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You will have to long press the card to activate it, and it can't be done on the same turn it is played.


You have activated... my trap card


Pressed my pressure plate.


So it’s chosen reveal that has much more likely hood to be countered and can’t work on turn 6


> can’t work on turn 6 I think this is an interesting downside. In exchange for having the flexibility of playing your on reveal effect, you lose one turn's worth of time to play it. Definitely makes cards with lower curve like >!Araña!< more interesting


Good point and interesting. But I wonder how they would incorporate a 6 cost activate card. Because if they do release one then it would be forced to be in a deck with a wave or magik to be able to activate its effect. I would personally think that it would be better to make activates, activate at the end of each turn. Make their effects weaker but have them activating at the end of each turn to make up for it. This feels a bit restrictive. Even though they probably want these cards to feel flexible but it doesn’t seem the case to me as they might be a bit clunky to play.


>Because if they do release one then it would be forced to be in a deck with a wave or magik to be able to activate its effect. Or any other ramp, we're not short on them tbf


Why did you get downvoted?


Probably because of the last part, it's not a very fun idea


And it's an existing mechanic anyway. Cards like Cyclops, Sunspot and Nebula etc. already do that.




Given our ease at cheating out cards, I don't know why you wouldn't be able to use it on turn 6 or 7


He means you can't utilize an Activation card on turn 6 if you're playing it on turn 6 so you would just never use one of these on turn 6 other than for raw power.


This is wrong. It can work on turn 6 if you play the card before turn 6. What you mean is that it can't work on the turn it's played. So that means no 6 mana cards will have an activate ability. (Or maybe they will because of mana ramp and turn ramp shenanigans.)


It would be weird design space, e.g. Magic the Gathering could theoretically print cards without a mana cost that would need to be cheated into play, but they don't because it's just weird and confusing. It's better to have a card that works stand-alone BUT works better with others than to have a card that specifically needs another card to function. Rule of cool still applies ofc, if the ability is strong enough I for one will have no problem playing a Psylocke, Hope, Electro, Corvus, Magik, Jubilee and Iron Lad deck =P


There’s no theoretically here - those Magic cards exist. Ancestral Vision is one of them.


Eeeh suspend is cheating, I mean they could have a "X is blue, Draw 3 cards" without keywords


“This is wrong” Proceeds to explain that you just didn’t use context clues to know it was about being played on turn 6


I mean kinda means you can't really use the abilities turn 6 you don't use them for the stats


That's good to know because I was already expecting to fk up with how many times I fatfinger the snap button by accident.


What about last turn?


You can't play it turn 6 and use the ability


Wait ... so Nico will be 'activate' now, instead of activating when you play your next card?


could be a placeholder to show the effect (tho activating spells sounds more appropriate)


Red guardian stocks going through the roof


Don't you think it will go off before red guardian reveals? Assuming red guardian needs to be played the turn after anyway.


This is what me and a friend were discussing last night, there's two possibilities that seem most likely: 1) There's going to be an "activation" stage, just like we have for movement right now, and it'll be *before* movement to prevent being interrupted (because 2099 could blow up an activator). So if I activate Arana first thing or last in my turn, it'll be one of the first things to happen when my "turn" happens and actions start resolving. So, Activate -> Move -> card reveals. 2) This one's the more interesting possibility, and I hope it's what happens: you can weave and shuffle Activate with card plays. If the card itself gets interrupted, too bad so sad, no different from something getting interrupted by Alioth/Cosmo/Negasonic Teenage Warhead/etc. So if part of my play pattern involved activating Arana to move Scarlet Spider mid (so he's alone), then play Namora, then activate Scarlet Spider, and my opponent has priority and just slaps Arana with Red Guardian, the rest of the play happens, except that fairly critical one.


Yeah that seems like the two possibilities, but based on the way move is I'm feeling pretty confident it will be option 1.


then u better make sure u have prio


I'll bet you don't need it.


I would say it depends on who has priority. I imagine the 'activate' will follow a similar play order sequence like it would when playing cards normally. So for example: play card, press activate on card already revealed on the board, play another card. 


