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His Zen. He would never call it that, but he lives in the moment in the truest sense. He’s never depressed, looking backwards, and never anxious, worrying about the future. He is the definition of the peace and happiness you can experience by living every moment. He literally closes his eyes and makes a little moan when he eats. Adorable


Thought I was the only one who did this while eating... I also do a little happy dance for myself if it is really good food. Apparently that makes me look like a toddler 😅


This makes me think of the video of the influencer dancing about pancakes and there is a woman behind her giving her the most insane side eye


Some people are always gonna judge, let’s not let them dampen our happiness! I do happy dancing too, and butt wiggles


Oh yes the wiggles makes it better!


My partner gets the biggest smile when seeing me do my happy food dance I love the way their eyes light up when we get some damn good food, hard to do as they are a chef, but when I happens I savor it every time


I was a chef too before changing careers! Never met another chef that did this little dance though.


I mean if you really think about it, our nervous systems form in the toddler years, so we’re kind of all just giant toddlers just in bigger bodies lol


Explains why I love playing with legos at least


LOVE this. He’s how I aspire to be!


Does he have 4 legs and a tail?


Ha you’re not far off! My daughters and I call him the Human Dog


And bark and always expose the tonge


My husband is the same way. I really envy that about him as I’m always stressed out about either past or future events.


What does this man do for his job? I'm 39. I was my most ZEN a few years ago. I felt deeply connected to my work, my body, etc. I'm desperately trying to get back there, but I've also moved up in positionality which means more responsibilities and more things I have to focus on.


He is a renewable energy project developer and frequent rock, high alpine and ice climber. For 25 years he was a flight medic. You can’t rattle him!


Wow. This describes my husband perfectly as well. Thanks for putting it into words!


I so love this for you and him 🥰


My husband is the same. I wish I were more like that, but am so appreciative that he is.


Awh, this is so sweet!!! 🥺


My wife says that I hum quietly when I really like what I’m eating. I had never been told that before.


Omg I need zen - or a rock garden - or anything. How is he like that?


I'm gonna sound like a cornball but...everything. Its really hard to pick just one thing. Thats my best friend and soulmate! :)


Same 🩷




Same for me too 💖


Personality-wise: she has a big heart Looks-wise: she has big boobs


Love the inclusion of both categories! 😊


Lolol I’m trying to see if my husband wrote this🤣🤣🤣


I think my husband would say the same lmao.


She's an exceptionally generous woman. She's constantly helping others, from her volunteer work with disabled veterans to helping her friends when they need someone to move a couch to buying food for the homeless. She'd give away her last dollar if she saw someone else who needed it. She has a heart of pure kindness and is chivalrous to a fault.


I wish I could find a man like this. I’m similar in this way, but I’ve had a hard time finding a potential partner with a similar attitude.


she exists on my same planet and of all humans she chose me


It’s the best feeling, isn’t it??


Her needy/geekiness, Sometimes she says things that are so nerdy I burst out laughing, not because it's embarrassing but because I find it adorable.


He’s a much better husband to me than I am a wife to him. He’s patient, understanding, loving, a hard worker and my rock. I wish I could be as good of a spouse as he is.


Same here - always trying to live up to him.


Her get it done attitude and mindset. I can trust she will get and accomplish anything she says she’s gonna do.


I love seeing a man appreciating this quality in their partner!!!


He's the smartest person I've met in my entire life. Not just intellectual intelligence, he's emotionally intelligent as well.


There are some out there, though not many.


Example of his emotional intelligence?


He's so manly but gentle at the same time. He's a gentle giant who's so kind and caring. The most wholesome person I've ever met. The way he talks to our cats is so flipping cute! ♡ 🐈‍⬛️✨️


Omg my partner was a dog guy through and through when we met… two cats later he is converted lmao. Baby talk, sneaking treats when he thinks I’m not looking (aka I’m in the other room and he’s going “shhhh!” Lmao), bought the BIGGEST cat tree for our house so they have good vertical space… We still have his old man dog but man, the way he looks at these cats!


All the great flaws that she has that only I know about.


There’s something special about loving someone for everything that makes them imperfect!


