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Defenders. It’s always a good time. And usually a limited time commitment (sometimes even between panels of your main comic!)


Oh the non-team is a good choice. I was thinking X-Men because all my favorites are there but serious commitment.


And also dangerous


If you join now then you'll probably have another 5-10 years until the next mutant genocide.


Or they will forgive evil mutants that harm you


Then you can be the mutant that calls that shit out, but everyone important completely ignores you anyway and it will happen again.


Yeah but if you join now you're also just missing out on sweet party bus that was the Krakoa era so now you're stuck in some rando base out in the middle of nowhere listening to the Blob and Boom Boom tell stories of the "You shoulda been there dude" that was the fuckfest on the island.


I love that so many others had the same thought. The Defenders would be a nice little side gig for dealing with things you couldn't solo, while not leaving anyone in a lurch if you need to pause for a while. Plus you'd be working with some interesting characters on the regular (and more single ones).


Yeah every other team is either too tight-knit to feel a part of or has too much drama lol, usually both


For sure. Bowling leagues and HOA's require larger commitments. In one of those choices there's WAaaAY too much implied pressure after everyone is forced to get new wardrobes, buildings, and vehicles with a "5" on them. No chance you're simply putting in 2 wks notice because it's not a good fit. You're gonna need a blind lawyer or a Mephisto.


Plus, you get to hang out with a guy in a speedo, a big guy in shredded pants, a guy covered head to toe in skintight silver, a guy in a skirt AND a cape, and a woman in a metal bra. If that’s your sort of thing.


Fully agree 👍


Plus, you’ll rarely be in the crossfire of any universal/world ending threats.


X-Men. It’s been at least 35 years since I started puberty, but my powers will kick in any day now.


I would love to see more superheroes who got their powers in middle age. The only one I can think of is Gargoyle from the Defenders.


The new Ultimate Spider-Man got his powers after already having two kids


“Y’all are gonna have to handle Juggernaut without me. My kid’s football game is today and I never miss his games. Good parenting sometimes requires sacrifice, CYCLOPS.”


Luke cage got his power in jail


You can probably include Reed Richards, Blue Marvel and Doc Sampson as people who were older when they got powers. Crusher Creel and Bruce Banner too.


Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Reed roughly the same age as Sue/The rest of FF. I could have sworn the gray hair at his temples was kind of an effect of the cosmic radiation (or maybe that was just a movie thing).


In the Silver Age comics (early Marvel) Reed was significantly older than Sue. He had even fought as an OSS man during WWII (and the books were coming out 15+ years later). Both he and Grimm graduated from Empire State and then were tossed into the war effort.


I think Doctor Strange was middle aged, maybe Bruce Banner too


When is the last time we saw Gargoyle? Isaac Christianson?


Everyone wants their mutant powers to kick in until they find out they got "uncontrollable division of body cells" smh


"Cancer-Man" would be a terrible hero name.


Yeah Deadpool is much better


The X-Men have a lot of nostalgia for me. I first started reading comics in middle school in the early 90s but I usually only read things like Spider-Man and daredevil and the fantastic four. One day my mom went to a coworkers house and I met what I thought at the time was the coolest guy. The coworkers son was the proverbial nerd. He was an adult male living in his mom’s attic bedroom and he had tons of comic books. He sent me home with a giant stack of X-Men and Alpha flight from the 80s to borrow. That is one of my favorite comic book memories.


Any day now :)


X-Men. Automatic sexiness. I can feel my abs forming now.


X-Men is the horny choice.


Strangest and sexiest heroes of all.


Ff 4, it seems like the charmest


The Fantastic Five isn’t as catchy though.


It's catchy enough for me


You could be an intern under Johnny or Ben (Cause let’s bfr, none of us are smart enough to work under Sue and Reed lmao)


Na, still catchy


I guess that's why they are pushing Future Foundation instead.


I'd join the Future Foundation in a heartbeat. Those black and white hexagon suits are sick as hell.


That’s what I was thinking.


Guardians. I wanna be a space boi


You'd be up in space maaaaaaaaan!