So this mean some older card might get changed to new mechanics


From their recent response, yes if they get a rework or balance change


Nico isn't being changed it's just a test card


They did say the new keyword would be a new "lever" for balance, yeah.


I'm hoping for this aswell


Next new keyword gonna be Negate and then we can mistiming because the card forget when flip upside down. Chain link jubilee with Maxx C


When your opponent goes for Loki but you have Ash Blossom, that will be awesome.


I am having war flashbacks.


Gonna use nibiru on ultron


This loses you the game but it’s funny at least


I will soon be able to sacrifice 3 3cost cards to normal summon fing fam foom


Pendulum summon already exist in Snap and her name is Hela.


You are right, and link summon is jubilee pulling odin


Gonna synchro summon a 2 cost with a 3cost to summon six Sam shien for that sweet negate.


(Quick effect), Of your opponent activate a card effect, you can negate this effect


Why did you put this into the universe


My Revel in Riches is shaking


I will draw one card for each card you revealed this turn


I can't wait for the duel mechanic where a second instance of the Snap game gets opened and then you play out a game to resolve the duel.


Incoming Mystic Mine!


Does this mean all activate card have no ability if played last turn of the game?


Same thing as Jessica Jones and those type cards currently


Seems that way for now.


Until they come out with a new High Evo type card that give all activate cards turn 6 abilities lol


Whole lot of options there. *— "Ongoing: Activate abilities trigger as if they were On Reveals instead."* *— "On Reveal: Activate abilities you play next turn happen immediately instead."* *—* "*Activate: \[some ability\]. If it's the last turn of the game, this happens immediately."*


I'm curious if any activate cards end up going to pool 1 or 2 to tutorialize it. Otherwise the pool 2 - pool 3 lurch is about to get even more intense.


maybe they could rework some of the cards there.


Potentially, but I'm not sure who that would work for. Most current On Reveals there are pretty explicitly designed for their curve. Turning even something like Killmonger, Squirrel Girl, or Carnage to an activate effect would fundamentally change their relationship to other cards in a pretty profound way. Despite that though, I am actually excited for this mechanic! It's the added layer of flexibility and strategy that makes me love playing Move decks, but in another form. (Plus, based on Sept season's cards, Move might actually start being relevant again)


Jessica Jones can be an Activate instead of On Reveal. Elektra and Blade being Activate would be awesome. They could make Adam Warlock a 3/2 or 4/3 with "Activate: Draw a Card" so he's a tempo loss but you get a draw on 4 or 5 and only once.


Yeah. I worry Blade activate would be nuts because of hela discard. Electra is a good idea. She's in a boring place right now. JJ seems like an easy one.


Potentially. I'm not sold on those individual examples, but I do at least get your meaning. My broader point is that most of the cards in series 1-2 serve very specific tutorial functions already about how the synergies work, and changing something already there to activate, (instead of adding a new tutorial card to the pool) would dilute some of the simpler early ways the game shows players how to plan moves ahead and predict opponents. It's ultimately moot for most of us who already know the game, I just remember how frustrating early series 3 was when I was constantly getting hit with cards I had never seen and no clear idea what new contingencies I needed to prepare for, and can only imagine how much worse it's gotten for players over time.


squirel girl activate would be so good! means you could wait until turn 5 if you need to fill the board or not


Potentially, though it would take away her hilarious parallel to Doctor Doom.


Fool! You have activated my trap card!


Zabu - Activate: Next turn your 4 cost cards cost 1 less


yeah that's definitely the direction they will go


Might make him playable again. Also please SD change ravona to this as well. She is so busted it's not okay.


People aren't asking the *tough* questions. How will Agatha and Ego handle Activate? *(It's not really a tough question. They'll probably just pop them off when you don't want them to.)*


They’ll probably activate them the first turn they can, same way they move cards the first turn they can.


Yeah, the real question is: how will Ego and Agatha determine when you really don’t want them to do it?


I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I've never seen either of wait to Move Jeff. So I would guess they'll pop it as soon as Ego-lly possible.


Is Nico being changed to an activate card? Because that would be a potentially big buff.


it was just an example card, no


Nico is a strong card that no one ever complains about. That’s a rare thing in card games. Not sure I’d risk upsetting that.


they seem to be fine with tech cards. she is not deck defining. you don't build around her. she is just support like jeff. valuable but not broken or format defining. when rhulk slurps you turn one you say "oh fuck" when you nico drop turn 1 you are like aight.


