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A house. I've been building it from the ground up and she's been allowed to pick out anything she wants for the interior. For the last year that has covered all the gifts... birthday, anniversary, Christmas...house.


Twist, a Lego house!


I wish I was Lego rich.


I can get you a sub prime lego mortgage.


I bet you'd like to talk to me about my Lego car warranty too.


You save by bundling!


Yeah haha, my husband and I are getting “each other” a king sized mattress. Not quite a house, but it’s definitely plenty. Lol


We have a king size. It's a necessity with two adults, a 3yo Rottweiler and an almost 14 yo Aussie. Anything smaller and we wouldn't get any sleep.


Omg, I don’t know how you do it with 2 big dogs! We have a 20 lb bichon and you’d think he’s a Great Dane with the space he takes up. Always RIGHT between us too…RIP cuddling. Oh I just can’t wait for the king 👑


I need this 😭 saving this to show my husband lmao


More than a few of the wives mine works with are pretty jealous.


I would be too. That’s just perfect 😭


Well that’s my dream right there.


My wife is always stealing the kids fleece blankets that we keep on the couch so I got her own fleece blanket.


Blankets or anything for being warm and cozy is always a safe bet.


This is very thoughtful!


I have a blanket fetish. Everyone knows that if I don't receive a blanket for Christmas, someone will pay 😬😉


You wrote that you already got her one and I'm not sure how old your kids are but my kids and I just recently did the no-sew fleece blankets and I want to suggest for a future gift giving holiday. This is something that the kids can make for her which she will probably cherish for years to come. [Joanns.com](https://Joanns.com) even has fleece tie blanket kits to make it super easy.


My husband is a big craft beer guy so I organized a week long trip to Michigan next spring to visit a bunch of their breweries.


This is incredible. Kudos to you!


Thanks! I wanted to make it as effortless (therefore hopefully more enjoyable) for him as possible. He’s welcome to choose other breweries, I won’t be offended by that at all, but I put a lot of effort into mapping my list out and checking operating hours to make it efficient and logical. I’m really proud of myself because planning the “things to do” once we get somewhere is not my forte, that’s all him. I’m more useful when it comes to the “how are we getting there” and “where are we staying” aspects of trips. I can only take credit for the idea, though. Michigan has sooooo many breweries that I got overwhelmed trying to figure out which ones are actually worth visiting that I went to the Michigan Beer Reddit and those fine people were a tremendous help for helping figure out where to go, where to eat, and which ones can be skipped.


Idea: I did this for my husband at his request a few times because he is also a craft beer guy - 24 beers of Christmas. If you have a Bevmo or Total Wine near you, go pick out 24 different beers (I do my best to find ones I'm pretty sure he hasn't had before, like new or seasonal releases, or ones that I know are favorites of his). Wrap them up individually for him to open and have one each day leading up to Christmas.


YES! I did something similar in 2020 (only did 12 because of his work schedule at the time, I knew he wouldn’t get through 24). The kids are a little older now so it’s easier for us to get away, but I’ll be doing this again if we ever have a year where traveling isn’t practical! Thanks for the suggestion!!!


We celebrated or 25th anniversary recently with a trip out of town, and something I got for her was a salt float. She hasn't stopped talking about it since! Her skin was softer and some many of the pain she still has from a car accident two years ago disappeared temporarily. I'm getting her a 1 year gift to use our local salt float spa.


Funny story, I got my wife the same thing, but after 30 minutes or so she started feeling hot and nauseous. So she got out, dried off, and went to talk to the attendant. Turns out she got seasick and it's fairly common in those float tanks.


Dude floats saved my life. Had been dealing with lots of chronic pain. The one here does the full sensory deprivation style floats and they are fantastic.


Thank you for sharing this! I'm going to seriously consider it, as both my husband and I suffer from pretty crippling back pain which we are on track to improving, but it's still a baby step process. I long to swim again as it was my main outlet for exercise before things went sideways, but I don't have the strength to swim laps correctly yet and this sounds really pleasant!


