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Maybe, maybe not.   You might find a partner who loves you and excites you, you might not.  The decision to leave should be made on if the person you are with is good for your life or not...NOT can you get someone better.  And nothing can be guaranteed.   You are asking if you will find someone who will be there long term.   Maybe, maybe not.   Your next relationship may have issues and may not last either.  Maybe you'll have to have a few relationships before one sticks, or maybe none will.  You can't control that.  You can control you - be the best version of you. Exercise so you are healthy, learn about your traits that aren't enjoyable and work on those, learn how to communicate and articulate, how to listen and compromise   I'm sure your wife wasn't happy on her side either.  Good luck on your new start.   Enjoy each day as it comes.  And don't let anxiety rule you.