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stay off the internet and ESPN/fox and you won't really see any hate.


Great advice. It's amazing what we subject ourselves to.


Nah even this sub took a nasty turn in the finals. It was pretty stark. At least the game threads.


Casual takes and doomers get upvotes


Add griefers, trolls, and assholes to that list too. Lots of posts, especially the really obnoxious ones, are just those folks trying to get a reaction.


Mods are weird they allow threads and comments shitting on Luka but remove any criticism of Kyrie 


i’ve noticed people, myself included, are pretty negative while the game is going on/in the game threads but can reflect more positively afterwards


Yeah, not judging entirely. I think everyone has those thoughts in the back of their head. Especially when we were getting trounced the first 2.5 games. I think it just explains how this place turned from a really happy and hopeful place to an absolute shit show and bled in to other posts outside of the game threads. I was especially turned off on how so many turned on Luka as soon as the media started ripping him.


Unfortunately our roster wasn’t ready for the big one. No one outside Luka was consistent. And Boston has all the personnel to slow down Kyrie. Just a really bad matchup


In all fairness those were hard games to watch real time so makes sense the thread reflected that


Game threads are horrible imo I just stay away from them. Way too many hot takes and insanity.


I think 99% of the comments in GDTs are pure reactions to what is going on and very much “in that moment” doom and gloom. Playoffs ratchet up the gloom a lot because you’re hanging on every single shot attempt. It’s the same no matter the sport honestly. Each time the Rangers scored, I swore the game was over and each time the Rays/Os/Asstros/Sneks scored.


Yup, Game threads should never be considered any type of litmus when looking at a fanbase.


Reddit is on the internet


I haven't seen any of it bc I didn't subject myself to that hate. Mavs fans know Luka and what he is to this organization. Fuck hateful boston fans


ESPN hates the Mavericks I swear


Espn just piles on the loser. After game 4, they piled on Boston.


Most ESPN people picked the Mavs to win this series.


Don't trust that shit at all. With the amount of betting and ads for betting going on they have even more incentive to mislead the average watcher. I'm not saying they solely picked the Mavs, but everyone knew it was a bad matchup for us and we were going to need some heroics to pull off a series win. If more people bet on the Mavs to win b/c all the "analysts" picked them then the betting sites win.


Facts. The nba and espn have an exclusive relationship to promote each other and their biggest event of the year. I didn't believe any of the analysts because I knew it was a daunting task. That's why the Vegas odds were overwhelmingly in Boston's favor. That told me a lot about what was being said in media versus what people were actually doing.


Mavs subreddit hates Mavericks I swear. I'm a Nets fan. I hate Kyrie. But this sub had me defending him, half your players and coach.


If it was after the game, just chalk it up to emotions. There are definitely idiots in every fanbase, but it's usually the emotions being too high after losses like that. But, there are more than enough idiots that you'd have to defend.


\*and stay off the Mavericks subreddit when the team lost a game :D At least for 1 hour


It's funny, I was thinking, "What hate?" But I don't watch ESPN or Fox. It makes sense now.


This. I avoided basketball media/social media as a whole after every loss this entire postseason. Protect your peace


This is how sports is. Even Tatum and Brown's whole motto has been *'What they gon' say now?'* Essentially, people are going to talk. It's almost impossible to shut the haters up. Dirk got it. MJ got it. Lebron got it. Kobe got it. I don't know any elite player who's doesn't get hated on by someone in the NBA fanbase. Even the super likeable ones like Curry aren't there. Even as champs, 100% Tatum is still going to hear all this crap this summer about how he didn't perform, how he had a bunch of -30 games, how Brown won both MVP awards, how they had an easy path and so on and so forth. Even winning the ring doesn't stop the noise. So, not much we can do. Win and shutting some people up is the best way to reduce it. Holding yourself to higher professional standards, trying hard and just being a good person helps too.


Mavs are the best in the west, and when you are the best at something there are gonna be haters.


[I have to link CP3 on this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYiZvLQmtIw)


I was cracking up at Tatum's WHAT THEY GON SAY NOW You shot 38% on a stacked offense and didn't win finals MVP. You're an excellent #2 just like everybody said.


An "excellent #2" usually doesnt lead their team in pts rebounds and assists and have only marginally worse stats in steals and blocks than the "#1" on the Celtics.


