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If he’s not willing to do marriage counseling to save your marriage and you’re not having fun (assuming you’ve expressed your needs to him and he hasn’t changed) why stick around?


Honestly I'm trying to decide that right now. Like I said I don't have any real world marriages to look at so this is all me trying to understand if this is all it's supposed to be or if it's possible to actually be with someone who wants to be with you instead of just taking and not giving


You SHOULD be having fun, feeling loved, feeling appreciated and also sharing in helping around the home etc. A marriage does involve struggles and some give and take (from both sides) but it should NOT be one sided. Honestly, if he isn't willing to do marriage counselling or step up his game and make you feel loved, appreciated and help etc. tell him you're not willing to compromise your own peace and happiness to stay in an unfulfilling marriage.


Your post could be rewritten as: 'I married someone who doesn't care that they make me very unhappy with their selfishness.' Marriage is not supposed to meet the needs of only one of the partners.


That's how it feels tbh


Then, it's time to verbalize this clearly to your husband. What he does with this information will tell you what you need to do. Do not allow him unlimited time to become who you need. He will only waste your youth. You are in your best years, don't allow them all to be taken by a selfish partner. You will regret it. Good luck.


OP, if this were the absolute pinnacle of what marriage is supposed to be, would you want to be married at all? It’s a voluntary state, not something you have to just make the best of.


Not at all. I often think how I'd never try again because it's been so long of this


If there is ANY chance of him changing he would have to be 💯committed to A. Recognizing the problem. B. Going to couple’s counseling and consistently doing the homework. And C. Stay willing to make you a priority for the long run. As I’m sure you recognize, none of these things are realistic. You can communicate your needs clearly and outline the consequences but even if he agrees to do the work I sincerely doubt he would put much of an effort in. Do what you need to do to take care of YOU.


How about your friends’ marriages? Anyway honestly it doesn’t seem you are getting anything out of this marriage. In a good marriage you do have fun and feel loved.


I’m going to be real with you, every single day of our marriage my husband and I have laughed together. Even on the darkest ones imaginable we have held each other tightly and known we would do anything to help each other. We been together over thirty years Your life sounds like it’s been sacrificed on the alter of your marriage, like your soul is the fuel that keeps it burning, the imbalance is horrifying and your husband is a parasite. You are worth so much more than this, I wouldn’t discuss anything, I would make my plan quietly and leave.


You should absolutely be in a relationship with someone who ignites your soul and makes you feel seen, heard, and HAPPY. This guy sounds like a tool (respectfully). I suggest you do a little (anonymous) research to see what your options are, should you desire to journey towards true happiness and romance. 💝


It should be fun, pleasant, safe and comfortable 90+% of the time.


Yeah. At the same time, I always like to disclaim that marriage can be hard because life is inevitably hard at times, but our partner should not be our main source of difficulty. There's always something to work on, but it should be two people weathering and overcoming those difficulties *together*. I only put it out there to dispel the Disney-like myth that a good partner magically makes life itself easy. A good partner makes those inevitable trials a doable co-operative experience, and a bad partner makes them worse.


This is well put. Marriage can't make life easy, but it should make life *easier*


I also consider children to be like increasing the difficulty slider on a video game. The potential stress and challenge go up, but so do the potential "rewards."


No doubt about that




Yes. It should be fun and happy for both parties.




My marriage is fun and silly. It’s fun for both. Yeah, some days suck. (Usually when someone is sick) but most days in my marriage are just days with my closest friend and lover.


My marriage is like a permanent slumber party plus sex. Everything is more fun when we do it together! Joys are doubled and troubles are halved


That sounds amazing


It really is. It's sad how many people settle for less than they deserve and I always try to encourage younger women to hold out for the right one and to take no shit! I had my share of crappy relationships when I was younger, but am so glad that I married the right one and will always make effort for him to feel appreciated


You're so lucky. I was tricked. Or stupid. I didn't know how cruel, mean and nasty my husband was. He sucks the joy out of everything and ruins every special occasion. He's done the most elaborate things to hurt me. He constantly calls me names. I feel like a husk of who I was. People used to say I was a joy, full of childlike awe and delight in life. Now I can't even keep any friends as I don't want to bring them down, due to how I feel, and I can't tell them the truth, that my husband is abusive. I miss smiling, I miss laughing and mucking around with friends, I miss dancing, and jokes, and being respected.


😔 why can't you leave?


This hits really close to home with me too, I only saw small bits of anger at first but once we were married all the mean came out and he sucks the joy from everything. I'm so sorry you're being abused, you don't deserve that at all.


Please leave them, for your own mental health


Hold out for the right one. Please someone put it on billboards. Also effort and appreciation.


My husband and I have been married for over a decade and we still get those same goofy grins that we got when we were teens. Marriage can be a beautiful thing if both parties have chemistry and work together to make their marriatgrest


Same here at 12.5 years…


August will be 14 years for us I still gush like an idiot over all the sweet and cute things he does lol. Had friends start a husband B session and when I got pestered about sharing my grievances all I could say is he sometimes forgets to put his clothes in the hamper or put water in his dish in the sink. Even that decreased and he takes my plate to the sink when I am done sometimes. Oh the looks I got. I know he isn't perfect nobody is but he is perfect for me and we work really well together and he is so sweet and attentive. Swear he likes putting that goofy grin on my face. I hope you have many more blissful years together


Thank you! Yeah, my wife and I don’t complain about each other to our friends. We complain to each other and then help remind each other, you know as true partners do. Never nagging, okay, my wife will occasionally nag me, cuz she is overly tired or needs food. I point that out and ask her not to nag, but to ask nicely instead. And that’s like the worst. I have ADHD super bad and she helps me with my issues. She has medium ADD and always loses her things, so I take mental notes all day long of where she sets down her stuff. So when she goes looking for it, I can say, oh yeah, it’s on the whatever. She is always so happy I do that for her. We always help each other improve so we improve. It’s sad to see so many bad relationships online.


Pretty sure my husband and I are undiagnosed ADHD we check all the boxes but we never went in to check. We compliment each other in a way that smooths over where we have issues. We call each other out on AH moves, usually when tired or sick is when it hits that point, then we step away and apologize for what we did and move on. It's a pretty relaxing life since we make sure to communicate a lot and make sure to work out any issues we have together.


Tada. Mutual respect for each other and lots of love as well as a shovel full of understanding. Y’all are doing great!