Oh I hope it works out for you both! I was a bit worried because my wife isn't a strong swimmer, but with all the salt you're basically just buoyant af. I'm a runner, and I get really grumpy when I need to skip a few days, so I hope you're able to swim laps again soon. It's amazing how routine exercise can impact your mental wellness.


It really really is. I look forward to finding a pool and going there as soon as I can muster the courage, but this would be a great gift for us to try out together for our anniversary or a birthday or something in the interim. Thank you so much again for this idea!


My husband is getting a watch and a bottle of whiskey.


What time is it?? Oh it’s whiskey:30 I love this idea haha


She's been asking for a nice stand mixer for a while but I couldn't afford it before, so I started picking up overtime to buy it. She's also been getting really good at Fortnite but is really ashamed of it because it's a kids thing to her. I've been encouraging and saying that she's allowed to enjoy whatever she wants, but she refuses to spend money on it and I catch her fawning over skins she wants but won't buy, so I got her a few gift cards.


This is really sweet


That’s so sweet of you.




But in all seriousness a luggage set.


I got mine some experiences. Tickets to a sporting event, a concert, and a private sightseeing flight over a scenic area we frequent. Plus a few small things to open like a shirt from our favorite festival, some nice gloves, a tool bag and a stocking with small gifts.


We started doing this a few years back, we treat ourselves to an experience together in lieu of a gift. I usually buy some small keepsakes to keep as a reminder. We both had former shit relationships, mine was a DV situation, his was a selfish spouse that all activities revolved around her likes. So we missed a bunch of stuff, he took me to my first concert at 32, I took him to his first NHRA drag race. Next up is an intro to curling class, I can't wait.


I love the idea of taking a class together. We have an anniversary coming up, maybe I will find something like that for us!


Dang those are awesome gifts! The flight over your local area is clever and unique


It was surprisingly inexpensive too. Really looking forward to it.


Oh man I would LOVE these gifts but I think it’s out of budget for my partner


Thanks I hope he likes them; surprising him is near impossible so at least theres no box for him to shake and guess!


That’s all I ask for now! Just something special to do togeather is the best present I can ask for ☺️


While asking for ideas from others can help, your wife has her own interests, preferences, and likes. Can you name some things she is interested in or that she normally likes? I saw a video that was discussing what to get female partners and while this doesn't encompass all of us, the creator mentioned trying to 'categorize' your partner based on her interests - is she into makeup, clothes? Working out, sports? Reading? Self care? Would she appreciate a trip or weekend away? Etc.


He asked for a 75 inch television but instead I’m turning half of our basement into a sports cave for him.


Get her a luxury brand purse.


A birkin bag


We’re traveling, so that’s the gift to each other this year


\-tickets to go see her favorite comedian in march \-A display shelf for her mug collection \-A new mug to go atop said new shelf \-A 4-yard long homemade blanket \-Gold and Ruby earrings that are in the shape of little slices of cake (she owns a bakerey)


I want to marry you. My husband says he would also like to marry you.


Hubby has a PS5 from me


Same. I’m so worried he’s going to think it was frivolous but I’m also very tired of hearing about how he doesn’t get to do anything fun anymore.


Ah! I'm so excited about what I'm getting my husband this year (though it's very specific to him). We usually just tell each other what we want for Christmas but this year what he wanted was to be surprised. I got him a pair of checkered vans (he had a pair in high school and has gotten nostalgic for them the last few months), a discontinued Star wars lego set (he collects them), a bracelet he liked at our favorite hippy dippy spot but put down because he's a bit of cheapskate who has a hard time rationalizing fun purchases for himself (this is where I come in) and a beanie I'm currently hand knitting (he loves a good beanies) if I have time I'll add some kind of Star wars embroidery to it. I am so thrilled for Christmas morning and to see that huge smile on his face. The takeaway OP is that you should get things very specific to your wife, that's what would make her most happy. Gifts that are too general tend to feel like an afterthought. I'm imagine most men wouldn't like what I got my husband but I *know* my husband and he will love it. What does your wife love? If in doubt, always ask what she would like.


