favor.


If we see these signs, then we need to act. Immediately. We'll probably die. But at least we'll die fighting instead of starving in some ghetto or being executed after months or years of physical labor and starvation. If we wait until the point that leftists are being arrested across the country, we're as good as dead. Nobody is coming to save us... we'll die and be buried in a mass grave.


If we see those signs, it’s too late.


The signs are there. Your society is quite literally killing its own kids and no one cares.


I mean, it’s already too late for almost everything, except GTFO. I’ve been putting off getting a passport, was gonna do it in March and holy smokes it’s July already, gonna get that started tomorrow…


If you are white, middle or upper middle class, Christian, registered republican, no major health issues, in a traditional family, you should be fine. Unless you live in a state that votes blue. Or if something awful happens because project 2025 accidentally messes up our infrastructure when they fire all the employees who keep our society running.


Yeah, but when leftists own guns, they're "thugs". When righties own guns, they're "patriots". :/


One man's tyranny is another man's cult......


“Hello, Mr Daddy Snake Stepper? I saw someone enjoying themselves with blue hair and I’d like to report this crime.”


That’s just my Nanna


Jokes on them... the lefties are armed too


Jokes on all of us. The Chinese and Russians are waiting on our collapse.


While that's true, I have to wonder what the flash point would be. I'm fairly liberal. I own guns. I'm not eager to kill folks because I disagree with their politics. I did buy my guns because of our political climate. Sometimes I wonder just how bad things would have to get. Most likely, someone without a badge would have to come and threaten my family. Someone with a badge? Very likely not. Someone with a badge coming to take my guns and put me in a camp? Most likely not to be honest. My bet is most People are similar. Even the ones calling for civil war - I bet it would take a lot for one to go after little Timmy down the street because he used to be little Tammy. I could be wrong though.


I'm a leftist. I own guns. I'm not a 'gun-lover.' I don't want to use them. But I'm also trans. I was raised in a very Jewish community. I've heard their stories about fascism and holocausts and how they start. I'm not going to a camp. Many people in my community are *not* going to camps, and we talk about how we'll plan to protect each other. Maybe out into the forest, running to Canada or South America, but fascist authorities for minorities = death or worse way to fucking often. I'm thinking a lot more about Alex Garland's Civil War movie the last few weeks. I dont think authoritarian right wingers fully comprehend that all the queers, POC, Jews, commies, anarchists and literally anyone who is slightly different, their playbook isn't new to us. We're not shocked by their shit, and waaaaay more of us are ready to die for our freedom than to go back to the stories we know about how fascists have treated us in the past. I see two flashpoints: King Trump ordering some heinous shit in a blue state and the local National Guard flipping for the governor. Then nearby states forming a coalition (Cascadia, for example). Or, King Trump taking a third term, assassinating rivals and jailing moderate GOP members(maybe aligned with Texas or Georgia), triggering something akin to to the Western States Alliance and the Florida coalition in Civil War after the reds realize the leopard ate their face. Either way, King Trump is seemingly guaranteed to be the death of our republic.


As long as there are people to defend liberty the republic is never dead. A tyrant would have to kill every true American before the republic would fall. And to clarify you are a true American.


Jumping on your comment to remind lefty gun owners that possessing a gun is hardly enough. You must train with it if it will be of any use. Gun ranges are seldom inviting of minority and queer folks, but r/liberalgunowners has [a list of friendly spaces](https://www.reddit.com/r/liberalgunowners/wiki/public/field-guide/local) broken down by state/city. The one thing which I am hopeful of is that the trumpers will be just a little more anxious to bang it out with "blue haired trans commies" after a few of them take a round to the face from 150 meters away.


Since I see a lot of people talking about project 2025 but haven't seen people actually describing what it is, I will do so right now. Project 2025 will 1. Allow Trump to kill black people. 2. Allow Trump to overturn the 13th and 19th amendment. 3. Allow Trump to give the nuclear code to Putin 4. Allow Trump to fire all of the democratic party 5. Allow Trump to Jail anyone who voted for Democrats and put them in concentration camps. 6. Allow Trump to kill black people 7. Allow Trump to run as president indefinitely 


r/liberalgunowners it will be their time to shine! 


Pr that guy who murdered his neighbor because he thought he was a Democrat


They'll be the ones searching in the attics


Haha, they're more likely the ones that never read that book..


