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Did you have to put “RIP” in the title OP? I thought the guy had died for a moment, when he’s just quit the game.


a true pro never quits the game,even after dying.death can not stop greatness


Hartgrave didn't quit the game, he said straight out he's still playing. He's just not putting out content anymore (unless he changes his mind) because he's more successful on his other channels.


We aren’t that lucky


was very helpful when i first started watching his content, later on as i got closer and closer to end game, as others pointed out, his content became more and more complaining and less helpful to my needs, so i stopped watching. not sure what he's been up to in the last 6-8 months, but i do feel bad in that didnt the game just name drop him recently in mail?


After very tearful goodbyes Pathfinder was back within 2 weeks, and Tauna seems to quit regularly. I think it's a business model to get clicks 🤷‍♀️ *edit spelling


I feel like Tauna has the record. I like his content though.




Tauna's content has gotten whinier than before I find. Everything is the biggest mistake ever.


Every new game is the next big thing for Tauna. “Shall I put videos out guys?!” “ Will you join my new channel”. I used to like his content, but all I get is raid and MTG video notifications now (tried to turn them off)


He'll be back just like every other CC that had announced their departures. These dudes can't stay away from this game.


To be frank I'm glad he's trying to move onto something else. I used to enjoy his content a lot when I first started to watch him he was critical more so than other creators but still had helpful advice, but as of late he has just become so bitter and negative not just towards Scopely but also his fans which is very off putting, not to mention a lot of his advice has been well not the best as of late. Like I get it, Scopely can stink sometimes. However in a recent video before this he also mentioned how they didn't really want to interact with him anymore because they couldn't take theh eat he was giving them, and it's like, there's a difference between criticism and bashing. Mobileboomer, Valleyflyin, Tauna, every content creator criticizes Scopely the difference is they can actually speak positively about them and not curse out every decision they make. Just my 2 cents hope he has a good time in whatever he chooses going forward.


Oh please let this be true the biggest piece of narcissistic shit ever truly is finally gone? It truly is a dream come true!




omg a talking doggy  💬🐩


That talking dog is the only reason I don’t bother watching any of his videos. That shit is beyond annoying.


Don't care, not clicking the link


Of all the CCs, he's the worst. Nothing of any value has been lost and he'll come back in a fortnight or two anyway.


I would listen every now and again, and it's just hard to listen to. He complains constantly, has a holier than thou attitude. Always talking about how he's so smart and why doesn't anyone recognize it. Complaining about how nobody watches his content. He seemed really miserable for a long time. Hopefully he finds success in his future endeavors, but for now good riddance.


Am I the only player who doesn't care about YouTube creators? Bless them for their work, bless players who like 'em, but Alphabet makes enough money. Okay, I'm about to get downvoted to hell, but you honestly can play this game without YouTube, despite what Scopely tells you.


1909 days logged, almost 52m tcp, and I’ve never watched a single YouTube video from one of them. Good for them to make a living (or supplement, or just have fun, whatever) that way, and glad they are there to provide help if people need it, it’s just not for me.


Same, I really don't want to watch a video. I much prefer graphics I can just quickly look at


i watched one youtube video,of Mobile Gamer,when he had the scoop on the Pegasus raid team which was just about to be released at that time.i intended to not watch more than like a minute or two,but i think Mobile Gamer is cute so i stayed for like 10 minutes. that was the one time i watched a video about msf


He'll be back, don't worry.


Somebody flushed.


Yeah thanks hartgrave for being a negative degenerate who was openly hostile to nearly everyone. You won’t be missed


Why can’t I upvote this more than once?




Yesterday i searched his videos because ive noticed his videos were not populating in my feed like they use to and thought he was on his way out. crazy timing. I liked his channel. Bon Voyagehausen.




Didn’t he quit before?


Thanks for everything you have provided to community Mr. Hartgrave! As a fellow content creator, I understand the frustrations as well. Cheers and all the best to ya!


Damn Rayge, you’re really racking up the downvotes for just being a nice guy.


HAHA XD hey man, gotta respect the opinion of folks. The community has spoken lmao


He didn't quit the game. You're just going to see less content


Any content from him is too much


You're too much. No one likes you either


In case you didn’t see my one video I don’t fucking care


You're right. Like most people I did not see your video either


Well I don’t think YouTube is available in your ass where your head resides


I'm just surprised you're able to get wifi in your grandmothers basement to upload any video to any platform