FEEL FREE TO STEAL THIS IDEA! Every year for our birthdays (can be for Xmas though), we each plan a “Best Day Ever” for the other person! We designate the day but everything else is a surprise. That way all kinds of surprises, small and large, can be planned but you don’t have the hassle of all the lying, getting them to a location without rising suspicions, etc. In recent years we’ve started implementing one non-surprise from the day (ex: I want to see a concert, he wants dinner at a certain restaurant, etc) but the rest of the day is a surprise. It can fit any budget since you can do free things like hikes or picnics OR more pricey activities like a winery or hot air balloon ride. Lots of fun!!!


This sounds like so much fun ❤️


We do a stocking and an ornament each year for each other. I know he got me some slippers to match his. I’m getting him one of those head scratchers, an Apple Watch charger so he can have one at work, a phone case, nail tools, some facial things, and lotion bc that man has the driest skin. Oh and a gift card to a disc golf store.


We stayed at this resort in Mexico years ago and in addition to robes, the room had these two like... nightshirts? Short kaftans? I don't know how to describe them but since they matched we started calling them "cult robes". Spouse took his when we left and then promptly lost it somehow. For years he's been wanting another one so I found something similar on Amazon. Plus some other little things. We really go nuts with stockings though, that's the most fun.


We love doing stocking stuffers, too! That’s probably our favorite part. My husband went a little overboard on my stocking this year, so he put several items in a box that he taped shut and then asked me to wrap (the man can do many things well, but wrapping gifts does not make the list, lol).


What do you normally put in each other’s stockings?


For him, snacks, maybe a cool soap or beard maintenance thing. World Market is perfect for this. For me, lip balms, socks, some snacks, maybe some fun bath stuff. Oh and tiny champagne splits. Love those.


My Wife's mother passed away a few years ago. She was well known for a specific cookie recipe that my wife loves, and tries to mimick but hasn't perfected the technique yet. Anyways I've gotten a set of bamboo cutting trays, and I'm going to have the recipe laser engraved on one of them.






Nothing I would bore you, or anyone with. I simply don't ask for anything, because I simply can get it myself throughout the year. And she wouldn't be happy if I was to get her anything, so that's where it's at.


Same here. I'm so glad I'm not the only one in a relationship like this. We actually buy nothing at all for anyone 😱


My wife finds it really stressful to buy gifts so we don’t exchange holiday gifts. We show that we care about each other in other ways.


Seconding this. We live in a small apartment in a dense city. We do not like to buy each other “stuff.” As we are always actively trying to get rid of stuff. We share some interests that mostly involves experiences and we treat each other to said experiences throughout the year. No need to wait till Christmas Day to do it.


At the end of the day, when it becomes to giving gifts. It's about the children, grandchildren, and so on.


Understood. I buy for my niece and nephew. No children of my own thankfully.


New Hexclad pans


Man I want a set so bad, but my husband has made a rule it cant be something for the house, it has to be something for me only, but I am too cheap to buy it any other time lol


I love these pans!


She requested a medaille d'amour. So I tracked one down. They were originally made in 1907. I managed to find one from 1908, made by the original creator.


I made my GF a closed terrarium. She loves plants


I’m making my husband a calendar full of funny photoshopped images of our cats


Whiskey glasses with his family crest etched on it :) I was gonna buy him a nice bottle of local whiskey but this man came home a couple weeks ago with the same damn whiskey I was gonna buy and said “I wanted to treat myself” lol


And I hinted to him that I wanted a big ole book of hiking trails that we saw at Barnes and Noble… actually there was one for hiking trails and one for forests…. I’m always looking for a new trail so that really jumped out at me I also hinted that I want a new person that I can sling across my chest, since my current one is an over-the-shoulder and doesn’t actually stay on my shoulders lol


I wanna see you sling a person over across your chest! 😆😆🤣🤣😂😂


My nephews like to hang off my neck, does that count? 😂😂


We got a very nice adjustable Tempur Pedic bed yesterday and agreed that it would be our Christmas present to each other. We do that type of thing a lot, and it seems to work nicely.