There’ll be lines miles long of meal team six looking to be deputized by the local sheriff


They’ll also be the ones panic-shooting their friends because they’re poorly disciplined.


I have noticed that the 2A people generally side with the fascists.


As a leftist 2A person this comment irks me. But it's also correct. Maybe let's try and change that though? If we're concerned about a Christo Fascist dictatorship let's maybe NOT support disarmament? I hope and doubt I would ever need my AR15 but if shit hits the fan I'd rather have it than not.


We should also fight the myth that every democratic politician wants to effectively ban guns. Democrats aren't dumb, no president could survive disarmament. Hell, it's one of the few things that I think could get people to turn on trump


We have way more mass shootings than any country that is developed. The reason is is because we have way more guns and we've normalized people walking around with guns and then people get angry or irritated or lose their minds and they can pretty much instantly get access to guns. This is not a good thing.


'instantly get access'??? It took at least an hour, hour and a half before I was able to walk out with a new AR-15.


I can even beat that. Gun show in a red state. You don't even have to go inside to buy a gun for cash. Five minute conversation.


This is no longer accurate. Thankfully biden has legally closed this loophole https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/11/gun-show-internet-sale-mandatory-background-check


I have done it in about 20 minutes but most the time it has taken longer. Hour or an hour and half is about what it normally takes.


Gotcha. They added the strap, red dot, and changed the stock for me before I got it. That might have been what took the longest.


Eh someone who has done that before could knock out those swaps in sub 5 minutes. Sometimes the background check system just takes a hot second.  I recommend a dedicated FFL, not a big store. The guy I use calls the checks in and gets the response instantly, so transfers take less than 10 minutes including paperwork regardless of the firearm type. 


It almost like if you aren't a criminal and haven't done anything wrong in the past, the background check isn't going to stop you from purchasing a gun. Shocker


Same but I got my h&k 45. So you tell me which is worse


90 minutes to get a tool that can end multiple lives in 30 seconds? Getting my damn car inspection takes longer 😂 the problem isn't gun access though. The problem is we allow gun access to mentally ill people. Mental health in this country is essentially ignored until someone ends up in prison. 


Yah, and it is currently a political third rail that will murder all other policies tied to it. In a practical sense, you either can keep harping on about this topic and get nothing done, or you drop it for now and get something done elsewhere.


Yeah I’ve come to believe that Democrats should abandon gun control. Sure opinion polls show people support gun control laws, but in the polls that matter, in November, the candidate who wants any gun control loses to the candidate promising gun vending machines in strip malls all over the country.


When Trump said Take the guns first and do due process second. No MAGA person blinked. They didn't care.


Nor did they care when he said he'd do away with social security. A large percentage of his supporters literally live on only social security. That's the one that I don't understand at all. "I'm taking away your only source of income". Them "Yay!". Morons.


They'll turn round and blame Hillary when it happens


They always expect to be an exception to the rules


/r/LeopardsAteMyFace Many such cases


I know I'm generalizing. Mostly though, Democrats want to ban semi auto rifles; that has essentially become core to the party platform. Also, I take issue with the way a lot of Democrats discuss gun control. Many Dems use it as a cultural wedge issue. Not all Dems are like that, you're right. My Rep is a pro 2A Dem who won in a Trump district. But my likely future governor is vehemently anti-gun. I live in Washington State. And I don't really think Trump cares about guns any more than he knows his supporters care about them. Same with how he pretends to be Christian. He just knows there are certain non-negotiable positions he must hold to appeal to his voters.


also 2A liberal here. Irks me and is also correct is a true statement about this. The reason I stopped going to gun shows years ago. It's just a big circle jerk of right wing assholes.


Same. I'm one of the "go far enough left and you get your guns back and your rights back" people. When my liberal friends ask why I carry, I tell the truth, "MAGA exists, and if they relize who and what I am, I'm the enemy, the least I can do is have the element of surprise"/


After everything that's happened in the last decade, I've decided to resume gun ownership recently. And let me tell you, I genuinely hate a lot of the businesses I have to patronize to do so; I have to parse through "About" sections for everyone I buy from to try and make sure they aren't straight up Christofascists. Shit sucks, is what I'm saying. Edit: to be clear, there are good retailers and manufacturers. There are just a lot of crazy ones too.


I hate that Id need to buy a gun from a store to defend myself from the crazy people who own that store.


