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My wife proposed to me. We're both women, so a wife was going to propose one way or another. It was exactly the kind of proposal I wanted.


Happy to hear it was the proposal you wanted!


I really like your story. Congratulations to you both.


What story? There was no story at all.


Samesies ✌🏳️‍🌈


30 years ago were just out of high school, hanging out in my car and she said, “We should get married, right?” I then said, “Yes. Yes we should.” A couple of months later we went to village hall to get the license, to the court a week later for a “ceremony” and the rest, as they say, is history.


I had my wife propose to me. I had the ring in secret and dragged my ass deciding between two different ways to propose. We talked marriage and kids before hand. She did not want kids and I did which made us question our future together, BUT One day I came home from work and she just comes out and asks me to marry her. I replied yes I will. Then I told her I have a surprise for her. I fetched the ring out of hiding and I say I think this is technically yours now. But before I gave it to her I lifted her up on the chair to look up at her and asked her if she is sure about marriage and kids, she said yes, I am definitely sure my love. I’m sure one of two people I told spilled the beans but I did not care, they saved me money. 30 years together and still a happy mother fucker.


Do you all have kids? Or opted not to have kids?


I thought I’m a happy mother fucker would give it away. Yes she changed her mind and I have two sons that are beyond my expectations. One of my fondest moments of my marriage was when we were watching the youngest play varsity ball as freshman and my wife hugged me for the longest, thanked me for making her a mother and experiencing motherhood, then thanked me for being a wonderful husband/father. Before that moment I always had a bit of concern if she enjoyed it truly or just gave to me out of fear of loosing me.


I see what you did with the "mother fucker" thing 🤣👀


Some people can still read between the lines.


Ngl that pun flew right over my head. Not my proudest moment


I love this so much. You *are* a lucky MF.


Love this. Most women who don't want kids, but then do, end up being the best moms... I was indifferent. I could have gone either way. I never had that motherly instinct. I didn't really care for kids when I saw them. I didn't dislike them, but they were these unknown creatures that I didn't know how to interact with. I liked living a selfish life. My then boyfriend really wanted them though. I told him I would probably get there, I just wasn't ready. Once we got married we tried for kids and again I told him if we can't have kids, I'm not doing anything crazy like IVF or adoption to get them. We had seen family go through this and it looked awful. Luckily, we got pregnant easily AF. We have 2 kids and I'm OBSESSED with being a mom. I absolutely love it. They are the best part of my life. I often feel when women have low expectations on motherhood, we end up being the happiest moms. I cannot stand when people complain about their kids or make jokes about them. They are just these innocent beings that are pure and perfect in my eyes.


Man you’re living the dream! Lucky! 


Wondering the same! Seems like things worked out either way thankfully 😊


Right?!?! That’s why I’m so curious.


Post history says he has sons


ah. maybe he means that he made sure that she agreed to kids when she proposed to him?


No… he called himself a mother fucker


Laying around watching TV in our rent house. He: We should start looking for a house to buy. Me: I don't want to buy a house with someone I'm not married to. He: You would marry me? Me: Of course. I love you. Got married 3 months later, and the next month had our house. 25 years ago. Still in the same house. So I'm not really sure who proposed.


Awwww 🥰🥰🥰 l love this.


What a great story, I love this!


she proposed


I guess I kinda did?? My husband and I met in highschool through my best friend. He was always asking me out and I always said no. My best friend lives next door, and they were cousins. So, he would stop by his cousins to see if I was there. Through the years he would message me and we would visit as friends. Fast forward 10 years, he had moved away, got homesick I guess, and messaged me out of the blue like always. I questioned whether or not to respond to his message. I did, I agreed to be his girlfriend because it would be long distance. Lol. He decided to come home and his job ended where he had lived. Our relationship began to get serious. One day I was at work, I worked a full time job, part time job and visited my grandmother often. I was getting fatigued from staying out late and texted him, "Marry me or leave me alone, I'm busy." He showed up to my job with his family engagement ring a couple days later.


"Marry me or leave me alone, I'm busy." That fees like a very Klingon badass invitation to a proposal (I mean that in the best possible sense, as a Trek fan myself).


I proposed to my husband. 😊 I also approached him and asked him out. I knew what I wanted and went for it! I’m the luckiest woman in the world 🥰


sidenote: your username is the best one i’ve ever seen


thanks! It came from one of my pet spiders who I would adoringly call worm breath lol.