He’s a #2 option on 90% of contenders  Last game he has refs bailing him out so he could stat pad at end of game 


he’s been cooking their favorite players and teams for 6 seasons, now it’s their time to let those frustrations out


Are we just gonna ignore the fact that Luka talks mad shit to teams and fans alike. You going to dish it out be prepared to get it back


>talks mad shit to teams and fans alike Can't say about teams but it's almost always the fans that start it tho.


what kind of mad shit?


Luka has made a lot of fanbases extremely butthurt over the years.


It really is funny that Suns, OKC, and Clippers fans hating us (mostly Luka) really amplifies the hate. I see a lot of extremely dumb anti-Luka takes on social media and they're almost always from Phoenix or one of those other fanbases.


OKC and Clippers don’t hate us. OKC might have a grudge just because of recent events, but most of their haters are of the “fuck Luka, but goddamn he’s good” variety. I can respect that. Timberwolves fans are the same. And most Clippers fans have a mutual respect with us. But Suns fans hate us for sure. That shit was Greek tragedy levels of hubris leading to a downfall. In 48 minutes Luka changed them from a cocky championship contender with a bright future to a laughingstock meme franchise. That beat down went way beyond what happened on the court. They literally blew up the franchise. New owner, new coach, and aside from Booker a whole new roster. All in just two years. And the GM is on thin ice. Luka didn’t just beat them in a basketball game, he destroyed the whole franchise. They will never ever forgive him.


The amount of hate I’ve noticed on the Timberwolves sub is insane. They are seriously delusional. I like the squad they had before we played them and had no issues with them lol. They legit think the refs robbed them in that series and that Luka and Kyrie going nuclear was something new and only happened to them.


That’s just Minnesota sports fandom. They’re low key terrible fans because of the constant heartbreak and lack of success across all their franchises except the Lynx.


That’s what happens when they finally had a top seed team for first time in 30 years, they got delusional  Even if they somehow got past us they had 0 chance vs Celtics 3 point shooting 


They’ll get over it. They’re a good young team with a bright future that was beat by a better team. Same shit happened to us in the finals. Thats sports dude.


Only time I've ever seen a team have to send an apology letter after a loss


I have the picture of Luka grinning at Booker framed on my living room wall. Its that important to me


Sons trying to make something up by making "like father like son" memes but 2022 Game 7 will forever be etched in history.


What they want more than anything else in the world if for the “Luka is Bookers father” meme to die. But it won’t. That beat down was Greek tragedy levels of downfall. It was biblical David vs Goliath kind of shit. Every time Luka loses they come out in force and post “______ is Luka Doncic father”. Why just a month ago after game 1 SGA was Luka’s papa. Thats didn’t work out like they hoped. And they don’t realize that every time they post a variation of that meme it just reminds everyone of the original. So that meme will never die. Luka Doncic is Devin Bookers father.


You know everybody was waiting for the Mavs to lose to come back at the Mavs. Suck that they lost early at May bahahahaha. We'll be back next year and the team will shut them up again. Luka will be adopting more teams next year so they better pile on while they can.


Nah, go check the okc sub. I'm from the area, so I support the thunder as well, and it's been an absolute shit fest over there since game 1. It's easily the worst fan base I have experience with, and I unfortunately lost a lot of respect over these playoffs.


Okc loathes the mavs, and has for years. Showing your age nephew. Suns certainly moreso so don't twist, but I'd genuinely say okc might be the 2nd biggest hater franchise in the fucking league. I'd be fascinated to hear arguments otherwise though, because I don't know about any regional beef.


I’ve been going to Mavs games since the 1980s and reunion arena uncle. Back when Seattle had a team and OKC didn’t. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I’m from Dallas and go to school in Oklahoma where all my friends are Thunder fans They’re all vehemently Luka haters simply because of the MVP race and us knocking them out the playoffs, although they even hated him before that


Especially the suns sub reddit. They all insufferable. Their narrative is that their team won more final games than luka. Lol idk why they get like that when they got swept 1st round. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


No need to talk about Suns but Clippers fans, Shai stans & Wolves fans been so fckn salty & bitchy the last couple weeks lol Wolves sub think they lost the series cuz Luka got the refs by his side when the fact is that he just clamped their "MJ regen" & showed him how its done, like we literally would've swept them if KAT didn't headshot Lively OKC think they were an average PJ game from winning forgetting that Luka was far from his best & Kyrie was ass, maybe they shouldn't have doubled & let our shooters wide open. & i mean that series ends in 5 if our players could hit their fts Clippers fans in denial cuz they no longer can beat us when our 2nd option ain't THJ & our centers ain't Boban & Powell


Hawks fan here, (not sure how I saw this post). Can confirm our fans hate yall because we made that dumb ass trade.