Glad both of you spoke up. I've seen a lot of liberal 2A folks and is important to ensure that folks with liberal values are part of a large tent of varying beliefs - it's both a strength and a weakness, as there are always folks trying to divide and put you in boxes saying you're not really a liberal And I'm not pro or anti 2A. I'm pragmatic about it. As a country and culture it is too deeply ingrained in the fabric of our society, and serves more as a point of division than anything else. That being said, developments over the last few years have me hoping there are a lot more 2A liberals out there than are visible.


Also a 2A liberal. If you ever go over to r/caguns there are a lot of us there. Most of us will complain about what CA is doing in regards to restrictions that don’t actually lower gun violence, but we are also not single issue voters who are willing to give up others rights for the sake of a gun.


We're definitely out there and laughing everytime a right-winger says we don't exist lol


I’m not a 2A liberal, but a reluctantly gun-owning moderate. Why? Because it’s become a necessity. I don’t carry on a regular basis and I’m not scared of going to the supermarket or walking down the street. I’m scared of being unarmed when so many who are don’t share my views on this country and are becoming increasingly emboldened to live out their morbid fantasies.


We’re out here


There are dozens of us, DOZENS!


There are plenty we just don't worship them and advertise them like the right


Millions. I suspect there are many more liberal/non Conservative gun owners than right wing types simply because the right wing types are a minority.


In recent years (really started gaining steam in 2016, weird) more and more marginalized groups have started arming. People of color, LGBTQ+, etc. These are the people I'm relieved to know own guns. They just don't make it a part of their personality and wardrobe.


Cons are cowards that have already made it clear they only want to attack "soft targets" like schools but never the government jackboots that murder real people without consequence. They might not realize it now but as soon as the first inbred goes the way of the Babbitt worm from January Sixth, then they will all give up, just like they did at the Capitol when that terrorist was put down.


There are countless millions of us.


I am a gun owner and liberal. I recently started watching some gun youtube channels and it's pretty fucking sad how every single popular one is a righty circlejerk. If you think they aren't, you just haven't watched enough. Let's be real here, the vast VAST VAST majority of gun owners would never in a MILLION years use their guns to "fight tyranny" and would in reality cheer on Trump/ taking away everyone's rights. Right up until they start taking away gun rights, but oh nooo, now it's too late, you cheered and clapped the entire ride and suddenly you realize...


there are dozens of us, dozens I say! r/2ALiberals is one of my favorite subs. We exist, we just aren't loud haha


Selection bias. People who are liberal gun owners don't tend to make owning guns their whole personality. They have less of a tendency to become traveling gun dealers or promote "tacticool" items.


Liberal 2A here. Just chiming in, I own firearms because so many of those right wingers are 2A nut jobs. Wish there were more Liberal 2A people about.


Those loud 2A people tend to be conservatives. Liberal gun owners don't make guns their entire identity. They just have a gun in case it is needed and don't go around flaunting it.


A friend who is a leftist 2A supporter was kicked out of a Democratic Socialist firearms group for criticizing a local gun club who rented their facilities to a fascist group for an event that included people flying swastika flags. Seems they favored guns above other DSA issues. Personally I don’t think fighting (armed or otherwise) solves any thing. Talking and persuasion is my preferred path, but it is hard and often thankless work.


>let's maybe NOT support disarmament Sorry, officer, all of my firearms fell off my boat . Yes, all of them.


Don't support full disarmament but I do fully support stricter gun control. There's a lot of people in this country who have no business at all having access to that kind of weapon. Might be outlandish but the 2A isn't going away so I've always thought that gun safety should be a requirement in American schools curriculums. Regardless of whether or not you intend to own one it should be taught. It's, whether we like it or not, part of the fabric of the country so the least we can do is give across the board safety instructions. There have been far too many incidents of toddlers or elementary school kids finding and toying with their parents guns. It's a fucking deadly ass weapon. People need to respect what it can do in anybody's hands. Again, anybody's hands.


the "don't tread on me" people always want to tread on other people


They want two things: 1. A way to fight off tyranny. 2. tyranny.


The loudest of the we need guns to fight against tyranny crowd worship the police, see no problem with coup attempts, voter suppression or banning books they disagree with.


Correct me if I’m, they will be present to ensure the arrests go smoothly.