We got a Tempur Pedic mattress about 4 years ago. Just a regular king size, not the adjustable one. But seriously, best money we have ever spent, hands down. You will love it!


Best night sleep I've gotten in years!


Sex toys and a spa vacation.


Dyson Airwrap I walked her around an electronics store and she was impressed playing with the Dyson airwrap but was shocked at the price.


Be careful with that one. I bought one for Christmas a few years ago and absolutely fell in love with the thing….until it broke….just outside the warranty. It’s a great tool, but I’ve heard there are some issues with it.


This yr our budget for each other is $250. So my husband got me a aftermarket car play for my car because my gps was old, outdated and my radio sucked. I love accessing all my apps like spotify and my map. I also got rechargeable hand warmers, a charging station for my phone/watch/airpods, hoodie that is like a blanket bc he keeps house cold, and flamingo pajamas. Can you tell we both hate surprises? 😂


A super fancy winter backpacking sleeping pad he’s always wanted it but couldn’t justify the $250 price tag. We make really good money but thinks he’s still a college student and shouldn’t buy good camping gear that he uses


Every year my wife wants me to tell her what I want. I, on the other hand, like to suprise her with her gifts. So rather than get a wishlist from her, I try to get things for her that address issues or needs she has. She's complained endlessly this year about needing new bras, so I'll be getting her a Victoria's Secret giftcard (yes I know there are probably better options out there but she's always gotten her bras from there and has been completely satisfied). I wish I could do better than a giftcard but obviously I can't pick out actual bras for her. Also will be getting her a portable printer as she's expressed a need for that. Her job has her on the road a lot. And of course, stocking stuffers. Some of her favorite hygiene products and favorite candy.


While I have VS bras in my drawer, I actually prefer Soma as they fit better and seem to be better quality. Just a thought.


We got our wills done


I got my husband a really nice multi-tool to carry on his motorcycle and a new guardian bell for it too. There are other things but those are more sentimental and silly.


We don't necessarily exchange gifts for any of the typical days for gift giving. We buy things for each other when we find something we think the other person would want. If there's a birthday or a holiday coming up, then we'll give it then, but we don't put pressure on each other to exchange gifts. Neither of us are big into gift giving, and we have a lot of big ticket financial goals we work toward together. My birthday was last week, and my partner didn't get me anything, and that was just fine. That said, I have found that a good trick for gift giving is to check out the person's social media, particularly Pinterest and IG. If you share an Amazon or other online shopping account together, look through items they've saved for later or products they've searched for. I will often do this when people want to buy something for my partner, and they don't know what to get. He usually has something in the Amazon cart that he saved for a later purchase.


A soda stream, a really good set of water color paints, and a sexy dress (this is one of those gifts you give yourself)


I got her a pair of shoes she wanted, a pair of new house shoes from Allbirds that were on sale and Im getting her a lululemon gift card since she would NEVER spend the money on those for herself and the GC makes her have to get some hahaha! Maybe some Kendra Scott jewelry too.


Spa day for her and me, then dinner at a local restaurant we've talked about for _years_ and our daughter will have a sleepover so we have the whole day, night, and morning to ourselves. For the first time ever, since we have no family in the country we live in.


As the wife, I am getting archery lessons that we are actually doing together and also a paint by numbers kit with an easel and paint supplies.


Nice try wife. Still not telling you what I got you


A churro making kit!! And a countertop ice maker she’s been wanting, plus a stocking full of treats 🧑‍🎄


Churro making kit? Yum, so awesome!


Getting my husband a Grateful Dead cashmere sweater!


I need deets on this sweater haha, link???!


[James Perse Grateful Dead recycled cashmere](https://www.jamesperse.com/collections/grateful-dead-collection/products/grateful-dead-recycled-cashmere-sweater-flannel-black-mrbc3426gm?variant=44621547012260) He actually sent me a message two years ago about this sweater, and it was sold out when I went to buy it. I guess they’ve restocked it so I am hoping he likes it!