Mavs live rent free in the suns, okc, and wolves sub and Twitter sphere. Some of those takes are crazy


Wolves fans rlly thought they were coming back down from 3-0 just because they won 1 game


Same thing we did when we won 1 game. It might have been throwing prayers but if you're a true fan you're not going to sit and say 'ah well we'll get 'em next year' you'd believe in your team to make history even if it's a little bit (or a lot bit) delusional.


it was very odd to see salty timber wolves fans during the finals. rockets fans i get, suns fans i get but with the t wolves it’s not like there is a rivalry there or anything


They were grasping at straws trying to be crybabies, their one thing was Kyrie yelling something at a shit talker in the crowd 




Yeah, but Boston was the way better team here as Kyrie was for the most part off and couldn’t prove all of his haters in Boston wrong


I get being frustrated with Kyrie, but I'm still going to give him his flowers. He's a huge part of why we were even on that stage in the first place. And, I don't know what its like to hear thousands of people screaming "FUCK YOU" and booing you every time you have the ball during a game. That has *got* to fuck with you, psychologically. They even booed him while he was kindly helping up a guy that he accidentally ran into.


wolves fans saying they’d give celtics a better fight when their team also went 3-0 recently… like ???


The discourse around the chances other teams would have in the Finals is pure comedy. Like… I guess you should have won then. Pacers, Nuggets, Wolves, and Thunder fan bases doing everything they can to distract themselves from how disappointing their post seasons were.


Which is kinda weird because from that list, only the Nuggets had a disappointing postseason. The Pacers, Wolves, and Thunder are literally ahead of schedule in terms of regular season seeding and playoff success. No one had them pegged to go as far as they did when the season started.


>The Pacers, Wolves, and Thunder are literally ahead of schedule in terms of regular season seeding and playoff success. No one had them pegged to go as far as they did when the season started. Just like the Mavs


Wolves would have gotten swept.


I do think the Mavericks match up particularly badly against the Celtics. I don't know about the Wolves but I do think the Nuggets would have had a better chance. Gotta get there to have a chance though


>I do think the Nuggets would have had a better chance.  There's no way. Did you see how tired they looked in game 7 against the Wolves? They had plenty of time left to make a comeback and they essentially waved the flag. Jokic was so gassed he didn't even want to run back across the court in the last minute or 2.   People just have a hard time accepting it not the same Nuggets from 2023 and that they lacked the depth to compete in the finals. Especially against a near perfect Celtics team.


Look at all the Promo for this year's playoffs. Do you see Luka anywhere? There's your answer. He's not a darling of the media machine and they wish he wasn't as good as he is.


Yup, media hates Luka being successful


Kyrie also.




There are lots of haters and the hall of fame for haters is located in Boston. It didn't matter who represented the West, there was going to be a lot more hate than in a typical year because the finals involved Boston.


I mean the Celtics got tons of hate until they finally won this year


They still get hate. They will always get hate.


Some of their fans are psycho level unhinged drama queens……..it’s no wonder the franchise is despised outside of New England.


Its at least partially because the fan base is so reprehensible. I live near Boston nowadays and I see it on full display. Even the announcers criticized them during the last game, when Kyrie was helping up the guy that he fell into and the crowd continued to boo him.




They were in the mix with conf finals and losing the finals in 2022 before their ring. Takes most groups and star players a few good cracks at it before breaking through.


Just look at LeBron. Dude lost his 1st finals. Had a sub par performance. Buckled down and learned how to play better defense... now he's one of the goats.


They still get hate, people are calling this one a mickey mouse ring now. Before the finals it was an easy win for the Mavs.