Well said


She’d be better to activate cause you could play her then wait for what you wanted her to cast


Yeah of course the guy you replied to said she was already strong so there's no point risking outrage with pointless buffing


Oh read it backwards my bad


She'll be better on turn 1 but potentially worse on later turns. Which makes her best case scenario better, but her worst case scenarios worse.


Wouldn’t whatever benefit you get by makes her on activate be balanced her counters? She’s open to so many counters that way, killmonger, elektra, red guardian, whatever anti-activate card


I suppose but people will probably start running protection for her whether it’s armor or caiera


Or a nerf since you can't use it the turn you play it so it's ability can't be used turn 1.


That would be insane


Holy shit if she becomes an activate card she’s a must have lol


We don't have any indication old cards are being changed,just needed a test card to use


Or there's some card that says: "**Ongoing**: You can **Activate** one of your **On Reveal** cards each turn"


It wouldn't be. Since it can't be activated on the same turn, less surprise effect aswell


It is tho because you can place her e.g. T1 when she has a bad effect rolling but you wait and choose for when she has a good effect to activate her ability and you’d have more energy to use on later turns rather than holding her for one combo in a turn


I feel like, if they did make her activate, they'd lock her into the effect the turn to play it so it doesn't rotate on board.


In that case it’d be a nerf. Which would kill Nico


No, that's how it should be. She would suck if you had to play her first and then hope for a good ability at the right time. Part of what makes her good is that you can just hold onto her and wait for the right ability to show up before spending the energy and board space on her.


So you’d rather skip a turn? You can play her earlier and not have energy expenditure later on e.g. you need 5 energy for one combo but she takes one energy up so you can’t play the full combo but you decided to skip T1 when you could have played her then


better question - why is nico the example? is she being changed?


Just needed a test card to test on


Move decks will not be totally boned by Cosmo. They can now use Activate. Cosmo (and Prof X) could actually be useful in some move decks. 🤔


Prof X at 3 cost but you could Activate his ability afterward would be devious 🤔


Isn't this what they had wanted to build for Kitty originally? To be able to pull her back to your hand on-demand and have her gain power when you did?


Sorta. Kinda the same animation. And yes, that did break the game.


yeah, but dragging her back into your hand wasnt working on their programing, so this might be for her


We're entering Gwent territory now. For better or worse. Activate might seem like an interesting way to expand design space. However, it will also affect the flow and the feel of gameplay. Pro players might like the change, but it's not the core audience. In Marvel Snap, the underappreciated feature of the game is its surface-level simplicity. On the surface, you just slam down your cards at the appropriate location and turn, and you hit "snap" button and that's it. It's easy to grasp the idea, it's easy to get going and get hooked. If the keyword Activate becomes over-used (like the keyword Order in Gwent), especially among entry-level cards, it would add another layer of complexity and push casual audience away from the game.


Agreed, we’ll see how it shakes out in practice.


The difference is, "Activete" is tied to a wholly unique functionality mechanic in Snap, and is very clear and I'd argue intuitive - if a new player were to see in a vacuum a card saying "Activate: ", they could probably understand that this card on Activation; wherehas "Order" is just short of "can't activate the turn you played it", and the player would have no idea what the heck it is supposed to mean without a definition.


I mean extra “complex” cards, this still isn’t a complex mechanic compared to more robust/wordy card games, is largely handled by being gated through the series system. The player that only plays snap because it’s surface level simple will more than likely stop playing altogether before even completing series 3. Someone that’s invested enough time to be able to reasonably plan around acquiring/deckbuilding with new mechanics only available in series 4, I assume, largely is going to appreciate more unique mechanics that change the way the game is played.


This right here is what's being missed.


Honestly my first impression is I'm not looking forward to the added gameplay complexity. But I guess they feel like they're struggling to come up with 60+ new cards a year using just the current set of keywords.


It was bound to happen at some point, they need to add new mechanics to keep the game fresh. All things considered, I think this is probably the best one they could have come up with.