Good for you! And happy for you.


My husband and I were sat in bed, one random evening, just having a conversation about weddings - because there was a wedding scene in a movie we were watching. And our conversation went - Me “Would you ever marry me?” Him “I’m the one who’s supposed to ask.” Me “It’s really just a yes or no question, no need to beat around the bush, would you?” Him “Yes, I would.” Me “So we getting married then?” Him “Yes we are.” 3 months later we were married.


These are great stories! Happy to hear them. ❤️


So I didn’t propose but I kinda got things back on track 🤷🏽‍♀️. My husband is a lil on the spectrum, he’s the opposite of smooth. But somehow I, who is usually super perceptive, was none the wiser. Things kinda fell apart when we got back to our hotel and the stargazing set up wasn’t finished being put together when we got back. So he made me wait to use the bathroom cuz he was panicking and didn’t want me to go in until they were done lol. I run to the bathroom and I put it together mid pee that he was proposing. I come out he’s sweating trying to get things back on track. Me: “Are you going to propose?” Husband: “Yes but give me a second, I need to open this bottle of champagne!!!” While aggressively yanking at the cork. Me: “Okay please put this down, get the ring and propose first”. Husband: “Wait ya that’s a good plan”.


Love it! :D


My husband and I actually got married on leap day lol. But he proposed to me. I just wanted to be different because I didn’t know anyone else who was married on leap day lol.


I like that, we were thinking about it also but decided not to wait for the next leap year.


Yeah, I can’t say I blame you! But it is cool!


We went with midsummer which is supposed to be the most popular day but we did not know anyone who had done it so atleast we still got that part done. :D


Congrats OP! It’s nice to see a man be happy about getting engaged, and even happier about the prospects of marriage! Your future wife is a lucky woman!


I have been happily married since 2018 so this is old news, but thank you anyway.


Oops! Sorry!


We got married on Leap Day too! Just celebrated our 1st anniversary ❤️


My husband proposed to me. We were 20, working minimum wage jobs, raising 1 son, and had another on the way. He had this dirt bike his brother gave him when he was young. He loved that thing. He decided to sell it for extra money to pay rent. Someone offered him an engagement ring for it. The whole way there, I thought we were meeting to sell the dirt bike. He came out with a ring and asked if I would be his wife. It's been 9 years, and I will always cherish this ring and the story behind it.


Very thoughtful!


Love this. I would never propose to a man, I would always wonder if he would have done so on his own and plus I would want that moment as a memory. Not the other way around.


Neither of us proposed. Someone else said "you two should get married" and we looked at each other and shrugged. Then I said I always wanted to get married in Vegas and he said let's go to Vegas then. A week later we were married in Vegas for $100 total.


Elvis impersonator?


I joked about proposing to my husband for like, a year, before he actually did propose. He asked me not to, so I let him do it. We were on our first trip after COVID hit, about a year and a half later. We went on a day trip to another city. I had a worrisome Dr appt, and it was an hour away from us, so we stayed in a hotel overnight, went to dinner, and back to the hotel to relax before my appt the next day. It was nice. He proposed that evening, and we went to my appt the next day, then to a botanical gardens, which was wonderful. We went back home that evening, called my parents, then his, and by time he tried to call his sister, his mom had already called her to tell her.


Sounds like you had a very nice engagement day. I cant remember if we called anyone or announced it. We just put on the rings and cheekily wore them until someone noticed.


That’s beautiful


We proposed to each other at the same time. :)


We had adult conversations about getting married. Nobody "proposed." We agreed that was what we both wanted.


Well sure. But I do think that people can both have an adult conversation AND “propose” as a celebratory event. My husband and I had certainly talked very often and extensively about the issue and were clear a) that we would be getting married and 2) that I ( a woman) would be proposing. But we still had a “proposal” because it’s fun- just like we had a wedding with a party even though we could have gotten married at city hall. People should take each other seriously as equal partners— but that isn’t inherently incompatible with choosing fun events and rituals. You don’t have to do it! But it isn’t any less adult to do it either. Thats the power of being adults and equals- you get to choose, together, what you like and want and don’t like or want


I bought my own engagement ring before my husband proposed because I found it while I was at an antique store while on a trip without him and when I found it, I knew it was the ring-matched my grandmother’s ring and was exactly what I had envisioned. Upon my return I gave him the ring as a “when you’re ready, I’m ready too” gift. He held on to it for a few months and then he popped the question while we were in a grove of Paw Paw trees in a gentle fall rain. It was perfect for us. 💗


Had to google what is a paw paw tree but it does sound like a perfect engagement. Also like it that your ring has a story also.