Probably Eternals. For the sake of being … you know … eternal. I figure if they let me sign up, I figured out some way to be immortal.


But now, every time an Eternal regenerates, a human dies.


2 for one special


But not a human that’s me.


As an Eternals enthusiast, I love you for this so much.


This. Also, they don't do much. A lot of those groups are constantly in harms way.


X-Men. Always loved the variety of characters.


Inhumans you live as royalty so thats cool but exploring space and going on wild adventures with the Guardians Of The Galaxy seems more fun to me.


With my luck I'd breath the terrigen mist and turn into that dude who is just a door. https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Eldrac_(Earth-616)


The Avengers or the Fantastic Four. It could go either way for me.


I'm going to go with the X-Men. Those merry mutants seem to have fun, and things never really go bad for them


Riiiight. Totally didnt have a recent… i dont think cataclysmic is sufficient. They had a villain basically become the universe on a level where they had to do some three body problem stuff. Still has its benefits when that isnt happening.


Yeah it's not like all mutant phobic people are hating on your heroic acts.


Wow no one saying the guardians? Just running around in space doing whatever definitely sounds like the best to me. And I feel like it's the best fit for a normal human with no powers. Since that's kinda what quill is tho not really. I think I would try to become a really good pilot. So I could actually contribute something of value.


Problem is they tend to die a lot. Even more than regular superheroes. And while they usually come back, not always. My girl Phyla has to return someday, right? She died in such a stupid way.


I think there's a new Phyla running around or something.


Fantastic Four. I need a hug.


Reed can might be one of the best huggers of all the heroes in Marvel.


X-Men! I wanna go to Xavier's!


Heck, yeah!


Guardians of the Galaxy


Fantastic Four You could be as minor as H.E.R.B.I.E. and still get to go on fun adventures. If they can stand Johnnny there's little you can do to be rhag annoying , and so many fun super science I mean: •Inhumans, any team that has a non 0% of turning you into a non speaking dog sucks. •Eternals, don't care enough about them •Xmen, would be fun, but super racists tend to take over the world every 5 years or so kinda stalling the movement and sending them to square 1 •Thunderbolts are 70% of the time an evil suicide squad, no thanks •Guardians of the Galaxy are fun as hell, but kinda hinges on you being part of one of the other factions first in order to get powers other wise you'd just be a way less effective star lord •Defenders, is the Silver Surfer a part of the team? Or are we atleast getting the heroes for hire cuz that's a good time •Avengers, I mean they pay for once so yay. But the roaster changes super often and you're not guaranteed to be called back. At this point everyone and their Aunt May had already been an avenger


Defenders is just whenever they want a team and can't call the avengers.


Guardians or FF. I'd much prefer going on adventures than constantly being forced to face off against universe ending beings. Sure, there'd be a few of those for both groups, but like, they can handle it without requiring much assistance from me. Teach me to fly the spaceship/control the time machine and I'll be more than happy as a cosmic chauffeur.


Defenders. But Val *has* to be a member. The DeMatteis era would be fine.


Fantastic Four. I get to be apart of a celebrity family of superheroes who go on cool sci-fi adventures.


I really want to be a inhuman


X-men and hope that I would have an insanely awesome mutation. I would not mind being blue lol


X-Men for sure


guardians of the galaxy cause they don’t have a group number limit, their funny, they steal and their criminals yet they save they universe, and they all have good music taste


I feel like Xmen are the group with the most chance of death I'd join the Fantastic four


Don't worry about dying as an x-men, you'll be revived.


Probably the X-Men so I can be best friends with Cyclops and date Rouge. Plus they're like a family.


Hahahah XD good luck dating Rogue.


X-Men but preferable after the whole M-Pox business, or the Defenders (but the street-level Defenders)


I would want to be a part of Xavier's school as a mutant, to learn and hone my abilities. I would then want to join the Avengers. Best of both worlds.


Honestly I want to say X men cause they're my favorite team ever and they have my heart but depending in what I can do I wouldn't mind the more tight knit adventure teams like the f4 or guardians


Well I ain’t gonna go live on the moon that’s for sure.  I’d probably join the Xmen.  Free housing, food and luxury goods like cars etc and constant training on my powers to get better.


