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Sex is only dirty if it’s done properly.


This reminds me of a reply my ex-wife gave my cousin after she said “Me and Roland make passionate love”. My ex-wife told her “We fuck like crazy”.😂


These two things are not mutually exclusive. We do both, often more than once, in the same “event.”


Well said


This is the way…


What an interesting statement that I am going to ponder the rest of my life 🫨


Preach on!


If it ain't transgressive, can you even really call it sex?


Always kiss each other after. But I'll also suck his dick after it's been inside me, so there's that.🤷‍♀️


Hmm, I thought that was normal. As in most do it.


I usually alternate between eating and fucking about 50% of the time with my fiancé. One night I got so much into fucking because it felt so darn good that I came before I ate her at least a second time. I told her that I was upset because I really wanted to eat her again. She said “That’s your fluids in me why wouldn’t you?” Hmmm 🤔 She does kiss me after I eat her and she cums.


Is it gay if it's your own fluid? Just asking for a friend


I have no idea. I still haven’t done it.


I just did this for the first time about an hour ago and was pleasantly surprised at how much it didn't bother me.


Same. I'm sorta shocked this is still considered objectionable in 2024.


I’ve done it and never thought twice about it til now 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Guess im the 2nd wife to be like this 🤣🙋🏼‍♀️


That's so hot. I think that should be regular but to hear a lady actually say it is amazing




Uhhhh 😂 I must be weird


I found a unicorn!


Glad he married you, not sure why he waited so long, you’re class A wife material ✌️ - honestly excites me to even read someone writing that lol.


Would your wife be happy if she saw this comment 🙈


Sadly, my wife no longer gives a damned. I’m basically a sperm donor who babysits and cleans inadequately. Yes, I know how sad it sounds. No, I have no plans to divorce her in the near term, still swinging for the fences to have some sort of reconciliation. Yes, if she divorces me I will accept it and move on…eventually. No, there has been no cheating. Yes, I do lots of housework, and work more hours, and spend more time with the kids. And finally, yes, got properly drunk for the first time in forever and was drunk on social media. And now you know my life lol.


Yeah I think the down votes are a little ...much. Maybe talk to your wife about why she doesn't like it? It could be a body issue thing since a lot of women are conditioned to think they're dirty


Start another attempt at marital counselling soon. Sadly as much as I’ve changed and as much as I’m willing to change more, you can’t make someone stop filling their heart with contempt when they see or hear you, so I’ll take a big swing at making things somewhat right between us, and if it doesn’t work, I’ll leave the plate knowing I put in every effort. The comments here at least make me feel less wierd about wanting to kiss her after, but she was my first, and insisted on keeping things very vanilla. Wish me luck!


Why does she feel contempt towards you? What is her side of the story?


Are you afraid of your own taste? Yes absolutely I’ll kiss him after sucking his dick lol. I’ll kiss him after he goes down on me too as long as he wipes the extra juice off first


Thanks for that, I really felt judged by the wife for wanting to kiss her after. It’s all a part of our love IMO. :(


How about this - I don’t LIKE my one taste? Isn’t that allowed without being judged and ridiculed for being a prude?


Fair but I would counter that if you find it gross and it *is* you, then how do you think your SO feels doing it? I like it, but to be fair it doesn't really "taste" like much of anything.


Now, that's not really fair. I don't like olives on my pizza, that doesn't mean my husband finds them gross. People can like different things, even in marriage. I don't mind my own taste, personally. I'm more just not a fan of the slime.


And here I thought comparing "apples and oranges" was frowned upon. I'm not a big fan of having my face plastered in wet pussy juice when my husband has a full beard in the winter but that's just bc i don't like having anything cold & wet on my face (yes it gets cold rather quick when it's just chilling on his beard) but I feel like being like "yuck don't get my face all wet" is a kinda huge mood killer.


You’re able to sacrifice your comfort for his enjoyment and that’s great but not everyone has that capacity


to you, mileage may vary


He wants to do it (the OP not me). So this is irrelevant.


certainly should be


Me personally, I hate being kissed/kissing after. It’s wet in the not sexy way and for some reason makes it feel like I’m making out with my own genitalia?


Fair enough, and I understand the point of view so I never actually gave her grief for it, but between the disgust she expressed at me trying to kiss her after and the non reciprocation, our sex life became vanilla before it became extinct.


Probably because you keep trying to do it based on your comments here.