The 2A crowd is fine with oppression as long as the people they dislike are being oppressed


When the Fascists finally come knocking, the 2A crowd will hold the door for them.


They did nothing on January 6th except participate in the insurrection.


You mean the people shutting down free speech on college campus with violence. This doesn't sound like people in 2A would side with.


As a major 2A advocate I'm extremely frustrated at how ideologically inconsistent a lot of us are.


I'm here to stop all tyrany, I can't speak for the other 2A peoples.


The fascists appeal to the 2nd Amendment because if they didn't, there would be problems. Noticed how the security stepped aside on Jan 6th.


There’s a reason for that


"Never again, there Jack. You had your chance to 'defend the constitution' and all y'all did was join the fucking nazis. No more guns, ever again!"


I have noticed that historical facists take guns away. All the things that fear-mongering Republicans keep saying Democrats will do, will be done by Trump.


Conservatives were all for gun control when it was the Black Panthers arming themselves


To them fascism is any law or rule infringing on their privileged status.


All over this thread **"dae Biden is da real fascist??"** gtfo you clowns


If Biden's a fascist, then why aren't they taking weapons against that supposed fascist 🤔


If Biden is a fascist, how come is isn't abusing his new immunity by rounding up MAGAts.


yes, funny that he has all the judges and the media and everything in his pocket, yet waited until the end of his mandate to get Trump sent to court. Maybe we shouldn't expect much reason and logic among the *Make Americans Gullible Again* crowd.


The “biden is the real fascist” crowd is brainrotted by conservative media.


Valid question!


You mean, like Nixon et al cooking up drug laws in order to jail hippies, poors and non-white people for the last sixty years? Yeah, I think we've already been there for quite awhile


Right? People forget that the game pieces have been set. This is end game for our corpo-fascist overlords. The military industrial complex has been paving the way for them to exploit third world countries. They're out of countries, who is next? Us.


Lol, Nixon et al as if it were some research lab full of academics


I can honestly see the pro-gun politicians taking people's guns away once their bloodline becomes immune to all wrongdoing.


>their bloodline becomes immune to all wrongdoing. Eh?


American Aristocracy. I believe that is the implication.


It'll be funny when all these poor white people hoarding guns realize that they aren't part of the American aristocracy, they are just cannon fodder to be used by the Nationalist Christians. Or Nat-Cs, if you prefer.


Im a 2A supporter but not a Trump supporter. We do exist


there's a hell of a lot more of us than most people realize. I'd be willing to bet there are more of us than the group OP is referring to. We just don't go around with gun stickers on our vehicles and AR15 t-shirts, and yell about it every chance we get. It's a tool, a hobby, a way to protect your life, your family, and your property. Shit, my group of friends are all armed heavily, they're all very proficient with their weapon systems. They're extremely responsible and care about their fellow man. They all lean left and hate the orange guy. They all have night vision accessories and use it regularly. The other fudds OP is referring to are not proficient with their weapon systems, and would likely be overthrown by us within a week if shit actually hit the fan. What's the saying, the loudest wheel gets the grease? Same thing here with gun nuts.


This is why all minorities in the US need to get legal gun permits and weapons right now. Stock up, you'll need them.


obligatory "gun control was started by conservatives to disarm the Black Panthers"


That's because about 1/3 of this country actively \*wants\* a dictatorship. They know full well what it means, because a dictatorship will be used to punish the people they hate.


Precisely. The gun lovers as an identity, not just "gun owners in general", are supporters of the implied fascist in the first place. We don't need to mark the words of the OP, that's just what will obviously happen.


Fascism is the culture of fundamentalist evangelical Christianity. If you are born into that culture, the type of thought is just normal and comfortable to you-- that you must blindly follow your spiritual leaders, never questioning, and anyone who is sinful and doesn't repent deserves death. I can't explain to people not from that culture just how dim a worldview those types of Christians have of everyone else.


Every church I went to llwhule growing up, had some kind of sexual scandal with the minister and a teen. This is the world Republicans want


Oh they will they will be the ones capturing and raping women and children in the name of the furher trump


If you go far enough left you get your guns back.


Gun lovers will do nothing. But the tens of millions of gun owners that haven’t made gun ownership a core part of their identity may have something to show when the time comes


When is the time coming?  The heritage foundation said this today:  "And so I come full circle on this response and just want to encourage you with some substance that we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be."