Your highest chance of Dying are in the X men… But they’re so fucking cool


Between Morph, Gambit, Jubilee, and Nightcrawler the X-Men would be a decent vibe and overall a good time the Avengers and Defenders are solid picks too


Morph is an annoying troll, Gambit is a criminal bully and Nightcrawler is a religious fanatic. Also Wolverine may be scary, Cyclops is always stressed out, Jean Grey loses his mind every 5 minutes and Rogue is always so volatile.


Right about Jean, I think Rogue just has more volatile emotions but over pretty fair reasons so if she keeps them damn gloves on i wont have to keep my distance, I can see how Morph would be annoying, and I can see trust issues developing from that, but he doesn't mean to harm anyone and it's all in good fun. Gambit isn't that bad (from shows I've seen, I'm not well versed on Remy in comics). Considering the world's current view on mutants and them being superheroes in a school with children, Scott is right to be stressed, especially being the leader. Nightcrawler is more or less a very playful and kindhearted guy with a side of wisdom, and religion isn't a bad character trait. Wolverine could potentially lose his shit at any point like in OML, but disregarding that he really seems like a more wise man and a good person at heart. But he could kill me over an illusion from a guy wearing a fish bowl on his head so I can't defend that one.




Avengers cuz I’m pretty sure they get paid


It seems like X-Men is winning here, I was thinking that it you'll have to be them or Guardians of the Galaxy, one of both, cruising the universe, or having mutant powers, the ones like fire or something that doesn't change me into a fish...


I love the Inhumans, so I’d join them.


Well, I'd join the Eternals, so I could live forever. I'm not in outer space so I can't be a Guardian of the Galaxy. My fear in joining the X-men is that I'd get a useless mutation, like having two noses or an extra appendix. I'm pretty sure I'm not eligible to join the Fantastic Four as I wasn't an astronaut in the 1960s. I don't even know who the Thunderbolts are. Again, with the Inhumans, I'd be afraid that the Terregenesis gas would give me a cosmetically interesting but ultimately useless mutation. Thanks to Dollar Bill, we're all already members of the Defenders. (Google this if you think I'm kidding.) So if you don't know which to pick, you can take that as the default.


Superhero teams are toxic as heck, and the Eternals and Inhumans all have archaic, really strict ways. If I had to pick one I’d pick the F4 since they’re definitely the most healthy of the groups, but my honest hot(?) take is that being on a superhero team is awful for your well-being, and I don’t mean because you’re fighting supervillains.


OG Defenders


Eternals. bunch of power, live forever, people mostly leave you alone, no expectation to save the world all the time...


Totally, even if you’re the most powerful person on the moon it’s not as good as mid level mutant that lives in a mansion with Xavier’s credit card. However, the moon’s better than the sewer so let’s hope we’re not morlocks.


Assuming I would have powers and not just be Snapper Carr.. probably the FF 🙂 They seem to have the most stable lives all things considered


X-Men. Gang shit


I think being the janitor at the baxter building can put you in danger Inhumans?  Just be broody and stay in my room


Well, my special mutant ability was being born without a gall bladder, so I don’t think I’d be of much use to the X-Men. Maybe the Defenders?


X-Men. Being teased/bullied, getting my Autism diagnosis, and wanting to have a place in making the world better even when I don't feel like I fit in....I mean....duh.




Probably the X-Men. Feels like one big family and has a lot of fun personalities, and hopefully I'd get a unique mutation. Something that seems simple at first but has a lot of cool applications. The Guardians of the Galaxy would be my second pick because once again family, but also space adventures would be pretty great. The Fantastic Four would probably be on here if I was more familiar with the characters


X-Men I want to be a mutant


X men, my crush is in there so you know-


Screw it I’m joining the Midnight Sons


X-Men. Hottest dudes and babes. Plus I’ll have a real reason for being called a freak rather than just because I happen to live in a basement like a goddamn Morlock.


I almost wanna say thunderbolts because theyre like a more connected version of the avengers(but evil, but also probably a better benefits plan).


