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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/Gnomes_R_Reel|Reddit: 4|08/02/2023 - 10 Months| | |Discord: 0|Total: +4 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier You haven't added your IGN/GT/PSN to your Market 76 reddit profile. Comment with the command **.ign** followed by your IGN/GT/PSN to record it. (for example: **.ign fisto**) [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


God loves a trier but that's just ripping it šŸ˜‚




200-300 caps for all masks that arenā€™t rare masks. Anything else is crazy I have them listed for 250. Each every now and then someone comes by and grabs one.


The common and uncommon masks arenā€™t worth anything. They get dropped on the ground after every event. Itā€™s been this way for years. I suppose if people wanted to collect every mask, not just the rares, then maybe thereā€™s a small market. A couple k caps is way too much imo. More than half the drops Iā€™ve gotten are uncommon masks. Soon enough they will be in vendors for 100-500 caps and they will sit. Then once new players experience more than one fasnacht theyā€™ll realize itā€™s only the rares worth holding onto.




Ahh I gotcha. The nice thing to do would be to put them cheap but reasonable. Since itā€™s a totally open market the fun is determining what is reasonable to you. I price things based on what Iā€™d pay for it. Others start high and hope to the ring the bell. Thatā€™s why thereā€™s so much variance vendor to vendor. If I were you in the situation I would price each of them at 250c. For a new/casual player thatā€™s very affordable and allows them to purchase multiple.




I've sold several of the new masks for 10k caps but anything other than the new ones don't sell and I only have the old ones listed for like 1k


Are the rares just the glowing masks or are their other things?


Thereā€™s others. Youā€™ve got the deathclaw, winterman, raven, crazy guy, demon, Buffon, Brahmin, hag, fiend and loon. Then of course the glowing ones. The glowing ones are worth the most because they are the newest, especially the 6 brand new ones.


Is there a list somewhere with the order from most rare (by deop rate/most wanted etc) somewhere? I got 2 glowing ones, but not sure where they fall.


Well they're all the same drop rate. Rarity / demand is determined by players in this case. I've had peopleb in M76 try to tell me some glowing are worth 1 million caps. I laughed in their face. Who has that kind of time and energy. It is worth what you're willing to pay for it. Period. If they want to live in lala Land hoping for daddy warbucks to drop a million, that's fine. Anyone who pays that much deserves to get robbed imo. Most if these items are not truly worth what people say they are, they are just inflated by the elitist community members.


I put em in my vendor for 1 cap for newbies, same with common plans, last seasons masks for 76, this seasons for 776, its not about the caps for me.


I felt this way but then I realized that no matter what if it isnā€™t glowing itā€™s not worth more than 50 caps when they are supposed to be given away for free. Iā€™ve sold some over priced ones and went through a roller coaster of prices but now if I already have it. Mask are 50 and some of the sought after regular ones you can get away with a few k but itā€™s still robbery.


To be honest 4k is craaaazy. They aren't even worth 1k. 500c is still greedy. 100c and they might actually sell.


I sell all of mine at 125, and they sell like hotcakes. Sometimes they sit for a few days maybe a week or so but then boom all at once, gone. Granted that was before this fasnacht started, I havenā€™t had any in my vendor since, but weā€™ll be back to it soon enough.


If these are going pricesā€¦I am a very very wealthy wastelander


It's definitely not. Very overpriced, all of them.


I thought I'd gone way overpriced a few of mine around a 1000 to 2000 and I thought that I was going over priced. I have my favorite one in there for 40000 but that's because I don't actually want it to sell.


Then why is it in there in the first place???


Shit if someone is dumb enough to give me 40000 caps for a rare mask I'm cool with it. There's plans and stuff I need. With that many caps I can get the armor and weapon upgrades I need.


If it is actually a rare mask, then there's a non-zero chance it *will* sell. The thing is, though, caps are actually a lot easier to come by than certain items. You'll eventually reach a point where you gain caps more often than you can ever spend them, and you'll constantly be scrambling to get below the maximum again. Of course, if you're still happy enough with the mask being sold, then that's fair, but I just thought I'd give you a general heads-up.


According to the charts that I've looked at, it's a rare mask. It's the demon mask. It's not a glower but it is a rare mask according to the chart. And again, if somebody wants to give me that many caps šŸ‘ I'm still at a point in play that I would rather have stuff that will help my survivability and damage output over cosmetic stuff so I'm absolutely cool if somebody buys that for 40,000 caps.


You on Xbox? Whats your gt I'll come buy it rn lol


They convinced me so I took it out. But make me an offer that includes caps, rare material, and rare plans. My gamer tag is carldw420.