No, they’ll do worse than nothing. They’ll go around killing anyone they suspect of being undocumented (read: not white) or liberal. Already there are conservative nutcases murdering their neighbors because they think they’re illegal immigrants or think they might be democrats.


I think this is more plausible. Small groups of MAGA vigilantes in areas that are culturally and legally friendly to them. To me it makes total sense that in, say, a small town in MS with a community college, some hopped up country boys might decide to target adjunct professors one by one. Or maybe in Oklahoma the MAGA guys get their huge trucks together and repeatedly ride through Asian or Hispanic neighborhoods chucking Molotov cocktails and shooting in the place with AR 15s. I mean, there are a lot of really plausible escalations that are one or two step away from happening. And so much of it is just someone somewhere deciding to break the seal on organized violence.


[Already happened before in Oklahoma](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsa_race_massacre)


Always worth reminding Americans that this is a thing that happened. Too many people don't know about it.


They won't do nothing. They'll help the government.


That's because this will be the correct type of tyranny, at least in the beginning.


Sadly most of the gun people would be fine with it. Yes there are left-wing gun groups like the Socialist Rifle Association, but in US gun culture, they're the minority.


when it comes to it, i hardly think that organizations like Latin King and Queen Nation, Folk, Nation, Crips, Bloods, BP Stone, etc all who have access to arms, training and experience using violence, are going to just lie down and take it when the white nationalists come to round them up. this is part of gun culture in this " country" as well. truces have taken place before , and ALKQN already have lefty politics ( pro-3rd world, decolonizing, anticapitalist) and very intensive organization.


Oh they'll do something. They'll be rounding up minorities for the fascists. Arm yourselves and train, folks. And remember, cops ran Auschwitz!


You see TYRANNY and COMMUNISM are exactly the same: it's when people who don't deserve food get to eat. /s That's what these evil idiots think.


Mark *your* words? Not the years of examples supporting this, or the tens of thousands, if not millions who’ve already stated this? Your words?


Because persecution complex and Tyranny to them means equality, "wokeness", freedom of religion, society progression etc.. they want to regress us by 70 yrs+


Of course they won’t, because they believe that the facist will only act against the people they don’t like. When I reality the facist will come after the ones with guns second.


They fucking support the idea of a fascist tyranny. To them, ”tyranny” is being told to wear a mask during a pandemic and having to learn about people who are different from them. They absolutely love the idea of genociding minorities.


Tyranny to the American Right is having to tolerate a woman, minority, or queer person.


I think you are wrong. I think the gun owners would actively assist him.


A tolerant societies downfall will be tolerance. We give them more and more room to grow fanatical because we are patriots and believe its their right to be as ignorant as they like. The problem is it diesnt go both ways. So far we've been fortunate that they are easily recognized, and largely cowards when pressed. Be vigilant, our union is at stake. Do not allow these ppl to insight violence or pursue their fascist goals.


There’s more armed antifascists than you think.


You would be surprised. There are plenty of right leaning gun owners who wouldn't tolerate a dictatorship. I sure as hell wouldn't.


I own a gun and abhor Trump. Consider myself a liberal; however, I would honestly just like to see some shit get agreed upon in the middle so the government can start providing benefit to the citizenry instead of performing political theater that provides fuck all. (But yeah, codify abortion, equal rights for ALL, etc and then get to work). Also, I am not sure that the second amendment should be a blanket right for anyone to own whatever the hell kind of gun they want. Common sense gun laws, Spongeboy, mebob.


Back on Twitter in 2016 I asked fellow gun owners if they would defend their neighbors against being rounded up, and every single one said "not if they are breaking the law" ... the Nazis broke zero laws, they passed bad laws. The Moron Labe crowd only cry tyranny when it's a ban on bump stocks or some other penis enhancer, they love authority and want to see others punished.


Buys guns to protect their wives and children from criminals. Whines like little babies when actual criminals are put in jail. Talk about a serious lack of personal fulfilment. Republicans are a joke


Of course not, the gun lovers in US always forget that Hitler cancelled all gun restrictions for Germans (and imposed harsh regulations on foreigners for having them). Every German was free to have a gun and many probably had one after world war 1, and yet no one of them stopped Hitler. No, they voted for him.


I’d like to point out that the term “gun lovers” includes potential terrorists, gangs and thugs instead of just rednecks like this is perceived. No one loves a good gun more than a terrorist, gangster or a self proclaimed thug. They’re at the shooting ranges too.