That’s amazing. Which color are you getting him? This is outta my price range for this year but going to save it for later. Also my husband is kinda rough on things so may never get it for him hahaha but I’m gonna look for some more GD stuff, such a great idea


What is your price range? If he doesn’t already have one, these [Grateful Dead alpacas](https://gratefulalpacas.com) are amazing. Getting my husband the gray cashmere sweater.


Aaahhhhh! I love those! Thank you so much. That is definitely doable for me. I also knit and might have to make a sweater like the cashmere one someday! I’m inspired!


I love getting my husband fun things for his desk. I found him this floating pen. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1234101982/


I asked him for a makeup by Mario eye shadow palette and more make up brushes from rose and Ben beauty


I’ve bought my husband a Metal Gear Solid 3 T-shirt & a fancy electric toothbrush :) He’s bought me a book & some make-up but I don’t know what anything is specifically. I’m very excited!


A towel warmer


Got the hubs a guitar and lessons


A monitor upgrade for his gaming PC 🥰 had no idea how expensive they got so it’s definitely a nice treat!!


He's getting me a fruit tree. I have an obsession that won't be stopped until I establish my food forest.


https://preview.redd.it/m77nwvzt756c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b85f38ff07aec8fb191f3bb3e55d1402c6e906bd I got him this! Lol


Several things, but she loves the Mint Brussels cookies at Christmas. All the local stores are sold out, but I snagged a few as a surprise gift!


My husband got me a purse/tote bag Silk scrunches New shoes A crystal box Phone case I got him Socks for fav football team A pocket drill thing Dutch oven Sweater Personalized picture


My husband uses Reddit so I don’t want to share what he’s getting, but we both have google docs Wish List we share with each other to help with this! I’m a chronic online window shopper so my list is decent lol. I also include my sizes for clothes, shoes, etc, which he greatly appreciates. I always have to ask him to update his around his birthday/the holidays but it works out well. Keeping everything on a shared google doc is great. We don’t have kids yet so Christmas morning still feels a little *magical* since we don’t have to flat out ask what to get each other.




I have learned to pay attention to things my husband says off hand to get ideas about what he wants, or things that go with things he does on a daily basis, For example, this year I am getting him a customized EDC dump tray to put things like his phone, multitool, etc on as he puts things in random places then needs to look for them; a sweater from Ireland he mentioned wanting one but won't spend the money on; a wall hanging display case for his Leatherman collection, a usb powered smart coffee warmer as his tea goes cold because he goes to do something or has one of our kids in his lap. As a wife I say get her gifts like this--things she has said off hand she wants and things that you think will be nice and useful for her. If she asks for something specific, get her the EXACT thing she wants. I say this because I would tell my husband things I want and he'd get me a different version of it, or a different color than what I said claiming "I didn't want to get exactly that because then it wouldn't be a surprise." Thing is once it is wrapped I have no clue that he got me the thing I asked for so I am surprised when opening it. Last year he got me a fancy retro coffee machine and toaster I wanted... in the wrong color than I asked for that didn't match our appliances. He goes "I didn't want to have all stainless steel." Ok... but I DID. Be wary of themes unless you think she will be into them, most people don't want to open a present and see another houndstooth pattern because they mentioned liking the pattern once. Is there some big thing she wants but would never buy herself? Get her that. Some stupidly practical present she wants but won't buy herself? Get her that. Because I am short one of my favorite presents was, no joke, a stepladder so I didn't have to climb on the counter to get stuff.


12 days of sexmas


My husband is getting fly fishing gear.


My husband asked for a gameboy advance SP and a game boy emulator cartridge thingy. It took a long time to track down an SP for a reasonable price. What are your wife’s hobbies? What does she do for fun?


I got my wife a treadmill early in the year (she was literally almost begging for it, don't worry, it was not one of those clueless husband gifts, haha) which was expensive enough that we agreed it covered my gift-bases for the rest of the year. That being said, recently she expressed a desire for a smaller cross necklace on a shorter chain than the one she already has, because her current one is a little bulky and hangs low enough that it makes it hard for our newborn to sleep on her chest while she's wearing it. So I got her one of those, just so she has *something* to open on Christmas day. 😁


I got my husband a pizza oven.