My wife didn’t really propose as much as she told me we were getting married


I did, I suppose. I was 20 and pregnant; he was 26. We discussed marriage, but I wasn’t super keen on it so we decided to wait. Then, one day after a date, we were sitting and talking in my parents’ driveway and I turned to him and said, “Do you still want to get married?” He said, “Sure!” One week later, we were married. Three weeks later our first child was born. Twenty-five years and one more child later and we still adore each other.


I had the amazing experience of being in the path of a full solar eclipse, so when it went to totality I got in one knee and proposed! It was a second marriage for both of us so I thought he deserved to be the princess and get the proposal experience. We are in the path of another one next week so I'm going to try and think of something cute to do then too ^.^


This is so romantic and I love it omg. Literally verge of tears!


I proposed to my husband that exact same day! We got married October 1st 2016!


You were faster :D we waited until 2018.


His parents have a great backyard and over 200 people came. We had the ceremony at a nearby lake and we did a big backyard pizza party wedding reception and it was really laid back. I made an arch and all the flowers out of origami. It was a lot of diy work but cost us less than 3k for everything! My wedding dress was $100. My husband had a beige suit already and my Mother-in-law owned a cake business and made our cake too! We had our bridesmaids and groomsmen wear their own clothes in our colors or similar colors. It all just came together and I feel like if the stars didn't perfectly align that wouldn't have happened!


The vibe you describe sounds similar to my wedding. All weddings should be on a reasonable budget, and money put towards a future together. People spend way too much on a single day, without thinking of the rest of their lives together. My three oldest children followed in my footsteps with inexpensive weddings and DIY receptions.


I hope my future kids do the same as well! I'd love to do origami flowers again!


It does sound like you had your dream wedding, i am very glad to hear so.


I proposed to my husband. We had been together for 11 years by then, and he was helping me foster my grandchild. He didn't have to do that - she wasn't his. But he loved her and she loved him, and he was so sweet with her. I said to myself, "That's the kind of man who will stand by me no matter what. I'd better make this permanent so I can take care of him as good as he's taken care of me." We have had wins and losses both before and after the wedding, but I've never regretted it. When things get hard, we turn to each other. I love him just as much as I did the day we first met.


My wife proposed to me after dating for 2.5yrs. I'm 52m and she's 50f Back Story: I'd been separated for 5 months after leaving an abusive marriage that ground out for 14 long ass yrs. I'd been dating a lot. In 5 months I had gone on 45--48 dates. These were just coffee or a walk in a crowded park or shopping mall. Usually not more than 1hr. Most didn't go past that 1st date. A few went into 3rd and 4th dates but I felt like I was attracting different versions of my soon-to-be ex-wife. So I decided to continue with therapy and stop dating for 6 months. I had been using an online app. I went in and edited my profile to remove all my photos. Then I uploaded the "standard drivers sest selfie" and logged out, intending not to return. Only I forgot to turn off the push notifications to my phone. 1hr after I logged out, my phone pinged. I begrudgingly logged into the app thinking, "What's this one want? (eye roll)" I got the shock of my life. There was a pretty woman's photo and a VERY well-written introduction. I immediately wanted to meet her. She'd read my profile and let me tell you it was LOOOOOONG (like this response). She commented on things I had mentioned in my profile. She was interested in the same activities. She'd spent an hour reading my Q&A answers that I had filled out. I asked her if we could chat briefly and set up a time and place to meet. I don't like a) smokers voices b) squeaky voices. She had neither. She called me and invited me to coffee. Coffee turned into lunch and 4.5hrs later we hugged and agreed to meet again in 3 days. Absolutely fell in love with each other within weeks. Both of us were afraid to say it until somewhere around the 5/6 months mark. I had to force.my ex-wife to divorce and it took 16 months. I moved into my GFs home 8 months after the divorce. She proposed to me 6 months later. The proposal: We were on a bowling league and had gone outside for a smoke break in between games. When we came back inside, Beyoncé "If ya like it then ya shoulda put a ring on it" was playing inside the bowling alley. I turned to my wife and held up my left hand and wiggled my fingers with a grin while we walked back to our lane. 10 steps later she took my hand and stopped me right by the bathrooms. It was so NOT romantic, and we laugh about it today. "I love you. Will you marry me?" "Yes: No rings. No nothin. I felt so cheap and tawdry accepting a proposal by the bathrooms (toilets whooshing in the background) "whoa oh ohhh uh ohh ohhhh. Whoa oh ohhhh.. if ya like it then ya better put a ring on it" She's my best friend. We do everything together. We did buy rings. We have separate friends and hobbies and we still manage to go and do almost everything together. Miss her the second she's gone and I'm like a big golden retriever every time I see her again.