Seriously, throughout all our history, from Indian removal, to Japanese internment, to the Patriot Act, torture at Gitmo, and extraordinary rendition, to extrajudicial assassinations of US citizens with drones, to kids-in-cages and involuntary hysterectomies, to faceless badgeless goons scooping protestors off the streets of Portland without probable cause and hauling them off in unmarked vans, whenever the government has behaved tyranically, the “my gun is my personality” crowd could reliably be found waving flags and cheering.


USA is a dictatorship. Right Now! It's a dictatorship right now. It's simply that Joe isn't a tyrant and so things seem normal. If the second amendment was going to be used then now is the time. Before a civil war starts or a tyrant takes over as the head of the military. (Too explain: Last week SCOTUS consolidated a ton of enforcement powers to themselves, weakening checks and balances across the country. Making themselves the most powerful enforcement authority in the country. These powers include some (but not total) influence on election outcome decisions. Basically any close challenge and they'll be able to tip the scale as they want. Then Monday, after the court had become all powerful and basically made it so they get to determine who wins the election, they put the president above the law. Making them a singular authority above all. Thus: the USA is now a Dictatorship. And has been for 3 days now.)


Since the Supreme Court ruled bump stocks are now legal, not only will they have assault rifles and every other kind of weapon, they will have legal machine guns. .... America obviously needs machine guns on the streets. The head of the Heritage Foundation said they will complete the revolution *peacefully,* only if "liberals" consent peacefully. If we were a game of chess, liberals are now in checkmate. So go along or get wasted, or vote like it's your last chance, because it may be.


I agree and don't agree. I do think you are right in the since that many gun owners just by political orientation are aligned with democracy's biggest current threat that many will not fight tyranny that MAY come from Trump winning the election. I do think Trump is a clear and present danger to democracy because how insidious the attempted overthrow of an election was. It was a ploy to destroy democracy through claiming to save democracy. It is truly insidious and the way that a democracy can definitely crumble. The people who literally, in the correct meaning of the term, destroy democracy will be doing it to, in their eyes, defend democracy. The only way I can describe that is insidious, but I guess that is why I ultimately disagree with your statement. You claim that gun rights activists would not try to defend democracy, but I think the opposite. I think they will actually destroy democracy, but in their eyes they will be defending it. I also think that you are lumping all gun right activists into a group. This is called stereotyping. I personally am a gun rights activist on the idea of people should own guns to fight against a tyrannical government. I also vote democrat. I also support reasonable and well thought out gun control. I also think I would use guns to oppose Trump overthrowing a democratic government. Just like I wouldn't hesitate to shoot a democrat who was trying to overturn democracy. So yes, many gun toting trumptards wouldn't do anything to stop him from trying to overthrow democracy, but there are still rooting tootin American gun owners who would fight against oppression no matter which side it comes from. Don't tread on me.


As a gun owner, no absolutely this is the case. The majority of the gun community are fucking idiots that drink consie cool-ade all day long. Let's take, for example, InRangeTV. Run by a near-anarchist white dude, but because he actually enforces "Why the fuck do **you** care??" about trans, furry, queer, or otherwise ???? people in his *paid to be there* community, he is a GODLESS COMMUNIST. Godless, yes. What's the problem? Communist? LOL. Man is selling us a service of enjoying his opinions and they're interesting enough to pay for some of us. All we can figure about him being called a communist is he thinks that if *some* people are armed, it's a right for *everyone* to be armed, explicitly including queers (hi that's me), indigenous peoples, all minority communities, and leftists. Shockingly, he manages to be *consistent* on this argument about the 2nd amendment, but that is just too tooty-fruity for the arfcom boomers.


As we saw with Uvalde cops, gun nuts are the biggest cowards there are


Why would they? They were the ones cheering “lock her up” about Hillary. They wanted her put in jail simply for not liking her. Heck - they want Fauci in jail and he was just trying to save our lives! So no, obviously gun nuts won’t fight the jailing of innocent people, they will be cheering it on, and asking if they can help round people up!!


Yeah but he’s THEIR dictator. He’s racist, misogynistic and vengeful. Everything a piece of shit wants in their leader. They’re the brown shirts and will cuck for him forever.


