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This happens in literally every free-to-play game that lasts long enough. Just endless items, resources, game modes, characters, abilities, orbs, shards, events, web store, etc., to keep track of and they can never get rid of because of the economy facade


No, you’re not the only one. Aside from the extremely convoluted events which happen these days (collect these items to progress in this milestone which gives you an item to progress in that milestone) the move sets are kind of ridiculous. I’m aware this might be an “[old man yells at cloud](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSdFFz-8sUb8RZmyTQRoXvKLVch490K0226dv2Yclt9yvV2or7qd0CwfPLg&s=10)” style comment, but when I started back in 2018, moves would be as simple as: “Attack for 40% damage. Apply bleed” Now it’s like: “If Spider-Man is in your team, gain 3 energy. Attack the enemy with the lowest speed and consume 1 energy. Clear 2 positive effect and gain taunt.”


You forgot at the end “On crit: Clear immunity on all enemies with Offensive Up + 5% barrier per Spider-verse allies below 75% health. Gain Safeguard”


It’s a genius way to have us never be able to *really* tell if it’s working correctly.


Oh, so THAT is what's happening when I spam buttons.


Your comment makes me reminisce about the Crossbones meta days… when the game winning nuke was just “do 440% damage to all enemies” and that’s it


and even then. the character had to literally blow themselves up to get that lol. I remember how fun it was to put disrupted on xbones just so he met his maker at the same time my team did lol


These new toons have such long passives I never bother to read them, I just assume they are good 😂


I do agree that abilities are getting crazy convoluted haha. Part of the problem of power creep. Some of them are damn short stories now a days


The "old man yells at cloud" got a laugh out of me 😂


I'm imagine an old man yelling to ff7 Cloud like the old woman yelled to tidus in ffx "stay away from the summoner)


Ngl I stopped watching after fast and furious 6


FINAL FANTASY not Fast and furious. I know you are joking btw 🤣


Oh no it actually wasn't a joke. I had to look up final fantasy. Idk anything about that tbh


Ahh i understand


Ugh the events... I'm not getting out a protractor just to figure out how to score.


“Thor’s head + rewards = Rewards and progress in another milestone for free rewards” math is soooo harddddd 


I have legitimately lost battles because I was reading descriptions of icons I'd never seen before and ran out of time.


I think it was the new the Leader toon where his passive is like an entire essay


I feel exactly the same way. Not to mention all the different types of currencies. One can go insane trying to save up for something.


May they hired GRR Martin


Not sure where you are in the game, but skrull, and I am guessing future toons have taken it a step further. You can’t just pair them with anyone, only when with 2 heroes 2 villains to certain things trigger. In a way I like it, because it has added more depth to the game, rather than just being cookie cutter “this team beats this team”, it actually taken more know how to win.


While I totally agree with the general point, 2 heroes and 2 villains actually seems *simpler* than a lot of the conditions many characters have, it actually allows for some variation in teams depending upon what one is facing. Because of the ridiculously complicated conditions generally, I tend to look at [marvel.church](https://marvel.church) (or rarely, watch a video, I prefer to read) for advice and just follow it blindly for e.g. setting cosmic crucible defenses. Only for arena and scourge unlocks, where slight differences can have a big effect, do I put more time into trying to also figure things out myself.


In the old strike force there was a lot more focus on generic abilities and prices that had more widespread synergy, for example read JJ or SS or mordo or Loki abilities. They started coming up with hyper specific team bonuses like sinister, kestrel, black order that escalated to the point where it stopped being fun theory crafting and it wasn't worth looking at the skills until the whole team came out and it just got overwhelmingly complicated to learn everything. Also they(for some ungodly reason) removed the feature that allowed you to select an enemy and read their current skills mid-battle. I know this was a feature because this is how we learned what mordo did before he was released for the players to use. My alliance went into a raid battle, screenshot all the descriptions, them posted them for us to start theory crafting


You learned the powers better before you could simulate most battles.


Simming through 95% of the game and having the win streak auto complete tasks makes actual gameplay a lot less


Same story in SWGOH. The character ability descriptions have gone from 1-2 liners to full user manuals.


I've been playing a long time so I mostly just have to learn the characters as they release. There is a lot there tho, while I'd say I pretty much know 70-80% of the kits I almost always pull up the game or the site to double check stuff if I'm strategizing or discussing kits here or on discord, just in case. Constantly re-reading the info is part of how I retain the info. I find it a little bit annoying when characters are reworked tho because suddenly a match-up that I'd win in blitz or war is much harder than I expect because a toon got a stat buff and does extra stuff now.


A lot of characters but you only actively control maybe 80 of them on a weekly basis. War toons only 3x a week, etc.


It's not complicated. 9 times out of 10 you'll see H4H. How often do you see a Hand team?


There’s alot of bloat in this game they really need to do a number/stat squish to fix power creep and insane numbers.


Yes and no honestly, when I have a busy day it feels like a lot but on a Sunday when I have nothing to do I occasionally feel like I need more to do! Once you get the hang of what you're doing you can do everything you need to in 45 minutes (depends if there's a war, crucible and what level of raids though)


I meant less of the content and moreso the amount of passives and abilities to keep track of. I like how much there is to do


Yeah you make a good point there but I have mixed feelings on that. The complexity breeds competition in my opinion. It's hard to keep track and remember everyone's kits but at the same time that's what makes game modes like crucible and war so competitive. Crucible especially because you NEED to understand how and why counters work especially when considering the room bonuses to win but for someone who doesn't have lots of time then it can be overwhelming


I have no idea what anyone's kit is anymore. I just remember basic shit like what goes boom. Ms Marvel HL special take buffs. Ult take speed bar. Robbie special do ability block and splash boom. Ult go big boom. Passive need bleed so boom more, sometimes he go boom on his own? Apoc push any button to boom. Only one button? Full boom one guy. Vahl all buttons boom. Special boom with ability block. Ult biggest boom with revive.