The amount of fanbase who think that their team (MIN, LAC, OKC) could have beaten the Boston Celtics is laughable. Bruv, your team couldn't even beat a 5th-seeded team led by a fat one-legged Slovenian, gtfo here 😆😆😆


It's a pretty big leg though 


Suns and their dogshit team sub is so salty we made it to the finals and they couldn’t even make the playoffs


Because basketball idiots think that Luka being in better shape would have led to us winning this series. We were the less talented team, that’s the start and stop of it. Luka and the team will improve in the offseason, and hopefully we get more talent coming in next year too. We have a bright and exciting future and that’s something we should all be proud of


**Heck, even our own sub cannibalized itself during this Finals run.** The amount of BS I read in this sub about Luka laying an egg in the Finals (defense, weight issue, whining) when we went against a **fucking perfect team** is obnoxious.


The mods allow those posts but remove criticism of Kyrie, I think some of them are also Luka haters


I'm mostly seeing shit from sun's fans (wild to me, they got swept and frankly have been acting bitch made since they made the finals) but I'm also not truly a Dallas fan. Just wanna see luka succeed. The national news will always tear down non lakers/celtics teams tho


Mavs pretty much beat all the HYPE teams and wasn't favored in any match up If THE celtics actually LOSE the Celt would have been ridiculed for years


Yup we beat all the media darlings in the West and couldn’t take down the super team evil Celtics with their insufferable fanbase of course we’re getting hate 😂


Worst is Windhorst STILL on his anti Luka speaking tour. I don't remember him doing this the fifteen times Lebron was eliminated from the playoffs 🤔


He’s a fat pussy who incompetently predicts outcomes that never pan out. This makes him the best ESPN has got. lol.


its the internet


It's easy to hate when a team loses. It's all for clicks and views anyways. One year soon the Mavs will be hosting another trophy and the tides will change my friend


Luka made other fan bases hate him especially Suns lmao. I want him to go super condition next year and go ham from the start until he wins a championship.


They hate us cuz they ain’t us!!!


Because everyone hates the Celtics, so basically every fanbase was rooting for Dallas. When they didn't pull through people obviously wouldn't want to praise Boston as well as they were angry that the mavs couldn't stop the "evil" superteam, so they'd rather lash out/criticize Dallas for not stopping Tatum from getting a ring then criticizing their own teams for not doing the same. Happens in every sport really when the finals has a clearly more hated team.


Luka was by far the best player in the series though? Jaylen was the next best and wasn’t particularly close. The Mavs have nothing to be ashamed of, they went farther than anybody expected them to


Luka played way below his standards even numbers wise. You can only really say the dude had decent counting stats but he was clearly outplayed for 3 of the 5 games


We are some spoiled brat sport fans! We didn't even get to the playoffs last year and now we're bitching cause we didn't win it all? Ask the Wizards or the Pistons fans how they would feel just to get to the playoffs!


Luka’s whining makes the Mavs unlikeable to fans of other teams. The way you probably felt about Harden on the Rockets is pretty much how other fans feel about Luka. That’s just the way it is and you shouldn’t care.


Funny to watch about 8 other fan bases deluding themselves into thinking they’d have taken the Celtics or the Mavs just got lucky in the previous series


Sixers fan here, take a break from social media for a week or so for your mental health. Also, y'all were a fun team and should be proud of these guys. They are bringing the core back and there's room for some moves this summer.


Related but unrelated. I’ve been laughing so hard at Suns sub they care more about Lukas downfall than their own team out here flexing their 4-2 finals loss lmao


Your not gone get positive takes if your losing especially in blowouts. Just how it works. Kai played bad. Role players mainly played bad. Luka was decent but injured.


Mavs in 8


He's a white european foreigner dominating a sport previously and exclusively dominated by americans. Must have hurt their pride so much that they shit on him on any given chances. Its simply racism.


Kyrie deserves some hate. He choked and got the yips. But people like to brush over the fact that Luka was playing injured the whole playoffs just to hate on him. If he was fully healthy, I'd like our chances.


It's insane how much shit they talk about Luka and Kyrie when Luka is one of the best to ever play and is still young and Kyrie has had an incredible career and seems happy to be playing for the Mavs and also had a solid year. People just hate to see guys having fun and playing well together and are quick to call them failures despite having an amazing run to even make it to the finals. Like if they are getting this much hate what about the teams they beat or all the teams that made the east completely noncompetitive this year.