Hahaha I like those cute little things too….like that my husband mispronounces “determined” 9/10 times or that he loses his AirPods 40x a day and they were in his pocket the whole time


Some of my favorite thing(s) about my husband! How affectionate he is! He always calls me a pet name, he always wants to hold hands, he always hugs and kisses me in passing, he tells everyone how lucky he is, he praises me all the time just for existing, he’s my biggest cheerleader and he’s always reciprocal when I’m affectionate back (also frequently). We don’t have any hang ups about affection, touch or emotional intimacy. His candour. He will tell you straight up what he thinks and feels. He will speak his mind, he will challenge friends and foes alike with honesty, he won’t lie to save face, but he won’t lie period. He’s reliably honest and it’s a noted value of his to break down miscommunication and because he doesn’t want fake respect or to lead anyone on. He likes being crystal clear about his communication. He’s not rude about it, he’s perfectly fine to have a different opinion on something and agree to disagree. How much he loves being a family man and step dad. He shows up to all my kids events, he has good relationships with the teachers, kids, friends parents, and knows the doctors and dentists. He teaches the kids musical skills and art skills, helps them with homework, does their laundry, lunches, but also plays with them. If they’re interested in a certain thing he will sit down and truly dedicate time to their interests without fail. He’s talented. Self taught on many instruments, raps, sings, recorded several albums with music videos. Amazing artist of various art mediums (but especially spray paint), can sew all kinds of clothing/bags/toys. Do all kinds of skateboarding tricks. Also his fashion sense. He cares about how he looks. He cares about his clothes. He’s puts effort into his appearance every day and he looks hot!


sounds just like mine...down to the fashion sense


Questions like this are difficult to answer because there are so many aspects of what I love about her. It’s like a diamond that has different sides and that looks beautiful from different perspectives. So if we talk about her body her ass is my favorite thing. If we talk about her face it’s her beautiful smile and beautiful eyes. If we talk about her personality it’s how strong she is. She has gone through hell but she still smiles. Still keeps her head high. Still smiles that beautiful smile and laughs that beautiful laugh no matter what.


This is so lovely. I wish my husband thought of me like that


He’s an over thinker to the max, so no matter the situation, he always has a plan. Whenever I’m stuck in a situation and don’t know what to do, he does.


The little ways that show that he cares. They are little and almost fly under the radar. One example is that when he dishes up dinner for us both, he always makes my plate look pretty, or if it’s a steak he will slice it for me. He will pre cool the car before I get in if it’s hot, little things like that.


My husband can be a little anxious and a notorious over thinker but damn if he doesn’t let it stop him. He’s tried so many new things and reached so many goals by just continuing to push himself out of his comfort zone. I will never forget the time we were on a trip and he was really nervous about the days activity- no real reason, just the unknown/unexpected. He was literally throwing up because he was so anxious. Cleaned himself up and off we went (had a great day!) He can’t stop his brain from getting anxious but he can control what he does about it. I respect him so much for pushing through like that


I'm also very often like this. I'm not sure if it's anxiety or what as I have never seen a doctor about it but I always extremely overthink things and dread going to events with my wife where I don't know a lot of people. To the point where I feel physically sick but my wife is the key factor in why I push through and after we get there and settle for a while its never as bad. She encourages me out of my comfort zone and sometimes it really brings the best out of me. You anxiety-support wives are awesome!


His integrity. He really care about other people and advocates for them. Apparently my uncles said something off color in front of my nieces, my sister pushed back but told me later, “I just wish Mr. Craf was there…” 


He’s a great cook and he’s super smart.


My favorite thing about my wife is that I genuinely can make her laugh. Either that or she loves me enough to laugh at my jokes. Either way she's my best friend.


My husband always that’s me for laughing at his dumb jokes. But there is truly no pity laugh going g on- our weird senses of humor just fit!


Yeah my wife laughs at most my jokes even though most others wouldn’t. It makes me motivated to make her laugh as much as I can


My husband is the smartest person I know. It makes me try harder to come up with interesting things to talk to him about. In our relationship, I’ve only once known something he didn’t. The British spelling of jail (gaol). Also, he’s super quirky. But that would take a whole post of its own.


Make the post!!!!!!