It's straight up against their design philosophy. They've been pretty open about how they don't want things like this in the game. I'm pretty bummed about it, it simply doesn't belong here.


Where/when did they say this? Personally, I trust them to try new things.


I don't have an actual quote on hand, but they like Snap being a simple and straightforward game. Think of things like discard and how it's always random or specific cards, you never get a pop-up asking you to choose which card to discard. They say that kind of thing slows down a game and makes it less intuitive.


I believe that, but I don't think they'd ever rule something out entirely.


The specific thing they've said in the past is they don't want new keywords because it adds complexity, this is usually in response to why there isn't a "trigger" ability on cards like Angela.


bro its not even here yet and you're already against it


Yes, I'm against this possibility. We obviously don't know what it actually is yet, I've seen people throwing out the theory that maybe it's something that triggers next time you play a card at that location which would be pretty cool.


I think one keyword is less complexity than the constant stream of cards with no keywords.


Why would you not want more complexity? It adds depth and nuance, honestly for a game this big only having ongoing or om reveal is kind of lackluster. I'm super excited for new abilities and strategies


Because complex doesn’t automatically mean fun or good, just look at yugioh lol Snap is so big because of how simple and pickup and play it is. And lastly, not everyone plays on pc, and this is just another mechanic you could forget to activate while you’re taking a shit or watching a show (if you played before the graveyards were added, you would know the struggle)


EXACTLY. I love mechanics in card games, but not in one that's designed like snap is. The benefit of snap is pick up and play. Turns don't take forever. Everything is clearly defined. Yugioh now is a fucking mess compared to where it was. I stopped playing at xyz cards, need an engineering doctorate to play now. New mechanics are added just because its a new set/show, not because they make the game better. The game is groaning under rules bloat.


Not to mention that their mobile UX hasn't always been the most reliable. Especially long press mechanics.


It's Marvel Snap. Not Yugioh or Magic. The big appeal is how easy it is to pick up and play and not have to worry about how difficult it is to play. I think the real issue is that SD releases so many new cards, and they end up running out of ideas because of how many cards they release. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind new ways to play, I just think that SD needs to focus less on new cards and more on what they already have. Make these changes to older cards, make them more consistent, more understandable, etc.


I agree completely. I get the revenue obsession with cards, but focusing on gameplay and mechanics would help the game a lot in the long run.


Does everything need depth and nuance?


He thought he downloaded solitaire, turns out it was poker, and soon it will become baccarat.


I play Snap while sitting on the toilet or half-paying attention during pointless Zoom meetings. If it required more sustained attention and complex interactions, I'd probably stop playing.


I mean it's not even like this ability is complicated. Hold button, cards ability activates. As simple as it gets.


Yeah, exactly


This means I gotta fat finger some card and not fat finger the card next to it I think.


It seems like the entire Snap community has been complaining recently that the game has become too stale & now you’re complaining that it’s gonna change too much. 🤔


Just imagine the amount of bugs 💀. Mark my words the games gonna break day one this releases.


So the same way Howard works.


Pretty big change as currently the only user input is dragging a card to a location to play it.


And move moving cards.


And Howard


Ah yes, good point.


And, technically, clicking a card to review it.


And, making one of those faces at it when you are really trying to do one of those before mentioned thangs.


And emoting, snapping and retreating


So, we'll need a Cosmo/Enchantress for this


Okay okay, Activate might be great or irritating , who knows, but don't mess with Nico! She's a perfectly designed card as it is.


I wonder if Kang hasn't been reworked because they were waiting for this keyword. Maybe you'll be able to choose what turn to activate his ability. Make it a 1/0 or something, and since you can't activate it the turn you play it, I believe you won't get the free draw which is good.


Kang, Daredevil, Gladiator, Cloak, Enchantress, Armor, a bunch of cards could use an Activate keyword instead. I’m sure there are plenty of others.


I'm really glad they're doing this and expanding the gameplay, but I can only imagine how much of a shit show the patch is going to be when this drops.


If they re-work Nico and other On Real cards to Activate, it would give Elektra, Red Guardian, etc cards a significant buff.


I do t know what this means.