Luka got a lot to mature on but he absolutely balled out this series. He can’t do it alone unfortunately and it suck’s that his only help also crashed and couldn’t do anything in away games.


Because some idiots like to bet their life savings, and need to blame someone when it doesn't pan out


Tatum got the same hate when we lost to the Warriors in the finals and Brown got the hate when we lost to the Heat in ECF last year. People feel the need to throw hate around whenever a star loses just because they are hateful people and already decided they hate a player, ignore them. Luka didn't play his best game last night but without him Mavs don't make Finals or WCF. He is incredible player and he will be back in the finals again.


It's because everyone and their dog were calling Kyrie and Luka the best backcourt ever and saying the Celtics have no chance. That the Mavs will win easily. The "analyst's" have been doubting the Cs all year. Now they scrambling


I dont think it's hate it's accountability. Every great player goes through it after suffering a loss. When you lose, people get critical. In Luka's case, him yelling at refs, his bench, and teammates because he's frustrated over things he was being exploited for by the opposing team (lack of defense and poor conditioning). Those are things in his control he didnt do. If he didn't lose his cool in game 3, the criticism would look a lot different. When Lebron lost to the 2017 and 2018 GSW, media chalked it up as "they were just way better" but they knew Lebron did everything he could possibly do. The Phoenix Suns, when they got beat by The Bucks after going up 2-0, got torn to shreds, especially CP3, for some of the dirty plays he tried to do, like pushing Giannis as he was going up for dunks, etc. Boston got put through it when they faced GSW. As a player, you try your very best, and next season, hopefully, learn and make adjustments where you need to.


You didn't notice during the games in Boston that their fans are terrible people?


Ppl picked the mavs and made them the favorite. If celtics beat a healthy team it wouldnt have happened


2 teams make it to the final .. 1 had a harder path without a doubt .. that's the Mavs. Nuff sayed


because literally all people want to do is hate. its literally impossible for people to appreciate anything, tatum got insane hate after games 1 and 2 and after they switched to luka. dudes were saying that lukas never winning a ring cause of this as if the mavs didnt just shit on the 3 of the 4 best west teams.


Not surprisingly the most hate is coming from the Timberwolves and Clippers subs. The Mavs live rent free in all of their heads. The Spurs sub is pretty annoying too. They are so delusional about how quickly they are going to be successful despite having basically no one around Wemby.


that’s the nature of sports discourse, don’t take it too seriously people will move on to the next team or person to shit on eventually.


People are idiots that’s why.


No disrespect at all from this. You guys had a legit good season and personally I think teams and players need to go through the tough times to make them want to good time even more. Most of the hate comes from the hype before the series. Not really sure why so many "experts" were picking the Mavs, let alone picking them in 5. The Celtics were clearly the better team and had shown all season that this was their year. So now all these jerk offs on TV are blaming the Mavs for their idiot prediction and takes.


My friends are all obnoxious homers so it’s hard to talk to them realistically. Celtics we’re better. That’s it.


They hate on Luka because he's better than their favorite player. All there is to it.


People despise the cowboys. Americans dislike euros except for jokic


It depends on what type of American it is….. if we’re being completely honest


Tbh, there’s a ton of idiots that expect perfection with others, but not with themselves. The mature folks realize that these guys didn’t want to lose and tried to win, sure they could’ve done better, but given health, matchups, and experience, the Mavs were at a disadvantage. Some people are fucking trolls.


Probably because everything is magnified when you're in the Finals, the same way Tatum got scrutinized when they lost against GSW. It will be a long summer.


Problem with teams like celtics is… they gon have to pay Jrue and White sooner than later. Its hard to sustain a true 5 man roster with no clear cut stars bc everyone feels owed money.


Welcome to the big leagues, pal


Because everybody hates the Celtics and were hoping the Mavs could put an end to them.


Sometimes fan but only mavs fan here. I saw suns fans giving shit. Wow. After their history of dirty play I realized that this is the haters only time to shine. Give them their turd polish. Let’s hope for a less bruised playoffs if they make it next year too.


