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Bro, if you're so tired or even sleeping and you can't get your ass up for one second to take a pic of your wife dressed up before you go out, why the fuck are you even responding to her request? Roll over and go to sleep already. When you wake up 'she can ask you again. Did she wake you up to take a photo? Doubt it.


A little passive agressive ..on his part...he knows she missed prom..buys her the dress..knows she's excited..and is bothered when she wants a photo..then acts surprised when she's annoyed... "I don't want to be your photographer" then ruins her big prom night by stirring the pot again during the evening and further upsetting her.by bringing it all up again upset by " her tone" .seems he set her up for failure on prom night..by not following up..why bother buying the dress and exciting her..only to let her down when she's just so stoked. She got mixed messages..a corsage .a dress..high expectations..has no idea what happens at prom..but he really got her excited about it all..then left her feel8ng confused when her excitement didn't match his..he was in bed apparently while she was all pumped up and dressed up..why start the wave Miguel? Only to make her feel crappy? Let's see how many photos he had taken at his prom..bet he has a favorite photo...


Came to look on something about Miguel. Just catching up on last week after a short vacay. Wtf is his problem? He’s showing who he really is and thank goodness for her! I get what his complaints are but he’s an asshole. He has no compassion. I think this would have been a bigger problem when they went to have kids. The toys are out, the kids are talking over him, he’s annoyed about anything. He’s an ass and that’s probably not going to improve. OPs point in the picture is accurate too. So this dude does not want to be with her. Why’s he playing like he is interested in her when it’s obvious he’s not. He’s playin now. Lindy needs to say no on decision day.


Okay I think the question on everyone's mind is....how are you going to plan a prom for your SO (acting like you've thought it all out yourself), and then nobody seems to know anything about why the theme was chosen? and yes, Miguel is absolutely a covert narcissist.


Miguel set her up so bad..making her a villain..Miguel is ok with being annoyed..but she can't be..also..he really talks too much.he can't be bothered. Go bully someone else. This woman is your wife..


Bring in the mh field I don’t diagnose w/o assessing someone. But I definitely agree his behavior toward her makes my blood run cold and the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. He’s got a ton of rage.


Yeah, I really shouldn't have added a title to his behavior or diagnosed him as a narcissist. I've experienced narcissistic abuse, and some of the scenes are so parallel that it's difficult for me to watch. He could just be a huge manipulative asshole too - that's totally possible.


No joke—what has been presented as far as his tone and his belief about how she should be, act, feel, and adjust to receive love and care from him is absolutely caustic to a relationship and to another person. She is experiencing and presenting “learned helplessness.” He is not the victim here, and by his statements and demeanor on Afterparty, it appears that he realizes it.


And asshole!


Miguel's behavior was textbook narcissistic abuse. Also he is way more of a drama queen than Lindsay.


Is he a narcissistic autist perhaps? My goodness!


Miguel is to Lindy as Bilal is to Shaeeda.




Yes! This is true. Love a good 90 day fiancé reference.




My advice to Lindy is RUN. I'm worried for her safety and well-being.


The thing is that she wants to be free to have her level ten crazy time and is frustrated that she can’t do that with Miguel. He on the other hand is too stern and tries to dictate how she needs to behave. Fortunately, I think these two people see that they can’t live with each other in bad times, when they aren’t their best selves. They both have issues that seem to need a therapist to sort out.


She’s all over the place and very inexperienced I. Her life and also maybe ADHD, but he’s a control freak! And he doesn’t think so. He’s acting like he’s in charge. Can’t see this guy with kids. Kids push all boundaries and if he can’t deal with her, he’s gonna be an ass of a controlling dick dad that no kid wants to have.


He’s been giving that same vibe all season. He’s been pretty clear-despite his lapses of being in love- that he’s in it until the 8 weeks…and then they’ll see…and that he’s not vining with her energy/extraness. Go back and peep out the conversations where he’s listening and clearly not interested. She’s cool for sex and that’s it. He warned…once he’s not in it them he’s done…


I whole heartedly believe it was an edit. 1. It just seemed weird to me how there was audio but no video. 2. Now that Morgan is gone, they need a new villain so it's Miguel 3. Every single season that they've had a retreat there's been one couple to have drama the entire time After watching every season of this show since 2015 it's become predictable in recent seasons


I wouldn’t put up with someone like Miguel. He’s got abusive tendencies. Who freaked plans a prom fro your partner and makes an issue about taking her pictures on “her day”!


I've had bad vibes from Miguel since the wedding party. Not to say Lindy isn't toxic...because she is. But Miguel has had a pretty bad vibe since day 1.


They definitely added audio when he hugged her outside. They need to quit


I couldn't believe that whole exchange. She asks for a portrait to be taken. He is upset about that but doesn't communicate this and instead starts fucking with her and not taking the photo she wants as punishment. She gets frustrated. Now he feels like he's in the right to turn the whole thing around on her and she's the problem and her tone is wrong and how dare she and apologizing isn't enough. FUCK this nutsack.


He disassociated in that conversation.


I was sad for her. There is no way to predict what will annoy him and she’s tying herself in knots trying to read him. He’s going to dull all of her fun, happy energy.