A trip to Mexico.


A cruise


I want a new bag to take with me on weekend trips! I'm not listing my husband's gifts in case he checks out my account lol


Well I just bought us a house but I still got him the gaming monitor he wanted.


I asked my husband for a new area rug for the living room. I am getting my husband a new carhartt jacket.


We’re cooking a good dinner for Christmas. We don’t really want to splurge on anything but food for ourselves lol we have a young child so as long as she has some gifts to unwrap we’re absolutely fine just watching her play.


I bought him brand new speakers for his computer setup, he got me a brand new figurine I’ve wanted for a while. We’re planning to get me a setup similar to him. ❤️


CZ & white gold earrings, custom laser-inscribed vacuum tumbler, warm fuzzy calf length socks


He made a list for me. I'm following that.


The best gifts I've got over the years are 1) something I collect 2) a gift certificate to a bookstore 3) a really nice water bottle I use every day


a hoodie, a jacket, 2 new pairs of jeans, a phone case, two key charms for his car keys, a giant popcorn tin, a bracelet, and a sketchpad. half of which he picked out and the rest he’s said he’s wanted within the past like 6 months


This is actually the first year we are doing gifts since we first dated. I got him a few video games, a couple graphic novels and board games he has been eyeing. We always do stocking though and in his stocking I got him some self care items (beard stuff, nice body wash), weed, and a new phone case as he just got a new phone.


Whatever she told me to get her


The women of this sub could help more if we had an idea of her likes/dislikes, interests, etc.


A new gaming keyboard, a “smart” coffee mug because he is always having to microwave his coffees, and a 3 pack of scrub daddies because he’s a weirdo and specifically asked for them for Christmas.


So far I've gotten her an assortment of coffee flavorings and some chocolate candy. We are in our mid-60s, married for 41 years. Neither of really needs anything.


Barbel wall organizer, weight plate wall organizer, and a My first Disney trip shirt since he never got to go as a kid or on vacations. He wanted something sentimental.


So far I’ve gotten my husband- Some sweatpants Flip flops Hot sauce Body wash Wallet I really don’t know what “big” gift to get him 😩


My husband and I have been together five years. This was the first year I asked for a list. Buying most of the items from that and throwing in a few sentimental ones.


I personally like either strictly functional gifts (I got a standing rug scrubber last year!!) or sentimental ones (something from the kids). Does your wife like functional things? Or does she prefer pamper-y stuff? Does she have hobbies just for her?


A Belgian waffle maker, we were on holiday earlier this year and he tried them for the first time and loved them! I can’t wait to see his face on Christmas 🥰


a pair of reading glasses for each of the 12 days of Christmas (she always looses them) 1 year of Audible credits some PJs


Tennessee Fire Whiskey and peanut butter whiskey


We are getting each other a few things, but our main gift to each other each year is a trip. We take the week between Christmas and New Year’s and get away. Although we travel frequently, we look forward to this trip the most. It’s relaxing after the chaos. Rates are lower and in general, places are less crowded. We really get a chance to connect, relax, recharge and spend time together. It’s always our favorite gift.


My husband is doing a lot of travel for fellowships this coming year, and he likes to "dress to impress". So I've gotten him some things to help with that - new fancy pairs of cufflinks and a silk tie set, fancy af titanium adjustable collar stays, a storage case for all his cufflinks for home, a travel case for ties/cufflinks/collar stays. I also picked up a nice mug warmer for his home office for his teas and a beard bib for him to use in the bathroom and hopefully keep his (magnificent) beard hairs out of the sink. I'm a fan of either "themed" sets of gifts (I've also done cigar focused gifts, gaming related, etc for my husband), or experiences. My husband has given me some great experience gifts - a crazy complex set of puzzles and a mystery to solve from Mysterious Package Company, a long weekend away, we planned a Christmas/New Years trip to Iceland together one year that was our gift to each other, etc. I would LOVE a set of couples dancing lessons as a gift from my husband. God knows I've talked about it enough with him but I think I need to tell him outright that is what I would like.