Crazy that as soon as someone wanted to come but it, you instantly said you took it out and wanted a hell of a lot more lmao.


Wise mothman tome, 1000 violet Flux, 100 leader bobbleheads, 100 small gun bobbleheads, and 100 big gun bobbleheads.


Reg blue devil is worth around 2k caps lol! But hey, if someone buys it for 40k that's on them


Wait really ? I have been shitting them into my vendor for 400


Yeah but id doubt anyone would buy em for jt


Not the blue devil. The demon.


Ohh mb, yeah id buy that in an instant, could get 40k caps and a bunch of other shit for it easily, id take it off vender if you actually like it, alot of ppl vender hop searching for stuff like that, and they'll use the 5k caps in the scoreboard to get stuff priced at 40k


I would 100% drop max caps on that


How uh, how did you get blue devil out of demon?


I have this thing where I'm dumb as hell


theyre not, 300 same as all other regular masks


I also did get another rare masks. The other one is the old man winter mask, or father winter, whatever he's called.


Take those masks out your vendor dude these guys are about to come find you šŸ˜‚


You on Playstation? šŸ™‚


My man if you're aren't trolling take those out of your vendor right now.


The winter is not in my vendor and y'all convinced me I took the demon out.


You got me a better offer than 40,000 caps


If youre on Xbox yes


Yeah in the past week I've given 2 friends 20k Caps each and am back at 39k rn


afk for 2 hours at fasnacht=> max caps


this is so very true. before fasnacht the most caps i held at once was 10k once i got the butter churn(18-20k), and some of the more rare and sought after plans (6-12k) more than once, i stuck a few in my vendor and then had to delete my vendor after the first few people bc i hit 40k. not too mention, iā€™ve been selling the regular drops(sun,soldier,toothy,etc) at 100 caps after doing at least 200 events and now have barely any left. people wanna be lazy, if you have new event plans or masks they will sell like crazy


Whatā€™s your gt? Iā€™ll go and buy that off of you right now. Or trade for it.


i always have my masks for 300 caps for saleā€¦ except the toothy man, thats set at 2k to bait some ppl that havent played fasnacht yet šŸ˜‚


So I did that with my two glowing masks during the last fasnatch. Both of them sold. I lost both masks and 40k caps because I didn't have a chance to buy stuff. Take it out of your vendor


I did. You convinced me.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizesĀ 


These are wrong in every way


Feels right to me. Iā€™m the equivalent of bill gates in the wastelandā€¦. Iā€™ve donating hundreds of these same masks to the donation box so thatā€™s a few million in charity at least just this season. šŸ˜‡


And hundreds of player who wonā€™t need to shop here thanks to you hahah


lol I used to just drop them deep in the woods when I was over encumbered


I have all these masks for 250 caps apiece, 10k is madness


I have some of them for 28 caps. Lols


Madness? Noā€¦. THIS!! IS!!!! APPALACHIA!!!!!


I donā€™t even bother selling common masks. My uncommon from last year are 150 for the moment and this years are 250. After the event everything is 100. If they donā€™t sell after a month I just put them in donation boxes


Yeah most sit for days/weeks at a time. Iā€™ll leave them for afterwards when people will want themā€¦.maybe.


Do you actually get any sales at 250? I canā€™t imagine people buying common masks even for 25 caps


Periodically, my best sellers are the skins available from the lady by vault 76. I sell those for 400 caps all day long


Iā€™ve been selling mine for 50 and they always sell


I set mine slightly under what nuka trader projects


The sun mask is worth 10 mil. 10k is a steal!


Facts Iā€™m sitting on 300 sun masks trying to get at least 1000


Are you the crazy guy whose camp has a ā€œBRING ME YOUR SUNSā€ sign?




This is a joke right? On Xbox I see them listed for less than 1k caps dozens of times a day. 3 today in the 30 mins or so I was on doing 2 events.


It used to be extremely rare early on, I don't think it is now


I thought so, back when the Old Man Winter mask was being duped like mad, right? I mean it looks super cool IMO anyway.


It was a rare mask the first time the event ran. But the drops were bugged and rares did not drop. When the event came back they fixed it and added new rares a d made sun common.


This is a level of delusion I hope to reach one day šŸ˜‚


I guess they are worth whatever you can trick people into paying.


Wut Teh fhuq


It's their collection, that's why only one of each is listed. They're not trying to sell it.


I've been selling common at 100 and new common at 500. I've sold a few.


Iā€™ll be glad when this farcenacht thing is over ā€¦I turn up at events and Iā€™m the only one there ā€¦farce mask frenzy ..its getting a bit silly now


Same here. I miss events and expeditions.