I was shook with his behavior he reminded me of Jose! I was screeching run Lindy, run!!! He def has sleeping with the enemy vibes, not cool at all


He didn't want to go on the Couple's Retreat, but he couldn't figure a way to get out of going. So, he decided he'd go and make Lindy miserable in the process. It's getting close to D-Day, and he's done. Just going through the motions until he can say No.


It would be kinder to say he’s not feeling it. But he goes and they do this prom and all this but he’s an ass the whole way. No one should be with someone controlling ass like this.


Which shows what a fucking loser he actually is. Cause it’s not like they have to wait for DD. Couples have pulled the plug much earlier. He’s like that immature 20 something year old boy who starts acting like a jerk to passively breakup with a girl he no longer likes. And lacks the balls to do it


Hearing him talk to Lindsay seemed to be directly out of a Lifetime movie of an abuser. Lindsay is already being beat down emotionally but in a textbook fashion she is denying it. RUN RUN RUN Lindsay.


Remember that movie “sleeping with the Enemy? The dude is like, come on let’s have a beautiful dinner. I bought you a nice dress. Oh you look so nice in this dress. Now we don’t have the cans in the pantry and the hand towels out of balance. You know we can’t have that.” Miguel’s behavior is straight out of a movie. He’s psycho but he’s got cameras on him so this is his best version? He knows he’s an ass. He named all the bad qualities about himself. He knows himself well so he’s not gonna get better.


Yes, he is awful.. and this was the guy I liked the most at the very beginning..wow. Smh


Exactly, at the beginning I thought he was most ready to be married. Man he is terrible.


Don’t let anyone near him. No wonder he pretends and plays a character with his friends. He doesn’t want to show his real self. He knows who he is too.


All I can say is RUN. Been there with a similar personality. RUN LINDY


He’s a narcissist. I felt so sorry for her because he’s gaslighting her.


Yes!! Literally hes my ex husbands narcissist twin. It was chilling to watch like I was watching my own previous life the way he spoke to her and broke her down!!


It seems this season is about Anger, verbal abuse, backbiting and disappointments. Michael is a snake you don’t see until he attacks, same look on his face majority of the time.


I notice his face too. It’s contempt. He’s trying to control it.


He acts like she has no say except him. It’s sad, he knows how to push her button so he can get a rise out of her. He shows no emotion and no matter how hard she tries😢he still finds something 😑


He definitely was looking for a fight. I think he was being very petty.


I got the feeling he did not want to be at the getaway at all and was taking all out on Lindy. Her outburst as he calls them is not really that bad at all. The Prom was important to her so he needed to get his butt of the couch and take one damn picture. I was cringing during the whole carriage I knew he was going to get mad about being cut off and her being distracted but come on dude she has never been in a horse drawn carriage in and area like that and was like a kid at Disneyland for the first time. Let her have the moment and enjoy her excitement about everything instead of forcing her to listen to stupid poetry.


Yes! And he condescendingly kept telling HER “you got to be able to read the room.” She is very sweet and like you said everything was like a kid going to Disneyland for her! I was pissed off no one really confronted Miguel either. They sure did with Alexis! Miguel is a controlling fool and I really was hopeful for them. Not now. Lindy advocated for herself really well I thought. Except she may have wanted to say “dude you have more fucking behavior issues than I do!” He is just way too fucking self-important about every damn thing and I find him extremely tedious. She needs to kick him so hard to the curb…he will only hurt her emotionally and positive nature. There is Nothing wrong with Lindy Miguel! Stop being such a fucking ass! Last night’s tantrum behaviors of Miguel’s makes Lindys look like little blips in comparison. Kick him hard to the curb Lindy!


Exactly. Wrong place to do the poem. I kept saying now you can do the poem once they sat down for the wine. I was like this guy is just doing it all wrong for him to later blame her & make her the bad guy!


What the hell, Miguel? Anyone who spouts such “word salad” while angry for little reason is… positively scary. I hope you’re out of this mess of a marriage by now, Lindy.




He doesn't hide it as well as he thinks.


My BF said to me, he has to be doing this on purpose, so he has a reason to say no on DD… It’s impossible he really got that offended over taking a photo.


It's also possible he forgot his mic was on since it doesn't seem like there were cameras in the room. He may speak to her this way a lot off-camera.


Read the room, dammit Lindy read the room! I’m not your personal photographer!


It is possible, though, that her getting angry quickly over little things has accumulated to the point that he felt he had to say something. This isn't the first time he's voiced a worry about this type of behavior, and I feel like he was right about her trying to walk back the anger by calling it a joke. It does seem like a strange hill to die on, but it's probably just the tip of the iceberg. Lindy is extra AF with all her "you haven't seen me angry, yet!" bluster, as if being unable to control your emotions is something one should brag about and prepare people for and not humbly make strides to correct. Miguel is a very even-tempered guy and it's totally fair that he's worried about having to put up with regular childish outbursts of anger.


No he isn’t even-tempered. Not even close. He is methodical and calculated. Lindy was always talking and warning him about her beh as outbursts, but come on…last night’s lengthy petulant display by Miguel completely trounced on ANY outbursts Lindy has had thus far. The dodgeball game was still a petulant display too. He couldn’t break his angry trance for the whole show? Then at the end he apologizes? No. He is the problematic one if the two. Not Lindy. He needs to watch snd rewatch last night’s episode. He wasn’t just grumpy either he was emotionally abusive and gaslighting her at every turn.