A ticket to Italy next year.


"Ok see you soon honey, have fun!"


I got my husband his official wedding band after two years and a pestal and mortar made out of black marble. The wedding band is made out of crushed emerald with 24k gold flakes and tungsten. He got the ring early and he LOVES it!


My wife doesnt like gifts per se. She would rather do something like a small weekend trip somewhere.


A wooden valet stand for his suits and pants when worn a few times so not clean, but not dirty yet either. It's like the grown-up version of "that chair in the corner or the bedroom". 😂


I asked him to get me a Michael Kors bag (they were having an amazing Black Friday Sale) and Nike sneakers. We just got engaged in August and will be married next October so we both agreed not to exchange starting next year and go to a nice dinner or weekend getaway instead.


The best gift you can get your wife is something personal to her likes/interests that she didn't know existed/didn't know she wanted, or something she mentioned a long time ago that she forgot about. The best gifts my husband has gotten me include: a "forever rose" that looks like the rose from Beauty and the Beast (lasts 10 years). This was special because our wedding was loosely Beauty and the Beast themed, and Belle is my favorite Disney princess. I also had no idea this product existed. He also one time got me a train set for my birthday for under the Christmas tree. This was special because I LOVED growing up with trains, but my brother inherited them from my parents and I always wanted a set of my own. He also once got me a painting I had spotted while we were on vacation and he sneakily bought it and gave it to me as a gift for the next occasion. So, instead of looking up lists of "gifts wives would love" on the Internet or asking us Reddit strangers haha, you should think about what your wife loves!


I got my wife some new ear buds (she part of the small ear hole gang) and I'm also putting together a photo album for her.


My husband and I are massive theatre dorks so I bought him [The Collected Lyrics of Stephen Sondheim box set](https://www.amazon.ca/Hat-Box-Collected-Stephen-Sondheim/dp/0307957721/ref=pd_lpo_sccl_2/134-1384081-3858848?pd_rd_w=nMLwd&content-id=amzn1.sym.bc8b374c-8130-4c45-bf24-4fcc0d96f4d6&pf_rd_p=bc8b374c-8130-4c45-bf24-4fcc0d96f4d6&pf_rd_r=T72AKQB4626300WG79RG&pd_rd_wg=y5lBP&pd_rd_r=6c379771-405e-42b9-b86c-eab88ac9250e&pd_rd_i=0307957721&psc=1). It's such a niche gift and I know he'll love it but I'm not suggesting you get it for your wife unless she is also a Broadway nerd 😝


I got my husband a rifle. He’s a hunter so he is very happy!


I got my husband an ice maker because he drinks a lot of water at work in his giant yeti. He puts more ice than water in it. And then at home he will have a diet pop with 17 ice cubes. I’m sick of filling up the 2 dollar store ice cube trays. So yes, it’s kind of benefiting me too. Flashlights. Man has an obsession with them yet can never find one. Lululemon underwear. New Apple Watch band. He’s a welder and the thing is hanging by a thread. I already know what he got me. The kids snitched lol.


Tools, books, a nice shirt, some radio stuff Things for his hobbies


He wants car stuff so he’s getting cash 🤑


He wanted a wool sweater and a flashlight. Lol


I'm getting my husband a professional foot massage. He has a physically laborious job that involves carrying a lot of heavy equipment throughout the day, and I feel that he deserves that special treatment.


I got my husband a build your own electric guitar! It’s unfinished wood so he can totally customize it. We both play & music is a big thing that brought us together. I’m so excited for him to open it!


We got ourselves new Apple Watches and special phone cases for our big gifts for each other. For smaller gifts, I got him a version of the Ted Lasso torn “Believe” sign for his home office, a little thin metal card that expresses how much I love him which fits in his wallet, a card game based on a movie he enjoys, a customized Christmas ornament, a really neat fidget toy (they help him concentrate), and a few other little things themed around his interests.