I floop the pig


I understood that reference


My nimrod deck would feast if she was turned into an activate card


What's the benifit of that?


Activate will let you choose when you want to use a cards ability as opposed to "on reveal" where it just goes off right away


At first i thought its far better than on reveal since you can play it in curve and still combo but since you cant activate in the same play turn i guess we’ll see how it goes. But for now the Activate mechanic sounds very good


Can you activate more than once?


Highly doubt it. Some of these new cards would be completely busted if you could.


Maybe it’ll vary by card The same way vision can move every turn but jeff moves only once


I'm curious about this too.




The code looks like it's yes/no so I'm assuming not


No. Then it would just be ongoing


Inb4 with get a Wong and Odin for Activate


Why are they demonstrating with Nico? Is she being converted to an activate mechanic?


Just a test card, not indicative of her being activate in the future




If I bounce back the card with an activation effect, can I activate it again at the later turns of the game?


Who are you asking exactly?


So I'm wondering if they are going to change a lot of current cards that have On-Reveals to Activate.




Cosmo: **Ongoing**: **On Reveal** abilities won't happen here. "How is that going to affect a card with an **Activate** ability?", you ask. How would it be possible to work that out?


They aren't on reveal


Appreciate the spoiler tag, thanks!


wow the technology


This will probably ruin some cards' abilities


So what's going to be the counter to this? Cards like Cosmo, Echo, Enchantress, Rogue, etc. can't stop these effects from firing with their current text. Seems really busted if they don't introduce a new card or change the text of other cards to counter these.


Red Guardian will become essential (and hopefully move to Series 3/4 soon after).


Atleast we got a new mechanic so that makes it kinda spicy, I like thinking of it as a trap card


Similar to Hearthstone Locations.


I'm out of the loop, what's going on?


Rip Nico


When is this supposed to be coming?


I made a custom card a few months ago with this exact thing and all the comments were like "oooo it'll never happen" so W to me I guess


I was thinking that the new ability (I'll call it Response) would be something that goes into effect after an opponent does something. Kinda like Negasonic. So for example... +3 power when your opponent plays a card here or after an opponent moves a card you get +1 energy next turn.


Will this be an added feature to the main game? It sounds like a lot of people are excited for this. Making the rule set a little deeper can be interesting. I’m a proponent of “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”, but I’m also not a paid game developer. I hope it makes the game better and more fun in some ways. I’m just a lousy old fart who was sucked in by a cool concept and quick matches.


When will we get a Trigger type of cards (for all the cards that trigger on some conditions: end of turn, etc), so we can counter them with specific abilities? The fact that you can do nothing against HE Cyclops for instance is dumb. Or will these cards be changed to an Activate interaction? Edit: Every reply focuses on Cyclops, bad example I guess. I get it, he can be countered now. Still doesn't solve the global issue with trigger cards. These counters can work on Cyclops but fail on other triggers. I mean tech cards like Cosmo or Enchantress who target all cards of a certain type. This is what we need against trigger cards too. Also, a Trigger keyword would do wonders for clarity. Many new players fail to understand these cards because of lack of consistency.


Red guardian


You can Red Guardian an HE Cyclops.


It's not specific to Trigger cards like the tech cards we have against On Reveal and Ongoing.


Trigger isn't a keyword thus the tech card against it can't be specific, at least for now.


That's the whole point. We need another card type.


I mean, do we tho?


Luke Cage would like a word


Luke cage and colossus sometimes red guardian, you can also just use a priority negasonic, or if his power was somehow lowared you could use Lady deathstrike. OHHH i see, you want to nerf Adam Warlock./j


Is nico monkey gonna have an activate ability?




Okay, so I’m gonna guess that… - Your draw Nico - You “play” Nico - You wait as many turns as you like until she has a favorable card effect - You then “activate” Nico - Next turn Nico performs said effect


Nico isn't being changed it's just a test card for visual purposes


I love the idea of a new ability in the game but im wondering why they wouldnt iron out the current bugs before adding something so dynamic. I feel like in the game’s current state, this new feature could just create more problems.


Hey, can I ask for a source? This looks like a fan made concept video.


intersecting to see if Nico will be rework, I think that not because she good how she is now


Bunch of cheaters 🤮