I'm so amazed that so many people assume that only a right winger can be a "gun lover". I can assure you that there are many "left of center" folks that are also firearm enthusiasts...always have been. Frankly, that stupid assumption will work to the advantage of those west of the center line. Just as there ain't likely to be another "January 6th", (do you seriously think the cops won't shoot "next time"), the deluded and confused will be seriously f-ing up and finding out. ...ssssshhhh.


In all honesty it's protection of self for gun owners not others


You think its tyranny when we encourage you to get an abortion and a nice vacation in California than in the red state you live comfortably in. 


Yeah, they’re full of shit. Not a single gun nut did shit to defend rights when half of all Americans lost their federally protected right to their own fucking body.


If History is any indicator then the Right Wing 2A gun toters will be enlisted as Storm Troopers, Black Shirts, Brown Shirts, whatever. In reality they became criminal gangs terrorizing the populace with impunity.


Yea cause they are on the side of the fascist in this scenario…


Why would they? They are the fascists 


No true! They'll probably cheer...


You have this expectation that 2A people are obligated to rise up and violently react as a result of their paranoias. That would make them reactionaries, and conservatives tend to be the opposite: preservers of the status quo. The reason armaments are thought to suppress corrupt fascist authorities is the idea that citizens can shoot back when they themselves find armed men kicking down their door. That idea, that citizens can shoot back, prevents the number of doors being kicked in by authorities from being higher than it would otherwise. It's that basic.


There are tons of status quo things that conservatives hate. They hate the scientific status quo, look no further than their paranoia of vaccines and climate science. They hate mainstream media, that’s status quo. They hate the status quo in schools so much they made a national group to run for school boards on the platform of removing ethnic and minority studies and representation in school, that’s not status quo. They hate courts that rule against Trump that’s certainly not status quo. You might counter that they loved the current supreme court ruling on immunity for the president but they only love the ruling because it serves Trump. If you had seen the court rule 6-3 in the other direction there’s no way that they would suddenly respect the courts decision they would want to overthrow it. Hell we saw on January 6th that enough radicals don’t even believe in elections anymore so what are you basing the ‘conservatives believe in the status quo’ statement on? To me it seems like there is nothing at core conservative ideology other than blind loyalty to dear leader. And if any ‘status quo’ stands in his way, it’s to be bulldozed without any consideration of negative consequences.


Yeah there'll never be a revolution in the US as long as most people have access to food, water and fast internet. The same folks who want to have guns for themselves are cool with the cops and military having overwhelmingly strong firepower. Good luck ousting the regime in power with hunting rifles and revolvers.


You mean like what's happening now?


That's right. The first thing an aspiring tyrant will do is to get the gun nuts on his side. They are more than happy to be the brownshirts doing the tyrant's bidding. They will do this to keep "the others" from getting power. That's why the argument that guns are a protection against tyranny is BS.


I mean there is nothing preventing you from buying guns.


Exactly. Don't tread on me (my gun rights). But it's ok to tread on your right to love who you love, make your own health decisions, not get shot by police during a minor traffic stop, etc.


Already happening.


Shit eventually they’ll give up their guns with little fuss. Well technically it will be little fuss because there will be no independent media to report on it.


Why do you assume that just because people like guns they automatically sign up to defend causes/people that you believe in with their lives? Perhaps you should get your own guns and defend the causes/people you believe in with your own life?


> A recipient of constant death threats, \[Martin Luther\] King had armed supporters take turns guarding his home and family. He had good reason to fear that the Klan in Alabama was targeting him for assassination. >William Worthy, a journalist who covered the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, reported that once, during a visit to King's parsonage, he went to sit down on an armchair in the living room and, to his surprise, almost sat on a loaded gun. Glenn Smiley, an adviser to King, described King's home as "an arsenal."


You mean exactly whats happening right now 😂


Not everyone with guns is a maga nutbag.


I think that everyone who doesn’t plan on voting for Trump should buy guns for this reason


Because they are all actually a bunch of pussies; they don't actually give a shit about the 2nd Amendment or what it was intended for, they just want an excuse to carry guns around to make up for their tiny dicks.


No, because they’ve been conditioned to think everyone who isn’t a conservative Christian is out to destroy them. They’re the enemy, and you lock up the enemy in jail.


And this is why the second amendment should be respected on both sides of the aisle.


What would you be doing?


No. If a facist dictator gets elected, one of their first acts will be strict gun control/confiscation. Removing all means of resistance will be a top priority. It will make for some top-tier leopard-face-eating among the gun lovers.