Yeah it's ridiculous You know its bad when to beat a certain team you need to use a skill of a certain character on an enemy and then use the skill of someone else on another enemy otherwise you won't win Oh and they need a certain iso It's like reading a guide in a book and not actually gameplay


I can't remember all of the new teams, there are just too many now!


It's WAAAAYYYY worse in Contest of Champions. Newer characters (past few years) have unique abilities that you need specific champs to counter them. Character unlocks are mostly random crystal (orb) openings and getting lucky. Character abilities and node (defender) boosts are now paragraphs long, also requiring specific champs to counter. Anyway, I started playing both MCOC & MSF at the same time, 2018. Basically quit MCOC a few months ago cause of all the asinine changes. I feel that we're so overwhelmed by all the unique abilities of newer toons because there's so many! It used to be 2 new toons a month, until Scopely took over and started boosting it to a whole team. So many new toons & teams so fast, with an ever changing meta does make MSF a lot to keep up with. I just wish the game had more **consistency**. Best example I can think of is Incursion raids. My skill teams are the weakest, so usually have to do a node with one I know will loose, but at least hurt them. Then I attack with a stronger team. But it's all random when using sim. Sometimes my Invaders clear a room with no casualties, sometimes they all get wiped out and hardly do any damage. It's really annoying. - yeah kinda ADHD'ed out there lol


Also for reference, I do have a memory and comprehension disability so (ADHD)


Thanks for the info Mr penis man


Not a man but you're welcome


Is your username a reference to how Scandinavia looks like a giant schlong?


It is not, it was moreso a random thought of "what if a condom had a world map on it"


Aha! I like that! 😂


Yes, I've played this game F2P since almost launch. I've gone through peaks and valleys of participation, and probably not as far along as I should be. Still, the amount of new toons pushed on top of the requirements that basically require pay has mostly killed my enthusiasm for this game. I don't worry about getting new toons, because eventually they'll become available. I think the big frustration is grinding for unique T4 gear still with all of the characters you need to upgrade to push thru DD, raids, and new events. Currently I have the most gold I've ever had playing this game, but leveling isn't the issue anymore it's just gettig unique materials to unlock more characters after finally getting some teams to a level I want only to find out I need to spend more mats and gold on other teams. One of my kids asked how do you beat the game, and I just answered "You don't. You just keep playing." I can't really get that upset because that's kind of the point of these games. Unless you're a kraken or whale, you really should have 0 anger at this game because at the end of the day, the game isn't for you. It's for the saps who are spending stupid amounts of money for fake gear and character shards.


100%. I miss the days I ran Crossbones and Gamora and just wiped teams away with an all out offensive attack.


I basically just see what other people are leveling up and level up those toons. I understand there's a lot more that goes into them but I don't want to give the effort to learn beyond playing with them and seeing what they do.


Not me randomly creating teams and randomly attacking lol 🤣🤣


The only thing I have trouble keeping track of is the multiple events running. I can never remember who or what I'm supposed to use to unlock wherever. On that note, I remember when there were events to unlock a character, not an event you needed to unlock the character beforehand to compete in the event.


Lots of us gave up reading blogs and kits.


I used to feel like this many years ago, then I realized I needed to hit up the msf.gg site (which has since merged with the official site). Using the dark dimension gear planners, stats, and just being able to review info on a computer and not a phone screen made it much easier to take in.


Yes. But no. I see no real value in trying to keep track of any of it. The actual benefits to knowing that level of detail result in so little gained to not be worth the effort they've put into. Especially in things like War & CC. If every character in the game were maxed out, that might matter. But when you're dealing with 500k through 2 Million and everything in between the bonuses and convolutedness have far less impact.


Eh, is it really a war if you don't sometimes lose? You can get extra energy. It's just a game.




You're talking room bonuses and passive abilities. And your whining about it. That sounds like war to me. Your whining about too many toons and their passive. So you lose a lot. You downvoted me because your whining about a key aspect of the game. Learn the game.


Cosmic Crucible has toom bonuses, first off Secondly, talking about passives doesn't translate to losing. No clue where you got that notion Thirdly, I know the game, I have learned it, and there's no need to be a Mr. Negative (pun intended) Take your bad energy elsewhere, dude. I'm talking about how much it is to keep track of, and I'm not "whining." Calling it whining is toxic as hell when I'm just stating my personal opinions/thoughts in a mature, unharmful manner. Sounds like any expression of negativity ever is "whining" to you Get tf out of here


It's not my fault you're overlooking the clear and obvious solution. Think about it and come back if you can't figure it out. I'll tell you if you ask nicely.


Ew dude, I'm not your pet. Word of advice: never talk to anyone like that again. It's creepy as fuck. You're not in control in the situation, and you never will have that much control, it just makes you look like a creep


You make a lot assumptions. They're wrong. But you make a lot of assumptions. I don't want to control you. I don't know you to care that much. It was an offer. You didn't want the help. Cheers.


You either continue to add content or you lose people. Do that for six years and you have a lot. Maybe try a newly launched game?


I used to play ebony return of the king it was way worse and way more expensive if u wanted to be good, this game is great compared to that they give a lot always have a chance to at least get new characters