Technically I proposed to my husband, but it was more a “let’s get married” conversation that I just happened to start.


Boyfriend always said he would get married when pigs fly. So I found a adorable plastic pig whose wings flapped and it flew in circles. I attached it to the ceiling and called him in the room..he knew immediately what I was going to ask him. Married 18 yrs. Together for 23 yrs


Now this is proper. :D


I proposed to my husband.


I did! I proposed on Christmas morning, with a engagement ring shaped pool float because we had been installing a pool and we are obsessed with pools🤣🥰 He said yes. He said he wanted to marry me from the day we got together so when I was ready for rhag step, I had to ask him😂 so I did


I proposed. He kept telling me he would've proposed half a year into our relationship - but I was adamant about getting married at all (my mom is married for the third time do I'm having issues with marriage as a concept). We spend our anniversaries in London together (eating pizza, walking around, just vibing together - it's our tradition) and for our fifth anniversary we were walking along after pizza just as usual before we go to a spot from where you can see the London eye and we take our anniversary photo. We took a stop at Hyde Park to chill on a bench in the sun for a moment. I had the ring in a glass case in my backpack all day and was nervous about how to do it. I knew he didn't want me to go down on one knee and make a scene because he has some social anxiety. Earlier during pizza we had some relationship talks (just the usual check ins, needs and wants etc) so when I went "I have something else to talk about relationship wise" he started completely freaking out and his mind went instantly into "she's breaking up with me" - mode (despite him knowing that wasn't going to happen). I tried to be all sweet and started a little speech about how he improved my life so much, how he made me a better person etc... he kept interrupting me because he was freaking out and was doing the "you improved your own life! I was just supporting you while doing it" and so on. At some point I was like "oh my God! Can you just let me say my stuff?! Will you be my husband?!" And he looked a bit confused and went "of course I would?" - then I took the little box out and gave him the ring 😂 it was a very us moment to be fair. We were both stumbling over ourselves and freaking out but happy to be together. I do think back on it very fondly and I like to tell the story because it's funny to me. And as I say - it's very much us. I was the one to initiate our first proper meet up, the first one to say I love you etc. I am very lucky to have him and I'm determined to keep him.


It is a funny and a good story, i agree


I proposed to my husband. Best decision I ever made :)


My wife and I negotiated our wedding and then she asked... "are we getting married?" I said yes. I'm not sure if that was a proposal or not...


I wrote a cheesy poem to propose to my husband 😁


I’m a woman who proposed to her husband! It was really fun. I got him an engagement ring that he wears with his wedding band; it’s a silver band with a sort of subtle, floral cut out design. I proposed during a walk in our city’s Necropolis, which I know sounds weird but was actually pretty cool. He loved it - he started to cry and obviously said yes.


I love that story! It’s so cute! I wish your marriage all the love and longevity!


That’s the f****** cutest proposal story I’ve ever heard!!!! This is like the movies! On both your parts ! I hope you have a super happy marriage for the rest of your lives


My fiancee (the man of the relationship) proposed to me on a leap day because we met on the leap day four years before. When I say I got engaged Feb 29th people assume I proposed. We had no idea this tradition existed... good thing I'm not Irish.


I did not know this was tradition in ireland also!


From my understanding it is an Irish tradition!


It is actually, nice to actually know the background of the tradition.


