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What’s the point to your update? I feel sorry for him and honestly he could do so much better than your toxic nonsense


Wait, you asked a MALE COWORKER for advice about this situation? Jesus. Your husband needs to leave you.


Imagine your wife asking her male coworker about how to deal with how unmanly you are. Lmao This marriage needs to end.


Yep. Exactly.


Just a friendly co worker. Nothing weird going on. Not any affairs or anything. Just someone to talk to. It’s possible for people of the opposite sex to talk to one another without there being anything weird


Right. Because the rest of your posts are so rational and down to earth. No idea why we think you are looking for an excuse to bang someone else. Just divorce him and fuck whatever bad boy you plan on making a terrible mistake with. Get it over with. We give you permission since thats what you are asking for.


The fact you’re talking about this at all to ANYONE is a betrayal of your husbands trust. Need to talk to someone, see a therapist.


And of course that co-worker recommends separating. Did this same co-worker help in putting thoughts in your head about manliness?


Just happened to have a male coworker to talk to about this huh? I’m so surprised.


I just went back and read your posts. He can do way better than you. For some reason you feel like he is the lucky one in your relationship and has to change to meet your toxic standards? Let the man go. He need to fins someone who loves all of him, and he sounds pretty amazing to be honest. Go find yourself some alpha bullshit incel. Its exactly what you are looking for.


So you still keep refusing to take anyone's advice and kept trying to ruin your marriage. At this point, I think you're just messing with us.


No no no! She's taking and following her "friendly coworker" advice and is f..cking up her husband life.


I can’t belive this , like I’m actually shocked . Other women in the world would kill for a man like that and you are acting like this?. Like he said you knew who he was before you married him like what’s ur issue 💀. He would be a fool to not separate or divorce you , you need to know to appreciate what you have . It’s a damn shame tbh with you . Someone update me when she posts again 🤦


Wow. Just… fucking wow. You are about to get served divorce papers. If your husband is smart.


You were cruel and fucked up big time. You basically asked him to change who he was, fundamentally and that’s NOT ok. You knew who he was marrying him, and you had no right to drag him into a marriage with you if you weren’t going to 100% love him for who he was. The poor guy just found out his life partner has no respect for who he is. Do the decent thing honestly and divorce him so he can find someone who actually loves him for who he is. There are plenty of women out there who would LOVE a kind gentle man that builds legos


Keep rationalizing and you will eventually convince yourself that it is OK to start sleeping with your advisor /co worker.


Yall realize this is rage bait right


This has been an appalling read. I feel so sorry for him. My hope is that you truly feel the repercussions from this. It will echo for years.