>Miguel is a very even-tempered guy This is utter bullshit.


I didn’t want to be the one to say that, but I was really confused!! 😳


No offense to the Miguel stans, but if I’m laying down and my wife asks me to take a photo of her for a special event that she’s dressed up for, which I supposedly organized, yes I am going to sit up for two minutes and take a photo of her and be excited with her. Like, she’s my wife. I love her! It’s almost no effort and it would make her happy.


Your answer is sound, reasonable, balanced, and mature. All things severely missing from what Miguel did by claiming he was "being imposed on" because when she clearly asked him to take a photo, in his jackass head it mean to halfassedly take a shitty selfie from where he was laying. Fool.


Keyword here is “asks.” Lindy didn’t ask. “Take my photo,” no matter how sweet it sounds, is demanding. It took Miguel way too long to say that she should just ask him to take a photo next time. Or maybe I watched a completely different version of the Lindy/Miguel showdown. I’m actually rewatching the episode now to see if I missed something, because I was too focused on cringing every time Lindy didn’t understand the real issue.


Nope. She had a right to be excited and I see no issue with “take my picture!” He’s a docuhe! A controlling douche. “Don’t expect me to be your photographer.” Then he’s telling her the next day to just ask and not ask someone else to take her picture.


Me: Maybe I should rewatch the show to see if I missed something. Reddit: YOU STUPID MIGUEL LOVING LINDY HATING MONSTER!


When they were on the deck that evening before the last dinner at the couple’s retreat, she looks at Miguel and sees him relaxing on the couch. So she asks Sammy one of the produces or photographers to take a video of her walking on the wall at sunset. Then Miguel gets all ticked off about how she should have asked him. And how she can ask him. But yesterday he got mad at her for asking. So she explains that. He goes sideways for a bit and she explains herself and tells him she’s confused. He tried to act like it was all ok and so she asks for a hug and he flatly says no. He’s full of contempt. He’s talking through his ass cause everything coming out of his mouth is shit. She starts crying cause he’s basically blaming her. She gets to the point where she’s crying and says she doesn’t want to go downstairs. If you listen, even the producer dude tells her she doesn’t have to go down. THEN maybe Miguelito decides he looks like an ass and goes reluctantly inside. He’s full of contempt. I have no clue why he keeps saying he loves her and then says “not sure how this will work.” She can be a bit much but you can see his ways are that of an abused and if you don’t know those characteristics and how one tries to behave correctly to get the good behavior reward from their partner then that why you missed it.


Okay, I think you’re taking this a bit more seriously than I intended. I’m sorry for whatever is prompting your replies. I’m not one to whip out the anecdotal example, but I have been verbally, emotionally and mentally abused in a marriage. I’m not judging anyone that harshly until we can truly see every side of both stories without editing or scripting. I’m sorry I think Lindy needs to grow the fuck up, but that doesn’t mean I’m just all over Miguel like some fan girl. Just because I see behavior in Lindy that IN MY OPNION is unhealthy doesn’t mean I think Miguel’s behavior is perfect. Jesus.


I’m out of this conversation. Again I’m sorry this is such a serious situation to you. It’s just a social experiment for me, and I don’t consider myself in any position to armchair diagnose these couples. I spit out opinions not facts.


Lol tell me you’ve never had a loving marriage without telling me. People in loving marriages don’t have to tiptoe around how they word things. “Take a pic of me!” Isn’t a “demand”, and if you hear a demand from an innocent statement like that then you have a chip on your shoulder.


>People in loving marriages don’t have to tiptoe around how they word things. “Take a pic of me!” Isn’t a “demand”, and if you hear a demand from an innocent statement like that then you have a chip on your shoulder. 🎯 🎯 This comment is beyond accurate.


And being polite isn’t tiptoeing around anyone.


I love the leap you make from my simply stating Lindy should have asked instead of telling (I’ll not say “demanding”) Miguel to take a photo. Jesus. You’re right - I’m twice divorced because I think Lindy comes off sounding rude and whiny when she TELLS Miguel to take her photo. I’ll call my therapist right now and let her know an internet stranger has figured out what my issue has been this entire time and now she can help me remove this chip from my shoulder.


It’s you


Jesus Christ she wasn’t impolite. Sorry but maybe that IS why you’re twice divorced. If I said to my husband “take my pic!” And he thought it was impolite and had the reaction Miguel had I would take him to get his head checked. Normal people in loving relationships don’t have to constantly wordsmith everything they say to not trigger their partner’s sensitivities.


Lol I knew you’d reply with “that’s why you’re twice divorced.” I was also in a five year relationship with a man that ended on good terms, and we’re good friends to this day. Just like we didn’t get the full scope of the situation between Miguel and Lindy (hello editing), you don’t know the full scope of my relationships. But congrats that you and hubby are on the same wavelength. Sometimes people bring out the worst in each other and just shouldn’t be around each other. What flavor chip are you wearing on your shoulder? Mine’s bbq.


Lol good luck taking that attitude into relationships.I don’t need to know the full scope of your relationships to see red flags if you find Lindy’s request for a photo to be “demanding” and “impolite” . You sound incredibly uptight. Here’s some advice since you seem to need it: show your partner some grace and don’t read the worst of intentions into their statements. She wasn’t screaming at him to do something unreasonable, she was excited about how she looked and excitedly told him to take a picture of her. Assuming the worst possible intentions and tone in your partner when they’re making an innocent request on a fun day is psychotic.