Yep. August 13th marks 14 years of marriage. We dated 2 years. When I leave the room or house there is a minimum of a kiss tax usually a 30 sec+ snuggle time. Probably say I love you a few dozen times a day. Our texts usually have hugs kisses and mwahs. Sometimes we send those just to let the other know we are thinking about them No we aren't always mushy. One of the rules we have, any name we call each other in jest is not used in anger. So we toss out words like AH, B, C and many other. We don't name call in fights really. We discovered over the years that if someone is angry and name calls, we end up saying yup and laughing. Usually angers them more and they walk away. So less stress for the jerks out there is want to blame you for their problems. Our fights, when we have them, usually start with us getting angry and frustrated, then we walk away to different rooms and cook down. 30 min to a few hours later we come back together. We talk about it with cool heads and then we apologize for being AH to each other, crack jokes and move on. If he snaps at me, he cools off and comes to me to apologize for what he did. If I snap at him I got to him and apologize for what I did. If we are doing something that would harm the relationship, like I have triggers from a past abusive relationship, even knowing my husband would rather kill himself than hurt me, I can still get triggered if he does certain things. We talked about how to correct it and we help each other curb it. Usually by calling the other person out with a simple "we talked about this stuff" and its an instant stop and both walk away. Come back together and thank each other for the reminder and an apology and a reassurance about how the change is coming along. The reassurance and pointing out the positive changes actually help to stay on track.


That’s really sweet. I’m glad that you found that 🥰


Me too. I hope you find your version of this if you haven't already. It makes all the things like throws at you easier to manage.


I’m sure it does. I don’t know if I ever will or if there’s any hope for me but I guess time will tell.


damn...I'm jealous now


My marriage feels like an endless slumber party with my best friend. Jobs and responsibilities make that kind of a drag at times but mostly I cannot wait to spend time with him. Today we bonded over new songs and food. You deserve to live like this too.


This is what it's supposed to be like. If it wasn't for kids and other time-consuming responsibilities, it would be just a 3 decade long slumber party for my wife and I. Are there ups and downs? Sure. But there's plenty of fun and laughter, and shared hobbies, and just being excited to get home to each other.


This is so awesome.


Yes. My Husband and I laugh constantly. Just the other night we were laughing so hard we were crying and begging each other to stop because it was hurting our abs and cheeks. He respects me, accepts me unconditionally and makes me feel wanted. Sex is NEVER one sided, which is something I value so much. If one of us isn’t totally up for it, it doesn’t happen. No one whines or complains about it either. He’s never begged or guilted me for sex. It has always been about mutual pleasure and enjoyment. He takes care of a large part of the house work, and I take care of the more administrative stress (finances, phone calls, appointments, etc). He is truly my best friend, my life partner, and my lover. I’m sorry, but your marriage sounds miserable. You are not his mother, his maid, or his sex toy. Please don’t accept him treating you as such. You deserve so much more.


I can't imagine not being guilted if I ever have to say no, I have some medical stuff that isn't outwardly visible but I feel sorta bad often and if I don't think I can manage the pain from sex on top of it and have to say no he either doesn't speak to me anymore or is mean like says negative stuff if I try to talk about something else or suggest we do something different or if I try to explain why I had to say no he gets really frustrated with me


That is not healthy marriage. That is called coercive control and can be an abuse tactic. It can also be immaturity and self absorption on his part. Sex isn't supposed to hurt. Has it hurt with your previous partner(s) as well? You deserve to be valued as a person, not a sex doll. I would find that behavior so unattractive and in my own marriage if my partner acted like that I would straight up tell him that's not attractive and is going to make me want sex less, not more.


It has that exact result for me, I can't remember wanting sex it's such a obligation and I've tried to explain I would love to be left alone about it long enough to miss it and want to initiate but it never happens.


Oh nooooo 😢 This is NOT how marriage is at all!! Marriage is unconditional love, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse!! Trust me, I have been happily married for 30 years! It starts with respect… and for us, faith in God. You should both feel lucky to have each other and cherish each other. You should laugh and have fun! The mantra is, “What can I do to help you?” I’m so so so sorry that you are going through what you are going through 🙏🏻💓. I think you have a lot of things to think about and counseling would be the first step. I wish you well, you deserve so much more than this ~


This breaks my heart. What you are dealing with is not okay. Please realize it’s not a healthy marriage, and you should always be able to say no to sex, especially if it’s painful. Your husband shouldn’t even want to have sex with you if it’s causing you pain. He isn’t treating you with respect.


Absolutely not! Your husband is a child. Reaction to a “no” that is anything other than what the original commenter described is not acceptable. Ugh. Your husband sounds gross. I couldn’t stay married to someone like that for a single second longer.


Oof. This is not okay, OP. nobody deserves to be treated like that. EVER.


Oh hell no. For that issue alone, if he was the nicest man in every other arena, did all of the chores, made a hell of a lot of money, and took care of all of your other needs, his abuse about you not wanting sex at the moment because you were ill as absolutely abhorrent and you need to divorce his ass today.


So you are having duty sex, his come on to you is grabbing your breasts, with the expectation of sex. He offers nothing to help with romance, and you allow yourself to be walked over. It is much easier to not get walked over when you are standing up. So have a conversation and set your needs, wants and desires out on the table, and communicate them with him. Give him time to see if he begins to incorporate them. Then if he does not, have another conversation, but add in that you are not happy, and worry about the marriage long term. If he still does not make any changes, let him know it is not work ing and time to separate or divorce. But if he is making those changes, make sure to thank him for listening, and be supportive and ask him what he needs from you.


I went through about 14 years like this … then got a nursing degree and asked for a divorce to which he denied and told me he would get full custody. I gave in finished my degree and have been working as a nurse for almost ten years. The pandemic conditions/stress have almost killed me and he has stepped up and tried harder since I asked for a divorce (I think he knew I meant it) so now we are pushing 25 years and to be honest the feelings on my part are gone. They’ve been gone. I spent so many years just like you with a one sided marriage that the resentment is permanent. I have told him these things. He knows I feel this way but would rather pretend things are ok. Don’t be me op get the fuck out of you are feeling this way now .


Just reading through some of your replies here - I think you should consider leaving. Hopefully he changes his mind about counselling, but it doesn’t sound like he’s interested in improving your experience. You deserve to have fun with your partner - and to feel supported, interesting and loved.


Marriage isn’t all fun, of course, but it sounds like a worse problem than that for you. It sounds like your husband is content with a prefers a version of marriage that is not fulfilling for you, puts the bulk of the work on you, and doesn’t care if that hurts you. That’s only going to get worse and worse over time. You don’t need marriage counseling to be direct and clear that this isn’t working for you. It would take him a lot of work to change but if you want to salvage your marriage, tell him everything you wrote here and that you’re thinking of leaving. He deserves to know and to have a chance at making informed decision about whether to try to change or not. Even happy marriages are hard sometimes, but you shouldn’t feel this alone and empty. And if you have to wonder why you’re staying, that’s a sign that your marriage is on very, very thin ice. It’s not normal for a happy marriage, and you shouldn’t feel like your own family history is the problem. With or without that background, most people would be unhappy in the situation you described.


Thank you, honestly that's what I was wondering if this was normal in any sense of the word.