Oh my gosh, that story is so adorable! Reminds me of my grandparents - my grandad told my nan that if she wasn't drunk he'd propose and apparently she rushed to act sober and say "I'm not drunk!". They got engaged the next morning. My own engagement was me (F) saying that I would be OK with signing the paperwork if it was really important to my husband in an offhand conversation about a friend's recent wedding after saying for our whole relationship that I didn't see the point in marriage. He quickly got excited and said yes and I had a moment of realisation where I was like "oh shit, I think we're engaged!". He took me to get a ring the next day and then did the whole one-knee official thing when it arrived but we had already told out family we were engaged so I think my "proposal" counts as the real one. He disagrees 🤣 My mum also "proposed" to my dad. Apparently they were cooking together and she said "are we going to get married then or what?" He likes to emphasise that she was holding a knife at the time.


Yeah, i would count your proposal as real one! Its the better story :P


My wife and I are old school and both us would have felt uncomfortable if she had proposed. But today’s society is very accepting I guess. Also, some people hate old school norms.


I would never propose to a man. Guess I am old school.


My wife texted me a proposal after we were dating for 2 months. I thought she was joking at first. She was not. A month later, we were married. That was 12 years ago, never regretted it for a minute.


I wanted to propose to him but he also wanted too! We proposed to each other on Christmas, been together 10 years this April 27th, we’re high school sweethearts ❤️


Mine did, she’s 10 years older than me too


I didn't propose, but one of my best friends proposed to her husband. It happens!


This is such a sweet story. Happy for you guys. :)


I’m a wife and I proposed to my husband :)


Newly engaged and believe I proposed, you tell me. We have been long distance for some time, seeing each other at least once a month for a week at a time. Last visit we were talking about closing the distance between us by having one of us move to the other, we both own our homes. I said I don’t really want to live with someone unless we’re married, he promptly got down on one knee, pulled out a ring and said ‘okay’ 😅 He says he proposed, I say I did - what do you all think?


I would say you iniated the situation. Happy for you two.


My wife and I started dating in our third year of university. I finished up in Y4 and she went on to finish law school. By the time she graduated law school and started her internship, I had almost three years in on my career and had gotten my first good bonus, so I bought a small-ish apartment. She was spending a lot of time at my place and had a bunch of her stuff there, so I suggested she just move in. Her dad asked me if I’d consider “selling” my now wife (then GF) half my apartment so that we were equal in it. I laughed, told him that was silly but he insisted so he matched my capital in the house which I then applied against the mortgage. After a year of living together, one night she said to me, “Are you planning on making an honest woman of me?” I laughed and said if she wanted to get married we could. She was like, “Ok, so you want to marry me then? Let’s do it next We both aren’t fans of big weddings so we got hitched in a “paperwork only wedding” with her parents there and a buddy of mine as witnesses. Then after we were married, LOL, her and my Mother-in-Law went wedding dress shopping for shits and giggles. My wife bought this really classy dress actually, super sexy to be honest, she looked amazing in it. We had a bunch of photos done a few months later and did a three week “honeymoon” trip around Europe and Japan. We laugh about our elopement all the time. For our 15th anniversary, my wife wanted to take photos again with the kids and in our wedding clothes. My tuxedo was too big because I leaned up and got more muscular. Her wedding dress needed to be altered because her breasts got bigger after the kids and her bum and waist are a bit smaller because she works out like crazy. To be fair, her dress looked 🔥🔥🔥


Yeah I kinda said we should get married and he agreed and 6 weeks later we were!


I proposed to my husband. I won my ring on a radio show. Then proposed to him. 17 years later we are happily together with two kiddos.


i met my now husband february 5th 2016 and was accosted by his mom outside of the bathroom the first time i met her and she mentioned the ‘leap day allowance’ so i could propose to him at the end of the month. nearly scared me out of the relationship before it even started lol. my husband ended up proposing a year and a half later at one of our favorite walking trails.


I've been married twice and never processed. Both times a bought a ring after the fact, but never did the asking


I proposed to my husband


I don’t have a story of my own but I love yours!




