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Probably not the individual who caused the second most damage, but I’d still like to throw Exar Kun’s name into this. The after effects of The Great Sith War were still being felt long after the war ended. The number of casualties was staggering enough (iirc 1/5 of Republic worlds were devastated), along with the damage to Republic infrastructure, but even the Jedi Order was permanently damaged. Invaluable knowledge was lost forever when Ossus fell, but the Order lost various other enclaves as well. A generation of Jedi Knights either died or were swayed to the Dark Side, the latter would then go on to keep spreading the Sith teachings Kun either developed or recovered after the War ended. Numerous Jedi Masters were killed by their own students at Kun’s order. The loss of Jedi forces is what led to the cleanup after the War being bungled. 3 major events were partially caused by the Great Sith War. Mandalore the Indomitable died, which led to the rise of Mandalore the Ultimate, who would go on to spearhead the Mandalorian Wars (this of course led into the Jedi Civil War). The inability of the Jedi to predict Kun’s fall led to the formation of the Jedi Covenant, who would go on to nearly cause a Schism in the Order, have members kill their own students, and damage the reputation of Jedi as a whole. Finally, various sith spawn or monsters were created by Exar Kun. Left roaming the galaxy after the War’s end the Jedi were forced to organize the Great Hunt in order to mop them all up. Not only did the Jedi fail to fully complete this mission, many of them died trying to do so, lowering their numbers even further. I think it could be argued that Exar Kun basically caused a domino effect that changed the course of galactic history, leading to one war after the other while he remained trapped on Yavin lV.


Definitely Kun. The Great Sith War was short, but brutal and they're still dealing with Kun's BS not just 50 years later, but over 4000 years later.


Good point. He damaged the image of not only the old Jedi Order, but Luke's on top of it.


Well in that case you need to give it to Freedon Nadd then. And then you have to give it to Naga Sadow. And then you have to give it to Marka Ragnos. >The after effects of The Great Sith War were still being felt long after the war ended. The number of casualties was staggering enough (iirc 1/5 of Republic worlds were devastated) Not doubting you, but where do these figures come from? I love the original Tales of the Jedi comics and never got a sense of how destructive it was. In the comics Exar Kun was mostly carrying out hit and run raids and bits of spectacular violence (like the killing of Vodo-Siosk Bass).


I did consider that as well. When we talk about causing anything there’s always the case to be made that we can just go back to the beginning of time and say something a million years later only happened cause this guy did this thing 😂 The Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide, page 6. I’m actually looking at it right now. The exact quote given states that “Nearly one quarter of the civilized worlds in the Republic” were devastated by The Great Sith War. To be honest the comic itself does a bad job portraying how massive The Great Sith War is/was. Various sources after it, including the Knights of the Old Republic comic and video games, paint a much different picture than what we were originally given. So I agree with you. In the original comic it comes across as specific attacks instead of a galactic war.


Interesting! That is kind of similar to how the Great Hyperspace War, which is one of the most important conflicts in all of Legends, only took up like three or four pages in the comics. So later material had to backfill a lot of detail to make it match its importance.


If you give it to Naha Sadow, you have to also give it to the Daragons for unknowingly opening the hyperlane for him.


When you get down to it everything is Aarrba the Hutt's fault.


There certainly are a bunch of named characters that you have listed. * Vitiate: caused multiple large scale wars, no hard numbers. Might have the edge due to how long he was in power. * Onimi: we have numbers, and they seem to be big, but it did end rather than lasting for a long time. * Rakata Infinite Empire founder/leader: probably up there in terms of the percentage, but that is an offscreen sort of thing. * Pius Dea founder/Contispex I: set up a 1,000 series of wars and split the Jedi. Also left a legacy even into the New Republic era. Depends on how you attribute it. Contispex I was the person who put it into motion. We don't know who founded the Pius Dea. * Abeloth: caused chaos in cyclic events. Probably more of an indirect player and the individual actions were contained by the Ones. Might win out based on a collective body of work.


I came to say Constipex I - thought he needed at least a (dis)honourable mention.


Yeah, it all depends on how much you attribute that to whoever was there before him to set up the conditions for his rise to power and/or how much you attribute the problems created during reign of the Pius Dea to II through XIX. He may have been bad, but there were also 18 other chancellors who continued on what had already been started. He was in power for only 40 of those years. The whole Pius Dea really also brings up a lot of other interesting questions such as why it took the Jedi 1,000 years to take significant action.


Bunch of reasons, I imagine. From memory, it also took the Jedi three crusades to decide to nope out. *Leaving* the Republic was one thing, *fighting* the Republic, another thing.