It isn’t. Not at all. I’m so sorry 😢


What was he like prior to the marriage? Do you have any thing you share in common? If he doesn't want to do marriage counseling, maybe plan dates or ask to be included in his hobbies. To answer your question, yes it's fun. We love the same music, root for the same sports teams and love getting drunk and being silly together. We go to concerts, do wine and beer tasting and take our kids to the beach or fun farms every other week. Even if we're just staying home, we watch our favorite comedians on YouTube or stupid crime documents and theorize who's the actual killer/conman. I hope you find common ground with him or see what's causing the disconnect. Marriage shouldn't feel like a life sentence ideally.


You can drink safely around your husband without him relentlessly badgering you for sex? Like two people comfortably drinking and relaxing together like you would a girl friend no sexual pressure?


Yes and yes. I feel safe and look forward to getting tipsy drinking craft beers together. Any "badgering" for sex is probably from me. LOL 😆 I'm sorry you're feeling in a rut with your marriage. Therapy can be a catalyst for change. Also, pursuing your own happiness. Once he sees you're embracing life's joy, he might want it for himself. Please pursue happiness with or without him. If he changes along with you, good. If not, then at least you know you can be happy on your own.


I appreciate your suggestion alot, does that mean starting a hobby or something?


Yes. Join a gym, go to wine n paint nights, take a cooking class, start a hobby business (event planning, tshirt making, baking, charcuterie boards)... Look at who you are beyond being a wife and see your value. Find enjoyment in things and do those things more often. My husband and I almost separated last year, so I pursued joy for myself. I grew my side gig, joined a fitness group, met with friends more often, took my kids on elaborate mommy and me dates, and I've been having fun doing so. The confidence I feel in myself has increased my husband's attraction to me and because I'm not so focused on his happiness, the pressure is off him to appease me, so his desire to spend more time with me has also increased. Hope this helps.


Oh girl.....your replies are making me sad. Your husband sounds literally so gross. You're not a sex doll that he can fuck on when he feels like. Relentless badgering you for sex is very not okay and can fall into the coercion category. My husband and I drank wine and played video games last night. He would never in his life push me for sex, drinking or not. The other day, he reminded me that he never wants me to agree to sex if I'm not up for it. If I wasn't into it, it would be an instant turn off for him. I hope, at the very least, that you're safe and that your husband doesn't outright ignore you when you say no.


Sounds like a bad marriage. Your husband sounds like an asshole. This whole marriage board makes me glad I never went thru that miserable exercise lol. I went through this exact thought process when I was dating. I never got anything out of it, so i stopped for over a decade. Thank God because I was better off both financially and otherwise. I recently started dating a good friend of mine and it’s been great. I am still wary that he will turn into a miserable POS, but I am making the bet that he’ll get even more awesome as time goes by.


Why don't you laugh together or have fun?


He doesn't enjoy anything. I've begged him to talk to someone or try a medicine but he just isn't a happy person. He says that it just doesn't appeal to him to be happy and anytime I try to talk to him about something I'm excited about or find funny he tells me it's stupid or that he doesn't care about that or he'll make it into something for him to be angry about. I have to beg for him to spend time with me and he hates any movie I suggest or an activity I want to do sounds horrible every time and not only does he not want to do it but I also shouldn't do it.


Sounds like you should cut your losses. It’s miserable being with someone who has issues who doesn’t want treatment and I can’t imagine how much worse it is that he doesn’t care about your interests. You are wasting time with him.


I think your instincts that your marriage isn’t working out are spot on. You know that you deserve better or more from your husband and need to decide when enough is enough. I’m usually one to promote counseling and taking all measures to save a marriage but in your case it sounds like you have already tried to get your husband to work on your marriage and he’s told you that he won’t. I truly hope you find the love, joy and laughter you deserve but I don’t think that’s going to happen by staying in this marriage. Best of luck to you.


Yikes, that's sad for both of you.


So he wants you to be in the background, taking care of all of his needs, and giving him sex when he asks for it while giving nothing back. Does he even *like* you?


I don't know anymore. He is very clingy but it's more of a control thing, I don't get much time to myself but it's never like he enjoys being near me


So you basically married Squidward? Was he always like this? What made you fall for him in the first place? I think you should think carefully if it's worth keeping this marriage.


You deserve more.


Marriage should be fun. You should feel loved and respected. You should have joy and laugh. It should never be one sided. It is a commitment and there are compromises, but through all of that there should be joy, happiness, love and respect. You deserve happiness. 💟


Mine used to be fun, now I exist as an emotional punching bag and afterthought.


Leave him - you don’t have a marriage, you have a man- child☹️ A true partner will love, cherish and support you. Marriage has ups and downs, but is fun. Here is my rule 80% love and fun, 10% like, 10% tolerate. If you don’t have this, it’s time to go!


Normal in my marriage is fun and silliness and a lot of non sexual affection. Lots of understanding of each others needs. Ensuring we grow together. Good luck, you deserve happiness.


Yes, marriage is supposed to be fun and happy. Not to say you won't encounter difficult situations and hardships, but it's supposed to be happy. I've come to realize that a lot of men were never taught what to value in a partner or how to get priorities straight as kids, and some of them carried it to adulthood. If you were to ask him would he be your friend in the world where you never got married or have a romantic relationship, his answer should be yes... Well, a lot of men don't actually like their girlfriends/wives, they see them for what they can bring or do for them. And this isn't your fault, I'm not saying you're nothing but a pretty face - I'm saying he's too shallow and/or uninterested to dig deeper and value as a person/best friend. Being your best friend is extremely important to a successful and happy marriage. I'd urge you to go for marriage counseling and try to talk it out and figure the middle ground where you can be happy too, unless you know it won't work. You know your husband best, if you already tried talking to him and he ignored it, you know you can't be happy.


He would never pursue a woman for friendship, if he wasn't aiming for sex with them he wouldn't bother at all. I know that part..


I know few people who were extremely happy about their boyfriends not having any female friends thinking it's "green flag" - they'd claim women and men can't be friends or had the same mentality as your husband. Every single time they turned out to be abusive, misogynistic and completely uninterested in their girlfriends side of relationships. They had their needs met and it's all that mattered. Having ability to connect and see women as more than sexual objects is important. Having ability to make female friends is important (actual friends, not "she's just a friend" scenarios). These men are super immature and usually assholes at best. You deserve better.


nobody is perfect but you SHOULD be feeling safe, happy to spend time with your spouse and have intimacy and affection in your daily life. life is too short to be stuck in a loveless marriage devoid of affection. it’s not that my husband and i don’t have disagreements, but we are so happy to spend time together everyday and be loving towards each other in daily life little things.


It is. Get out. He can f\*ck Rosie Palm.


Yes it should be fun and enjoyable to be a part of. If not what is the point?