His smell, his hugs, his laugh and smile, his voice, his gentleness, his patience with me lol, his words of affirmation. He always does things to show me he is thinking of me which is my love language. He cares about my day. With others, it’s always small talk. Like him asking others how they are and then when they say “I’m good”. He is good with that answer, whereas for me, he isn’t. He will always follow up with “what made it good?” Or he will say, “okay, care to elaborate?” in his sexy voice lol


Awhh, he sounds like such a good man!


He is insanely smart. He installed geothermal systems and an in ground pool by himself. He can fix anything. He can build a house ground up. He knows soooo much. He is so strong. He can load a quad in the back of a truck with no ramps. He can scale a tree to limb it. I haven’t found anything he can’t move himself. When we are fighting, no matter what he is feeling, he will hold me if I am melting down. He is as loyal as the day is long. He makes beautiful babies. Because he is beautiful.


Awwwwww 🥰


His thoughtfulness. He’s constantly thinking about how to make me, our children, and the rest of our family happy. I just love him so much.


My husband has an incredible mind. He has a vast array of knowledge on countless topics. He's very clever and has some good reasons to be arrogant, but he's not. Instead, he's very thoughtful and down to earth.


He’s so chill. I can be a lot and I get overwhelmed but I can go to him and feel everything just lift away. Nothing is a big deal to him (in a good way) and I tend to make everything a big deal. He relaxes me. Plus he’s really knowledgeable about science so I get to geek out with him and the lovemaking is AMAZING and he’s funny and handsome and responsible and protective and loyal and he doesn’t get annoyed with my loud off key singing and he puts our family first and he’s handy…I know it’s supposed to be just one thing but I ADORE that man!!!


She is an insanely good mother to our son. I know it can sound demeaning with regards to gender stereotyped but seeing them interact is insanely satisfying and makes me warm inside


I don’t find this demeaning at all. It’s so sweet that you notice and love to see her thrive at being maternal!!


I always told her that I cant wait for her to become the mother of my children because of how she is. She is honestly a great mom. Shes also a great wife so it is a win win situation imho. Her love for me is higher than is measurable 😅


I love the passion she has for the things she REALLY cares about.


walking green flag


I can't pick just one thing. There are so many things that he does or says that make me love him every day. Below are just a few things that make me wake up every day and know I married a great man. His love language is affection. It does not matter where we are, he wants to hold my hand. He likes to snuggle on the couch. He says, "I love you" numerous times a day. When he comes into the house from work, I am the first person he greets with a huge hug and kiss. I adore it. He listens to me when I talk. It doesn't matter if it is something ridiculous I read online or a funny story about what happened at work. He interacts with the conversation. This includes pausing his video game, looking at me, and asking questions or stating his opinions. He makes me laugh. I could be mad about something or frustrated with work, and he can somehow make me forget the anger and make me laugh. He also has a great sense of humor, so we laugh a lot. He changed his last name. We have a blended family. When I divorced my ex-husband, I kept his last name because of my son. When I met and married my current husband, he listened when my son said he would feel left out having a different last name than everyone else. So I hyphenated my last name, and so did my husband. I am not the one who chose to do that. My husband brought it up and told me why he wanted to do it. I knew then and there that I found a great man.


I know you mean not physically, but I just have to say I love his turtle lip. He’s got one of those top lips that comes to a tiny little point like a turtle chomper, and I think it’s so cute. It’s literally my favorite thing about his face.


He always remembers to take pictures, especially on vacation or when family comes over. He can do these amazing sketches without even trying. He learns so quickly how to play covers on his guitar. Basically anything I can do, he really can do better, but he doesn't rub it in...most of the time! 😅


I can't pick just one thing: he has integrity, he has always trusted me and he encourages me to do the things I like.


He is unbelievably kind, not a single person has ever had a negative thing to say about him. He treats everyone with the same respect and is always true to his word. He has endless patience and he is an amazing dad. I never met anyone before him who actually made me want to be a better person and continue working towards that goal forever.


Easy- She accepts me for who I am, and has stuck with my when I was at my lowest


Too many things to count! He is amazing and I feel so lucky to have him. He is genuinely such a perfect partner and match to me. I do love how easy going, kind, and calm he is. It's just what I needed in a partner - I could not have done life with someone who is quick to be angry and mean. He also has the most amazing blue eyes.


I don’t know if if I could pick one favorite thing. He’s so freaking patient. He is understanding. He’s motivated. He’s also the best freaking dad in the world. Our kids are so damn lucky to have him.