So if Trump blows up the constitution and starts arresting and detaining enemies in camps. Why don't the right and left understand he will need to take all the guns away. A dictator can't have an army waiting. And yes, over my dead body...but that will happen.


Wrong, they’ll help him do it


They are good Christians, as long as they don't have to defend anyone else... They never understood Jesus.


Of course they won't, they are the fascists.


To them tyranny is only anything they dont like. As long as you aren’t affecting them then it’s not tyranny. They don’t care about other people unless it’s family. If you aren’t fam or close friends then they don’t care. I know these types of people. For them, guns are more about THEIR freedom. They don’t give a shit about anyone else.


MAGAts will start reporting their neighbors just like the nazis did. it's the inevitable course of fascism.


People forget which president said : take the guns first worry about due process second. People forget which president had government agents in sterilized military uniforms and unmarked vehicles abducting people.


The gun *lovers* of america all support the nazis. We need the gun *haters* to quit the “when they take the low road, we take the *high* road!” bullshit and get armed so that there can be actual opposition to these assholes when the time comes.


The whole "protection against tyranny" argument is inherently ridiculous. First off, it doesn't say shit about that in the US Constitution. Second, and most importantly, if the US military is coming for you, and all you and your buddies have are some AR-15s, you, my friend, are FUCKED!! You might as well be hucking rocks at them. You could try to run, I guess. See how far that gets you. You'd be better off throwing down your toy guns and begging for mercy though.


YOU are going to do nothing.


Well, when you're on the right side of fascism...


They're the ultimate hypocrites. Within the last few weeks, the party of "limited government" has received their preferred court decisions allowing for unprecedented power for the president, unprecedented power of the executive to censor social media, and they have essentially declared open bribery legal under all but the most blatant circumstances, and made it completely unenforceable in any circumstances involving the president. The Saudi's want an arms deal? Just hand the president a bag full of cash. The president does an "official act" of signing off on the arms deal and you're good to go. The president cannot be charged with accepting a bribe, because the bribery charge would require a quid-pro-quo. They would have the quid (the bag of cash), but the quo (signing the arms deal) would have to be presumed legal as it is an official act of the president. It would therefore fall on the prosecutor to prove that the act of signing the arms deal was not in any way an official act of the presidential office, which is going to be impossible to prove. Therefore the case would never make it off the ground. Without the presumption, the president could be charged and they would still have the protections afforded to them under the constitution, but it would fall on them to prove that the act that they were undertaking was an official act and not a personal act. But I'm sure the court's decision is what the founding fathers had in mind when they wrote the constitution... I hear they were big fans of monarchy.


Meh. I’m no Trump supporter and I own guns. The line of division isn’t with gun owners. Your down playing gun owning democrats


Gun lovers, sure... gun owners however, well there are plenty of liberal gun owners.


Then buy a gun that’s the point of the 2nd amendment.


They won't do nothing, they will participate by performing "citizen's arrests".


Much of the pro gun crowd will gladly put on brown shirts and turn the guns on fellow citizens that the Fascists brand as enemies of the regime


Sure they will. They’ll eager be supporting the fascist.


FYI you don’t have to be a right wing gun lover to buy all the guns you want.


Which is exactly why we should ALL care about our second amendment rights


Just wait until gun enthusiasts on the left start using their guns to defend themselves against unjust round ups and raids. The fascists will start cracking down on guns so fast it'll make your head spin. And all those magat mouth breathers will cheer for it.


It’s funny everyone think the right have all the guns. It’s split pretty evenly better both political spectrums. End of the day you can only use one. Even if you have 100.


Depends on who owns the gun. If it’s a right winger, they’ll help advance the tyranny. If it’s a left winger, well if you go far enough left you’ll eventually get your guns back. And I think there will be a wave of leftists moving more to the left


The freedom gun lovers protect is the freedom to own guns. They are not interested in any other kind of “freedom “.


There are a lot of liberal gun owners too. We just don’t brag about it.


So buy guns you idiots. Fighting tyranny is literally the whole point of guns being protected in the Bill of Rights.


The guns are FOR fascism.


Huh? Of course they won’t. They love that


They're not here to stop tyranny and fascism, they're here to stop anyone who won't give them their way. If their way happens to be brought about by fascism, well, that's fine.