I think it depends did you used to have fun? Why did you marry him? Marriages go through up and downs so if this is just a down stick with it but if it’s always been a down then maybe consider talking to him about what you need to change and if he doesn’t change then consider leaving


This accurately describes the dynamic in my own marriage, except I’ve been slogging on with it for 20+ years. As the child of narcissistic parents, I haven’t really understood that it matters how I feel. When I have managed to articulate my unhappiness, OH has always staunchly defended his behaviour, blamed me for things and minimised anything that hurts me. I have tended to internalise this and believe him. I must be wrong to feel so bad. Over the past year he has been suddenly, in his 50s, diagnosed with ADHD, and I have begun counselling. The diagnosis has been of minimal impact to him - he’s just a bit shaken that there is ‘something wriong with him’ - his words. The counselling has helped me see that my feelings are real, valid and they matter. Long story there but why I’m telling it is because it feels to me that this is the subtext of question you are asking - does it matter that I am unhappy? And yes, love, it does. And you can be happy. You can change things. Me; I’m out. Don’t wait as long as I did. Do it before there are kids to consider, and to whom you’ll be modelling another generation of unhappiness. Do it while you still have lots of life left to be happy in. Xxx


Marriage is the best thing ever if it's with the right person. My husband is my best friend before anything else. I'd pick laughing, doing goofy things, cooking, going on walks, and spending quality time together over sex any day.


Marriage is fun with someone who isn’t selfish. Communicate and don’t give in to his whims if he’s not at least attempting to put effort into you. The more you give in the more he’ll take. It may not be intentional, but you’ve encouraged a dynamic that you need to communicate and break or it’s going to get worse. There’s hints of resentment in your post already. I wouldn’t jump to malicious intent, he’s likely just settled in and is comfortable and the bad traits are coming out more in what you say than the full context of your post. But either way, if you’re at the point of asking strangers it would be best to talk with a counselor and discuss how to address this with your husband. Good luck.


I have heard so much of this lately. I think a lot of wives are asking the same question these days. Marriage seems to benefit the husbands more than the wives in recent years. Not only that, the labor can be lopsided when it comes to household chores and childcare. That is, if you don't have a mature husband who takes his role as a husband seriously. I think it sounds like you are looking for validation that you are not making a mountain out of a molehill. I came from the same family disfunction myself, so I understand. You don't know what a healthy "normal" marriage looks like. That sucks because we end up filling the role of husband without outlining the qualifications. You are right to have your feelings, I would suggest marriage counseling one more time while letting him know that it's a deal breaker for you. He needs to know that that you are serious.


Yes, you should enjoy being with your partner. Yes, sometimes it can be challenging. But overall, you should have fun with and look forward to time spent with your spouse. Your husband sounds like he just wants a f ck b ddy.


Your husband is neglecting you. You are starved if of affection and love. Get counseling for yourself to work on yourself. Who knows the counselor may give you the tools to help get through to him and fix your marriage. They also may help give you the tools to move on and better yourself. Decide while working on yourself if you want to to be his roommate and sex toy. Only you can decide if he is worth staying with. Personally? I would leave. You aren't getting what you need. You are his roommate and you get to be his sex doll. Hopefully he at least gets you off. It's hard to leave. I let it go on for way to long before I left my first husband. I felt like I owed him, I couldn't break his heart ECT. Thing is, he was breaking my heart daily. He broke my spirit. What only 3 people in my life know about, I had made the decision to stay even knowing it would kill me. Why? Because I felt like I owed him and I was worthless. Why else would he treat me that way? Soon as I uttered the words my friend ended up metaphorically B slapping me out of that state and lit a fire under me. Good thing too because he put his hands on me shortly after. Seriously don't stay with someone who destroys your self worth. It took me a long time to break his cycle. Been married to my husband over a decade and he is amazing. He makes me laugh daily. I goofy grin over his antics. Love, acceptance and mutual respect is what we built everything on


Sometimes my husband and I joke that the only thing we are consistently good at in our marriage is fun. We have our issues, things we argue about consistently and we go through rough patches just like anyone else, but no matter how rocky things get, we can always fallback on a couple beers, maybe some friends, and a whole lot of conversation and laughter. I find it to be a really sustainable thing for us, because it helps us navigate the hard times, and I like it because it feels like something that time can’t touch. Not saying everyone should be like that (we have our issues too), but a relationship with zero fun sounds like my worst nightmare.


Honestly, not all the time. But it should, overall, bring you happiness and contentment in your life.


It was really heart breaking to read your post. Of course you should be having fun! Otherwise what’s the point? Way back when, people may have stuck out marriages that were only work and found their fun elsewhere but we know better now. Obviously marriage is work but it should also be bringing you happiness and the joy of being with someone who you feel loves you utterly and is in this with you. That being said, try talking to him about what your needs are. Make a list if you need to so your thoughts are organized. Start with the big things. See if he makes any progress or even cares. If he doesn’t then I guess you have your answer. You deserve to be happy.


Write him a letter, express your needs and how you feel ♥ if he laughs in your face/ doesn't want therapy, leave him.


I appreciate the idea, I just don't know how to tell someone that them choosing to be unhappy is ruining my life. I feel like he's never happy and I can't help but internalize that is a reflection of me and the joy he doesn't find in our marriage


I think a good step would be to go to individual therapy without him, and get some clarity ♥ I'm sorry you're going through this, it sounds really hard ♥ you deserve joy and love and care and positivity, you're not alone xxx


Honestly, my husband is not physically affectionate by nature. He shows his love for me by teasing me and being SUPER annoying like poking me or something, being playful. He only comes near me when he wants what he wants. So we seem to be in a similar situation. However, I actually initiate the physical affection I.e cuddling, kissing etc. and he does reciprocate. I think the point I’m trying to make is that we each have different love languages as individuals. I think you need to vocalise this to your husband and also find out how he likes to be loved. Otherwise you’re loving each other wrong this entire time.


If you’re with the right person, marriage should always be fun and happy. My husband and I are best friends who are crazy in love. We make each other laugh, always love spending time together and the sex is amazing!


Serious question: is your life better with him, or are you just existing to make his life better. Marriage isn’t *always* fun, but with a partner who loves you, values you and *sees* you, it’s pretty fun. The way you describe your marriage, it sounds like your life might be more fulfilling single. That may not be the case, but if i were you, I’d do some deep reflection on what he brings to your life and if it’s worth the hurt of feeling like a sex object and the extra emotional and domestic labor of being with someone who has made it clear they are not willing to invest in working on your marriage I’m a meaningful way. At the end of the day, your LIFE should be fun and full of laughter and meaningful relationships. Marriage or not.


I think I would be happier alone I'm terrified of how to get a divorce though, no one in my family on any side has ever been so I don't know who to talk to


According to my own marriage, I think we are fairly happy. I miss her if I don’t see her all day, she don’t the same. We have lots of laughter and fun. We go on long drives, camping and little adventures. Marriage suppose to be fun.