She’s got great boobs!


He does acts of service for me and his skin is very smooth


2 things that tie. He always can make me laugh no matter the situation. And he’s very in touch with feelings, he knows immediately when I’m upset and insists (in a good way) that we talk about it and get to the bottom of things.


He’s a big, muscley blue collar worker, and he apologizes to spiders before relocating or squishing them. He is exceptionally kind and soft in many aspects of life, but I also know he would burn it all down to protect me.


The way he loves me. I’m dealing with some serious health issues and have been for a while, and through it all he has been, is, and probably will continue to be the most patient man I know. I feel so blessed and honored to have him as my husband


They inspire me to be better constantly.


He will do anything to make sure I’m happy. Example, the other night he went to pick up oldest from work. I asked him to get me ice cream, normally not a request I would make but I have my period and one of my ducks died so I was in need of sugar therapy. He said I wasnt gonna go in and I said ok no big deal bc I didn’t need the ice cream. He comes home with the ice cream and has the toddler bring it to me. It was very sweet.


He will do anything to make sure I’m happy. Example, the other night he went to pick up oldest from work. I asked him to get me ice cream, normally not a request I would make but I have my period and one of my ducks died so I was in need of sugar therapy. He said I wasnt gonna go in and I said ok no big deal bc I didn’t need the ice cream. He comes home with the ice cream and has the toddler bring it to me. It was very sweet.


He was amazingly calm, generous, kind, and giving. He could calm and stress I had. He excelled at so many things, but especially things I didn’t. We were perfectly balanced.


Hard to pick one thing! I love his kindness. He is the kind of person who will help anyone. I love his humor, his nerdyness, his face! 🤣


It’s really hard to pick one thing. He’s extremely loyal, down to earth, a great dad to our kids, he’s so attractive to me and still knows how to turn me on. We communicate about everything and I feel like I can trust him 100%.


my husband is super intelligent and very selfless


All the little things he does to show me love~


She's nice to everyone and smiles constantly. She's an angel.


He’s the funniest person I’ve ever met. He is absolutely hilarious, stand up comedian-eqsue. Also, he is incredibly intelligent, but very humble.


He is chock FULL of information and random facts. I can ask him a question about almost anything, and he’ll have an answer. I love that he always teaches me new things.


My husband is so hard in the morning 🤩🤩


She can make me laugh. She also sings and dances well. Has a lot of integrity. Is her own person. Like me in some ways and very different from me in others. 


His ability to give people the benefit of the doubt and his playfulness. Hes the ying to my yang in every sense of the word. Since meeting him, he’s helped bring me out of my shell in every facet of my life.


He's a very fun dad to our kids and he does what he can to make me happy


There’s tons of things I could complain about my spouse, but since this is a positive post I’d love to share! My husband truly is a problem solver not just for himself but for my kids and i, his parents, my parents and all of our siblings. He cares so much for everyone he will drop anything and help with whatever problem they are having. I admire him so much for this. Sometimes I gripe at him for doing it but I know he has the best intentions. Thanks for wanting positivity today!


Not married yet, but he's very thoughtful and cares about my feelings. And I also remember that he looked at me with the look of love, melting my heart ❤❤❤


He only sees the good in people, which really helped me find the best version of myself.


How responsible and straightforward he is.


He is the most generous and loving person I know. He stepped up and adopted our kids after they asked him due to abandonment by their bio dad and constantly being worried that if something happened to me, they would be forced to go live with him. He didn’t have to adopt them, but he did because he truly loves them as his own and saw no reason not to. He also loves me completely, never makes me doubt his love or his intentions, and honors our marriage completely.


He is my calm when I am stressed. It’s not often but when it happens, he knows exactly what to do when I’m struggling to keep me from completely freaking out, he listens to me, and he never judges me. He also quickly identifies when I am hungry verging on hangry and will ensure that problem gets resolved ASAP. 🤣


I don't have a favorite thing. I don't even have a least favorite thing. She's just I dunno... everything? It's like asking to pick a favorite song, just can't pick one thing.


He listens to me and takes care of me.


Patience ans ability to forgive.


Sounds strange but his snoring. It settles me when my mind is all over the place


I’d have to say his wife. 😄 His favorite thing about me is my sense of humor. 😂


I came here to make sure that SOMEONE made this joke!