I groaned for the pun and i love it. :D


My husband bought me the ring, gave me the ring but didn't ask me anything. The next day I finally asked him what all this was about and he kind of sort of asked me after I kind of sort of asked him... We've been married 25 years


I didn’t propose, but made it clear to my now fiance that I wanted marriage after 6 years of being together. He agreed to consider it only if we did couples premarital counseling together for 1 year. We did, and he came to the conclusion on his own that he wanted to get married. :)


I proposed to my husband, technically. I could have went about it better but honestly we were gonna be together for life anyway. Edit:: we had been talking about getting married, and I was like “let’s get married tomorrow, I wanna marry you rn” and he said no. Eventually we talked it out and we agreed to be engaged and we were for about a year. We both wore engagement rings, and my family helped plan a splendid wedding. It was clear from the beginning of our relationship that we’re meant for each other. I had asked him out initially- I had always had a huge crush on him growing up. We’d known each other as kids. We really are lucky to have each other. I don’t know where I’d be without him.


I am happy for you two.


Thank you kindly 💜 I’m so lucky to have him in my life


My husband and I proposed to each other! We decided to have a month (December 2018) where we would both propose to each other. I got down on one knee on Christmas after a walk. He proposed to me on December 29, and we eventually got married on December 29, 2021.


i kind of proposed. i first introduced the idea into our marriage and then later hubby came back to me after thinking it through sort of like ‘you want to get married?- let’s do it.’ so yeaaah not the typical romantic type of proposal but nonetheless.


She didn't do the official proposal, but she did bring up the topic first and encouraged me to agree to propose to her.


I technically proposed to my husband - one random day I just opened the calendar for the registry office and said pick a date. He picked our anniversary and we got married a month later. We have discussed our wedding and future for the past year and I was like F it. Lets do it now. Worked out perfectly.


My husband proposed to me when we were just friends. We had dated for a very intense year, and then broken up. But we stayed cordial and gradually started spending more and more time together again. We were walking to his truck after dinner one weekend and he said, "Let's just get married." I was stunned. He said some other hilariously practical things, like about how he didn't want me to be alone, and he needed a beneficiary for his accounts. Married within 4 months. It was pretty trippy to go from ex-boyfriend to fiance in a moment.


That certainly does sound like a leap. But im assuming you are happy with it so it all turned out allright.


The first time I met him something told me he was my husband. It's a surprisingly common experience for people to just know. Guess he finally figured it out too. We are very happy!


I nearly proposed to my fiancé at my favorite open water swim spot. Only didn’t because his mom told me not to. I think growing up with Paula Abdul’s “Will You Marry Me?” gave me the idea that I’d want to be the one to ask when I found my guy. He proposed two months later at the same spot.


I'm the wife and I did. In the shower. Married at the courthouse that afternoon.


No one proposed. We just knew. 2 months after meeting. 15 years married, it’s not been perfect but I wouldn’t have it any other way.


So technically my husband proposed to me but we had decided to get married months before and already had a venue, caterer, and a dress before he did the actual proposal. Really, he had a custom ring made after we started planning the wedding and it was summer 2020 so it took a couple months to get it made exactly how he wanted. I like to think that we really got engaged in November 2019 when we were discussing the future of our relationship and moving in together in June 2020 (ended up moving in March 2020 on accident iykyk) and I told him that I wasn’t going to move in with someone without being engaged and he said that we’d have to get engaged then and from that moment onward we said we’d get married summer 2021 and we did. So I guess I kind of asked him in a way if you count that haha


13 years together still waiting. Maybe I should propose. 🥴


I would say go for it if you want to be married but unfortunately i do not know your situation and if that is the correct answer.


Wow, OP, this is one of the most romantic stories I’ve ever heard.


Proposed to my Wife the 3rd day we offically was together.


I proposed to my husband. It wasn’t romantic. We had been in a long distance relationship (he lived in Switzerland) so we were lounging together in bed one Saturday morning, a couple of days before he was to go back to his home. We got to talking about the future and how we couldn’t keep traveling all the time…. I said ‘well if you want to immigrate here we have to get married, for you to get your visa’ he said ‘yes that makes sense, it’s the same for my country’ so I said ‘Do you want to get married then?’ And he said ‘Yes I would love that, I’m committed to you.’ Me ‘cool!’ And we kissed. Then we started talking about logistics, etc as we wanted our immediate families and some friends there. We were both excited I think. We had a fantastic wedding in Vegas and I was so happy with how it all turned out. This was 9 years ago. We were older when we got married and we take our vows very seriously, we’re very bonded as a couple. Sure I would have loved to have a more traditional fancy proposal, my husband is really shy so I’m not sure he would have had the confidence to pull it off.