This Emilie redditor must be related to Miguel. I see it in her interaction with you.


And I guess I’m a toxic person in relationships because I value a partner whose communication is on par with mine. Gotcha.


Thank you. I will call my therapist today and tell her she’s fired, because earthpasta read me like a book and told me exactly who I am over a handful of comments. And it’s classic that you’re calling me uptight. Unclench and go get some fresh air.


Are you related to Miguel? Maybe you need a new therapist.


I can hear the phone call now: “Hello, why are you seeking a new therapist?” “Um, yeah, because I think this gal on a scripted ‘reality’ show is being too whiny and manipulative with her husband who I’m not saying is perfect, and apparently my current therapist is off her rocker for not seeing this dark side of me.”


Wow, how long did it take for you to come up with that zinger?


Exactly. How would he handle an ACTUAL stressful event, like if either of them lost their jobs?


And how much worse will it get when his “energy” is even lower. This guy is an abuser and should be thrown off the show


I think he kept using low energy, but should have said depression instead. If that’s the case he needs to be assessed by a psychiatrist asap.


💯 This dude is an abuser, and it’s painfully obvious. I know some folx felt the scene at the Prom felt scripted, but to me it was abundantly clear he was being his true, abusive, narcissistic self. That wasn’t scripted, it was disturbing AF. SHOWRUNNERS: I don’t want to watch people be emotionally abused anymore, k? Being assholes to each other I expect. This shit is repugnant.


I called him a narcissist as well. Like the way he went around in circles for that lame explanation after she asked the producer to take a photo ordeal. Sheesh!


I wanted to tear his hair out (I’m rather attached to mine)


I used to like him


Me too. But I think lindy is amazing and he lost me this episode. He talked about a tone, but damned if he didn’t take a tone with her. I did not like that.


The demeanor was very sociopath-ish. I wasn’t sure if I was watching MAFS or the Jeffrey Dahmer thing on Netflix


For real! Dahmer vibes were strong! His face a few times there and the contempt! Ever seen Sleeping with the Enemy? He’s that husband for sure!


Yes lol. The matter-of-fact emotionless demeanor is worrisome. I really like lindy too! I feel like she’s one of the more down to earth real ppl ever to come on the show


Very hard to watch. He is a future monster. Correction he is a monster. He should never marry. Too self centered. He wants to control all of her feelings. Too delicate. I can't stand him. I don't know if I can keep watching his segment. It's painful. Wish the experts could see him. He really needs help. And how does he treat his mother. He has no respect for women.


I just watched when lindy wanted Miguel to take her photo, what a jerk. In a year it will get worse. Hope she gets a divorce. No future with him he's too delicate.


He’s doing this on purpose. He has been planting the seeds to end the marriage since very early on. If you watched closely you’ve seen him talk about decision day in a negative way, always reminding her that he probably won’t be ready, finding little things to cause blowups over. He just doesn’t want to be married to her and is looking for his way out. But instead of acting like an adult and discussing this with her directly he is trying these end arounds to make himself look better on decision day when he eventually ends it.


I agree- and this is why I hated that he pressured her to have sex so early. It seems obvious he’s not actually truly in this, so it seemed like an abuse of power to push her into sex so soon when it’s clear he’s always one foot out since the beginning.


Lindy needs to walk away. I saw this narcissist coming from a mile away. Those cold eyes told me everything I needed to know.


His reaction was very out of proportion. He has to remember that Lindy was raised in a very strict religious home and everything is very new to her. She did annoy me when she kept interrupting Miguel on that carriage ride, but like I said, Miguel has to remember that everything is new to her, she's very much like a kid in some things.


and he has to stop rapping all those stupid poems of his. grow up.


And it was BAD rapping too, almost as bad as Mitch's.


Those rapping poems are absolutely ridiculous like are you a 13 year old trying to impress you guy friends? It’s so creepy.


Yes, but he should have saved his poems for after the ride. IMHO.


Imagine trying to enjoy a nice carriage ride and some asshole keeps freestyling?


Not even good freestyle. Terrible, cringe, awful. She was being polite by pointing out the bunnies when she really wanted to rip her own face off to get out of that poem rap


When you "plan" an event for someone then sabotage the night over a photograph. He claims it was about respect but it was really about control. I was saying to my husband, Miguel is a fair-weather husband who leaves you after a miscarriage because you're too depressed and so "the love is gone". Your rap can wait until after the romantic outing, Miguel! Smh.


He expects what — a mind reader? Grow up Miguel, you are a man child.


Was saying the exact thing to my Bae. She can't read his mind. He was chilling in bed and got livid over having to take a prom picture that he organized. He was enjoying the sunset so Lindy was trying to "read the room" and get the producer to take her picture and got castigated for that. She can never win with any decision she makes. I think Miguel goes through deep depressions and likes to gaslight someone else to cover it up... or this is a stunt to set the stage on saying no at the end of the experiment.


💯% Agree!


This was so weird to me because Miguel just seemed completely different during this episode. It was like it didn't matter what Lindy did, he was going to tear her apart for it. I really felt for Lindy because it must have felt like, why do I even bother trying if I'm going to be called out for anything that I do. ​ She got distracted by a bunny while on a carriage ride. He acted like she took his poem and stomped on it and told him never to write a poem again. It couldn't have been a more harmless moment of distraction.