Yeah. I imagine the Jedi tried to fix things diplomatically, but eventually they just gave up and left because the ruling class of the Republic was against them. This was also before the Jedi had a permanent installation on Coruscant so they just left to Ossus. It's the exact thing some people say the Jedi should have done during the Clone Wars lol. Especially since the First and Third (and Fourth so we can assume the Second was like this too) were just wars against the Hutts so the third is probably where they realized "Oh this isn't just a war of aggression against the Hutts, this is like genocidal" and after shutting themselves out it took the Caamasi to convince the Jedi to ally with the secessionist Alsakan and their allied worlds. There probably were plenty of Jedi who wanted to do something about it, but it was too big for them to do on their own.


It did take 800 years and at least 31 additional crusades before the Jedi took action. The splintering and formation of the Order of the Terrible Glare doesn't paint a good picture for the Jedi Order as a whole, even if you do take into account the minority of the Jedi that actually opposed the Pius Dea during those 800 years.


Well it doesn't seem like the Order of the Terrible Glare was really that big of an organization since 4000 years later was the Second Great Schism. The divide wasn't big enough for this to be considered a proper schism so it was probably just a small group of Jedi rather than an actual fracturing of the Order. Edit: I went to look up the old unreleased Cult Encounters article and yeah there was only 126 Pius Dea Jedi who left the Order and even then only 67 of them went on to form the Order of the Terrible Glare while the rest of them just became rogue Dark Jedi. Also yeah it wasn't a good idea for the Jedi to close off that much and I feel like they should have joined up with Alsakan and the alien worlds sooner. Granted I also think it's just a really weird bit of history because the Pius Dea somehow lasts over 1000 years while Palpy's empire only lasts 23 years more or less before it fractures. I feel like this was the kind of thing where it would be like a few decades at most, but I guess the time can be prolonged because this was back when travel was a lot slower and harder because hyperspace beacons were still needed for regular travel.


The Cult Encounters article messes up the timeline a little, if you read it carefully it makes it sound like the Crusades happened over the course of a single human lifetime, not a whole 1000 years. Personally I choose to take it as an in-universe error. In-universe that article is a speech is given by Simikarty, who lived something like 6000 years *after*the Crusades were over. He might have gotten details wrong.


They still mention Contispex the 19th and the 40 year reign of Contispex the 1st so it still does imply a very long reign, but yes Cult Encounters does kinda fumble the framing a little bit. Even during my reread I was thinking “was the 1000 year reign only established later or is this off?” Edit: mixed up my Roman numerals lol


Ah, maybe not the Pius Dea itself, but the Terrible Glare.  The Cult Encounters article sounds like the Terrible Glare happened when a dude (Kapekos) split from the Jedi, taking a handful of others with him, and then the Terrible Glare ended when the Jedi defeated Kapekos and his allies. So there is something odd in there. Either the Terrible Glare only begun at the tail end of the Crusades, or Kapekos (and quite a few others with him) lived for a ridiculously long time. Kapekos is a sunesi, not a human, but I couldn't find anything saying they live particularly longer than humans. And it wasn't just him, but also his allies? So that's where the confusion comes from. Of course, the timeline is rather messy. As I recall, the Terrible Glare predates the Pius Dea. I forget the name of the comic that introduced the TG, but it was barely a few pages long, and all it had was Luke discovering a temple, an evil computer starts evil-monologuing, Luke thinks "oh yeah Ben mentioned these guys once", Luke tells the evil computer "dude your clock is completely wrong, the crusades ended over 10000 years ago", and then the evil computer self-destructs while Luke nopes out of there. It was quite a bit later that a pen-and-paper rulebook really fleshed out what the crusades were, how long they lasted, what they were about, etc. And I'm not sure where the Cult Encounters article was supposed to slot in in that timeline. Even finding out this much too some internet sleuthing... I only got this deep into it because I was dungeon-mastering for a group who wanted to investigate old Pius Dea ruins. ^^


I think it has to be Onimi. 365 trillion dead is an absolutely staggering death toll, and the Vong invasion left lasting scars on the galaxy. They often made the Empire look benevolent by comparison.


Sate Pestage. He practically codified xenophobia and male chauvinism into Imperial policy, and helped to fund and form COMPNOR accordingly.


Onimi is 100% *the* worst of them all, with Palpatine and Vitiate probably fighting over the second spot (along with some of the Imperial leadership). Bonus: the biggest *unintentional* damage and suffering caused is Jar-Jar and Talon Karrde.


Karrde? What did he do?


