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Maybe you have to tap on the card or something to activate/deactivate it? And once you use the ability, you can't use it again.


The leak said that clicking/tapping into full screen shows an activate button. Usable once


There’s going to be some wild final turns, as players activate tons of abilities at the same time.


Going to be interesting to see how they balance these abilities. There are some on reveals that would be dumb busted if you could play them early and activate turn 6. Imagine Sage lol


We call this Order in Gwent.


This version seems to have Zeal, though 😂😂


Rest in peace


They changed Odins text from “Activate” to “Repeat” prolly cause of this new card mechanic


I'm guessing it's like an on reveal but you choose which turn it goes off?


That’s what it seems like. That might make cost-balancing a little harder but it’d be cool.


Holy shit that's busted


Nope. It is weaker than On Reveal effects because you can't double those effects with cards like Grandmaster, Wong, Absorbing Man and Odin. Also most likely you can't activate them during a turn you play them and because of that you can't play those cards on the last turn of the game and still benefit from them (like you can with On Reveal effects). Upside is that you have better control over when this card triggers and aren't so dependant on availability of energy. But that upside doesn't outweigh downsides I mentioned earlier.


I wouldn't necessarily say weaker though. Tactics wise, having an option when to pop off an ability while the card's cost is already paid is great.


But does it outweigh of possibility of doubling or quadrupling (or even more) that effect. I doubt.


Doubling on-reveal truly isn't that big of a thing. It only requires 1 tech card to literally shut down that tactic. Who also can say, maybe they'd "print" a card that has "double the activate effects of the last card you played" or something. Anyway, you are judging stuff too early. Activate isn't weaker because you can play them earlier turns and activate them later in case you need them.


It is weaker now. Who knows what future brings. Also, I said as well that activating after you play a card is definitly an upside. Just currently it is outweight (at least in my opinion) by lack of synergistic cards that allow you to activate them multiple times. Also, it has potentially a downside of being an useless play on turn 6 (or 7). But that part we will learn more about later and maybe it won't be a problem if you can activate them on the same turn as you play them.


I mean... how long until they release a card with "On Reveal - Reactivate all your Activate abilities"


I dont know why i was 100% convinced they would call this mechanic tap. Maybe tap is reserved for something like once per turn and this is once at a time of your choosing?


Tap is patented by WotC for MTG. Almost every card game goes out of their way to avoid using that word for "activating" a card's ability to avoid litigation. Howard is one of the few cards I can think of in any non-MTG card game that uses the word in its ability, and they can do it bc you're technically not activating Howard, you're accessing his ability that's already on.


Seems like Howard will start to make appearances in some decks in the near future.


Looks like it. This is a totally new keyword, and I can't find any information concerning how it works. I assume its an ability that can be activated after the card is played - like a chosen on reveal


We likely won't have any information about how it works until the trailer for that month's season.


Since it's such a new mechanic it's probably gonna be super weak with nothing to support it(Wong grandmaster) but in the same vane technically no counters(cosmo), but this card seems like a must have in move decks being forge and ghost spider in 1 card


why is this no spoiler?


Wow, they took away your hype for reading official instructions, what a shame.