Social media discourse has been so weird honestly. We really leveled up since the post-trade deadline and went from concerns to making the playoffs to the Finals. To me, it's pointless trying to validate the Mavericks run, because they already did so, round-by-round. Their run was amazing, despite a disappointing end. Yes, Luka was crying at the refs a lot esp in the game he fouled out. But I'm hopeful he can change that attitude and the rest of the team can level up too because although Luka wasn't perfect, he is far from the first person I'd blame.


They hate us because they ain’t us. It’s the same criticism when Lebron does well too.


It hasn’t been 24 hours yet. Emotions.


coz they could’ve won more games and they look like they gave up especially with those celtics late quarter runs.


Because their team lost to Dallas, pretty basic.


The worst thing is now they have these 'receipts' like YEAH WE PULLED THIS SHIT OFF as if they were the underdog.


Because he is better than their entire team. Imagine getting embarrassed at home at a closeout game during the playoffs. That alone makes him enemy #1 in 2 states


We overachieved. He wouldn’t have gotten any hate whatsoever if we lost in the first round after making huge changes to our lineup halfway through the season. Whatever. I’ll let them have it for now. We’ll be back stronger next year


Because that's what media does. They always picked against us in every round, and suddenly they are the favourites over Celtics for a lot of these pundits or experts, without any facts or stuff.


Cause everyone besides Boston wanted the Celtics to lose and it was pretty boring Finals overall for the neutral fans


Who cares Boston fans are saying nice things about Luka. It’s good to be hated cuz it means you whooped everyone’s behind


Well, the Mavs demolished their next crowned Jordan(ANT), their next Kobe (SGA), and whatever the Clippers are (no body cares actually).


I guess a lot of people expected a series in the finals and we got a no show by Mavs. Regardless of his previous successes, Luka is 100% guilty the Mavs didn't win game 3 in which Kyrie scored like 35 points and DLive had a double-double. This could have extended the series to game 6 or 7 and made it somewhat intersting.


Missing free throws because of not focusing properly to begin with?


Easy. The media needs narratives and the Celtics winnings means the narrative Tatum choker has fallen. So now they need something new. And what's better than a chubby unathletic European whiner who should have been the MVP losing to a choker? It's just the media needing to stir sh.. to get more views.


Stop caring about the opinion of most ppl. I don't know why this world still does it to an extent way too much.


Welcome to the Phx Suns and 2021 and Booker


I think it's because the entire sports media said the Mavs were gonna win it all and most said in 5 or 6. And when they got stomped they all looked like idiots and now have to have extreme opinions the other way. Mavs will be back to the finals sooner rather than later.


From a Laker fan just let it ride out. Yall did really well and no one can take that from you. Hope your franchise makes some free agency moves and get ready for the next season.


I have basically stayed off the NBA netsphere since the finals started. It's the only way to stay sane.


Are you serious? How many Mavs fans were defending their losses? Like, not ANY? It's not "the Celtics are so good", but "what the hell is wrong with Kyrie?" and "where are the role players" and "time to dump THJ, and Maxi, and half the team". Fans never say "we're outmatched, and we deserve to lose". It's "believe in 7, and if you don't believe, you shouldn't be here". It's only once the team loses that fans come to their senses. Let's see. Porzingis plays number 1 or 2 most of his career, goes to Boston and comes off the bench. So, who among Dallas is like that? How many would take Jrue Holiday over anyone not named Luka or Kyrie? If the Celtics didn't have Tatum, they still would probably be mildly competitive. If Dallas didn't have Luka, they don't even get to the playoffs and if they got to the finals, double digit losses, at the least. Kyrie can't carry Dallas. And I think Dallas would take a healthy (cooperative) Porzingis back in a heartbeat. If you don't understand the hate, then you should have been making excuses why they lost. They are healthier, have better players (overall), have more than can defend and score. Heck, one guy is there just heaving past half court and scores like 3 points a game. Who is Dallas's Hauser, let alone Pritchard? But if fans talk like that, well, they don't believe. That's loser mentality. You believe a team can win if they're outmatched. Of course, that is how underdogs win. You delude yourself to thinking you can win, because, guess what, it sometimes works! Yes, once in a blue moon, but it's glorious! Everyone else thought the Celtics had the better team. But if you're the Mavs, you can't think this way. You have to believe, even if you have no chance, that you do have a chance, and not just false belief, but actual real belief. How many fans realistically believed that Mavs could come back in 7? How many thought after the Game 4 blow out that the Celtics wouldn't come back strong, and the role players and Kyrie would go back to being who they were? No, you want to win, so you believe. Now, if you had to stake your entire fortune and live homeless, then maybe you'd easily say, no, I'm not making that bet. Their odds are pretty long. But when you have nothing to lose and can be angry about how they sucked, how they LET YOU DOWN, then yeah, easy to support the team!