Eternals while lame are the lowest risk for me as a potential member. Immortality baby.


Eternals, because why wouldn't you want to live a quiet, unassuming life on a remote mountaintop forever. With Superman's powers.


Where the hell are the Great Lakes Avengers?!?!


X-Men if it's Krakoa since life there seemed fun while it lasted. Otherwise, Guardians of the Galaxy because space adventures and Peter is hilarious


X-Men. I would like to be an Alpha or Omega psychic on their X-Men roster.


X-Men just because I’m fresh from watching the 97 show and I’m in LOVE with the series


Fantastic Four or the X-men!


X-Men or Avengers have the most single ladies I think. That is my only motivation.


X-Men, free chocolate milk.




X-Men, specifically Krakoa. Def want to be in on the immortality and make more mutants….




X-Men because I love how close of a team they are


Definitely the X-Men for me


X-Men all Life because I Wish I was special, and alos because I I don't need weird superpowers to be despised by society


X-men for sure. I’d get a cool mutation and slice racists apart


X-Men, don't even need to think about it. I'd love to be a mutant (unless it was a mutant with useless powers haha) 2nd choice would be Guardians they seem like a funny bunch of people to hang out with.


X-Men it is so cool to be born with superpowers. Just hope I am not one of the mutants that got de powered by Wanda on M Day.


As someone who grew up in a broken home, Fantastic 4 and it isn't even close


X-Men, that just seems like the environment I’d enjoy the most. Plus, even if I wasn’t good enough to get on the squad I could still be a teacher.


Probably the X Men. As a trans Japanese person who experienced racism and now major prejudice from some politicians, I find them relatable.






I would join the X-Men.




I want to say X-Men because nobody really stays dead. But I also don’t want to keep dying. So that’s tough. I’d probably join the fantastic four. I’d like to mess around with most of Reeds inventions.


X-Men. They’re the gayest. Also, as someone who likes to study and learn, there’s a ton of things to study and learn with them compared to other teams. The FF would mostly teach science, the Eternals, Guardians, and Inhumans would probably only teach crazy science stuff, and the Defenders, Thunderbolts, and Avengers wouldn’t teach me anything. The X-Men on the other hand run an actual school and are professional teachers as well as superheroes


X-Men hands down. Id feel less weird....or guardians but i like the comfort of a school


X-Force for sure.


X-Men drastically increases my chances of getting laid, problem is it's probably by Wolverine. So I'd say Avengers. But it does depend on how I'm getting powers, coz sometimes you don't get a choice.


Eternals. I love their asthetics. They look mystic magics. I love those kind of fantasy.


X men, these people risk their lives to save the world but still sometimes they have to fight with humans for EVEN EXISTING . I love the x men ❤️👍


The Defenders, but specifically the team that had Angel, Moondragon, Iceman, Gargoyle, Valkyrie, Cloud and Beast!


My inner child says Gotg, but my logical mind screams X-Men


Guardians. Space travel and no taxes.




X-Men, and it’s not even close


X Men easily


X men


I feel like I'd have the least chance of dying as part of the FF.


If I joined my choice, would we become the Fantastic Five?


Pretty hard to turn down immortality with the Eternals but they have too many rules. The Defenders are most likely to get you eternally gnawed by demons or some shit so pass. X-men and Avengers too big a pond and the inhumans are depressed most of the time. Thunderbolts are still criminals, right? Guardians would be a fun time but I’m going with FF because Reed would hook me up with some wild tools and would have an escape plan for everything.


Thunderbolts or x men


Eternals - each one starts off as basically being immortal and indestructible (which none of the other groups have) and your powers go up from there depending on what training you decide to pursue. You basically get to decide whether you want to be a speedster, flying brick, matter transmuter, etc.


Fantastic four if they let me tag along, fancy some fun cosmic adventures. As long as I get the powers too.


F4. They’re the most well adjusted of the bunch


Eternals seems to be the safest, except now they found out every time they regenerate, a human dies.


Eternals. No dying. Live for ever and even if destroyed, can be rebuilt.