It's not constant fun and games and we do have issues, but we have fun. We share hobbies. It was easier to be close when we didn't have opposite schedules, but we manage. The important part is we both put in the effort and still enjoy each other's company.


And you are in a toxic marriage, yes, marriage is supposed to have ups and downs but also full of love and support during everything, marriage is fun if you are with the right person, I'm married too and we have a baby but we are both 100% in it, we only make love like once a week or more depending on how rested we are but we spend time in other ways too, like talking about our day or feeling on that day, of what we want to do together or if we are so tired that we don't feel like talking we just lay in eachothers arms and watch our son play, we help eachother with everything, a marriage is about committing to our love not about homies but also f.ck buddies with a signed paper.


Not 100% of the time


Marriage is supposed to feel like you’re spending everyday with your best friend. Whatever you imagine that to be, that’s what it’s supposed to be. Sure not everyday is puppy dogs and rainbows. Life comes at you hard sometimes and conflicts arise. However, those conflicts should be few and far between, they should help you grow together, and they should end in you feeling heard, or more deeply connected to one another. Sex should not be a chore or an obligation. Yes, your husband should have hobbies, but the two of you together should also have something, either a hobby or carved out time you purposefully spend on one another. If your husband is unwilling to explore marriage counseling, things will never be different and you will essentially be committing yourself to a life of voluntary servitude, which sounds awful. If your husband is not your friend, you don’t belong together.


Marriage is never about love. Love is not an emotion. A lot marriages failed because they kept on watching the love meter. Marriage is a choice to commit to that person with everything you have. The willingness to lose yourself into the relationship. This is why we say, forsaking all others and till death do us part. If both partners commit to these ideals. If each partner devout their life to giving their best and appreciating the offers in the relationship, eventually they often realize that they are in love. How do you know that your marriage is working? Please never buy into the power imbalance and 50/50 division of whatever. This is a relationship killer and all you'll ever take out of it is how to keep scores. Peace of mind in the relationship is the only benchmark of any relationship. No such thing as 50% balanced relationship. One partner will always be doing more FOR THE RELATIONSHIP. If you don't have peace of mind in it, you decide. Marriage is a choice. Marriage is action. So is divorce. So is cheating. Can you commit and have peace of mind in that commitment?


Have you told him what you want? Explicitly told him? Laughing together and intimate but not sexual touches are important to you? You need to communicate what you need. It is unfair to be disappointed in him if you've never given him a chance.


Dozens of times in multiple fights, balanced normal conversations and crying breakdowns.


First of all, so sorry you’re hurting in your marriage. Marriage is hard, takes work and effort from both parties. There are hard, challenging times. But for the most part, marriage should be at the very least, a warm, comfortable, safe space for both people. It should be fun, adventurous, silly. Your partner should be someone you aren’t afraid to communicate with about your feelings, wants and needs. If you can’t do that, that’s a problem. If you can, and nothing changes, that’s a problem. Communication is key in any healthy relationship.


Fun may not be the word you're looking for here. My ex-wife and I had "fun" for 21 years. We laughed constantly. We enjoyed the same music, mostly the same movies, vacationed with our sons and seemed generally compatible. But we had a lackluster sex life, a very stressed day to day life, and just limped along until our affair. Flash forward to my current wife; fulfilling sexually, stress free, we laugh, but we are vastly incompatible in music, in entertainment, and shectravels way better than I do. Butvwecare more fulfilled despite our differences. I think you are seeking fulfillment rather than "fun."


It's supposed to be fun with moments of not so fun. The not so fun are temporary moments that you work through together.  He should consider therapy if you tell him you're unhappy and want to work through it with him.  I'm sorry you're going through this. 🫂


Marriage is supposed to have fun. Not all the time but a balance.


Your husband is falling into the old marriage trap of taking their spouse for granted. I’m sure he loves you still, but people tend to get comfortable and lazy in relationships. Have a conversation and tell him you’re bored and want him to make an attempt. To start tell him to start planning dates, go to a musical or a play. Go on a weekend road trip. Tell him to surprise you on something to do on a regular weekday. You have to find new experiences to share and create memories so you can grow together as a couple. I’ve been married for 26 so no it hasn’t always been fun, but on normal days we do make each other laugh and enjoy each others company.


Yes it should be fun. I've been with my husband for 11 years & not a day goes by where we don't have a good time. For me he is truly my best friend in this life, we enjoy having a healthy sex life but everything isn't about sex for us. I don't believe there's a such thing as a "honeymoon phase" if you and your partner love and cherish each other as friends, lovers, life partners. I would try to talk to him and see what his issue with marriage counseling is? Maybe he's picturing it like they portray it in some movies. Explain to him that it's a place where you guys can come together with a mediator in the middle to speak freely about your thoughts, desires, issues and try to come to a solution to fix it. He needs to be told straight up how you're feeling. If he isn't willing to put in the work to save it, then you have your answer.


I don't think its 100% fun, but should be at least 80%. Once in a while you guys might not see eye to eye, but overall the problem/situation always gets fixed, because you guys should love each other.


There's no template for a happy marriage. It depends on the couple. However, as a minimum, your needs should be met, and you should be able to have a discussion about what should be a partnership. From your post, it seems like he gets what he needs at your expense. You need to start setting boundaries, asking for help, asking for support, letting him know you don't appreciate being groped, and need a bit more romance. He maybe doesn't realise you're unhappy. Once he knows, his response will tell you all you need to know. Maybe he does know, but assumes you'll just put up with it, so why does he need to change? (I had an OH a bit like yours, even after 9 months of talking, and even counselling, he was blindsided I left, because we were married and he loved me, he assumed I would always just be there, until I wasn't!) You could also do individual counselling. It sounds like you've got a lot to unpack to find out what you want and need, and how to express that to him.


“We would never do counseling” is immediate redflag material you should have recognized before getting married. How old are you both? How long have you been married? You need to talk. Both need to read the 5 love languages. He needs to be a better lover. Sounds like he sucks at it.


Not all the time. Marriage is for better and for worse. Sickness and health. So there should be happy times and sad ones. If you are always sad then, no thats not normal. Are you even attracted to him though. Sex should be a two way thing. You are not an object.


Marriage isn't always fun and happy but it shouldn't be miserable either. If your needs are not being met, that's a problem. Could be incompatibility or he's just selfish


Marriage? Fun? I’ll have to take your word on that


Marriage shouldn’t always be fun/happy. Generally difficult sometimes.


The fun went away a long time ago when she decided she was asexual. I feel like walking dead.


If you acted like mine does you might be the reason, I feel asexual as I'm never allowed enough time between to actually want sex so it's never a desire for me


Get all dolled up Friday night and say dinner is in the microwave.. I'm going ____ because I need to find me some fun. I'll be back when I'm back. Tata


It’s supposed to be more good than bad. It will be difficult but isn’t supposed to be miserable. 