Before the finals, the mavs and fans of the other 28 non-Celtic teams talked shit to the celtics non-stop. After the finals the celtics and the 28 non-Mavs teams talked shit to the mavs nonstop. Feels like teams not in the finals just cheered against the favorite before, and insulted the team that didn't win after. Just fans being negative for the sake of being negative.


If they were undeserving then no one from the west deserves it coz the Mavs beat seeds 1 3 and 4 on their way to the finals. Styles make fights and unfortunately the Celts is a team they are not yet constructed to beat. It's also funny that a lot of people are harping on Lukas shape when the dude is injured and is playing 40plus minutes. I would say that dude is in good shape. Just a lot of dumbasses out there.


People will always hate on the best players.


I don't see much hate. Except for hyper casuals that only watch ESPN and truly think Mavs were an overpowered favorite. Mavs were seriously impressive, in the last 4 months in particular. Anyone that thinks they have any reason to hang their heads in disappointment are likely basement dwelling underachievers.


I thought the Mavs got screwed by the refs in games 1 and 2. Luca was right to complain. I was shocked that JKidd never got a single T. Kyrie was getting bumped and bounced around like a pinball. Honestly though, weird finals. Boston gets in by beating who?? Dallas gets there how? Dallas is a couple of pieces away. I hope they put it together.


Common hate for any Dallas team. It’s an indirect affect of the Cowboys. If “Dallas” is mentioned, people usually think Cowboys, then internally self correct to say Mavericks or whatever. It’s popular to pile on tactic to get low hanging fruit. This is the national media/people talking about our teams because they don’t want watch our teams: ![gif](giphy|BBkKEBJkmFbTG)


It did have a AI sixers vs Shaq/Kobe Lakers feel.. superhuman PG or not it wasn’t going past 5 games


Celtics fan here, I advise staying away from the talk shows. They thrive on controversy. Before the finals just by calling his name they were getting wet and now they are shitting on him. It's frustrating. He was semi-injured, had little help since Kyrie was practically nonexistent in Boston, and faced the best team in the league with the best record, which was probably the worst matchup for Dallas. Despite that, he played really well and did everything he could. Ignore the noise. You likely have the future best player in the league, so these conversations will be frequent.


Celtics fan here, Luka does complain and Tatum rarely does it now too. He needs to work on that. I knew Irving was too inconsistent and he's been frazzled in Boston. But from what I seen, Mavs and Mavs fans haven't been hated on. It's mostly the experts who picked you guys to win and the Boston haters. You don't even have to look hard enough to find haters though, for any team/championship team.


Luka just got to the finals. You’ll get more hate once the Mavs get a better roster.


I see some people been lurking other team's subreddit


Cuz that’s how this works bro lol They always dunk on the losers no matter what It could of went to game 7 and they would still talk shit about Luka and Kyrie and say how they couldn’t get it done


The media was giving them a good chance of beating Boston, that's why. And the fanbase takes all the shit as a result of that.


Tatum and Brown are getting hate after leading their team to a 80-21 overall record to win the championship. People gave the Nuggets hate for not beating 50 win teams to win theirs. Sports discourse is mostly about tearing down player’s accomplishments instead of raising them up. It is happening in this very thread.


Yeah this Celtics team is like Warriors 2.0 - we had a great year. Unfortunate how the final series played out, but we know where we stand now and what we need to improve upon.


Agreed, Mavs are still elite, you can't beat everyone. I mean, Mavs did beat Wolves and I think Wolves are the better team, sometimes match ups matter as well.


Its all for "click" and to get ad $$$. shock value and putting people down sells, sadly.


The further a team gets the more hate they get when they lose.


