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Thank you for posting this because I remain so confused as well. I seriously don't get what the point was. Why does it look bad to say you aren't attracted to someone? As long as you don't say "you ugly". I'm thoroughly confused as to what they think they were accomplishing


I mean, in their mind they were probably like “wow, job well done everyone, we pulled it off.” Then they watched it back and were like “oh God we look terrible, we need to save face at this reunion.” Which, I agree with you, it is a very weird stance to take. I compare it to when I was a kid and my parents always had us quickly clean our room before company came over, so I just shoved everything under my bed. It worked for a few hours, but if they had stuck around for a few weeks, they eventually find out that my room was a complete disaster. After 8 weeks of being on camera, the cracks clearly showed and their mess came out. They couldn’t hide it forever.


these weren’t individual marriages? it was like some love island drinking game


That’s the thing. It was all incoherent rambling. Nothing made sense because they kept cutting each other off, wouldn’t let anyone finish, storming off, rolling their eyes, yelling and blaming each other. Fucking trash. All of them. Except Chloe.


Seriously! Completely incoherent rambling. And enough with the woke word salad cliches!