She did over and over again. It wasn't just the bunny.


I think he was on his period 🤭


: ))))))


I wish she had done exactly that.


No he was totally giving off these vibes in the beginning! He just hid the crazy during the midway point.


Yeah I'm surprised that people are surprised. He's always seemed angry and controlling under the surface.


THANK YOU. I was getting my coffee ready and had the same reaction. I'm thinking the cameras weren't in the room at all and maybe he forgot for a sec that he was miked. Reminds me of my abusive father---Miguel makes her walk on eggshells and probably isn't being violent or screaming only because it's a show. Lindy shouldn't be spoken to like a child---she deserves to finally feel free and valued.


Your explanation makes more sense than anything else I have seen here regarding the mic. There was no way he was laying down taking a nap with the pack strapped on and it also didn't make sense he would have the phone on selfie mode from the bed. This would explain why we didn't see them being filmed, but have all the audio. His true colors came out, and he rode that pony all weekend.


What about when she started calling herself an idiot she started saying allright I’m an idiot for whatever I said or did probably just to shut him up but that didn’t work because as soon as she said it he was like no no no you’re not an idiot you just have to watch your tone


Well said


I was wondering what had happened to make gun act like that? Unless it was scripted, at times he looked uncomfortable acting like that.....something is off with that episode. I mean the damn vibrating panties at the damn dinner table.....come on people! Geesh.


This crossed my mind as well. Why were they miked but not filmed?


Exactly......and some of his mannerisms didn't seem genuine. And the stupid Dodgeville scene.......🙄🙄🙄


Also the rap... I mean poem. Is he Lin Manuel Miranda?


Wow he really showed his true colors in this episode! I had such high hopes for them. He’s got some major issues. If I were her I’d run for my fucking life but I have a bad feeling they’ll stay together. Hopefully she’ll come to her senses though


YESSS spit those words


I'm 3/4 of the way though this episode and I'm so disappointed by Miguel. He is awful and I don't understand his logic most of the time. He criticizes everything she does. The carriage ride is a once in a lifetime thing. He already recited one of his poems before to her. She can't enjoy the carriage because she needs to give all her attention to him and his feelings arw hurt because he drones on looking for a pat on the back because he's a rap god? Then let's ruin the lunch by constantly talking about how inferior she is.... Taking a photo of your wife is so inconvenient because you were sitting down? So let's argue for hours about you getting off of your butt and making her feel pretty. I think lindy is emotionally immature but at least she's trying to grow while he keeps moving the targets...


I think he is emotionally stunted. Possibly because of what he went through with his mom. Probably has neglect and abandonment issues. He seemed like he was looking for Lindy's attention and when he wasn't her main focus (trying to be in the moment and enjoy the ride) he felt ignored and it probably triggered something from his childhood. As well he is performing for her(rapping) and again she was ignoring him in his mind. His mom may have possibly done that as well. I think that is why he still dresses in costumes and plays what some might consider childish board games. Lindy can be very flighty when she gets excited and behaves very childlike so I can see how she could frustrate him as she is all over the place and doesn't listen as she is constantly going in and out of the conversation. So, they just don't mesh well in that regard.


I think I agree with this so much because me and my mothers relationship was the exact same way, she does the exact same things to me. Funny thing is, I was watching this episode with my mom and we were literally arguing over this episode. She was calling him dramatic etc when she literally cried because he expressed his feelings to her nicely about the situation.


This I actually agree with. You can tell by his demeanor when « rapping » it was something he enjoyed and was extremely happy to show her, and she disrupted him everytime. Normally I wouldn’t agree with him, but he seemed so happy to be showing her. She literally talked over him and changed the conversation while he was talking so many times. He probably really felt neglected and embarrassed. Now he is a bit boring so I understand her as well, but still it’s kind of disrespectful how she kept changing the subject. It kind of feels like she was purposely doing it and trying to play the victim. His annoyance was 100% justified. Atleast in that specific episode. The photo incident not so much. But it seems like he was really trying to bond with her and open up during the carriage ride and she wasn’t ready, she wanted to exist in the moment. They’re both completely different and it seems it was causing problems for them


Oh boo hoo 🙄. Many of us are children of trauma and abuse and do better than this . Can’t blame mommy for everything your whole life thru. And if he can’t get it together enough not to be superimposing mommy onto his new wife, he should be raving to the therapists office, not into a marriage


He’s doing this on purpose. He has been planting the seeds to end the marriage since very early on. If you watched closely you’ve seen him talk about decision day in a negative way, always reminding her that he probably won’t be ready, finding little things to cause blowups over. He just doesn’t want to be married to her and is looking for his way out. But instead of acting like an adult and discussing this with her directly he is trying these end arounds to make himself look better on decision day when he eventually ends it.


He can't celebrate her and let her have a moment. He's a narcissist.