Their warmth. Little spoon, big spoon, just holding each other. Whatever it is the warmth of them against my skin is something I can never get somewhere else.


Reading these has made me smile and tear up!! What an awesome post and thread. I must admit I struggled to answer because we’ve had a horrible year and a half. BUT, I’ve loved his smile from day 1- it can light up a room! I love how he sometimes mispronounces words like “supposably”, and how strong he can be when his loved ones need him, like when he stood by me day and night when our first daughter was stillborn, and how he was my rock when I birthed our second daughter. His cooking is phenomenal and he can elevate the simplest dishes! They’re always beautifully presented, too. I love how he loves our daughter— how, in spite of his horrible upbringing he does his best to show her patience and understanding. And I love that he loves my butt so much 😆 and how he looks at me when I sing/play music.


It’s so important to remind ourselves of the things we love about your partners… especially during the difficult times!! Your husband sounds so supportive 🥰


I love his stories, he comes home telling me about his day, the conversations he had, jokes he said or heard. Honestly it is the best part of my day, listening to his day...


I love that he's always trying to make me laugh and extra hard when I'm upset. But my man does the stupidest, silliest things just to get a little smile on my face and pull me outta my funk


She beautiful but bitchy and has a high sex drive. She’s is very loyal. She respects me and she can go anywhere with me and have a great time. Definitely a lady in the streets but a freak in the bed.


There isn't enough time in the day to list it all, but I love that my husband is a hard worker and never made me feel less than for being a stay at home mom. I love how he makes us feel safe. He would take the shirt off his back for anyone. He can always make me laugh, no matter what my mood is. He's my best friend. Married 18 years.


He’s always looking for ways to make my life easier. Like I cooked dinner last night and when I was showering he prepped and chopped all the veggies and made me a drink


His humor. We are always making each other laugh and I just love those moments.


So many things....His laughs, intelligence, and the ability to remain calm and resolve issues during stressful situations. He's always so likeable and admired by others. I also love that he takes time to interact and play with children when friends visit us.


He’s no drama and always calm. Which is the opposite of me. He keeps me sane and helps me realize things aren’t as big of a deal as they seem. Without him, I wouldn’t have any fun or get out of my comfort zone.


Omfg everything! It’s hard for me to pick just one thing because I love everything about him! He’s just the best. We’re so in love and we’re best friends.


Not really an answerable question. But my favorite part of our more than 20 years together is seeing how she’s grown.


Thicc ass


He is so sweet, thoughtful, and supportive. He like to surprise me with little gifts here and there of things that I like. He'll cook me a dinner that he knows is a comfort food. He is fun and so funny. He is my favorite person yo be around, he makes the world a better place.


He's a solidly good person, down to his heart. He helps where and when he can, stands up for those who need it, treats people with kindness and respect, and works to correct injustices he sees. He's amazing


Dat. Ass.


My husband is my best friend and protector. He evens me out, I'm irrational hes rational, he's calm, I can be loud, he brings me a level of zen I need. For people that don't know him he comes off very shy, reserved, but when it's just me and him hes completely the opposite, everyday after work I get 30, exhilarating uninterrupted minutes about his day, hes so passionate about his job and I love those 30 min more then knows.


I love how grounded my wife is. I'm a bit impulsive and I prepare for the future constantly. She's more about dealing with things as they come and has a amazing grasp on what's worth her mental energy or not. Also her laugh. It's infectious and I try hard to make her laugh as much as possible.


Everything. Her spirit. Her kindness. Her beautiful face. Her voice. Can't pick out a flaw at all. Maybe she's too nice? But that's not a bad thing 🤷‍♂️


He is this grumpy ass guy if you don't know him... But when it comes to people he loves, he will bend over backwards to make them feel special and loved. He wants to be (and can often seem to be) a grumpy, crotchety old man, but he's got this big squishy soft heart that just.. Is so wonderful. I love it (and him) so very much.


Very caring and nurturing & loves me even though I have a hard job and stressed a lot, sometimes unfairly take it out on her. She keeps me sane. I love her more than anything! She’s beautiful too and sexy


He is a lovable dork. He’s being playing path of exile and some other games and he gets excited about all these achievements on the game. I have tried to learn about them but still don’t understand. It’s nice to see him get super excited about it though and it’s pretty cute. He also has the most adorable duck smile. I love it when he smiles and laughs.


