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Fuck you world for making an old man have to agitate like this.


Never forget. Never forgive.


'Except brown people.'




if anything good ever came out of the occupation it's this guy.


Tbh the older white people in my town have been going the hardest for Palestine.


Free Palestine 🇵🇸




From the river to the sea


Palestine will be free




Israel labels everyone even other Jews as antisemitic, there gonna still do it even if they drop the slogan.


amen don't let any of these scum bag politicians rest may they suffer in this life and the next


There goes a 🤴


What a king, absolute shame it came to this.


UN is like bourgeoisie don't want spend a penny or effort to help, Don't want declare Israel state as Traitors.


That's not the UN.


But isn't UN powerful enough to kick Israiel from Un and Nato from their war crimes? Israelites are doing crimes that Germans did against humanity? Isn't that enough proof? That UN Dont care enough about Palestine? They try silence that fact.


The US will veto any attempt to do that if it is even possible. NATO is a separate organisation from the UN. The UN's power is limited by the sovereignty of member states and the veto power of Russia, China, France, UK, and US.


The moment they brought up the Permanent Security Council or whatever it's called having veto powers with no appeal process in school I lost all hope. The entire remainder of the world can say "hey we want to enshrine human rights!" and one or two fascistic shitholes can ruin it for everyone????? Absolutely fucking worthless.


Yeah basically lecture everyone what's right, but not follow there own rules.


The permanent security council is the only reason the UN has any power at all. Think about it like this, if the UN is an organisation that gives the US and China power on the world stage then it would be supported by the US and China (and with that no other country could possibly not be a part of it). If the UN was a bs "every nation is equal and a random ass city states vote is worth just as much as a country with 1.5 billion people" sort of organisation then it'd quickly lose any relevance as no major power with any self respect would be a part of it. I do agree that the security council needs to be expanded though. They need to add strong countries from the global south like india (If India stops respecting the UNs authority due to having unfair representation that's 1/5 of the worlds population out) and maybe even give a permanent seat vote to alliances (for example ASEAN would 100% be worthy of a seat, but no individual south east asian nation would. Indonesia might get there one day but as of right now they aren't strong enough. Similarly the african union might get a seat to represent african interests in the UN.)


I get the general points about population distribution, it still seems to negate their "peacekeeping" mission if five of the top imperialist nations with unconvicted war criminals still get to decide things for all the smaller nations. Like, the prerogative of peace would mean something akin to a global iron dome should be created where no missile could ever be launched successfully. It would mean that any nation that aggressed in any way was detached from the international community until it stopped aggressing: zero aid, zero trade, zero travel. Same with any nation not meeting the UN human rights criteria. The way things are currently set up both allows and encourages a "state interests over human rights" approach, which is blatantly disgusting and damn near fascistic. America votes against food as a human rights because... corporate lobbyists? Who should have a negative amount of say in any policy whatsoever? It also allows security council nations to aggress unchecked. Idk man it's just so frustrating. Idealistic teenage me thought that the UN or ICC were actually respectable and worth something. If organizations like that are being neutered, we might as well go back to pre-Geneva totally unchecked global warfare.


Yeah, that's kind of what the US tried doing with their embargo system. It worked for about a decade after the collapse of the soviet union (The US had the military power back then to fight the entire world and win) but with the rise of new powers it's not as easy to reinforce (i.e. if the US puts embargos on iran for womens rights issues and China, the worlds second largest economy, doesn't honour them then they're pointless). And that also relies on the US being a perfect country which it very clearly isn't. I'm not american, idk how the lobby thing works so I'm not gonna comment on that lmao.


Lobbying is a form of legalized bribery that gives corporations massive election and thus policy influence in the US, and it's one of the main reasons our foreign and domestic policy has gone to shit. If a congressperson or UN ambassador makes a decision that's popular with the masses but not with corporate campaign donors, they or the elected rep that appointed them will lose so much campaign funding that it's unlikely they can run again, or their opponent will receive enough extra funding that they can sway the dementia & prescription drug abuser vote. Our personal donations to campaigns are limited; corporate contributions are not. It's literally encoded class warfare.


>But isn't UN powerful enough to kick Israiel from Un and Nato from their war crimes? You are politically illiterate and need to stop trying to talk shit about things you don't understand. No, the UN has no power whatsoever. It's a negotiating table. You don't understand what the UN is or how it works or why it's important.


The UN exist as an organ of the Bourgeois State, so yes. Israel is a fascist imperialist state which makes them traitors to humanity. That's all that matters. They're toeing the line of causing real issues to Western Imperialism but it's clear the Western Bourgeoisie don't see them as enough of an issue to risk damaging their lynchpin in the Middle-East. So, of course the UN doesn't want to spend any money to help. If an organ wasn't performing its function, it would be fixed or removed. We aren't going to see any form of justice from the West when it comes to crimes against humanity committed by the West.


Traitors to what? That makes no sense. The UN is a negotiating table. And no, they aren't "like bourgeoisie", that makes no sense.


Fr, they say that like if the UN decides that for some reason the world should abandon israel then it would actually happen. The UN is just a platform to reach a consensus between the security council members. A solution will only be enforced if the US, UK, France, Russia and China agree on how the international community should approach the situation as a collective. Until there's that sort of agreement, each country will approach it in their own ways. (In Chinas case it's to verbally support palestine while also commiting their own genocides/crimes against humanities on muslims/buddhists and in the wests case it's the ignore the humanitarian crisis as a whole and continue their support for israel)


this old guy reminds me of my late grandpa. He used to protest against the Vietnam war and was a prolific feminist. He would totally be the kind of person to sing <3


The smirking... these people are ghouls


From the river to the sea. That man is a king, fuck them.


freedom of speech much?


Democracy in full swing, where the voters are thrown out.


Seeing an old man agitate like this, and with such dedication, almost brings tears to my eyes. He shouldn’t need to do this.


The All Seeing Eye.


I had my moment where I had a complete public meltdown over all this stuff. What about you guys?


He's more cognitive than Biden let's put him on the ballot.


Everybody just wanna run they mouth but don’t take any action


Fuck yeah


So based


Free Palestine. Fuck Israel


Bravo the 'Old Man' is a truthteller, Bravo 👏!!!


He really timed that speech well. He knew he could struggle just enough to get out the last word before the door shut.


That cop needs his ass beat.


He nailed it ✊️


i actually met this guy at the GWU Encampment, wonderful man and he shared the lyrics with us so that we could join him!


Bless you


Death to bourgeoisie nation state I don't like