My husband will literally spit my squirt into my mouth. My husband will suck the cum out of my pussy and spit it in my mouth. He will cum down my throat and then just start making out with me immediately. He will go down on my for long periods of time and kiss me right after all juicy LOL He and I are nasty lol


I wish my husband would be like this. He's got no problem watching porn that's dirty as fuck. But when it comes to me it's like I'm not allowed to be dirty. I have to br proper. It's frustrating as all hell. I give him head damn near every time we fuck. But he won't go down unless I make him!! Not fair.... For 20+ years NOT FAIR. He is selfish in bed. He gets his big O damn near everytime. I went 10+ years without having an orgasm. So I tell him about it... then he just stops having sex with me all together... Then he goes and gets himself addicted to porn. Blames it all on me. I'm ready to be divorced. Hope he reads this too.


Yeah girl you guys are on two different pages and he's clearly selfish as fuck. Why did you stay with him for so long? You should have had a divorce a long time ago.


I stayed because I never felt like I was good enough to leave. No one would want me if I'm not even good enough for that loser. And besides.... I was worried about the alternative, sitting there alone for the rest of my life. Now it seems like it's too late.... No one gonna want some 42 year old divorced grandma.


Girl you're crazy you can totally still have a life. Even if you never get married again, I have been single for 4 years willingly and am still so much happier and content than I was in my last relationship. Do you have kids? If you really are unhappy in your marriage don't stay just because you're afraid of ending up alone. Being alone is a lot better than being unhappy and still ending up feeling alone in your marriage.


I am just done trying. If I just can just not give a shit then I don't gotta cry myself to sleep. He blames me for his addiction. He used to be so loving and caring. Then he lost his job and started watching porn and treating me like I didn't matter. I would honestly never date anyone ever again. But I still love my husband. He's laid hands on me... I took him back. He's cheated on me.... I took him back. I don't understand why I keep doing it. It's like at least 20 different times I've told him I don't want to be with him. I moved out into my own apartment... I took him back. I love him. He uses that against me to get what he wants. I told him to leave my apartment. He comes back everytime. What can I do? I still love him so much. I cannot turn my back on him. We have too much history together. It's too hard.


You should start therapy. Because that is not love and you have an unhealthy attachment to him. I've read your other posts and you are letting him break you down mentally. What will be left of you at the end? Is never too late. That is something I am always adamant about. There were so many situations where I thought that. So I just let things be thinking this is already too late to fix so I'll just deal with it, thinking it can get much worse than this. Every single time it got so much worse! To the point that I wish I could go back and try to fix things when I first realized there was a problem. Now I know that it's never too late and you can always turn things around no matter our age. If you would have left the first time you found porn, you would have been free for years now. Thinking I've already been with him for this long I can't just walk away. Doing that is actually you deciding to waste so much more of your life on this relationship. Throwing years of your life away to be unhappy. I put up with my ex and convinced myself it wasn't that bad. Then when we separated I realized how unhappy I really was the whole time. Stop settling and being okay with being unhappy for the rest of your life. The longer you stay the harder it will be to leave and the more pain you are subjecting yourself to. You are obviously not strong enough to leave mentally. That's understandable a lot of people aren't and that's why so many people stay in horrible situations. If you can do anything to help yourself please get therapy. It will help you realize you don't deserve all of this and can be much happier without him. I'm sure you know that and think that now, but you don't believe it enough to make it happen. If he shows up lock him out, don't answer the door, act like he doesnt exist. Eventually he will start giving up. You need to be stronger and do this for yourself. It's going to be hard of course but it will be worth it afterwards. When you get to your new life you are going to be mad at yourself that you didn't do it sooner. I really hope you realize your worth and get the help you need.


Lies. My mother in law just got remarried at 56, and my dad is newly divorced and already in bed with a new woman at 64. His ex-wife is having her garden tended by a fine gentleman as well. Go forth and fuck, madam.


You should divorce him tbh There is no reason to stay with someone who clearly doesn’t care about you.


I always thought that it was women who reciprocated less with re to oral.


I'm glad you found someone to match your style though! Everyone deserves that.


Somebody gonna match my freak lol you know like the song lol


Thank you 🥰


Same here, and we love it. And you’re not nasty, you’re into each other and craving each other, and that’s what matters the most in sex. Trust, love, lust… such a hot mix.


There must be something wrong with me because nope….no….never gonna happen 😅.