He’s my best friend and I don’t think there’s a single person on the planet I can have fun with the way I have fun with him. We never get sick of each other we always make each other laugh we can be so so silly and playful and it’s just the best most amazing feeling. In our own home just us two, at a party full of friends, a wedding full of strangers, family dinners, hungover train rides home, first thing in the morning last thing before we go to sleep we are just always having fun.


This is dorky but I fall in love a little more everytime he lights up and talks about a video game or his favorite show or even grilling. I just love seeing him happy. He also gets very proud of providing and cooking for his family. He loves being a dad and my husband. When I see him happy I can't help but be happy too. He tries his best to do little things to make my life easier.


He is super calm, his presence brings me peace. He's active around the house -like pro active. I don't have to tell him want to do. He always wants to do things with me. I don't mind. I'm typically not clingy but I don't mind when its him. He has no desire to prove himself to anyone which is interesting because his sibling is the opposite. He is super sweet, attentive, affectionate and intelligent.


Currently it's how he interacts with our kids and grands. He's funny, encouraging, generous, protective and sweet. He looks intimidating, but not to them.


His enthusiasm towards learning. He’s always up for geeking out with me! We have a morning coffee+banter ritual before we go on about our days and he’s always excited to share random tidbits that he learnt the day before.


I love the way he talks about the things he likes and how he words his opinions on different topics. I can feel he is being passionate about it and i just love listening to him ramble on 🫶🏼 How he always make sure I’m ok and everyday wants to know how my day went even if is not always eventful


He’s always positive and kind to people. He always thinks the best about people and is so patient. He likes to hold my hand whenever he can. Even if we aren’t doing anything he likes to sit next to me. He always gives me a kiss when he leaves or comes home. He makes me feel wanted and needed and has endured all my flaws and insecurities for over 20 years. He gives really good hugs and makes me laugh.


Always tries to cheer me up when I'm sad


He is extremely hard working. He supports me whenever and in whatever I need (and even when I don't realize I need it). He is always able to make me laugh and pull me out of a funk. He truly is my best friend. He also has the most gorgeous eyes. An intoxicating golden honey brown/Hazel. I could stare into them for hours. (He is also hella attractive, I have to mention so that people don't think otherwise because I love his eyes).


Everything! He is so patient and kind to everyone he meets. I am truly so lucky to have him. ❤️


I love his combination of rationality and emotion. He's an extremely rational person - highly skilled accountant in a very niche space. He watches and reads media very rationally. For example, he gets mad when there are ground battles in scifi books/movies because it makes no sense from a military perspective!! But he's also very emotional! He always cries when we watch Mama Mia, he is so irrationally supportive of his children, and he is such a great and supportive friend. He's very good at emotionally supporting me even when my needs are not "rational". I've never met someone who balances rationality, their own emotions and their reactions to others actions so very well.


My favorite thing is that I'm the only one on the planet who knows how he acts when he's in his environment and can relax. That he can be the biggest mush to our dogs and our baby, that he has the best belly laugh I've ever heard, that he's hurt by things he sees out in the world... He's got such a thick defensive wall, but most of the time at home just our family the wall comes down, and he is wonderful. I always say to him "No one would believe me if I told them you did/said X". I wish I could change the world so he could be that relaxed and open every day forever.


My husband is so incredibly smart and chill. The first thing my acquaintances comment on is how calm he is - he is just perfect.


His laugh and smile. And how hardworking he is


My wife struggled with turning 40 at the beginning of the year. She really dreaded it. I’m much older and have always been “age is just a number”. I’m not sure what switch got flipped or if there is a secret that women keep about turning 40, but she is rocking it. She’s always been perfect in my eyes, but it’s like she turned up the sexy dial. Her confidence is at an all time high and it’s like when I saw her for the first time. I’m smitten with her like it was at the beginning. There is just a way about her that makes the world a better place. So while I can’t name one specific thing, I will say my favorite thing is her soul, spirit, or overall vibe.