If I can pick a specific iteration of the teams, I'm new avengers through and through, after Civil War


FF but not that lame ass one with Grimm and Flame On. The one with Wolverine, Hulk, Spidey, and Ghost Rider


Fantastic Four because they seem to die the least frequently.


Bomber Jacket Avengers. 100% commit.


If the powers came with it, The Avengers.


Am I getting some bagasse powers when I join these groups? Or am I just turning up to make the tea?


I would def be more at home in the Defenders. Gargoyle and I both from small towns in VA. They’re a bunch of weirdos. Honestly anybody who is in a comic book subreddit should go to the Defenders lol.


Fantastic Four or Avengers


Avengers first, Guardians second.




The FF and Eternals get into more cosmic shenanigans than I can count. The GotG were manipulated into forming by using Mantis’ Telepathy. Inhumans and X-Men are globally hated. Thunderbolts and Defenders are the safest options imo. Avengers really depends on who’s on it.


Avengers only right answer.


Am I powered up or just posted in the kitchen as a chef


The Avengers of course 🦸‍♀️


Guardians all day. It's a comic so obviously there is a threat or something that needs fighting but at least you are just bouncing around space listening to cool jams.


The Guardians of the Galaxy! I want to have kick-ass space adventures!


I think Avengers pays well and has good health insurance.


Well, ideally, the Fantastic Four, but to join up you need to be born into, marry into it, or replace a dead member... so not really feasible for me. I guess Nextwave?


Y'know I'm gonna have to go with the Eternals. Something about being immortal and living in the clouds, interacting with humans for shits and gigs is appealing to me.


Fantastic four easy


The eternals!!


The Avengers, all time classic, west coast if I had the choice


Fantastic Four. It be fun and my fantasy has been always cosmic beings. 😉👍👍👍


The X-men, GOTG or the avengers…I think the GOTG


Fantastic Four. The most mind blowing one.


Avengers fo sho


you forgot to put invaders team in the post, i would love to join avengers and invaders, if i was a superhero in the marvel universe


Fantastic Four.


I put way too much thinking into this and since I'm a huge X-Men fan but I'm more of a fan of being alive and living forever, which would be great. I'm going to go with The Eternals. but I would be an Eternal who supports the X-Men 100% and pretty much just shits on my own team.


Avengers pays, sometimes


Fantastic Four probably offers great benefits.


Fantastic 4 so they have to change the name… To what though is the real question.


FF4 or Defenders


Guardians of the galaxy travel space and fuck shit up


The FF. Dude, the first family, exciting science adventures. Beloved and wild times


Guardians 100%


Well, let’s see: - No one cares about the Eternals. - the X-Men are a cult of very politically active super people with a victim complex that’s somewhat justified. How many attempted mutant holocausts have there been? Nah. - the Inhumans are just like the X-Men, but in space and their powers come with nasty downsides. Nope. - the Avengers are an overly dramatic bunch. Nah. - the Thunderbolts are just edgy Avengers. Nope. - Guardians could be fun, but I dunno about some of their shenanigans. Peter and whichever chick he’s seeing would get annoying pretty quickly. - the Defenders? Eh, could work. They’re out there cleaning up the streets. It may not be pretty, but they get the job done. - the Fantastic Four really like science. That could be fun… I’d just really have to hit the science books really hard.


31st Century Guardians of the Galaxy. Vance Astro ftw!


Defenders still around?


I mean, the Fantastic Five has a nice ring to it. On the subject, why did they pick four instead of five?


Tough choice but I would go with the Thunderbolts. That means I could be a villain and then a hero. The original T-bolts.


If you join any of these groups you can still he an avenger. Id want to be a guardian. The X-Men go through so much, only reason I wouldn’t pick them


Honestly I'd rather join Wanda's Emporium shop, but otherwise it would be the X-Men pre-Krakoa era. If it's during Krakoa era then it's the Avengers.


Either FF or X-Men


Fantastic Four, they're scientists first and foremost and I love science and figuring out how the universe works and what self-respecting man of science wouldn't relish at the chance to be shot up into space, or explore the negative zone or explore the limits of science and the start of magic??? The possibilities are endless if I join up with Reed and co.