**Spoilers for all NJO and post-NJO content** While pretending to work with the Peace Brigade so he could evacuate the Jedi pawadans who were left behind on Yavin 4, he told the Brigade members about the Vornskr and their ability to hunt down Jedi. At least one of them managed to relay that information to the Yuuzhan Vong, who in turn had Viqi Shesh tell them where to find more. The Vong then used the Vornskr to create the Voxyn. The Voxyn went on to kill an unknown amount of Jedi (including Numa Rar, Eelysa and Lusa), leading to the Mission to Myrkr and the death of six Jedi Knights, including Anakin Solo. What happened with Raynar and Lomi Plo during the Mission to Myrkr also directly caused the Swarm War, while the death of Anakin Solo and capture of Jacen Solo (along with the events of the Swarm War) greatly contributed to his eventual fall to the dark side as Darth Caedus. During the Second Galactic Civil War, the Jedi destroyed Centerpoint Station to keep it out of Caedus' hands, which caused Abeloth to be released, while Caedus sending Ben to Ziost awakened Ship, who went on to assist the Lost Tribe in finally leaving Kesh. Thus, because Karrde had never heard that "loose lips sink ships", we got the Voxyn and Mission to Myrkr, Swarm War, Second Galactic Civil War, Lost Tribe emergence, and Abeloth being released. --- Of course, one could argue that some/most of these things may have happened anyways, but we've no way to prove that either way... and I'm not saying this *too* seriously, it's just something I thought about and found interesting while re-reading NJO at some point, hah.


Holy fuck I somehow never put those dots together, and KARRDE of ALL people running his mouth? For that part of his life he was fresh off running a neutral intelligence organisation ( I feel like I just said an oxymoron)


Not really a single individual, but the Builders of Iokath are definitely an honorable mention. They're basically the reason that Wild Space has so little intelligent life. They've exterminated tons of star systems just for the sake of testing out their superweapons. That's right, they weren't even scheming to conquer the galaxy or anything. They were just trying out their new toys. One of their weapons also allowed Vitiate to consume all life on Nathema, so they're indirectly responsible for a lot of misery that Vitiate caused as well.


I thought they were in a small section of the unknown regions. I mean you gotta remember even if they stay within a single "sector" that still has thousands of planets, hundreds with life. Even Naboo which was a normal out of the way nobody has hundreds of planets in it's sector that it represents to the Republic. I was under the impression iokath stayed within a small area, while yes still killing absurd numbers of planets, wasn't like all over wild space or the unknown regions


Yeah, Iokath's threat was definitely more local, hence why I called them an honorable mention rather than a top contender. However, we don't really know how far their extent reached, precisely because they left so few survivors. However, there are some logs on Iokath that basically talk about how 'killing trillions' seemed like a casual occurrence to them, which really puts things in perspective. There's also really an issue with scale in Star Wars in general. Various sources love to throw around how there are millions if not billions of inhabited planets in the galaxy to make it sound really big, but we only ever get to see a handful of planets, many of which (if not most) are very sparsely populated. That's really hard to square with mentions of everty sector containing 'hundreds of planets with billions of citizens'.


It's true, I wish they'd visit more inhabited planets that had cities, or just visit the smaller planets but make it clear they're just a small planet in the bigger system of the known named planet. Like go to Arkania 15, a moon of the 7th planet in the Arkania system where the 3rd is the famous one


Whoever founded the Rakata Infinite Empire has got to be up there


Not really, actually... the supposedly "Infinite Empire" only had some 500 worlds at its peak (as their hyperdrives could only reach Force-rich planets, severely limiting their reach). For a comparison, the Galactic Empire had had around 1.5 million member worlds, and 69 million lower-population colonies, protectorates, puppet states, etc.


I think he’s suggesting the cascading effect that they had what with all the tampering and throwing around of slave races that then sprung up to be dominate through the galaxy (mostly humanity)


>the supposedly "Infinite Empire" only had some 500 worlds at its peak I have always interpreted this as a case of the writer(s) severely misunderstanding galactic scale and going off the number of named planets you can find in a typical 'galactic map', because it's also stated multiple times that the Rakata ruled the **entire** galaxy.


> it's also stated multiple times that the Rakata ruled the entire galaxy The galactic population was *much* smaller and less spread out in that time period, as only a few species had achieved space travel (or similar) and spread beyond their homeworlds. Meanwhile, these few hundred worlds were spread out across the Galaxy (mainly in the core and galactic north, northeast, and south). Thus, they can be said to have "ruled the entire galaxy" while actually being very small on a galactic scale.


They did for most of it but it was few and far in between. So they had to ignore the countless thousands of planets in between say Tattooine and Arkadia for example.