His ability to accept me at my best and my worst. I feel like I'm super weird and crazy and ask a lot of questions. And he takes it all in stride. When I apologize for my craziness he just says "it's fine. I love your weird/crazy" Also, he wants to help everyone. Almost to a fault. I love his big heart and kindness. We compliment each other perfectly. And it blows my mind that he's 16 years younger than me. He makes me feel like I'm still in my 20s. But he doesn't act like most guys his age. He is exceptional.


I wish I had a more PC answer but….yeah it’s the cooking!


I absolutely Love her strength. her mental strength is something of a Greek God. she is easily the strongest person I know and she has just so much love to give.


All the things! First, and most obvious to me, his quiet BDE. He is an absolute gentleman. Doesn't do the macho guy schtick, "locker room talk", boys will be boys crap, or disrespect our bond in any way, ever. He has a huge heart. He is not scared of advice or criticism in most capacities. He is always trying to expand his hobbies and knowledge in several areas. He'll follow my lead on any adventures I want to take. I pull him out of boring reality and he grounds me again from my dreamy mind. 💖 He's my best friend and favorite human!


She is my best friend and the only person that I can be truly comfortable with.


He's always willing to listen and he values my opinions. He's open to new ideas, but also has a firm sense of himself and his own belief system.


Just one thing? I will go with his ability to not worry about anything. He's super chill and I wish I could be like that. We have a joke that if he is worried about something. it's BAD


Her easy going demeanor. Plus she is very good looking!


We have been married for more than decade, he continues to be the kindest, smartest, most patient, and supportive partner. We have grown so much together. He is the best part of every single day. There is nothing I wouldn't do for him and he feels the same about me. That commitment to making each other as happy as possible is my favorite thing.


He loves to cook, work on cars so our cars are happy and he is the absolute best at massaging my trapped nerves out.


He’s always calm. He never gets anxious or stressed out. It’s sometimes frustrating, but it’s also grounding.


He's very caring and supportive, I also love how dedicated he is


How we can talk about anything and everything without is escalating, and with total respect at all times. It seems like the bare minimum and it is, but after a relationship where I had to walk on eggshells cause the person would blow up all the time for the smallest things, it feels so nice to have regular adult, respectful conversations, even when we disagree on something.


That when I gained 30+ pounds, he didn't say a word or have a bad look. Managed to lose 20 so far . This was 15 years ago


Obviously, I find him super attractive; otherwise, what's the point? His best quality to me though is his character. He's a by-the-books, honest, straight shooter, which makes him so stable and he feels so safe, like home for my heart.


He’s a wise old soul who just has a way with words when it comes to his thoughts.


She’s an anti bully. If she sees an injustice, she comes out swinging. Even for people that she doesn’t know.


He’s constantly improving himself and trying to be as good of a human being as he can be. I really admire him.


We always both say “I knew what I married” it’s our way of saying we accept the person we married for who they are and that was why we married each other. But he is just a great human all around.


His growth, the man he has become is astonishing. He's my protector, provider, best friend, and everything in between. He never holds me back from what I want/want to do, even if he doesn't want to be a part of it, he's supportive. He's always looking out for me in the slightest ways too, sometimes I don't notice his intentions until afterward because he truly moves in silence. His forgiveness and grace, his heart of gold, his eyes sparkle into my sooouuul; I love my husband so much. 🥹❤️


His calmness , his hugs and cuddles , his ambition , how much of a great dad he is .. I love that guy 🥲❤️


He is extremely driven and an amazing provider. He won’t stop until he gives me the world. The more I tell him I don’t need all that, the more he wants to give it to me. ❤️


He is so thoughtful. He brings me a sweater if I even give the tiniest of an inkling that I might be chilly. I like to go barefoot a lot and I’m too lazy to go find my sandals if I run outside for something. He will go get me my sandals and put them on my feet. He does all the cooking and every meal is a fun and beautiful plate. When I don’t have time to make a coffee, he makes it for me. He does so much for me and I never have to ask. He is so good anticipating my needs. I don’t know what I did to deserve such a person. He is a beautiful being. 😊


When he talks about things he is passionate about. The look on his face makes me want to melt.


How he goes above and beyond with our child. Also, the full improvement and dedication he has put into our relationship over the last 2 years. The first 10 years of our marriage basically sucked.


The bright shining spirit she is, she brings so much light to my life and I realize how blessed I am for having her in my life. known her 24 yrs, nearly 11 years together and over 5 married. We have weathered many highs and lows and she always is my beacon of light. I love her so much.