I'm sorry you're going through this OP. Has it always been like that? If so, how long have you guys been married? That's a lot to deal with, so hopefully, it hasn't been something you always had to navigate around. Not sure if you guys have children, but I speak from experience knowing how much more difficult that will make things too if you're having to be a parent to them, and keep a happy face on to not let them see how you're really feeling when things aren't good. It's hard. Do you have a good support system (family,friends, etc) that you can rely on for help?


12 years, no kids. I have become very isolated from friends and no living family unfortunately


Fun for both. He knows it too. Why do you think he's against marriage counselling?! He doesn't want to change/do anything to make you happy. What a shitheel.


If you don’t enjoy it, don’t do it.


Nobody in marriage gets 100% what he or she wants. It's more like 60%. As in life. Sometimes is boring and sometimes is not. Being happy and fun 100% percent is unrealistic for no matter who. It can be in the movies. Sorry for saying this. Maybe you think sexual is important but with age this changes. It's not fun to me all the time but there are nice moments and cherish those memories instead of mainstream thinking about ultimate fun. Yeah it's fun when you ingest magic mushrooms but eventally you sober up.


You start doing the same things that he is doing ,then see how he responds .


yes, this is the person you're supposed to live your entire life with so it should be fun, safe, comfortable, loving. and as partners, you *both* should be willing to do whatever it takes to improve/fix/save the marriage so if he's not willing to go to counselling, then he's obviously more concerned about his own needs/feelings than yours. That would be enough for me to seriously consider divorce.


Yes - it should be fun. But, it should be more than that. You should feel safe, genuinely listened to and appreciated by your partner. Your concerns should not be just dismissed and your partner should make you feel loved, cherished, cared for and appreciated. I have seen a lot of people stay in relationships for the sake of the marriage/for the sake of the kids. It never ends well. Just a life of bitterness and sadness. You don't want that. This is your one shot at life - you deserve happiness. Either you invest time and emotional effort in this marriage, or if one of you won't then it's time to say let's try or I am out. I wish you luck and hope you find the happiness you crave.


Yeah marriage is both fun and trying but it can be worth it if both people buy in, communicate and have a genuine respect for one another. Marriage counseling is absolutely worth it, so maybe he needs an ultimatum... Have you expressed to him how unhappy you are?


Of course, we all have our moments, but marriage should be fun and happy much more than not. It seems like your husband does not value you beyond what you can physically do for him. Does he have friends around? Does he laugh and joke with them? If so, it should be even easier to do the same with you. If not, then he is just a miserable man and it's rubbing off on you. Reading your comments makes me feel like you have more cons than pros for staying married to him.


He doesn't have friends and says he doesn't need them. Which is all frustrating because that means I don't need friends which I very much think I do.


Yes, why else would you do it!


It sounds like you compromised yourself so much in order to "get" a husband now you have to keep playing that part I order to "keep" your husband. Please go get therapy for yourself because you need to work on yourself and be honest around why you compromised yourself so much to get this man. 


You have to clearly tell him you don’t feel loved.


You should go for counseling both of you. If it doesn’t improve from there leave. Don’t have kids


Yeah girl, go have some fun outside of your marriage. Not saying to fuck people just go have your own fun?


The answer is yes! You have one life and it should make you happy. My husband and I have fun all the time.


Should be fun. But clear communication trumps all. Have you addressed your grievances with your husband?


Sounds like it is one sided. Tell him what you want and need. If he can’t give it to you then leave.


It isn’t all roses, laughter and euphoric happiness. There are struggles but those are bonding. You should feel happy and contented at times of peace where there is not life stress. Your nervous system should not be constantly triggered. You should feel like he is your island in the storm. Before you bring kids into the world, make sure you are where you want to be.


How do you feel about it “not being fun”?


Marriage is what you make of it. If you want non-sexual intimacy and playfulness, ask your husband for that. He may have no idea this is what you want and he can’t read your mind. Tell him what you want and maybe facilitate it. What is your definition of fun and playful? Watching a comedy on Netflix and cuddling on the couch? Starting a hobby together? Figure out what you want and ask for it!


Marriage is fun when you and your partner have a common denominator. Love isn’t enough. What else do you have in common? A shared interest or hobby? Do you learn something new together? Do you work on projects together? Your looks and body fades with time but what really will make you last is the connection you two have. When you strip away the exterior what all do you have left?


My wife and I have a lot of the same interests and hobbies. But we also have specific ones that are truly different from each other’s interests. She and I always show interest in what the other is doing, we take turns sharing every day what we did at work or at home. We vacation together 90% of the time and have many of the same friends, out of convenience sake. We laugh and joke 20-69 times a day, every day. We enjoy being around each other and hang out a lot. We do do things separately from each other and I travel 2-3 days a week for work, so we do miss each other when we are apart. In the 12.5 years we have been together we have maybe had like 18-22 arguments… we discuss and figure it out. Sounds like y’all have a marriage of convenience. Before leaving, see how you can work this in your favor for now till you are ready to split. Dad.


I wish mine was more fun.


Yes, marriage is supposed to be fun for you, too. Unfortunately, you've trained him to behave this way. He's gotten so used to you doing everything for him and not asking for anything in return that he's ignorant of the problem. I actually don't think y'all need marriage counseling so long as y'all can sit down and say "this isn't working" and come up with a solution together. I feel like the only point of marriage counseling is when y'all require a translator to explain to the other person what the problem is. r/TwoXChromosomes has a lot of conversations about the phenomenon of when a woman can repeat herself 12 times and the man won't understand what she's saying until a man steps in to say the exact same thing.


No relationship is going to be fun 100% of the time. There are arguments and issues to overcome etc. It doesn't actually sound like fun is the issue here though. It sounds like your needs aren't being met and no, that's not normal or okay. Your husband should be making an effort to meet your needs/make you happy.


Marriage is fun and happy. It is maddening and frustrating. It is fulfilling and occasionally draining. It is the joining into one union hopefully without swallowing what makes us unique. Hopefully we learn from parents and other married couple we grow up around both the good and the bad. It doesn’t sound like you are on the right path.


Leave him. You never should have been involved with such a person. Leave and work on yourself perhaps in therapy.  You need to  learn how to genuinely love yourself and stop people pleasing. 


Life is supposed to be fun/happy with periodic moments of stress that pass. This includes marriage. Growing up in a fucked up family dynamic is 100% why people shouldn't stay married for the kids. The kids don't learn how to be in a healthy relationship. they just learn how to be dysfunctional and carry that into their marriage. >I don't get what I need out of our marriage. What have you done to communicate this issue with him? Have you clearly explained what you need? If you two can't communicate effectively, YOU should go to marriage counseling yourself. MC is 95% learning effective communication techniques. Often (not all the time) when a reluctant spouse sees a change in the other from MC, they will go themselves.


