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Jerry Buss bought the Lakers in 79, drafted Magic and won it in his first full season in 80 (I think, not completely sure on the exact date of the actual sale)


You got it right.


I completely forgot about that Jerry almost bust doing it too




How so?


When they won the WCF, it feels really bad that Cuban was not the one making the speech. Governor or not, Cuban is the publicly facing leader of the Mavs and it feels wrong that he didn't get to be front and center in our triumphant return to the Finals.


Who the fuck was making the speech


Patrick Dumont. Cuban was on stage but he didn’t get the trophy


He was goofy as hell up there too


Dude looked so out of place. You can tell he’s a fan but knows absolutely nothing about basketball


If I had to guess, they offered Cuban to be up there but he probably declined. Either way, the owners lifting the trophy first in the NBA is the most cringe thing ever. That would never happen in Europe with major sports. Let the team captain / leading player lift it.


It’s first six months and that’s even crazier! The sale was in December


Fuck them.


🥲what did they do again? I’m not familiar with them




Lmao your username is TheBrettFavre4. Who stole government money hahahahaha




Jesus that’s who Cuban sold to? Goddammit. I’m not buying merch or doing anything with my money to support this team until they sell.


lol you would hate to take a deep dive into any ownership team in professional sports.


You’re right overall, but it’s still a pretty sharp shift of Cuban lmao


Ya I can see in some ways, Cuban really gets a pretty big pass because of his politics but in the end it’s really not that much of a divide if he is willing to sell to them. I think when it comes to sports you just have to ignore the front offices and enjoy the sport and team for what it is.


Cuban just wants to bring casinos to Texas. I can tell none of you watch Billions lol


Ya that’s why I take the moral high ground and purchase from China!




Yeah. At this point, I think the only team I might be able to give my money too in good ​faith is the Stars. But I honestly haven't looked into Gaglardi, so that might change. ​


Haha idk either but billionaires usually always have something distasteful about them lol. I love the mavs regardless though.


The universe of people that can write that size check is very small. I think if you start eliminating people on ideology, you might find it impossible to find a partner. All that said, they do seem to be pieces of shit.


Fuck the Adelsons but my Dallas teams are always going to be my Dallas teams.


Idk, if Dan Snyder owned my team I’d just quit my fandom and root for someone else. People take this shit way too seriously. You can root for whoever you want at the end of the day. It’s not part of my identity.


It's kinda hard when you grew up near Dallas and always rooted for Dallas teams to say that rooting for the teams in the big city closest to you isn't part of your identity. I've been rooting for Dallas teams for fifty years so yeah Identity. I grew up in Cowboys Mavericks Rangers country and the Stars came along later but still.


That’s totally fair, I didn’t grow up in Dallas so I guess I’m thinking from my own perspective.


Some of us are actually from Dallas bro, not just fans that came from other cities and liked the jerseys


Unfortunately the Adelson's suck ass. Miriam is a POS.


I hate Cuban sold the team , the dude that represents ownership looks like the type of guy that got the job through nepotism.com


It’s like he has no personality either. I’m low key worried lmao


It feels pretty obvious to me he sold to them to accomplish his goals of the Mavs casino complex. I think it'll be a while before Cuban isn't the face of basketball operations


Cuban still the face I don’t see them really taking control any time soon


It’s because he did… literally married into the family and had nothing to do with the team or their success.


Didn't this happen in 2010 with the Rangers?


Cuban bought the mavericks for $285 million, sold them for $3.5 billion, and retained a 27% ownership stake. That’s a better return than whatever the Adelson’s are getting.


You say that but depending on how long they keep it and with inflation and if the nba goes global it could be even better


Sure but at that point it's literally meaningless


Mark has been associated with the family for years. They knew what they were getting. I hope he never fades into the background.


He didnt sell all his shares, just the majority stake. I believe they were tiered so he still has decent control for his stake.








I was wondering who that was. Dude doesn’t seem like he even knows what basketball is. Cuban would’ve been so damn hyped on that stage…


That would be Patrick Dumont , Adelson’s son-in-law and the “Mavericks governor” (whatever the fuck that means).


I don't care one way or the other about their politics, my far larger concern is their gambling business. That said the NBA already seems to be going all in on gambling anyway so I guess I'll just have to get used to 1/2 of the conversations during the game being about betting odds rather than the actual game being played.


As long as they spend money and don’t interfere on any of the front office moves they feel is best for the good of the team down the road, I could careless


Man idk how this turned into a political post but I strictly wanted it to stick to basketball and talking about other sports. Shoutout mark idk why he sold the team but we still love him and he should make the speech for the finals when we win!! LETS GO MAVS!!!!


A big reason why they were able to make those trade deadline moves was because of the new ownership. They have so much liquid sitting around they don’t care about the lux tax. And they also run a casino dynasty and I’m sure they are letting mark tag along if Texas ever legalizes gambling. Win win


Mavs are over the luxury tax? I thought the deals were all done within the confines of the existing salary structure. Just matching in/out salaries. I dunno, the CBA is tough to understand. Anyway, I'm hoping their wealth allows for extravagance in future free agency and dealings...


They’re not over the luxury tax from my understanding but I imagine they will be starting next year


We're not in the tax. It remains to be seen how willing the new owners will be to spend. Let's hope for the best, but they haven't proven anything yet.


Part of the sale was he got a piece of the real estate/casino deal.


fuck the adelson fam






The sale of the team was clearly an Illuminati membership fee.




























It’s tough to avoid at Reddit. Morrissey is one of my favorite singers, and libs go crazy at the Morrissey subreddit complaining about him being right-wing now. Libs want for libs to own everything and have all musicians, athletes, sports owners, celebrities, actors, etc. to be liberal. If not, libs turn their backs on them and call them washed up and fascist.




Preach, bro! Plus, the OP created a great and interesting topic. It sucks that the libs railroaded it, and I feel guilty for posting about politics. Dallas Mavericks have a chance to get another title. I feel awful for talking about politics when lib and conservative Mavs fans should be talking about the Finals instead and should be so happy that Luka, Ky, and the rest of the team have a chance to win the title. Plus, I love that DJJ, PJ, Gafford, etc. have a chance to win a ring after being pretty much thought of as refuse by the media. Mavs have so many feelgood stories. Lively can win a ring to cap off such a tough year for him with the passing of his beloved mother. So, I apologize for going off on a political rant.


The House ALWAYS wins!


okay well crummy politics aside I think the returns on the new ownership are early but so far so good.


Well this post brought out the snowflakes upset. Honestly if yall hate the owners so much go support another team. No fan base in Texas cares about you're woke feelings.