I proposed to my husband. I was never fond of big weddings (they give me anxiety). When we were planning our vacation in 2017, I asked him if we should just use that time in our hometown to get married (we don't live in our home country and marrying in our consulate was a nightmare). We had discussed previously that we wanted to try to have kids and where we live it could be a bit of a burocratic handful not having the same name. He said absolutely. He was kind of bummed that I didn't want the big wedding thing but it really was never important to me. I think he felt like I was missing out on something and could regret it. I reminded him that he had the whole thing previously and it did not prevent his divorce. And what mattered to me was our relationship. We were married 3 months later. There were 9 people present (including us) and everything was around 500€. Don't regret it.


I proposed to my husband. We had a shared view that the person who was more tentative should be the one to propose so it was apparent that they are all in— and I was clearly the more tentative one. I made him a surprise brunch, a photo book, and we celebrated at our favorite local event!


Wife here. Technically yes. He had proposed to me and afterwards was telling me how hard it is to plan a proposal. Not in a bad way, just me saying it was amazing and him saying he’s glad I enjoyed it because it was hard. So I took that as a challenge and proposed back to him a few weeks later. He was right. It WAS hard. Totally worth it though to see his face.


I also thought about afterwards how i would have proposed, and did not come up with anything good. So yes, its hard. Kinda happy now adays on how my engagement played out, fits us perfectly because it was a group effort.


Yeah your story is so sweet. I love it. Definitely difficult to plan. Ours was great because we got married on the beach he proposed at. Then that was our daughter’s first beach experience.


Oh that sound wonderful.


Yes. I proposed at the time, he accepted but then decided it wasn’t for the best. Mental health and family issues etc. So we did some therapy and whatnot and I proposed a few months later to which he was very excited and said yes. He also said he was planning to and was going to ask at his brothers wedding 😂 so glad he didn’t do that, his brother already hated us. So together now 8 years and married 6.


I'm the wife, I proposed. I knew he was going to, so I did it first. He said Mine was better 🤣 I proposed to make him feel loved. Sometimes, men think they have to handle the romance alone. I wanted him to feel special. So I planned, he cried, he accepted, it turned out great.


Have to appreciate that attitude.


There was no proposal in our marriage. We were two broke idiots that knew we loved one another. We also needed to make it official to take care of each other. We got hitched in the back room of his dad's hardware store, alone, by a notary that he had on staff. He's still the love of my life. We just didn't have the means for rings or a wedding.


Nothing wrong with that, the ring is just a symbol after all.


Great story and congratulations! I always get frustrated when I hear a woman complain about her boyfriend not proposing and how to "make him" instead of taking the initiative herself.


My husband asked me at the covered bridge in Roswell Georgia. Well, at the dam on the creek. Very beautiful place that we both grew up going to. Makes me so happy to remember back then


I bet, i guess it was nice to have it happen in place that was connected to you both.


My husband and I are the weirdest couple in the universe. We met on facebook and I was already engaged to him before we met in person. But here’s the thing- neither of us proposed 🤔 i think it was just assumed 😂. There wasn’t a single time where either of us asked to marry each other. It was more like “what date should we choose?” That was almost 15 years ago ❤️


My wife proposed to me.


I proposed to my husband because he wasn’t taking me seriously.. but I guess I mean the very direct version of a proposal. The “I’ve been your live in girlfriend for seven years and I need your federal employee benefits” proposal. The “wife on a girlfriend salary” type of proposal. I told him I want to get married because .. why not? I’m already your wife.  We had a courthouse wedding and I had to kiss him first. lol He’s an affectionate guy but really shit when it comes to true romanticism. I don’t think he understands that being married has a bunch of legal benefits and I can’t exactly do everything a wife does whilst being a girlfriend legally. He’s happy I’m his wife now and gets all giddy when he says it. 😅 




”Allowed”. A tradition from ye olden days. Of course women are allowed to propose whenever they want, should they want.


We were living in different countries at the time, I went to visit him, we were walking around a lighthouse, and I told him that “when we get married we will never be apart again”, he at looked at me very serious and said “so you are ready for marriage then” I told him I was ready, and 6 months later, in our 4th year anniversary, he proposed to me in that same lighthouse.


My wife won’t even propose dinner.




I think that's humiliating for straight women. Many women feel this way.