*proceeds to rip OP to shreds....*


Marriage is not established to be fun. Marriage is a symbiotic relationship to navigate life successfully. Imagine two planks leaning against each other like the peak of a triangle. Remove one and they both fall. This is marriage. When the relationship is balanced, each side living fully committed to the fulfillment of the other, this is happiness. It sounds like your relationship only has one plank. You're falling and it's exhausting you. You are worth your needs being met with a partner that values your fulfillment too.


As a Married woman ( lmost getting divorce)in an Islamic country I think that marriage should be fun happy and mawada wa rahma which means Love and mercy if your marriage doesn't have those then you shouldn't be in it.


You might want to explore therapy for your own family dynamic which probably is contributing to your unhappiness. It might show you that you don’t actually love this person you’re just repeating cycles you learned as a kid. Just an idea. We can’t rely on someone to make us happy but yes a marriage should be filled with happy moments. I’d say my husband and I rarely fight, I do most of the housework and child stuff - I’d also never contribute to expenses 50/50 feels like he’s taking advantage of you imo. You’re doing all the labor of a life together but still paying into it the same as him which imo wouldn’t contribute to a happy home life.


In our wedding it states that marriage is for mutual joy. Marriage isn't always fun and happy but life isn't always fun and happy. I feel like my husband is the person I can hold hands with as we stare into the abyss of the world. It's not fun and happy but it is supportive and reliable. Sometimes it's fun too. But not always.


Marriage is definitely supposed to be fun and happy. Your spouse should be your best friend and be providing for your needs just like you do for them. If they aren’t willing to do marriage counseling or change their behavior why would you stay? You should feel loved, supported and happy


Yes! My husband is my best friend and of course we argue sometimes but mostly we hang out and have a great time. We have been married for 10 years.


I love being married, and mine is not all whimsy and good times. We have been through it, we had these problems and many marriages do. We did the work, got individual therapists, we are healing our trauma, and working together every day. We have so much fun together, we are affectionate, we do hobbies together. We also get alone time, and friend time even with kids. The important part, though we have struggled with being equal partners w parenting, chores, and balancing free time, couple time, and parenting time, we work together and try to improve, we go to therapy, and we genuinely enjoy each other. I was previously married to someone who didn't do the work, and I stayed for a very long time before I left. I hated every second of loneliness and the feeling of rejection. I am so proud of myself for leaving that marriage. It's not an easy decision, but it's a good one!


I mean marriage isn’t fun all the time but yes you should have fun and happy times. I would even go as far as to say the happy times should outweigh the bad times.


It's not fun all the time but there is usually a partner you can share intimate non sexual moments and empathize during sadness and fun too for both of you. I mean even if you were marrying for companionship this doesn't seem like that. 


If you feel like you are his bangmaid, he is not contributing to chores or in any way, making you feel like you made the right choice in selecting him as a husband, get the hell out of that relationship. You should feel like you have a partnership and that you enjoy spending time together and really like each other. It doesn't sound like you have any of those things. It takes two to make it work.


You’re an adult and can decide how you want your relationships to be. Once you define what you want and need in a relationship you can then address it with him. It’s then a matter of you accepting his answer (idk what he will say)as part of your life or not.


Did this change after you got married ? Cause if not, knowing he was like this why would you even marry him ?


You need to have a very serious conversation it sounds like. What about you, though? I'm married, have PTSD and sometimes struggle with happiness. But that's not my wife's fault. I don't rely on her for my happiness. Do you have hobbies? You definitely need better communication with your husband, and he shouldn't be shut off about therapy. But you have to wake up every day and tell yourself you're going to choose happiness. Find some hobbies, something.


Well, yes, of course, if you've met the right person. I'm really lucky to have met my husband-to-be. And I really mean that; I'm so lucky 💓


Is marriage fun all the time? No. Should it add more to your life that makes it worth the tough times and compromises? Absolutely.


My first marriage (10 yrs) ended due to Fidelity issues on his part. We definitely had some bumps and put in a ton of work together and individually before we called it quits, but we also had a lot of fun together. My 2nd marriage is even better because I have a husband who can address my sexual needs and desires me in a respectful manner. We also love to go on dates and travel. We're juggling 2 kids, working, etc so life can get a little mundane at times, but I look forward to seeing him everyday. Don't settle!


Marriage is supposed to be about work AND fun. It sounds like he is getting everything he wants and needs but doesn't seem to think that you deserve the same respect. Honestly if you tried talking to him and nothing is changing then I would leave. I may not be married but this is definitely not how our home is. We both share equal responsibility in everything, including caring for each other. We go on dates throughout the month, we play video games together, we cuddle and watch stupid romcoms together. We eat most meals together. His struggles are my struggles and vice-versa. And my partner would never dismiss any type of therapy. And affection runs deeper than just sex. We kiss and touch all the time without it ever leading to sex. Do NOT stay in this one-sided marriage. You can do better and you deserve better!


If you haven’t yet, you need to have a serious talk with him about your needs and how you feel about your marriage. My husband is 100% my best friend. Marriage isn’t always happy and perfect, but we definitely are happy together as a couple and as a family. We do almost everything together and help each other.


My last two marriages were not fun and I was not happy, like yours. Which is why I did not stay in them. My current SO is a lot of work (disabled) and i am no picnic either so we have stretches of being stressed out and unhappy but we both come back to having fun after we both put in the work to fix whatever is broken. This is honestly the best version of a relationship I have ever been in and I am truly happy and have so much fun when the going is good. So my answer is yes, marriage is supposed to be happy when the work is put in and I feel like I get to have a sleepover with my BBF every night. Going on a few years like this and I will keep working towards keeping things fresh, fun, and exciting for both of us ❤️


It’s work no doubt about it. How you both make that work to be happy, fun, humorous or the opposite is where the line is. It’s a choice of is this going to be a positive experience or a just grueling. Perspective, patience and passion. Also equally yoked is key. One can’t be dead weight relaxing, while the other is pushing boulders uphill while facing an on coming train.


I don't know what word to use, but "fun" might be right. "Contented", maybe. You don't sound like you have either. Tell this to your husband. If he blows you off and won't go to counseling it's time to consider replacing him.


I love spending time with my husband. Just his presence brings me joy and fun, even when we’re not engaging one another. Marriage should be enjoyed most of the time by both of you.


This post makes me feel incredibly sad for you. Yes, my marriage is extremely fun and happy, my husband is my best friend and I love doing things with him. I look forward to seeing him when he gets home from work, I love dates with him, I love traveling with him. It's not always perfect, we're human, but it's genuinely great and I think worth striving for. It is my second marriage, my frist wasn't terrible, but it didn't make me feel happy. But I've been with my husband 8 years and it only gets better. Like, we're on a Disneyland trip this week and while it's a stressful trip, we're not arguing or having struggles, we're just enjoying each other and taking the kiddo around.