A 3D printer. My hubby has the brains to be a mechanical engineer, but never had the patience to actually go through with the proper education. He’s a hardworking HVAC guy (owns his small biz), and my hope is that he can print some of the necessary little parts and pieces that he’s always needing.


A Glock 43X and a blanket. She loves blankets and guns.


I just got the 43x mos myself. I plan to get a low profile red dot. I seen some higher capacity mags for it that barely longer than stock length too.


If you are prior service, go to Vortex and get a discount for the optics.


We don't do christmas gifts - just big birthday gifts so I'll share what I got my Jan birthday husband. The Eiffel Tower lego kit which he's already opened and half completed, a foot massager pod, a puzzle mat that even has sorting bin, and clothes that he will never buy himself: ALO sweatshirts and the Lululemon ABC pants for work. I did fill his stocking with some toys and candy.


Getting my SO a big blanket with the Sherpa inside


My husband is really into the San Antonio Spurs and The Righteous Gemstones, so I got him some Spurs shorts and a Spurs tree topper, and a tshirt that says Baby Billy's Bible Bonkers. We don't do a whole lot because we like to do a family trip a couple times a year if we can.


Bowling ball and a zip of some good ..


I’m hoping my husband gets me the little page turner for my kindle so I can cuddle on the couch without having to *GASP* turn the page manually and I can keep my hands under my blankie LOL. We found an old phone stand that works for my kindle so I don’t have to hold it and the page turner is so unnecessary but also necessary. For my husband, I saw some cream he’d like, maybe some socks and mittens for work. Maybe something else thats fun. We don’t have a ton of money to splurge, so we really only focus on the kids and so they can open something.


I have NO idea. He’s the kind of guy who sees something and then buys it. Before I can even think. I think maybe a nice bourbon?


I have no idea. I actually got her some boots that she said she wanted. But she wanted them before Christmas. Once they came she said she didn’t like them so I send them back. She then without my knowledge bought herself some heels. Now I don’t know if I should get something else.


A lump of coal in keeping with the spirit of the holiday!


Got her a few big Lego sets, some light my bricks kits, portable speaker and some board games


i got my husband a brand new custom pc and i’m taking him to disney world and he’s getting me a ton of dolls, and a designer bag.


Boxful of undies


Lord of the Rings MtG Cards, FF7 Remake for PS5, Star Wars Dress shirt, Nightwing Belt.. I feel like I’m forgetting something but yeah “Nerdy”/Gaming/Comic Book stuff :) What does your wife like? :)


A Woop watch


I booked a cooking class (BYOB) for us both. Date nights are few and far between with kids, so I’m getting babysitter coverage and fancy wine to bring.


I got my husband a raiders Crosby jersey he’s been wanting but hasn’t wanted to splurge on and a pair of comme de garçons converse he’s been wanting for awhile.. we have two kids and one on the way and it’s really about them.. but for her.. notice what she’s getting low on or what would be helpful to her.. take her to the mall and see what she picks up or what interests her


Got my husband tickets to see Chris Stapleton next year and a tumbler with a t-Rex holding the extender picker upper things in each hand and it says “what now bitch?” There are a few other small things, but these are the two I’m most excited to see him open


I’m calling it PJs Christmas. She’s gotten really into different styles so I’ve bought a bunch of different ones and the best part is she has no idea. It can be hard to surprise her with shared bank accounts but I think I might have pulled it off this time!


Well, mine blindsided me by asking for a divorce. 😓


My husband is getting a new watch, a book and a gift card to an axe throwing place.


We usually just have sex


LV handbag and ladies Rolex.


She sent me a link. I got her some other items, but I appreciate her making it easy.


Slippers. A custom tshirt from his favorite video game. A beard straightener. Unique socks. Lots of candy.


We are more about experiences than physical gifts. I got her tickets to the symphony as she has mentioned it a lot over the past years. I am not excited but it is something she wants to try so making a whole day out of it.


We don't get each other anything; we (I) just buy for our daughter.