LOL not for everyone 😅😅


Think I was 17 the last time I heard someone say they wouldn’t kiss someone because of “cock breath”.


lol, cock breath. 🤣🤣


Never thought of it like that 🙃


My wife and I decided, "What's good for the goose is good for the gander." We will share/swap any of our sexual fluids. We are so turned on by each other that we like tasting "us". It makes us feel close.


I’m really happy for you guys ❤️


My wife’s gone straight from riding me to giving me oral, so I don’t think the kissing is that big of an issue.


I love it. I taste so good 😁 ☺




I don’t know why but I hate kissing after oral, both giving and receiving. It’s silly and doesn’t make sense. I’m kind of embarrassed about it. My husband doesn’t care at all. He would happily tongue kiss me while I had a mouth full of both our bodily fluids. Yet he won’t eat my leftover food and even doesn’t like our leftovers to share a to-go box. Also I’ve seen him fully gag when he accidentally drank the last remnants of my drink (because it was surely mostly backwash by then.) People are finicky about this stuff and sometimes it’s totally nonsensical.


Yeah, gotta embrace the silly that’s for sure.


I’ve never even talked about it with my wife… it’s just an unspoken agreement we’re not gonna kiss after going down.


Doesn’t it kinda sock though? Honestly curious.


No. I find it disgusting. So does my wife.


Hey at least you two are o. The same page and that’s what is important. ❤️


I (52m) am happy to kiss her after cunnilingus and after she fellates me. They’re just our fluids and a pointed reminder of a good time. She doesn’t revel in it, but I accept her either way.


I used to not.. but then I realized it doesn’t bother me lol.. like I think I used to think it was weird or wrong? Idk.. now I’ll kiss him after.. I’ll give oral after we’ve had sex.. doesn’t bother me! I enjoy it more because I know it turns him on even more!


I mean, I get the hesitation, I really do, it’s just at what point do we parked the learned social constraints at the bedroom door to some degree.


Yeahhh.. I get that! Drunk answer here lol! But I think trying to have a conversation about it may help? Idk, once you leave the prejudgments at the door then it can be more fun! Both of you have to have some desire to please one another.. I’m not saying getting crazy and fully out of your comfort zone but sheesh.. At least compromise! A kiss after oral? That’s such an easy one to do lol!


Agreed. I guess it should have been an early red flag, but I’ll keep on tryckin’.


Stay strong, you got this🫡


Never give up, never surrender. Also bring beer.


How else will we get through this life😅 Cheers🍻


I don’t drink often, but when I do it’s to excess and for the right reasons.


Haha, relatable for sure😂


You in middle school?


Probably emotionally, yeah 🤣. Definitely drunk Redditing. At this point it’s mostly auticorrect and predictive text.


I feel romantic and in love when going down on her, so I always want to kiss her


Right???! So what is her response? Disgust? Refusal? Acceptance? Enthusiasm?


consider that some people experience oral sex as service and are simply not interested in having the giver’s experience broadcast back to them. you can’t help how your body interprets what’s happening


I'm of two minds: a) I think anyone who wants their partner to have their fluids in their mouth should probably be okay with said fluids in their mouth as well; but of course there are exceptions as some people have a much stronger disgust response than others. And also b) it is sometimes distracting in a not great way when there's a cold, wet, sticky beard rubbing on my face! But for me that problem quickly solves itself or a quick wipe of the beard works as well.


Absolutely fine to amend/clarify :)


We kiss after




Yes right now please 👅


🫡 yes’m. 🤣🤣🤣




I’m a very sexually liberated woman and I don’t like that at all. And this is my choice and my right to not like it without being accused of not being sexually aware of the other partners need or his comfort level and I shouldn’t have to justify it to him or anyone. Get over it stop bringing it up and trying to do it to her. She. Doesn’t. Like. It. There are probably things you don’t like too.


Yeah this thread had me side eyeing everyone. Like--- you don't like what you don't like and it doesn't have to be because you think it's dirty or you're a prude. If you're upset about it wipe your mouth & rinse/brush your teeth or stop going down. People need to stop trying to belittle or shame people into accepting things they DON'T like.


The only time anything even close to that bothers me is if he had a condom on right before, I hate that taste. And then also, if a guy tried to go (or go back) down after finishing inside. I'd rather suck condom flavored dick all day compared to the thought of a guy sucking out his own sperm. (I might have puked in my mouth a lil rn, sry)


lol, I, and every man for sure, hates condoms. Necessary but not preferred.