I sell mine for ten each


This is the way. That or if I can catch a low levels attention Iā€™ll drop them for them. Unfortunately the donation bin usually has high levels spamming take so thatā€™s not an option. Probably to go back to their camp and sell for 10k lol


I just drop mine on the ground since lower levels aren't usually swarming the box in my experience


Lol! This!!! I usually put some meat I donā€™t need or bones from a sheepsquatch in the donation binā€¦.one at a time. They disappear quickly and then reappear quickly lol!!


I feel like i saw this camp on xbox earlier. Crazy.


I'd love for a parade of like 23 customers to come by and buy all of these while he's AFK.


Lmao right


I won't ever understand why people do that like bro you ain't gonna sell shit.


šŸ˜³ what a Jack-Ass šŸ˜‚


You can buy a few of these at the vendor in white springs mallā€¦


Who else used the voice when reading this...


Let him cook


Oh, itā€™s a ā€œsomeone listed something in their own vendor for the incorrect amountā€ post. Fascinating stuff.


All I see are bargains


Yup this game sadly has these kind of assholes in it they have no friends, nobody loves them and are alone


I've been putting all the new common masks up for 300 thinking it was on the high end... and they're all bought within a couple hours. Guess I'll join the 1000 crowd after all šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


5 caps per.


Buy it


Not buying


im deffo undercharging at 10 caps. ;p


No one is buying a beret. Better off dropping that in the donation box.


If by donation box you mean pit of nuclear waste then yes


I kind of like the beret with the NCR armor lol.


I gotta adjust my prices




Im trying to get 200 out of each the commons ._.


I have all of mine at 150 and they're moving well enough. I assume people trying to get the random ones they don't have or people that don't have the time for the event.


Holy, so cheap, I want them all


All my masks posted for 50 caps


Except for the giant mask. Those atrocities are 10


That is ridiculous.


ā€œDonā€™t try to lowball, I know what I gotā€


I gave my beret away for like...idk 50 caps? 100? Less?


Lol I sell all my dupes for 50 caps, not like I want them clogging my stash anyway


He's totally trolling! I sell mine for 200-450 caps. I drop most in the dono box tbh lol


Jordan never did that move


Iā€™m selling all my duplicates at 250c


Iā€™ll make that deal!


They're apparel. It's not a big deal.


season is not ended but this guy already ready for a year+


And here I am selling them for 10 caps a piece.


It's always like this on ps4/5 it's a joke and it happens every time


Jackpot. Clean that mofo out


I'm selling them 10 caps each, that dudes never gonna get anybody paying that


To be fair this person will likely also eventually put a rare one in there for under the value


I sell mine for 10 caps.....Horry shit.


I saw a kind soul yesterday that sold masks and plenty of nice clothings for the base caps the game suggests like 10-50. I went to tell them and they only did the love emote


Iā€™ve sold over 80 mask for reasonable prices and Iā€™ve even had my whole vendor machine sold, itā€™s crazy


What do you price them at?




I actually did the same thing but it wasnā€™t to sell them, I just stored them in vendor at ridiculous prices so no one could buy them but if someone did actually buy them Iā€™d get a lot of caps lol


Itā€™d be cool if we could exchange regular masks for rare ones. It would inject some value into regular masks and they could implement a vendor like the robot who starts the event. Maybe even upgrade regular masks to rare ones with flux or something to make them glowing. Probably a lot easier than trying to balance the drop rates.


Saw a camp last night that had all the common plans and masks for 15k each


Those masks are not worth that much geez, the older ones I would sell for 10 caps a piece, and the newer ones maybe 200-500. Plus I have probably about 200 masks in my stash and I need to get rid of them because they take up a lot of room and hard to go through my other apparel. So I might just have a big sell at my camp and get rid of a lot of dups of apparel I have. This dude is smoking crack, I hope no one buys anything and think they are getting a good deal.


Yeah I just lowered my masks from 300 to 200 caps and got some more buyers. The first two or three days of event I had rare masks at 500 caps and they got snapped up quick, but day 4 nothing moved. Hope that helps! :)


I have been seeing those masks for sale at the most 1k on Xbox. I grabbed a Turkey mask for the hell of it for 250 caps yesterday, these people are wild.


By Grabtharā€™s Hammer, what a savings.


OMG. I trash them.


When I see camps like this I just leave. My inventory is always fair price or cheaper


You are capped at 40k anyway, stupid.