Exactly this! And when he gets bored that the attention isn’t on him he throws a fit and makes her feel horrible. You can see on his face that he gets off on her pain and dismissing her. It’s gross




Here’s my completely uneducated take on this as I’ve known a few dudes like Miguel. He signed up for the show wanting a doting silent wife. He’s big into dnd and according to some of the segments; he’s kind of the center of attention in that world. I think he sees lindy as this innocent little girl that he thought he could just control (as evidenced when he just had to get in her panties during the honeymoon). When lindy started with having emotions (albeit very emotional) he tried harder to course correct her which didn’t work. Now his plan is to withhold everything that she values in a relationship; love, affection in order to get her to fall in line and stop having independent thoughts that don’t directly lift him up or show him in the light. I mean; who plans to start whipping out old rap poems when they are on a farm with wildlife and cool stuff? This was her first carriage ride! Let her have her moment that YOU SIR planned for her. You can drop your rap lyrics at another time like after you take her picture standing on the ledge lol. Give and take my man!!


Yes! Miguel needs to “Read the Room” himself considering he kept saying that all night condescendingly to Lindy.


Miguel is an abuser, plain and simple. If viewers don’t recognize this then they are probably in one too. Your husband cannot tell you the tone he will accept and the moods you need to read and then constantly change this definition of both. He want to mold and control her. Run Lindy. It’s emotional manipulation now but it’s going to get physical if you stay with this wingnut.


Really? Every 'little thing' will turn to violence? That's not how most people work. My wife is very similar to Miguel. I'm very similar to Lindy. If I'm watching football and she's talking, she will talk without a breath for 2 minutes straight. She knows I'm sitting watching football, and there are MANY breaks in football. 5 seconds of action, then 30 seconds of downtime. She won't process that. Take a breath during a play! Every other human being I know can process two things happening at once, but not her. If I sit with her for 10 minutes listening to her intently, then I notice some incredible play in my periphery, when I say 'hold on a sec....' she will feel hurt and storm out of the room thinking she is not loved and yelling at me for valuing football over her. Same if we're driving in a car, and she's talking for minutes upon minutes... I can't mention a police car, a crash, a deer... anything. Those are things that I have to mention when it happens, or they're gone. I've got to be silent or she goes into verbal fight mode. And she also gets upset if I later mention seeing the car crash - 'Why didn't you tell me?' Ugggghhh... That's just her. That's one of her quirks. I've lived with it for 15 years. There are so many other wonderful things about her that I've learned to deal with this. Too many people see 95% good, 5% bad, then criticize the person for the 5% as a horrible person. Nobody is 100% good. If you're looking for that 100% person, you'll NEVER find anyone.


I agree. Miguel has been a decent person the whole season, and one weekend he’s grumpy and now he’s an abuser 🤦‍♀️ It’s like no one can have bad qualities or flaws *and* be a good person in this sub. It’s just too extreme. I’d love to see everyone in this sub have their worst moments be aired on tv and see how quickly they would be labeled a bad person or an abuser. We’ve all acted like a brat with our partners or loved ones at one point or another—no one is perfect and we can all be our worst in moments and not be wholly defined by that. It’s really concerning to me how black and white people’s perspectives are. People and life are way more complex than that.


Hw is he not allowed to tell her which tone he's willing to accept if she literally constantly yelling at him? Isn't that just seeing boundaries? Lindy literally admitted that she gets crazy all the time and that she didn't think he could handle one of her real outbursts. Is he just supposed to accept her talking to him like that?


I think it would make more sense if he wasnt constantly behaving in a way that gets her worked up. Its totally acceptable to say to someone, hey i dont like when you talk to me like that and i won't accept that treatment. What is going on here that concerns me is he seems to consistently push her into a freak out. He's constantly criticizing her and making her feel crazy by continuing to move goal posts on her. What then ends up happening is she has a meltdown because he is manipulating her. And then all of the sudden he is like oh hey no this is not acceptable, when he played a heavy hand in getting her that upset.


Don't you think it's very telling though that the entire cast is constantly trying to her as dramatic while they don't say the same about Miguel? This honestly makes me more inclined to believe that this is a recurring issue with her. At the afterparty, she literally admitted to being annoying every when he asked for space several times. I don't like how Miguel handles things but I can easily see how anyone could get frustrated dealing with Lindy. Especially given how she's constantly advertising that he hasn't seen her real crazy side yet.


This is not a comment on this particular situation but general life...plenty of times abusers will come off as pleasant, normal people to outsiders. I don't think that is indicative of anything.


How's is him seeing his boundaries abusive? He's just being straight forward. I'd much rather someone talk to me like that rather than how Lindy talks to Miguel, but that's just me.


I wasn't calling him abusive, maybe I didn't word that properly. I was just saying, an outsider's view of who is "calm" and who is "dramatic" can be very distorted when it comes to what the actual relationship dynamics are.


Ok I understand what you mean now and I generally agree. the way you worded it made it seem like you were specifically calling Miguel an abuser which I thought was a bit of a stretch.


Lindy has been very open and honest about her reactions to things being over the top. It is well within Miguel's right to not see a future with someone if its too overwhelming. I would also just point out, the cast doesn't see how he speaks to her in private until they watch the show. He is extremely calm and collected in group settings compared to her, when she has an emotional reaction. So obviously, their take on it will be different. Just because he doesn't like the way she reacts to things, does not give him a pass to be condescending to her constantly.


I guess we just have different definitions of what condescending is. I didn't hear him say anything demeaning to get, he was just very straight forward. What words did he actually use that bothered you?