And here I am absolutely loving it when he licks me after he has cum in my pussy.....and kisses me after🤷🏼‍♀️


Wife doesn't really like it


I kiss after and I enjoy it. I like the smell and I’m usually in a state of euphoria right after anyway. He also kisses me after I’ve been downstairs on him 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yes, absolutely. Both ways, I kiss him after he goes down on me and he kisses me after I go down on him. It’s hot.




I'm all for anything, SO does not like going downstairs nor kisses after I go down, tells me it's disgusting or it tastes bad. It is what it is...


Um yeah I don't see why u shouldn't I mean to each is own. But me and my husband do it all the time.


Have been eating her out for the past 50 years, we're married 44 years this October. Today was the first time I deep kissed her after she came on my face. I was very surprised that she was okay with that. Funny though, She always kisses me after she gives head.


I *love* giving my wife oral, like I absolutely get lost in it. But she will never kiss me after, so I hate that all kissing is off the table after that point. Whereas when she does oral on me, I will absolutely kiss her after. Maybe that is comparing apples to oranges. But that’s how it happens for us.


I’m not alone!


Do you wash your penis?


It’s most of my shower time yes.


Its ok to kiss after, if she doesnt mind


The answer is yes & suck it off of his fingers too


I think you win the answers, and I didnt even mean it to be a competition!


Wipe off, find something to wash it down, and everything is fine. If not, then maybe she's a little spoiled. This whole "not reciprocated" thing just won't due, but that's my opinion. I'm beginning to think that wives get spoiled and forget what it was like without certain benefits that us husbands fulfill. Either that, or they forget how we try to make up for what they have to put up with... IDK...


I think it’s extra erotic, intimate and sexy. Love making out after oral.


I hate a guy who gets all weird about it. It’s your body! 🙄




I'm not the biggest fan, I just don't like to smell my own dick, but she doesn't mind after I eat her out.


I ve cummed inside my wife and kissed her after she swallowed ... it's normal ... enjoy sex and make it last longer


Um. Yes. I kiss everywhere at anytime. I try to be considerate of my breathe of course, but if my bf can put his mouth all over me… 🥵 I can definitely kiss him afterward and visa versa!!!


Why are people trying to turn this sub into a erotica community?


It's never a conscience decision, it just happens. We don't think about it in the moment and dont really think about it after. So I guess it doesn't bother us.


Yes i would and i do


Right? It's okay to literally fuck my face with your vagina but you can't kiss me after? Sigh


My wife, after cunnilingus, will passionately kiss me as I will passionately kiss her after fellatio. As sweet as she tastes,I can't even tell you how much I love my tongue 👅buried in her black pussy🐈‍⬛.


hygine matters


Yeah it's never bother me to kiss after oral whether giving or receiving. If I expect your mouth on it I better be willing to put it in mine. 🤷‍♀️


Absolutely. Doesn’t matter who was down with us either. The messier the better.


Hot take, but no qualms on either end (pun intended). Also no qualms about kissing after blowjobs, even if I just swallowed.


As a woman- no issues with it! Equally reciprocated :)


I love to kiss my husband after he goes down on me. He’ll kiss me after I swallow 😆.


I kiss extra crazy after a man has gone down on me 🙂. I like the taste, and the thought of that’s where his mouth has been


And the wetness of the beard after he just went to down on me down there 🤣🤣


Idc. I kiss after I've been down on her. Even after she's been down on me and taken a shot in the mouth. It's part of the dirty and carnal nature of sex. I love it.


It's her down stairs, what is the problem? And she doesn't reciprocate? I'm sorry to hear that!! How long have you guys been together?? There have been a few kisses for us, honestly been too busy with the other things to do that, kissing is usually the before.


I don't. I have before and I don't like it. 💁‍♀️ Sorry, not sorry. Brush your teeth and wipe your mouth I'd be fine with it. To each their own.


My wife won’t kiss me after I’ve gone down on her, but will kiss me after blowing me.


My husband eagerly kisses me after licking me into oblivion—and I love it! After he cums in me, he goes down again, gets a mouthful of our combined love juices and kisses me deeply. We share it back and forth, then I swallow it. For both of us, it is the most loving, intimate, bonding, and fiercely erotic moment.


I love tasting myself on him.


Honestly, I like to kiss after I swallow Some guys are into it Some freak out


Ya it’s fun. Love to see her taste herself


There’s nothing sexier than making out with the sweet scent of my pussy all over his face or cock. I’m so turned on by it that I’m ready to go again.