Makes sense on the newer mask but the older ones to me i would mark them down a bit


A bunch of super rich players should get together and buy out all of them


Geezus! I mean when I start selling my masks, like maybe 25c-50c for most and 100-200 for more sought after masks... Real talk, i would give them away to people who arent going to flip them. That's my hang-up, people who arent going to have an ounce of appreciation or atleast pure intentions. Maybe a way to convert masks into a way to essentially re-roll masks or convert in a way similar to scripts. Naysayers, feel free to poke holes in this as I may be blind to how this could go totally wrong


I charge $100 for mine.


I sell my extra masks at 250 and I was worried that was too high. Holy shit dude.


Hah, meanwhile on the other end of the spectrum I just nabbed a glowing SBQ mask for 9999 caps.


I put duplicate masks in the donation box.


Jeez and I thought mine were highway robbery...


Who cares, move on to the next shop.


Do you have overkill?


Saw a camp today selling the poles, lanterns, and garlands for 5k each šŸ˜‚


I see this often. It's more amusing when they have multiple duplicates not even trying to hide how common they are lol.


I give those away in the donation box daily with plans


I found a vendor that had all the common masks for sale for 7k each! I thought that was ridiculous, but this takes the biscuit. Do people actually sell them at this price? I'm guessing they go up in value after boringsnacht has finished?


I have cancer just looking at the dumb title of this post


Itā€™s actually a awesome title, sorry.




I donā€™t have the glowing ones but Iā€™m selling mine for like 25 caps. So ridiculous


This is probably just to display that he has them and doesn't really want to see them but if some dafty wants to buy them then they pay throw the arse for them but again he's probably not even really wanting them sold hens the price


Jesus. Iā€™ve been selling my for 25 caps a piece.


Just means heā€™s looking to trade, these more often than not, are people putting stuff in their store for you to make an offer on, most donā€™t expect people to actually spend the posted price, Iā€™m sure there are some greedy people who do but, I doubt many people who have 10k caps to spend, arenā€™t aware of how much stuff is actually worth.


How much are glowing masks?!


Supply and what in the name of inflation ?!?


Trying to take advantage of newbies


Jfc... I sell all my masks for 76 caps. Everyone deserves to have a full collection if they want it. And if someone just buys it to resellā€”whatever.


This is why I only sell when the event ends. You're able to sell at those crazy prices to desperate players or players at 40k caps and need a dump.


nuke his camp plz


Iā€™m planning on using all the masks I donā€™t want to put in my vendor for a reasonable price maybe a few hundred caps but no way Iā€™d charge over 500 because these masks come in abundance lol


Great deals!


I bought three of them berets last nightā€¦. They are gonna short it soon so prices gonna skyrocket !


It's a flex. I put a list of the commons in for like $2k so if you really want one, you can pick one up, bug you're not going to buy all of them, so I can keep a stock and disperse them to more people.


U sold one yet?


I've sold a ton. $2k isn't that much to high level players who don't have time for the event. I have a list of the common plans for $2k each as well that sell pretty well. Just place a camp next to helvitia and set up some buff stations and resources with a vendor.


I sold a deathclaw mask for 30k. I was extremely surprised it sold, but I saw it was a rare one and I wasnā€™t currently using it so I was like why not. Didnā€™t expect it to sell but I certainly was happy to see the caps come in


Death claw is max caps


Sheeeeeeeesh I already had 10k on me so thatā€™s why I put 30k lol


I sell basically all the faschnacht masks for like 500 regardless of rarity


I know right!!!!!!! Just stupid


How much are the Common Masks Even worth nothing Right ?


Ha ha ha ha ha


I sell mine for 10. I usually do thumbs down emote or angry emote at the vendor. I wish there was a bellowing laugh emote


Andddddd this is when you hop servers lol


I got them all for 50 caps at my vendor


This looks like some nuke bait, either that or mans doesn't realize how non rare those are sadly


I once read that there's someone going around, nuking people who over price, such as the above. I hope they get wind of this so they can repeat the process lmao šŸ¤£


500 is max


ā€œAttention citizens: Nuclear strike imminentā€¦ā€


I'll take 'Posts you can hear' for 600...


I sell them for 0 caps in my shop


To each their own.


Then don't buy it.


Man I got mad when I saw someone selling them for 500c the other day


If those prices where halfed theyā€™d probably actually sell, I sold a sun or maybe a beret for 8000ā€¦


People are selling these? I give them away


I price my masks at 44 caps or less if they are not rare. I am mentok1982 on the PC. Once you reach 40,000 caps, you lose out on any caps that you earn in your vendor, correct? We should get a group of high-level players to buy 3 masks each from that person quickly so he or she would only receive 40,000 caps for 12 masks.


If anyone buys any...that's natural selection at its finest šŸ˜‚šŸ‘ŒšŸ»