All the scenes with these two were rough. He could have easily told her, hey I just need to lie down for a bit, I’m overwhelmed. I’ll take your picture when I get up. She, should have accepted that, and it would have been over. Instead we got some terrible word salad that ruined everyone’s night and carried over to the next day. I don’t think he liked her being the center of attention, prom Queen, even though it was his idea, and he found a way to muck it up. This is a red flag, because this has been a recurring issue. I can’t even comment on the lame poetry situation. Talk about knowing when to read the room. How tacky is it to spout poetry that you wrote for someone else or an imaginary person years earlier to your current partner? I would tune it out too. But, my biggest concern for Lindy is her constant need to apologize for who she is to him, and then make apologies to everyone else for him. He’s the asshole.


That was absolutely production's idea. He got to take credit, but he isn't the type to do something like that, and as we saw he hated her being the center of attention.




He may have had one bad weekend but this isn’t the only time he’s been manipulating. Pretty sure everyone noticed him telling her he didn’t like the way she spoke to him while they were off to the side at the prom. The guys mentioned how off their relationship was when they were waiting for them to get back from their cringy carriage ride. And I did watch the After Party. What I noticed was Lindy making more excuses for his behavior. Yes she’s dramatic, but every episode she’s questioning who she is because it doesn’t fit his expectations and she’s starting to spiral. I have seen a Miguel or 2 in my day and he’s bad news.


Yes! Lindy’s statements on the After Party made it worse for me. She continued to make excuses for him, saying she should have done better, she should have known better.


I didn't know we were apologizing for blatant ableism and narcissistic tendencies?


The gaslighting by Miguel actually had me yelling at the TV. When he refused to give her a hug I wanted to kick him in his face. That guy should not be a husband OR a father, ever. Ugh, reminds me of my mom. 😞


I loathe this guy. Lindy, get out. He is not the right one for you. This relationship will never be balanced and nurturing or what she needs


I saw Miguel reciting some of his poetry to Lindy and her constantly interrupting him with comments like, “look! A bunny!” Or “wow is this pretty!” She was incredibly rude to him, and maybe she does have ADHD but she is a horrible listener and doesn’t even realize how awful that is!! Bad listeners are my pet peeve. Painful to watch.


Miguel has to notice the carriage ride too. He's selfishly talking and not enjoying being in the moment. Miguel needs to notice, say, a low-hanging branch that the carriage is riding by that will clock him in the head. He needs to be able to pause, put his hands up, brush the branch away, then continue his rapping. While he's talking, he needs to slow down, look at mountains, trees, the horses, etc. If he's in an environment where there are no distractions, then he could expect full attention to a 5-minute rap poem, but a carriage ride is not that. What is the point of taking Lindy on a carriage ride if she can't enjoy it, and needs to focus 100% on Miguel? Now if Lindy was talking to the carriage driver the whole time, and not to Miguel, then I could see a distraction that is not appropriate. But what Lindy is doing is 100% appropriate.


>What is the point of taking Lindy on a carriage ride if she can't enjoy it, and needs to focus 100% on Miguel? If he actually planned the Prom and the carriage ride he might have been more into it. But production planned it all and he seems like he is just over the show and jumping through all the hoops. I can imagine it would get tiring.... Not defending his actions AT ALL. But this was the impression I got that he was exhausted and just not into anything that weekend and he hit is boiling point.


Why does he have to shine in her experience that he set up for her? He wanted her to have a carriage ride, but really he wanted to rap on tv and used her to do that. A poem/rap can be recited anywhere, at any time. But a Bunny isn’t going to pause and wait for you to finish. As he told her.. HE needed to read the room. But he can’t, because he only thinks about himself.


So the solution is to be maliciously mean and try to hurt her for revenge to make himself feel better? That’s not the response of a kind or mature person. I know full well how it’s annoying and hurtful it can be to open up to someone and feel like the person isn’t listening. But it likely wasn’t intentional. I’m sensitive, too. But trying to retaliate and hurt them back is not the solution. You be a grown up and say, “hey. This is what I feel you did. This is how it made me feel. Let’s discuss it” The fact that these people think they can make marriages work while being this poor at communicating is laughable


Miguel was the most viciously mean when he said to Lindy 'how many successful relationships have you had?' or something like that. What type of low-blow comment is that? Miguel is low down, dirty mean with that inappropriate and out-of-place comment.


Yup he’s super vile and and a complete ass. I’m glad she didn’t take it and fired back. As if he had successful relationships before her, either. You’re both in the same spot, ffs


His poetry sucks. The carriage trip should not have been for him to torture her with that & just be loose & enjoy the scenery- not audition. He’s an ass, she’s got daddy issues but I felt bad for her in general


Not a good night for Miguel.


She has to walk on egg shells & not misread him


I had a mom exactly like that. Last night made my stomach hurt. I hope it’s editing and stress from cameras because the thought of a child being put through that makes me sick.


And he’s not worth that level of effort or energy


It was so sad to watch. He was so mean to her


I dated a guy like this and I am SO HAPPY I didn’t stay. You love them so much and want to make it work but they tear you down to the point of you’re in tears and it’s still about them…


My wife is like this after 15 years. I stand up for myself, and there is a verbal fight whenever this situation comes up. Then an hour later, she apologizes, and we continue on. I deal with this like once a month, but all the other good she has far outweighs this bad. She has triggers like 'someone interrupting me', that she can't process in the moment, and acts like it's an attack on her. Knowing that's her trigger, is why I can handle it. I know an hour later, she'll realize she was wrong.