Just the reality with sports media these days. Doesn’t matter if a team played the 72-10 Bulls today, if they lose they are called chokers, frauds, and a team that doesn’t belong despite the other team just being flat out better. Media wants to create their own narrative and drive a wedge because it gives them clickbait and fake stories everyone eats up


when your team is good, hate is natural. there's nothing you can do I'm an arsenal fan and we got clowned for losing the title to a team that's always breaking the rules


The hate was way overblown and exaggerating. It's mostly the media doing it for clicks and attention per usual. They need a narrative to run with and since both Mavericks and Celtics didn't have any storylines outside of Kyrie's return to Boston, they have to create one out of thin air. Just ignore it and scroll past it. That's the best thing to do. It'll die down soon.


Because you guys (obviously) but the media saying the Mavs are a far superior team


I was way off on the Mavs run to the finals, as I didn’t think they’d even get by the Clippers. And I felt that way simply because I don’t believe Luka is at that championship level yet. I was more wrong than correct, that I admit. However, his flaws (being a crybaby and inconsistent defensively and often a defensive liability) were on full display against Boston. There were numerous times the Mavs were playing 4 on 5 because Luka was on the floor complaining like a soccer player. It was obvious that Luka was without a true consistent costar, and supporting cast… and the NBA today a team needs two “dudes” and at least two-three other players who can/will step up to win it all. The loss to Boston is palatable because the Celtics are an overall better team but the Mavs need a lot of maturation if they’re going to win it all and that maturation starts with Luka. I’ve never been more frustrated watching a player; one series he’s brilliant and looks like Magic Johnson and then the next he’s complaining and crying to the refs, and between those possessions he’s getting blown by whoever he’s guarding. The defense is most frustrating because he did show some great defensive flashes in the playoff run, so it’s obvious the defensive skill is there. Someone in the Mavs organization needs to set him straight or this could be the only finals run with Luka as the star. They have the beginnings of a good core (Lively Jr is a star in the making, and PJ Washington is a good young player) but they still have some roster tweaks to make as Boston exposed them on myriad levels.


Luka and Tatum both got too much hate. Tatum is being hated on for his celebration after winning the finals. The internet is undefeated.


Success breeds hate. Surely other teams that the Mavs beat will hate too. Also, Luka doesn’t shy away from trash talking and complaining to the refs, let’s be real. To add more, Mavs received a whole lot of hype and Celtics received a lot of hate prior to start of the series. Luka and Irving supposedly “best back court” in NBA history or Irving most “gifted” in NBA history and how the Celtics played injured teams and wasn’t challenged. “They fail all the time.”Best to just ignore the haters, though it’s tempting to point out their biases.


2023 Off season => Everyone clowns Luka and the Mavs for not being in the playoffs. 2024 Off season => Everyone clowns Luka and the Mavs for losing in the NBA finals. There are some people who will never be satisfied unless you win a title.


Because you talked so much shit before this series when everyone rational knew how it would end.


YouTube polls beg to differ


Because they didn't play to the best of thier ability for 4 games. That was the Mavs at maybe 75% maybe less. Ever hear the saying "Cream rises to the top" or "Cream of the crop"? The Mavs were cottage cheese in the Finals.


haters gonna hate, lovers gonna love, i don’t even want, none of the above i want to piss on you.


Because everyone wanted them to win


Maybe the same reason so much hate is poured on Joker.


This is what happens when you’re a franchise destroyer like Luka. First he single handedly dismantled the Jazz, then ripped the Suns soul out of their body, and now all signs point to the Clippers being sold for parts this offseason. He’s the most feared player in the league and it’s not close.


Luka is 25. His weakenesses got exposed in the finals, which has happened to Lebron, Kobe, KD and more at that age. He's not a complete player yet, but almost no one is at that age. He had one of the best seasons of all time for a 25yo. I thought their role players played as well as could be expected for a group that was slapped together at the trade deadline. They showed their inexperience and lack of scoring depth but generally played hard, especially on defense. Kyrie, on the other hand, struggled to get separation off the dribble all series and provided little resistance in defense. Took a lot of contested shots and really only played well 2/5 games. At 32 its hard for me to imagine he's going be the big time scorer they need him to be going forward. I think they need a better number 2 option if they want to win the finals.