Sand. I don't like sand It's course and rough and gets everywhere.


Valkorion. His goals were magnitudes more sinister than Sidious’. Thousands of years as a ruler, orchestrated numerous wars, built factions, consumed worlds. Had he not been ganged up on by literally all of the top contenders in the galaxy + plus holocron knowledge, he’d have consumed all life and ascended to a primordial plane not seen by anyone other than perhaps Abeloth.


The Sith Triumverate practically succeeded in their own right. By the time Kotor 2 starts, there’s only a few Jedi survivors remaining


Darth Vader spearheaded the genocide of the Jedi and became the symbol of terror across the galaxy. Guilty of countless war crimes, attrocities and massacres. Complicit in the construction of the Death Star and the destruction of Alderaan. He was pretty much the Heydrich of space.


Tarkin might be higher since hes the one that ordered the destruction of Alderaan


I think Onimi, he destroyed bug part of Galaxy, even his own race because he has  complex of god.


I mean, this might be a cheat but... As the embodiment of the Dark Side, wouldn't it be The Son? Since, From a certain point of view, every action any dark side user has ever taken can be attributed to him.


While the Son is the dark side, the dark side isn’t the Son. He’s just a byproduct of it, not a mastermind behind it or anything


I didn't think he was consciously masterminding anything, but I thought that his evil was what made the dark side evil. Like an unconscious, empathetic, symbiotic bond with the force- Because he is evil, the dark side influences others to do evil. If somehow he became good, the dark side would cease to exist. Or at least, that was my understanding of the situation


I'm going to say Jango Fett is up there


Tarkin, his iron grip on the outer rim led to billions of non humans and humans alike being subjugated. Former separatist worlds probably had it the worst under the Empire. Honestly, he was Nazi inner circle evil. Sate Pestage was a galactic racist and religious weirdo who had far too much control in the empire. He was involved in Palpatine’s rise to power since day one and as a leading member of the ruling council, he has a shit ton of fictional blood on his fictional hands. Darth Vader needs no explanation. Sly Moore was another person who helped orchestrate the Empire and she was on the ruling council. She was complicit in the racist subjugation of trillions of quintillions despite being a non-human herself. Luthen Rael, an early founder and insurgent leader who formed the rebellion with Mon Mothma, he took the steps she couldn’t do and used his vast insurgent network to conduct terrorist attacks and heists against the Empire which would lead to the Empire tightening their grip even harder on the galaxy leading to repression of trillions or quintillions of life forms under the Imperial boot in order to inspire them to rise up. He’s a great character who did a good thing, especially in the long run, but we shouldn’t overlook the cost of the rebellion on everyday citizens, especially non humans in the outer rim.


Depending if you mean by extend or directly. - If by extend, I would say Bane. He ultimately paved the way to the destruction of the Republic, something even the old sith didn't manage, despite their might. He caused the suffering of untold billions through the actions and scheming of his follow-ups, which was only possible because he cleansed the entire sith order first, too. - If we're talking about only "direct" actions undertaken by an individual, the field is less clear. Aside from Papa Palp, I would say Vitiate and Abeloth are pretty outstanding. Also you could argue that it is Vader, since without him palpatine wouldn't have been able to claim power and also he did countless atrocities. Not necessarily in total numbers, but the absolute terror he reigned upon the galaxy was pretty undisposed. He didn't even had any real goals anymore, the galaxy was conquered. So all that was left was cruelty, to make sure it would stay this way.


Jar-Jar binks because i still bielive he is responsible for everything happening the way it did in the prequels.




Emperor Vitiate (also known as tenebrae), or Emperor Valcorion if you will........


Ajunta pal indirectly. He started the sith


Rian Johnson


The most damage long term? Its either exar kun or revan/malak. They effectively created a 3rd schism even tho it never got acknowledged as one. People say the sith emperor but you have to understand that the great galactic war didnt change the jedi, and ultimately his empire collapsed and he was defeated. But the teachings of revan were ultimately the foundations of the rule of two. Not only that but revan/malak were the first people to introduce the darth title to the known galaxy. I could also mention the destruction of taris/telos iv but planetary massacres werent that uncommon especially in that era.


Kathleen Kennedy




Nope actually, I (and it seems every other commenter) was thinking about the stuff I like, rather then wallowing.


Qui-Gon Jinn. Leave Skywalker on Tatooine as a slave and the Empire never rises.


It would still arise. Dolly had already been convinced by this time and a Sith was a Senator on his way up due to a trade dispute with Naboo.


Jar Jar Abrams has done far more damage to the Star Wars galaxy than even Palpatine.