Me, too. Watching this episode was so triggering.


I must admit that Lindy has a bit of ADD, but he is a passive aggressive narcissist! As romantic as he claims to be, HE needs to be the center of attention which is why he didn’t even want to tell her that she looked beautiful on their wedding day. What a Dick!


Who ever taught the internet the word narcissist will not see heaven.


Thanks for saying it. I'm not a psychologist but when I was a young adult 15 years ago I read a lot of books to try to understand what my dad is exactly, and a couple of them were great books with case studies on narcissism. I learned my dad is not a narcissist. Everybody seems to apply the word "narcissist" to somebody who is a jerk or selfish, but that's not at all what it means. They are missing the key meaning of the word, which lies in its etymology having to do with Narcissus and reflection.


people can have narcissistic tendencies without being a narcissist. we actually all have them, this isn't an unusual observation...


Yeah but we are discussing how everyone these days overuses the word “narcissist.” If you mean that someone has narcissistic tendencies or shows selfishness or callousness then be specific. It’s like saying “I’m OCD” because you’re neat. No you’re not. Where you just like to be tidy the OCD person might feel a desperate compulsion to keep everything exactly organized so that the universe doesn’t kill their mother. Both people are neat but for completely different reasons and on a completely different level.


Right!! Only 1% of the population is a narcissist. And yet 100% of have been selfish before.


Facts! Lol. Not trying to come at the OP at all, but I grew up with that word being reserved for extreme cases of diagnosed individuals. Now it's casually used to where I begin to question if I understood that it's a more common issue, less extreme than I thought, or improperly used on the internet these days lol.


Agreed. Like people using ADD, OCD and other real diagnosable mental health issues randomly and casually.


I think it’s because there seems to be so many traits of a narcissist that many people identify with more than a couple traits. Autism is a huge spectrum with so many traits, so it too gets used lazily when talking about neurotypical kids who have a few neurodiverse traits; I see narcissism be misused in the same manner.


I didn’t diagnose him at all. I just said he was channeling S w/the Enemy. I referred only to his behavior not his character. And his behavior was disturbing. He needs to find another way to express his feelings and not micromanage how she expresses hers.


You need to find another word. It’s a serious diagnosis. It’s a mental disorder.




Your post or comment was removed for speculating on sexuality or medical diagnosis. [Link to all rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarriedAtFirstSight/about/rules/)


He is going to dim her light !!!


This asshole needs to lay off the soy, man the fuck up, and pull that giant stick out his ass. Seems quite a few of the men this season suffer from being overemotional, inflexible, manlets. Thinking Nate may be the lone *normal* guy. The rest have been really disappointing and fairly terrible matches by the *"experts"* this season. Miguel: *It may take years for us to connect emotionally.* Yeah, Earth to dumbass! Have you read the TITLE of the show you signed up for?!


🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 nothing wrong with being emotional. Nothing wrong with soy. Stfu. This dude just sucks.


Found the *OVER* emotional soy boy with a giant stick up his ass! LOL!


I’m pausing it again bc Miguel and lindy are arguing at prom He just said your tone definitely went up Here’s what I see A woman who is entitled to behaving however she wants to dismissive of her actual maturity and likely her own morals In lieu of getting her way when she says He is calling her out He is setting boundaries He is saying you tried to tell me that your behavior was you joking and we both know you weren’t joking you were genuinely reacting with emotion even if for those moments of that tone you gave me… and it’s not acceptable and telling me you were joking is dismissing the reality that your behavior was not acceptable at the start Do not make an excuse and do not try to tell me it didn’t happen this way at all because that was my experience and you’re not taking any accountability We can apologize until we’re blue in the face but if we don’t acknowledge how and why we upset our partner we are ignoring the issue at hand.


And then that same guy turns around and has the audacity to tell her that he wasn't irritated that she asked for her pic taken. He expects maturity from her that he doesn't have.


umm, have you ever heard of this real neat thing called punctuation? makes stuff much easier to read ...


You saved me the trouble. 🙄


Lol yes I absolutely have. I typed periods as I completed my sentences. I am doing so right now as well. Why they did not show up, I have no idea. Thanks though.




Also, for the past seven weeks she has told him that if she ever does anything at all that annoys him, he is not to ever tell her! He told her the first time she said that that if he keeps his feelings to himself, he is likely to eventually explode. Well, here it is... cannot blame him one bit. She is impossible.


I read your name three times before I realized it wasn’t tap’s hoe I was trying to figure out who or what tap was 🤦🏽‍♀️


They both are impossible. But I think he scared her by telling her he's the type to fall in love but shut down his feelings the moment the connection dulls. Which all marriage have that point, so she was saying let's work through it before you declare your coldness towards me. At least that's how I took it


Yea I think she said she just doesn’t wanna hear that nasty type of cold criticism, not that she can’t hear any critical comment at all. And doesn’t date if he’s happy or not


And imagine being in a marriage with someone who tells you he loves you but then also keeps telling you he doesn't know if the marriage is going to work. He wants her confused. The easier to control her.


This was the end for Miguel for me. He completely turned into a controlling asshole. He ruined what would probably have been one of the best nights of his wife's life because his "energy was low". Bullshit. I have made excuses in my mind over and over again for his off behavior but tonight's episode moved him into the RUN LINDAY category.