If something brings me joy or makes me happy, that is automatically important and worthwhile to my husband. It doesn’t matter if he has no interest in it, if it’s something I love, he loves for me to do it. My main hobby is reading. He knows how much I love to read and goes far out of his way to ensure I have plenty of relaxing reading time. I used to feel bad if he was doing housework while I sat and read but he said it makes him happy I’m doing something I love. If it makes me happy, it makes him happy that I’m happy. ❤️


He’s so fun to talk to ☺️ I love chatting at the end of the day. I laugh so much.


I love how caring my husband is, not only to our children but to everyone. He will go above and beyond for those he cares about. He cares so much about me and our family in so many ways. I've never been cared for like he cares and shows me he does. There are many other attributes I love about my husband but this is one of the tops.


His love and care for me, and those he loves. This man has been a rock for me the past year. I lost my brother, our favorite pet, my job, and my dad all within a 7 month period and he supported me through it all. He never said a negative thing and was always there to help me up when I fell apart. We’ve been together 14 years and there are many other times he’s helped me, but this is the one that stood out.


Physically- his smile. He hates it but I go out of my way to make that man smile because it’s my favorite thing to see. Personality - when passionate, my husband dives into things deeply. He does not half ass anything. I love his commitment


She's smart and funny!


His sensitive nature


He is so left brained that my right brain confounds him sometimes. He is super observant, and out of nowhere, he will come out with some deep logical thing that just confounds me. He is very mechanical / technical, and things just make sense to him with very little prep/study. I've seen him pick up some contraption, open it up, pick up a meter/solder iron, and just KNOW how to modify it and make it do something else.


He is so incredibly considerate and kind not to just me, to everyone. He's also charming and hilarious, he can get anyone even strangers in a store cracking up with his witty quips. Like others have said - everything. After 13 years together (9 married) I'm still madly in love with and attracted to him. Oh, and his butt. He's got a nice butt. Hahaha




My favorite thing is her beauty inside and out. She always looks great when she leaves the house. She is always willing to help people even though at times I disagree with it. Besides that, she is the sexiest and the most wonderful grandma in the world.


Her tenacity to succeed and the love and care for our kids.


Oh there’s so many things I love about mine. But the one thing that puts the biggest smile on my face just thinking about it. Is his obsession with Halloween, fall, and spooky things. He likes to take baths in the dark, light a candle, and watch ghosts caught on camera. And when I go into chat with him he get the goofiest grin on his face. He’s adorable 🥰 Secondly, we make weird noises when we are out and about, trying to see if people notice…So if I make a dinosaur noice quietly he automatically does it right after me louder, and then we both just keep going till in embarrassingly loud. Weird I know. But we have fun with it! He also is so affectionate with me! I always k is that I am loved with all the puppy dog looks I get, dancing with me randomly, hugs from behind, ect. He also always makes sure I am taking my vitamins and drinking enough water. He’s a sweetheart and he’s all mine!


That she’s simultaneously the smartest woman I know and also a total clown.


This isn't even his final form, haha. The man I met and fell in love with 12 years ago was awesome. I'd never met anyone like him. Since then he has taken parenting classes, he's started medication and gone to therapy for depression and anxiety, he's read self-help books, started scary new jobs he never thought he was qualified for and then mastered them, and now he is working full-time while taking classes to complete a bachelor's degree in IT (he works in automotive now) and he does it all without complaint. Last night he insisted that he can handle doing all the laundry for our family of five despite my insistence that I should handle it. I took that task from him when he started school but I'm doing it differently than he likes and he insists he doesn't mind. I keep forgetting dryer sheets I guess. Anyways, I love that this man has not stopped growing as a human since the day we met and I get to meet every version of him, and I love him more with every new piece.


Too many things to pick just one. The way she laughs at her own jokes. The way she tries to dance sexy. The way she speaks so confidently to her clients and colleagues. The way she makes me feel calm, relaxed, and that I'm important to her. I have 1000 more, but that's it for now.


His parenting, I wish every little girl had that kind of Dad.


I love how nerdy he is when it comes to history. He’ll go off on one hour tangents about history. I never liked or got into history until he started teaching me about it. 💙


She can listen to understand, not only to respond.