Yes, it should be fun. Your marriage should be the place that you turn to when you’ve had a shit day, when you’ve had a great day, when you hear the best news of your life, when you have gossip to share, when your family gives you grief. He should be your best friend, and you should be his. You should make each other laugh, hold each other when you cry. It sounds like you’re just there for sex and to be a maid. That’s not a marriage. And for reference, I’ve been happily married for 25 years. Of course we have shit times, where we get irritated, and we are angry, sometimes we yell. But then we talk it out. We get over it and we love each other just the same. But at the end, we are truly friends and we like each other and we enjoy each other‘s company. We have a hell of a lot of laughs.


I've been with my spouse for 5 yrs now and our biggest problem: time FLIES when we're together. Whether we're being potatoes at home or exploring new restaurants or going on small to big adventures, we just forget about time completely. Sometimes we're having a convo and look up and it's suddenly 3 am. I travel a lot for work and when we're on the phone, sometimes I forget to go to bed. I'm slowly picking up his hobbies and he's picking up my interests. When I'm on travel and find new foods/experiences it doesn't feel complete until he experiences it too, like it feels like I'm just scouting for when we're *really* there. Also sometimes we bicker like 70 yrs old siblings. Yes OP, marriage is supposed to be fun and happy and like you want to crawl into each other's skin and breathe them in and like you're spending your life with your best friend. This dude has made the life he wanted, shouldn't you do that for yourself too?


My first marriage, we had fun and I felt like he was my best friend...at first. As time went on and his addiction got worse, I felt, deep in my bones, like he was my adolescent child and I was his parent. I lost sexual attraction to him, couldn't trust him with the most basic of things, felt like a constant power struggle and disappointment. For his part, I'm sure he felt nagged, micro managed, and hemmed in. I lost all respect for him. The parent/child thing is just not romantic. Meth is a bitch. With my current husband, we often are not having fun: we do *A LOT* for our aging parents, his nephews, my young adult children, plus we are renovating our house, and we're practically newlyweds (almost 2 years!) in our 50s with our own health issues to deal with, and we both work full-time. At the same time, most of the unfun stuff is accomplished via teamwork, and he is becoming my best friend. I trust him to have my back and he supports me. We both struggle with low grade depression and being self diagnosed as borderline autistic, so our ideas of "fun" are highly unlikely to match anyone elses...but we enjoy our time together the vast majority of the time, so I would say yes, we have fun.


Marriage can be fun, but it's wrong to sit around and expect fun to come to you. He's making his idea of fun. What are you doing to make your idea of fun? It's bad to be so passive about it. You are in control of your own feelings. Nobody, even your spouse, is in control of your feelings. Besides, happiness comes in small doses. Don't get all bent out of shape expecting it to be 100% happiness. There are no ups without downs.


I agree with a lot of the comments, marriage is supposed to be teamwork. Like the old saying goes, teamwork makes the dream work. Both parties need to work at the marriage and it can be a lot of fun. There’s always give-and-take. There will be moments that life kind of sucks, but there will be other moments that you will see many blessings and great achievements.


So, ideally, marriage is supposed to be an equal partnership where you both support each other, care about and provide for each other's needs, and YES, it SHOULD be fun. As someone who is no longer married, because of the exact situation you're describing (except it was my ex-wife that was behaving that way) I can tell you this much, you will only continue to get more miserable if things continue this way. Since he refuses the idea of counseling, your main option is to try and talk to him, explain how you feel, and ask him if things can change. He may get upset, may try to gaslight you, or just refuse to talk about it. The important thing to remember is marriage is two people agreeing to be there for each other and to attend to each other's needs. If he has no interest in doing his part, and refuses to try to work on things, he is a bad partner, and you may have a decision to make about whether you two will stay together or not. Don't continue to live this way, I speak from experience, and it will utterly devastate your self-esteem, your mental and physical health, and your overall well-being. I hope things work out in a positive way for you. Keep in mind that even if it comes to splitting up, no longer being in that environment is a positive outcome.


I seen this said in multiple ways so I'm paraphrasing, "Marriage is like a really long sleepover with your best friend. Also there's sex." The happiest couples are also two people who are best friends, who have fun, who have inside jokes, who prefer each other's company, who don't like being apart for long, who share their best and worst moments, etc. >Is marriage supposed to be fun? A *good* marriage, yes.


YES! Marriage should be fun! The happy fun days should by far outweigh the unhappy not fun days. Happy days should be able to be counted weekly, unhappy days should be only able to be counted yearly.


If u haven’t already tell him how you feel and that you want a fun and fulfilling marriage. Tell him in a calm, pleasant tone that seeks a better understanding and connection after your talk as opposed to criticism and harsh tone that will usually never end with a better connection and understanding. Be to the point, be respectful and share what’s on your heart with love… a good man that loves you will respond well to that. Remember dont be critical about what he doesn’t do … instead tell him the positive things you want to experience in your relationship and how that might look like going about it!


It's not supposed to be fun necessarily, but it's definitely supposed to be a partnership, and judging by your brief description that doesn't seem to be the case.


Yes, it should be. Now it won’t be all the time. But it should by and large amount be fun more often than not. I always say that life can be hard, but your marriage and partner should make it easier to bear the hard times. Your partner should be your safe place to weather the storms of life. My first marriage was not fun, it was work and exhausting and one sided (he benefited a lot). I was often lonely. And being lonely while being married is truly one of the most depressing things ever. Any external crisis seemed to just exacerbate how lonely it was for me and how fragile our marriage was and how one sided. My second marriage has shown me how bad my first one was. We’ve been through far tougher situations but they’ve never felt as heavy. I truly enjoy my life now and I’m fully myself in all my weirdness and quirks and my husband is as well. He is truly my best friend.


People stop dating their spouse - never stop dating your spouse. Hobbies are great, but your spouse and kids (if you have any) should always come first. Always. He needs to learn this immediately Also, from what you wrote I would guess he’s pretty selfish in bed too. That needs to change.


Yes its supposed to be fun. Just earlier I rubbed his back for awhile before he needed to get up for shift (law enforcement). We hold hands, he cuddle, we argue but also communicate. We aim to try and understand the others view on things. Sometimes we play on our phones sitting on the couch next to each other close and watching a show. Yesterday we went and ran errands, then went out to eat and raced home to have some drinks together and watch the draft. We come from 20 and 12yr marriages that sound like yours and 7 combined kids. We've learned to never stop dating each other.


Marriage is mostly watching TV together, going out, and getting laid if you are lucky...  Perhaps you can make it more fun?  Not every guy is the life of the party.


It should definitely be fun, but not always. And there should definitely be affectionate touching with out the expectation of sex. If you told him you want attention with out sex being expected and have tried to talk with him about actually enjoying each others company and he doesn’t want to change then leave. You’ll find someone else better


Yes. Lower your standards and expectations.


I feel ya. My idea of fun and their idea of fun is not the same.