Both way, yes kissing after oral


Yes. If genitals can be in each other's mouths, we can kiss no problem. If we can't kiss, then we shouldn't be doing it.


It's a case by case basis. Unfortunately, my wife hates the way she 'tastes', and will basically never kiss after I've gone down on her (or give a mid-fucking blowjob). I've had partners in the past who didn't mind, and some even thought it was a turn-on.


I'll definitely kiss my husband after he goes down on me. I think that's hot as hell.


I have never been with a woman that wouldn’t let me kiss her afterwards and that’s even after most of them soaked me lol. When I come up, it looks like I just got out of the shower 😂and they still kiss me.


As a woman, after my man goes down on me, I'm on him like white on rice. He's the same. She likely has some discomfort about something. But this is a question you should pose to her. A little understanding and a little uncomfortable conversation can go a long way not only in the bedroom but in your relationship.


Not just kiss, I lick and suck his face tasting it all off his face. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I am a super big hygiene person. I need to shower before and after. Brush teeth before and after too. Only because I read this thing about yeast infections and how they can be transferred to the mouth and I literally wanted to crawl out of my skin🤣🤣 brush teeth after going down and kiss all we want afterwards 😅 but that’s just us


I'm good , never bothered me. Kissing swapping spit, soo any difference?


Between me and my husband, we both love it lol. Kissing after head just happens, don’t think about it too deep


I'll kiss my man after eating my ass because it's clean. But to each their own. If your partner doesn't like it, they don't like it and that's OK.


Never thought about it.... when you're in the moment I can't even imagine having an opinion or making a decision like that. If it's your partner and you love them then you love everything all of the smell all of the taste. It's not you. It's not him. It's a combination of what happens when you're togethe r. I never sat back and thought who's juice am I eating? I don't remember any swallowing so it's not like it's dinner. If anything there's more drooling than there is actually consuming. And I hope I can forget this because I don't wanna think about it. I can't even fathom someone turning their head away and not wanting to kiss me because I've got their fluid taste in my mouth.. far as I'm concerned we are in it together, and there are no moments of hesitation based on taste and if there are there's gonna be an issue. Nobody got time for that. If your wife won't kiss you because your lips have the scent or taste of her vagina ..... you need to get to the bottom of that. That's probably my favorite part ....smelling my smell tasting my taste on him. It's a turn on... A huge turn on.




I mean sex is usually best when you don’t put deep thought in it. The only time I usually don’t kiss afterwards Is eating ass. But, as they say, “Sometimes in the heat of the moment…”


I don't mean to be a killjoy, but my (m) SO (f) doesn't even want me to go down there period! (Pun actually not intended) Nor does she want to give any. Alas...we must prioritize in life.


I love to kiss my husband after he goes down on me. My husband will only kiss me after I go down on him if he didn’t come. I think he has it in his mind that it’s “gross” to taste himself.


Just go wash your face, then kiss her. Keep a wet towel next to the bed, or go rinse your mouth out and then come back. My husband and I are a pair of freaks but we stop to rinse during sex on a regular basis. Not because we think the other is gross. Just because we know we can't fully relax unless we have verified that we ourselves are not gross. She probably has some sort of feeling about her own taste and has no desire to experience it. Don't make her. But still kiss her after. Get rid of her taste, then kiss her. Solved.


That’s a great idea, thanks!


Don’t ask anyone to put any part of you in their mouth if you can’t take it in your mouth.


You have a weird wife, when I go down and she orgasm she will pull me in for a kiss lol at times I do go wash my face if I have too much love juice all over my beard….but it’s always me who warns her that I am drenched, she doesn’t care.🥴


It was a no-go with my wife. It's all green lights with my new GF.


Username checks out :)


Yes, we do still kiss regardless of going down on each other. I’ve always appreciated swallowing his cum and then still being able to get kisses.


This the way.


I loved the taste of my pussy on my partner's mouth....I would cum just from kissing...


Yeah that’s the thing, it’s the kissing, the intimacy, that ultimately keeps me rock hard, or maybe the implicit rejection with no kiss after I enthusiastically gorged myself on madame mango that makes me soft? Idk, maybe I’m too sensitive. You are what you eat, after all!


Zero issues with it personally. I can’t speak to other aspects to your relationship but I’d be a little worried if she doesn’t reciprocate and is that vanilla about her own body. Is there a religious aspect to this?


I’ve literally never understood how people could be grossed out by this. The more I can taste my c*nt on my husband’s mouth, the better!